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Watch out.

The gap in the door... it's a separate reality.
The only me is me.
Are you sure the only you is you?


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So my question here is: Why did everyone (that isn't new/making someone new) decide to take a go at these characters again? Why bring them back?

As someone who will be taking a run at Constantine again for what is probably the fifth or sixth time:

Because the last time I played Constantine I burnt out and the game ended before I got into the meat of it, but I still have all my notes and the old posts and it’s probably one of the best stories I’ve ever come up with and some of the best writing I think I’ve ever done.

So instead of waiting for the right game with the right setting at the right time to come around and I’ll post my CS for approval and I may face some derision for repeating myself again and then I’ll Copy/paste old posts to pick up from and face more derision and then the game will die anyway......I just put it here and carry it on here. And I don’t have to worry about, how does my story fit into the setting? How does it fit into the character? Who’s interacting with me and how does that affect what I’m trying to achieve? What kind of widespread events are happening elsewhere in the game that I need to take into account in my story? Will my sheet even get approval? If it does, as I robbing someone else of the chance to tell their Constantine story? Am I robbing people not playing Constantine of the chance to use Constantine in their character’s story because if I get approved I’ll be the final authority on Constantine and how/where he appears, and what they want to do doesn’t work with my story? If I get Constantine and I write my story, what happens when the thread dies? What happens if I lose steam and the story is left unfinished and the character inactive?

I don’t worry about any of that. I just fuckin’ write the damn shit.

1- Game Title
2- Premise (use for Int.Check too)
3- Setting
3a. Location - station map? system map?
3b. Factions & VIP
3c. History - Timeline?
4. Character sheet skeleton
5. Rules & FAQ

Vitae: A deep-space research facility orbiting a black hole at the edge of the galaxy, and mankind's most distant and isolated outpost. A mixture of scientific, military, and civilian staff - the latter mostly the families of the former two, but also a more generalized workforce for the basic day-to-day running of the station.

The station is primarily invested in the research and development of FTL-travel, using the naturally-occurring, but still puzzling, phenomena of the black hole to inspire/feed the research, and also expanding on humanity's already-existing use of [subspace], seemingly a separate dimension that mankind have begun to breach, and have been using for the past few decades to successfully send signals and communications across vast reaches of space near-instantaneously - the dream outcome of the Vitae facility is to develop the successful sending of objects, both organic and non-organic, through this [subspace] to further empower mankind's exploration of space and the universe, and enable humanity to find a new home-world in a conceivable, achievable time-frame before extinction by attrition.

Recently, the research staff on-board were successful in sending and retrieving an extremely simple, extremely small probe, however upon return the probe showed extreme damage of various kinds, including blunt force, corrosion, and both heat and cold damage, with minimal data recordings still usable. Additionally, based on previous research, existing knowledge about [subspace] transmission, and projections for the experiment, the probe took 26 times the originally estimated travel time to appear at its destination. Research into [subspace] travel is still ongoing, but the probe's success, despite the hitches, has inspired some hope in what was beginning to feel like a dead-end field.

Due to Vitae's extreme isolation and remote location, it regularly receives shuttles of rations, equipment, and maintenance supplies. These shuttles are the lifeblood of Vitae, as the station is unable to self-sustain, and collapse and evacuation would become inevitable without them. However, the facility has been struck by disaster; on approach, the latest supply shuttle went dark, and subsequently crashed into a section of the facility, doing considerable damage and accruing a number of casualties. An emergency shuttle is then dispatched, containing extra supplies, as well as a contingent taskforce of maintenance engineers, security personnel, and UN investigators, to help repair the damage, pacify or subdue the civilian unrest, and determine the cause of the crash.
Working on something with @Master Bruce. Keep your eyes peeled people.

Eve stood rigid and brittle, mind racing. She played back the events of the previous twenty-four hours over and over, analyzing and scrutinizing every hour, minute, second - every interaction, every line of dialogue, every word of her inner thoughts. She’d arrived; drank; slept; buried a suspicious bird; then the girl had been murdered, she had been arrested, and promptly shipped out of town. Out of town. Distinctly out of town - she recalled the large wooden sign at the town border bidding her farewell, a grinning woman paying her a fond wave of the hand as the other wrapped around a large gnarled and white tree trunk, all leering out from what remained of faded and cracked paint. It had passed by the window of the coach and she thought she’d seen the eyes of the painted woman move to watch her go, but had quickly succumbed back to sleep. When she woke it was time to alight, and that was when she had found herself here, once more, in this rundown and decrepit bar that felt haunted by something other than Eve’s own unexpected presence.

The voice of the barman came in like lantern light through swamp mud.
“Miss? Lady?”
Eve snapped back to reality - what appeared to be reality - and focused on the man in front of her, who was frowning, with his hands on the bar and leaning ever so slightly forward. She realized she’d been stood unmoving just inside the doorway for the better part of ten minutes.
“You drinkin’ or not, ‘cause I’m gonna close up otherwise and I ain’t got time for backwater weirdos.”
Eve glared, but approached the bar. “I’m drinking.” She answered, firm and with finality. The barman paused.
“...alrighty. What can I getcha?”
Eve tapped the handle of the draught pump, her fingernail clacking against the plastic. “Clean your pipes lately?”
“They gotta be cleaned?”
There was a pregnant pause.
“I’ll take what you have that’s not from those pumps.”
“Can of Lone Star Red, then.” The barman said, begrudgingly and with a hint of embarrassment. He fetched the beer and Eve cracked the tab quickly and took a long first swig. She grimaced as she swallowed.
“God, that’s still awful.”
The barman just nodded and picked up a broom that was resting against the counter, going back to idle sweeping. Eve didn’t look at him, but paid attention nonetheless while she continued her drink; the third time she caught him stealing a nervous glance at her eye, she turned on her stool to face him entirely. He cleared his throat and focused on the floor.
“New in town?” He finally asked, a hint of shakiness in his voice.
“Just tryin’ to pass through.” Eve answered, flat and emotionless.
“Won’t be stayin’ then?”
“Not if I have any choice in the matter.”
The barman nodded again, responding in a non-committal hum. Eve finished her can and set it aside. The barman paused his sweeping.
“You wanna start a tab, or just pay for the one?” He waited patiently as Eve remained silent, staring hard at him. He began to sweat. Eve stood up, walking towards him, studying him with every step; the barman felt like he was suddenly in grave danger, and had been since the moment this woman stepped foot in his bar. There was an aura of wrath about her that enveloped him whole.
Eve stopped a few inches from his face.
“You really don’t remember me, do you?”
“N-no, miss, p-promise, I ain’t seen you n-never, n-nor anythin’ ya d-done!”
Eve stepped back; the barman took a breath and relaxed his hands, which had gone knuckle-white gripped around the broom handle. Eve seemed satisfied; or, at least, pacified. She sat back down.
“Alright then. And I’ll start a tab.”
The barman walked back around the bar and fetched another can. “I’ll need ya name, in that case.”
“Eve. Eve Coffin.” She answered, holding a hand out in front of her. The barman looked at it quizzically, before micro-shrugging and taking it to shake.
“Samuel Black.”
Eve nodded and cracked her next can. She resolved that, at least for now, her circumstances were dire, but there was little to be done with the oncoming fugue. When the haze cleared, she would investigate; but for now, she would drink. If the tab ended up needing paying in the end - that would likely be a good thing.


She had no need to ask for directions this second go-around; she traced her steps from the previous night - same night? - and made her way back to the halfway-house. She’d saved some cash on drinks by opening the tab, but divorcing herself from the Coffin family, and thereby forgoing their considerable fortune, had opened up some financial vulnerabilities. Five dollars for a bed and a roof was considerable value from where Eve currently stood.

The book and the sign were still there. “NATE” had been scribbled again in the column for room 5, but not crossed out this time; she dutifully wrote her own name in the column for room 6 instead, and then went in search. The layout was familiar, the memory of her last stay not even 30 hours old in her mind, but when she approached the room she had stayed in the night before - number 5, it had been at the time - she noticed the painted digit upon the door undoubtedly read ‘6’. She looked at the nearby doors for 5, wondering if she’d somehow gotten it wrong, but while 3, 4, and 7 were all visible, 5 was not. It should have been this one - and yet it wasn’t. This one was 6. Unequivocally 6.

Eve placed a hand on the edge of the door, looking up and down the corridor before she pushed through into the all-too-familiar room. She had that feeling of being watched again; a pervading sense of unease, the uncomfortable aura of being victimized by voyeurism. She didn’t undress this time; instead, she fished the athame from her bag, and carefully carved a crude representation of the nazar at the top of the door-frame, whispering quiet, steady chants as she did so. When she finished, she stepped back, breathing heavily, and then took one deep breath that seemed to suck all sound from the room and leave a vacuum of stillness and silence; then she exhaled, and the carved eye splintered out into the wood slightly, and then the feeling went away.

Eve collapsed onto the mattress, pulling the thin sheets up and around her; her last registered sight before she lapsed into sleep again was of a near-identical carved eye in the very bottom corner of the wall - only this one was closed.


Eve dreamt of little girls and looking into ponds and seeing more than the silt at the bottom. She dreamt of thrashing fish and clouds of mud from the riverbed making murky viewing. She dreamt of iced over lakes that reflected cold sunlight and splintered threateningly.


Eve woke to a rough jabbing in her side with the toe of a leather boot. In her half-slumbered haze, she recognized that there was a foot inside the boot; that foot was attached to a leg, and the leg in turn attached to the old hag that she'd encountered on her last stay. Eve guessed she was the proprietor, or at least some kind of housekeeper. Not that the house was all that kept.
"Witches don't get discounts." She said, and Eve rolled her eyes. The woman crooked an eyebrow, but let it go. "But I seen your carving up there. So either you made a raw deal with somethin' best left alone, or you're tryin' to repent for some old sin."
Eve sat up, already reaching for her bag. She said nothing, but couldn't help diverting her gaze when the woman mentioned sin.
"Runnin' from sin it is. You had a look about you. Five dollars for the room."
Eve fetched her bag and stood up; she hadn't even taken her shoes off when she'd laid down to sleep. She handed a five dollar bill over, and the woman took it wordlessly, which Eve thought a small mercy. The woman turned and left, putting a hand to the nazar above the door as she went. Eve followed her shortly, and did the same.

On the ground floor, the old woman was sat at her desk again, still not looking up from the ragged magazine she leafed through. Eve didn't stop this time. As she stepped out of the front door of the house into cold daylight, she saw a magpie perched on a rooftop a couple buildings over; it flew away as she started down the street toward to the promenade.


The high street was already lurching sleepily into the day as Eve made her way to the town square; she traveled in search of a decent breakfast, something to chew through as she analysed and re-analysed her situation. The young couple she’d seen yesterday - today? - setting up chairs for their cafe were there again, dutifully unfolding their undoubtedly cheap furniture, and as she approached the shopfront she could hear the telltale sounds of a coffee pot being made and a grill being fired up. The smell of the ground beans was rich and enticing, and Eve’s stomach groaned with demands. She realized she hadn’t eaten since before her first visit to the town, and that hunger came full force from the pit of her belly. Shit beer and dread did little to nourish her. She pushed forwards into the shop, and quietly took a seat by the window; idly, she once again watched the old man across the street waft incense, and then pause to stare at his reflection. The moment protracted itself, and then the shop-keep turned away from his reflection, swinging his gaze to fix eyes with Eve. She felt a pang of unease as the old man furrowed his brow and then looked at his reflection again, before nodding much as he had the day before, and retreating back into his shop. Suspicion grew in Eve, but as the smell of bread being heated began to blossom through the cafe, hunger overtook any urge of investigation.

She was approached timidly by the hostess, a waif of a woman with long brown hair drawn back into a high ponytail that brushed the nape of her neck. She had a sharp nose and sharper eyes, but an aura of self-doubt pervaded any sense of a cunning intelligence. Eve thought of the paten rolling around in her bag, and how it could be used to impart confidence and assurance should she wish it. Eve also thought of how her family had misused or outright corrupted spellcraft for material gain. Better to leave it alone. She requested a coffee and a breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs. The hostess departed with her scribbled order, and returned quickly with a chipped white mug of hot coffee, and a clumsy handful of salt, pepper, sugar, and creamer, that splayed across the table as everything was set down. Eve quietly thanked her for the coffee, trying a terse smile, and then pushed the creamer away as she dumped sugar into her mug and stirred, sipping the scalding sweet liquid quickly. It seared down her throat into her screaming stomach, but rejuvenated Eve as it went; she eagerly took another sip and savored the taste and scent.

She carried on like this, sipping and savoring and burning her tongue, tapping her fingers against the ceramic as she waited for the food. She almost felt normal - she could be any individual public citizen, any sleepwalking denizen, going through the motions of her daily routine; lurching from one auto-piloted action to the next, drudging on through days and weeks fantasising about escaping the monotony but too cowardly to break out of the well-worn rut. Comfort could have come easy to Eve had she toed the line her parents and predecessors had set for her. Instead, a teenage act of petty rebellion had irrevocably altered the course of her life; a forbidden epiphany had her perspective reeling, and she had chosen - chosen, she reminded herself - to sever the familial connection.

Rumination on Eve’s bloodline was interrupted by the appearance of breakfast. The toast was burnt - the smell caught in her nostrils and she suppressed a cough - but the eggs were a appetising golden colour, flecked with pepper and still hot. Eve thanked the hostess, who apologised for the bread before departing, and hastily scooped up her knife and fork to dig in; with food in front of her, her appetite truly reared its head and she found herself famished and voracious. She devoured the egg and a slice of toast, and was chewing on the second when the hostess reappeared with a pot of coffee.

“Top you up?” She asked, and Eve smiled - a genuine smile, for even Eve Coffin could not sour hearty breakfast and good coffee - and gestured eagerly towards her mug, nodding. The hostess poured, and then lingered.
“Nice to see a new face in town.” She said, making idle conversation.
“Came in on the bus yesterday. Just passing through.” Eve replied, mouthing words around the last swallowed pieces of bread.
“Funny, I thought the station was closed on Sundays. Been wrong before though, ha!” She paused awkwardly as Eve shrugged, sipping more coffee to wash the taste of burnt toast away. “Anyway. I’m Sandy.”
“Eve.” Eve replied, reluctant. Sandy stood silent for what Eve felt was just a second too long. There were two loud BANGS on the front window of the cafe, and Eve jumped; when she looked, two distinct patches of feather-dust and blood stained the outside of the glass. Eve didn’t need to peer over the lip to know there were two dead magpies on the ground outside.

“You stayin’ for a while, Eve?” Sandy asked suddenly, like snapping out of a fugue. Eve raised an irritated eyebrow.
“Like I said. I’m just passing through.”
Sandy laughed. “You stayin’ for a while, Eve?”
Eve pushed her coffee away and stood up. “No.”
Sandy laughed harder. “You stayin’ for a while, Eve?”
“I said no! Eve answered, raising her voice.
Sandy bent over, struggling to breathe between laughs. She gasped for air as her body shook with racking guffaws. Eve seized her by the shoulders, chanting a fierce and furious counter-ritual. The words Sandy got out were pained and wheezed, and underpinned Eve’s chant hideously - some kind of distraction, a counter-counter-spell.
“Let her go!”
“I said stop! She has no part in this!”
FOREVER CURSED BY EVIL EYE. The words were fading as Sandy struggled for oxygen. Eve chanted harder and louder, trying to weave her work above the din of twisted laughter.
HAUNTED NOW UNTIL YOU DIE. There was no stopping. The convulsions and chittering continued as Sandy collapsed to the floor, Eve unable to hold her up.
ROTTING SICKLY SWEETLY EVE. The final chortles ballooned up from Sandy’s chest through her throat, expelling the last bit of breath left in her body. Her final words were a forced, choked whisper, spoken like someone was stood on her chest, pushing out the words.
No-one left on earth...who’ll grieve.
I am working on Eve currently. I’m also working on a Suicide Squad app, which I just want to run past @GreenGrenade if I can take Captain Boomerang (George Harkness) and @AndyC if I can take Typhoid Mary (we don’t have a Daredevil player but Mary crosses over with Spider-Man occasionally). Also with no Aquaman player I’m also looking to take King Shark, if anyone wanted to use him let me know though.

Despite the thoughts I’ve voiced previously I’m not intending to drop or quit. I find it harder to motivate myself, but I still love storytelling and what we do here. I just might have to look to taking up side projects to hit that classic interactivity itch.

Edit: Also @AndyC again, do you have any plans for Mysterio (Quentin Beck)? If not can I use him on the Squad? I’ve flipped him on and off my roster a couple times as he’s a big name but I think he’d be good for the dynamic.

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"So that’s it then? We some kind of...Suicide Squad?"

TASKMASTER, A.K.A. Anthony Masters. Ex-SHIELD agent, proto-type attempt at replicating Cap's super-soldier serum. Now 'Captain' of the Squad; on a short leash, as he has been deemed 'untrustworthy' by Fury due to his mimicry erasing previous memories. Waller believes she can still direct him by feeding him new auto-narratives, but as he continues to lose memories his personality gets worn away and it's harder for him to hold on to the mission.

CAPTAIN BOOMERANG, A.K.A. George ‘Digger’ Harkness. An Australian asshole who was, in a previous life, a member of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, before a mission went FUBAR and his team got scrubbed. He faked his death, smuggled himself out of the country, and used his skills to become a freelance mercenary and heist criminal, no longer affiliated with any nation or any morals, motivated only by money. His crimes were eventually thwarted by The Flash and he was incarcerated; however, Waller advocated for his inclusion in the Squad due to his past experience on tactical assignments and his unquestionable combat skills.

MYSTERIO, A.K.A. Quentin Beck. Former stage magician and practical effects artist, he felt his talent was overshadowed by the rising tide of metahumans and alien beings; believing he could make a fortune selling his hologram tech, he constructed the heroic persona of 'Mysterio', using his talent and technology to contrive illusory villains for him to best - however, his trickery was discovered and exposed by Spider-Man, and Beck vowed revenge - revenge he would seek as part of the Sinister Six. Beaten again and handed over to SHIELD, Beck stewed in incarceration until Waller offered him a place on the Squad, hoping to put his engineering genius and team-based experience to better use.

KING SHARK, A.K.A. Nanuae. A powerful hybrid being from deep in the ocean, who claims to be a reincarnation of his father, the God of the Deep, Devourer of the Sea. He clashed with Aquaman, believing his heritage afforded him a better claim to the oceanic throne. After destroying a large section of Atlantis, undersea forces were mobilized against King Shark as his destructive influence was recognized as a threat to all denizens of the water. Expelled from the ocean, weakened by the lack of water, he remained in maximum security care of SHIELD, until Amanda Waller campaigned for his inclusion in the Squad based on his formidable physical capabilities and easy manipulation through ocean access.

TYPHOID MARY, A.K.A Mary Walker. A bizarre, yet highly effective, mutant assassin-for-hire, she is afflicted by Dissociative Identity Disorder and is in fact three women residing within one head: ‘Innocent Mary’, a pacifist woman, with no powers but an excellent strategic mind and a well-practiced charm; ‘Typhoid Mary’, a more chaotic and care-free woman who possesses enhanced strength, reflexes, and low-level psionic abilities; and ‘Bloody Mary’, a psychotic and destructive woman, who possesses powerful tele- and pyrokinesis. Hired by Kingpin to kill Daredevil, the Innocent persona fell in love with Matthew Murdock; when she realized her lover and her target were one and the same, she had to work together with the Typhoid persona to prevent Bloody Mary from killing him - and once Bloody Mary was secure, she handed herself in. She is the only willing member of the Squad, offered the position by Waller due to the formidable combination of her Typhoid and Innocent personas, and in return promised help to find a method to keep Bloody Mary trapped permanently.

ONOMATOPOEIA. No other known identity. SHIELD holds no information about this mysterious serial killer who seems to exclusively target vigilantes, particularly those early in their career. Since his capture he has resisted all attempts to be unmasked, and yet has made no attempt to escape his incarceration, sitting in complete silence in his cell. He appears to have the ability to perfectly mimic any sound he has heard, although it is unknown whether this is a mutant power or simply a well-practiced skill, and it is unknown if this extends to speech, as he has never spoken either before or during his capture. Amanda Waller has cautiously advocated for his inclusion in the Squad due to his undeniable combat ability and his exceptional talent for espionage and infiltration.

TASK FORCE X. Brain child of Amanda Waller and only just-barely approved by Nick Fury; a task force of criminal candidates captured by SHIELD and hand-picked by Waller, chosen for their combined tactical efficiency, combat efficacy, and extreme disposability. They are a deep black squad with ethically ambiguous assignments and the ultimate cover story in the event of mission failure, and their status as federal enemies allows their assignments to achieve things outside the usual legal and moral restrictions that hamstring more public figures. They are the Suicide Squad, their members coerced into service, and they’re here to thrust their hands into the muck to protect society’s greater good.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

If there’s one thing that bugs me about myself when I write it’s that I’m always so damn serious all the time - even my OC stuff (See: Blighted Kingdom/LoZ:Lost Knight) is so grounded and stern in tone that it doesn’t lend itself well to humour (my last TBK game actually struggled to survive amidst the current world predicament because it itself is so bleak and hopeless). Yes I’m naturally drawn to serious dark stories about monsters and psychological horror but hell, I still have the capacity to get silly every now and again. Speedracer is one of my favourite movies of all time, for gods sake. Add a bit of levity to your repertoire, man!

So this is my attempt at that. Suicide Squad has always been (in my eyes) a black comedy property, and with such a mishmash of inherently dick-ish characters there’s a lot of humour to be had in wanton recklessness and team dysfunction. I can trail after the destruction lead by our main heroes, clash with them at times to, and in general just pursue government-sanctioned black-ops mayhem in the name of feeling a bit more ‘comic-book-y’ in this game about comic books.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

The Squad members were carefully picked for both their interesting characters, and their abilities to fill specific niches within the team:

Taskmaster - The Leader, also the most serious and grounded of the group, a straight-man amidst the buffoonery and silliness of the rest of the squad.

Boomerang - The Lancer, the wise-cracker, the love-to-hate, most at-odds with the leader. Also the token asshole.

Mysterio - The Smart Guy, the gadgeteer, the hacker, also the one with something to prove and most likely to work against the squad in the inevitable betrayal arc.

King Shark - The Big Guy, the Muscle, the Heavyweight. Also the Quiet One, and a good outside-perspective due to his oceanic origins being so alien to the rest of the land-dwelling squad.

Mary - The Face, the Smooth Talker, the one with charisma. Also the cheery, optimistic one, comic relief of a different kind to Boomerang's general dickhead nature, and inevitably the token woman.

Onomatopeia - The Weirdo. Also the spy, the cold killer, the emotionless, the inscrutable one. The one that gives the others, even despite their own personal brands of nastiness, the creeps.

And of course, Waller - The Voice with an Internet Connection, and the taskforce leader, the assignment-giver, the ball-buster.

S A M P L E P O S T:

A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
For Eve I adapted a murder-mystery plan I already had in mind for my attempted Batman proposal (a re-imagining of the rogue 'Magpie'), and just threw in occult spooky stuff instead of gritty street-level stuff. Then as I was writing the sample, and then the first and second post, the background details crystallized as I jotted down ideas and then that formed what is now the base background plot behind the arc; then some more ideas turned into this loop concept I've got going now, and everything kind of came together for a really solid narrative I could tell. The writing of the posts themselves is very improv, though - I know the rough beats I want to hit, but don't plan the post so much, just write it then proof-read and tweak a little bit before posting.

My Constantine story I've been trying to tell is very planned by comparison; I have a googledoc of a bullet-pointed list of the entire arc, with each character's place and plot explained and notated and the sequence of events that occurs with all the background plot behind it; then each post itself is crib-sheeted before writing, where I short-hand where the post starts, where it goes, all the beats it needs to hit, and where it ends and how it leads into the next post; then I take that crib-sheet and expand it into an actual post, each one sentence in the plan equalling maybe 1-3 paragraphs in the post itself. Even in that instance, sometimes I end up altering the plan while writing the post when where what I wanted to put in doesn't actually quite fit with the direction or tone the actual post has taken, so I chop it and find a way to include it later, or make some quick rewrites.

I guess I'm a planner for arcs but a seat-of-my-pantser for posts? I've always found the conceptualisation of a plot easy, but converting my seemingly-scattered thoughts into linear prose that follows the traditional narrative arc tricky. I nearly always have a solid over-arching story clear-cut in my head, but rarely have detailed, written-down plans. If anyone ever invents a device that reads minds and converts thoughts into organized prose, I'm becoming a bestseller.

Johannes Sebastian Hill was not overly fond of his name; it did not serve him well in this town. Johannes was too vaguely foreign, and people took a disliking to it, or deemed him untrustworthy based on their misguided assumptions. Sebastian was too fancy, too formal - people associated it with toffs and high society, and failed to take him seriously because of it. He’d tried Jo for a while, hard ‘J’ unlike the full moniker, but people spelt it wrong or asked what it was short for, and that led right back to the first problem. Eventually, in middle school, he’d settled on Seb, another abbreviation that didn’t sit quite right on the tongue, but had worked well enough. He was Seb for a long while, short and simple and easy to say, and conversation got easier and people got more trusting. Eventually he stopped being Seb and started being Officer Hill; then Deputy Hill, then, eventually, Sheriff Hill. People trusted him and listened to what he had to say then, with the weight of the badge leaning over every word, and the shining silver revolver stealing side glances from anyone who still scoffed and snorted. He still didn’t like his full name, though, and he made that clear to his officers. ‘Sheriff Hill or you’ll catch Hell’ he’d once heard a more seasoned deputy say to some baby-faced rookie: it was catchy, Hill had thought, and put the message across quite clearly.

So when Daniel Runner, Hill’s most newly appointed Deputy, interrupted his morning coffee with a call to say “Johannes...you’re gonna need to be here for this one,” Sheriff Hill stood without a word, strapped his pistol around his waist, and departed the station as quickly as he could to get over to Deputy Runner’s location.


Lindsay Oak had been a bright and cheerful, if slightly rambunctious, young girl. She and her friends had been picked up by the local cruisers a couple times, mostly on underage drinking, a few times smelling of pot but nowhere near enough for a possession charge; anyway, this was a quiet town, Sheriff Hill liked to think, and his town to run besides, and he thought dropping a few good-time-having teens back to their parents was a better safeguard against them causing trouble than chucking them in the overnight cells and fostering resentment and rebellion. Lindsay was a nice girl, for certain.

All these thoughts and more, every tender incident and interaction, ran through Sheriff Hill’s head as he stood at a distance, stealing furtive glances at the decapitated head of the young miss Oak. Blood had leaked and stained the ground around the stump of the neck. Her hair was matted and torn, chunks haphazardly sheared off and small bits of scalp loose or missing where hair had been ripped out. The face itself was contorted into an expression of deep anguish. Her eyes were faded and glassy and would not close, and from their corners ran two tear lines of blood that stained her cheeks; an officer had already tried, naively and with a shaking hand, to wipe the blood from her cheeks: it had come away easily, but the streaks were quickly replaced by fresh rivers. Somewhere off to his left, Sheriff Hill could hear Deputy Runner vomiting, although it sounded vaguely muffled, as if listening through drywall; Hill suppressed the urge himself.

“Who found her?” He eventually asked, and immediately wished he hadn’t; the smell of congealed blood seemed to invade his mouth and stick to his tongue. He felt bile rising in his throat, but swallowed hard and spat a glob of thick, gooey saliva instead. Deputy Runner answered from behind him, still folded at the waist and supporting himself with his hands on his knees.
“That Keys kid. Out here dickin’ around in the woods and tripped over that damn thing.”
“Jesus Christ...where is he now?”
“Station with his folks. Babbling away...said he heard it crying, Sheriff. Crying. Said the blood didn’t start until he looked at it, and it was sobbing. What the hell do you make of that?”
Sheriff Hill didn’t answer, just looked back at the head. It wasn’t crying now.
“Close this whole side of town. Get the coroner’s office out here to take this back to the morgue. You and Officer Rake find out everything you can about her last whereabouts, I want CCTV, witnesses, everything. And then...get a search party together and have them canvas a 5-square-mile radius to start with.
“What’re they lookin’ for, Sheriff?”
The body. And call ahead to my wife and tell her to pull out my best slacks and shoes. I’m going to go talk to the Oaks.”


Eve skulked around the edges of the scene, listening to the words on the wind as conversation drifted towards her. The thought had occurred that it would be quite easy to leave town just as she’d arrived, drifting through like a bad omen; something compelled her to stay, some misplaced mixture of righteousness and a guilty conscience. The image of the magpie, splayed awkward and unmoving across the cobbles at her feet, burned at the edges of her vision. She could feel a terrible premonition in her bones: she was being targeted, haunted. If she left, she would merely take the misery with her. Best to stop it here, plug the hole at the source. Monster-slaying and the damming of evil was not unknown territory for her.

The sheriff’s department were beginning their canvassing for the body. Eve doubted they’d find it until months later, flecks of blood in tilled soil in the new year when the ground thawed and small, intricately carved bones washing up in winter rain. Metacarpals, usually; there was dexterity in human hands that lent the bones well to witch-work, and there was no doubt this was witch-work. She could feel it in the air, a cold, earthy dread that permeated the skin and rested uncomfortably behind your eyes. Eve needed the head, as disquieting as the notion was; she might be able to glean some last moments from it. There was no opportunity to seize it now; if she moved, her glamour would fail, and she would likely be hauled into the station and made the scapegoat. As it was, the coroner's office arrived to collect what small portion of carcass there was, and Eve stayed steady and still as the canvassing officers moved ever closer - they wouldn’t see her, she was confident of that. They would merely see a gnarled, twisted tree, off-kilter and itchy to look at; they would look away, and then forget they saw it at all.

Eve stayed for two hours letting the search party move around her, before they finally gave her distance enough to move away. She knew where the morgue they were taking the head to was, but in truth it didn’t matter - she just had to follow the lullaby-sound of Lindsay Oak’s soft, mournful whimpering.


The sheriff's department buzzed like an upset wasp’s nest. Activity was everywhere; officers taking phone calls, manning the tip-lines, copying notes, shuffling files. Some were busy; some merely looked busy. Eve could see a cork board on the far wall; a couple Polaroids of teens and bums adorned it with labels like ‘THIEF’ and ‘DRUNK’ and ‘PEEPER’ attached below the informal mugshots, but there were also flyers for community initiatives and optional extra training. It was clear that this was not an exciting town for those in the business of law enforcement; Eve suspected, looking derisively around the station at the men who appeared lackadaisical, apathetic, and incompetent in the face of the current crisis, that it was that exact lack of activity that attracted these people to their line of work. They looked weak, indifferent. Incapable. Eve was sure many of them would die before the devilry was done.

“Do you need help, Ma’am?”
The voice interrupted Eve’s train of thought and pulled her back to reality from the macabre stupor she had been delving into. It belonged to a lithe young man with short blonde hair, his uniform shirt slightly too big for him and eyes darting with a sincere, if caffeinated, energy. He looked...Eve tried to think of a diplomatic word. He looked earnest.
“I need to speak to the Sheriff.” She said, blunt and forceful. Eve furrowed her brow, pushing an emphatic, hardened stare onto the officer. He met it, though she could feel him quake beneath her eye.
“A-and what would this be regarding?” He got out, shakily to start but picking up confidence.
“There was a young girl killed this morning. You need my help.” Eve replied. She tried to put on the same sincere affectation that the young man had initially approached her with, trying to utilize empathy; instead, the officer got only a distinct sense of misguided mimicry. He felt uncomfortably similar to a cornered field-mouse, being convinced by an approaching buzzard that its beak was a warm respite from running in the dirt. To him, he felt circled by a predator, clever enough to attempt deception, but too hungry to be convincing. He took a step back.
“Take a seat.” He said, gesturing to a rickety wooden chair that stood miraculously empty next to the reception desk. “I’ll fetch him now.”


Three hours later, Eve pulled her head up off her hands that rested uncomfortably atop the cold metal table in front of her. Her wrists were shackled, and the chain of the cuffs were threaded through a steel loop built into the tabletop. She’d sat on the wooden chair for a few minutes before she’d been collected by another officer and escorted to this room, and then pushed down roughly into the seat and put in binds. She pulled and rattled futilely at the cuffs, and briefly considered invoking a spell to transmute the metal into something more malleable; instead, she settled on staring at the ‘mirror’ that lined the wall opposite her. She focused her gaze until she could feel heat in her dead eye. The reflection seemed to shudder and ripple outwards, like drops hitting the surface of still water. For a brief moment, so rapid Eve wasn’t sure it happened at all, she thought she saw the vaguest shadow of a figure standing next to her mirrored self.

The door to the room opened, and in stepped Sheriff Hill, flanked by the deputy that had escorted her here, and the officer that she’d initially spoken to.
“You got a shitty way of treating concerned citizens.” Eve said, staring hard at the Sheriff as he sat down. He paused and made himself comfortable before responding.
“My concerned citizens are at home, sending their prayers to the good folks who lost their daughter today.” He gestured to the deputy, who uncuffed Eve; she snatched her arms back quickly, rubbing her forearms to restore warmth and blood flow. “My concerned citizens are out in the woods, looking for the rest of poor little Lindsay, so her family can bury her proper and get a good funeral and have even the smallest degree of closure.” He gestured to the officer, who produced Eve’s bag; Eve tried to take it, but the Sheriff held it back as the deputy restrained her. “My concerned citizens are on the phones, telling my department about a strange wanderer with a bad attitude, who arrived in town under darkness just last night, boarded up in our destitute house, and was seen killing birds in the town square, shortly before she was spotted moving away from the search area.” He rummaged inside Eve’s bag for a minute, and then slammed two objects onto the table in front of Eve. She took a quiet moment to understand exactly how careless she had been, before beginning to think of how exactly she was going to navigate this precarious situation.

The items on the table were family artifacts Eve had liberated from the Coffin House on her last night within the walls of the manor; old, steeped relics that had served a terrible purpose too many times over through the centuries of the Coffin legacy, and that Eve now intended to either put to better, more altruistic use, or destroy completely. The first was a flat black knife, utilitarian in its construction: a metal blade, a knotted wooden handle. Runes carved upon the length of it, hilt and blade alike. It was known as an Athame, and it served as a ritual knife; it had seen much blood in its lifetime, spent on mundane ambitions.
The second was a flat stone disc, rounded and smooth to the touch; it was pleasant to hold, with a good weight and comfortable grip. It rocked gently back and forth on the table, never seeming to lose its momentum; Eve resisted the urge to reach out and steady it. Sudden movements were not in her best interest. Atop the stone was emblazoned a pentacle in stark white, carved in and painted. The disc was a Paten; used to channel evocation, imparting blessing from the transfer of magic through it to the intended recipient. Mostly it had been used to impart stolen power upon her family line.

There was a long, still moment. The Sheriff was the one to break the silence, and when he did, it was a low, calm sound, full of menace and intent.
“We don’t want anymore witch trouble here in Petrified Copse. We’ve paid our dues.”
Eve didn’t say anything. The Sheriff continued, his voice still low, but softer now.
“Now honestly, I don’t think you’re our girl. You got that nasty eye, and you got these suspicious articles, and you got your odd behavior, and it all adds up to suspicion; but there’s a look about you that dissuades me from accusation. And there’s nothing to tie you to the crime. No blood on you, or anything in your bag. The knife ain’t been used in years. But like I said. We’ve had enough witch-work in this town.”
The Sheriff scooped up the athame and paten and dropped them back in Eve’s bag, then slid the whole thing across the table towards her. The deputy released her arms, and she pulled the bag into her chest, zipping it closed.
“So I got a proposal. A polite suggestion. My good deputy here will escort you to the bus station you got off at, and they’ll pay your fee to leave my town, and you won’t come back, and I won’t have to formally arrest and investigate you. You get to keep drifting on, and I get to rid my town of an odd woman, with hidden things she shouldn’t have, demanding to see dead little girls and embroil herself in business that ain’t nothin t’do with her.”
The deputy hooked his hand beneath Eve’s shoulder, and wrenched her up out of her seat. Eve pulled her arm from his grip and scowled at the Sheriff.
“You’re in over your head, and you have no idea what kind of forces are coming for you.”
Sheriff Hill just scowled back.
“I’ve made my offer, lady. We don’t want your ‘help’. You can leave, or I can formally arrest you. And the people in this town ain’t fond of strangers with black eyes.”

Eve felt a grip on her arm again, and snatched herself away; when she whirled around furiously, the deputy had not laid hands on her, and had in fact taken a step back. There was a dark moment where Eve thought of the athame in her bag and how the hilt might feel sequestered in the palm of her hand. She looked back at the Sheriff, who had not gotten up.

“Fine. I don’t care. Get your town killed. That blood is on your hands now.”


The trip from the sheriff’s office to the bus rank was a short walk; the streets were quiet, and the few people that were out saw either Eve’s eye, or the deputy escorting her with a firm hand, and looked away quickly. Eve held her bag tightly, and when the coach driver offered to stow it in the storage rack beneath the bus, she glowered at him until he paled beneath her, and hurried on to the other passengers. The deputy bought her ticket and handed it over, and then she was on the coach, cloistering herself away in the very rear corner. There were only a handful of other people scattered across the rest of the seats; most looked like drifters themselves, with only one girl that stood out to Eve; she was young, nearly too young to be travelling by herself, with a healthy wave of sand-blonde hair and an innocent, youthful face. She turned around in her seat and looked at Eve, smiling at her with a warm, wide grin. When Eve glared back, furrowing her brow in a concerted effort to impart hostility, the girl giggled before turning back around.

Eve brushed the interaction off, then took her jacket off to use as a blanket, nestling into the cushioned seating. She closed her eyes, attempting to sleep; it was only when the engine sputtered to life and the low rumble soothed her mind as the coach moved away that she actually managed to slip into her dreams.


Eve dreamt of fear and paranoia, of young girls and blood, and of old men and suspicion.


Eve got off in the first town the coach stopped at; her ticket hadn’t been for any cross-country trip, and she felt claustrophobic and trapped in the tube of the coach. She was thirsty when she woke, and it was dark outside; the air was frosty and her breath fogged when she stepped off the bus, bag slung over her shoulder. She needed something to drink, and she needed somewhere to spend the night; she was parched and exhausted in that order, and then she needed to find out where she was now. She couldn’t shrug the feeling of a haunting still, but avoided thinking about it - whatever was following her wasn’t attacking right now, and she wasn’t in any fit state to defend herself regardless. Eve needed to get her bearings first and begin the arduous task of looking after herself; then she could start fending off whatever dark presence had latched itself onto her.

She walked to the first building with lights on and low music playing - it was a small bar, independently owned, and clearly independently decorated: it attempted to reconcile small-town america with traditional English pub, and failed demonstrably at both. She was struck dramatically by deja vu, but proceeded through the bar regardless.

It was when she saw a single line of grimy-looking taps behind the bar that she began to become concerned; when she asked what was available, and the bartender answered ‘Bud Light’ with his back turned, she began to worry. But it was only when the bartender turned around, and Eve recognize him as the exact bartender from the night previous, and then recognize the bar as the exact bar from the night previous, and the bartender failed to recognize Eve whatsoever - that was when Eve began to panic.

Eve stopped over in the first town with a bar. It wasn’t even a bar, really, nothing as modern as that; it felt more like some hick’s attempt to restore an old tavern in their garage - the decor reeked of 'Ye Olde Englishe', both aesthetically and in its actual odour. Tacky was the operative word, and seemed to be the unintentional theme. She sipped Bud Light from a murky pint glass, and tasted sour pipes. She was stunned. Not because the owner had spent most of his money on unnecessary draught taps; not because he’d then chosen to pump the cheapest beer on the market through it; not even because despite both of these facts, he then couldn’t even clean the needless system. She was stunned because she proceeded to finish her drink anyway.

Eve had a couple more after that, but not of the Bud Light - she instead chose the only canned drink in the building, some dollar-store brand with a generic name and a big star adorning the front - and then found she was exhausted. She’d been on the road a couple days now. Hitchhiking where she could, but walking mostly; her feet hurt and her clothes were dusty and speckled with mud and shit. Not many people stopped when she stuck her thumb out; she suspected those that had only did so because of the view from behind. Half of those good Samaritans quickly paled and sped off when they caught sight of her eye. Hell, the man behind the bar had been deliberately avoiding looking at her for every order after the first, as well as the time in between. It was an evil eye. Gave people the willies, at least. She spoke up again as the bartender whisked away her third empty can, crushing it in a slow, deliberate manner that required a lot of focused, intense staring at his hands.

“I need somewhere to stay the night.”
The bartender turned his back to her as he stretched out the three foot walk from his position to the trash can as long as humanly possible while he replied.
“Three blocks south and turn left; there’s a halfway house that rents empty rooms.”
Eve frowned.
“That the best this place has got?”
“It’s the best you’re going to get.” He replied, still not looking at her. Eve snarled.
“Fuck you.”
The bartender sniffed, and went back to rubbing dirty glasses with a dirty rag. Eve left.

Three blocks south and a left turn later Eve stood at the front door of a shanty house dressed up to look like a real building. Nestled in as the penultimate dwelling on a row of terraced housing, it sported discarded needles on the front steps and plywood across the windows; the otherwise run-down but intact residences that flanked it looked practically new by comparison. Eve could sense an old kind of rot eating away at this place: the psychic imprint of human suffering and despair. The people who stayed here often left in opaque bags, their final weeks and days and hours spent filling holes with temporary reprieves and covering pain with a different kind of pain. She could feel it in her bones - cold, hopeless, intrinsically sad. But the bartender was right: she wasn’t going to get anything better. She didn’t have the money, for a start. She raised a fist to knock, but found the door swung open eerily before she could make first contact.

The hallway was dark and empty, and a hollow draught drifted through that wrapped itself like grave-hands around Eve’s ankles. The exhalation of anguished ennui, every last breath drawn in and pushed out in these rooms swarming together for a final, extinguishing gasp. Eve nearly turned tail to run, but the dread was over as soon as it had begun, and all that was left was a house with empty rooms to rent and sad stories that it would sooner not tell. Eve approached the counter, but there was no one there; in lieu of staff, only a simple cardboard sign had been left, which read as such:

Eve wasn’t convinced she would. The sheet was present regardless; she wrote ‘EVE C.’ in the column for room five, beneath the crossed out name of ‘NATE’, and scribbled the day’s date in the margin, and then went searching. She found it soon enough. The door wasn’t locked, but it was stiff to open and stiff again to close. The room itself was bare: a stained mattress on the floor with a ragged pillow and thin sheet, a plastic chair next to the window - an old leather belt lay discarded close by - and a sink against the wall. Eve did what she could to get out the mud and dirt from her clothes beneath the pitiful water pressure of the tap, hanging her jeans and top over the back of the chair to dry, and then cupped a few handfuls of water over her face and hair to rinse out the sweat and muck as much she could. When her head finally hit the pillow, she was asleep within seconds.


Eve dreamt of storms and fire, of lightning and trees, and of blood and rot. Anger swirled around her, but it did not belong to her: it belonged to hundreds of faceless adjudicators, and it belonged to a single persecuted individual. It licked her fuzzy outline and whisked her spirit away. Eve was left alone beneath cold stone and uncaring wood.


She woke to a knock on the door. The sun was up, but it was cold, and she saw morning fog still drifting by, listless and dissipating slowly. Bleary-eyed, she turned her head to the room’s door; a blurred figure stood there expectantly, half-hidden. Eve rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, and the figure sharpened. Some nondescript old lady, sixty-plus, with a stony face that belied the subtle wildness in her eyes. Her hair was graying, but where the color held on it was a deep black. They made eye contact. The woman did not look away.

“Witches don’t get discounts.” She finally said, her voice low but firm. “Got me charms for the evil eye anyway.” She fished a necklace out from her bosom and held it aloft; a crudely-fashioned pendant, but one Eve was able to recognize regardless: the nazar. “Five dollars.”

Eve reached for her bag and dragged it across the floor towards the mattress, rooting around in it. She could feel the woman staring at her as she dipped her head to rummage.
“You don’t look Hindi.” Eve said. The woman snorted.
“Charm’s a charm. Evil Eye ain’t care where you’re from; charm ain’t care neither. If it works, it works. Five dollars, or I call the pigs.”
Eve found her money and fished out a five dollar bill, tossing it across the room where it drifted spinning to the ground. The woman crossed the doorway swiftly in a single step, stooping to collect the money, then retreated back to the precipice just as quickly.
“Gotta get out during the day. It’s when I clean.”
Eve guffawed. “You need more than just a day for this filth.”
The woman’s lip twitched, a snarling micro-expression flitting across her face. “Ungrateful bitch. You got gall to criticize - you got more than just dirt on you,” she retorted, and then turned to leave.

Eve sighed and stood up, letting the sheet fall off her body as she retrieved a top and jeans from her bag; dressed, she unhooked her jacket from the door and slung it around her shoulders. The clothes she’d ‘washed’ last night were still mildly damp to the touch, but Eve suspected anything left in the room might disappear forever. Besides, it was bad practice to leave personal belongings around where anyone could collect them. Eve didn’t trust anyone, and witchcraft could be practiced by many. She stuffed the clothes into her bag, and left the room.

Downstairs, she paused by the desk, the woman who’d collected her money not glancing up from behind her magazine. Eve steeled herself to ask her least favourite question.
“Where am I?”
“Crack den.” The woman responded.
“What town, I meant.”
The woman spared a quick glance up before returning to her magazine. “Petrified Copse.”
“It’s evil.” The woman said, and then she didn’t say anymore. Eve left.


Eve wandered through the town for a while, eventually finding the main promenade, such as it was. It was still early, and the street was quiet, but the few businesses there were had begun opening - an old man setting out goods and stands in front of his general store, a younger couple carefully arranging seats and tables outside their coffee shop - although what drew Eve’s eye was a gentleman tenderly wafting incense across the fascia of his shopfront. He moved carefully and rhythmically, and when he finished his work he gave a curt nod to his reflection in the store window. Eve watched with growing curiosity as the man paused to stare at his mirrored self for what felt like a longer and longer amount of time; and then the man breathed, and went inside. Eve realized she had been holding her breath as well. She released the tightness in her chest and looked away, down the street ahead of her.

There was a magpie looking at her.
Eve couldn’t be sure, of course, but she was fairly certain. It was stood in the center of the street, body facing Eve and head cocked ever-so-slightly to put her in the bird’s cone of vision; Eve took a few steps to the right and the bird’s head seemed to follow her. It hopped back and forth a few feet at a time, but never got further away or closer to Eve. She frowned, and moved forward. The magpie stayed put, up until Eve got to within nearly five feet of it; then it crowed, once and pointedly, and then hopped away before stopping and looking back, crowing once more. Eve felt compelled - something from the depths of her subconscious moved her legs for her. She followed the magpie.

It took her to the town square, at the heart of which stood the remains of a splintered and shattered tree, resting in the soil undisturbed for centuries. The magpie stood at its base, and looked Eve in the eye. There was something about the gaze of the bird that unsettled Eve, something slightly too intelligent in the black beads that beheld her. She stretched an arm out to touch it, but it shrank away, pecking when she got too close, crowing again.
“What are you?” She asked, musing to herself for the most part. It chilled her when the bird responded.
“I AM JUST A MAGPIE.” The magpie said, in a voice that reverberated the earth and sent vibrations up Eve’s legs until she could feel her teeth rattling in her skull. She blinked, and the feeling was gone, and she was left bewildered.
“Caw!” Said the magpie, perfectly mimicking what a magpie should sound like, before taking flight and suddenly turning mid-air to dive-bomb the ground.
Eve could hear the bones of the bird’s neck snap when it hit the stone cobbles. The magpie was dead on impact, wings splayed, skull askew at an unnatural angle.

Eve buried the magpie beneath the remains of the tree. From the far reaches of the town, beyond the streets and buildings, a young girl screamed, and was suddenly cut short.

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