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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@XxFellsingxX @LostDestiny
The aasimar, who Flicker would quite easily see was in fact sleepwalking and not pretending to do so, jolted awake after a few light shakes from Aura. "Huh? Wha-? Wha-?! WHA-?! I'm awake! I'm awake!" The aasimar exclaimed before taking a moment to rub his eyes and get his bearings. "Oh! Hello. I hope I wasn't bothering you too much just now." The aasimar said.

There would be no need for any slight of hand on Rala's part. The moment he noticed the way she was eyeing his alcohol, the orc would offer her the jug. The orc then listened to Rala's words attentively... Or at least as attentively as he could in his drunken state. It took the orc a moment to realize that Rala had asked to see weapon, and the eventual realization made him jolt in surprise. "Oh. Oh! Yeah. Sure... One moment..." With that said, the orc reached into a satchel with a face embroidered into its lid flap and began rummaging around inside. After a few moments, the orc let out a small "Aha!" before pulling from the satchel a halberd that should have been far too big to fit within it. "This is it." The orc said as he presented the halberd to Rala.

@Cao the Exiled @Lurking Krog
Once they reached the campsite's entryway, it wouldn't take them long to follow the sound of music to where the bard was performing. The bard stood before a semicircle of benches on which and audience sat. The audience were all staring at a collection of stringless wooden puppets that were being manipulated to re-enact a great battle by the bard's magic as he played exciting music on his lute and told a story that Jørmund was all too familiar with.

"And so it was that the two hosts met in battle! Haraldr and his bloodthirsty band of raiders fought viciously, thoughts of pillage and plunder on the mind of every man among them. But Jørmund and his brave militia? They fought for something far more valuable than any treasure in the world. They fought for their homes. They fought for their families. They fought to protect that which was theirs and those who they loved. And it was these things that Jørmund's host fought for that gave them the strength to seize the initiative and push back the raiders... That is, of course, until Haraldr himself took to the field!"

The music the bard was playing shifted them from exciting to foreboding as a puppet that stood a head taller than all the others pushed its way past the raider puppets to get to the frontline of the battle. Jørmund would see that the puppet bore a pretty decent resemblance to the raid leader he had fought in defense of his home on the day he earned his status as a folk hero.

"With longsword and shield, Haraldr set about him and took back in but a single minute all ground that Jørmund and his militia had gained after an hour of battle. Though the ferocious Haraldr looked to be unbeatable, Jørmund refused to admit defeat. And though he had lost his mace and shield in the battle, Jørmund stood before Haraldr, ready to fight the brutal raider with his bare hands!"

As the bard spoke, the Haraldr puppet and another puppet that had been fighting on the front lines since the start of the battle squared off against each other. The Haraldr puppet's opponent had neither shield nor weapon and bore just as good a resemblance to Jørmund as the Haraldr puppet did to Haraldr himself.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Leaves on the Breeze nodded in agreement with the advice that Cascade, before letting loose her final rhyme.

"Advice from those who themselves needed.
That's advice that should be heeded.
Folks with those faults would truly know,
That such are things that truly must go.
And your advice I'd say is right.
The wisest thing I've heard all night."

With that said, Leaves looked up at the judge cat. The contest's feline looked between Cascade and Leaves for a time as he deliberated. Then eventually, the judge cat let and a small meow, before settling down to nap on the branch.

"Our judge cat has declared a tie. You have won and so have I!" Leaves clarified to Cascade "No silver need now be exchanged... Unless you'd like to go again?"

Brutrumukk was about to respond to Jub's words when Aurora arrived and greeted the rest of the group. When she mentioned that stealing the watch was no longer necessary, Brutrumukk visibly deflated at her words. "We... We don't need to do that no more?" Brutrumukk said. "Oh... Well that's upsettin'. I was lookin' forward to doin' that." With that said, Brutrumukk slumped forward in his seat, now looking incredibly glum.
What was discussed with Burly may not need to happen now.

*Sad Bugbear Noises*

"Erm... do you either of you guys have a plan when it comes to this whole... watch ste-" This was all Jub would have time to say before Brutrumukk clamped a hand over the goblin's mouth.

"Mind what you say, you little idiot." Brutrumukk hissed in goblin before inclining his head towards a nearby Witchlight Hand. "The carnies catch wind o' what we're up to an' we ain't gettin nowhere near that watch."

"Oh? Plan? What for?" Brutrumukk then heard Gabriel ask, causing the bugbear to turn to regard the man with a cautioning look.

"We's jus' plannin' what we're gonna do after this, is all." Brutrumukk said in common as he pulled his hand away from Jub's mouth. "Still a few places we 'aven't seen yet an' all that."
Yeah, there are some Witchlight Hands nearby. Everyone's gathered here.

Were any of them close enough to overhear Jub?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Are there any Witchlight Hands nearby?

"Humans can be weird like that sometimes." Brutrumukk said in goblin when Jub looked to him for word on the subject of Zavakri. "Either way, don't worry about 'er. We got bigger things to focus on right now. You got enough booyagh left in ya fer what we're about to pull off?"

"Good luck gettin' yer words to stick." Brutrumukk said to Gabe after he gave words of encouragement to Jub. "I've given 'im two inspirin' speeches tonight an' neither of 'em seemed to last long... As fer why we left ya, I didn't notice that we 'ad 'til jus' now."
Nope. ^_^

They're all the same voice.

If differing color doesn't represent differing voice, what does it represent then?
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