Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

@Sep and @webboysurf

As soon as Koren heard the name he turned with a swish of his cloak to leave the bridge and head towards the hangar, as he got to the door he turned his head to the Captain. “Permission is granted, I’ll meet them in the hangar.” He had no doubt that two Miy’til fighters would have launched from the hangar bay to fly out and escort the Jedi Fighters. HE was nervous, denying that was pointless. He took a deep breath drawing on his training to slow his heartbeat, lowering the anxious aura he was no doubt presenting. Not only was he seeing a Jedi immediately, which was something he wasn’t sure he wanted to do yet.

What made it even more nerve wracking is it wasn’t just a Jedi, it was a Jedi he knew. Or at least he thought he knew, it had been over twenty years since they had seen each other, and they had both been padawans. Since then he had been held captive, joined a foreign power nobody knew about until earlier in the year. Fell in love and married against the best wishes of the code he had grown up with, and more importantly trained a group of Force Sensitive individuals in the ways of the Force without the religious doctrine of the Jedi. He knew he was a Jedi, and would always be a Jedi however he understood that the religious doctrine wasn’t for everyone.

He entered the hangar flanked by two guards as the modified ETA came into the hangar flanked by the two other ships. He stood there, arms interlocked behind his back waiting for the pilot to disembark. He could already feel the familiar presence, and as the cockpit of the ship opened and Ro stepped out a slight smile crossed the Jedi Princes face. “Welcome aboard, Jedi Knight Ro Nuul.”

As soon as Ro raised his glance to meet the Prince of the Hapes Consortium, he paused momentarily. His goggles and brow seemed to raise momentarily, before his breath mask began to vibrate and echo the laughter of the Jedi Ace. He moved in quickly to hold out his four fingered hand towards the Prince for a handshake, before finally speaking. ”Koren... I didn’t expect to see you again!” The deep, muffled voice broke for a moment into more nervous laughter, before the Knight shook his head to recompose himself. ”You said you were the Prince of the Hapes Consortium now? Was being a Knight not good enough?”

Koren sent a flash of warning through the Force towards his guards who had started to move towards their weapons. They received the instruction before they even had their hands on the hilts of their weapons. He clasped the Jedis hands between his two in a double handshake. “Well, you escape a Separatist Fleet as Coruscant Falls, get taken captive, agree to train the Royal Guard to let younglings go free, fall in love and get married while avoiding assassination attempts.” Koren chuckled nervously as he raised his hand onto his shoulder and rubbed it nervously. “I’m glad to see that you survived what happened to Coruscant. It’s still a shock. So what’s the word from the Council? I assume you’re here to escort me down and tell me I’m no longer a Jedi Knight.”

Ro tilted his head slightly towards his old comrade in arms. It had been decades since they last served together, so it’s no surprise that Koren had been through so much. But the Jedi Knight took a step back once Koren seemed to get defensive. Ro folded his arms as his brow knit together. ”I’m not here to take you to the Council so they can reprimand you.” An audible sigh emanated from Ro’s mask before the Jedi nodded towards his starfighter and the Astromech on board. ”While you were making an attachment and toying with politics, I’ve been serving here. The Force brought you here during the Mandalorian coming of age ceremony, and I am running security escorts down to the surface. So let me know where it is you want to go, Koren, and I’ll make sure we get you, and your people, there safely.”

Koren chuckled slightly. “In all honesty, I’m not even sure where to start. I convinced Alana that it was time that Hapes got out of the Transitory Mists and started to have a positive impact on the Galaxy. I came to Mandalore as from what out scouts determined the Jedi had come after what happened to Coruscant. So I felt that it was a sensible place to start out. I did send communications ahead, which is no doubt how everyone seems to know about us.” He sighed as he took a step back from the Jedi and signalled for him to follow him, his guards stepped to the side to let him past. “While I wait for some official communication from Mandalore, fill me in on what's been going on? What’s the status of the order? The Republic?” He laughed. “I never thought I would need to figure out the status of the Galaxy to be a foreign diplomat.”

Ro Nuul nodded and placed his hands behind his back as he followed the prince, making sure to pass his gaze over the guards as he did so. ”Well, for starters… The Order splintered when Grievous launched the assault on Coruscant, which I only barely escaped that battle to end up on Dantooine…” The Jedi paused momentarily to shake his head. ”As for the state of things... Grievous and his droid army are still operational. Admiral Renkar formed some sort of Empire starting from Ord Mantell and has been dominant in the galactic north. They're the only ones engaged in open warfare with the CIS. The Republic proper is split between the Corellian government, who claim to be the proper republic in the core, and then the Grand Republic of Mandalore, the government with the most unused firepower.” Ro’s brow knit as he said this, the resentment practically oozing from his voice before recomposing himself.

”As for the Jedi Order… it seems to be split into three camps. We have the Jedi Enclaves here on Mandalore, where the Jedi High Council for the most part has reformed and who you’re most likely going to want to speak to. The Corellians have their own order at this point, the Green Jedi, and I’ve heard rumors about the Empire managed to get a few Jedi and force sensitives that they’ve been training up.” The Jedi Knight took a deep breath, and lifted one hand to scratch his temple. ”Though, if there’s anyone you’re going to want to meet… it’ll be the Paladin himself. He’s in charge of all the clans, and if you’re looking to make a difference around here, it’ll help to have his blessing.”

Koren shook his head as the news about the Jedi Order came through. ”I knew the Republic fractured with the Separatist attack, I even knew that the chief clanker was still around and fighting some form of Empire. I never knew that the Jedi had fractured, and so badly at that.” He let his head hang for a second as they continued to pass through the halls, people throughout the ship moved to the side and bowed their heads as they passed through the corridors. ”I had planned a visit to Corellia, and I’ll probably be in touch with them to sort that out after I’m done here.”

He sighed as he finally came to a bulkhead, opening the door to show a stateroom. He signalled to his guards to wait outside, they looked at each other behind their hooded masks for a second before nodding and taking up flanking positions around the door. ”I am glad to see that you also made it old friend, life has taken us both in strange ways. This may seem a strange question to ask, since we have not spoken in a long time and have both changed since then, but do you feel like the Jedi Council will take me back?” He sat in a chair, pouring himself a glass of a fine brandy, he held the bottle towards the Kel Dor in a gesture that he was offering him some. ”I have never seen myself as anything other than a Jedi, even since I started training the Royal Guard and Prince to the Consortium.”

Koren laughed. ”Remember when our masters took us on the relief mission during the Clone Wars and everything went sideways? I thought that was complicated.”


Caldwell hit the comm button as he entered hyperspace sending a message to the Egg Carrier. "Our pilots aren't yet accustomed to its controls. So I think we'll stick with our F-302s." Afterwhich the ship jumped into hyperspace. It didn't take the ship long to prepare for battle, and within ten minutes it was dropping out of hyperspace in formation with the Immaculate Aegis. Fire was already beginning to rain out from the ships of the Separatist fleet, many of the shots that landed on the newer Imperial Ships glanced harmlessly off the shields, more advanced than anything that had been seen in this universe before. As soon as they dropped out of hyperspace 12 F-302s launched from the bays of the Daedalus, moving in support to the formations already let loose by the Separatist forces.

"Open Fire all batteries, target the nearest Imperial Vessel and fire missiles, normal ordnance."


"We only have so many nukes, I don't want to use them unless I absolutely have too. Open a channel to the Aegis."

He waited a second before the comms officer spoke up. "Channel open sir."

"Commander Falul, for the sake of the battle I'm putting myself under your command. You have a better readout of the situation. Though we've discovered that our transport beams can pierce through the traditional shields of the Res'-" He paused correcting himself. "Venator class ships. If you have troops ready, I could transport them across to enemy vessels for either sabotage or even potential ship capture."

Fleet Space

Novak shook her head after she had spoken to someone on her earpiece. "No it's okay, the Daedalus is going to go on without me." She turned back to the board. "The sooner we can get this done, the sooner we can add improvements to your faster than light capabilities." Novak turned to the chief she had been working with. "This is your ship, we've determined the main access routes. Where should we start making changes to the electrical grid to account for the shield relays?"


The man with the red blade fell under the fire of bullets, as the troopers started taking cover due to the kinetic weapons having more effect against their armour which had been specifically designed to combat blasters. That's when things continued to go south, as a wall towards the back of the building was blown open, a cloud of debris filling the room before a dropship hovered on its side, the door opening and dispensing four different soldiers. Sheppard looked up as the dust cleared. Tapping his earpiece as he shouted. "Fall back!" He noticed a couple of perplexed looks at the mention of falling back, which made sense they were currently winning after all.

"It'll take nothing short of a nuclear warhead to stop those four. Trust me, we need to get out and back to the jumper."

Travelling through Hyperspace

Koren walked through the halls of the ship. His black cape billowing through the halls as various officers and troops throughout the ship moved to the side to clear a path from him. He nodded his head to each of them in turn. In contrast to Hapan Culture at home, most of the people he came across were male. It was deemed a mans job to go out and risk their lives in war, whereas women were deemed fit to rule at home and better for dealing with the more important matters. He grinned recalling his talk with Allana before he left, something about the women sending the men off to play with toys so that they could deal with more important matters. He walked through a door, flanked by two figures in black. Ignoring his personal guard for a moment, he turned and ignited his blade as he heard the telltale sound of blades being removed from their scabbards. The swords came down on the blade, sparking and hissing as the vibrational frequency of the blade prevented the lightsaber from simply slicing through the metal alloy.

He kicked with his left foot as he extended his right arm, pushing his two opponents back, twisting himself around. They both stood to attention as he bowed before turning off his lightsaber and clipping it back onto his belt. "I know the Queen told you to keep me on my toes in the unlikely event of an assassination attempt, however, I don't think she meant you had to do it all the time." Koren raised his hand to sort his hair as a high pitched trill went through the ship. In anticipation, he raised his wrist so his commlink was in front of his face.

"My Prince, we're dropping out of hyperspace above Mandalore."

Koren nodded. "Understood. I'll be with you shortly, I'm just grabbing something from my quarters." The ship shook slightly as the ship dropped out of hyperspace into real space in the outer reach of the Mandalore system. Koren looked out to see the fleet of ships in hyperspace, he recognized the Venators immediately as the warhorse of the Republic, he'd been on one during the war. Almost a lifetime ago. Still, Mandalore looked thriving compared to the stories and the holos he had seen in his old life, intelligence had told him that the Mandalore Republic was growing, solidifying its strength and position in the Galaxy. In all honesty, he hadn't truly believed it until he saw it. As he convinced Allana they had to forgo their isolationist ways he had convinced her that the Jedi was the best first contact in the galaxy, doubtful and worried that they could really supply any form of real alliance with Mandalore at their back. He had been contemplating contacting Corellia first, however seeing how much Mandalore had grown by themselves in twenty short years.

Maybe these were the right people after all. As he grabbed the old Jedi-Commlink from his dresser he turned around, now flanked by his two guards as he made his way to the command deck. The officers continued their business, ships being one of the few places where regal protocols were slacker. Only the Captain, an aging man with thick mutton chops turned to acknowledge his presence. "Prince Omi-Ren. The Mandalorians have contacted us and given us a flight path, we'll be holding orbit above Keldabe in formation with two of their own ships. As ordered we are complying with their directions. Shall I hail them?"

Koren merely nodded as he raised his commlink. "This is Prince Koren Omi-Ren of the Hapes Consortium-" He paused as he contemplated throwing Jedi Knight in there, however, decided against it. He still wasn't sure if he would be accepted by the order. He had stayed away from the Order for twenty years. Trained soldiers in the ways of the Force and even fallen in love and gotten married. He'd be lucky to simply be stripped of his rank as a Jedi in the olden days, yet that was what he feared the most. That and disappointing his master, wherever the old Ithorian may be. "-"I come as an envoy of peace between our two peoples and stand ready to disembark my vessel to the meeting place of your choosing."

He nodded to the officer who stopped the transmission. It was a simple mission, brief and to the point. Koren let go of a breath he didn't know he had been holding all this time, he could feel the curiosity of the crew around him. From the experienced guards who knew their tutor well to Captain Andrea who simply had the ability to read men. Koren flashed a cocky smile at the Captain. "First time contacting a foreign power as a dignitary, it's a little exciting."


The dark figure let go of their grip on Sheppard as it dodged the incoming fire. Sheppard raised his P90 and opened fire on a group of the armoured individuals. They didn't instantly duck for cover but once they discovered their armour wasn't fully effective against them they took cover. Not before a couple of them had went down. The man with the blades continued to dodge and pirouette through the air. Sheppard raised his voice to be heard by the agents from the Glasgow. "We'll cover you, you guys need to take out the one with the blades before he wipes us all out-" As if to illustrate the point Sheppard jumped to the ground as the dual bladed weapon came spinning through the air, cutting at the air where he had been. Slicing two of his marines in half.

Sheppard pulled a grenade from his vest, squeezing the trigger and pulling the pin. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"


Caldwell sat on the bridge of the Daedalus looking over the data they had on the fleet they were currently heading towards. Most of the ships had agreed to come with them, with them leaving the Solonis behind in order to guard the shipyard from any potential threats. He was skeptical about this, they had no real chain of command going into this and it was likely to be a pretty big fight from the data provided. Even if they could hold the line, how long before the Empire sends an even bigger fleet? No, they had to make a stand here, but with the understanding that this wasn't going to be the final stand. Merely a call to arms for other peoples of the Galaxy.

Look at him, planning revolutions within another Galaxy now. Had Elizabeth brought them here to only deal with a local threat it would have been so much easier, go to the Capital, beam him to the system's star. Job done. Anubis Complicated matters.


"I am unsure. This Anubis while off my universe is unknown to me, I have not been told much of Earth or its war against the Goa'uld just that it was long and hard fought. I feel like Vaels suggestion holds the most merit, you know these people and how they should react. It is the safest course of action."

Before Falul had even barked orders McKay had already worked himself over to a console and was checking over programming pouring through the data. As they had already made the programming changes if there was an issue in the programming then when they jumped on this backup slipspace borer there was a possibility of the same fault happening. Annoyingly he couldn't pour over data in the same way that an A.I could so had to rely on reading through it one line of a code at a time. As far as he could tell there was nothing wrong with the programming. Thats when another alarm started to blare. McKay sighed as he turned to the human doctor. "You know, something like this happens to me way more often than I'd care to admit." He turned to a screen that showed the nearby scans as another fleet dropped out of hyperspace.

A fleet of Imperial Vessels, including the new ones that the Commandos from the Resurgence had gathered intel on.

With no response yet from the fleet of ships they had appeared in the middle of, McKay only hoped Falul would make his intentions clear in his targets, or flee. He was happy with that too.


The second that Caldwell had recieved the call the ship had been put on alert. Navigation had pinpointed the Aegis to be above a world locally known as Muunlist. At their top speed it would take a mere twenty minutes too get there, which was a constant among ships of the fleet other than the Unbroken Hope. Caldwell nodded to Mark who opened a channel to the fleet. "This is Colonel Caldwell, I have navigational co-ordinates for where the Aegis dropped out of slipspace and have plotted my course in order to jump to their aide. I recommend we leave one ship behind with the shipyard and all leave after it as quickly as possible."

The Daedalus turned, as it began to power up its hyperdrive.

Rodney was about to speak when an alarm blared throughout the ship. Rodney ran to a nearby terminal and brought up a diagnostic. Likely the chief engineer from the Relentless would be swearing right now. It appeared that something had gone wrong between the navigational interface and the borer. As the system detected the issue an automatic failsafe brought them out of slip space and back into real space. They appeared directly over a world, surrounded by dozens of ships of varying sizes. The confusion caused at the sudden appearance of a vessel that had not been detected on long-range scanners caused a flurry of activity from within the fleet as strike craft were launched, and vessels repositioned themselves with favourable firing solutions on the new vessel.

Rodney turned to face O'Connell. "Uh, we've got a problem here!"


McKay looked up at the viewscreens expecting to see the swirling blues and blacks he so often associated with hyperspace. Only to find that apparently Slipsace had nothing that could be seen, at least not with the human eye. He merely made an 'mh' noise at the mention of him being in the field an used to being put in a position of danger. "This is an incredible difference in technologies." He pulled out his life signs detector and began keying buttons as he scanned. Proving that the device was useful for more than simply detecting life. "It's fascinating how two similar technologies can produce vastly different results. I'd love the chance to study one of your slipspace drives over a longer period of time." He looked around the room as the entire ship shook slightly. Checking the readouts everything still read as normal so he continued looking at the scans.

"We can all learn so much from one another."
@conman2163 post your sheet here first mate.

Should be be accepted I'd be happy to have a PC Padawan, should you be willing to brave Hapan Politics.
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