Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Seasalt caverns

“Hm.” As they walked, Marzana would offer a pouty frown. “You lose them because a little thief decides she wants to play a game with you.” A total non answer once again as she’d take the necklace off from around her neck, holding it out in an open palm for Richard. “A family heirloom of sorts. This keystone is…sort of a key? Prison. That’s the easiest way I can explain it. That thief broke it, but I’ve made a new one. Anyways, don’t worry about the details, it won’t help. Just know they like to cause trouble. Me and Mattie here just finished dealing with one deeper in the caverns.”

As they walked, Marzana took a decidedly lazy approach, and curiously Richard would notice a distinct lack of wild pokemon on their way back up, almost as though they were avoiding something. Them, perhaps. The only ones that remained were a few Nacli that didn’t seem bothered.

“If you want to know more, boy.” A small smile formed on Marzana’s lips as she moved closer to Richard. “Come find me on route 4…but before that,” The entrance to the cave was in sight now, the walk not having taken long at all since there weren’t any wild pokemon or Richard wasn’t making a mad dash to flee from said wild pokemon. “I have…to go do my day job, so to speak, ahaha. Ta-ta. See you around, Richard. Or not. Come on Mattie.”

beep beep. Richards pokedex would ping the moment the two decided to leave. It was a text from Laurel.

Laurel: Richard, I think I’m about done here. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Miss Clarissa ran into trouble and Byjerlfal and is requesting help…I plan on continuing on to Giervor, but I wasn’t sure you’d have a signal in that cave. You can thank me later for this information. I don’t care whether you go or not to help her, I’ll be fine.

Laurel: Munchlax is doing well, by the way. The little cretin has already eaten half the food I had prepared for this trip.

Stellar Toy Factory

Going in through the window, the group would find themselves in the main factory area of the old factory. A few conveyor belts, old, rusted machines. Some spooky looking machinery that looked like it’d be pretty noisy if turned on. Upon Yuu and Jill climbing in through the window, Jill would have a rather amusing sight. A small group of about five rattata had apparently been congregating under the window. Asters' sudden appearance though, seemingly spooked them and caused them all to scatter.

A few lights flickered overhead, indicating the place still had power. Despite it being the middle of summer here in Byjerlfal too, a persistent chill permeated the area. A steady, rhythmic electrical bzzt noise could be heard coming from a nearby machine.

Stellar Toy Factory
@Crusader Lord

The Gastlys spherical body tilted to one side, almost mimicking a head being cocked to one side out of curiosity, observing the jerky.The ghost type proceeded to laugh, open its mouth and with its long, fairly big tongue licked up the jerky and proceeded to happily chew on it. Clarissa had at least avoided a battle, though she was now a bit...damp from it.

“Gaaaastly.” Seemingly satisfied, it proceeded to sink into the floor, leaving Clarissa alone, though she got the distinct feeling from her abilities that it was still nearby…and watching her. More disconcertingly though, was that the TV displaying static seemed to flicker, briefly showing something else…just as a door further down a hallway opened, all by itself. If she checked the front door, it would appear to be locked, as would any other door aside from the one that had opened.

If she decided to, indeed, head towards that room she’d find a small staircase leading up to a second floor. Seemed like it was a bunch of office spaces for management at one point. In a perhaps good display of luck, there was an open window at the end of the hallway. A Murkrow was roosting lazily on the window sill.


“Do I look like I know the answer to that?” Yasu responded gruffly. “But…well, Hatty probably has her reason.”


“...she says she wants to make sure you're safe.”

“Teeeeen.” Hatty, was visibly pouting.

“No other reason, no.” That sounded like Yasu was lying about something, but Hatty didn’t respond as it finished eating its berry, hopped off the table and walked back over to Yasu where it’d hide behind her leg.

The more recent records for Camila wouldn’t show much. It seemed as though the dates surrounding the particular incident ten years ago…were missing. Like someone had done something to them or taken them.

“Hey, you done in there?” Yasu called towards Camila. “Hatty wants me to take you two to that old shrine, so you get out here or I’m leaving you behind.”

Possibly interested
Seasalt caverns

“Hmm…what indeed. Nothing too troubling, just a little catching and finding. A little thief stole something from me. A family heirloom of sorts, and I’d like someone like you to help find it.”

“We’re looking for ghosts,” Mattie interjected.

“Pfft.” Marzana couldn’t help but to let out a little laugh. “Ahaha, Mattie you can’t just say that. No one will believe you. Well, no one but me and maybe that little thief. Ooh, if I see her again…” The eccentrically dressed woman would offer Richard a small, slightly unnerving smile. “Haa…no, that sounds like too much work and I’m already shirking things as it is.”

"Perhaps, but it is the truth," Mattie responded. "Well, an oversimplification, maybe, but the truth." She motioned to Marzana. "My friend here has lost some people of the... unalive persuasion and needs help re-gathering them."

“Ahah, well, its not people really. Its more similar to energy? Perhaps it would be easier to show you Hmngh…Mattie, thinking is hard. What do you think-”

beep beep

“Ah? Oh, I get a signal here. Tsk.” Marzana proceeded to click her tongue as she’d fish a phone out of her dress, somewhere. “Oh hello Otto. Oh, you sound unhappy, is there something wrong?”

There were the distinct words of a very annoyed male voice that said ‘late’ and ‘Rossaden’.

“Haaa...you always have so little faith in me. My track record is perfect you know. I'm in a cave now, so I'll be there soon.” Otto, did not sound happy about being obviously hung up on. She’d put the phone back in her dress, somewhere.

Mattie seemed unphased by all this, merely tilted her head to the side while Marzana has speaking. Once the other woman had hung up, Mattie asked, “Is there a problem?”

“Hm? Aw, does little Mattie care about me?” She’d ask, wrapping Mattie in a hug against her chest and giving her a little head pat. “No, no problem. Buuuut it does mean I have to go do my actual job for a while. That said…boyo. If you want to help me out, come to route four sometime. I’ll be waiting there for a bit.” Notably, she never answered Richards question about the ‘good feeling’. “Or don’t, and let misfortune befall all of Eidda. You're choice.”

If Richard had nothing else to ask or to say to them, the pair would leave. Taking him with them too, if he requested. Would give him a little more time to question them, if he did.

Pokemon Center -> Stellar Toy Co.

It was while he was scanning and texting, that he’d realize that Remi and Nevine…had left. By the time he had posed his question of leaving together, they had already skedaddled. A little rude, maybe, but Remi did say they were already leaving before he’d have started scanning. He’d ding and get a private text from Remi that read simply -

Remi: Sorry! Wanted to get moving. You talk to much sometimes ya know~? Hahah, not that its a bad thing. Gotta go train and get skill points if I’ma kick your butt next time!

Finding the Toy Factory wasn’t too hard, after that. He'd find himself arriving on scene just as Aster was bolting through the window.


“No, go ahead. Just keep it quiet.” Yasu responded in affirmation to Camilla before turning her attention to Isla. “Mhm, Travel back towards Byerlfal on Route 1. About a third of the way there, you’ll see a tree with some talismans hung on it. Go south from that tree and you should soon find a small, overgrown path. That should take you to it. Wild pokemon are a bit more prevalent in that area though, so be careful if you do go.”






“Geh-Fine! Fine! No need to shout, ugh.” Hatenna went back to happily munching on her Wiki berry as Yasu in turn winced from the loud shout. “Hatty wants us to go with you if you go to the shrine.” Yasu grumbled, frowning lightly as she’d rub the back of her head.

Camila’s phone call to Frieda would go through without much trouble. After a few moments of ringing, Friedas friendly voice would pick up.

“Oh, hello Camilla. Just the usual…the professor been a little disgruntled more than usual. Chloe Rothschild did show up…late and well, apparently some weird pokemon attacked her while she was in the lab? But anyways, ehm…Celebi? The Mythical pokemon…my knowledge isn’t well versed in Mythicals but lets see…”

Frieda would hum lightly to herself as Camila could hear the soft tapping of computer keys on the other end as she walked into the small record room. It was a small study, desk, filing cabinets, nothing too special. A computer hummed idly on the desk, likely a digital record of things while the filing cabinets possessed physical copies. Going through all the records would take ages, but starting would be better than not.

The most interesting thing at least, showed that many written records had been kept dating back nearly hundreds of years. Notable incidents from the records include that the village often had a festival of some sort every decade - supposedly meant for Celebi. This festival continued up until about a hundred years ago when a child went missing on said festival day. The parents, the family and likely Yasu’s ancestors called off the festival after that.

“Are you wanting to know anything specific? I assume you’re in Pines End and visiting the temple if you’re asking about Celebi. Habitation wise well…I mean, it loves the forest and is seen around there…I’m not sure what else to say. There are very few confirmed sightings of the Pokemon ever since it was first recorded so we know very little.” A pause as Camila would hear a sharp intake of breath. A few more keyboard taps. “Pines end used to celebrate some sort of…festival or something every decade, but the family that has run the temple for generations called it off after their only child went missing on the day of the festival. Also…” Frieda’s voice became a conspiratorial whisper. “I didn’t tell you this, but about ten years ago to the date today the Professor was asked for her opinion on an odd happening in Pines End. I don’t know the details but it involved the family that looks after the temple and apparently primarily, their kid-wah professor!”

The sound of the phone falling a Frieda supposedly dropped it.

“N-nono, just calling Camilla! She’s in pines end, was asking me about Celebi. Yes, yes, I know I’ll get back to work sorry,” She’d pick up the phone again. “Sorry Camilla, need to get back to work. Let me know how your investigation goes!”

Numako Yamamizu
Branch-092 - Offices
@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Eisenhorn@Izurich@OwO

Somehow, it worked.

The cursed water hit its target. The blacked liquid coating the undead naginata wielder just enough to give it a moment of hesitation. The large centipede creature, thus, proceeded to eviscerate the undead, ending at least one threat for now. She was a little unsure what to think about it taking a second to glance in her direction, but there wasn't time to linger on that.

She could already feel Mae's incense getting to her a little.

"Nngh...bweh, this is giving me a stomach ache..." She'd grumble. It was fine for now, as long as it didn't get stronger and the weeping god stayed dormant she'd be fine. Swiftly turning on her heel, a wall of inky water formed between her and the gunners behind, stopping the bullet in the decaying waters, before it would turn into a fast moving wall and knocking over the undead, if nothing else leaving it and others around it prime targets for anyone else. In the same instance, Numako started moving, following behind the path cleared by Teratoma. "Don't suppose anyone would want to carry me? No?"

Not that she was expecting anyone to just scoop her up as she'd move as swift as her lazy self could run, dousing a few of the Ashagiru that were being targeted by others in her waters and alternating between knocking over or taking out a few more.
Seasalt caverns

Try as it might, the Nacli’s defense had been lowered heavily. The Leer’s effects had soon compounded. Doubly so, it was growing increasingly frustrated by its many whiffed attacks. The rock throws mostly missing, bouncing off the cavern walls and careening off towards the floor and a few even down the chasm the waterfall disappeared into. Which meant, it was also growing more and more careless.

When Luna darted forward, another Rock Throw was lobbed towards the grass snake - but it left it right open as Luna would slam her body into the rock type. Even with the type disadvantage from a normal hitting a rock type Nacli’s defense didn’t stand a chance. With a somewhat pitiful and annoyed cry, the Nacli slid across the ground, spinning from the impact just as Richard’s pokeball would clink against its head.

Success! Nacli was successfully Captured!

And with that, the Nacli was caught. A successful capture. Luna was a bit hurt, but at least the battle was over with for now and he was up one more pokemon. Getting out would be fairly easy, as long as he followed the route back up and didn’t antagonize any more zubats. So it was probably fine.

However, just as Richard would start making his next move…

“Well, that was certainly an…experience.” A slightly, whiny sounding voice would catch his attention from where the waterfall was careening over the edge of the chasm. A quick glance under it, would reveal two people walking up the narrow path. One was…one was dressed in what was clearly foreign, slightly perhaps out of date clothing. Covered in red and golds, with various bangles dangling from her wrists and ankles. She was notably barefoot, and seemingly unbothered by it and there was anodd stone hanging around her neck. “Haa, that Garganacl was scary. I almost got sent to the afterlife.” It was said with a mildly amused, flippant attitude.

Her companion was a pale young woman with long, unkempt red hair, the fringe covering her eyes so it was a wonder she could see where she was going. She was dressed in a simple and fairly conservative teal dress. She simply smiled in response to her friend's comment... or at least, half-smiled. One got the impression she wasn't used to smiling.

“Hm…you're not very talkative are you?” The somewhat flamboyantly dressed woman would say. “That’s fine. We can talk without saying anything.” Silence befell the two as they reached the crest of the path that would bring them to Richards level. It seemed like the barefoot woman was indeed, trying to telepathically communicate with Mattie, judging from her somewhat unblinking gaze.

“Hm…you know Mattie. You’re hard to read…ah.” The pair then noticed Richard. Wordlessly, she’d walk over to Richard…and proceed to place either hand on the sides of his cheeks, pinching and lightly pulling on them before he had a chance to react. “Hm…you have a good feeling to you, boy.” She then released Richard, offering him a friendly, if somewhat unsettling smile. “Want to make some money? Thats something people like, right?”

Mattie kept her distance while the other woman approached Richard, offering instead a small, somewhat timid wave in the boy's direction. "Don't mind her," she said, her voice low but soft. "She's harmless. Mostly. I think."

“Indeed, I’m mostly harmless.” The perhaps, somewhat overly friendly woman responded, still wearing her mildly unsettling smile. “Oh, right, silly me. I need to introduce myself. Marzana. Fortune teller and kind of a big deal around here, hm? That’s my name. At least, that’s what people call me, yes? This is Mattie. Anyways, would you be willing to help?"

Lab - >Stellar Toy Factory
Who ya gonna call?

“Weird Misdreavus?” Frieda frowned. “Camphor doesn’t particularly like ghost pokemon…so she doesn’t keep them around…Uhm…Maybe there’s a baby pokemon I haven’t been informed of…I’ll look into it and ask the professor about it.” Visible confusion aside, Frieda would start to explain more about the job Chloe had been given, but before she could get another word out Chloe grabbed Jill and bolted from the lab.

“A-ah! Uhm…g-good luck!” Frieda would call out as they left. Clarissa and the group chat would soon get a text in response from Remi, Nevine, and Laurel.

Finding their way to the Toy Factory wasn’t hard. The only snag was that when they finally got there…the doors, seemingly had been locked. How did they get inside? There was a window that they could potentially get in through that was open just enough to squeeze in on the ground floor if they wanted too, though they could probably also just break the door. It didn't look all that strong and it seemed pretty rusty and old.

Stellar Toy Factory
@Crusader Lord

Thankfully at least, It didn’t seem like there was anything immediately going to bother her in this little foyer area. At least immediately. Clarissa had enough time to send out the group text, catch her breath and collect herself.

Well…for a few moments anyways. It wouldn’t be long before Clarissa would feel a chill up her spine. The air noticeably cooled. The foyer itself seemed to be a square room. The old lights overhead hummed with electricity still, thankfully giving off light despite years of disuse in the factory. A desk where there was likely once a check-in or some sort of security personnel letting people in once worked. And just behind the desk, was a TV.

It would switch on, static playing on its screen.

“Gaaastly…?” Floating just through the wall near where her had was, a ghostly noise and a little black ball of floating gas was now watching this static screen, looking from her, to it. It didn’t immediately seem hostile…more curious than anything, perhaps, though it was floating between the door and herself, making any escape route having to go through it…

A wild Gastly appeared! What does Clarissa do?


“I am well aware of what Celebi is and what Celebi does.” Yasu rather taciturnly replied, turning her unimpressed gaze towards Isla. “And what, you want to damage the forest or cause something to happen? Did I hear you right? Yeah, no thanks, I’m not looking for extreme options.” She glanced to the side, pursing her lips before shaking her head. “The only thing I can possibly say is aside from the shrine here,” She’d motion to the sealed and closed square little box house against the far wall. “There is another shrine deeper in the forest. It's not hard to get to, but its off any known trails.”

Hatty had waddled over to a table where some berries had been placed. After climbing on top of it, the pokemon started eating quietly on a Wiki Berry.

“Could start there if you wanted to, I guess. Might be some books or other material here too…theres a room over there that has some records, I think. Otherwise, leave. Hatty and I don't really care much for guests.”

Numako Yamamizu
Branch-092 - Offices
@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Eisenhorn@Izurich@OwO

Whatever the black ooze that the creatures collapsed into...well, in her professional opinion, was not good in the slightest. She had experience with spooky black liquid, after all. As the others continued their assault, Numako remained mostly near the rear. They certainly were handling the fighting relatively well and easy enough...she thought, briefly perhaps that she could take it easy. Stay near the back and not get involved and simply let them do all the fighting. It was relatively safe back here and she didn't want to get in the thick of it.

"I'll support her best I can." She'd shout back to Yuma. Was It actually a Her? Probably not, but it was far easier to say that then A-188. As her tired eyes fell upon Teratoma and the naginata wielding specter that seemed fairly adept at not getting crushed. While Agent Mae, Yuma, and Arisa were busy dealing with the chaff then...

"Haa...I could really go for something spicy right now..." Moving without any hint of swiftness through the battlefield, Numako made to evade a few of the Ashigaru, while a thick barrier of black water was put between herself and the Arquebus wielding specters. Bullets sank into the black water, stopped in their tracks.

As she got close enough, between when the Ashigaru were reloading, the barrier of water dissipated, as the structure sank and then...a wide arc of the black liquid shot overhead, raining down on both the Ashagaru immediately in front of her. Notably however - it was aimed to land right on top of the Naginata wielding warrior that Teratoma was busy trying to chew on. It wouldn't be a particularly powerful attack, but with any luck the cursed water should weaken the specter enough for Teratoma to finish off. She'd need to get a bit closer in order to try and bind the spirit.
Seasalt caverns

Dealing with the first two Nacli was…easy enough. Snivvy being faster, could easily get a Glare off to paralyze them. The first one would choose to opt for a defensive strategy - using Harden repeatedly followed by the occasional rock throw or mud shot. This dragged out the battle considerably, considering Luna’s only offensive move at the moment was tackle which wasn’t very effective against a Nacli…

Still, with the combination of already being slower then Luna and getting Paralyzed, Luna would take just minimal damage from it.

Luna grew to Level six!

The second opted for a more aggressive approach, favoring rock throw. If the Nacli wasn’t repeatedly unable to move from Paralysis, Luna might have been in a good bit of trouble here. Instead, all the Nacli could do really was angrily glare and get off a few that would be easily dodged. So aside from taking a stray rock to the body, Luna would come out just fine.

This left her and Richard to deal with the one currently in front of them.

The Mudshot sailed through the air, slamming right into Luna.Despite Richards quick thinking and instructions, there wasn’t enough time for Luna to dodge the already incoming attack. That said…

Luna’s Speed Rose!

Despite the mud and gunk from the attack covering Luna’s body, she seemed just a little faster than she normally was…which made avoiding and dodging the Nacli’s attacks just a bit easier. Luna herself though was starting to not look so great after the last two battles and taking a Mud Shot.

As Luna was recovering and preparing another Leer, Nacli seemed content enough to keep itself at range, a little confused as to why Luna hadn’t been slowed and had opted to instead use Rock Throw, keeping itself at range while Luna would alternate between Leer’s and avoiding the Nacli’s attacks.

If he wanted to win though, or catch it, he was going to have to go on the offensive, though…

Wailords Rest
@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

Heading out of the cafe and towards the rest of Industrial District proper, Clarissa would be met with more dock workers, factory workers and similar types. Finding the old Toy Factory wasn’t too difficult. Beryl would give her pretty clear direction. Follow the street down the dock until you see the giant sign that reads ‘Stellar Toy Co.’ Amidst the various buildings, warehouses and manufacturing plants that littered the Industrial district, it stood out with its large multi-colored lettering, and the once vibrant colors of the company's logo, a four pointed star were now faded and washed out from years of neglect.

Atop the large factory, just behind the sign seemed to be a large chimney. At the very top, it was hard to make out, but she could see a large number of bird pokemon circling about and roosting on it - and inside of it, it seemed like.

Navigating through the somewhat narrow alley between two warehouses and through a hole in an old fence, would bring Clarissa to her goal. The unlocked doors to the toy factory itself. There didn’t seem to be any way to get up from the outside currently…which meant, the only way up…would be inside.

Pushing past the rust covered doors that creaked with age, Clarissa would find herself standing in a small foyer. A subtle chill in the air persisted. The cries of some murkrow could be heard both above and further within, but something was telling her there were certainly more than just murkrow and the usual urban pokemon here.

Now then, what would Clarissa do?

Pokemon Center

“Eh? Oh that?” Remi nonchalantly shrugged. “Nothing super important. My parents are some big wig fashion people here in the city and they can get a little…forceful. Seriously they spoil me too much sometimes, its annoying. They just didn’t want me to be held back by other people so they wanted me to start early. I told them I’d only do it if Nevvy here agreed. She did.”

“...only because if I didn’t,” Nevvy yawned, lifting her head up. “You’d get into trouble…”

“Pfft, I can get myself out of trouble though you know?~”

“Stellar Toy Co…”

“Ahahaha,” Remi started nervously laughing. “Accident! I had it totally under control!”

“Mhmhm…” Navy’s head plopped back down onto her slakoth with a dull whump.

“A-anyways! Unimportant…!” He glanced to Yuu. “Anyways, we’re likely gonna head to Route 25 and head to Wailport. Going to check out the pokemon school there and maybe catch a cruise or a ship up the coast to Snowport or Seawatch. Next time you see us, better be ready to get your butt kicked!”


“Hmph.” Yasu let out a grunt. “Well, you’re nothing if not informed. Yes. Celebi, though not from Johto. Well, maybe its the same one, but I doubt it.” The woman would fold her arms as the Hatterene behind her seemed to grimace with a minor bit of annoyance as it looked in Isla’s direction, no doubt a little put off by her. “You are correct. This temple was dedicated to it ages ago. Supposedly, it protects this forest…” Her voice trailed off for a few seconds, eyes looking over the intricate carvings. “And this town. This town is probably one of the most rural places in Eidda. A lotta the folks here don't care much for the hustle and bustle of city life but..." She shook her head, grumbling something before fixing her gaze back on the other two." Which brings me to my question. If you’re that smart and work for the Professor, then you must have some idea on how to go about finding this mythical pokemon.”

Yasu’s statement was followed by silence, a steely gaze narrowed at the two of them. She didn’t seem like she was going to elaborate or explain. Hatty gave a little huff and started walking away, not particularly liking the vibes, maybe.

Camphor's lab


Frieda, was at a loss. As Chloe started talking faster than the assistant could think, she only started stumbling and eeking out some muttered words and half-hearted apologies. Hearing that some pokemon had attacked her though, caused Frieda to frown. Her stutters of apology were replaced by confusion instead as she’d furrow her brow.

“Attacked…the only pokemon she has at the moment is a Grimmsnarl and-ah!?” Her words, cut off just as the Snubbull decided to go say hi to Aster. Frieda followed after Chloe, but before either Chloe or Frieda could get close to Snuggles and before the Snubbull could get to Aster -

“Imp!” Running out from behind a nearby chair where he had apparently been eating some stolen food, Pix bolted between the two, jumping in front of Snuggles. “Dimp.” It clapped its hands together quickly, a loud clap of white energy reverberating towards the canine pokemon as Snubbul was hit head on with a Fakeout and causing it to flinch.

“Impy.” Pix, thus turned towards Aster and gave the monkey a thumbs up.

“Ah pix there you are you little rat!” Frieda huffed, quickly grabbing the Impdimp. “Jeez…uhm, I am really sorry about that Miss…” Frieda turned her attention back to Chloe as Pix wiggled out of Frieda’s grip and retook his normal position sitting on her shoulders. “I’m unsure what erm, pokemon attacked you. The only ones right now are in the Habitat and they’re all baby pokemon we’re studying and rearing. Camphor’s only pokemon is a Grimmsnarl and this little guy…” She shook her head. “And if I could uhm, have your attention over at the desk again…”

Walking back to the receptionist desk, Frieda pulled a few objects out from behind it.

“Your pokedex.” Frieda said, handing Chloe a sleek looking device. “Unlike standard rotom dexes, ours is a little…different. The professor wanted to keep a close eye on the progress of the pokedexes herself, so, well…she added a few things. It comes with the standard usual features, and has the contact info for the other trainers and hires on there already if you want to use them. Also Camphors direct line, though I erm, would suggest you don’t call her unless its important. And here, a little welcome gift.”

”Chloe was handed Five Pokeballs and two potions!”

“As for how this is going to work, you’ll get paid once for each pokemon you scan and each pokemon you capture. So for example, if you find a pidgey you’ll get 500p for registering it in the pokedex. You’ll get another 500p if you successfully capture it. The Pokdex also acts as identification and licensing for trainers. If you ever decide you want to visit some other labs around the region, such as the Mexatus Institute or the Mireth labs, since you’re affiliated with us the pokedex acts as a basic clearance to allow you to be in most labs.”


“Is there anything else you want to ask?"
Numako Yamamizu
Branch-092 - Offices
@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Eisenhorn@Izurich@OwO

"Eh? Charm?" Numako, ever since being possessed, had decidedly not been too keen on being anywhere near any place that so much had a hint of some sort of protection against evil spirits. "Eeeh, you know I'll die if I touch one of those right?" She'd give agent Mae a smile before taking the charm. "Joking. Mostly. They do make me just a little uncomfortable since well, you know...but thanks." Stuffing the charm in her coat pockets, she'd content herself to be mostly by herself, quietly observing from the back as they approached, though she didn't get to sit idly by for long.

It happened fast. Undead samurai spilling out from the manor with some wielding some ranged weapon from the rooftop aiming at them.

"Eh, couldn't this be a little spookier then just undead muscle-heads?" Numako, was sorely disappointed. Well, whatever. A melee suited her just fine, as long as she didn't get put on the front lines. A sphere of Black, cursed water formed just in the palm of her hand as the others engaged the Yari wielding ones. The sphere elongated, becoming almost disk shaped as it started to spin at high speed. A flick of her wrist, and it would slam itself into one of the spirits necks, cleanly beheading it and consequently, the black liquid exploding outwards from the impact once the high velocity severed its head covering the rest around it liberally in the cursed substance ensuring that if nothing else, their armor and weapons would likely be just a bit weaker, and they themselves would be too.

"So tiring..." She'd grumble, a second sphere of the cursed water forming in her hand, this time sending a high powered jet of water towards another, slamming into its chest and knocking it back with the force into its comrades. The only well, downside was that she had to be careful not to hit any of the other agents even with a little splash...
Seasalt caverns

Finding more Nacli indeed, wasn’t too difficult. It seemed they were one of the more common pokemon in the caves. Finding one he wanted to get however, would prove just to be a matter of patience. The first one he’d find wouldn’t be too difficult, though it didn’t have what he was looking for and would choose to flee if it was given a chance. The second, though, would opt to fight instead of flee though still would be affected by Luna’s Glare.

The third he ran into, was a particularly small Nacli. It, though, rather confidently slid out in front of Richard and Luna, hopping up and down. With a battle cry, it would charge right ahead as glare hadn’t worked on it! A blob of mud would be launched towards Luna as it attacked with a Mud-Shot!

Pokemon Center

For the most part, Remi and Nevine remained silent on their way to the pokemon center. Remi, particularly, seemed to pout and avoid speaking with Yuu while Nevine just didn’t seem all that talkative in the first place. Once they arrived, their pokemon would easily and quickly be taken care of.

Da-da-dada-da! Yuu’s, Remi’s, and Nevine’s pokemon were fully healed!

Remi, would content himself with sitting near the front of the pokemon center, ordering a few refreshments and making a point of still ignoring Yuu. Nevine…had laid Slakoth on the table, and was seemingly using it as a pillow as her face was currently face down in its fur.

“Hey, Yuu.” It wouldn’t be until a few seconds later that Remi would chime in. “You really planning on going to that forest?” He’d question. “Tch, if I wasn’t with Nevine I’d totally go with you.” He’d pout again, poking out his lip and taking a long sip of the freshly brewed coffee. “Word of advice from a local, Yuu. Rumors say that place supposedly, somehow, makes people see things from their past. I’m not saying I believe in that stuff, but pokemon have some weird abilities sometimes.”

Pines End -> Temple

“...Never-” The woman started to initially say, frowning lightly as Isla would walk up not too long after, earning a tired grumble from the glasses-wearing woman. Upon hearing that she was from the lab, though, the woman’s expression softened only just slightly. “You work for Professor Camphor…? Well…look, the temple isn’t open because I say its not. But if you’re with the professor, then…you know a lot about pokemon right?” The woman frowned, weighing her options before sighing.

“Alright, you can come in, but don’t touch anything…and try not to uhm, be too excitable…” She’d say, turning around and opening the large wooden doors to the temple, their ancient but well taken care of hinges creaking open as she’d lead them inside. “For starters, my name is Yasu. I’m…well, the priestess here I guess, if you want to call it that, though most days I just clean and make sure the shrine is well taken care of…”

The interior of the Shrine was just as the exterior. Primarily made of wood, though well maintained even if it was obvious some renovations had taken place over the years. The temple seemed to consist of a mix of local Eidda styles and those perhaps found more in Kanto or Johto. The room they found themselves in seemed to be a large, single, room with a high ceiling. Ornately carved around the door they had walked through was depictions of foliage, leaves, and various old depictions of pokemon.

In the far back of the room, was a somewhat smaller looking building, a slanted roof and walls made of stone. Old, weathered writing hanging on a wooden plaque hung over the wooden doors which were sealed tight with thick ropes. Camilla would recognize the writing as written word used by old civilizations, though she couldn’t quite read it. A few rooms were off to the side that seemed to be a small kitchen and living area.

“Right…” Yasu sighed, frowning lightly. “Hatty?”


Bouncing out of one of the rooms, a pink and blue pokemon bounced out of the room and walked up, hiding behind Yasu’s ankles.

“We have visitors.”


The Hattenna’s antenna drooped lightly, as if it wasn’t too impressed with the two of them.

“So, if you really are interested in the shrine and not just here to gawk like some tourist,” Yasu pointedly stated. “Then you can visit. As for what I want help with…I’m looking for information on a pokemon that you might know about or have seen. It’s a small pokemon, small body, green in color. Two antennas. I realize that is not the best description but it's all I really have to go on.” Distinctly though, she hadn’t quite given an actual reason as to why the temple was closed.

Camphors Lab

The pokemon, irreverently stared at Chloe, lightly chewing on her hair through the entire rant without a care in the world. Until it had the hair forcibly yanked from its mouth, upon which it would give an impish, ghostly giggle. The odd Misdreavus would completely ignore the lecture, instead floating down over to Snuggles and -

“Why is someone yelling in my lab-!”

Before it could do what it was about to, someone else started shouting. Just down the hallway, a short woman wearing a labcoat and a darker skinned younger woman with red hair had just turned the corner. The smaller one, she’d immediately recognize as Professor Camphor. The irritated expression she was wearing seemed to indicate she wasn’t too happy about something.

“Uhm, and who are you…? This lab is private property and we don’t usually allow people-”

“Ha? Wait, I recognize this one. Chloe Rothschild.”

“Oh! She was one of the-”

“LATE.” Camphor would interrupt loudly. “Now why the f-”

“Ah professor!” Before Camphor could finish the sentence, Frieda would wrap her hands around Camphors mouth, silencing whatever it was she was about to say. “A-ah I’m sorry, Miss Rothschild. I’m Frieda, Camphors assistant.”

“And also way too soft.” Camphor harrumphed, pulling Frieda’s hand away from her mouth. “Look, I don’t have time to catch you up personally. I’ve got a meeting with the head of the Mexatus Institute’s R&D and with Mr. Mexatus himself regarding the preserve. Frieda, you can handle her.”

“A-ah, yes professor! I can, you uhm, go to that meeting. There’s some freshly made coffee next to your desk!” Camphor waved the two of them off, before continuing down the hallway.

The odd Misdreavus, seemed to have vanished without anyone else seeing it when no one was looking…did she want to mention it? Didn't seem like the professor or Frieda saw it.

“So, uhm, Miss Chloe? I’m really sorry about that. The Professor really doesn’t like tardiness…uhm, with that said if you’ll follow me we’ll get you registered and all set up. Are there any questions you have?” Upon reaching the reception area again, she’d notice Jill, giving her a friendly wave.

“Hello Jill. I saw your battle out there! Did you guys have fun? I’d like to talk more, but we have a late arrival here and I need to get her registered and all settled in...”

Seasalt caverns

The Zubat menacingly floated near the pair, flapping their wings and screeching irritably. If he had been only a few seconds later, there was a good chance that they’d be attacking him. However, before any of them could, the Rotom Dex would let out a high pitched screech. The three Zubats recoiled in seeming pain, their fluttering and wing flaps becoming erratic and causing them to crash and lose their sense of direction for a brief moment, giving Richard just enough time to book it past them.

Heavy footfalls echoed off the cavern walls. Richard would at least take note of a few more pokemon in his mad dash further in. A few barboach leaping out of the river and shallow, muddy puddles of water. He’d almost trip over a Nacli on his way deeper in, and a rather Irritable Binacle gave him a glare as he’d pushed deeper into the Seasalt caverns…

Soon enough, though, Richard would find himself much further underground. Good news, he had lost the Zubats. As soon as Richard would near a particular cave path that led further down that was near a waterfall, they’d shriek and turn back, seemingly unwilling to go past down there with him. Bad news though, was that he likely hadn’t been paying attention to where he was or how he got here. At least he was safe for now, though. A few curious Nacli were staring at him from a perch on a rocky shelf. The aforementioned waterfall seemed to fall deep into the earth below.

Route 1 -> Pines End

With a new partner in hand, Isla would thus head back down Route 1, the quiet natural trail being easy to navigate until eventually she’d arrive at her destination.

~Pines End~

Stepping out of the Winding wood, Isla would find herself standing on the outskirts of Pines End. Named aptly, as this is where the forest stopped and the plains began. Small houses dotted the landscape, large wind turbines cresting many hills, harvesting power as gently rolling farmland spread out in the distance. The small town wasn’t known for anything spectacular aside from its sleepy atmosphere and being a popular getaway for those that still wanted modern amenities while being closer to nature. The only claim to fame the town had was the ancient shrine to an ancient pokemon. There was the large hotel too, which recently opened that promised a good night's sleep, even if you were having trouble sleeping.

Apparently they claimed their beds were so good you could sleep for days…

Wailords Rest
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

“Well, good job on that win there, Missy!” Beryl said as Clarissa would return to her table. The food was still fresh and hot, and Wobby would give a friendly salute and his usual Wobbufet. “Them bettin folk sure are happy. Not every day the Gym Leader fights and not every day someone can beat ‘em so easily. Granted, that matchup was pretty poor once that fightin’ move came out, eh?” Beryl grinned, giving Clarissa a wink. “You need anything else, lemme or Wobby here know. I gotta get back to the kitchen.”

The rest of the meal would pass without incident, and there wasn’t much else to do in the cafe unless she wanted to go bother what was said to be someone that worked for Keira. Maybe taking a bet could be a good idea? Probably not, really though. Either way, once she finished her meal she and Riley should he want to, could easily head back out. It was getting a bit on in the day, so finding the Murkrow likely wouldn’t be much harder, though they’d still need to keep Beryls words in mind - nesting on the roof of a nearby old toy factory.

Should be fine to go poking around there.

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