Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

@Aerandir@ERode@Guilty Spark

"Hah, how cute." Sera smirked, chuckling at Finn's reply to her jab. Naive and oblivious? Or just willfully doing so? From the way he was talking he was probably not even an initiate. Not that it was really on her mind right now. No, instead, she had got up from her seat, leaning over the table wearing an aggressive, provocative grin. One hand was placed on the table for balance, the other rested on her hip. "You got a lot of nerve, hitting on me boy." Her words carried a teasing, blatantly disrespectful tone, a slight cold breath as she spoke. "I can't tell if you're oblivious or you just enjoy getting harassed by women." Her free hand snatched the feather he had in his hands. "Either way...careful who you get friendly with. Might end up as a snack for someone." She gave him a rough, hard shove on his chest.

If he was her superior, couldn't get too carried away. She needed to at least get in before causing trouble, heh...not that he seemed particularly threatening if he was going around saying those kinds of things freely. Her gaze turned back to the other man in the room as she straightened her posture.

"What's the matter?" She grinned aggressively. "Call me whatever you want, but if you need a name...Sera Vrukeil." If someone recognized the name, well, that was fine. A bit more fun if someone did anyways. "And don't worry your creepy eyes about it. I think we'll get along juuuust fine. Not my first time working on a team, so as long as you pull your weight, we're not going to have any problems."

Sera took her seat again, taking out one of her knives and idly observing the blade.

"What about you, huh? Gonna introduce yourself or are you just gonna stand there making threats?"
pokes head in

I see familiar faces here.

Why not, I could use another break from GMing my own thing. I'll see about getting a CS together.

@Aerandir@ERode@Guilty Spark

So this was the Wayfarers guild, huh.

The human had made sure to take a moment to observe most people on the way in. Watching people were a good way of getting to know people, and roughly the way the people around them were. For the most part, the people here seemed...rough, but friendly. Lots of good sorts here. Some of the good people doing bad things, variety. She was pretty sure some of them had been of the exact opposite, too. Bad people doing terrible things.

Hm, she had to wonder which one someone would label her as?

A quiet chuckle as she leaned back in her chair. What a motley crew of misfits. She should fit in right at home here.

That said...her gaze slowly shifted to her companions within the room. Curious. Pure blooded humans were uncommon these days, and there seemed to be three sitting right here. Though, the man in black made even her uneasy. Hm. She'd have to watch him, probably, but as long as they were on the same side, it was likely nothing. The boy however, held her gaze for a bit longer.

What was he doing here? Another initiate? He had a pretty good body, but he couldn't be that old from the look of him. Well if he was here, he probably was skilled in something. Not that she was going to leave him alone though.

"Hey boy," She broke the silence between the three of them. Might as well do something to pass the time. "you sure you're in the right place? I was expecting initiates here not to be completely green."
Fool, no better alcohol than totally not russian vodka straight from mother city Borea!

...I suppose Sera needs a drinking contest with the dwarf at some point.
@Guilty Spark

Here we go. Instead of a mage with an unhealthy interest in undead, I went with a sneaky sort with an interest in demons.

Also decided I was trying too hard with the bio, so I cut it down a lot. I'll PM you my thoughts on that.

Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord

Lazhira spent the next few minutes of the evening tidying up after the food and making sure nothing was too terribly out of place. As much as she could, however. Having to make good on her promise of whacking people with a soup ladle slowed things down a bit, but overall things were nice and tidy again fairly soon.

It was just as she had finished that Leannah made her own offer.

“Eh? Really? Some to teach me? Well, I’m always up for learning something!” She grinned. “Sure, I can help...er, try to anyways!”

The following practice proved both useful as well as somewhat more enlightening upon her situation. Attempts to make a light proved just as somewhat hazardous as before. It seemed like every time she did anything, she’d somehow put just a little more into it than she’d need to and cause another explosion like before, or just simply fizzling out ineffectively.

What this meant Lazhira couldn’t say. She did help where she could, but while Lazhira could help some, she wasn’t particularly skilled herself it seemed, only able to do small tricks and other small feats such as a floating light or small flicker of harmless fireworks. Eventually however, Leannah would learn a bit more ‘control’. They couldn’t exactly pinpoint the cause of the rather explosive nature of her issue, but that just meant she needed to try and control it a bit more, and with a bit of help from Lazhira in controlling it internally, she finally managed progress.

By the end, Leannah had managed to make a small sphere of light not dissimilar to Misaki’s, though it still kept a more sun-like appearance.

Seemingly satisfied with teaching Leannah once she seemingly succeeded, Lazhira then accepted Leannah’s offer of tutelage of something herself. The girl however, was not prepared for the physical activity that martial arts required. While she eagerly accepted being taught at first, it was soon incredibly clear Lazhira did not have the body or physical ability for martial arts. Tripping and rather clumsily following Leannah’s instruction. Still, she seemed to at least pick up on theories and the general ideas Leannah was giving her for it she just needed to train physically. She even wanted a light spar with Leannah towards the end.

Having to teach someone and even a light, friendly spar against a complete novice at least seemed to help Leannah stay on top of her form, too.

Misaki’s own experiments would prove similarly fruitful. Fire seemed easy enough - all she had to do was force a bit more energy into her ‘light’ spell and she’d achieve a small flame. Stone was also easy enough, if somewhat more rigid-feeling to work with. While she couldn’t create stone from nothing she could seemingly manipulate the ground beneath her feet with some effort by putting her energy into it, then directing it out in a way she desired it to move. She couldn’t do very much with it yet, at most making a pebble move or create a small earthen mound. Water would for now at least, prove similarly difficult. She couldn’t seem to just create it from nothing for now, but she would find that if she tried using it on the snow that littered the ground, she could at least extract some water from it, but controlling it was difficult. Unlike earth, it was far too slippery in comparison causing her to repeatedly lose any attempts she had at holding it.

Perhaps she just needed a ‘firmer’ grip?

The supposed electricity would be by far the hardest. How would she even go around trying to attempt making it? Electricity at its core, is a natural force of the world stemming from Electromagnetism. Even attempting to make ‘static electricity’ proved to be useless. Perhaps she just needed a stronger source of power to work with to start? Either way, it seemed plausible she could, she just hadn’t quite figured out how to do it yet.

Even if that one proved unsuccessful, being able to expand her repertoire even slightly seemed like it gave her a bit of a better ‘feel’ for magic in general.

Her experiments left her slightly tired, but not completely drained. Surprisingly, if she met with Lazhira again, she’d feel like the girl's magical potential was significantly higher than she was letting on.

Narkissa’s experiment would prove a bit less fruitful than her companions. While she certainly, perhaps had theory down, perhaps an overall more practical application may be needed to gain any progress. Not that it wasn’t all for naught. As she turned attention to the earth, placing a hand on it as she meditated, something...happened.

Briefly, for a moment, she felt like she could tell that Leannah was currently beating up Lazhira in a friendly sparring match only to end In a rather humorous display of Lazhira tripping over her feet and face planting right into the cat girls chest.


Another attempt would prove similarly as useful if she care to try doing it. While perhaps less impressive than Misaki’s

Once all of their training was finished, or they simply decided to call it a night Lazhira would have done her best to make a bed for all of them if they desired to crash at her place. It was a little cramped, considering things but she also said she’d not mind sharing a bed or letting the others have it if they wanted.

Regardless, everyone had a decent enough place to rest for the evening if they desired as the moon slowly peered into view, banishing the light from the world.

The Roma Mob

After at least a passable meal of boar, the group was finally ready for rest after an admittedly long and tiring day. A friendly conversation. A plan of action was made, and theorizing about the future, but eventually rest came to an end and the two decided to practice before they dozed off for the evening.

Augusta decided to play with fire a bit more. By now fire came relatively easy, if not second nature quite yet. Using the logs as target practice, if nothing else helped with the aim of her fireballs...though this amount of practice didn’t feel quite as efficient as it had back in the prison. It certainly felt tiring to use, but as far as developing things, she’d maybe need to be a little more creative with how she approached using it.

Isidore instead went with a more internal approach. Sitting near the fire, he turned his focus, attention, and fire inwards. The energy flowing within was easy to feel now. Through his veins. Through his exhausted body. Perhaps he’d have done better to rest a bit, but rest could come later. His body was a furnace, his soul the embers to ignite the furnace into a raging fire.

Turning the fire inward certainly helped stave off the cold. He could feel his body warming up slowly as he maintained this thought and image. The more he maintained this state, the more his body loosened up from the stress of the day, fatigue giving way to warmth and sweat on his brow. If one were to take a thermometer, they’d find he’d have a dangerously high temperature, but he would otherwise feel fine.

Next, he tried to move that energy into another form. His lungs - a bellow to which connect to the wind. It seemed a little more difficult to grasp the air than his initial ability to manipulate fire. Rather comically, the first time he attempted this for the night when he exhaled - a gout of fire escaped through his nose, lightly singing his clothes.

Aside from that first mishap, however, while he felt like he was on the verge of something, it eluded him for the most part. Perhaps more use of this skill may give him something a bit more concrete.

Donovan spent his time doing a light workout, making sure to work out his entire body as night fell. A good idea, to remain in shape and stretching to work out the stress of the days events, but overall his body didn’t seem like such a routine would help anything but maintain his current level of strength. Still, his body would thank him for the light work out eventually should he keep it up.

More importantly however, was the emblem. Even more mysterious now than it was before, if the Kyrnith was correct. A God so ancient that it no longer had a name. Perhaps he should give it one? He couldn’t just keep calling it ‘nameless’, now could it? Perhaps it wasn’t important though. He held the badge in his hand, attempting to ‘feel’ more of the Divine energy radiating from it, connecting his own spirit and thoughts to it and whatever God this may be.

It was surprisingly difficult, however. Giving him a deeper connection to the God didn’t seem as easy as just willing it to be like magic. What else was missing? It almost seemed like his attempts at this would prove futile. At least, until he almost thought he heard something.


An unintelligible whisper from the crackling fire snapped him from his training. It wasn’t his ears playing a trick on him was it? It was then, he’d have noticed something felt odd. Perhaps it was just a trick of his mind as the whisper was, but he had been trying that for what seemed a good while, lost in thought and attempting to eek out more secrets of the badge, yet...the Moon seemed to be exactly the same position it was when he started. Did he just lose track of time? Or...

He looked over to Octavia, who was sitting happily next to Augusta. This was a more simple task it seemed. Even just looking at Octavia just made him feel...uneasy. Wrong. As though her existence just shouldn’t be. Trying to move further away from the pup, Donovan’s sense of unease began to fade, eventually becoming nonexistent by ten feet. Not a very long range to be sure, and he already knew what Octavia was and the pup wasn’t even trying to hide it.

Further advancement in trying to sense her seemed ineffective.

Nicholas however, decided to spend the rest of the night resting under the stars. As he did rest, something...odd happened. A star, twinkling brightly to the south would catch his attention. Normally, such a thing might not even be considered odd, but...something about it caught his attention. It wasn’t anything more than a ‘huh, that’s weird’, but could there have possibly been more to it?

...no, that was silly, but if he took his Goddess given ability into account, perhaps this was something he should trust? What would that even mean?

Regardless, eventually night would come. The Blue and Grey moons watching over everyone from their lofty thrones in the sky.

@Crimson Paladin
The Fox and the Skillseeker

Bolcha, did not press the issue with the reward. He seemed a little bemused by the fact he’d refuse it, but didn’t seem like he felt particularly insulted. The same could be said of the fox woman. She flicked her tail curiously as he rejected the money, but ultimately said nothing. It wasn’t her money to collect after all.

“Well aren’t you being hospitable.” She replied. “But I, ah, have my own accommodations for the evening...and I’m not particularly interested in getting caught up in whatever is happening here. Better to cut my losses and move somewhere else, isn’t it?” She stretched one of her ears twitching. “If by some chance you find yourself in the northern Chagawa territory, we might run into each other again fufu.”

She then walked off, heading for the outskirts of the village and leaving Novak there without so much as giving her name. He wouldn’t have much of a hard time finding his companions as evening fell, and Lazhira would also offer her home up to him if he wanted too, though Enli’s offer of lodging with him was likely just as open still.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

Shaken by the Hag’s words, Malphas would turn to the soup and other food offered by the hunters. Fish and fruit, mostly, with only a handful of other meats available though most had already been snatched it seemed by the more esteemed hunters. Just who was the hag? And what was that stone he had been given. Obviously they were far different than they let on, but what sort of being had the ability to mess with minds as such?

The rest of his night would pass fairly uneventfully. It wasn’t too hard for him to find a willing partner for the night - especially among the more lightly inebriated of the hunters should he desire, and thus also secure lodging for the evening. Whether or not said partner were open to whatever teachings Malphas touted, remained to be seen, however.

...And so night fell, the Moon watching as silently as always...

~A new day dawns~

Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord@Crimson Paladin

Those who decided to bunk with Lazhira would find themselves having a peaceful rest, despite the slightly cramped quarters. When morning came though, the girl herself seemed nowhere to be found, though a batch of freshly cut vegetables and of course, more fish were laid out on the table whenever they did decide to wake.

This left them with more or less the day to themselves to decide what to do. Some of them had already offered to help this village with their problems, so looking into that may prove fruitful. Lazhira also said something about a temple within the forest she’d guide them to...but that’d require finding her. They could always try just leaving too - surely there were other villages out there.

Regardless of their choice, whoever was out first would be met with a fairly lively scene. A number of people were gathered near the northern end of the village. Seemed like the trader that had been mentioned once or twice had arrived and had set up shop. Perhaps that might be where Lazhira is?

The Roma Mob

The fire had thankfully been kept burning through the night, keeping them more or less warm despite the lack of proper shelter or bedding. Still, doing that repeatedly may not be the best of ideas in the end. The night had been peaceful, too, Octavia having curled up by Augusta when she had gone to bed, though would also alternate between whoever was keeping watch and taking intermittent naps herself.

The party wouldn’t be woken by daylight, rather, in the distance a loud crack of thunder would wake all from their dreams. Perhaps it’d startle them, or they’d pay it no mind, but the source of it would be easy to find. In the distance, south across the plains and hovering over the mountains, angry grey storm clouds were gathering. No rain was falling, but it seemed as though the clouds were sparking with lightning and a few lightning bolts could be seen crashing to the earth even from here. Seemed as though if they intended to travel in that direction, they may have to deal with a storm.

Still, that was some distance away. Perhaps they would choose to travel in the opposite direction now.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

Thankfully for Malphas as he stepped into the morning air, he’d find quite a buzz of people. It seemed as though they were all congregating around a group of people in the northern part of the city. A large leather tent had been erected, and in front of it various desks and a number of wares had been set up.

...as well as a number of heavily armed, stoic looking people in armor that perhaps would remind Malphas of samurai of some sort. It wasn’t too hard for him to pick up what was going on. A trader seemingly had arrived overnight - a certain black haired, fluffy tailed foxy trader. Seemed most of the normal shops were closed now, and most of the people were here.

He could likely find what he wanted here as well however. It seemed as though she had a number of items available in the domestic department - most in the department of grains, easily kept vegetables and food. Leather, tools. However...for the moment it seemed like the crowd was mildly upset about something despite some other simply going about their business.

“Swindled you?” The fox huffed with a mildly mischievous tone. “How rude. I’d never swindle my good customers. What do you take me for? One of my sisters? I’ll have you know what I sold you last time was the purest quality metal I could get my hands on, and that was not a lie.” The man arguing with her seemed to take a step forward before one of the armed men quickly pushed him aside.

He left with a curse.

“Sorry about that folks. Some people...I assure you, as usual, my goods here are entirely legitimate.”
Yo, just a progress update on my end!

I got a character in the works, but I may not get it up until tomorrow sometime. Writing an update for my own RP is taking a bit longer since its pretty beefy (six pages on a gdoc including minor formatting lol. Gm problems).

Just thought I'd let ya'll know still here.
pokes head in

I see a few familiar faces here huh~

Well since an old friend showed me this RP, I have appeared.

Hm...what to make, what to make.

Oh I know.

A totally not evil mage with an unhealthy obsession with dead things.

@Guilty Spark
Blame this guy
A fox and a Skillseeker
@Crimson Paladin

"Is that so, hm." The fox woman replied with a hum. She didn't sound like she entirely believed that story. "If that's true, then this place isn't going to be profitable any longer." She said with a sigh. "It was a good idea to not have everyone come all the way out here. But as for what I think," She chuckled impishly smirking and making a display of walking backwards, arms stretched out so she could face Novak. "Elder beasts don't work the same way humans do so is it really angry? I've heard this one here protects the forest here and the sky, it probably doesn't care about the humans at all. It might not even have the capacity to."

She turned forward again as they entered the building.

"But if you want a reason...maybe its not the Kyrnith. Maybe something else is riling up the animals here and its just a convenient lie given by someone." The fox soon fell silent as Novak returned the tools, electing to stay a cool distance behind him.

"Ah, thanks traveler." He replied, inspecting the tools. "Well, that just means I only have to reward you here ahah!" He chuckled heartily as he placed the tools on the counter. It seemed most of the beast had been carved by now. "Tell you what, since I'm going to have to work late tonight if I want to finish this before-" He finally glanced to Novak's companion, eyes widening in seeming surprise.

Novak's companion loudly cleared her throat, but if Novak glanced she'd be idly playing with her pipe again.

"-er, if I want to finish this before tomorrow, so I'll just go ahead and give you something for your trouble. You wanted armor from this guy right? I don't have it made yet, but here," He placed a handful of coins on the table. "Its not much but that's about as much as I can give you for now."

Should he accept the small payment, it seemed he had the rest of the evening to himself.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

As Malphas passed the coins to the seemingly destitute, they once more firmly grabbed his wrist - a grip that did not belong on someone so ragged and scrawny looking holding him in place.

"Foolish boy, your eyes and brain are better than most. Mother gave you great ones! Use them! Or I'll take them back and put them in a moose!" A hoarse cackle followed by their grip tightening, dirty fingernails digging into Malphas' skin. "You want something? I know. I always know what people want. And I know what you want, Scion of humanity." Finally, they released their grip, but something was instead placed in the palm of Malphas' hand as it was released. A single, smooth, black stone with a white engraving upon it. A long, vertical line ending in a semi-circular fashion near the top with a second above, with three more lines off shooting that one, curving around the top of the stone to the back.

"You should join the others in the temple. You might find something you're looking for, boy." Whoever they were stood, making for the exit of the building. "Keheh...just look for my image and don't be an idiot and you'll find it yes...yes..." Before he could stop them, they'd be gone. One of the hunters asked if he was alright - he had apparently been standing quite still, almost dazed looking for a few minutes after he had walked in.

Had they not seen this seemingly raggedy person? Regardless, though, it seemed as he had the rest of the evening to himself.

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