Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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MagiCorp: Wizards Gone Corporate

Several centuries ago, the world was changed forever by the disappearance of Merlin, the world's greatest wizard. Without him to keep the balance between the light and dark forces in the world, the mortals became jealous and distrustful of the fey races as well as anyone else who possessed magic. War was inevitable and the world was plunged into darkness for centuries. Many years later, it seemed the human race won out. Flash forward to today, and those ancient wizards have vanished among the people. Where did they go you may ask? They went Corporate!

Founded in the 1700s, what started as a secret society dedicated to protecting and preserving the study of magic has grown into a full-fledged business! Here at Magicorp, young witches and wizards are brought onboard to hone their magical abilities, develop technology and tools to drive humanity forward (We invented Facebook you know?), uphold the traditions of magic as set forth by Merlin himself, and... protect the world from the forces of darkness.

You see, the humans BARELY won the war in the dark ages. While many wizards were able to return to their normal lives and hide among the people, the fey races were... not so lucky. They were forced into hiding in forests, caves, and the underground. Combine that with being hunted, hated, and feared. That's a recipe for disaster. Many of them seek to wipe Man from the face of the planet and retake the world for themselves. Obviously, this would be inconvenient for us here at Magicorp as our stock prices would plummet. We'd be incapable of operating in such an environment! As such, it falls to our employees to hunt down various Fey creatures and other monsters before they expose the world of magic to the modern world, upend the balance of light and darkness, and ruin our market value to our shareholders! Best of luck, young wizards!
-Magicorp Introduction Manual

Magic: Your Career Path

If your application to Magicorp has been accepted, then congratulations, you managed to beat out every other wizard who wanted to actually use their powers for something productive. Of course, you'll need to know what job to apply for. Mana - the 'life force' of magic - flows differently through all beings (but you knew that already didn't you?). If you didn't... then it's a miracle you were hired on, but I'm sure there's a place for you in the custodial department.

In short, your job here at Magicorp is determined by what type of magic you are skilled in. Of course your 'job' is merely a front while your REAL work is hunting monsters, but that's neither here nor there. Here are some 'job openings' you can expect to see in the coming quarter:

-Administration/Middle Management (Pending) -> Job openings in Administration are rare as the wizards who live long enough to be promoted typically know how NOT to die while working at Magicorp. As a result, many of the people in this position are a mixed bag of skills and abilities from throughout Magicorp.

-Research and Development (Evocation/Infusion) -> One of the two 'fronts' for Magicorp, R&D works two jobs as both developing new spells for combat and creating inventions in order to give the impression that we're an actual company providing a public service that doesn't relate to hunting monsters. Slap some magic on an Iphone then send it out! We have a deadline to meet!

-Marketing and Sales (Elemental Magic) -> On the front lines of Magicorp is our sales team. Wielding the elements is tricky enough by itself. Doing it under pressure of mutilation by a lycan is something else entirely. Regardless, the sales team is the best at delivering our 'product' (Spoilers it's DEATH) to our inhuman clientele.

-Customer Service (Beast Taming/Enchantment) -> the other 'front' for the company. Customer service is a vital department in any successful business. However our 'target demographic' (The Fey) rarely wish to be serviced. Regardless, we will service them anyway. Beast Tamers may apply their skills to trap any monsters that step out of line. Oh and Enchanters? Make sure the mortals forget they saw ANYTHING.

-Accounting and Finance (Divination/Illusion) -> Use your knowledge of the future to keep us out of the red! Also, use your illusory skills to make us LOOK like we're not in the red. You guys keep this company afloat. Also, these skills are helpful in battle too.

-Human Resources (Healing/Nature Magic) -> You guys are the reason we keep going out and fighting this battle. Whether it's dealing with mental wounds left by the management or dealing with actual wounds left by angry trolls, this crack team of healers is on the job.

And those are just a fraction of some of the opportunities you can expect to grasp when you can join us here at Magicorp! After all, someone has to keep the world safe right? You might as well get paid for doing it. Well with that said, we hope to see your application come through in the next few weeks! We know you'll be a valuable addition to our company! If you're not, we have no problem feeding you to the Balrog we keep in the basement. I'm not joking..
-Katherine 'Kath' Nightstone, Magicorp Hiring Manager

About Magicorp

As stated above, Magicorp was founded in the 1700s as the Order of the Streetwalkers. The Order was made up of wealthy wizards in the U.K. who wished to preserve the free study of magic and educate wizards youths in the ways of the old culture. The name stemmed from wizards walking the streets of London at night to meet at the houses of their colleagues to share notes and their studies.

Unfortunately... another group stole the Streetwalker name so The Order was forced to go nameless for several decades to avoid confusion. Following the American Revolution, the surviving founders of The Order and their descendants saw an opportunity to escape persecution in their homeland and traveled across the ocean to the Americas where they set up shop in New York City (literally). Using the post-revolution fervor to their advantage, The Order channeled its wealth and influence to insert itself into society as a business firm. Now called Magicorp, the company calls wizards from across the globe to apply and develop their magical abilities, annnnd... sometimes protect the world from monster attacks, but that's nothing you need to worry about at the moment.
-Andrew Blackwood, Magicorp CEO

"We should forget this whole business!"

"Forget that! We NEED to start cracking heads open. No one screws with Afterburn!"

"We lost one Sk8ter! Why are you all so worked up about this?"

Hotshot sat and rubbed his temples as the chaos unfolded around him. In the days since Rotor's death, the cell had turned up barely any leads. On top of all that, the supposed Geonet hack had left many of the older members of the cell on edge. A fear had begun to creep through Afterburn that something was wrong down on the streets. That usually meant things were going to get much worse on the rooftops. The growing divide between those who wanted to cut the cell's losses and those who wanted answers was growing by the day.

A total of seven senior Burners sat in a circle around Hotshot: Hawk, Burnout, Ember, Kelvin, Fyrus, Ikaros, and Phoenix. Hotshot had called the group up to the roof of the Metro Transit Hub in the hopes of reaching an agreement on how to proceed, but he could tell nothing would be resolved. As his right habd, Phoenix was already on Hotshot's side; along with Burnout, Ember, and Kelvin. The remaining three however, were all advocating for Afterburn to forget about Rotor and move on with business.

"Dammit, Hotshot!" Hawk's face had begun turning red from shouting. "I don't care if Firebird handpicked you to run the cell. You need to put your little trauma episode behind and lead! Rotor was a whiny little shit from the streets! Who cares if he's dead?" Hawk was met by an ice cold stare from Phoenix. The blonde looked about ready to strangle Hawk with her cybernetic arm.

"You forget, Hawk..." Her voice practically dripped with venom as she stared the older man down. "Our cell boss just so happened to come from those streets as well. More than half the cell is former street dwellers. If I recall, it was Firebird himself who declared that 'If you mess with one burner, you mess with us all'. Afterburn isn't just a cell. We're a family."

"Oh cut the showy crap, Phoenix," said Ikaros from the wall. The heavily tattooed Sk8ter pushed himself to his feet and got right in the blonde's face. "Your daddy is dead, and his codes died with him. Honestly, if your boyfriend wasn't so hung up on Firebird's death we would actually still be a cell that could back up that threat! Face it. Our turf has shrunk over the last year, and Hotshot over there isn't doing much to claim it back. He even lets those orphan kids run through us like a playground! Fuck that." Phoenix stiffened for a moment before Hotshot raised a hand to wave her off.

"If you're going to fight my choices at every turn, Ikaros, then I really have no choice but to leave you to it." Hotshot's gaze swept across the skyline. "You're right that I'm traumatized. I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my old life, and I lost the man who gave me a new home. That's why I'm not tolerating more members of MY family dying. If you and your cronies..." Disapproving looks flew from the Hawk and Fyrus. "... are adamant in refusing to take up the fight, then by all means resign yourselves and everyone else who wishes to remain out of it. Meanwhile, I'm going to show this city that Afterburn is still the best for a reason. Someone killed Rotor and that someone is going to pay. Now if you don't mind, I've got a killer to hunt down and put a bullet in their head."

Without waiting for a reply, Hotshot stood and began waling towards the edge of the transit hub. He prepared to leap off as Ikaros shouted that he was just setting himself up to get killed. Right before launching his grapple, Hotshot turned and flashed a smirk. "Just so we’re clear. If this little escaped does kill me… Then Rotor's killer can rest easy knowing I'll be out of this fight."
Cool! Got an active discord invite link?

As for my PC idea, right now I'm thinking of a heavily-chromed bodyguard-maid of an Heirs faction member, she's suffering from mild 'Program Stasis' due to her extensively modified body. And oh, her signature weapon will be an exosuit that she can request to be sent to her via a drone, express delivery.

That’s definitely an interesting idea for sure! W would you want to do this for an existing Heir in the RP or make your own? Either way you want to swing it, I have ideas for how to incorporate your character!

We should have a Discord link shot your way very soon. You’ll find it in your PMs
@Izurich Hey there! Yes. New applications are accepted.
Troubling Circumstances

Baba & Hotshot

Something was amiss down below. Baba couldn't place her finger on it, but an irking discomfort overtook her as she began to sip on her cup of ramen. A trembling sensation shook her from underfoot; was she just imagining it? Were her nerves causing her to convulse?

No. The trembling escalated into a tremor, carrying up to the top of the Halcyon Building, rattling what was still left of The Lost’s encampment, throwing the remaining tents to the floor. The quake nearly brought Baba to her knees as she fought to keep her balance (and hold onto her noodles). When the tremors subsided, she turned to her Cell. “Is everyone OK?” A dull roar of confirmation answered her question.

“What happened?” Iommi poked her head out from under a fallen canopy.

“No idea. But I’m sure we’ll get plenty of answers soon.” Baba checked the Skynet. From the looks of it, Hotshot was on the move again, and was en route to her position. She turned back toward the roof’s ledge, watching and waiting. As no surprise, within a short span of minutes, the familiar waves of red hair appeared.

The sight of The Lost camp was a welcome relief for Hotshot as he began to slow down. While he held no ill will towards “The Orphans” as they were called, many in Afterburn resented them since Firebird’s death. On the day of the raid, a group of The Lost had been slated to act as backup, but they never appeared. Older Burners claimed - if The Lost had turned up - Firebird might have been saved.

A moment later, Hotshot was standing in front of Baba, presenting a “peace offering.” Baba looked sharply at the cup of ramen Hotshot held in hand. Jigen’s? Really? She turned her own cup of ramen so that the Shimazu’s logo was clearly visible. “I’m good, she said, taking another sip from the cup. “I’ve got some of my own. Let’s cut to the chase, dude: What’s the deal out there? You scrambled your crew all over the city.”

“Guess the news hasn’t reached this far. We had a death on our hands last night. One of our younger guys. Shot dead in The Spire.” Hotshot crouched on the edge of the building as he began to unbox his own meal. “Last we heard, he’d taken up a courier job, and I’m trying to see if any other cells got approached by someone shady recently. I have a feeling this may have something to do with what’s going on down there.” Gesturing to the street, both Sk8ters could hear the echo of Captain Ryker’s message still playing on loop.

Shoving a lump of noodles into his mouth, Hotshot moaned softly at his first real bite of the day. After a moment, he returned his attention to Baba. “I need you to think. Did anyone in The Lost get contacted by someone who wanted an item run into The Spire? Not one of your usual clients. Possibly packing some strong mods as well. I couldn’t even find them on the security footage.” Noting her shocked expression, Hotshot continued, “Yeah. Whatever’s going on, there’s no trace of our mystery client. Now we’ve got this crap to deal with too…”

The fifteenth Skynet alert about the chaos down below earned a chortle from Hotshot before he finally shut the mod off. “Whatever’s going on, it seems like the streets are gonna be getting more dangerous here on out. Keep your cell on the rooftops for sure.”

It was at that moment, life in the Megacity was about to change drastically. While the people of the city were going about their daily lives, something unheard of happened. The Geonet AI began to malfunction. It started as an earthquake; undetectable at first, but gradually growing in intensity at the base of The Spire. The tremors began to branch out from the large tower as the glow coming from the structure increased. All of a sudden, a shockwave of energy rocketed out of the building, spreading to all corners of the city. Many residents watched as transit slowed to a halt, electronic billboards began to glitch out, and GEO-IDs even shut down.

At first, the city was stunned into silence as residents tried to process what happened. Then, realization slowly turned into fear. While it was no secret that many public works in the city were operating well past their expiration date, Geonet was supposed to be the one thing that always worked. After several long minutes, the city began to gradually come back to life.

"Attention, Residents. This is Captain Ryker of MCPD. We apologize for the inconvenience, but it seems an unforeseen earthquake in The Spire had temporarily disabled Geonet. This is no cause for alarm. The city will be functioning again as soon as possible." The PSA played on a loop throughout the city. While the average bystander may have been calmed by such a speech, those in the know saw the handwriting on the wall. The tower that housed Geonet had been designed to withstand anything the would could throw at it, natural or otherwise. Hell, even the Heirs who lived in the tower knew the building was capable of withstanding a nuclear attack should the need arise. The only way for such an event to occur meant that - somehow - the Geonet AI had been hacked.


Hotshot was in the middle of picking up his order from Jigen's when the tremors hit. Even far out in the backstreets, he saw the stack of plates and utensils vibrating on the kitchen counter before the ground began to move beneath his feet. Without hesitating, Hotshot quickly pulled out a stool and threw himself underneath the lunch counter to avoid any falling debris. As the quake subsided, he crawled out from his impromptu shelter.

"The hell was tha-?" That was all Hotshot could get out before the shockwave hit. While he didn't feel anything, the sound of banging metal from inside Jigen's kitchen told him more than enough: The service robot that worked in the kitchen had gone haywire. Jumping over the counter this time, Hotshot kicked open the door to the kitchen just in time to see Jigen on the floor with his service bot standing over him, menacingly wielding a soba-kiri knife and a set of metal chopsticks. With trained reflexes, the Sk8ter whipped out the Rip Current and fired two charged rounds into the bot. The bullets hit the machine square in the head and the arcing electricity fried its cpu. It fell over instantly, the impromptu kitchen assault weapons clattering to the floor.

"Sorry about that, Boss," said Hotshot as he picked the old man off the floor. "I guess that means I'll be paying double for awhile until you can get a replacement?"

"My boy, consider your next bowl on the house, but you will owe me for a new CPU at the very least," said Jigen, shaking his head. As the citywide PSA came on, Hotshot checked his Skynet map to see it lighting up like a Christmas tree for the second time today. He tried to put it together in his head. First Rotor was murdered, and now there was that weird energy surge. It was all too sudden to not be related. He was going to have to gather info faster.

"Sorry, boss. That's my cue. Thanks for the food!" Hotshot grabbed the large bag on the counter and hurried for the nearest fire escape so he could ascend back to Neosky. Zipping across the rooftops, Hotshot scanned the horizon as he tried to locate The Lost's camp. Despite being a 'nomad' cell, Hotshot remembered the main places Baba and her crew would frequent when they weren't shacking up in another cell's territory. After an hour or so of looking, he spied the familiar looking tents and changed direction.

A quick stroll through the camp and he came across a shock of familiar green hair, "Hello there, Baba. Hope you don't mind the sudden visit, but as you've probably seen, we have some important things to discuss. I even brought a peace offering," he said as he held up the noodles.
Mak0 and Badger-


“Hello, old friend,” the voice from Mak0’s mask had been altered to sound like a middle aged man. “How long has it been? I stopped counting after a decade.” Mak0 slung the rifle off his shoulder as he approached the desk. “It seems there’s been a bit of a stir in the city. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but a client of mine has become involved so I’m offering you a trade.”

Placing the rifle on the desk, Mak0 watched as Badger eyed the weapon, “An upgraded model of a failed prototype. It still needs a little work, but I figure you’d have fun toying with it. I want information.” Mak0 produced a tablet from within his tattered coat and an image of Rotor from the security feed flared to life. “I trust you can see the haze next to the young man? We both know it doesn’t take much to wipe yourself from the MCPD camera feeds, but it’s another matter altogether to hide yourself from my hacking abilities. I want to know where this tech came from and who it was sold to.”

Honey Badger smiled brightly at Mako. And took a moment just to look at him. Badger’s own voice scrambling briefly, and coming out sounding tired, “Honestly after this long, I’m surprised we even keep track of time my friend. Even as I remember the Wars vividly often.” He sniffed, “I think it’s been twelve…maybe eighteen years? I don’t really know anymore.” He nods slowly, “Yes the whole Sk@ter thing yes? Young Rotor if I remember correctly. A sad thing.”

Badger’s eyes light up as they follow the passage of the rifle. And as it’s placed on the desk, Badger’s arm opens up, shifting and twisting, a high power lamp coming around to flare across the lines of the weapon, “Failed Prototype you say? Ahhh pi…oh is this supposed to be a gift then? Interesting. Oh no, not a gift. A temptation then?” He chuckles and nods, a manipulator arm tracing the rifle slowly, cataloging the elements of it. Even as Mak0 produced that tablet. Badger’s attention pulled away from the rifle. His eyes narrowed and his arm coming away from the rifle, “Yes my friend I see the haze…interesting…it’s not a feed glitch is it? Oh who am I kidding you probably already did a deep dive and a full scrub of the network and the video before you even came to me.” He nods. Then in a flash his other arm lashes up and attaches a cable to the tablet, and transfers the video to Badger’s own personal data vault, “Let’s see what I can do to help you with it hmmm?”

The badger masked man pulled the video up on a holo-display, enhancing the video and playing it, watching it, “Interesting…yes…very fascinating.” He watches it, rewinding, slowing it down, fast forwarding, rewinding it, the whole time slowly his aura seems to dampen. He looks to Mak0, “Before we continue, tell me what you think it is.”

“It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I’ve heard rumors of other groups working to develop advanced cloning technology, but I assumed it was theoretical. If someone within the Pack, or one of the Heirs’ wage-slaves has developed a device like this, I struggle to think of what else they could be hiding.” Mak0 rubbed the shark faceplate on his mask. Being worried was a rare emotion for someone like him. “Badger, you carry the most connections within this city. If there is ANYTHING you know, tell me now.” A whirring sound emanates from Mak0’s chest cavity. Reaching inside, he pulled out a black flash drive with a blinking blue light. “I’ll even sweeten the deal. In here you’ll find schematics to keep the Badger Sett busy for the next year. Something your clients will appreciate…” The Shark watched with interest as Badger considered the deal placed before him.
Since it seems like this is gonna be the group, I'll start working on setting up the 'proper' RP forum in a bit.

Hotshot rubbed his eyes in the dim light of Mak0's hideaway. The tiny room had no windows and the walls were thick enough to block the Skynet signal; making it impossible to tell just how much time he and his benefactor had spent pouring over MCPD surveillance footage. So far, following Rotor's movements prior to his death. He'd somehow managed to keep a low profile despite the usual brash and loud persona Hotshot and multiple Burners were accustomed to. The cell boss was starting to wonder if this little trip was going to yield any results.

Mak0 had abandoned the task in favor of working on the Rip Current. Leaving the room for his 'workshop' the Shark slipped through a hidden door against the back wall. All Hotshot could hear was a string of various machine noises broken by the odd curse in a distorted tone. With little else to do, he turned his attention back to another surveillance video. This particular feed was Rotor on his daily beat. While Afterburn preferred the rooftops, members like Rotor and Saturnine would often descend to the city floor in the hopes of picking up jobs or the occasional credits. Onscreen, Rotor was loitering in his preferred alleyway. It looked like practically nothing until something caught Hotshot's attention.

"Mak0! I need you in here!" A few moments later, the hidden door slid open and the shark mask popped out. The electronic eyes studied Hotshot carefully.

"I take it you found something?" Hotshot pointed to the feed in question. While Rotor stood leaning against the wall, the camera made out the faintest trace of a distortion next to his body. Exactly the size of an adult human.

"What do you think? System glitch or have we found our potential client?" Mak0 eyed the feed and brought it to the main monitor on the wall. He shook his head.

"Highly unlikely it's a glitch. The cameras are about the only thing the city tries to keep up to date. MCPD and the Heirs love having their eyes and ears on everyone." The Pack member furiously typed away on a keyboard yet - no matter what was hit - the blur refused to change. "That's definitely an AR cloak. I haven't seen something this difficult to hack through in a long time. If I can't do it, then you have two prime suspects. Someone from the Pack using a homebrewed gadget..."

"... or an Heir got some new toys and they REALLY want this quiet," said Hotshot finishing the thought. "Not the smallest pool to work with, but that does narrow it down. I trust you'll keep working on this for me?" Hotshot turned to leave when Mak0 placed the Rip Current on the table.

"I'll do what I can, but if I can't hack past that, then you may be SOL, my friend. Although there may be one Pack member who has more advanced tech than I do. I'll have to call in a favor..." Before Hotshot could ask, Mak0 pointed to the pistol. "I took the liberty of removing the limiter this time. You get five shots before reloading now, but the stored charge should be plenty stronger. You'll cripple any cybernetics so long as you're accurate. And of course," There was a dry chuckle as Mak0 set a box of rounds on the table.

With a nod, Hotshot claimed his items and turned for the door. Upon stepping outside, he quickly reconnected to Skynet and tried contacting Saturnine as he fired a grappling hook to ascend to the rooftops. "Sat? you copy? Sat?" When no reply came through, the boss groaned. It seemed like he'd be the one contacting other cells. Baba would have to be first since The Lost could be reasonable. As he took off running, Hotshot made a mental note to stop by Jigen's before tracking down Baba. He'd have to take his noodles to go this time.

Meanwhile, back in the hideaway, Mak0 returned to the workshop and started packing up tools. As soon as he made contact with another Pack member directly, it was going to be time to close up shop. This particular errand also meant having to track down a nosy Badger. Mak0 turned and picked up a rifle that had been leaning against a wall. An unfinished project, but with a little work, it would be more than a fair trade for some information.

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