Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Tython // DEEP CORE

"Sithspit." Lance ducked as a bolt threw over his head. "I swear. If Aphra was still alive, I'd kill her myself." He nearly tripped over an old and long-deceased stormtrooper body as he tried to work his way back through the cold and windy passageway. He had come to Tython a week ago, expecting to find an untouched treasure trove of ancient Jedi Artifacts. Instead what he found was an Imperial Warlord camping out in the Deep Core of the Galaxy, including Tython. Having discovered it from a time where he had to go rescue Vader from the world after Aphra apparently had tricked him into heading there under the guise of finding the Rebel base, that at the time had been instead built on the ice world of Hoth. With the fall of the Empire, some warlord whose name he hadn't really cared to remember had decided it would be a nice place to set up camp. Sitting on top of a veritable treasure trove of ancient Jedi artifacts. Using stolen codes he had managed to get onto the planet surface, and even managed to find a temple that he had believed to be relatively untouched. Until running into a scouting party who hadn't bought his cover. They hadn't been much of a problem, an officer and two scout troopers.

The issue had been the reinforcements. He tapped his wrist comm, holding one wrist just in front of his mouth while his other held his blaster at the ready as he hid behind cover. "Blue. Ready the ship and meet me at the following coordinates." He nodded to the DRK-1 Probe Droids that hovered near his head, occasionally popping out of cover to fire at the stormtroopers. 'Aurek' and 'Besh' as he had named them. One of them had their antennae extend as it transmitted the co-ordinates to the shuttle. He jumped up and ran down the corridor, his body struggling and he found himself slower than he had used to be. He was frankly, getting too old for this. If it wasn't for his curiosity at this point he would have given up long ago, he had more than enough money. Frankly however at this point, he was fascinated by the old order. The order that had tipped the balance so heavily against him in the Clone Wars then had mysteriously turned against Palpatine at the end of the clone Wars despite being his greatest champions. Then all of them wiped out in a matter of hours. It never quite added up to him, and one day he hoped to find out why.

Aurek beeped as he received a transmission. "It's a bad time for someone to meet me Aurek."

It beeped heavily again. "How much?"
I'm interested, though I can't help but imagine the entire opening act is gonna be us running our asses off away from Vader a la Fallen Order... not that that's a bad thing.

An amazing scene.

OOC will be up on Monday, I got a lot going on between now and then.

The ship shook as a stray shot bounced on the shield. "Shields holding sir." Caldwell nodded as he continued to look at the technical readouts of the battle that was unfolding before them. Long-range was already picking up a couple of smaller ships, likely their allies coming to aide them.

"Sir, picking up transmission."

"On Screen."

An alien creature took up the screen, and from what little information he had gathered from Falul before they had made the jump into hyperspace this individual appeared to be the leader of the Separatist fleet. "Unknown allies. While I appreciate your assistance in this matter, you would do well to remember who-"

Caldwell grimaced and turned to Marks. "Marks, open a channel back. Same frequency."

"Yes, Sir."

Caldwell pressed the comm button when Marks nodded towards him. "Colonel Caldwell here aboard the USAF Daedalus. I know you're all high and mighty, but this isn't time to get bogged down in rank. The Shipmaster fired the first shot, and has the most powerful ship here and the greatest understanding of what is going on. If you want to survive do as he says, if not we'll be on our way. If you choose to stay we can discuss all this afterwards. Caldwell out." He let go of the key as he turned his chair to Marks as the light cruisers of the Imperial fleet broke off moving towards their fleet, obviously aiming to get in among their formation.

"XO, bring us up to max thrust we're going to engage those light cruisers. Weps, target the closest cruiser and ensure you have a sensor lock on the ship that the Aegis marked." The Daedalus spun, doing a loop over to the other side of the Aegis in a manner befitting a much smaller ship.

The Separatist leader continued to speak as fire lanced out from the Separatist vessels, bombers and fighters poured out of the ships as they began exchanging fire with the Imperials. "Shipmaster, our ships capable of targetting the vessel you indicated are beginning to do so. I have also ordered the fleet to move in on your position, if your ship can handle it I am prepared to transfer control over our droids to you. Since the shutdown order was sent out I am manually broadcasting a control signal from my vessel."

Caldwell hit his comms button, hearing the plan while he was looking over the composition of the enemy fleet. "Shipmaster, don't you still have the UNSC A.I aboard? Would it be able to control them?"


Rodney's earpiece crackled with the idea Caldwell was sending over to the Immaculate Aegis. Throwing down his datapad that was focused on the slipspace borer, much to the chagrin of an sangheili that gave him a look that scared him a little bit. He shouted up to Falul in the command chair. "Your ship should be able to handle the extra data input, so long as Isaac is tied directly into the communications array and given enough processing power to run the commands."


Sheppard looked over his back as he fired uselessly towards the Kull Warriors. Shouting back at his allies. "It's a long story, they're basically zombies with impervious armour." He grabbed another grenade out of his vest and tossed it as the troopers raised their right arms, pointing them at them as blaster bolts lanced out. The Clones between the two groups were gunned down as the Kulls didn't care what was in between them and their target.

Sheppard fell back, following the path out that the operatives from the Glasgow must have taken. When he climbed into the shuttle with the rest of the team he turned to Wilkes. "My ships still at the insertion point. I need to get back too it. Trust me when this comes to an air superiority fight, we'll need the firepower."


Teyla bowed her head after her fellow ambassadors had already spoken. "I am Teyla Emmagan of the house Tegan. Like the others here I am not from here, I am from a world called Athos."

While there's little interest I'm honestly happy to throw this up given that level of interest, that said I'll give it a couple of more days since I have other Roleplays needing my attention and other things to do.
@Ceta de Cloyes something like that I'd be cool with. As it gives you basics bit isn't too influential.
@Exif so the way these things work on the guild is I'll have this interest check up for a couple of days till I felt like I've gathered enough interest. Once that happens I'll make an OOC and there'll be a CS there to fill in.

I'll have a link to my discord server up later, for now if you want to brainstorm feel free to do so here.
Would we be allowed canon characters?

Depends on the character.
@Sep Sounds good. Is this just a party of Jedi or are you also going to be playing the Clones hunting them?

As GM I'll be controlling the people coming after us, and down the road I may consider opening non Jedi slots.
@Exif I'm aiming for a maximum of around six.

Disclaimer: This Interest Check is short, but it's self-explanatory.

The Clone Wars continue to rage across the Galaxy, the Battle of Coruscant repelled. The Separatists are on the defensive as the Grand Army of the Republic surges with renewed vigor out into the Galaxy. A dark cloud gathers over Coruscant as Grevious is killed by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, a general air of unease spreads throughout the temple as a group of the strongest Jedi Masters in the history of the Republic go to the senate to confront Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. This night will always be remembered in the Galaxy, as the night the Jedi End.

Welcome, if you can't tell this Roleplay is set in the Star Wars Universe during the event known as Knightfall. We'll be playing a group of Jedi who hope to escape the temple during this trying time for the Order.

What happens then? It's up to you, the players!

There'll be limited slots for different levels of Jedi. I'll say now in the Interest Check that I aim to only have one Jedi Master, no I'm not going to take that slot away from the players unless nobody else applies for it. There will be no hand-holding or plot holes in the Temple Escape. The situations for characters will be tough, and any mistakes may prove fatal.

For canon purposes, we're taking from the movies, and I'll be then picking and choosing elements from Canon and EU.
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