Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Hey, since you're not in the discord friendo

This is the last update before I'll be moving days in game, so you're sorta free to do whatever you want within reason until then. Basically, just describe what'd you'd be doing until you're PC goes to bed, and I'll write in an update for everyone in my next post. And just to be clear, unless your interacting with me in some way, you don't need to wait for me to post again. So if you wanna have a conversation with Augusta or Isidore, as long as you don't get carried away, you don't need to wait for me to post something.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Hm...I don’t think its not that you did it incorrectly.” Lazhira replied to Leannah, frowning slightly in thought. “Unless there was something or someone else trying to mess with you, it shouldn’t do that. A beginner can’t even draw out that much.” She nodded. “I could barely even make a tiny little light when I started, and I even had much better help!” She smiled, quickly taking an assertive stance, hands on her hips. “Anyways, don’t worry about it! I’ll get everything squeaky clean later. You’re my guests after all, and if there’s anything Enli has managed to get through, its that I have to be hospitable, mhmhm!”

Any attempts by any of the group to help with cleaning, was met with a swift bonk on the head by the lively girl with a soup ladle. She seemed fairly adamant about not wanting them to help, and after everyone would finish eating she’d let them keep perusing the artifacts in her house, or head off to wherever, making sure to note to try and be back before it got too cold out, though also stressing she’d keep a fire going regardless.

Now seemed as good of a time to rest if they wanted, or perhaps it was also a good time to train or practice more of this magic stuff. Lazhira also mentioned she’d be happy to help with anything if they wanted. Maybe deciding what exactly they wanted to do tomorrow, would also be a good idea.

The Roma Mob

Eagerly, Octavia snatched the leg and ran off to where Augusta was sitting. Rather disturbingly, and perhaps showing her still demonic nature, the pup’s mouth opened far too wide, jagged teeth ripping into the meat and swallowing an entire half of the thing, bone and all.

The boar was fairly easy to dissect. Pigs, after all, were not too dissimilar to humans, and no doubt Isidre had some experience with the more gruesome aspects of such a thing at points in his life. Still, even though he was beaten and bruised he’d carry on despite such wounds even as his body complained. Thankfully, at least, it seemed like Augusta was at the ready with some medical attention if nothing else.

Donovan would successfully find wood, perhaps not the best for burning but some at all was better than none. The perpetual snow wasn’t doing them any favors though. The wood as he said, was damp and ill suited. Perhaps with a little effort though, and some magical tricks they may be able to dry it. Or maybe they could just use so much fire it’d burn regardless of how damp it was.

Regardless of what they did, Donovan would head back into the forest, to find more wood and hoping to get more answers...

@Crimson Paladin
The Fox and the Skillseeker

“Pfft, ahaha, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re scared by something.” She laughed amusedly. “What’s the matter? This little fox give you a spook? I can assure you the only thing I harm are people's coins.” The fox reached for the boots that were apparently hers, lazily putting them on, not in much of a hurry to comply with Novaks request, likely under the belief he’d stay put since he seemed adamant on returning the supposedly pilfered goods.

“Speaking of...” She continued, slipping on a boot. “What are your thoughts on this little...village, stranger?” An innocent question, perhaps, as she fastened the two blades to a belt and the mask under her cloak. “They seem quite...shall we say, unprofitable recently.” An odd choice of words, perhaps, but she finally seemed like she was ready to follow Novak, tossing him the obviously pilfered goods.

“Not that I really care, probably be the last time I come and pay a visit. Have to make a living somehow.” She would leave, taking the lead as they headed back to the workshop seemingly forgetting her earlier demand of telling no one she was here. Novak was free to talk, reply, and ask questions if he so desired himself if he wanted too. If not, the fox girl herself seemed to be more than amicable enough to speak if spoken too.

Perhaps he’d find it suspicious she seemed to know exactly where the items were stolen from, and if nothing else, she didn’t seem like she was about to harm him, either. Eventually though, they would indeed arrive, though for all her talk of not telling anyone she was here, she’d follow him inside and give Novak the opportunity to return the stolen goods.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

Indeed, it was a shame Malphas would never get to see the luxurious, fluffy tail of a certain fox. She might have even let him fluff her tail, or even get a good long look at her feet. Alas, though, he had chosen the humanitarian route of returning the fish the fox had stolen to the fisherman. The man in question, at least seemed amused and grateful, not having thought much of losing one fish. In return he gave Malphas a handful of what seemed to be five silver colored coins. They weren’t much, but perhaps it was what served as currency here? They were roughly circular, with a square shaped hole in the center.

As he moved through the village, much of the sights were the same as his previous trek, though now it was much later in the day. It seemed as though people were winding down for the day. Eventually his nose would lead him to what seemed a communal gathering of some sort - a large building without a door, several villagers were gathered inside, sitting around a large fire. A pot with some sort of stew, a number of vegetables and game hung on the walls. A number of men seemed to be hunters, with only a few others not being there. None seemed to object to his presence, and it seemed most of the food, as one might have assumed, was fish from the ocean.

Didn’t seem like one might mind if he took some, though it’d likely be a good idea not to take too many.

As he observed, someone grabbed his wrist.

“A coin, for my troubles, you pretty thing?” A raspy, high pitched voice spoke. They had been sitting on the floor. Had they been there before? He had given everything a good look over the moment he entered, correct? Or had he just overlooked this person? Whoever it was, definitely wasn’t making an effort to stand out. “I know you have some, keheh. I can hear the shiny things clinking. Be a kind soul?”

They released Malphas’ hand, holding out their own. It was covered in dirt, with long, thin, spindly fingers that seemed malnourished and skeletal. The rest of them was dressed in a long, ragged and dirty cloak over what seemed to be an old, dirty, frayed white dress. A hood was completely obscuring their features, and it was difficult to tell their gender.

Fusang Streets

It seemed like the only thing this ghost had going for it was its size. The stringy, hair like mass of tentacles were nothing that Suzuka couldn't avoid. Moving and dancing between the tendrils.Flashes of light, as her three blades cut through the others and turning them into useless mincemeat. It was easy for her to avoid and deflect such an easy attack.


Of course, that also meant she wasn't able to get near the culprit of this assault before she managed to escape.

"Ugh, it smells worse than that cats cooking." Suzuka complained, making a light jab at Mana's familiar in the process. No doubt touching whatever that sickening gas was, would be a horrible idea, but that also meant she couldn't quite get near it either.

"Any bright ideas Ballerina?" She asked.



How troublesome.

Well, everything was when it came to servants. She wanted to give Saber some breathing room and autonomy, but she wasn't quite sure she liked getting involved in whatever Waver was in. That said...not letting Saber have some leeway here would likely come back to make trouble later. Ah, she just wanted to stay indoors. Maybe she could ask saber to model for her as a favor after this?

She would look amazing in a number of suits...and maybe some more risque under-


"It's fine, Saber." Charlotte replied. If nothing else, the sooner this is explained the faster this could get over with. "Mhm, see you later?" There was a question there, more of a curious tone on her part since she hardly even knew the other student, let alone enough to be friendly with them...well, no matter. She wasn't likely to talk with him again in the first place. A more pressing problem was in front of her.

"Much appreciated sir. I'd dislike getting involved, but as you can see Saber on the other hand...well, if you can explain whatever this is, it would make the both of us a bit more comfortable."
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord

Lazhira had made her way over to Leannah, helping the other girl back to her feet as gently as possible and giving her a quick look over for any major injuries. Seemingly satisfied it would most likely only her ego that was going to be bruised slightly, she took a few steps back after seeing if Leannah could stand.

“Sorry, sorry.” Lazhira pouted apologetically. “Its my fault. I didn’t realize you guys were all so...uh, good at this? I should have started with um…‘how not to blow yourself up’ first I guess.” She quickly rebounded, however, switching back to her previous energetic demeanor. “Is everyone outside this village really good with magic?” She questioned, her tone curious. “All of you seem pretty good at just...having it work. I’m the only one here with any sort of ability with it so its weird seeing you all so good with it.”

By now however, night was currently falling over the village. The long day the group had was probably catching up to them, and even if they wanted to practice a bit, it might be best to wait for tomorrow considering the lateness of the evening.

“I’d be happy to help more though, if you all want! Tomorrow, anyways. Assuming old man Enli doesn’t drag me off somewhere so he can ramble about some old stories...or...lecture me about work…or how dangerous the forest is...” She grinned. "And don't worry too much about my home! I destroy it on a regular basis, heheh. Not like anyone but me ever really comes here anyways..."

The Roma Mob

Isidore’s face remained stony as the boar struggled in its final moments, blood running down the blade and staining his hands with that familiar sensation. At death, it was strong enough still to tear open his skin, but that was all. He lowered the beast onto the ground, pulled his sword out of its body, and flicked the blood off his blade. Even in his most desperate of times, he never had to skin and gut an animal; it would be an enlightening experience to take part of, once he returned to the others.

But first off, there was the matter of that creature. A deer, almost redundantly imposing in its size, had announced their presence. The boss of the horned beasts within this forest, was it? Isidore could understand that. The man hefted the boar on his left shoulder, held his sword in his right hand, and as the deer approached, steps rousing a storm, so did Isidore, his trail marked with blood.

He breathed in, but no thoughts came to mind, so he breathed out, white fog escaping into the darkening skies. “I’ve no quarrel against you and yours. But I and my allies are outcasts, and we, like all others, must eat.” That was all there was, and that was all there would ever be. To go into the night with no food, after all that they’ve gone through, was simply a slower death than one upon the horns of a monolithic deer.

Donovan stood slack-jawed as he laid eyes on the creature approaching Isidore. Sure this may have been a world of magic, and it would be foolish to not suspect the existence of innately magical beasts to be commonplace-- this animal seemed far beyond just being a giant of a deer. Between the intelligence in its eyes, majesty in its movements, and it's somehow immaculately groomed fur; this was likely one of the 'Elder beasts' the goddess had mentioned.

The large man chewed his lip in absolute silence as he watched Isidore's response to the creature. The lad had chosen wisely to not attempt fighting the colossal deer-- but Don had a feeling that the Elder Beast wouldn't take kindly to being told off so casually. For now, all Donovan could do was watch; ready to intervene for Isidore's safety at a moment's notice.
No words came from the Deer, if it was one of the beasts the goddess spoke of, it deigned to keep silent as it stopped a few yards away from Isidore. If it had heard his words or not, it didn't acknowledge. In fact, it barely even acknowledged Donovan's presence. There was something regal, airy, and distant about the way it carried itself.

Yet, it definitely knew they were there. The breeze suddenly shifted directions, centering itself on the beast as a ball of energy formed within the deer's horns. Fast as the wind it seemed to be controlling, a blast of wind was aimed towards Isidore.
Isidore kept his pace steady. The telegraph was obvious enough, but the intent? That was unclear. No response, not even any sense of a threat, but the wind gathered all the same, a vacuum that stole his own breath away. Only a few yards away now, and still, Isidore walked, closing the distance between the two. In his right was the sword. In his left was the boar. And in his pocket was the seed.
The ball of energy burst, and Isidore leapt to the side, body bending to compress and then release to evade, his feet kicking against the snow-dappled ground. He had not yet demonstrated his speed while under the surveillance of the great deer, only his strength and his endurance. It would be good if he could evade.

But what after? Would he kill this one too?

An electric chill shot down Donovan’s spine as the air shifted unnaturally. He wasn’t sure what the hell this thing was doing-- but based on it’s lack of response, it likely wasn’t good. Everything in his mind was screaming at Isidore to make a break for it. To drop the boar and run like hell. But kids these days just always had to act invincible. In a swift motion, he drew forth his warhammer; his teeth gritting as he launched himself into a dead sprint, aiming to flank the colossal animal. Don still thought that trying to fight this thing was damn suicidal, but it’d be a cold day in hell before he abandoned his fellow man out of cowardice.

Isidore dodged, the blast of air slamming into the ground behind him, impossibly fast, compressed razor-like wind cutting into his clothing as it slammed into a tree some distance away and cracking, warping the wood. Without even turning its head to even glance at Donovan, the beast stamped its hoof against the ground. A blast of air shot from the ground, a violent gale exploding upwards and outwards, slamming into Donovan and completely halting his steps before he could get closer.

The beast turned its head slightly in Isidore's direction. Between its antlers air whistled as it was accelerated to dangerous speeds near instantly, multiple smaller wind blasts aiming for Isidore, seemingly in an attmept to prevent him from dodging all of them.
Donovan? Shit, why the fuck was he there? Isidore’s eyes widened at the man’s reckless charge, his sudden appearance, then narrowed at the effortless magic used to halt him. Whatever this creature was, it was something far beyond them, capable of splitting its attention against two superhumans and fending them off without having to take a single step. Did he make the wrong decision?
No, he didn’t. The boar would have attacked him anyways, and Isidore would have cut it down anyways. He held onto that thought, recalled his own cold fury, back when those fuckers broke in and knifed the wrong guy. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, but calm enough not to kill one who attacked directly. In which case…
“Donovan, get the fuck outta here!”

Leaping backwards, Isidore shifted himself to where the concentration of the wind blasts were the lowest, before shrugging the boar off his body and using it as a rudimentary shield. The initial blast had been forceful enough to almost snap a tree in half, and impacts like that went more than skin-deep. The armor may protect him from cuts, but were his organs made of the same stuff?
Didn’t matter much. Even if the blow blasted him backwards, Isidore planned on running. Away from Donovan, away from the camp. This deer only wanted him, after all. He could figure the rest out once some good-two-shoes weren’t in range to eagerly sacrifice themselves for him.

Even for all his strength and weight, Donovan staggered from the force of the beast’s gale. Elder beast or not, this giant creature clearly wasn’t something the two men could handle. The large man scowled at Isidore’s remark as he quickly regained his footing, ”An’ what, leave ya tah bleed tah death while ye run fer yer life? I oughta beat some sense inna that skull o’ yers lad!”

Twisting the warhammer clenched tightly in his grasp, Don slammed the pointed end of his weapon into the ground, anchoring himself near the side of the deer. Both he and Isidore were hopelessly outmatched by this creature; meaning there was only one way to avoid certain death. Kneeling at the side of the deer, head bowed, and shield braced against his ‘anchor’, Don made one last plea for the Elder beast’s mercy. ”Please! Aye beg ya oh great one-- let the lad go! Neither he nor aye knew we was trespassing’ on yer domain! Aye swear in the name o’ all things holeh, we’ll do whatever it takes tah repay the debt we owe yah! Just let tha’ poor boy go!”

The smaller blasts of wind slammed into the flesh of the boar, beating against its hide, the force enough to cause Isidore's already tired body to strain to withstand the force. A few blasts would cut into his legs, painfully tearing his flesh as his armor began to fail at its job of protecting, it finally seeming to wear off after its usage.

The beast, if it was one of these fabled 'Elder Beasts' indeed seemed too much for their current strength to handle. It likely wasn't even using whatever abilities it had at its disposal, either. It took a light, airy step towards Isidore, displacing more snow and dirt that had dirtied its path. Another vortex of wind began to form.
however it paused

A slight tilt of its head towards Donovan.

Its legs swayed, body moving as though a soft breeze had been blowing it. It inhaled…

“You seek not to trespass, yet...the wind carries the scent of the moon. What reason does the Blessed of the Storyteller have with this forest? If she seeks to turn me or my kin into a feat for tragedy or heroism, she will find I am not one to play along with her capriciousness.” The voice which passed its lips was neither hostile nor-violent. It was close, yet almost felt as far as the skies themselves, and as wispy and light as the wind the beast seemed to command.

Isidore’s armor decided now, of all times, that one hour had elapsed, and searing pain shot through his legs. More blood stained the snow, strips of flesh flayed off his body. He stumbled, knees quaking as the limits of his endurance neared. What caused him to pause was not pain though, nor exhaustion. It was Donovan’s prostration. The man wasn’t going to run. Wasn’t even going to fight. He was going to...throw his weapons down and beg for forgiveness on another’s behalf? And, more amazingly, for a creature that had been the subject of Donovan’s attack mere moments ago, this act was enough to coax language out of its mouth, rather than simply a hoof through the head.

Isidore breathed. He did not run, after all. He walked, instead, tracking blood in the forest until he stood beside Donovan. Fucking idiot shieldbearer. The apathy in the voice of this creature meant that they were both, quite literally, at the whims of some alien creation. What sort of gamble would it even have been? How many deals with incomprehensible monstrosities would they have to broker before this day could end?

“If,” he spoke, meeting the monolithic deer’s eyes, “you could speak, then you have listened. I killed this boar to feed my...allies. We are outcasts. We know nothing of this world, and we possess nothing but what we stole or found.” Isidore struck his sword into the ground, planting it there. “If there was crime, it was rooted in my ignorance. I don’t care for stories. I care for food and shelter, which would be harder to find in the mountains or on the beach.”
A breath.

“Now that the ignorance of both sides have cleared somewhat, let’s talk. What do I pay for food and a place to sleep?”
Donovan paused to level a deathglare at Isidore before turning back towards the Elder Beast before them. ”Pardon the lad’s rudeness--” he began with an exasperated sigh, ”He’s young, prideful, and lost quite a bit o’ blood… As et so happens, we ain’t from around here… Nother’ world entireleh in fact. Th’ moon goddess plucked our souls from th’ hands o’ death and tossed us intah this world head first with little explanation bout’ what we’re here tah’ do. Sure, slayin th’ Elder Beasts may shape a good yarn; but aye could care less about writin’ a storeh.”

Slowly, Donovan rose to his feet. A confident light filling his eyes as he continued to speak.

”Me onleh concern is buildin’ a better world fer mankind. There are plenty o’ tales bout men slayin’ creatures such as yerself where aye come from… And et near always causes calameteh. I’ve no intention of bringin’ such a fate on me fellow man, nor to cause yerself or your kin harm. Aye think the lot o’ ya exist fer a reason. We might not understand it. But ya do. An’ I’ve no problem acceptin’ that.”

“...does one trust the word of a stranger that has intruded upon their home, blade drawn to their neck?” The deer replied coolly towards Isidore. “And...you...speak respectfully, yet acknowledge that you humans bring destruction in your so called 'progress'. Pleasantries will fade when either side is irreconcilable.”

The beast exhaled.

“But, If you do not intend to cause harm...then travel south. This forest shall become swallowed by the sea, a prison for something beneath if events continue as they are. If you seek civilization, you will find more of your kin, across the mountains.” It pawed the ground, a hoof making a line in the dirt. “...or perhaps you would find the Mountain Folk and those of the Shadow that live in those mountains more amicable...stay for the night, if you wish upon the treeline, but that hound that is with you - do not bring it into the forest. Even as a pup, no longer connected to its nursery will prove...difficult to deal with, should it grow."

Young? Prideful? Under different circumstances, Isidore may have been coaxed into a smile by such an evaluation, but not here. He should have expected it, really, that one’s physical appearance would have been the lens through which all actions were judged. But he kept quiet, regardless. Donovan had spoken of Elder Beasts, but was this creature truly one such being? Memories of the moonlit waters washed over his thoughts. A hunter or an object of worship? If the former, there was no reason to stay their hand. If the latter, there was no reason to refuse the opportunity to demand an offering out of trespassers far beneath it.

Indeed, out of this exchange, itself had offered more than it had gained. The meat of its subordinate, shelter for the night, knowledge of where other, ‘civilized’ beings could be found, and the latent threat that laid within Octavia. Curious, the amount of mercy and benevolence granted. Had it been Donovan’s prostration? Isidore nodded, only the slightest of grimaces warping his otherwise carefully neutral expression. “Thank you. I will remember this.” It was all he could do with what he had. Demon flowers, deer gods, and the Storyteller who charged them with rebuilding this unnatural world. Time would be good. Time to absorb all this.
Isidore turned, and trudged off. Blood trailed his steps once again.

Donovan sighed as he watched Isidore head off, the lad needed medical attention-- but was too damn stubborn to admit it outright. Heaving what was left of the boar onto his shoulder, he turned toward the elder beast and gave a short bow. ”Thank yah fer yer benevolence o great one… Ya said this place were gonna be underwater soon, there anythin’ me an’ mah fellows can do fer yah before then?”

The deer watched Isidore leave, airy gaze following it as it replied to Donovan.

“If concern is genuine, there is a small village upon the shore towards the north. One I had, at a time, a close relationship with.” It turned, its long legs gracefully moving across the snow laden ground. “Some there seek what was drowned by the Moons tears, driven by the one who seeks knowledge above all else.” And just as quietly as the deer appeared, it began to quickly disappear into the forest, its coat and overall form soon becoming lost among the myriad of trees.

Nothing else would find Isidore and Donovan on their way back to the small camp, and with the Kyrnith’s leaving, the forest seemed to return to normal as it was. At least, small animals could now be seen and heard moving about, and by the time they had reached the treeline the sun was finally dipping over the horizon.

Night would fall soon, and it would likely be best to settle down for the evening, though no one had yet to make any sort of shelter from the elements but hopefully it wouldn’t prove too dangerous. At least they may find the sight of Nick playing with Octavia slightly amusing.

The pup leaned into the pets, eagerly accepting the praise. She let Nick give her as many pets as she wanted, but soon she wanted to run around some more. Backing off a bit, she ran in a circle, barking and seeming like she wanted him to throw it again, and so he did.

The stick sailed....

And dropped almost right in front of Isidore’s feet. The pup, too focused on the stick again, nearly ran head first into Isidore’s legs, but managed to stop before just before doing so, ending up right in front of the boar carrying man. She sniffed the air, hungrily eyeing the deceased boar he was carrying.

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@Cu Chulainn@Crimson Paladin

“Eeeeh, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were looking for me.” The fox mused with a cheeky smirk. “Heh, not that I can blame you if you are. I’m about the only interesting thing that visits this little middle of nowhere village.” She sat the bowl on a crate, hopping up from her seat and languidly yawning and stretching her arms towards the ceiling.

“Wait…” She blinked, seemingly surprised. “You’re not insinuating that I stole it are you?” She twirled the pipe in her hands. “What a silly idea. I’m not a fox. Well, I am, but not that kind. Foxes can’t turn into people, fufu. That’s just an absurd idea.” The impish tone she was taking didn’t do any favors for her believability. If anything, as Novak was thinking it was just making her seem likely more suspicious. “Or...are you going to tell me that you believe that foxes can turn into people?”

As she got up and talked, they would perhaps notice a few more objects of interest that had been hidden behind her. A black and red mask fox mask, a pair of what seemed to be sheathed blades, a stack of what seemed to be gold coins and...a leather pouch. Full of leather working tools. She knocked the ash out of the pipe, stowing it in her clothing somewhere as she waited an answer.

Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord

Keeping Lazhira’s explanation in mind, Misaki attempted to make a small ball of light herself. Of course, knowing how light works scientifically, and then putting it to practice with something slightly unscientific, would prove a bit difficult, but doable. Trying to copy what Lazhira had done, Misaki would find a similar sensation as the girl had shown her, the magic flowing into the spell she was attempting to weave.

A small spark of light, no bigger than a bouncy ball would form should she eventually direct it somewhere with those thoughts in mind. Nothing impressive, and certainly not like Lazhira’s own example. The light was less intense, gentle, and almost welcoming with a small aura of rainbow colored light surrounding the core.

Perhaps Leannah should have also not decided to start with something other than just light. focusing inwards, feeling the flow of ‘mana’ within. Like water, it flowed within, gently through her body with each beat of her heart, slowly flowing from somewhere within her chest. Directing it proved simple enough, she just had to try. It was somewhat difficult at first, trying to direct it. Slowly however, it began moving as she wanted it too. Instead of simply being dispersed through her body, the energy began slowly moving towards her arm.

Her palm began heating up as the energy gathered in the point, the gentle warmness of a pleasant spring day. More energy was poured, Leannah slowly understanding the ability to not draw on too much too quickly. Soon, it reached a point where the energy flared outwards causing her to involuntarily flinch, the sound of whooshing flame igniting in the palm of her hand.

A small ball of fire, sitting right in the palm of her hand. It wasn’t quite the perfect thing she had imagined. The core wasn’t quite solid, shifting and changing, not quite able to settle. She had at least, succeeded in making a seemingly small fireball-

Before she could react, suddenly more magic began flowing into the spell. She wasn’t doing that, was she? Try as she might to calm the sudden influx of mana, she couldn’t stop it. The ball of fire began growing rapidly outwards, until it was the size of a basketball, pulsing violently and angrily as it gave off more and more heat until -

“Wha! Hey that’s dangerous!”

Was all Lazhira could say before the inevitable happened. Misaki’s might find some small amusement in proving her own thoughts correct.

There was a blinding flash of light, a loud bang.

A concussive force slammed into everyone present in the room. Leannah herself was knocked off her feet, along with various artifacts being knocked from their resting places and joining her on the ground. Thankfully, no one would seem hurt. The only who did was Leannah, who seemed to suffer small, but painful burns.

“H-hey! Are you okay!?” Lazhira shouted. “You can’t just do something like that to start with, jeez! Even I know better than to do that!”

The Roma Mob

Octavia bolted after the stick, the pup chasing after it as it sailed through the air not too far away from Nick. She leaped into the air as it sailed, catching the object in her mouth. Unfortunately, she was also not quite looking where she was going. As she landed, her feet sank into a pile of soft snow, the action catching the pup off guard and sent it tumbling face first into it, so her back legs were sticking out while she frantically tried to wiggle herself out of the predicament.

Augusta would have a fairly easy time tending to the fire. Her magic could easily light a flame, and it didn’t seem as though her magical fire couldn’t persist once it was cast upon something. All that was left for them to do really, was either wait for their companions to return, or attempt more practice at something. Rest was equally good, but perhaps honing their skills would prove beneficial in the long run.

Octavia had finally pulled herself free, shaking her head and body to fling off snow before grabbing the stick and bringing it back over to Nick, dropping it at his feet.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn@Crimson Paladin

The fox tilted its head, almost giving the impression of taking Novak’s challenge of carrying everything at once. For a moment it looked as though it might bolt again, but instead of doing so it cautiously approached the outstretched hand and viscera that he was holding. As it was placed on the ground, the foxes tail swayed gently, sniffing the offering silently as it seemingly mulled over the offer.

Malphas’ approach caused the best to tilt its head towards him, silently observing him with its green eyes. The same feeling of force that built in his legs that one time, that lifted him above the earth and over obstacles could be felt building in his lungs. He released the energy, the words quickly following suit as they both passed his lips, giving a single command to the beast. Even as far as Novak could tell, the words were...heavy, almost. As though there was a certain weight to them. The fox however, didn’t seem too impressed. It looked up at Malphas, narrowing its eyes at him...and then dropped the fish, grabbed some of the viscera and bolted into the building through a small hole near the bottom of a wall.

Well, if there was a question about its intelligence...it did drop what it was holding. Was it mocking him?

They could follow it inside if they wished. Assuming they did, they would find the door open and no one barring them entry. Assuming the two followed it inside, they would find a somewhat surprising sight. The place seemed to be a storage hut of some sort. Immediately upon entering the smell of fish and...alcohol? Would greet them. A number of wooden boxes were stacked, fishing nets and line hanging on the walls and ceiling. Of course, this in and of itself wouldn’t be too surprising.

No, the surprising thing was the source of the alcohol smell.

A woman, at least, she looked like a woman. She was fairly short if so, not even reaching a full five feet from looking at her. Two large, furry fox ears flicked curiously at the noise they made as they entered, a large bushy tail swayed lazily behind her from where she was laying on her side on a pillow that had been placed on top of a stack of boxes. In one hand, she was holding a large bowl, the other had a long pipe, smoke gently rising from an opening on its end. Her green eyes stared at them lazily. She was dressed fairly lightly save for a large cloak covering her body seemingly of oriental design. A pair of boots had been knocked to the ground some distance away, leaving her feet exposed to the air, though she didn’t seem to mind.

“Tsk, don’t you know its rude to make so much noise? Its bad luck to interrupt someone drinking ya know.” She harrumphed, tail flicking in an annoyed manner as she took a small sip of her drink from the bowl. “Ahhh, don’t suppose it matters though. Not like I have room to talk about causing trouble, heh. Could you not tell anyone I’m here by the way? I’m not anyone suspicious, just a traveling little fox that’s currently slightly drunk, fufu.”

The similarities to this girl and their previous quarry were obvious, but that was a far-fetched idea, wasn’t it?

“Not that anyone would believe you if you did tell them. I’m a bit ahead of schedule after all.” She sat up, balancing the bowl on the ends of her fingers, grinning mischievously at the pair. “Haven’t seen you in this village before, and from the weird way you’re both dressed you’re travelers. Wouldn’t happen to be looking for something, would you?”
Well, uh damn

I didn't even know this was a thing, but I just woke up this morning and apparently received two. I'm guessing its some fools from my RP trying to get on my good side. Thanks you guys, if it was I'll continue to do my best as your gloriously infallible GM and next time when I wanna murder a player character, I shall remember this moment and then maybe let you live for one more post~

No really, if you're reading this, thanks and happy holidays.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Wouldn’t have made the offer if I wasn’t gonna.” She replied with a grin to leannah. “Learning new stuff is fun, right? Never taught anyone before though so I’m not sure how well I can do, eheh.” Good, it seemed they were all willing to learn about it.

Of course, being interrupted by Nobunaga was a derailment of the conversation.

“Oh, uhm...” Lazhira glanced off to the side. “I dunno what you mean, I don’t know any more than anyone else. W-well, aside from legends. They say it looks like a really tall deer, with antlers that hold up the sky as it walks the earth, commands the winds and even has the ability to make the sky fall upon someone should it want too.”

A pause as she seemed to internally debate something.

“But those are just some oral legends. I doubt it’s actually that powerful.” Her expression brightened as she held out a hand and pointed a single finger upwards. “But enough of that. You guys wanna learn, I can teach ya! First thing you need to know is that all magic comes from either two sources. Either within someone, or by being gifted by some source. Like say, the Goddess Delpithi giving some of the Elves the ability to foretell the fate of someone’s endeavor. Elder Beasts also sometimes grant people a part of their power if they worship them, too. As for how you do it...uh...”

A small, palm sized sphere appeared at the tip of Lazhira’s finger, perfectly smooth in appearance yet it pulsed lightly in time with her breathing, filling the immediate area with a light.

“...there! Uh...wait that probably didn’t help. Hold on, give me your hand. I won’t do anything weird, promise!” She said, walking over to Misaki. Assuming the fox girl let her, Lazhira took the other girls hand gently, breathing in and ‘pulling’ on the other girls mana. Misaki herself would feel a slight ‘tug’, as though something was uncomfortably trying to pull her towards something. “That’s sort of..well, I dunno what to call it. But that’s what it ‘feels’ like a bit. To actually do something with it you just have to sort of attempt to grab it and do something with it.”

She would release her hand next.

“Like say, you want to make a fire, you just need to sort of figure out how much you need to put into it and just sort of ‘give it a shape’. Like with this little light ball here, I just sort of condense the energy into a sphere and put enough energy until it well, lights up! Uh, does that help? Sort of the best I can do.”

Assuming she now wasn’t interrupted by Nobunaga for objectively dodging the question, she would go around the room and attempt this process with everyone.

The Roma Mob

Octavia rubbed her head against Nick’s hand as she was petted, at the mention of ‘fetch’ the pup backed away, eagerly wagging her tail. It seemed at least she knew what that was, and likely she was entirely up for it. She however, did not seem keen on following Augusta’s order of digging a pit. When she was asked, Octavia tilted her head whining a bit as it apparently didn’t want to go through with that request. Still it didn’t seem like it was going to refuse.

Walking in a circle, the pup trotted to a place where the snow was shallow and got to work removing the snow and digging up some of the earth under it. It wasn’t exactly easy. The ground under the snow was densely packed, but by the time Augusta had finished, a small pit had been constructed.

And once she had come back with the sticks...Octavia immediately snatched one from the elf, knocked any she had put into the pit out, barked, and ran off to Nick with her tail wagging.

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@Cu Chulainn@Crimson Paladin

“A small bit shouldn’t hurt, but it’s odd...we don’t normally see foxes in this area.” The craftsman frowned, but left it at that as he let the two of them take care of the problem. As Novak decided to go for a more intelligent approach, Malphas went directly after the small vermin. The fox was swift, and seemed to know the town better than they did. It ducked down narrow paths between houses, slipped between a few peoples legs as they passed, and at one point climbed up a pile of logs and managed to get onto the roof of a house.

If this fox was just a simple fox, it seemed to be quite the intelligent and clever little animal.

After stealing a fish from a fisherman, Malphas would eventually chase the fox to a small building near the edge of the northern part of the village. It circled the building once, still managing to evade Malphas’ clutches. Each time he would make an attempt at catching it, the little vermin seemed to even somehow manage to grin slightly.

It however, was now standing still and seemed to be waiting for Malphas or Novak to make another move, bag of tools and a newly acquired fish still in its possession.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord

“The temple is pretty safe.” Lazhira replied to Narkissa. “Some small animals occasionally go there, but for the most part its fine! probably.” That 'probably' wasn’t going to give them any confidence in the safety of the place. “As for uhm, what I’ve gathered...w-well, its kind of nonsense.”

She paused for a moment, a hand nervously scratching her neck.

“Like I’m sure you guys know the pretty basic stuff about the Delpithi, the Goddess of the Moon. How her Oceans birthed all life right after humans left the tower?” Lazhira shifted on her feet uncomfortably. “A lot of things say something about the ocean, the goddess tears and sealing a path.” She frowned, poking out her lip and tilting her head in thought. “The rest is just something about the God of Knowledge, Lord Iva just up and leaving, leaving his people tt just sorta do their own thing and how they slowly just sort of left.”

She cast a glance towards Leannah.

“Uhm, and that’s sort of why I think its a curse. There’s this huuuuuge,” She made a sweeping, overhead motion with her arms. “Stone pillar in the middle of the temple that I think basically says ‘Tears dry, ancient fog obscures. The Illuminator guides.’ Lazhira shook her head. “The Illuminator obviously is the God of Knowledge, but I don’t know what everything else is.” She smiled. “Buuut if you wanna see everything yourself, I might be able to show you a few tricks in not getting lost. Should be easy if you...eerr, someone here can use magic right?”

Lazhira gave the group a few moments to respond, however upon seeing most of the travelers collective gazes of both mild curiosity and questions, her enthusiasm dropped slightly.

"...uh, well, I can teach ya! Probably. Shouldn't be too hard."

The Roma Mob

Unfortunately for Nick, his attempts at magic would be met with what could only be described as utter failure. Try as he might, it seemed almost as though every time he tried to coax some latent ability as Augusta had described it, it literally felt as though it was slipping right through his fingers. He could feel something just beyond his grasp. Like trying to grab water. Towards the end of his attempts, he could feel something accumulating, but before it could finished he ceased his attempts.

At least it didn’t seem to blow up in his face. Could it do that? Maybe he should be careful.

Augusta’s help seemed to be only marginally helpful from here, too.

It seemed as long as they remained here nothing was going to bother them for the moment. Octavia though, not content to stay put decided to sit up and start running around. Cautiously, the hound approached Nick and started playfully barking and wagging her tail as though she wanted to play.

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@Cu Chulainn@Crimson Paladin

“Good.” He replied simply, motioning them to follow. “If you’ll follow me to the back, there’s a few things.” Assuming the two followed, Bolcha would lead the two to one of the back rooms of the workshop. While the front was where they seemed to do most of the butchering and handling of the skinning and other parts of the animal, the back seemed to be where most of the other crafting endeavors took place.

The room specifically seemed to be used for leather working.

“We do a lot of trade with someone from up north that should be arriving soon. She’s been a godsend for us since our troubles started. Preserved meats, alcohol from her homeland, she’s gotten us through a lot, but we have to keep up our end of the bargain too-”

Walking into the room, however, it seemed it was already occupied.

A fox with fur black as soot, eyes as green emeralds with a tail tipped with fluffy, white fur. In its mouth, was a leather pouch - noticeably containing some leather working tools.

It yipped, bolting out the door right by their feet with the belt of tools in its mouth.

“...Well don’t just stand there, after it! It’s got some of the tools!”
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Ah, It’s fine.” Lazhira replied with a grin. “Most people here don’t really care for this sorta thing, so if you wanna look I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Just eh, be a bit careful. I had to lug some of those all the way back from the old temple. Some of that stuff is really old. Oh, and its uh, Lazhira. My name, that is, ehe.”

While the trio began inspecting the various things around the room, Lazhira began setting the table. The relics themselves, if they could be called that just seemed to be various objects of questionable importance. Pots, vases, a mask or two, but the most notable however, were a few stone carvings, the largest ones the size of a large book. The writing on them, if they were indeed that, were entirely unreadable to them.

“Ehm, if you’re wondering about the writing on some of these things, its supposed to be the God of Knowledge’s runes. I have no idea what they mean though - weh!” Lazhira spoke up, almost tripping and dropping a plate she was carrying. “I was trying to work on a translation, but I’m not really...good at it.”

The tablets at least, seemed to depict both words and human figures occasionally, roughly carved into its surface, though it also seemed much was missing from each piece, being only a fragment of both. Alongside those fragments, were a small idol of some sort, expertly carved from stone. Fitting in the palm of ones hand, It seemed to be a bust of some sort, seeming fairly similar to a human save for the smooth, polished shape of the face and the large horns adorning either side, one being larger than another.

Nothing seemed to stand out more than normal to the three curious onlookers. Of course, all of these relics would be equally strange, as they were completely uninitiated in the history of this world, or the village of Dawn itself. Perhaps further examination was required.

“So uh, about what I said earlier.” Lazhira looked at Nobunaga. “The er, curse thing...I think it has something to do with the old temple. You probably saw mention of it in those scrolls, Misaki. Some weird things have been happening there lately, and last time I was there, there was this really thick fog that’s not normal there. If I didn’t know the area or a few magic tricks I’d probably have gotten lost.” She grabbed a piece of a fish, slowly starting to eat. “I’m not an expert on anything, but that was weird.”

The Roma Mob

Magic seemed simple enough, if Augusta’s explanation was anything to go by. The capability was already within, he just had to find a way to push it out. Easy, in theory. He just needed to try and do it, it seemed. Perhaps he could attempt playing around with that, while they waited for night to fall. But then, it might also be prudent to try and find some sort of shelter. The sun was already dipping behind the horizon, and with it the temperature.

But a brief rest couldn’t hurt.

Upon hearing her name, Octavia poked her head up from a nearby pile of snow she had somehow managed to cover herself in. The demon pup walked over to the elf, taking a seat by her, loudly yawning and settling down next to her. As she did so, perhaps she’d scan the pup again with her eye to see how it was doing -

For the most part, it seemed she was fine, but something else had been added since the last time she scanned the pup.

Donovan’s own worries seemed to be somewhat founded - upon placing his hand upon Nick’s wound, it felt...off. Not in the physical sense, just off. Placing his hands upon the wound though, and using his own abilities - that feeling vanished near instantly. It seemed as though while Augusta could heal the physical, she couldn’t cleanse the ‘corruption’ the plants brought.

Isidore, meanwhile, decided to meet the Boar’s charge with a steeled stance. His hands met the boars tusks, his armor doing their job of keeping him mostly unharmed for now. Yet, his body groaned and protested the repeated use of such force - still, it held for now. His feet slid across snow, wet ground. With leverage and momentum, the pig squealed, its feet kicking and flailing as it was pulled from the ground and launched into the air.

In the next instant, Isidore drew his blade.

Fresh blood stained the snow.

The weight of the boar's body fell into his own. The weight forced the pig further down the blade, fully impaling the creature upon it, right through where its heart should have been, yet it wasn’t dead yet it seemed. It thrashed and flailed, twisting and craning its neck, a tusk tearing lightly into Isidore’s neck as it attempted to wrench itself free of its hunters grasp, but it was a vain attempt. The boar’s heart had been pierced, and soon its struggling would cease.

The quiet crack of a twig would draw Isidore’s attention next.

Standing not far away, was...a tree?

At first his eyes thought he might have been looking at a tree or a large, barren bush. Long branches extended far into the air, reaching just below the branches of the other trees. Upon them seemed to grow various foliage and plants, a small squirrel or two seemed to even have made a nest in them - yet as his eyes followed the branches down, he’d come to a realization.

It wasn’t a tree - it was a deer. A large, massive deer with a luxurious looking fur coat as white as the snow that surrounded it. Swirling patterns of grey fur decorated its flanks. A long, bushy tail dragged behind it, long, thin legs, carrying it gracefully across the ground. Indeed, if he hadn’t been directly looking at it, one might have simply missed it entirely against the forested background with how still it was standing.

It stared at him, then turned its gaze to the Boar, then back to Isidore.

It pawed the ground, raised its head. A loud, echoing, shrill call resounded through the forest, a wind beginning to stir. The deer began walking towards Isidore, each step causing a flurry of wind to move snow from its path as it approached.

Donovan wouldn’t have much trouble finding Isidore, following the sound of that call, stumbling upon Isidore the moment the Deer began walking towards him.

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@Cu Chulainn@Crimson Paladin

“Leather? We have some pelts in the back...I’ll see what we can do.” Bolcha grunted, nodding to Malphas. “Shouldn’t be too difficult, come back tomorrow afternoon, it should be mostly ready by then.”

“Well, Novak, I should get back before something else happens.” Unless stopped, Akando would leave Novak and Malphas at the workshop on their own. Bolcha continued to work for a few moments, before stepping out to the front of the store and eyeing the two of them.

“Hm...if you two got time, I need a favor.” He motioned back to the beast they were butchering. “You’re the travelers that killed that thing right? That thing is gonna take awhile to fully get through, so I’m not gonna be able to handle some things I need doing today, and the hunters are winding down for the day. If I could have a few extra hands, I could maybe even get yours done faster - and I’d be willing to give you a few extra things too.”
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord

“We make use of everything we hunt, if possible. Bones are used as tools, meat has its obvious uses. While armor isn’t something we’d make out of it usually...hm, I can’t say it’d be too difficult to fashion something out of it. If you want, they took the beast to Bolcha’s - he’s the one that we normally have handling the skinning and butchering of large animals.”

“I’ll show you the way now, if you’re interested.” Akando interjected in with a nod. The decision, of course, was Novak’s. Should he choose to follow

“I’ll see if I can’t find anything else that may prove useful.” Enli responded with a friendly wave as they left, allowing them to leave unhindered. As they stepped out into the snowy air once more, they were seemingly greeted by another traveler. Another one from earth? That was either good luck, or not depending on how you looked at it.


Before they could begin discussing things, however, a voice familiar to Nobunaga and Misaki would interrupt. After getting their attention, Lazhira waved energetically, running up and giving them a friendly greeting.

“How’d it go? You guys wanna head-ah...” She just now seemed to notice Narkissa, pausing a moment and giving her a curious look over. “...we’re getting a lot of visitors today huh.” She idly commented. “Uhm, is she a friend of yours? Well! She’s welcome to come along to my place too if you want. I got some food going, it should be done soon and we can talk about that uhm, thing I mentioned.”

Assuming those who wanted to follow did so, Lazhira led the party away from the longhouse that served as Enli’s residence towards a smaller building a small walk away from the rest of the village. It was a small, one room building without much in the way of space - not because of the small size, but rather, it seemed Lazhira had stuffed every corner of the place with something.

All manner of odd objects seemed to litter the room. A tall, wooden what seemed to be a mannequin of some sort, odd stone pots and vases lining the walls. A large stone slab with odd runic carvings upon it. A number of other seeming, what might on earth be described as archaeological objects were cluttering the room.

“Sorry for the mess, hahah. I find interesting things in the forest - especially around the old temple and I like to just kind of...bring it home. Feels kinda a shame to let it lay there. ” As they entered, the smell of cooked food hit their nostrils - the source a pot over a nearby fire pit, with a number of fruits and vegetables upon the table with what seemed to be seasoned fish.

“I’m not exactly the best at this whole cooking thing, either but I hope you guys like fish.”

The Roma Mob

Octavia barked happily in acknowledgement from Augusta, but sat obediently by its new owners side. A brief exchange of words with Nicholas, Isidore headed towards the forest, suggesting that Augusta may test her new limits on their friend. Supposing he would let the elvish woman perform, the ensuing test would prove fruitful.

As Augusta lay her hands on his wounded shoulder, a warmth spread from the flame in her hand. It wasn’t as one would expect fire - it burned, but gently, a warm, welcoming fire. The dull pain in the wound faded slowly, the bleeding stopping and eventually coagulating. No doubt it wasn’t healed fully, but at least he wouldn’t have to be careful about aggravating the wound.

As they spoke and got their bearings, Isidore headed instead towards the forest, intent on finding a meal for them before night fell. Indeed, it was likely a good idea. The sun was sinking ever lower on the western horizon, with two moons beginning to show themselves in east - the same ones they had seen in their previous location, albeit they were both much smaller.

Snow and foliage crunched under his shoes as he walked. Normally in a forest, it wouldn’t be odd to hear the odd animal or two. Oddly however, this forest was quiet. Eerily so. Isidore would keep walking, much of the forest seeming the same as he went deeper, eventually the treeline of the forest fading from view.

Soon, the forest's terrain turned from relatively flat to small hills further in. Not far in front of him was...a boar? If the distinctive oinking noise it made was any indication to go by at least. It was of a similar size to what ones might have had on earth, its rough, grey fur coat unkempt and coarse. What was concerning however, was its two long, foot long tusks that were easily visible. The bony protrusions seemed to turn black towards their tips.

It had been digging in the ground, but when Isidore approached it paused and turned towards the man. Noticing the man, the Boar squealed, turning to face him and charging!

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@Cu Chulainn@Crimson Paladin

Leaving his companions behind, Malphas began meandering his way through the town. It seemed as rural as one might expect of some medieval, fantasy village. The people so far paid him no mind, going about their evening business. Fishermen near the docks were wrapping up their operations, bringing in a bounty from the sea. Passing near the forests, a number of craftsmen were busy finishing bringing lumber into a pile. Some of the hunters having some practice sparring as well it seemed. People heading into houses done with the days work, the smell of freshly cooked food finding its way out of their doors and into the air.

Oddly, it seemed most of the people here were already adults. Not many kids or young teens seemed to be living here. There were a few - but for the most part it seemed this village had an aging population.

Eventually though, he would find himself standing in front of what seemed to be where they had taken that beast from earlier. From a brief look from outside, a number of men were busy cleaning and skinning the beast, sorting different materials from it into separate piles.

It was then, a warrior with another man in tow would show up not long after. Clearly, even to Malphas’ eyes this man was not a native, either.

“Bolcha!” He bellowed. “One of those who helped slay the beast has a request.”

“Hm?” A rather gruff looking man currently skinning the armored hide glanced in their direction. “What’s he want?”

“Armor, from that things hide.”

“Armor? Hm...doable, but It’ll take some time.”

This might be a good time for Malpahs to interject, and ask about something he wanted as well, if anything. Seemed like one of the few places he might be able to get something.
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