Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Hi, me here, I finally did a thing!

SOrrys for the silence and all, shouldn't happen again.

If it does, someone violently poke me.

She had been oddly silent here. Quite unlike her, if anyone knew the white haired girl standing near the front. Honestly, it was just so exciting she couldn't actually put it into words! Today was the day! She was getting her very own crimson arm and she could finally, finally, do what she wanted after all these years. Agh, what should she do? How should she act? She should probably act a little more dignified, right? She was after all, bearing humanities weight on her shoulders now, so she had to at least appear somewhat competent.

"Wahaha, interesting?" Himika said in response to a comment made by some sleepy looking guy. "I guess, huh? I'm excited myself. I can't even think straight." Maybe she was being too optimistic, or looking at this with too much in the way of rose tinted vision, but she couldn't help it. Nothing could ruin this day, even if the path ahead of her was a difficult one. She made this decision, no sense in not liking what she was going to be doing. So she silenced herself, following along the corridor with everyone else present.

Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long. Soon they had seemed to have reached their destination, a blond woman in a labcoat commenting on how cute they all were. Himika couldn't help but to giggle and blush at the compliment, even if it wasn't directed completely at her, but the commanders words quickly pulled her back to reality.

"Right, right...okay...Himika you can do this..." She approached the containment unit that held her Crimson Arm. So much build up, so many mistakes, so many hours spent training and forgetting to even sleep some times. She was prepared, right? Totally prepared. Mentally and physically.

So she opened it.

She stared, for a few seconds. The black steel of the blade seemed smooth. Far too smooth. Almost made her think nothing could have made it. She inhaled, reaching her arms forwards and grabbed the hilt. For a moment, she was a bit disappointed at what felt like nothing happening as she lifted the blade.

"Geh? That's hot...!" All at once a wave of nausea and lightheadedness washed over her, and she could have almost sworn the blades handle was going to burn her. It was almost too much, really, and she almost lost her footing. Still, she didn't release her grip on the blade. "...urgh..." She had come this far. She wasn't going to let this go, nor let her admittedly clumsiness ruin this. This was her blade. Her crimson arm. And she wasn't going to give up.

Fusang Streets

Well, that wasn't a no.

"YEET!" With a resounding battle cry, Suzuka leaped from the roof, of the warehouse. Was this petty? Totes. Was it gonna be funny? Also yes. But she was also helping because it was clear the ballerina was getting a bit overwhelmed by numbers, and even if she was just doing this to mess with her a bit, she couldn't let those things, whatever they were just exist. Something about them just made her MEGA cringe. Like, ew.

Chant. Unravel the pillow's cords and hear my voice, Daitouren, the gathered Eight Clouds, pierce the throng of evil spirits, Manjusri's Sword of Wisdom Daishintou! Blast of love, Tenkiame!

"O stories, begin weaving thy tale," Suzuka landed, fixing her gaze upon the mob of shadows and the creepy girl commanding them as she began the chant to her NP, raising a hand towards the heavens. "This is the famous Daitohren. Blanket the sky in tiles of color. Skewer the swarm of evil in heavenly rain!" One by one, countless gold colored swords blanketed the air above. "Monjuchiken Daishintou! Love blast...Demonic Sun-Shower!"

With a single hand motion, a rain of golden blades fell upon the earth, intent on skewering the enemies.

And maybe toss one or two at Melt, too.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

Novak reacted swiftly, dashing to Nobunaga’s aid with his blade bared. With skill more than a novice, yet less than a practiced hand would have, he thrust the blade forward towards the creature's neck. The blade dug into tough hide, enough to pierce its neck. It hissed, losing focus on its first target as its head rammed into Novak’s abdomen, knocking the wind completely out of him.

His blow was effective, however, and Nobunaga would end the beasts life swiftly with a expertly thrust sword towards the creatures side. Her Katana dug once more into the creatures unarmored abdomen, and what followed was a complete disembowelment. Blood and guts seeped from the wound, a pitiful cry as the creature staggered backwards from the wound. With an exhalation, the creature fell onto its unwounded side.

There was an audible exhalation of relief from the gathered hunters.

“Aahahah!” The large hunter that had approached Nobunaga earlier laughed heartily as the beast fell. “You’ve got skills, outsiders.” He walked back over, now that the immediate danger was gone, perhaps now would be a good time to get to know this particular man better - he seemed to have some leadership here. “Don’t stand there and gawk, clean up! Bring this to Bolcha and have him butcher it.” He cast a glance over to Misaki and Lazhira as the men started shouting and organizing who was going to be doing what. The latter, of which, quickly ducked slightly behind the former.

“Eh? Really? You’d want to help?” Lazhira grinned. “Ehe, I knew you were the helpful sort. Um, I have to make myself scarce for a bit. The Kadisht - er, the chief of sorts is probably gonna be coming here anyways. I’ll come find you guys later.” Before Misaki could stop her, she was gone, sprinting off in the direction of the eastern side of the village towards the forest, before she lost sight of the girl after she disappeared behind some houses.

“I hope that one didn’t cause you any trouble, travelers. She can be a bit headstrong and childish, but she’s a good kid. I’m Akando. A sort of leader for the hunters, here in Dawn. If your not too busy, I insist you come to meet Enli”

The Roma Mob

The group cautiously approached, Donovan bringing up the rear and making sure not to get too close to the plant. As he gazed at it, something began nagging at him. The feeling of that strike before, the obviously divine power.

As he gazed at the flower, he didn’t feel as though he himself was in danger. In fact, he felt comforted, safe.


Upon Isidore’s approach, Octavia tilted its head curiously, not leaving the smaller flowers side.

The larger flower was at first silent upon Isidore’s approach. It was a simple plant after all, so how could it communicate with humans? It had no mouth, and unless they were infected in some manner, it could not commune.

Yet, perhaps it could make use of those thralls.

One of the creatures that had stumbled too close was suddenly ensnared by vines, violently dragged towards the group, until it reached the well of tar, where it was unceremoniously dragged into. The tar splashed and bubbled, the roots and vines holding the creature under its surface as it struggled until it ceased moving.

The vines jerked upwards, pulling the creature back to the surface and dropping it not far away from Isidore.

It jerked back to its feet, unmoving after.

“Reeeee-biiirth.” It wheezed, a voice befitting a corpse. “Huuunger...one...spoke. Freedom.”

It wasn’t exactly speaking with the grace of a master writer. Was it speaking of what it wanted? Hunger, rebirth, freedom?

Augusta’s eye would suddenly relay something else. She almost swore she could hear an annoying little voice with it.

“...not let it...die...seed...done...” The thing continued. “Wilting, rotting...dying...green, fields...liiiiiife. Know...way out.”

@Click This@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord

Leannah leaped, drawing upon whatever inner power she could muster.

A well of intense heat filled her body, radiating outwards from her chest. It took only a moment to build to a crescendo, unable to be contained within her body. There was a flash of light, a jet of fire propelling her forwards from the giant, its hand barely just missed grabbing her.

She however, didn’t have much control over her current leap.

A solar powered cat-girl zoomed past Narkissa, past the exit and slammed into a pile of snow somewhere just behind Malphas, the snow quickly melting into a puddle from the lingering heat. Soon whatever she had done would die down, leaving Leannah just feeling dazed and exhausted.

A quick look around would reveal the same sight Nobunaga and the others saw upon leaving the area. The ruins were gone, replaced with nothing but rubble upon a cliff. A large black obelisk with a moon carved in its top. South, impossibly large mountains pierced the heavens just across a bay. North, the beach extended far, with east being a dense, vast forest and east holding nothing but the gentle caress of the ocean.

The sun just was starting its slow descent across the sky, having just passed noon.

The Traveler

Nick quickly ducked down, the plant blade just barely shaving a few centimeters of hair off the top of his head. In turn, he struck out with his own blade, albeit in a somewhat clumsy manner. Yet, luck seemed to be on his side. The edge of the blade sunk into the creatures abdomen, back blood spewing from the wound as it stumbled backwards giving Nick precious time to make a mad dash for the exit.

The creatures, however, seemed vastly more dangerous than the ones he had previously encountered. He managed to evade two of the ones who were just waking up, but the moment would be short lived. A loud growl, a creature leaped from his left, cutting him off and one of its blades barely grazing his side.

One between him and the exit, and a group of at least five, likely more, waking up behind him.

His situation was not looking good.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

Nobunaga surged forwards, katana poised to strike at the creature's soft underbelly by slipping under its scale armor. The blade cut the underside of the creatures flesh, the large creature hissing in pain as it whipped around, slamming one of its forearms into Nobunaga and sending her reeling backwards from the impact.

Blood seeped from the wound and onto the ground, but the beast didn’t seem to care or notice as it charged right for Nobbu.

Novak watched with rapt attention the way Nobunaga moved. The way she tensed her muscles. The way her wrist moved when striking with her blade. The way her body reacted to getting hit. Almost as if his mind was overanalyzing and hyper aware of every little minute muscle detail she was making. For a moment, he might think he could easily replicate her moves himself.

“But its so floofy...” Lazhira visibly pouted a bit as Misaki moved away, but at least did seem to not attempt to do so again. “Ehe, sorry, I just really wanna know how soft it is. It looks even softer than Kyrnith’s fur-er, not that...I know that aha.”

That was an obvious lie.

“Aha, really? Only a little while? You guys couldn’t have come from very far, then! You couldn’t have made it here from the north unless you fought your way up the canyon! And a pretty mean Elder Beast lives there, at least, that’s what I’ve heard from Lady Mie’s stories when she visits. And south is this reeeeallly big mountain, with a bunch of mean giants that live on it. You should have saw it from that cliff earlier.”

It was obvious she was holding back trying to ask about everything where they come from.

“Er, right, sorry.” She glanced to the side, face reddening in slight embarrassment from talking too much again. “I mentioned the Kyrnith, right? Its one of the four Elder Beasts that protect this land...well, they’re supposed too, anyways.” Lazhira said with a sigh. “Kyrnith specifically is the guardian of that forest. Normally it doesn’t go anywhere near us and leaves us alone, while making sure the forest thrives even in this cold...but...something really made it mad recently, and that something has turned the forest into a dangerous place. Most just want to kill it, and it'd solve it but...” She glanced towards the fight currently taking place. She lowered her voice, getting a bit closer though this time to not be heard. “I...I think its a curse, but I can’t really talk about it here.”

The Roma Mob

Isiodre took lead, having only stopped momentarily to take a glance at what had happened behind. Nick had been separated from them, by a wall of thick vines. Hesitation had led to missing opportunity, but perhaps another would open for Nick, yet they would likely never know for quite some time.

Octavia tugged lightly on the leash, attempting to get the group to move faster towards the flower. Augusta contented herself to attempt making a small light for them, focusing the energy in her fingertips, causing it to coalesce into a visible energy of small, blue bright light. Similar to that missile spell she used earlier, except static as it hovered over her hand. The closer they got to the plant, however, the more those things moving in the garden took note of them.

Several of the humanoid figures seemed to immediately take note of their presence, Isidore would be the first to see them. The three closest immediately began moving towards them, and the closer they got the clearer they became.

One seemed to be a similar experiment like they had seen above - the only difference was its head. No longer was it sporting that thin mouth, eyes sunken into its head. It had been replaced with a large, blackened flower. Its arms were covered in thorns, roots extending down its neck and into its flesh, with blacked tar leaking from various holes on its body Its hands had been morphed to mimic some sort of rough, firm plant foliage taking the shape of sharp blades.

Curiously, a few amongst seemed almost too human. Rather than being grotesque experiments, they seemed to have once been normal and some were still even dressed in ragged remains of clothing under the mutations the plants seemed to have given them.

With uncanny swiftness, one ran towards Isidore, one of those plant-like protrusions growing from its hands aimed to slice into his flesh. Another hung back, its body twitching repulsively as the flower on its head closed, beginning to expand and bloat whilst the last made a swift beeline towards Augusta.

They sought to circumvent the garden itself, but the garden already knew they were there.

The Lonely Pixie


“Congratulate me?” The cloaked figure laughed, voice rumbling. “How far can you miss the mark, Pixie? I do not desire such things from any but my liege, which you are not.” He began walking, turning his back to Alice as he continued on. “Your eyes see, but you do not care. Perhaps you seek to ingratiate me to yourself? How humorous. My loyalty belongs to another...but perhaps I ask too much, from one such as yourself.”

By now the hallway had ended, leading to a large, stone room with a ceiling that seemed to be almost too high. Upon the back wall was large, steel beams leading from the floor to the ceiling with various arms at three intervals creating some sort of framework. Large wires fell across several of the ‘arms’, and a ruined scaffolding had fallen in several places leaving access to the top nearly impossible. Most notably, however, hung tangled upon the chords were the remnants of a stone structure that seemed suspiciously similar to the forearm of the stone giant above.

Upon the floor lay various, old scrap of papers, desks and chairs littered the floor alongside them. Tubes and what could possibly only be described as wires hung from the ceiling. What exactly was this place? Some sort of workshop?

“I do not recall saying we were working together. Merely that you could follow me so long as you do not get in my way. You are an unknown. Unknowns are best dealt with by death or curiosity in missions like mine. Whatever it is with that book of yours...you need to find yourself-”

He paused, pulling up his bow. A low gurgle from the left of the room.

“And that I will not be babysitting you if you get attacked by those pitiable cursed ones.”

He quickly knocked an arrow, barely even looking in that direction before pivoting, the projectile was loosed, planting itself firmly in the skull of a nearby creature. It stumbled backwards, falling onto its back with a growl. Several more seemed to have heard their entrance and had seemed to have woken from whatever stupor or slumber they were in.

@Click This@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord

Swiftly, Leannah made to climb the colossus. She leaped from one of its feet to the other as the one she was on slammed into the earthen wall it had made. The impact shattered the stone wall, breaking it and causing most of it to crumble to pieces, sending a pretty large chunk flying north and wedging itself between the cliff and the wall of the building.

This, also in turn, made Narkissa’s climb much easier. The stone wall was destroyed to a fraction of the size it had been. In fact, if Leannah wanted to she could likely disengage and flee alongside the rest of them. The book she was carrying and the sword in her hand dropped over the edge, the book conveniently boinking Malphas right in the face as it fell.

Leannah however, would find climbing to be doable, but extremely difficult. As she grabbed onto the other foot, she’d find one of her hands missing its mark and causing her to slip, wasting precious seconds while the giant was recoiling from the kick and recollecting itself.

Leannah would leap upwards, body feeling incredibly light despite the mild exhaustion. However, the giant reached down with an empty hand mid as she made a climb, intent on grabbing the feline.

The Traveler

Nick dashed back up the stairs, intent on leaving that foul place behind, the only encouragement he had was Don’s last words. Was it a good idea? Only time would tell, in the end. For now he had other problems to worry about, it seemed. He’d only have a fraction of a second to react as something seemed to spike in his danger sense. His gut was telling him something was at the top of the stairs that would pose an immediate threat to his life.

Once he would arrive at the top of the staircase, he’d note all the creatures that had been slumbering before had woken, but he’d have mere seconds to come to terms with the creatures between him and his exit destination as one swung a sharp, plant like blade right at his neck.

hmhm, well if that's the route you wanna go then, by all means, that's fine with me.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

The circle of hunters tensed, shooting questioning glances towards Nobunaga, uncertainty clear in their gazes. Who was this stranger?

“If you can assist, outsider,” One of the hunters approached cautiously, spear still pointed towards the creature. Nobunaga would note a few things about the way he carried himself. He was dressed differently than the others. A fur mantle made of a wolf pelt hung across his shoulders, with thick animal furs covering his vitals and extremities. Confident, poised, and a quick look would have told anyone he at least knew what he was doing with the spear in his hand. Perhaps he was the leader of the hunters here. “Your arrival will never have been better. You heard her!” He snapped his neck towards the group. “That thing is’t going to stay idle forever! Get its attention! Look for an opening on its underside!”

One of the men approached, lunging forward with the spear in his hand. The armored beast growled, swiftly turning and ramming the side of its body into the man as the spear clinked against its natural armor. The man stumbled back as the beast turned to face them, barely avoiding being trampled.

“We’ll keep it corralled here.”

Lazhira herself moved closer to Misaki.

“Eh? Really? You travel just the three of you and you can’t even fight? How do you even survive out there?” She asked, more curious seeming than anything else. “...I mean I guess you’d be great at keeping people warm with that tail of yours-” She cut herself off. “Eh, ah, you’ll have to tell me later. Let the hunters and your friend handle that thing...though I wish we didn’t have to kill it. They’re normally really docile and big dumb oafs.”

The Roma Mob

And so they chose onward. Augusta and Isidore had, anyways. Nick was hesitant, for good reason it seemed. He could easily surmise those creatures on the ground were not as dead as they appeared. Donovan knelt to check, he'd notice they were still very much warm, and not cold and dead as one would think from something long deceased.

Perhaps the plants had indeed killed them, or had only taken root in the ruins of a decaying ruin.

Octavia allowed herself to be leashed as Isidores’ little trick to enhance his eyesight seemed to work, at least somewhat. Focusing the energy he felt earlier upwards towards his eyes, the world became tinged in a shade of light blue, just barely brighter than the world had before. It would help with any sort of ambush he might face here, in the darker recesses of this prison.

As they descended, Donovan showed the pin to Augusta. Normally, her eyes only seemed to work on people and living things, but perhaps with a bit of creativity she could do something with it?

Deeper they went into the depths, Nick lagging only momentarily behind as he steeled his resolve. The staircase spiraling downwards with Octavia electing to take point, taking a quick pace and making sure to keep herself at the front. Eventually, the sound of rushing water would meet their ears as the bottom of the staircase came into view, that sickening cloying smell mixing with the scent of the sea as they finally reached the bottom.

It was certainly an awe-inspiring sight.

A massive underground chasm stood before them, and inside of it could only be described as a large underground garden. A massive flow of water flowed in from above, likely from the sea surrounding the island they seemed to be on, flowing into a large pool below that circled the entirety of the room.

It was difficult for Augusta, Donovan, and Nick to make out, but against the back wall was a massive, blackened tar flower similar to the one Octavia had come out of situated against the back wall. The rest of the garden was full of flowers and plants of similar natures. A few trees were even sprouting, bearing some unknown fruit likely best left alone. Several other unknown plants bloomed with light producing flowers, creating a dimly lit ambience.

Isidore however, would have a slightly better view thanks to his spell.

The path they were on was a raised platform that seemed to circle the entire garden. The massive plant in the back seemed to have some sort of restraints on it, large black stones impaling it, keeping it bound to the wall behind, but it seemed ineffective if their intent was to stop it from growing. Several black vines and roots climbed upon the walls, and if Isidore happened to look one had grown right into a crack on the ceiling. As well, something was moving in the garden. Humanoid figures, slowly seeming to pace around the garden, but it was difficult to make out anything from here.

Their observations would be cut short, the ground beneath them rumbled lightly as vines began rapidly growing over the staircase they had just come out of, completely blocking the exit for them.

Octavia didn’t seem startled, and kept lightly tugging on the chain, trying to direct the group towards the garden. The path however, did continue around, where they could just make out another door leading deeper into the complex, but it seemed like this was the place whatever it was that was leading them wanted them.

The cat girl
@Crusader Lord

Such recklessness.

Perhaps that’s what a Hero needs, at times. Throwing caution into the wind to even have a chance at fighting an impossibly strong foe. Having failed at finding anything useful within the tower, Leannah decided her only course of action was to confront the guardian directly. She sprinted towards the giant as it turned to face her.

It paused, watching its quarry come to it instead of fleeing.

Her muscles tensed as she pulled her arm back. In one swift motion she launched it into the air. The spear left her hands.

It sailed through the air.

There was the sound of rock cracking, shattering as something hit it at high speed.

It didn’t quite make it to its head. The target was far too small unless one had the sharpest accuracy. Yet, it did hit something. The spear met a different mark, cracking stone in the giants chest, just below its head and embedding itself into it. The wound spewed bright, blue blood that flowed down the creature's rocky surface, evaporating before it even reached the ground similar to what had been in the pods they had been released from.

It wasn’t deep, and one could tell it didn’t have much effect on the giant, but it was enough to distract it for Leannah to get closer.

The massive creature would provide many footholds to climb upon it on, being made of stone as it was - it was almost like freehanding rock climbing, but it still was a moving target. Leannah would be able to climb almost up to its shin before it returned to its senses.

It raised the foot she was climbing upon, and turned it towards the rock wall intending on smashing her between its foot and the rock.

@Click This@Cu Chulainn

Finding a suitable blade among the scattered weapons wasn’t hard for Narkissa. It seemed to be similar to the axe as far as construction went. Likely belonged to the same people that were in the library. Regardless of its origin, a brief glance outside would show the result of Leannah’s recklessness as the cat girl attempted scaling the giant.

Maybe Narkissa could do something to assist here here, but what?

Malphas could enjoy a respite, having accomplished his goal of making his escape. All he could do know was wait, and hope. From the sounds the guardian was making, it wasn’t having an easy time of whatever they were doing to it.


Gonna ping you again here, to ask if you are gonna be going forward or turning back.

Feel free to do either or.

Or whatever other choice strikes your fancy. (And if you want feel free to make another post detailing whether or not you do either or.)

It completely slipped my mind to post for this today

I'll get to it tomorrows, promise

Hey Paul!

Since your not in the Discord, I'll do an update for you here. Since I didn't get a post out yesterday due to feeling unwell, I'll be updating from sunday from now on just from this day forward. Hopefully won't happen again, but don't a week's a week and I'd rather people have the same amount of time and all.
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