Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


You felt yourself drifting, floating, an endless twilight lit void. Moments of your life playing endlessly on repeat like a broken record before you. Accomplishments, defeat, despair, sadness, happiness...were you married to the love of your life? Watching your children grow? Perhaps you forwent those things in favor of a career, or money. Maybe you were ended far too soon before your time. Confusion momentarily besets you. Where did you get here? Were you not at home? Perhaps spending time out? A sudden, sharp pain hits you. The memories move faster, culminating into a single, painful, cracked image.


You died.

Perhaps it was a horrid accident. Maybe you died peacefully in your sleep. So was this death? What they called seeing your life flashing before your eyes? It was oddly peaceful. You tried moving, but did you even have a body? You tried breathing, yet you could not. You had no need of it. At least your eyes worked. Probably.

Suddenly, gravity worked again.

The memories vanished into the ether. You slammed into the ground. Was it ground? There was definitely a solid of some sort beneath you, yet there was nothing but the blackness of night beneath you and the light of day above. A gentle, warm breeze follows and for a moment you almost feel like your being cradled by a warm embrace in this cold, vast, nothing.

"Another one, hm? Lets see..." A voice reaches you. The ground beneath you ripples like water as footsteps echo in the silence. Something touches either side of your face, as though someone was holding you gently. Your vision is blessed by the sight of another. Long, dark colored hair, luminescent blue eyes upon pale flesh. Yet you could still not speak. Somehow, you felt vulnerable. As though every secret, every lie, every facet of your life had been laid bare.

"Ah...You'll do. Yes, quite nicely, I think." You were released, but the comforting presence hadn't left yet, and movement still escaped you. "I do not have much time before the other finds my meddling, so I shall keep things brief. My name, affiliation, and status are all unimportant. In short, I am a Goddess, and I am here with an offer to save you from oblivion."

The twilit void rippled, a moon slowly edging into your vision, filling the twilight with the gentle light of the moon.

"Well...not really an offer. You don't really get a say in it, fufu. I'm plucking you from your world, and throwing you into another. Ah-ah, don't think your being a hero or some great, powerful summoned hero. No no, nothing like that. You'll have to work for your power, at least a little." A pause, as the moon rose, so too did the warmth fade from both this goddess words.

A gentle rain started to fall.

"That said, I'd be rather distressed if you died before you did anything, so I will be helping a little. I've already given you a new body! My finest work yet, if I do say so. I've also taken the liberty of drawing out your previous' life accomplishments and giving you a very unique ability!" The sides of your face were grabbed once again, but far were they from warm and gentle as before. Stern. Commanding. "What do I want? Simple. This world is dead. I want you to rebuild it. The people, humans, demons, and everyone else are scattered. Living in sheltered communities on this dead, frozen world. They have no future, really. Either hunted by the Elder Beasts that roam the wastes, forced to worship them for protection, killing each other for limited resources-"

The sound of cracking glass. The moon was draped in red. Cracks formed across its surface like a mirror.

"Hmph...less time than I would like. I will be putting you in a relatively safe place with others. You can find weapons, knowledge, and other things there that could help you - but do not linger. The guardian of that place will find you, and it will kill you, and I will not help once you are there."

The sound of rushing waters filled your ears, and you could feel the goddess presence fading. The world began turning, swirling and rushing around you as you found yourself being pulled downwards. Your senses started to return. Water filled your lungs. You tried swimming, but the tide was too much, the water too heavy and you sank, deeper, deeper, into the void below...

Hello there! As expected, here's your monthly dose of a new Isekai RP for you to either laugh at, love, or just go meh over. That said, hopefully the way this one will work is a bit different, and serves to catch peoples interest! Loosely inspired by various Iskeai, and a somewhat less Isekai-ish thing, LoZ: Breath of the wild. Your characters died on earth, and have been given a new lease on life by something claiming to be a Goddess.

The way I'd like this to work is roughly in three stages, should we ever even get that far. In the beginning, it'll likely be somewhat of a survival/adventure scenario where the heroes go around and well, exploring this vast, new, empty and frozen world they find themselves in and helping ailing people along the way. Later on, I'm hoping to enter like some sort of Civ-building stage in which those who chose to do so, could command and lead a settlement or city. Effectively becoming this worlds Progenitors - Take Romulus from Rome, for example. Or Narmer from Egypt, and Gilgamesh. Your characters will eventually become the myths and legends that this world will later associate with heroism, conquerors, and kings. Really, its not something you should worry about too much yet, but planning is always prudent.

Everyone will have abilities which denotes how skillful they are at a certain task. I'm going to try and avoid piling on a lot of many individual ones, and try to keep things under a broad bush for simplicities sake, judge things on case-by case basis. That said, keep in mind I will be the final judge of whether or not you can do something with your current abilities. Just be smart about it.

Now, without further ado, I present to you a CS. Do wait until the actual OOC to post anything, but feel free to discuss things here. I am primarily looking for a smaller group of individuals, but please, feel free to express interest.

And that's that! I look forward to creating a world with all of you! And, who knows, maybe I could turn this into a series, supposing we get far enough, but I'm getting ahead of myself.



Freaky looking bitch.

She wanted to punch this limp-handed ballerina right in her smug looking face. She had insulted her master, herself, made fun of her love and even how she acted. Ugh. That hit right where it hurt. For a few seconds, Suzuka simply stared Melt down. This was bringing back some unpleasant memories. Urgh.

"LOL, like, so your freaky galpal servant can insult my master, but I can't do the same to her?" Suzuka glanced off to the side. "Ugh, and I just convinced her to get out." Luckily for the shop and the people in there, though, there was a pretty good chance that if she started something she'd just make Mana even more distressed. This was really annoying. Ugh. Mana was such a crybaby...all the time. Luckily, as she was the cutest JK in the world, so she could easily cheer her master up.

"Tch, whatevs. You've already ruined our date so I'll blow this joint." Normally she'd just beat up whoever even so much as attempted that, but Mana...as much as she didn't want to admit it, Nanako was right. So Suzuka turned to leave, heading back towards where Mana had decided to hole up in.
~Claire Blackwood~



Hold up.

Team Amethyst?

Well, that was...good to know. So that's who these guys were. Claire didn't have long to consider the implications of this, however. Cathia had already loosed her pokemon on the others here. Steelix, Gyarados, Floette, and Azumarill. That was a pretty stacked lineup. Just how much training had she done? Jaques knew how to pick them at least.

In another other situation she'd straight up ask for a battle, but considering the situation she found herself in. Ngh, maybe she should have not went with these guys and looked around instead. Maybe there would be some useful info on these guys, still...

"Yare yare daze, she's got some strong ones eh." Snrk, she always wanted to use that line! She could have Ralia teleport herself out of here. Zeal or Pip might be able to take the Steelix, but Zeal would need to watch out for the Gyarados and Azumarill. If they could take out them, things would become mildly easier. But did she want to fight, though? She ground her teeth.


Since when was she one to hesitate? If she could temporarily help these guys, she might get some neat info.

"Alright, Bronzor, Chikorita, Ralts! Lets get us some free EXP!" This was probably a terrible idea, but hey. Whatever worked.




If she was gonna be using multiple pokemon, she might as well too, especially since she was playing the bad guy here. Just like fighting Hector.

"Ralts, Setup with Double team. Chikorita, weaken those two with growl. Bronzor, confuse ray on that Gyrados."

Ralia gave a friendly salute, before splitting off several clones and ready to focus on evading any attack sent her way. Chikorita hopped out into the front of the others, attempting to growl in a menacing manner and failing cutely. Bronzor spun in place, an odd beam of light snaking its way towards the water pokemon, intent on confusing it.



I even knew that and I definitely did read it but gdi. You've done the same in every RP i've been in with you I believe. You think I'd remember that after like, five of them.

Feels like in general recently I'm having lapses in concentration. Sorry about that, really.
@Crab Bane

Worry not, comrade! I assure you everything Zasada does is 100% legal and safe.
~removed cuz dumb~

Heyo, so, here's a thing! Decided to go with a specialist that primarily would function in game as someone with a low deployment cost and low redeployment time that primarily relies on ambushing and hit-and run tactics with a variety of bombs and stuff.

Been awhile since I actually played, so hopefully I made everything a-okay. If you need or think its important for some reason, I can also PM ya that redacted thing I was thinking of.

Hmhm, good to know
I was potentially considering Caster, but this helps narrow things down a bit and which direction I could take it.
Status update: I may have listened to the russian national anthem and other similar songs for this character in progress.

I pretty much everything is done and I know how I want her to be, but I can't decide what job and what abilities to actually give her otherwise, lol.

Well, I'll probs come up with something over night.
Righto, I'll either get something up today or tomorrow
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