Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Fusang Streets

Suzuka watched as the rain of blades fell upon the specters, impaling and ripping apart any that were within her line of sight. Really, what were these dumb things? While she was definitely glad that all of the main threats were taken care of...

"Tch, I missed her." Not a hit of remorse as Suzuka landed on the ground just a few feet away from Melt. She was a little miffed the ballerina got away completely unscathed. That was probably a good thing, though. While the rest of the specters had been taken care of, the caster herself still remained. Ugh, really what was with that creep? It was making the fur on her tail stand on end. Something about here was just...wrong. Like, totally wrong, and she was soon proven correct.

That specter thing, was totally out of season.

"Hup!~" In one swift motion, one of her blades was lobbed at the giant specter just as it had finished manifesting.

"What edgy outdated internet hole did you crawl out of?" Suzuka smirked with a light chuckle, not too impressed at the caster. Whatever that specter was though, it was just as wrong as the caster. "I dunno about you, Ballerina, but that thing gives me the creeps."




That was unexpected, to put mildly.

As much as the girl tried to hide it, whoever she was...the striking resemblance to Artoria was not lost on Charlotte. She might have worn glasses, but she wasn't blind. Now that left the question of what exactly was going on here, and what was she going to do. She felt like this was going to get incredibly tiring to get caught up in. When it came to things like servants and stuff like this, it always was...she was however, mildly curious herself. She bore so much of a resemblance it couldn't be coincidence, and as much as both the girl and Waver were trying to hide it.

Well, she doubted there wouldn't be anyone who wasn't a little bit curious.

"Well...Saber," Charlotte addressed her servant. There was obviously a reason they were trying to keep it a secret. Respect? A potentially volatile outcome? "I'd say we should ask later, but I'll leave the decision to you, since this is something concerning you." She could at least, hopefully trust Saber's own judgement regarding this for now.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

“I am aware of this...problem of ‘slowly bleeding out’” Enli replied with a sigh. “But any rash decisions would only hasten the amount of resources we lose. The Kyrnith isn’t even showing itself to us...” He held a hand to his chin, considering Nobunaga’s and Misaki’s words. “But...hm, perhaps you are right. As outsiders with no connection to our village, perhaps it might be more willing to speak with you.”

He sighed.

“I can’t imagine it would be easy...Elder Beasts can be quite...fickle, but If you are able to somehow resolve this issue, the village will be extremely grateful. Of that I am certain.” Enli smiled softly. “But enough of that! It’d likely be best if you started on this tomorrow. The light of the moon is already slowly burning away the daylight. It’d be unwise to travel there at night. Do you need accommodations? I can arrange for something easily enough.”

Perhaps it would be prudent to rest for a bit, or maybe find something else to spend the evening doing. They indeed had a rather eventful day and rest always does one good. Perhaps they’d even find something to make their search easier.

Lazhira was likely done with whatever it was she was doing when they had left, too.

The Roma Mob

Thus, the enemies were dealt with. The fell creatures slain at their feet. A brief moment of respite for the party. Aside from one mishap, they had fared well against the creatures, but surely there were even more slinking about in the shadows, likely woken by the gardens’ attempt to restrain the stone giant.

As the wound burned in pain, Augusta decided that if she could use this magic offensively, perhaps she could use it in another way. Placing her hands upon the wound, she focused on that same energy she used offensively before. This time, however, she redirected it into her own body using her hands as a conduit for the ability. If the bodies ability to heal was merely cells knitting back together, then perhaps all she had to do was imagine her body doing so, but at a higher rate?

A slight itching sensation on the wound was all she’d need to know she had somewhat succeeded. Flesh began regrowing on the wound, slowly knitting together and closing the open gash. It wasn’t perfect, and it still throbbed with pain, but the bleeding soon stopped, and as she removed her hands she’d notice the flesh had knit together, if somewhat crudely It’d likely leave a small scar once fully healed, but at the moment she was in no danger of aggravating the wound further, for now. Donovan’s efforts, however small, didn't seem to be in vain either. Even though Augusta shrugged him off, his brief attempt at healing seemed to work - though in this case, less on the wound itself, and more on whatever demonic influence that blade may have had upon Augusta. Or perhaps it was a combination of both her healing attempts, and his.

But their respite would soon come to an end, unless they wished their deal with that plant to be for naught. The ground continued to rumble and shake as the two beasts above them clashed. Soon, they would exit from the confines of the prison and back into the crisp air above to behold the sight with their own eyes.

The giant had been immobilized, one of its feet ensnared by tendrils and thorns from the garden. raised its stone blade, blue light filling the engravings upon its ancient surface. A mighty swing as blue energy was expelled from the edge of the blade, rushing along its surface at high speed as the blade slammed into the stem of its opponent. The plant shrieked, the energy ripping and tearing into its neck.

Yet, it seemed as that was exactly what its opponent wanted. Countless vines grew from the wound, ensnaring the titanic stone giant’s blade arm. Numerous vines traveled up its arm, and pulled.

The giant growled, a mechanical,dissonant shout as more energy convened on its fist. Light streaked from its hand as it slammed into the ‘mouth’ of the massive plant, an explosion of sparkling, blue light as the demon shrieked, recoiling back from the impact and losing its grip on the titans blade. Earthen pillars accompanied it, severing several of its tendrils and loosening its grip.

Of course, they didn’t have time to watch the show. They had to leave. Neither of the enemies noticed them, and they had a more or less clear shot to the exit so long as they avoided whatever stray blows came their way.

Once they did leave, they would find a sight familiar to the others who had already came before them.

The sounds of the stones moving, heaving, and the plant lashing out vanished in an instant. Atop an ancient cliff, where more ruins sat all eroded by time save for a single, stone obelisk. Behind was nothing but the sea. South, were large mountains that pierced the skies. North, a beach as far as the eye could see. East was a forest, stretching further than they could make out from their vantage point.

And Nicholas, laying exhausted upon the ground...asleep?

The Traveler

And so the weary traveler fell against the ground, exhaustion eating at his body. Indeed, he was safe as far as he could tell. There was nothing in the vicinity that seemed to be dangerous. At least, immediately so. A brief respite upon the welcoming ground as the sun was sinking lower
down the horizon.

He laid back, eyes turned to the clear blue sky.

A pang of adrenaline would shock him from his respite.

The forest.

Something was watching him from the forest’s edge. How long was he asleep? Had he even fallen asleep? He couldn’t have been out of it for long. As he gathered his thoughts, he would likely become aware of others around him, now. It had seemed as though his previous companions survived that encounter.

Feet Pics
@Click This@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord

Leannah attempted to make peaceful contact, but it seemed Malphas had other ideas. He approached the apparent guardsman of some sort that Leannah had just spoken too. The exaggerated movements didn’t seem to impress the gathered hunters, though neither did it make them wary.

“...wha-?” The moment he sprouted those wings of his, however, something changed. The hunter’s eyes widened as he gripped the spear at his side. “Sovereign...of the skies and ruler of the earth and the sea?” He laughed. “The Shadow Elves and the Mountain Folk would mount your head on a pike for saying that.” He turned his attention to Narkissa. “Best you’re not with him then if he does.”

The hunter sighed lightly, relaxing his posture a bit.

“Don’t cause trouble, outlanders. Especially you, Bastelian,” He narrowed his eyes at Leannah, suspicion and mild curiosity in the hunters voice. “You’re a long way from your vast hunting grounds, but as long as you don’t cause trouble, you’re welcome here. If you want to know more about what happened...” He cast a glance back to the large, armadillo like creature that was being gutted and moved to a more suitable location. “Not long ago, a black haired woman in a strange outfit weilding an odd, long sword, with two companions arrived. Its not a very dangerous beast as long as you don’t let it catch you off guard, but still...she slayed it with ease. They are currently in a meeting with Enli,” He pointed to the large wooden building off in the distance. “Best wait until they’re done if you want to speak with them.”

A brief shout from one of the other hunters. Something about needing help.

“Once again, stay out of trouble. I’ve got to help the others.”

And with that, he began walking away from the three and helping the other hunters lift the carcass of the massive beast towards a large building near the sea.

So there it was. Someone perhaps, similar to them, had already made it to this place. What did that mean? Either way, perhaps they should seek maybe more information.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

The older man frowned, studying the two with a measured gaze.

“Even if I were to accept your aid,” Enli said after a few seconds. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin to solve them.” He sighed. “I said that we once worshipped the God of Knowledge, up until he left, taking much of the advancements and things of our ancestors with him. For a time after that, we nearly didn’t make it. It wasn’t until one of my more recent ancestors struck a deal with the Kyrnith did we begin to even prosper slightly again.”

He paused, considering how much he should explain.”

“The Kyrnith is one of the more docile Elder Beasts which live upon this land. It stalks the forest, protecting and ensuring that even in the harshest of winters bounty can be found within.” Akando interjected. “Recently, however, its turned hostile and violent towards anyone...including the animals within.”

“Which is why I am hesitant to send you after it. Rather than your safety...perhaps rather, I am gripped with indecision.” Enli continued. “If I were to send hunters after it, there is a good chance they will die. No one can fight an Elder Beast and expect to live. Even if we were to succeed...then the forest will no longer be able to sustain us.”

As they conversed, Misaki continued pouring over the scrolls.

Many mentions of this God seemed to mostly give Misaki a general sense of this so called God. Erratic, eccentric, and a penchant for trying to experiment and discover as one perhaps, might expect as well as potentially knowing everything there is to know about the world. Past, Present, and Future. One of his most easily identifiable traits however - was something that Misaki had seen before. An silver half crescent emblem with four spikes upon the top.

The same emblem on Enli’s robe and Lazhira’s arm.

Curiously the notes make no mention of when exactly this God supposedly left the village, only that one day he was just gone leaving with a number of people and nearly everything that he had brought in the first place. There was however, not much more information on him aside from that. Apparently he wasn’t overly fond of worship.

After that, was the history of the village up until what seemed to be several generations ago. One of the past chiefs struck a deal with the Kyrnith to ensure the village's safety, though the details seemed rather sparse - apparently there was a promise on both sides, yet...the paper detailing what that promise was, however was missing. In fact, it almost looked like someone had purposefully ripped it.

The Roma Mob

The creature shrieked, its pitiable life ended as its torso was bisected by the force of Isidore’s furious blade. It hit the ground, black blood boiling away. Two down, three to go. He lunged forwards, his next target decided as swiftly. His feint proved effective, the creature moving to parry and use a strike of its own, but Isidore’s clever brutality proved far more effective.

Blood spattered across the flower that served its face. Sparks of fire bloomed across its surface, before igniting in a display of small crackling explosions. The creature convulsed, its legs stumbling backwards as his blade drove into his neck, but the creature was already a corpse once again.

Three down, two to go.

The moment of respite was soon lost, however. The fifth one was making a move for his more defenseless companion. Just as well, his muscles were starting to complain a bit from exertion. It wasn’t serious, but just a small reminder that even if he couldn’t be injured, his body may fail him in other ways.

Augusta quickly moved to aid the pup. Instead of a concentrated bolt of either fire or pure energy, she focused that energy in her hands, allowing it to spread...the prison lit up with another source of fire. The creature howled in pain, but Augusta’s assault was soon halted.

She’d see something just out of the corner of her eye, moving too fast for her or Octavia to react too. The other one had apparently decided Isidore was too much of a threat, and was instead going for someone who looked weaker. Augusta would feel a sharp pain in her side. A tearing of flesh as the creature's blade sank deep into her side as it made to kill its quarry.

Octavia growled, quickly leaping to its masters aid, the other arm and trying to wrench it off of Augusta before it could do more damage.

@Click This@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord

It was probably nothing. If it was something, it didn’t seem to bother with them.

So the group continued down the beach, soon finding evidence of civilization. A few spear wielding men wearing light armor were seen walking around the perimeter. As they made their way into the seemingly small fishing village, it was easy to tell something had just happened that had the people a bit on edge and giving them a few wary looks.

The forest was still to the east, and towards the northern end was a large house. In the center square was a large armored beast, lying dead in a pool of its own viscera. Some men were preparing to seemingly carry it off somewhere.

But aside from a few odd glances, they didn’t seem unwelcome here.

The Traveler

Nick decided to make a break for it.

The stone Giant tilted its body ever so slightly, eyes shifting towards him as he came around the corner of the building. Yet, if it had issues with him escaping, it quickly focused back on the plant. Perhaps it realized that was the bigger issue here. The mass of vines and foliage lashed out towards the stone behemoth. Thick, long tendrils attempting to ensnare the behemoth, thorns gripping and tightening around its stone armor.

The behemoth reacted swiftly, its stone blade meeting the vines, severing it from its host as they fell to the ground, quickly wilting without a source of life.

The ground under his feet split, more vines pushing through the frost laden ground. It would slow him, but not enough to halt progress. Thankfully they didn’t seem focused on him, instead ensnaring the giants feet.

But the outcome of this battle?

Nick wouldn’t see.

Just as the ground shifted beneath him, he would be thrust forwards, crossing the threshold of the archway.

And silence.

The sounds of the stones moving, heaving, and the plant lashing out vanished in an instant. Soon, he would find himself standing atop a cliff. More ruins surrounded him, but behind was nothing but the sea. An obelisk with the carving of a Moon the only point he could see. South, were large mountains that pierced the skies. North, he could make out figures moving upon the beach, just about to move out of sight. East was a forest, stretching further than he could even see.

His shoulder burned lightly.

As he made his decision, he would notice something odd. A certain...fragrance coming from a cool breeze coming from the mountains. The smell of burnt coals and a strong, metallic scent. There didn’t seem to be anything in that direction. Or any direction, for that matter.

But he was safe. The only question remained, was now where would he go? Would he wait for his former comrades? Perhaps he should rest a moment.

Hey friend! Sorry for the lack of posts from me. Was sick monday and just have generally haven't been existing the past two days

I'm gonna try and get back on track tomorrow though!
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

“Hm...” A slow smile spread across Enli’s face. “Curious about them, are you? The scrolls, I mean.” He said, looking towards Misaki. “Feel free to peruse what I have here, as a small thanks. They’re mostly just records and a few personal accounts of previous Kadisht. Our ancestors once worshiped the God of Knowledge, you see, but after he left our village people simply...forgot.”

The older man took a seat in a chair located towards the center of the room near the back.

“But I won’t bother you with a history lesson.” He chuckled. “You have my thanks for dealing with that animal. We're currently dealing with a bit of a problem, but I will extend our villages full hospitality to you in any way I can.”

Were Misaki to take him up on that offer, she’d find the scrolls to be filled with mostly as he said. Journal entries, accounts and a few what seemed to be passages of worship for this ‘God of Knowledge’, referenced as ‘Iva’Kroha’ or the ‘Illuminator’ in most cases. There was also a reference to a place of worship within the forest some distance away, where the God apparently used to reside.

Perhaps she would be looking for something more specific.

"...Enli, perhaps it would be best if we ask for help. The black haired girl is skilled."

"They are our guests, Akando. They have no business interfering in our affairs." He stated rather firmly.

"Something needs to be done about Kyrnith-"

"That is enough. We'll talk when we're not in front of guests."

The Roma Mob

Isidore lunged into the fray immediately upon reaching the next level. The experiments had their back to them, having all been focused on the stairway leading up. No sign of Nick, perhaps they had been chasing him up the stairs until just now? Useless to think about it for now, wasn’t it? Isidore ran his hand across the blade, blood staining the ancient edge crimson before igniting it in a sea of flame.

The first blade strike struck a creature square in the back, causing it to shriek in pain at the sudden assault. It fell forwards, shrieking and scrambling to the ground before suddenly turning around to face it's assailant. A large gash upon its back, black blood leaking and burning flesh mixing with the sweet air. A second one quickly reacted and lunged. A fireball from Augusta slammed into the side of its head, but not enough force to stop it.

It’s blade swung into Isidore’s forearm, seemingly surprised that it was being halted by his flesh. Donovan followed up next, the third creature nearest them barely having time to react as his shield slammed into his face. Another blast of energy invisible force, a ticking of a clock slammed sent the creature rolling across the floor. Whatever energy he was still channeling, seemed to immediately end the creature as its now lifeless body lay upon the ground, the plantlife shriveling and wilting.

Octavia swiftly bolted around the side, going for the ankles of one, only to be met with a quick, swift strike from one of the creatures, forming a deep gash upon the pups back. Octavia whined, but the wound quickly knit back together, allowing the pup to sink its teeth into the arm of the creature and drag it to the ground.

@Click This@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord

A brief moment of relaxation. A brief reprieve from the tribulations they had just endured. The only thing now, was to consider their next course of action. The forest would likely provide bounty and enough source of edible food, and the mountains while perhaps scarcer in that regard likely hand plenty of places of natural shelters. The beach too, wasn’t too far away and should they be able to fish, they would have a decent supply of food.

Leannah, it seemed, would choose the latter.

Whether her companions followed or not, the feisty feline began traveling north along the beach, the treeline just a short distance away. Soon they would notice footprints within the sand, obvious signs of human passage. In the distance they could even see smoke gently rising from the same nearby village Nobunaga and the others were currently occupying.

Something caused Leannah’s ears to stand on end.

Something was moving in the forest.

And it was watching them, yet if she happened to look, there was nothing, except for perhaps the lack of something. No animals. Not even any of those sea birds they saw out upon the waves or coast. She could, of course, decide to simply ignore it and continue heading into the town. It was likely nothing.

The Traveler

The creature didn’t go far, slamming into the ground near another, frantically trying to stand once again before its prey got away. Nick was too swift on his feet, however and soon he had left the lower levels behind, quickly emerging on the first level. Thankfully, the experiments here seemed to still be free of whatever malady the creature below had inflicted upon the others in the lower levels.

Soon, he would be standing once again upon the snow laden ground, fresh air and free of that cloying air that threatened to make one sick with its sweetness. Freedom, perhaps? Now all he had to do was worry about-

The cool air stung the wound on his arm. Quickly thinking, he cut a few strips of cloth from his shirt, intent on using them to bandage his wound. Noticeably, a black film seemed to cover the wound, coagulating around the blood. It was probably fine.

The surrounding area however, was not fine.

The ground rumbled. Somewhere on the other side of the building, just around the corner he could hear the earth breaking, splitting, cracking as ancient stone split open. Within the open area where the stone giant resided, just around the corner of the small courtyard where they met the pup, the earth simply fell.

Roots and vines moved stone, prying apart the earth from below as it demanded to be free from its prison. The earth fell into the garden below as it rose from the depths, the plant accelerating its growth.

The stone guardian of the place was quick to take note. It seemed...reluctant? Uncertain. It held its stone blade at the ready as the mass of plants quickly formed into a coherent form reminiscent of a massive venus flytrap - but with more teeth, and obvious intelligence behind it.

It seemed like Nicholas had time to decide what to do here. With that thing there, the guardian wasn’t likely to notice him. Perhaps he could make a break for it?

Only Arturia.

The Dioscuri's and Arturia's players have been MIA so we simply decided that well, since Charlotte needed a servant and Arturia needed a master, it was the easiest thing to do with a little finagling.
Okay, hopefully inserting Charlotte into the scene with conner and saber wand the retcon there wasn't too jarring for ya @Rezod92


For the most part, Charlotte had kept herself silent content to allow the other two to converse while she remained a mostly passive observer. If anything, she'd have liked to not be part of this little meet up. She seemed to be getting in quite a few of those recently, what with Yuriko, that incident the other day and now this. Well, she supposed that sort of incident was fine even if annoying. Practice kept one sharp, after all.

"...hm? Saber?" Charlotte slightly adjusted her glasses. She wasn't good with people, but she could at least understand her servant was troubled by something, specifically the presence of the hooded figure next to the professor. Which in turn, caused Charlotte to peer curiously at her. She might have normally taken a mild interest, but since they were a companion of Waver, it was likely nothing to be concerned about.

For now at least. She had other concerns anyways, like Saber and Conner's servant currently having a quiet stare down. She'd keep the hooded figure in the back of her mind. Hm...that cloak was pretty fetching. Fabric was well made...maybe she should ask for measurement-


"Of course, I'm sure you're busy." Charlotte agreed with Conner, taking note that Saber was now focused on Conner's own servant. Today was going to be full of distractions from studying again, wasn't it? "I think Conner and I may have things to discuss anyways." If nothing else, she'd like to hopefully avoid some problem in the future.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

“Kadisht Enli is our...chief of sorts,” Akando replied rather matter of factly. “Though he dislikes being called as such. He lets most of the village operate as hands off as he can. He still has sway though, and has final say in what happens in more dangerous or urgent matters.” The large man frowned lightly.

“I’m not sure what Lazhira has told you, but as you can guess things aren’t exactly going...well, for us right now, but Enli would be better at filling you in.”

Assuming they followed, Akando would lead them further towards the north side of the village with the long house they had seen earlier. A short walk, though most people still kept stealing glances at the outsiders. They were also of course, free to keep asking questions as they traveled. Or perhaps they didn’t follow Akando, and elected to go their own way.

Eventually they would reach the building, Akando slowly pushing open the door. Inside was for them, a warm relief. A large fire pit had been put in the middle of the room, smoke rising from it and out of a skylight in the roof. The walls were decorated with several tables, chairs, and a few what seemed to be hunting trophies. Several chairs were situated around the fire pit, along with tables.

In the back of the room, was stacked bookshelves upon which various scrolls and other written texts seem to be stored. Perusing the shelves was an older man, not much notable in the way of physical appearances go. He was dressed in a long, red robe with patterns - notably having the same symbol embroidered on the front of it as Lazhira’s tattoo. He hadn’t heard them enter, in his hands was a scroll he was currently perusing.

“Enli, I have bought visitors.”

“Hm? Ah, I heard shouts from here. Another animal attack?” The mans voice was definitely aged.

“Dealt with swiftly by our visitors here.”

“I see, well, you have my thanks travelers.” He placed the paper on a nearby table. “Come, you must be cold with how you’re dressed.”

The Roma Mob

“Kkrk, a-ceptable.” The creature gurgled, head tilting at an odd angle. ‘Octavia’ tilted its head up towards the smaller plant. A small tendril sprouted from the ground, briefly piercing the pup’s skin, but it didn’t seem bothered by it. It lasted only a moment, before the pup was released from its grip. “I have...released from this garden...Then...we have a deal.”

Whether it thought they would betray it didn’t seem to matter, or perhaps it wasn’t capable of such deep thinking. Whatever the case may be, the smaller flower at the base of the flower shuddered. Large petals opened, a sweet fragrance wafting from the newly bloomed flower. Within was a hand sized seed.

“Take. Leave. Hurry. Can only restrain...so long.” The creature the garden was puppeting fell lifeless.

The vines around the small pool retreated, revealing a path around the other side of the flower, back towards the unexplored doorway as well as the way back they had come. Notably, the creatures were all now on the side they had been so it should be an easy, straight shot back towards the area they came supposing nothing stood in their way.

Of course, it couldn’t exactly be so easy. Assuming they did go back the way they came, once they had reached the stairs they’d come to the sinking realization. The monsters that Nick left behind, were still alive and well, barring their path forwards. About five of them, in this cramped space.

The ground rumbled beneath them, vines and tendrils reaching upwards from the ground.

@Click This@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord

Finally out of their ordeal, the group convened upon the beach. Making their way down the cliff and outcropping, they found themselves a serene vista. The beach gently crashing upon the land, the only thing breaking the peace was the sea birds loudly cawing and chirping from above, a siren call that could be heard from quite a ways away.

They had some time to themselves, it seemed. The only question was what would they do with it? Make camp? Explore the area? Head to the mountains.

The world now, as they say, was their oyster.

The Traveler

As expected, the creature made for a swing the moment Nick tried to charge it. It lunged forward with a blade, Nick deflecting it with his own. In the next instant his free hand grabbed the creature by the neck. It hissed, grunting angrily as a second blade on its other arm sliced into Nick’s shoulder. A deep, painful gash was cut into him, a mild burning sensation aside from the pain as Nick lifted the creature and tossed it aside.

He was free, at last.

Nothing else stood in his way, not between him and the exit at least.

He would arrive back on the ground floor of the complex, but something had changed. The growth had started to visibly expand upwards, taking hold of the stone walls, finding any sort of crack or opening it could use to grow itself and slip into places.

The ground rumbled, shifting as something seemed to be clawing its way up from the depths.

Hey, just a heads up, probably not getting a post out today.

Brain doesn't wanna brain and just generally feeling a bit bleh.

Most of it is written though, so should be up sometime tomorrow.
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