Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Witches House

"Mad? I think she'll be impressed." Collen retorted, doing a little victory pump with her fist. "I can do an actual one-inch death punch now! How cools that, ahahah!" The serpent haired girl took a brief look around the garden that she had messed up, frowning just for a second and then brushing off any responsibility. "Eh, she can just replant things later! More importantly, she told me not to talk to any fairies so shoo little pest." She'd make a shooing motion with her hand, deciding to ignore the comment about being dismembered as her eyes were drawn to the new creatures showing up.

Short stubby creatures with mushroom heads?

"You...guys don't look like fairies." Colleen folded her arms, warily watching the new comers. "Friends of Ilsa?"

When she had always dreamed of being some super hero or some over powered character in some anime or tv show, she had always knew it was really just that. A fantasy. A bit of escapism from her boring day to day life. Now that she actually was one, though...ugh, her stomach hurt just a bit from the anxiety and nervousness. Chiori cast a quiet glance to the others present in her team. Was she really qualified for this sort of thing? She really wanted to run. Just not be here, or a part of this. She wasn't built for this sorta thing!

Beneath her mask, Chiori took a few deep breaths. Right, she was part of the Northern team. The other team was entering from the south. Simple plan. Pincer the thing and beat it to a pulp. It'd probably be fine...right? Right. She just had to not mess up and this would be fine.

Maybe she should strike up a conversation with her teammates? How did one strike up a conversation in this situation anyways? Talk about the weather? Ask if they wanted mochi? None of them looked like they shared her interests. At least her senpai was cute and didn't seem hard to get along with? Right, okay, deep breaths. Just ask. Easy, right?

"...what are we doing?" At least she was good at hiding how nervous she was. Mostly.
Route 5

“Tch. Sneasel, you're faster than it! Just dodge it and quick attack!!” Sneasel, unsteady as it was, made an attempt to do just that. It avoided the first one, swiftly moving to the side. A second vine followed that it jumped over, the vine whip bouncing off the ground as it had closed the distance, poised to strike -

“Sneas-!” Before the Sneasel could get off one more blow, a vine managed to wrap around its leg.

And just as the Pawniards follow up Furry cutter would hit the munchlax, the Sneasel was tossed between them. The Pawniard taking the full brunt of the Pawniards fury cutter.

“Tch.” Bea’s expression finally shifted into one of mild annoyance as her Sneasel fell to the ground, defeated.

“Not bad, not bad.”

Sneasel fainted! Luna grew to level 11!

“Plan B.” In one swift motion, Bea pulled out a second pokeball from her large backpack while recalling her Sneasel. “Lileep, your turn.”

“Guh, you ruffians have more?” Laurel frowned. “Munchlax, another defense curl!”

“Lileep, Ingrain!”

“While the ladies prepare, I think I’m gonna go ahead and bag me that Snivy of yours. Pawniard! Focus on that Snivy!”

Stellar Toy Factory
@Vertigo@XxFellsingxX@Savo@Crusader Lord

With the factory having shut down, there was nothing stopping the group from leaving now. Most of the pokemon had been scared off during the commotion meaning it was fairly safe. The only thing of note, was Clarissa’s pokedex letting out a series of loud beeps, followed by some aggressive vibrating…but it’d go away just as fast as it started again.

Pines End - > Route 3
Heading away from Pines End, the path continued along the forest. The tranquil, lazy atmosphere seemed to make it difficult to want to do anything, not to mention an odd pleasant scent slowly permeating the area.



The source of which, would soon become apparent. Just off to the side, Camila would notice a large mass of red and black that was moving. It was clinging to a tree, happily buzzing away. Upon a closer inspection, it’d become obvious. It was a large group of Ledyba! They were happily lazing about in the warm sunlight and generally minding their own business. A few more were buzzing around the trees, apparently trading some berries and other things with some Paras on the ground.

Of course, she was free to decide to mess with them or not. They seemed fairly peaceful and didn’t even pay her any attention. No telling how exactly her interrupting whatever was going on would go…

Secluded Grove

Alone with the Budew and her pokemon, the grass type shirked away as Isla started flicking water at it. As the cool liquid splashed on its petals, the grass type seemed to relax just a bit and allowed itself to move again. It shook its body, pleased with the act it seemed as it would hop out of its leafy hiding place. Slowly, it would approach Isla, looking cautiously between Dancing and Swiper before casting its eyes up towards the mineral water.

“Buuu…?” It’d cautiously look between Swiper and Dancing, as the petals on top of its head slowly started to open, taking in sunlight…which also seemed to cause its body to grow slightly. That was probably nothing to worry about. Seemed like it wanted more water, at least.
Lady Norinthall

"Excuse me?" Raella liked to think, she was fairly observant, but this sassy little druid had made the mistake of well, sassing her. Raella frowned, with a little chuckle of disbelief. "No, I live in a manor in Sigil. Maybe I need to introduce myself. Ahem," Raella ran a hand through her hair, flipping it in a totally cool fashion. "Raella Norinthall, of House Norinthall. One of the oldest and should I say, feared and respected noble houses in Sigil. Though I suppose a leaf-eating discount elf like you that spends more time rolling around in the mud like some rabid animal probably doesn't understand what that means or who that is, so I'll tell you."

As Raella spoke, right behind the druid a large squid like tentacle would pop up from the ground, shimmering into existence and make an attempt to grab the Halfling by its ankles.

"It means, you should tell me exactly what I asked before I decide to feed you to whatever fish lives in that lake. Got it?"

Roll for perception to notice Tanrith and the others: Nat 1
Roll for grapple: 9

Oof my low rolls.
Witches House

"So is that a no?" Colleen frowned, pouting slightly. "Come on, I'm a great student! I'm easy to teach." Still, things had happened fast and even if she was putting on a somewhat brave and friendly face, well...Colleen stood up, stretching and flexing her arms. "Eh, probably for the best. I'm gonna head outside a bit. Don't worry, not gonna go far. Just gonna get in some exercise and work out a little." Giving the bird and mage a wave and patting the goblin on the head as she'd pass, Colleen would head back outside of the small cottage, wary enough not to stray too far to any fairies that might be around as she'd plant her feet firmly on the soil.

First, some simple stretches. A few lunges, a few squats. Some hip and torso rotations. This new body of hers felt good and particularly physically fit even more so than her old one. Everything seemed like it was in place and she wasn't hurting anywhere from over stretching or doing things to fast. An exhalation of breath and Colleen started with the basics. A few jabs. Uppercut. Knife hand. Each repeated a few times. Axe kick. Crescent kick.

"Okay. Feels good." Colleen flexed her hand, bouncing on the spot as she'd exhale. "Lets get a little more aggressive then."

A simple axe kick flowing into a jump spin back kick, into a very simple roundhouse kick.

"Okay, okay, feeling it." There was an odd tingly sensation though, every time she moved or completed a movement that would be right at the point of contact. Probably nothing to worry about. Small breather into a push kick, followed by a butterfly kick for style points, landing into a tornado kick. A small spin and -


First, she had not realized she was that close to a tree. Her foot slammed into the bark, but that wasn't the surprising thing. That was the loud, high pitched firecracker like series of popping noises that rang out at the moment of impact. Instead of her foot harmlessly bouncing off her her getting injured, her foot was fine. The tree, however, was not. At the point of impact the tree bark had been completely disintegrated, a chunk of the wood and bark having quite literally exploded outward and leaving a good sized hole in the tree.

"Did...I? Was that...Me?" Colleen had to test this again. Was that the tingly feeling she had felt when she was practicing? She'd do a few more forms, and with a bit of effort she was able to do it again with some semblance of certainty. Of course, now there were little burn marks and chunks of the ground having been properly exploded a bit, but this wasn't her yard now was it?

Nor were those her flowers or her garden.
Let it be known I have rolled the first nat 1 of the game

You can thank me for the sacrifice. And also pray for this poor innocent sassy druid.
Route 5

Sneasel took another vine whip right to the face, the pokemon growling in annoyance. Bound as it was, it couldn’t move as fast as it had and it was definitely hurting. Bea, remained calm, though, and didn’t miss a second.

“Hmph. Sneasel, close that distance immediately! Quick attack!”

Snarling, the Sneasel would duck low, avoiding one of Luna’s vines, closing the distance btween the two of them in seconds. Now within its attack range, Luna would find the Sneasels head meeting her own, deciding to use its head as the best quick attack candidate that it had sending Luna reeling and doubly so freeing itself from the wrap.


Not that it would change the result. The vines wrapped around the Sneasel’s body once again, sapped its health as the Sneasel struggled to stand. The Leech seed hadn’t finished it off, but one more attack seemed like the Sneasel was going down for the count. Luna seemed like she was doing fine, thanks to the leech seed but she was definitely hurting a bit.

“That leech seed really got ya, eh Bea?”

“Shut up.”

“Pawniard, another Fury Cutter! Don’t let up not for a second!”


Running forward, the Pawniard’s blades were once again poised to strike.

“Munchlax, defense curl!” There was no way Munchlax was avoiding the strike, the best she could do was hope that she could hold it off until Snivvy dealt with that Sneasel and keep buffing Munchlaxes defense.

“Muuunch-!” Munchalx jumped lightly into the air, curling its body and tucking its legs and arms around itself making it almost look like a little blue ball. The Pawniard’s claws struck, sending Munchlax rolling along the ground.

“Ngh, that fury cutter’s no joke…Munchlax you alright!?”

“L-lax…” Munchlax unrolled itself, not having any time to collect itself as the Pawniard was already running at it again, another Fury cutter at the ready…

Stellar Toy Factory
@Crusader Lord@Vertigo@XxFellsingxX@Savo

Gastly laughed, shook its spherical body, and then promptly left through the floor.

Seemed like it didn’t wanna come along.

The factory had now since powered down, the humming and whirring machinery having powered down and falling into dormancy once again. The stairs would lead down to an old meeting room of some sort, and after leaving through another set of double doors she’d find herself standing firmly on the warehouse floor now.

She could see the others here…and a crashed Forklift, having barreled through one of the doors.

Well, seemed this place was rendered just a bit safer now and she could probably leave without too many other problems now.

Pines End - > Route 3

“You…want to trade contact info-Hey!” Before Yasu could predictably reject such an idea, Hatty would grab Yasu’s own phone from her pocket, levitate it up to herself and put in whatever number Camila told her. “...whatever, fine, Hatty, if you want to make friends. And no, I don’t know anything about that.” Yasu stepped inside of the temple again, grumbling to herself as the door creaked shut behind her. Seemed she wasn’t being any friendlier now, and she wanted to be left alone. Might not be a good idea to immediately press the issue.

So with nothing else to do in Pines End, Camila would head on, heading out of the northern end of the town and heading onto…

-Route 3-[/hr]

The climate here was warm, and pleasant. A breeze swept across the lush green plains and farmland that extended from the forest around Pines End all the way to the central plains. The fields here were where a good majority of regional produce was made, with berries, plants, and similar things being made with the help of pokemon and good old fashioned human elbow grease.

A few farmhouses dotted the landscape between small clusters of trees and farmland. In the distance, along the coast was an odd looking, oddly modern building. A telescoping lens extended from a domed ceiling, several meters out and into the air, peering at the sky. Around it was a fenced off area with several warnings around it and what seemed to be weather equipment. In a larger building nearby, a large radar dish slowly turned. An observatory or weather station of some kind?


Her phone beeped. Yasu had sent her a text.

Well, that was probably as much positivity and friendliness she was getting out of Yasu for the moment.

Secluded Grove

Isla, was alone now.

In a secluded grove, far away from help or anyone else should she find herself being accosted by a pokemon again. It was probably fine. This section of the forest was oddly quiet, either naturally or as a result of whatever had done the damage here earlier.

Rustle rustle…

A few leaves in a nearby bush shifted audibly. Someone was moving in the bush.


A little budew poked its head out of the bush, seemingly drawn here by the noise and commotion earlier. It froze upon seeing Isla and the two foxes.
Witches House

"Ugh why are all the animals here talking? Are we in a Disney movie or something..." Colleen frowned, eyes focusing on the Raven, only to stare blankly as the bird then, somehow presumably using magic, decided to start looking like a human. Still, she was helping so she should try to summarize then. "So, in short...the shrines bad, and we'll probably die if we go there. The forest is big, we'll probably get lost and whisked away to neverland if we go out without you."

Colleen pouted slightly.

"Tch, why do I gotta be babysat by a girl who doesn't even look old enough to be left at home by herself..." Geh, she wanted to exercise or go to a gym, maybe take some annoyance out on a punching bag. Greenie and the kid didn't look like they'd be a good sparring partner. She wanted to do something to clear her head for a bit. Training and physical work always did that. Shadow boxing? hmng, maybe there was a barrel or old log around here she could use...

"...hey waiiit, actually, if you're a witch you can do magic stuff right? Like that barrier thing?" She had never held much interest in that kinda thing, mostly because it never existed, but it was obvious it existed right here. "D'ya think I could learn?"
Lady Norinthall

Really, she had just spoke the truth! The librarian was an old hag that couldn't tell a gnome from a dwarf! Not to mention she offered to buy the books she had...ahem, misplaced! What, did the Librarian think she couldn't just throw around money? Well, she could! Raella trudged, in quite an annoyed fashion along the road as they made their way to Tir Na Ong. Really, should she complain to dad? Have that place raided? Audited? Tch, just thinking about it made her want to shove that silly Librarian in their place even more.

Geh, it was a good thing she was a good little girl and didn't cause trouble or that Librarian would so totally get it!

"And what is with this fog!?" Raella shouted, just a little irritated still. "Ugh, Arndell, carry me." She should really work on getting a levitation spell so she could just float and swim through air like she could water. "...and what are with these weirdos here?" Her eyes scanned the groups present. Three distinct ones. Some armored meatheads, some funky looking druids, and some unarmored meatheads. What, did she miss a memo about some physical fitness competition being held all the way out here? Actually, come to think of it weren't those armored guys members of the Doom Guard? And those martial arts uniforms were part of the Transcendent order? She didn't recognize the others, but why were they out here? She at least, did not need a reason to be anywhere so of course she was always where she was supposed to be.

"Actually, scratch that, touch me and you'll give me half your next paycheck." Raella responded, humming lightly as she observed the going ons. Well, if nothing else, the annoyance at getting kicked out of the library was slowly being replaced with curiosity. Raella would first, approach one of the troubled looking Druids, preferably one that is by itself if she was so lucky as to find one and casually, strike up a totally non intrusive fishing for information conversation. "So what are the Doomguard and Transcendant Order doing here that's got you country bumpkins all in a tizzy? Gond the wonderbringer get arrested for something or are we just having a party here? "
Yeah, right when I get back from vacay and a wedding

Now I have three days to think of how to best have Raella mess everything up in a fashionable manner
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