Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Its been quite awhile, Paul

after recently getting out of an RP slump...I think I might be able to come up with something. Been awhile since I played Arknights too, though.


"Like, c'mon master your uniform is soooo totally last season." Suzuka grinned. "And don't worry about not having any underwear either-"

The servant stopped mid sentence, obviously having heard Melt's comment. Did Mana hear it? A quick look at her master was all she needed to know. Before Suzuka could even say anything otherwise, Mana had bolted off to the bathroom. Like, the only one who could tease her master was her, and she'd never do it to the point where Mana would actually feel uncomfortable.

"Yanno," Suzuka turned towards the other pair. "I just wanted to enjoy a girls day out with master. First Beni-sensei and now some anorexic ballerina shows up." She flashed the pair a predatory grin. "Totally uncute, too. I bet your master is totes put out by having some freaky thing like you around. Guess she shouldn't be surprised though, like, she looks totally as useless as your hands do."

There was a little nagging feeling that she might should go check on Mana, but she was more pissed off at this servant at the moment.


Shopping Center

Goddamn it Pollux.

Charlotte closed her eyes, holding a hand to her glasses, trying to hold in a long, drawn out sigh. She wanted to refuse and just leave, but she was already out and she did just rudely renege on an offer. Not that she cared but...

"...do what you want. I won't stop you." She replied curtly, casting a glance over to Castor. "And that is a choice I make. I don't care for idle chatter." That left the question of where they were going to eat...well, if this Yuriko wanted to come along, might as well let her or her servants choose then. She didn't have much of a preference as long as it wasn't something greasy or fast food, but even then she could tolerate it. "I don't suppose any of you have some idea of what you want?"
~Claire Blackwood~



Claire took a moment to get off her butt and actually reply as she was forcefully handed a mask. Did...Raremine have an entire underground like this? The redhead mused briefly about exploring such a vast underground complex, but a light tap on her head from her partner quickly made her refocus. What even was this? Some sort of...delinquent group or something? And someone raiding their base? Hm.

Seemed like trouble, so this was perfect for her.

Claire quickly wrapped the black and white mask around her face, pulling her cap a bit lower down her forehead, trying to give herself a slightly more delinquent look.

Hm. She needed some bling for that. Maybe another shopping spree was in order.


"Wahaha, right right. Sorry, I got caught up in a battle. Lets show this intruder how good we all are, yeah!" She replied to the lass. Who knows, maybe she'd learn something interesting by doing all this. A spy when people didn't even know there was a spy! Right outta some noire spy movie!

So Claire took off with the others, for now deciding to go along with this.
~Claire Blackwood~


"Nincada...?" Claire frowned. A...disappearing man? That was unusual. Was he a ghost? No, no, that was silly. He did however, just seem to vanish. At times like this, she needed some fancy detective gear like the kind detective pikachu wore in those old novels. Hm. "...maybe flew away? What do you think Ralia?" Ralia however, was completely focused on the Nincada. The Ralts held a hand to her tiny mouth, tilting her head in thought. It went down?


"Raaal!~" Without replying directly, Ralia summoned her psychic energy and opened the panel. "Ralts!"

"Weh?! Secret dungeon?!" Claire blinked in surprise. Now that was interesting! What was this doing here? She hadn't a clue, but it was certainly not something you'd normally see here. "Hm...this seems like a bad idea, but," Claire pulled her jacket tighter around her, quickly also adjusting her bag and making sure her pokeballs were in place. "They always keep the best loot in the hidden dungeons, heh."

She stepped onto the ladder, grabbing the sides of it with a firm grip as Ralia teleported herself back up onto her head.


Translation for the helpful Nincada.

"Thanks, this one isn't bright enough to notice hehe~" Ralia giggled, waving over to Nincada, using her psychic powers to gently close the hatch behind the two of them, descending into the room below. Now then, she just had to be quiet -


And she missed the last step on the ladder and fell flat on her butt.

~Temporary Campsite~

Ha, excellent. Just what she needed. Something good against potentially more difficult opponents. This would be a good base to work with. Now that she had at least a decent understanding of how this whole magic and manipulating it worked, she could easily extrapolate that into other elements and other abilities. Should she get started on that? Or work on other things she had wanted too before. It seemed like she never had enough time with all these distractions and having to deal with the others.


She turned her attention to the spell Torrent was using. Shadow was an element? Just how many elements were there? Poison, Acid, Ice, Light, Wind, Earth...there seemed to be quite a few that she would need to learn how to handle and deal with. Her wings flapped in thought. Well, she might not get another chance to actively try something once they get moving, so she might as well try it now while she had a moment. She could try that whole out of body experience again once they stopped and rested for the night.

Taking a moment, Ash closed her eyes and started meditating to regain her MP. Attempting to do many things at once was likely going to cause a fair bit of drain on the resource, but if it worked then hopefully she could get to the point of casting more than two spells at once - and have access to a base mana orb spell of each kind of element that she knew of. Only being able to do two at once would limit the speed, but hopefully that would solve itself soon.

Perhaps she should try shadow first? Work with something more difficult, then the subsequent elements would be easy by comparison. It should be something she was doing to start with, honestly. Figuring out which particle made which element - starting with the basic colors she could see.

In either hand she formed a base Mana Orb once her MP had capped out again. In her left, she started the basis of forming what she would hope to be simple fire orb. She'd look for the red particles, recalling what she had done with her attempts at Poison Splash. Poison Splash seemed to be a composite element, while Fire was likely something more of a base to work with and easier to work with. She shaved off any of the unneeded elements, pulling them out of the equation and leaving herself with a handful of others and mostly Red particles, shoving as many as she could into the nucleus. Hopefully she wouldn't need too many more steps.

Splitting her focus, in her right hand, she would be toying with something trying to make something with those deep gold colored particles she had observed earlier. Two experiments in one, if successful. Figure out what element it was, namely, and what she was currently attempting to achieve. Splitting her focus like this would be difficult, but it was the quickest way to expedite the process. She'd pull most particles out of this one, saving only a few of each for now as she pulled the Deep golds towards the nucleus.


"Can't afford?" Suzuka grinned, dodging the question about avoiding Beni-sensei. "Like, really master? Heh, you mean you spend it on super weird and mega cringe otaku stuff. Going clothes shopping is the highlight of any JK's day!" The fox was quick to grab Mana's wrist again, leading her into the store. Sure the price tags were a bit on the expensive side, but any self respecting mega cute JK had to spend the cash on looking that way. "As your JK paisen I'm gonna help you get something mega cute that'll show off your-"

Just as she was about to say something about her thighs again, her gaze fell on another master and servant pair in the store. Suzuka didn't recognize them but for some reason, she was totally pissed off at seeing her. Specifically that annoying looking servant. Something about her just screamed infuriating. Worse than if she happened to run into any Oni.

Ugh, that was putting her in a bad mood.

"-totally cute JK debut." Mana might have noticed the slight slip, but Suzuka was quick to brush it off with a grin as she pulled her over to a nearby display with some rather expensive looking casual wear. Suzuka started going through the clothing, making Mana hold anything she picked out. From a jacket and some fashionably torn jeans, to a one piece sundress. Of course, she had to throw in a school uniform as well. She wasn't questioning why it was here. Once she had done that, she proceeded to drag Mana over to the changing rooms. "Alright master, get your booty in there and change. I'll wait here. No butts or I'll do it for you!"


Shopping Center

"...er, actually, you know what, forget it." Charlotte quickly pivoted on the question she had previously asked, not making eye contact and quickly returning to her former demeanor. "Castor, Pollux, we'll be leaving. I have other things to do anyways." She'd check it out later. Wasn't like she needed some help. She could figure it out herself, anyways. Buying something here and getting some lunch or something was likely the best idea to save her a bit of sanity, as well. "Need to finish reading and I can't let something like this distract us. We'll get something to eat on the way back."

Dressing up both of her servants could be something she did later. She'd likely need to start with Pollux. Castor was still...difficult to deal with.
Perhaps she should explain? But seeing Tomoko so excited was adorable.


No, better not. She'll let her explain later.

"Fufu, well, if its something we're hunting, then wouldn't a trap be the best thing?" Kaori suggested. They could spend days or weeks actively hunting this. The only clue they had would be possibly those who went missing friends, but they couldn't watch every single one of them. She might have had her spiders, but they could only do things so fast. "I doubt a weak youkai like her could break my threads."

She reached over, pulling Mugi close again and wrapping an arm around her shoulder, the Yuki-Onna's face conveniently resting against her chest. It'd be rude to say no to a still cowering maiden. She could endure a bit of cold for this, yes.

"Hm...we'd just need something like...bait? Tomo-chan? Or maybe Akari-chan?" While they responded, Mugi would suddenly feel a slight poke on her butt. Conveniently, at the same time, a few spider legs appeared behind Kaori.

Purely coincidence.
Righto, posty post

Interactions with: Everyone
Black Babel Plaza

"Well, nice to see everyone's on time." A small smile crept across Mitsumi's lips as the others soon converged on the spot. Thankfully, Kokoro didn't deem it necessary to give her a hug. Vanita might have had something to say about that, and she wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with his silliness. "Vanita might have gotten a little irritable if we took to long.A pleasure to meet all of you, but lets not waste time, hm?" She gave the serpent an affectionate pat on the head, following after Nyx and Yuta.

So this was their squad, hm. Well, at least they all seemed mostly reliable in some manner. Yuta might have been somewhat plain, but such types could often be surprising, according to Vanita anyways. She was a little wary of Kokoro, not particularly fond of the overly touchy types, but she seemed the confident and boisterous sort at least. Really, all of them seemed some levels of competent. Well, supposing there were no surprises then, this could prove easy enough.

Soon, they had arrived at their supposed destination with no scout in sight.

"Coffee, hmm..." Mitsumi decided the best place to be was taking a seat at the same table Nyx was sitting at. "Really, I don't see how you people drink that stuff. But I'm more of a fan of tea, myself." Hmm, she supposed they had to wait now though? How boring. Why were they late anyways? She wasn't a fan of waiting around doing nothing. "So, while we wait, maybe we should introduce ourselves properly? Or are you all the silent broody types, despite some of you being cute?" She chuckled lightly, deciding not to exactly mention who that was.

As she talked, she grabbed Vanita's tail gently, before waggling the leafy appendage in front of Nyx like a cat toy.
Will do a thing tomorrow
Had a headache all day
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