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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

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Ill post tonight or tomorrow
Victor Astorio

Victor couldn’t help but smile and shake his head when Varis mentioned that even Aaron had trouble at that dinner. He didn’t blame them after all, even the lords and ladies of their houses could be caught off guard by the queen or at times the princesses. Varis did seem rather interested in what he said instead changing the flow of the conversation to double down on Aaron’s shortcomings. Such a strange thought process, making the mage look as if he is dressed better than Varis and put in better care then also going off about everything that is wrong. This word play was tiresome and hard to read or control, at least he knew that Varis was the one in control here manipulating the conversation to how he wanted it to go.

The count continued to go on about the different punishments he has used to try and correct whatever it was that wasn’t right about the boy, “sounds like his ego and pride might be holding him back?” A simple assumption, victor could only guess as to the boy’s upbringing. Victor swirled the blood he was given in his glass and tasted it. The Starag did taste rather good with a bit of a kick to it. It wasn’t the ‘down to earth’ flavors that Salem had. Speaking of he could have sworn that he was missing something. It was rather late in the morning and they were surely going to end soon. The presence of the Starag in the corner cemented this.

Looking back to his glass Victor realized that Salem’s bottle had not been brought out, was this on purpose or did they just forget? The count was sure that they were not going to be enjoying it this evening but how to bring it up? He was sure that if he did Varis would use it in some way probably against Aaron because he has been serving them all night. He knew that there could be repercussions but to what end.

Glancing at the boy for a moment then back to Varis, if he did out the boy without having some tact the others may think that he was too harsh or perhaps not harsh enough. The predicament he found himself in during this little party was strange. He did not know what his actions would do or how it would affect himself or the others. Victor decided that he could probably learn a lot more of this game if he did say something.

“I do have one question. As some of you may know I am not the next in line for the head of my family. In fact, the last time I checked im somewhere between the 15th and the 10th runner up. For that reason, I don’t get many invitations to things like this so if I come off as rude, I apologize. However, I am curious, is it some form of hazing or is it just rude to forget to bring out the bottle of blood that Salem and I brought here tonight?” and now all he had to do was look mildly annoyed and listen to the fallout. This would be a good learning point for both himself and Aaron or at least that’s what Victor was thinking.
@Darked13 the strong one has little to say
@Jangel13didnt your laptop give a you a big F-you during the last story as well?
Root - The Hidden

Karn seemed rather bored today, Root was aware that the big guy got bored with these things easily but just maybe they could come across something interesting. Besides it didn’t seem like the rest of the tribe was all that interested in doing much other than patrolling its territory. The sound of Karn’s warning pushed him into fight or flight mode raising his head to listen and sniffing the air to attempt to pick up what he could about what might be near.

The slight sent of goblin caught his attention, it was very light but it was there. Maybe only one or maybe it be scout. Quietly the lizard moved toward the scent he was the scout after all. Peeking over near his ferns he saw something much worse than a war band, “Thief! Get own plants.” A lone smaller goblin trying to take the plants he brought in from the outside and was taking care of? Not on his watch. The scales on the small lizard quickly turned from greys and blacks to a flared multi-coloring of neon red, orange, and green. Bright colors that showed his irritation.

“These plants mine.” He brought up his bow with the poisoned tipped arrows intent on using it as a threat display and not actually to use it. “Shoo nosey gobo, go, shoo!” honestly Root knew he wouldn’t be so confident if he didn’t have one giant stick behind him.

Hobgoblin Gird
A new day >> a plan for the day /// Day 0 // Morning

The elder goblin seemed to be busy watching the other new goblins while his other brothers and sisters returned from their hunts. The first to return was Luz, a fellow follower of Duvelna and a strong opponent. The two of them made a good team but she was very competitive, that could be said about all his siblings. At least she was able to get some more food this time. When she asked about where to put the food Gird gestured to the pile he had started and shrugged.

Zat’s was the next one to return. A strong hob possibly the strongest of them always wielding his mighty shield. Yet it didn’t seem like he came back with much this time. The newer additions to the group seemed to be getting the hang of their new environment and were quickly starting to group up or communicate. He did notice a few of them paying more attention to the other hobs more than himself but he didn’t blame them. As he was a bit closer to death than the other’s.

Then Arch finally crept back into the church. His evolution made him a bit shorter with longer arms and legs compared to the others. He didn’t have too many striking features but that was a blessing. The animals that stand out are likely special and should be dealt with first. For him he could blend in and be the opponent you never see. A small poke to his leg pulled him out of his thoughts and down to the goblin next to him.

“My name is Gird. The food given to you is for you and the others, take or share it’s up to you.” He felt that was enough of an explanation for the young one and turned back to the elder and his fellow hobgoblins. “I’m going to scout north today, I might be out for a day or two. Elder here said there are bats that fly at night up there. I’m tired of not being able to see in the dark so I will eat my fill.” He was trying to get himself and the others used to at least giving the direction that they were going off in. not that he expected anyone to follow him just so they knew this time around.

@Crusader Lord@Darked13@Duthguy@demonspade64@Jangel13

@Crusader Lord there is a shrine to the main ones in the church but you either have to ask one of the hobs or try to read a book in order to gain the skill "Knowledge of the three", their names are not automatically known. Ramos god of light and the sun, Duvelna goddess of death and the night, Shirila the goddess of the earth and nature.
@Jangel13@Rune_Alchemist Gird didnt use weapons and already made armor from some of the bones so.
@Jangel13also im not counting anything he got for food toward experience ..... i also forgot about his purple book he found
@Crusader Lord were in a old church by the way its by itself in the middle of the forest :P
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