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Hidden 5 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chapter 1: Home is Where..?

Great Bazaar, Market Ward, Sigil

@Lurking Krog @Abstract Proxy @Guardian Angel Haruki

Only a couple of weeks before the disappearance of Tir na Og, a new portal was discovered in the Market Ward, located in the doorway of one of the shops of the Great Bazaar. Normally, a new portal showing up wouldn't cause too much fuss, but this one leads to perhaps the worst place it could: the gate-town of Tradegate, a hub of ethical trade rivaling the variety that the Bazaar has, with fairer prices and with a lot less cutthroat business practices. As one can imagine, a lot of the local merchants are not happy with development, and multiple attempts have been to made to either destroy it or find a way to profit of its usage.

All of you know this because you were told so - by Lissandra the Gateseeker. Over the past week, this woman has made each of your acquaintance individually. She was the first person to greet Aaliyah as she walked through the portal into the City, immediately asking the younger girl where she had perhaps come from. Upon hearing about her plight, she offered to show her around in exchange for stories about her home and even find other people who could accompany the girl to Tir na Og so she wouldn't have to brave the Outlands alone. After asking around, Lissandra eventually located both Mariel and Beigeiros separately and asked for their aid, likely recognizing them as members of the Plane-tenders and feeling that Aaliyah would be save in your hands. She then asked all of three of you come meet her in the Market Ward on this day, where she would show you the portal of Tradegate, as it is the gate-town closest to where Tir na Og once was.

It is afternoon and things seem no more or less busy than they have any previous times have you have made your way to this part of the City. Beings of all sorts of races, from all corners of the Planes, wonder around you, making their ways towards the many services the Market Ward has to offer. However, even in the crowd, you can easily see Lissandra standing at the entrance to the Bazaar. She is a rather tall human woman somewhere in her late thirties or early forties, very pretty with long blonde hair barely restrained by a thin lavender hair band, and never seen without the trusty logbook tucked under her arm which she uses to make record of all portals in Sigil. She's not the only person to attempt to this, but she is one of the few who readily shares this information with the masses, thinking it should be everyone and not just the nobles and faction higher-ups.

You notice a couple of men lurking around, seemingly trying to chat her up. However, she alternates between just staring at them rather coolly or turning her gaze elsewhere in search of who she's actually here for. When she spots at least one of you, her face immediately lights up and she starts waving. The two men follow her gaze, see one or maybe all of you, look disappointed and then walk off, leaving Lissandra to focus her full attention on the rest of you, as her waving grows more frantic.

What do you do?

Ubiquitous Wayfarer, Lower Ward, Sigil

@rush99999 @Fading Memory

While Sigil is abundant in planar portals - it wouldn't be called the City of Doors otherwise - the highest concentration of these portals can be found in the Ubiquitous Wayfarer, a three-story tavern located in the Lower Ward. A lot of them lead to other areas within the city, allowing its patrons to get around faster, but there are still plenty leading elsewhere, including a few to the Outlands.

Because both your factions are located on either side of the Lower Ward, this tavern was the best bet to get where you need to go. Fyodor specifically is accompanied by three other bleakers, a scarred gnoll factotum called Ulgad and two other factioneers, a halfling man named Jarret Greyskies, who quickly has shown himself to be bad-tempted and lacking an indoor voice, and an eladrin woman named Wynvere, who is perpetually within her wintry state and often can be caught staring into the distance at something no one else can perceive. This group has been told to find a specific portal leading to the gate-town of Ecstasy, providing you with the gate-key - a polished greenish-grey pebble, which Ulgad has allowed Fyodor to carry. Ulgad has been the closest thing to a mentor Fyodor has had following his acceptance into the Bleak Cabal, and the gnoll has shown himself to be one of the cheerier and more encouraging members of the faction. This is one of the few times Fyodor has actually seem him outside of the Gatehouse as he often prefers to help around the place rather than do any external missions, but he's made an exception when he heard Fyodor was assigned to this particular expedition.

Upon entering the tavern, you find that it is particularly busy day, with a bubblegum-pink tiefling woman - who seems to be serving as some sort of bouncer - passing by you as you arrive, holding a cursing pixie in one hand and using her other to drag a very, very drunk satyr behind her. Once she reaches the door, she proceeds to practically toss the pair out before coming back inside. One of you might even manage to hear her muttering to herself, "I do not get paid enough for this."

While pretty much all of the tables are full, there is only one person sitting at the bar: a dark-skinned human woman sitting at the bar with a rather handsome golden brown tabby cat sleeping around her shoulders. Behind the bar is another human woman, much older as shown by her grey hair and much more severe looking, as she glances over in your direction as you enter - her eyes lingering on Zaraknyvr in particular with some suspicion. It's likely she recognises him as a member of the Mercykillers and is already expecting him to be trouble. She doesn't react otherwise, just kind of watching you all as you enter.

What will you do?

Former site of Tir na Og, the Outlands

@Digizel @Rune_Alchemist

You both enter the area where Tir na Og once stood from opposite sides: Tanrith heading from the direction of the gate-town Faunel, while Raella came from the direction of Excelsior. Tanrith was around Faunel when he received a message veer Sending from a familiar voice.

"Hello, Tanrith, I require your assistance. Tir na Og has gone missing, please investigate for me. If anyone asks, you are just collecting new sensations."

Tanrith immediately recognises this voice as Cuatha Da'nanin, a half-elf wizard from the Society of Sensation and Factol Erin Montgomery's loyal second-in-command and romantic partner. He was the one who freed Tanrith from his mysterious captors and gave him a place in the Sensates. Apparently, he had been in a similar position himself at one point in his life, and desired to help the kobold. Even though Tanrith generally kept away from Sigil, Cuatha still did his best to support him and send him on any expeditions he felt Tanrith would either be interested in or would benefit him.

Raella, on the other hand, was originally in the Outlands on other business. Accompanied by her servant, a gloomy-looking human man by the name of Arndell, she had traveled to Thebestys in an attempt to gain access to the Great Library. While she was allowed to enter, some shenanigans lead her to being asked to leave... and then eventually forcibly removed. After being kicked out, she and Arndell instead start to head to Tir na Og, hoping to gain access to the Oghma's House of Knowledge.

You both arrive at your destination at roughly the same time, just as a light fog starts to roll in, adding an extra sense of ominousness to the whole scene. Whether you've been near or not, you can clearly tell that something is missing, as the area is a long stretch of undisturbed meadow that doesn't seem to quite fit in with the business of the rest of the Outlands. There are quite a few people around the area, all scattered off into different little groups, most of whom you can see sporting badges of various factions and sects. In particular, the following groups of people are most notable:

By the body of water where you know the realm of Tir fo Thuinn to reside, you notice a bit of a commotion. Three armored figures lead by an elderly firbolg woman are standing by the water's edge, their leader having a heated discussion with younger firbolg man dressed in druidic robes. The other two armored figures are watching this confrontation with something akin to amusement. All the while, the water near them seems to be moving slightly, as if something is lurking just beneath the surface.

Near them, you can see a group of people wearing similar druidic clothing, most wearing a badge with a tree symbol on it. They are all discussing something and pointing into the distance. They seem to be gesturing towards the far side of the field. While it slowly being swallowed up by the fog, you can clearly see a very large industrial workshop, with a thick flow of smoke coming out of its many chimneys. You would know that this is Wonderhome, the realm of Gond the Wonderbringer, god of crafting, smithing and invention. What you don't recognise is the tent that has been pitched alarmingly close to the workshop, where you can see the vague shape of soldiers milling around. Their presence seems to be upsetting the druids.

You also several people in martial arts attire, seemingly patrolling the area and constantly surveying around themselves as if searching for something. Occasionally, one or two of them will start conversing, but it doesn't last long before they continue searching around the area.

What will you do?
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Fyodor Strelnikov

Fyodor Strelnikov entered the Ubiquitous Wayfarer alongside his companions and surveyed the interior. It seemed that they had the misfortune of arriving at the tavern during one of the busier stretches of its open hours. Navigating through the crowd would present something of a hinderance. But ultimately that mattered about as much as anything else in the multiverse did, which was to say it did not matter at all. The crowd might delay them, but it would not stop them. Regardless of how long it would take them, they would reach their portal, pass through it to Ecstasy, and link up with the rest of the expedition bound for the place where Tir na Og once stood.

Fyodor reached into his pocket and pulled out the gate-key that Ulgad had entrusted to him. He regarded the polished greenish-grey pebble for a moment, then closed his hand around it and glanced at Ulgad. "Where to from here?" Fyodor asked.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

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What drivel. The hideousness of a tiefling so pink her flesh may have very well seared itself into his eyes was the first thing to bare itself to Zaraknvyr's eyes. Within this female's grasp was the hairy and alcohol-stench-laden form of the fae-kin, which upon notice caused the drow to physically hold back the rising disgust in his throat. The entire scene made him sick, and the only solace he felt in the observation was seeing the satyr collide with the ground in a heap, and witnessing the dizzying flight of the pixie as the tiefling tossed them out. The woman's muttering reached his ears, and his satisfaction warped into a thread of usefulness which he swiftly gripped.

Zaraknvyr waited aside, eyes peering from within dark hood, as he allowed the party of the Bleak Cabal to pass before him. Upon their formal entrance into the Ubiquitous Wayfarer, the drow approached the bouncer and produced his coin pouch in hand.

"One for the show." He rasped, flicking a gold coin to the obnoxiously pink woman. "Two for information." He held up two additional coins between his index and middle fingers, but did not bestow them upon her immediately. "I believe strongly in the lubrication of the economy."

He lifted his head, allowing the sight of his discomforting, toothy, smile to be lit from within his hood.

"I am in haste. Searching for a portal. Can you be of use to me?"
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Lady Norinthall

Really, she had just spoke the truth! The librarian was an old hag that couldn't tell a gnome from a dwarf! Not to mention she offered to buy the books she had...ahem, misplaced! What, did the Librarian think she couldn't just throw around money? Well, she could! Raella trudged, in quite an annoyed fashion along the road as they made their way to Tir Na Ong. Really, should she complain to dad? Have that place raided? Audited? Tch, just thinking about it made her want to shove that silly Librarian in their place even more.

Geh, it was a good thing she was a good little girl and didn't cause trouble or that Librarian would so totally get it!

"And what is with this fog!?" Raella shouted, just a little irritated still. "Ugh, Arndell, carry me." She should really work on getting a levitation spell so she could just float and swim through air like she could water. "...and what are with these weirdos here?" Her eyes scanned the groups present. Three distinct ones. Some armored meatheads, some funky looking druids, and some unarmored meatheads. What, did she miss a memo about some physical fitness competition being held all the way out here? Actually, come to think of it weren't those armored guys members of the Doom Guard? And those martial arts uniforms were part of the Transcendent order? She didn't recognize the others, but why were they out here? She at least, did not need a reason to be anywhere so of course she was always where she was supposed to be.

"Actually, scratch that, touch me and you'll give me half your next paycheck." Raella responded, humming lightly as she observed the going ons. Well, if nothing else, the annoyance at getting kicked out of the library was slowly being replaced with curiosity. Raella would first, approach one of the troubled looking Druids, preferably one that is by itself if she was so lucky as to find one and casually, strike up a totally non intrusive fishing for information conversation. "So what are the Doomguard and Transcendant Order doing here that's got you country bumpkins all in a tizzy? Gond the wonderbringer get arrested for something or are we just having a party here? "
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Aaliyah considered herself lucky to have met Lissandra upon first arriving to Sigil. She honestly doesn't know where she would be without her help. She was all to happy to talk about her home, both in the Elemental Plane of Air, and her previous home in the Material Plane (as much as her memory would allow) in exchange for Lissantra's help. Naturally, Aaliyah listened to Lissandra as she teaches her about Sigil, the gates, and everything Aaliyah needed to know.

Other than that, during the week, she took every single opportunity to learn as much as possible.

Everything is so New! It's so exciting!

Of course, she didn't forget about Lissandra's request to meet her at the Great Bazaar in Market Ward this afternoon! A certain familiar wouldn't let her forget it!

"Ow!" Aaliyah yelps as her familiar, a great horned owl pecks her head, and lets out a hoot.

Aaliyah answers the familiar while rubbing her head, "I know, I know! I'm looking for her, Bruno!" She then realizes something and asks, "Wait a minute! What are you doing, just perching on my shoulder? You can fly!"

The owl looks away from her innocently, before she tells him, "Come on, Lazy! Help me find her in the crowds!" She shrugs him off and he takes flight with some choice telepathic words sent her way, and she follows him.

Thanks to their efforts, they are able to find Lissandra. When Aaliyah sees her, she gives a wide smile and waves back to her calling joyfully and enthusiastically, "Heeeey! Lissandra!" before running up to meet with her. After reaching Lissandra, her familiar lands on her shoulder again.

Aaliyah asks, "Sorry, I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Tanrith grinned to himself as he stood there, scratching a claw gently against the base of the back of the small cat's ear. In the end, they may sometimes be too proud to admit it, but in the end, the awakened beasts of Faunel were still the same beasts. And this one in particular did still have that sweet spot he remembered most cats on the Material possessed. The cat had tried to deny it, but sure enough, that head was practically leaning into his palm at this point.

It would be a strange sight to those residing in Faunel at the moment. First, there was the awakened cat, though that part was an average enough sight here in Faunel. The cat was perched on the shoulders of a small, frilled kobold, adorned with goggles strapped around his frills and resting on his forehead. He was armored in a mixture of what seemed to be leather and small, scale-shaped pieces of metal, all decorated blue, and a small mantle around his shoulders consisting of fluffed fur and a string of claws. One might think such a decoration would be bizarre in a group of sapient animals, but Tanrith's armor had been crafted using things collected willfully, a fact he was always happy to share if the armor's construction risked causing trouble. He was no hunter; he had made it out of respect for beasts. So while he himself may have drawn some eyes, that wasn't what would be the most bizarre thing here.

No, the most eye-catching feature present was the large, walking mass of metal beneath the Kobold. The construct seemed to be fashioned in the shape of a blue dragon, most notably judging by the size and proportions, a wyrmling. Despite being made of obvious metal, the likeness was uncanny, even possessing wings comprised of metallic spines and a leathery fabric between them. It almost looked like a Blue dragon sporting the colors of a Silver, though with a complex series of interconnected plates rather than scales; though the plates were fitted with cloth and leather painted to match to keep the plates from rubbing against one another. He had always wanted to give Zyrech a paint job better befitting his design, but he was never confident enough in his own artistic skills just yet.

So there they were: A cat on the shoulders of a Kobold on the back of a mechanical dragon casually stepping through the town; a stack of creatures of gradually decreasing size. He'd promised the little guy a ride since it was on the way toward the portal to the Beastlands. Not that he'd had any plans on actually visiting the place right now, but it was always worth a look to see who might be coming and going.

It was at this point, however, that Tanrith suddenly heard a voice. But it was a voice he recognized, spoken inside of his head. He immediately recognized this and stopped scratching the cat for a moment. "Hm?" he murmured, stopping and looking up into the air as though that would help him understand the message any better. "Oh, sorry man, gotta take this," he said quickly to the cat before reaching his claw up to the side of his head, just beneath one of his frills. Again, he certainly didn't need to, but....

"Oh, hey buddy!" he would say out loud as well as in his head. "Wait, what did you say!? Missing!? Tir na Og, huh? Yeah, I'll head over right away! You can count on the Lightning Fang to get to the bottom of this!~" Not realizing that his message would have been completely cut off at the word "Lightning", he smiled, content as he turned back to look at the cat on his shoulder. "Hey, sorry buddy, but I gotta fly. Kind of an emergency. I'm gonna have to drop you off here. Good luck, and try to be more honest with yourself, huh?~"

With that, once the awakened cat had disembarked the Zyrech Express, he immediately ordered his ride to turn around and race through the town toward the west. Now, he was a kobold on a quest!

Luckily for him, the trip there was largely uneventful. And when he finally arrived at Tir na Og...he had to stop himself. He double checked his directions for a moment, but...no, this was the right place. The place where Tir na Og was supposed to be was more akin to a vast meadow. Nothing like this had ever existed here in the Outlands as far as he was aware. It was actually bordering on eerie...though that fog that was starting to set in didn't make things any better. Though the Wonderhouse or whatever it was called on one end seemed to have made it through at least. He couldn't help but grin a bit. Hey, maybe this could be just the excuse he needed to find a way to get an audience with Gond. It was something he'd always wanted to do once he realized the Wonderbringer actually physically lived here. But no, not yet. He had to stay focused! He had a task at hand, and he needed to focus on it for now. For his buddy at the society.

Realizing that the society might like it better if he felt the area for himself, he quickly descended his mechanical dragon companion and began to step his way out into the empty field. He reached down, patting at and rubbing his claws along the ground and whatever other surfaces he could. "Wow...he wasn't kidding, the place really is just...gone...." he murmured in awe. "All this...feels real at least, so it's not just illusion magic or anything. Plus all these people around...."

Finally, Tanrith's attention was drawn to the groups who had apparently beaten him here. He took in all of their outfits and attires and logos and searched his mind to see if he could recognize them....

But just as that was crossing his mind, he caught a little bit more going on through the fog than he had before. By the lake was a small commotion, and there seemed to be a number of others wandering about, looking nervous or concerned or...well, just around. Interestingly, there seemed to also now be a new arrival on the scene just like himself across the way, or two to be more precise. The first was what appeared to be a young human lady? Judging by her looks and the way she carried herself, probably someone better off than himself. Especially given that she seemed to have what he could only describe as a servant or a butler with her.

Although curiosity got him interested in wondering what someone like her could be doing wandering the Outlands without some kind of actual guard around...somehow, some instinctive part of him was telling him to avoid her. There was just something in his scales telling him that he may not want to get involved with her quite yet if he could avoid it....

So he instead directed his attention to the area of the field where the biggest disturbance seemed to be coming from. He quickly reached up, gripping the harness he's fashioned into his dragon's design and pulled himself up and into the saddle-like seat. "C'mon, Zy, let's go see what the big hubbub is about, huh?"

The mechanical dragon began to trudge its way through the meadow, headed toward the lake where the two firbolgs were having an argument with one another.

"Hey, hey, excuse me you two, sorry, but if I could just interrupt here for a sec?" he would call out to the two as he approached them. Now that he was closer, he could get a better look at their individual outfits, attempting to place just what kinds of factions or sects they might be related to, if any. "You guys are making a huge fuss over here, it's kinda hard to think or get a feel for what's going on. What's the big deal, why all the vocal sparring?"

He stopped and looked between the two in question as he approached on his miniature mech dragon...though he made sure to keep an eye on the two armored goons in the back as well. He certainly didn't want to get caught off-guard if a fight broke out. Though as he did, he couldn't help but notice the water shifting around unnaturally. Was there something there, too? Was it a monster lying in wait, or perhaps a resident of an underwater town listening in?

Well, if it was the latter, he had no reason to interfere with their own desire to listen in. But he had to be prepared just in case it was the former as well. For the time being, he maintained his primary focus on the argument at hand. Maybe if he was lucky, he could find a way to resolve it and send them both on their way peacefully!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 21 min ago


It had been quite a long week for Beigeiros. Finding out his home had simply disappeared with no known reason left him in a dazed stupor of denial and doubt. How could such a place just dissappear. The next few days went by with him gathering more information and hearing much of the same information as before. Lissandra had approached him three days ago and shared information about a new portal, and that someone was wanting to go to Tir Na Og, or at least where it should be.

When Beigeiros stepped into the market district of Sigil, he was overwhelmed by how crowded it was. Sure he had spent the last week in Sigil, he was still ready to be back out in the wilds out of the towns. There might be little out there but it is where home and family are. He paused mid stride to look around the market while he mentally corrected himself. Home and family were in the wilds of the Outlands. They had disappeared in his time in Sigil. That alone left him to wonder why and if his being out of Tir Na Og had to do with his purpose in life.

Shortly after entering the market, Beigeiros spotted the woman, Lissandra if he remembered correctly, waving rather frantically to someone else in the market. He knew at least one other would be meeting with her and that was likely the person Lissandra had noticed first and was waving over. Moving through the crowd, Beigeiros caught sight of someone else walking up to Lissandra. He also noted two men looking disappointed and walking away from the tall human woman. Keeping to a moderate pace, not wanting to run through the crowd while in full gear, Beigeiros arrived just as the other woman greets Lissandra.

"Greetings Lissandra." Beigeiros said with a smile and a wave. "How is the day treating you?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Great Bazaar, Market Ward, Sigil

@Lurking Krog @Abstract Proxy @Guardian Angel Haruki

"Not too long," Lissandra responds to Aaliyah with a small smile. "I wanted to come by before the rest of you got here, just to make sure the portal was still there." She leans forward in somewhat conspiratorial manner. "The thing about Sigil is that portals tend to disappear just as suddenly they appear. Makes cataloguing all of them quite a chore." She chuckles, taking a step back. "It seems everything is the same, though I do have some back-ups just in case it decides to wink out existence at the last minute." She starts glancing around, hoping to spot the two other people she invited her. "Also paid the shopkeeper who runs the place a little so they don't get all upset about us using it. Apparently this portal has caused quite the stir."

She then addresses Beigeiros. "Everything's going well so far, it seems, which for Sigil is practically a miracle," she says. She gives a small laugh before turning her head to survey the crowd once more. "I had asked someone else to be here, but it appears she's running a little late." She turns back to her companions. "Never mind. She still has some time to arrive if she chooses. For now..." She motions from Aaliyah to Beigeiros. "Aaliyah, this is Beigeiros, a member of the Plane-tenders sect who resides in Tir na Og." She then motions from Beigeiros to Aaliyah. "Beigeiros, this is Aaliyah. She's new to Sigil, not aligned with any of the factions, and has an interest in finding out what had happened to your homeland." She looks between them before nodding. "While we wait, is anything either of you would like to ask me or each other? I find it's good to gather as much information you can beforehand."

Ubiquitous Wayfarer, Lower Ward, Sigil

@rush99999 @Fading Memory

Ulgad glanced over at Fyodor. "Well, I don't really come here often, but from what I hear, you'll want to talk to the proprieter," he said. He points a thumb at the older human woman behind the bar. "That's her, I reckon. Though from what I hear, she's not too fond of travellers using a portal without buying something first." He gives Fyodor a very strong pat on the back before turning his gaze to the other members of the group, a small grin on his face. "I says we all have a nice drink before we head out."

"Best news I've heard all day!" Jarret practically shouts as he starts to make his way to the counter, only for Ulgad to grab his arm the moment he takes a step forward.

"One drink, Jarret," Ulgad says, his face immediately becoming grim. "I mean it."

Jarret scowls. "What you pickin' on me for?!" he shoots back.

As the two continue to bicker, Wynvere lets out a small sigh, her breath somehow being visible despite the warmth of the tavern. She then begins to walk towards the counter, not bothering to look at any of her companions as she does so.

Meanwhile, the tiefling regards Zaraknyvr with the same wary look at that the human bartender had previously cast in his direction. "Let me guess," she says. "You're heading out towards Tir na Og? You and everyone else this week, mate." She looks at the coin in her hand before heaving a sigh. "You know what? Sure. There's a large barrel of wine down in the cellar that leads to Ecstasy, though you'll need the portal key to open it. And no, I don't have one on me, before you ask." She indicates with her head towards the woman with the cat sat at the bar. "I think Tabiah's heading that way. She comes here every so often, always by herself. A wizard heading to the Outlands by her lonesome seems a tad suicidal, so maybe she'd appreciate some assistance." She shrugs. "Or not. That's up to her." She glanced in the direction of the bartender. "Though, some advice? Riaen don't like it when people use her place as a shortcut without paying, and if you head to the wine cellar without buying something, she might have a problem with that." The tiefling gives a snort. "And given the look she's casting your way right now, you're unlikely to slip by unnoticed."

If Zaraknyvr happens to glance over towards the bar, he will indeed see that the bartender is no longer paying any attention to the Bleak Cabal members and is solely focusing on the drow.

The tiefling continues, "Anyway, that's all I got for you." She then holds out a hand for the rest of her payment.

Former site of Tir na Og, the Outlands

@Digizel @Rune_Alchemist

"Yes, Miss Raella," Arndell says, almost automatically and he goes to pick up the girl, only for her quickly rebuff him to which he repeats his previous sentence before taking a few steps back to his original place. He doesn't seem to have much reaction to anything that's going on around him, and obediently follows after his lady as she goes to speak with one of the druids.

The druid Raella happens to approach was a halfling dressed in robes of a robin's egg blue, and when Raella is close enough to see his face, she'd notice he had vitiligo, with the right side of his face being patching with lighter tones than the left. He regards her for a moment, blinking up at her as if needing time to even register that she was there. "You're kidding right?" he says eventually in a high and nasally voice. He narrows his eyes at her, as if trying to figure out if she is genuinely joking. He quickly realises that she indeed is not. "Well then. I'd ask if you live under a rock, but I have friends who live under rocks, and even they know what's going on right now."

At this, Arndell makes a little noise. It might have been a small laugh, a sharp intake of breath or just a cough. It's hard to tell. A lot of his noises tend to sound the same.

Meanwhile, the two firbolgs take a moment to register Tanrith speaking to them and both, at the same time, turn their heads towards the kobold. The younger firbolg man looks angry, while the older firbolg woman looks wary but curious. The two armored guys standing to the side don't make any aggressive moves towards Tanrith, though one of them nudges the other and they share a look. One of them is even smirking. Clearly, Tanrith's intervention is making the situation even more amusing for them.

"Where do you people even keep coming from!?" the firbolg man shouts. "Isn't it enough that our home is gone without everyone from across the multiverse coming to gawk at us!?"

"Sarceron," the firbolg woman says firmly.

The firbolg man - apparently called Sarceron - rounds on her. "Don't use that tone on me," he says. "I am not a child anymore-"

"Could have fooled me," the firbolg woman interjects.

"-and I will not be talked down to by anybody, let alone you."

The firbolg woman shakes her head before turning her attention to Tanrith. "Apologies," she says. "I am Faelee, factotum of the Doomguard." She motions to the two armored figures. "This is Vivir and Rhuk."

Vivir raises a hand while Rhuk merely nods and grunts. Given how heavily armored they are, its not easy to really see what race or gender either of them are.

Faelee then points towards the water. "Our newest factioneer, Azorigal, is in the water right now," she says. "He's capable of breathing water and a better swimmer than the rest of us, so we thought it best to send him down to check on the state of Tir fo Thuinn. See if it too has been spirited away." She glances over towards Sarceron. "Because apparently, no one else has done so."

Sarceron glares at her. "You realise how dangerous it is down there, don't you?" he says. "I've almost lost most of my sect at this point, I'm not going to risk anyone else until we have a better idea of what in the Nine Hells is going on."

"Well," Faelee says. "I'm sure once Azorigal returns, we will have a better idea of our situation."

Sarceron scoffs. "Our," he says. "You say that as if we're in this together."

"Tir na Og was my home too, Sarceron."

"And yet you ran off to join them-" Sarceron motions to Vivir and Rhuk. "-instead of stay with your own family!"

Faelee doesn't respond right away, merely absentmindedly running a finger across wrinkles on her own face. She has a lot of them. "I had my reasons," she says.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Fyodor Strelnikov

Fyodor slipped the gate-key back into his pocket and sighed alongside Wynvere when Ulgad announced that they would be stopping for a drink before continuing on. It bothered him that they would so quickly stop to drink when they had business to see to down in the outlands. So what if the bartender would be offended if they simply passed through? Her fondness or lack thereof mattered about as much as anything else in the multiverse did, which was to say it did not matter at all. Even so, Fyodor made his way over to the bar as he fished the last piece of silver he had out of his coin pouch, holding his thumb over the profiled visage that had been stamped onto the coin so that he wouldn't accidentally glimpse it and start remembering things he would rather leave forgotten. It didn't matter if they offended the Wayfarer's proprietor, but ultimately it also didn't matter if they stopped for a drink for the sake of pleasing the old woman either.

Fyodor took a seat at the bar next to Wynvere and set his silver coin down on the counter, covering it with his hand so that he didn't have to look at it. "Do you have a silver piece on you?" Fyodor asked his cold companion. "A pitcher of common wine should be enough for our fellowship. But that usually costs two silvers. I only have the one." Since his arrival to Sigil, Fyodor had been more generous with his coin than the average Bleaker of his rank usually was. And while much of this had been due to his feelings of obligation towards the faction that had saved his life, the more insightful folk that knew him would have quickly discerned that there was another goal to his zealous charity beyond gratitude. Though it had taken him a little over a year to finally achieve that goal, it seemed that coincidence had decided to wait for the most entertaining moment for him to come down to his last coin from the land he had left behind.
Hidden 4 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

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"Hey, hey, it's okay, I get it!" Tanrith said, quickly raising his arms up into the air in a gesture of peace as the two continued to argue in front of him. "So you're both from here, but one of you lives here, the other left to join the Doomguard, and there's some bitterness floating around about that, I get it, it's cool!"

As the group introduced themselves, he nodded and raised to of his fingers up to his forehead, giving the armored members in the back a quick salute with a smile on his face. It seemed his initial worries didn't seem to amount to much. He had even gotten an explanation for whatever he was seeing in the water behind them. Though what this...Sarceron was saying did worry him a bit, but if the Doomguard captain lady seemed confident, he didn't have a reason to question her just yet.

Finally getting back to the topic at hand, he chuckled a bit. "Well, Faelee, Sarceron. Nice to meet ya!~" he exclaimed. He then held out both of his arms to the two of them, one for each. "The name's Tanrith. Tanrith Stormclaw. But some people might know me as-" He paused for a moment, glancing around for a moment before lowering his tone. "The Lightning Fang!" He murmured that rather lowly as though it were important to anybody but himself.

"And this here is my friend, Zyrech!" he called out. Since his arms were too busy extending themselves out to the pair, he allowed his tail to shift around, tapping the edge of the mechanical dragon beneath him. "Made him myself. My masterpiece! Say hi, Zy!"

At his command, the mech dragon lowered its head, a low rumbling emerging from within, bowing a little bit before returning to his normal stance.

"Heheh...that's the best he's got, unfortunately," Tanrith added nervously. "Never was able to figure out how to give him the ability to say anything. I mean, I could implant recordings of voices and get them to play in response to certain phrases or actions, but it wouldn't be the same...." He trailed off for a moment as though that seemed to have taken a bit of the wind from his sails for a moment. But then he sat upright again with a slight grin. "But hey, he can understand three whole languages, so that's something, right?~ And he's almost as good at fixing things as I am! Pretty cool, huh?"

Tanrith had been speaking quickly and energetically. If nothing else, he hoped that perhaps he might be able to disarm the two from their own fighting by changing the subject around a bit. Maybe if he could get them to talk about something else, he could lighten the atmosphere a bit and get them to talk about the situation with a bit less...hostility.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

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@Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX @Guardian Angel Haruki

Mariel moved confidently through the crowd, showing nothing would betray the worry that tugged at her heart. To show weakness, would drawn attention, and was the surest way to invite predation, especially in Sigil.

Her home was gone. Alundal was missing. But there was no time for sadness. Grief would have to wait. She still had hope. She believed that there was a way. A way to make things right again. And a way to get home. The spirit within her spoke to her of the importance of caution and the value of patience. Difficult responses that she struggled to enact with emotion thundering with each of her heartbeats.

Merchants carefully ignored her, seeing the frown set over her lips. The wandering customers gave her a wide berth, noticing the wildness about her person. Mariel did not mind the city. It was a different sort of forest. However, her fondness for the cities that had sprouted up and grown across all of the multiverse, did not change that she was no creature tamed and collared.

Mariel needed no sharp eyes to spot the tall woman standing at the entrance to the Bazaar. Lissandra had asked for her aid. She had offered information. And most importantly she had told Mariel about the portal disrupting the carefully calibrated scales of the Bazaar.

"I greet you, gatekeeper," Mariel said, eyeing Lissandra and her two companions, "Forgive me for my late arrival."

"I was delayed," The druid added, offering no explanation beyond a shrug as she rubbed the toe of her right boot against the ground, removing a spattering of blood that she had noticed too late.

She could not name the goliath, well-armed and well-armored, standing patiently next to Lissandra, but seeing the amulet he wore around his neck, Mariel pulled out her own treasured emblem to show him. The symbol that Alundal had carved for her and given her. It was good to see one of her own. It was good to know there was someone she could trust. She nodded to the other plane-tender, fighting the urge to speak telepathically with her fellow plane-tender, but she knew that some found such gestures threatening if not forewarned.

"Your presence is heartening, fellow caretaker," Mariel instead said to the Goliath.

The other person that Lissandra had gathered, likely the woman that she had wanted Mariel to help, was a familiar face, and returned a measure of happiness to Mariel's ashen face. The traveler was a welcome reminder of happier times. Aaliyah, Mariel remembered, recalling her journey to the Elemental Plane of Air. The generosity and kindness of her master, the Noble Djinni, Ishaan, had been a great boon to the traveling plane-tender. He had seen her fed, more than well. She had rested in his great palace. A creation built with solid ground, a rarity in the zephyr realm, and structure worthy of the storied artifacts the genie had collected over the eons.

"I greet you, Aaliyah, of the Elemental Plane of Air... it has been some time since our last meeting. What brings you away from the realm of your master?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Lady Norinthall

"Excuse me?" Raella liked to think, she was fairly observant, but this sassy little druid had made the mistake of well, sassing her. Raella frowned, with a little chuckle of disbelief. "No, I live in a manor in Sigil. Maybe I need to introduce myself. Ahem," Raella ran a hand through her hair, flipping it in a totally cool fashion. "Raella Norinthall, of House Norinthall. One of the oldest and should I say, feared and respected noble houses in Sigil. Though I suppose a leaf-eating discount elf like you that spends more time rolling around in the mud like some rabid animal probably doesn't understand what that means or who that is, so I'll tell you."

As Raella spoke, right behind the druid a large squid like tentacle would pop up from the ground, shimmering into existence and make an attempt to grab the Halfling by its ankles.

"It means, you should tell me exactly what I asked before I decide to feed you to whatever fish lives in that lake. Got it?"

Roll for perception to notice Tanrith and the others: Nat 1
Roll for grapple: 9

Oof my low rolls.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Aaliyah gave a smile in return at Lissandra's answer. When Lissandra leans in conspiratorially, Aaliyah leans in as well and after hearing about how portals quickly appear and disappear, she answered quietly and just as conspiratorially, "Really?!" She went back to normal standing as Lissandra finished her thoughts.

Then Beigeiros appeared and greeted Lissandra. Aaliyah was silent as Lissandra introduced her to Beigeiros and Beigeiros to her in turn. During the introductions, Bruno flutters up to perch on Aaliyah's head. He then proceeds to puff out his feathers in an attempt to make himself and Aaliyah look bigger than Beigeiros. She greeted Beigeiros, "It's nice to meet you, Beigeiros! I'm Aaliyah!" Bruno gave a hoot, still puffing his feathers out and looking as intimidating as an owl can be, and Aaliyah speaks, "Oh! And this is Bruno. Don't mind him, he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes," She receives a good peck on her head for her last comment.

Then a familiar voice and face appears! Aaliyah immediately recognized her as Mariel, the visitor who came to the Elemental Plane of Air and met with her Master, Ishaan.

She watched as Mariel greets Lissandra and Beigeiros in turn. Then she turned and greeted her. Aaliyah greeted her happily, "Mariel! It's good to see you again!" She then answers her question, "Actually, I'm here on his behalf. He sent me to figure out what happened to Tir Na Og,"

Bruno seems to have stopped puffing out his feathers at Beigeiros and instead focused his attention on Mariel, and gave another hoot. Aaliyah chuckles and comments to Mariel, "Oh! I decided to have Bruno in owl form this time. He can't make any comments when he's not a macaw," She remembers that Mariel last saw Bruno as a macaw.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 21 min ago


Beigeiros was unfamiliar with how things typically went in Sigil, though judging by Lissandra's response the fact things were going well for her was a miracle of sorts. That left him with a poorer impression of the city than before. Lissandra mentioning how fickle the portals are had him sensing the urgency of the matter as well.

As Lissandra introduced him to Aaliyah, Beigeiros gave a curtious nod. When the owl perched on Aaliyah's head and started to puff up itself he couldn't help but laugh. "Bruno will have to try harder than that to be intimidating." He said as he moved to ruffle the feathers on the top of the owls head. "It is nice to meet you as well Aaliyah. Hopefully there is something left of my home and people that we cam figure out what happened."

He turned to Mariel and looked at the emblem she presented. His disposition changed to a more somber one, though notes of relief and slight happiness could be heard in his voice. "It is heartening to see you as well. Let this be a good omen that we will find those who are missing."
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

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Two more coins pass from the Drow to the Tiefling. He no longer speaks to her, his business with her concluded. His toothy smile swivels from granting her its focus to leaving her in his realm of ignorance once again. He heeds her words and casts his pale gaze to the bartender, then to the wizard drinking on her lonesome. His eyes narrow at the cat. He lifts his hands and pulls his hood back, his lips moving in a slow recitation of an incantation. With his hood back, his left hand made a sharp gesture by his head, in conjunction with the words- it was clear that magic was occuring, and whatever strangeness that meant was made apparent as Zaraknvyr took a step forward then meowed.

OOC: Spell slot spent to cast 'speak with animals'

"Fellow hunter, kindred to me, what drink does your mistress favor?" He would call to the cat as he approached Tabiah. He would claim the seat beside her, wordless to the woman herself, and depending on the cat's answer he would bark an order to Riaen for a refill of that substance and place down another gold coin to overpay for the drink. If the cat does not answer, he simply barks out a cheap beer then pays the same gold coin. At last he would speak.

"You travel alone. I learned your path, we tread the same way. I can fight. More importantly, I can kill. Join my company."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

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Two more coins pass from the Drow to the Tiefling. He no longer speaks to her, his business with her concluded. His toothy smile swivels from granting her its focus to leaving her in his realm of ignorance once again. He heeds her words and casts his pale gaze to the bartender, then to the wizard drinking on her lonesome. His eyes narrow at the cat. He lifts his hands and pulls his hood back, his lips moving in a slow recitation of an incantation. With his hood back, his left hand made a sharp gesture by his head, in conjunction with the words- it was clear that magic was occuring, and whatever strangeness that meant was made apparent as Zaraknvyr took a step forward then meowed.

OOC: Spell slot spent to cast 'speak with animals'

"Fellow hunter, kindred to me, what drink does your mistress favor?" He would call to the cat as he approached Tabiah. He would claim the seat beside her, wordless to the woman herself, and depending on the cat's answer he would bark an order to Riaen for a refill of that substance and place down another gold coin to overpay for the drink. If the cat does not answer, he simply barks out a cheap beer then pays the same gold coin. At last he would speak.

"You travel alone. I learned your path, we tread the same way. I can fight. More importantly, I can kill. Join my company."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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Great Bazaar, Market Ward, Sigil

@Lurking Krog @Abstract Proxy @Guardian Angel Haruki

"Oh, it's quite alright," Lissandra says as Mariel apologises for her tardiness. "I understand Sigil can be difficult to navigate it when you're not used to it, and it has more than a few distractions." If she noticed the blood on Mariel's shoe, she didn't comment on it, merely smiling warmly at the druid. She claps her hands together. "Well, it seems we're all here now. Unless there's anything else, I will show you to the portal now." If no one says anything, Lissandra started making her way through the bazaar.

The group will quickly note as they started following that Lissandra actually finds it quite easy to navigate Sigil, as she very easily weaves through the crowd and spares very few glances towards the stalls and shops. In fact, when her gaze does drift from directly in front of her, it's not the shops that seem to catch her attention. It's archways, doorways, windows, and even things like puddles on the ground, or mirrors and cauldrons that are for sale: anything that can serve as a portal seems to draw her eye, and everything else around it is simply white noise.

For Aaliyah, Beigeiros and Mariel it's likely a different story, as there are so many shops and stalls vying for their attention, from a boastful human hunter selling armors that she claims are made from parts of creatures she's hunted, to a night hag smiling crookedly as she asks if anyone wants to try her mystery meat pies, to an alchemy shop that has a variety of odors drifting from it as multicolored smoke wafts out from the doors and windows.

Eventually, Lissandra comes to a stop outside a small store with the sign 'Trailblazers' painted very neatly in fiery red above the front door, with the last part of the word looking like it is appropriately bursting into flames. "Here we are," she says, pointing towards the shop. "This'll take you right to Tradegate." Her eyes suddenly widen as if she's just remembered something. "Ah yes... you'll need the portal key, just give me a moment." She starts rummaging through her bag.

Nearby there is an ice cream stall run by a bheur hag wearing a variety of knitted clothes, all of a somewhat shabby quality that gives on the impression she might have attempted to knit them herself. The hag had previously been resting her chin and elbows on the counter, her eyes shut as if she's sleeping. However, the moment the group stops nearby, her eyelids snap open to reveal pure black eyes. She raises her head and then started waving over to the group. "'Ey! You lot over there! Anyone 'eading through the portal to Tradegate can get themselves a Cone of Cold at 'alf price!" she calls. "This deal is only for today, mind you, so as I always says... Get 'em while they're cold!" She gives a little cackle after that last sentence, as if she's said the funniest thing in the multiverse.

Ubiquitous Wayfarer, Lower Ward, Sigil

@rush99999 @Fading Memory

Wynvere was still for a moment, and Fyodor might wonder if she even heard him. Then, without saying anything or even glancing in the man's direction, she places her hand on the counter and drops a single silver piece in front of him. "Will that do?" she says softly, still not looking at him.

The cat upon Tabiah's shoulders shifts slightly when Zaraknvyr addresses it. Its right ear twitchs, then its right eyes slowly opened, revealing a golden eye that shifta to green towards the centre. It regards the drow coolly. "Ask her yourself," it responds with the slightest hiss. "For the record, she is not my mistress, and you are not my kindred." It then closes its eye and returns to resting.

The sound must have attracted Tabiah because she turns her head slightly towards the cat, though she makes no attempts to comfort it. She merely frowns before her eyes land on Zaraknvyr sitting next to her. She looks at him for a moment before glancing in the direction he came from. Should Zaraknyvr follow her gaze, he would see the pink tiefling he just spoke to giving a wave towards her and mouthing a single word, which he can probably tell is 'Sorry'.

Tabiah raises an eyebrow, but doesn't seem at all bothered by this turn of events, merely raising her glass towards the tiefling. She takes a sip before glancing back at the drow. "Normally I'd be suspicious of such offers, but if Liberty sent you my way, I'm sure I can make an exception this time," she says. "I'm Tabiah of the Athar." She points to the cat on her shoulder. "This is my familiar, Abasi, he-" She stops abruptly as Abasi suddenly stands up, turning around so his bottom was pointed directly towards Zaraknyvr. He then lies down again, his head now resting on Tabiah's opposite shoulder and his back to the drow. "-doesn't like most people, so don't take it too personally." Tabiah continues, an amused smile forming on her face. "Half the time I don't think he likes me very much." She gives a small laugh.

Riaen glances between Tabiah and Zaraknyvr before shrugging, pouring a tankard of beer and sliding it over the drow. Now that he's bought something, the bartender doesn't seem all that bothered about what he does and instead makes her way over to Fyodor's group. "Can I get you anything?" she asks, looking at Fyodor and Wynvere. At this point, Ulgad and Jarret's little disagreement seems to be winding down at the two approach the counter. Ulgad's stern face from before has evaporated, replaced with a lopsided grin as he gives Fyodor a small pat on the back. Jarret, meanwhile, has his arms crossed tightly over his chest and is looking gloomy.

Well, gloom-ier.

Former site of Tir na Og, the Outlands

@Digizel @Rune_Alchemist

"Alright, so sheltered rich kid, got it," the halfling responded to Raella's introduction as he shuffles to the side to avoid the tentacle's grasp. Apparently he must have expected some sort of retaliation to his comment, however the form of the attempt did seem to earn a small double-take and raised eyebrow. "Huh, that's a new one," he mumbles to himself before turning his gaze back to Raella. "So you're not one for banter, good to know. Seems like half of the folks who showed up here today don't have a sense of humor. No idea why. Not like it was your home that up and vanished." He make a sweeping gesture around himself. "Welcome to Tir na Og, or what's left of it. Whole place disappeared about, eh, a week ago? Now everyone and their uncle wants to know why." He pauses before pointing with his thumb to the tent that's pitched close to Wonderhome. "Well, 'cept those guys. They keep claiming they're responsible for this."

Meanwhile, Sarceron wrinkles his nose as Tanrith introduced his mechanical companion, but otherwise didn't say anything. The Doomguard members, however, looked decently impressed, with Faelee kneeling down to get a better look at Zyrech, Vivir taking a step forward to admire the craftsmanship and giving a small nod of approval, and Rhuk trying their best not to look interested... and failing miserably.

"Fascinating," Faelee says once she rises back to her full height. "You're from the Mind's Eye, I presume? I've seen many wonders come out of their Great Foundry, though admittedly nothing quite like this."

"Can it breath lightning?" Vivir asks suddenly. "Like a real blue dragon? How much damage does its claws and teeth do?" Despite how intimidating his armor might make him appear, the way he is speaking makes him sound like an excited child.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Fyodor Strelnikov

Fyodor regarded the silver that Wynvere had placed in front of him with an accepting nod. "That will do fine." Fyodor said. "You have my thanks." His attention was caught then by a Mercykiller meowing at a cat perched on the shoulders of the woman who had already been sitting at the bar. As confusing as the sight was, Fyodor did not watch the interaction for too long. It was rude to pry into matters that did not concern him, especially when they did concern an enemy of the Bleak Cabal.

Fyodor waited in silence for the bartender to finish up with her other customers. When she finally turned her attention to him, Fyodor opened his mouth to speak, but paused when he felt a familiar pat on his back. Fyodor looked to the source of the pat and met Ulgad's lopsided grin with a nod of greeting before returning his attention to the bartender. "The four of us would like a pitcher of common wine and directions to the Wayfarer's portal to the gate-town of Ecstasy." Fyodor said as he slid the two silver pieces over to the bartender, maintaining eye contact with her at all times to avoid looking at the last coin he had brought with him from his homeland.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 21 min ago


The sights, sounds, and smells of the market were all overwhelming to the Goliath at first. It took all he had to keep his attention on following Lissandra's path through the market. Once they had arrived at their destination, Beigeiros's attention was drawn to the bheur hag calling out to them. He wasn't sure about the item in question but he was curious enough to see what it was. Warily he approached the hag's stand. "A cone of cold? What exactly is it? I cannot say I've heard of that before." He cast a glance to the others to see if Lissandra had grabbed the portal key from her bag yet.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

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The cat's dour mood strikes Zaraknvyr as particularly grating. The Drow frowns deeply, his lips only barely restraining the desire to twist into a scowl. He begins formulating a plan on how to berate the creature into a more pleasant disposition. However, Tabiah begins to speak before the slow wheels of Zaraknvyr's mind can truly devote themselves to the task.

"Tabiah of the Athar. I am Zaraknvyr, Mercykiller. Abasi has made his disposition quite apparent to me. A Skeptic is a better companion than most, and a wizard as well."

He grunts, lifting the beer and taking a slow drink of it.

"A wizard has uses."

And yet, his gaze swivels to the corner of his eyes. The Bleakers were asking for the same place he was. He licks his teeth.

"Skeptic, you do not happen to have a portal key do you?" he prompted with a growing sense of dread as his pale eyes took in the company of Bleakers, partially sizing them up and partially hoping within his grubby little black heart that he would not have to conscript them too.
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