Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Oh, we started huh

I'll see about getting Yzzi doing Yzzi things after some food

This time around the gm is going to join in as a goblin as well, the veterans will start of as hobgoblins with a single legacy item and their skills up till that point me and everyone else will start off with a clean slate

First post under the OP guy, god learn to read you illiterate goblin~ ;p

@Aerandir@ERode@Guilty Spark

Finn certainly was an earnest one, wasn't he? Sera huffed lightly at his assertion he was merely 'stating the truth'. Well, as much as she didn't quite like it, no need to make a huge fuss over it. Archer, huh? Hm...useful skills. It'd be nice to have someone covering her from a distance again...hah. Maybe he wouldn't be the sort to get in over his head and ambushed repeatedly, either.

Before she had a chance to comment on her own skills though, there was a quiet scratching at the door and a curse, followed by it opening and a rather cute looking cat-eared boy walked in. He certainly seemed dangerous, judging from the way he carried himself. He went on to introduce himself, and give the particulars of their mission. Great...the job was basically what amounted to busting some lowlifes making drugs and making money off the poor.

Used to, that'd have made her blood boil. The blade in her hand found its way back to its sheathe.

"Simple enough." She commented, taking the pin from Nyrien, giving it a brief look over as she continued. "To answer your earlier question though boy, I'm good with a blade, and can hold my own in a fight." She pinned the badge on the inside of her hood. "But I'm better at handling things discreetly, and finishing things quietly." No need to mention anything else. Best if they didn't ask at all. "I'm assuming we have zero leads?" She questioned, turning her head back towards Nyrien. Three people covering an entire maze like cave or sewer system wasn't ideal. She wasn't sure how big it is, but from the way he was speaking it wasn't a small area. "We try finding a dealer topside and tailing or...questioning them?"
Short, sweet, light CS for ya bossman.


Hey friend!

Just checking in to see how you're doing.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord

Even if they decided to leave the house, Lazhira seemed to be absent. The village however, was much livelier than it was yesterday. Whatever was going on in the northern part of it seemed to have everyone in a good mood. More uniquely would be a handful of other people mixed in with the villagers, wearing garb that might be familiar to both Nobunaga and Misaki.

However, one even stood out among them as those outside may see.

A tall woman, dressed in light garb with plates of armor, two blades resting at her side. Her clothes however, were not the most striking feature - rather, it was the two, long, pointed horns protruding from her forehead and the rather macabre mask. A Noh, mask, as a few in the party may recognize, was completely obscuring her facial features.

She quietly observed the group, almost seeming to say something before tilting her head to the right.


Lazahira’s familiar voice would pop into existence, the source of it coming from some distance away. The masked woman observed a second longer before walking to the nearby shore, silently observing the waves.

“Ha...ha...” Lazhira panted, sweating lightly as she tried to catch her breath. “Sorry...I was with Enli. He was trying to tell me the same thing about the villages history again.” The village girl stood up straight, pouting. “No worries though! I managed to get away, ehehe~! Uhm...I know I said I'd take you guys to the temple, but we could see what Lady Mie has, too." She glanced off to the side with a mildly embarrassed look. "Just don't ask to fluff her tail or she'll charge you after.”

The Roma Mob

Donovan prayed to this nameless God. If it heard him, however, it didn’t respond.

Perhaps an amount of caution was smart. Indeed, carrying something that was a literal seed of some demonic garden was likely going to cause problems in the future. It might have been best just to destroy it in general. Then again...perhaps it’d prove useful. If they kept their end of the bargain, perhaps the demon should reward them, or maybe it could lead to some useful research later.

Regardless of their choice of what to do with it, eventually they would need to make another choice. Head towards the supposed village...or south, towards the mountains, and towards the quietly rumbling storm that hung overhead. Augusta seemed quite intent on her path heading south, regardless of the perceived danger. What would Nicholas do here? Travel with them? Or head towards the supposed town.

So south she would travel.

The trek would be long, mildly exhausting but thankfully fairly uneventful. Eventually even the treeline of the forest would be left behind, fading into the background and being nothing more than a spec of green in the distance. A vast, white, plain stretching before the travelers with a mountain that threatened to pierce the heavens as their destination. Nothing seemed to be living out here in this vast, white, wasteland of snow.

It wouldn’t be until the sun had well started its descent across the sky did they finally arrive at the base of the mountain. By now the storm above had whipped the winds into a frenzy, blowing snow and ice towards the duo, seeming intent on blocking their path. Perhaps they should hope to find a way to stay warm, though with both being able to conjure fire perhaps it wasn’t too big of a problem for now. More troublesome however, was the crackling thunder and lightning overhead. It seemed like the storm was only going to get worse, so finding shelter was likely going to be a good idea.

The path forward wasn’t going to be easy. The mountainous terrain seemed to be lacking any obvious paths up. The only thing lending visible help was what seemed to be an old animal trail cutting into the snow and rock and -

A small flicker of light pierced the snow and wind not far up that trail. The smell of meat cooking came from upwind. People, perhaps? Maybe someone had made camp here. Of course, there was no telling if these people would be friendly or not, if there were even people there.
Octavia huddled close to Augusta, whining in seeming discomfort, not seeming to do so well in the cold.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn@Crimson Paladin

It was easy enough for Malphas to find some items that passed for what he wanted. The selection of weapons seemed to be mostly for utility - hunting bows, knives, things that people in the village might have needed on a daily basis. Arrows were in no short supply however, and fairly cheap too from what it seemed. A comfortable, warm looking cloak and robe was set off to the side with a few others. Seemed as though most people here were crowding around the other miscellany the fox had to offer.

After he made his way over to her and made his offer, however, the merchant frowned slightly.

“Ah...you...You want to haggle with me?” The fox-eared girl replied. A mischievous grin followed, as she held a hand to her mouth. “Arrows, quiver...some robes and a bit of preserved meat, huh?” She seemed to mull over a few things in her head. “Heheh...you’re not going to attempt to command me to hand the over this time are you, huh? What, did you lose what little manliness you had last night?” An impish chuckle as the diminutive fox made an obvious reference to an event of yesterday, but...how exactly did she know that?

“Tsk tsk, I should make you pay your entire life savings for them, buuuuut as I am a generous, good, little fox I’ll cut you a deal just for you.” She folded her arms. “I need something from that forest. I’d get it myself, but as you can see, I’m busy...unlike you. I’ll even let you go ahead and walk out of here with this stuff.”

Noticing Novak among the ground in her peripheral, the fox acknowledged his presence with a playful wink. She tapped the shoulder of one of her guards and whispered a few words to him. With a nod, the guard approached Novak as she turned back to Malphas.

“Lady Mie requests your presence this evening.” That seemed less of an invitation and more of a demand. A small pouch of what appeared to be coins was offered to him.

If Malphas agreed -

Wayward builder

Donovan trekked north along the beach, the others soon disappearing behind the coastline. Perhaps this would be the last time he saw the two, but the goddess likely didn’t choose people who would die nameless, accomplishing nothing of note. Eventually he could hear the sounds of what seemed to be people. Off in the distance, just some ways away from the coast he could see small canoes and what seemed to be people hauling fish back to shore.

Notably, was a young girl stumbling out of the forest near the edge of town. She brushed some leaves and dirt off her dress before running off into the village. Seemed like she was in a hurry as she stuffed something into a pouch on her belt, muttering and complaining about being late, but she’d be gone before Donovan had a chance to speak with her.

“Another one...hah...” A man dressed in furs and carrying a bow glanced in Donovan’s direction as he walked up on the perimeter of the village. “Been a lot of outsiders lately...maybe a sign from the Gods…?” He’d idly comment as he seemingly continued a patrol. Seemed like there was a bit of commotion on the other side of town. Some sort of gathering and what seemed to be a market of some sort had opened on its outskirts.

An horned woman dressed in foreign garb was standing on the shore, silently watching the waves. Towards the north side, there was also a rather large looking wooden longhouse. Perhaps that's where the mayor or similar person lived? Wasn't to hard to find a craftsman either, if he wanted too. People would easily direct him to Bolcha's place.

Seemed like this was the village the Kyrnith had mentioned...but where to begin?

To be fair, I do intend to get a healthy bit of some more mystical aspects if I can. Not sure what yet, but definitely going to be attempting some shenanigans ala The Last Airbender and the like. Not sure how much yet, but definitely going to be a thing I attempt.
I'll probably have Yzzi here learn to use a multitude of weapons. Spear, Sword, polearms all come to mind.

And hopefully get some extra arms somewhere to use those weapons with heheh.

I decided to go with something simple. Do tell if that skill isn't quite up to snuff.

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