Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Okay, here we go for the first batch of CS's I will be accepting.


"Lets see...Sevvi Islands, eh? daughter of some sciency types. Helped that whole thing with them 'Nemesis' weirdos. Huhm...Ever been to the Tanoby Runins? Been a few times. A bunch of boring, dusty old ruins. Not a single interesting thing living there, well, unless you count the Unown but those things are a whole can of 'what the hell is this'. I'll put your application as approved. Included in this letter are tickets for a first class cruise to Eidda."

"Eh? Camilla what the hell is your application doing here? Spend less time with pranks and go get me some more coffee! And find out where those damn Rattata came from that made off with that experimental computer chip! And get ready for the new hires!"

"Ah, a more stereotypical application. Lets see...Unova, Castelia. Parents were a businessman and a trainer. Your mom was extremely insistent I take you on. Ugh, I almost wanted to tell her no just to see her reaction...but with the talent your parents had if you're half as good as they were then I'd be an idiot for not signing you on. Application approved."


"Ah, you. Mr. Tohjo city boy. Nice to see ya followed up on that offer. Normally I wouldn't mess with any institution here that isn't the Wailport or Rossaden but I made an exception for you. Grades aside, I heard about the Noibat and I could use someone with that level if idio-ahem-bravery. Application approved.


"Ah, Ripley. Nice to meet ya. I'm old friends with the Gym Leader in Rivenwall. Haven't see the old guy in awhile. Normally I wouldn't take someone with such a lackluster background but sometimes the painfully average is what is needed somewhere. I'm willing to take a chance on ya. Try not to waste my time. Application approved.

"Where do I even start with you? Your ridiculously long and detailed application would have been rejected just from word count if I didn't already know you somewhat. Employers like myself tend to like brevity, so keep it brief and to the point next time you overly wordy poetic fizzbrain. The way I see it, you're nothing too special but being related to who you are being related to, I'd be the fizzbrain for rejecting you. Try to have halve as much talent as your cousin."

@Crusader Lord
"Not every day I hear of anything from Orre. That region is kept locked up tighter than the mayor of Kantona's underwear drawer. Psychic potential, too eh. Hm...Hey, I got a better idea. Instead of being a field agent you work with me here in the lab. I can send Camilla to do your job instead. No? Come on I'll pay more. Its a cushy job you just have to let me study you. Your Psychic abilities. No? Tsk you're missing a huuuuge payday! Geh, fine application approved."

@Crimson Flame
"Leo. Pretty average kid aren't ya. Guess I really shouldn't expect much more from the applicants. Good to see I won't have to break the bank completely to get people here from other regions...not that I would. I'm kinda loaded. Anyways, application approved. I assume you know where my lab is so you won't need anything other than directions. Be here at nine AM on the date listed otherwise I'm gonna bill you for wasting my time and you aint got the money to afford that."

So for the most part I'll be accepting everyone thus far, as I see no glaringly wrong issues that need to be taken care of. Most anything I did see I'll be asking some people in DMs about a few things for clarifications or asking about certain things that perhaps, they might be interested in if I think I could connect a fun plot point there.

For the most part Sophie looks good, but I'll wait until I get the full Tyrunt CS to accept.

Carmina may be merciful

But Svarok, is not.
Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

"L-Lord Oja jokes far too m-much." Her face flushed a deep red at Takeshi's insinuation. "I-I am just her servant and nothing more, yes! Who else would she send?" Nyla responded perhaps a bit too quickly to the second part of his statement, her voice losing its excitable tone. "She trusts me, and I am her most trusted aide and attendant. I will ensure without fail that she succeeds whatever I must do. That is all there is to it. Nothing more." Takeshi might notice her gaze drooping to the ground slightly, but it was quickly replaced by her usual demure smile. "A-at any rate, think of me as your servant for as long as I am here, Lord Oja. Please."

Ah, it was over too soon.

She didn't even get to make any music from the poor bastard. Ah well, c'est la vie, as they say. She did think it was rather rude that some lady just happened to show up and take their kill. How annoying. Maybe she should do something for her in return? At least the kids seemed to be safe, though and were handed off without any issue and what else but some scandalous lovers rumor to crop up next? Haaselle felt well...these events completely didn't involve her, so she might as well offer her keen insights.

"Now come now, little miss fairy! Don't be jealous! Can't say Lanus is my type but he looks like the sort that'd get all kinds of trouble huhuhu~" The yellow robed offer a toothy smile. "Haaselle, by the way. No surname. Well, I had one at one point but I lost it. Or someone stole it. Maybe both. Anyways, good work, good work all of you." She twirled, turning to face Roze. "Miss roooooze! How'd I do for my first mission?"

She seemed rather eager to hear an evaluation of her efforts. Almost like a kid that was wanting to be praised for getting good grades.
Alrighto just for future reference for interested parties, I'm closing apps to new people but thank you for the interests~

I got called into a nightshift so I'll look over everything when I get a moment

in the mean time -

Discord link I can be contacted a bit quicker and faster here for those with questions.

So, I didn't put this here original as I was hoping people would be more central and native to the region, and I wasn't planning on making a huge reference to the events listed below. This RP is technically a sequel to the very first RP I ran on the guild ages ago. It didn't last very long but I liked the setting a number of the characters I came up with and expanded on it from there.

Hopefully, this helps and this lore dump doesn't affect people too terribly much. I'll be posting it to the OOC above along with some other perhaps relevant regional information once I get more free time.


Tohjo city.

Hopefully this is enough. I gave a more general overview but if you have any more specific questions let me know.


Currently at work but ill shoot ya that info later tonight

Might be a good idea to put it in the ooc opener come to think of it.

To answer your question though, put finished cs' here in the OOC for review. Once accepted and i post confirmation that they are good and accepted you can then post in the character tab.

Welcome aboard boyo looking forward to it. Ill get those who arent already there a link to the discord tonight.


Unfortunately, no this was not intentional. Just me making a mistake. Whoopsie. I'll fix it when I'm not working.

As for the character idea, that generally sounds fine. I'll need to give a bit of background info for Johto/Kanto here since a few important things happened in the regions in universe. Mostly stuff involving your stereotypical villain organization and champion/E4 stuff.
@Crimson Flame
no, no interest check. Just had sufficient interest privately expressed it was good to go straight to the OOC I felt.

Welcome aboard though~
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