Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Koren Omi-Ren
Jedi Temple // Mandalore

Koren nodded as she began to speak. "Shall we walk?" As the pair started to walk, she continued to speak. The state of the Jedi Order, the Galaxy and the change to the Jedi Order and its rules and conditions. He looked around as they walked and he did notice that some of the Jedi they passed were being slightly more intimate than anything he had experienced in the past. It was still quite reserved, but less so than he had ever seen on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

As she continued speaking he nodded along. When she finished he stopped to look up at a mural that showed them the plight of the Jedi since just before Coruscant fell. Koren turned to Sena. "In all honesty, no I didn't know the Manda'lor considered the Jedi a clan. I'm not too familiar with the clan structures, or the Manda'lor. Last I heard Mandalore was ruled by a duchess and there was some internal strife going on."

He looked up at the mural. "So much has changed. In some ways I am glad I have something, familiar, to go back too. As this isn't, not anymore." He shrugged as he turned back to Sena. "Anyway, you have been rather forthcoming with information, what do you want to know?
So what do you all make of this:

Posting after work tonight.
@Sep Well seeing as I'm not welcome in your server I'll just assume I'm not welcome here anymore either. Oh no, I happen to have different opinions from the rest of your friends, it must mean the end of the world!

That Ban was given without my express permission by a friend to whom I have spoken too. The ban should never have been issued and is thus revoked. Elite is quite happy to discuss things with you, and I encourage it so long as everyone keeps things on topic and non-personal (beyond their beliefs). You are welcome to return should you wish and are more than welcome to remain here.
@Roman thanks. I shall work on this going forward. I appreciate this, really helpful. Wrote combat for the first time today after... Years. So hopefully it'll be reviewed nicely

Present Day // Nidavellir

The ship careered through space towards Thor, he merely stayed his place a safe distance from the Dwarven World. A sentry against an impending threat. Confusion coursed through him as the vessel got closer, he could see smoke billowing out into the dark void of space, a tear down the side of the ship as if someone had tried to gut it like an animal. He raised his hand as he deemed the vessel to be close enough, using the power granted to him through Odin and the All-speak his voice pierced the void where no sound should be possible. "HALT! In the name of Odin, Asgard and the Dwarves of Nidavellir. You are permitted to go no further, turn around now or I shall turn you around through force."

A slight grin crossed his face as the vessel did not stop, and instead continued to push on towards the planet. "Have it be known, that you were warned, fiend!" Thor directed Mjolnir towards the ship, having it pull him towards the ship. One of the objects on the bow of the ship turned, three cylinders pointed straight towards him. A red glow emanating from within before a beam of red energy lanced forth, Thor considered it a threat too late as it collided with him. Sending him spinning back in space, an explosion coming from where he flew. Grunting through the pain. "By Odin! What form of sorcery is this?" As two more shots lanced out he spun Mjolnir out before him, lightning coursing through the hammer and arching out into space intercepting the beams of red light.

Concentrating on the might of electricity, against all odds and known sciences there was a crack of thunder in the void as Mjolnir lit up with electrical energy as a powerful bolt of lightning lanced towards the part of the ship that had fired at him. The ship crackled as the energy spread through the hull, whatever protective plating it had trying to absorb and redirect the energy as it would conventional attacks, however it soon reached its limit as the turret buckled under the pressure and exploded. Leaving a gaping hole in the ship. Moving swiftly through the void to close the distance between himself and the vessel he planted his feet on the metallic hull. Walking along with it before jumping into the hole, the hallway was illuminated blood red. He held Mjolnir loose in his hand, ready to cast it towards anyone who stood against him or swing it into the skull of anyone who believed themselves capable of surprising him with a sneak attack.

Thor reached a door, slamming Mjolnir into it the door caved and he walked through the gap. He dropped Mjolnir on the floor. All around the room, there were bodies. Not just men, but women and children. Someone had already attacked this vessel and killed everyone aboard. There was no honor in this, whoever had attacked this vessel had been a beast. He continued to walk deeper, hammer forgotten. Pods lay into the side of the vessel, the bodies spilling from them as if insects from a cacoon. Some were cut directly in two, while others were gouged and some even appeared to be mauled by large fists. There was a chill in the air as he continued to push deeper, a sense of dread filling the pit of his stomach. He would slay whatever beast had done this. On that he would give his word, this threat would not strike again.

He heard ragged breathing and could see the shadow of someone at the end of the long hall. "Hail! Be you friend or be you foe? Are you a survivor or the one responsible for such destruction?"

Thor heard the being speak in a hoarse low tone as if struggling to grasp the words from his throat."I'll kill you Demon!"

Thor walked forward cautiously, not sure what the being had said. Wading forward carefully he held his hands out in a gesture that he was not armed. Realizing that he had left Mjolnir behind, though knowing that he could call it in a moment's notice. Suddenly the beast ran forward into the light, screaming. "DEMON! Arms raised aiming for Thor's throat, Thor put one hand behind him, open.

"MJOLNIR! TO ME!" Thor could feel the hammer coming towards him, however, it was not quick enough as the beast collided with him. Moving at speeds he did not expect off a mortal being. As the two went tumbling to the ground he heard as Mjolnir flew uselessly above his head, not finding his hand and instead of landing nearby. Still falling Thor allowed himself to fall into it, pulling his knees towards his chest he placed his feet on the stomach of his attacker and pushed as he rolled backward. Kicking his attacker off him and away past his head. It was as he pushed his foe into greater light that Thor noticed the similarity this beast had to the fallen. Was it some aberration that hated its own people? Or some form of a warrior to protect? "Stay your hands foul beast! I am no Demon, but instead-"

Thor's words were cut off as the beast lunged at him, Thor ducked under the grapple only to meet one of the beings fists. Being knocked back Thor rolled with it. Coming back around, grabbing one of the beings fists out of the air stopping the punch from landing. Then grabbing the other. The two became locked, grunting as each tried to gain ground. "I am no Demon! Tell me what happened here-"

The next thing he saw was the skull of his opponent come crashing towards him. He saw stars as the headbutt found purchase, throwing Thor back onto the ground. "Your fellow Demon killed my people! All of them! I fought him but could not stop the slaughter. I vow that I will destroy you and your kind demon." Jumping forward Thor rolled onto his front and outstretched his hand again for Mjolnir, the hammer raising from the ground and coming towards his hand. The beast jumped onto his back and slammed both his hands down onto Thor's head, his head slamming against the floor and yet he did not move. There was a crack of thunder as the hammer reached Thor's hand, spinning around the side of Mjolnir collided with the beasts head, sending him careening into a nearby wall as Thor followed through with the roll to stand on his feet.

"ENOUGH! Thor walked towards the beast that lay dazed. "If you did not cause this death and destruction, you are not my enemy." Thor threw Mjolnir down between them as a sign of good faith. Trying to push across the message that they were not foes in this endeavor. "If you are a victim in this, then you have my word I will find whoever is responsible. For that is why I am here, to eliminate a threat to all peoples of the nine realms. The beast stood up, unsteady on his feet as he eyed up Thor. Thor could still see the rage in his eyes, it was a rage he only knew too well. The rage of war. It was a rage he had seen in himself, and the ones he had fought many a time. There would be no reasoning with him, not yet.

The beast lunged for Mjolnir and Thor did not move, for only those Worthy could raise the mighty hammer. Pulling with two hands the hammer moved slightly, panic rising in the young Thunder God. However, as the hammer was raised past the beasts waist it was pulled back towards the ground, hitting it with a thud. The beast pulled and strained and yet Mjolnir did not move, even as the floor beneath the beast's feet began to cave. "You have proved yourself a worthy warrior, even lifting Mjolnir as high as you did shows you are true of heart, and a worthy ally. I beseech you. Stop this pointless fight, if you are the victim here then tell me what you know and I shall bring the culprit to their knees in your name and the name of Asgard." He meant these words, and yet they seemed hollow as he said them. Here he stood among the dead, did he really care for them, or for the righteous conquest? The thirst for battle? Did he truly wish for this fight to end? Or did he want to beat this beast and prove himself stronger?

Thor walked forward, his hand outstretched. "Come with me, come to Asgard. You will be safe there."

The beast stood and walked towards him. "All my people are dead-" He took hold of Thors hand, putting all his strength into it. The shock forcing the god to his knees. "DECEIVER! He pulled Thor and threw him around, into a nearby pile of dead bodies. Bone cracked and crumpled by the force of his landing. Standing up again Thor locked eyes with the beast. "I shall kill you and your ilk, or you shall send me to the afterlife to join my people. There are no other options. So says Beta-Ray Bill!
<Snipped quote by HenryJonesJr>

Bro I told you that in confidence don't go leaking my secret plans

The top quality stuff I expect from you Uni.

<Snipped quote by Mao Mao>
How Henry let you get away with that is beyond me.

<Snipped quote by Mao Mao>

Yea, we might have to discuss that part. lol

100 Years after the Dawn of Man // Jotunheim

While the mortal men of Midgard still struggled with the beasts of disease, cold, famine, and starvation wars raged on in ways that their primitive minds could never imagine. Races that had existed at the beginning of time, and would see the end of the Universe itself fought. Bor, Allfather to Asgard, the eternal city lead the charge on the cold world of Jotunheim. He raised his bloody war ax in the air, behind him legions of gold-clad warriors looked to him for guidance. Heeding his every word as he led them through the battle against the fearsome Jotuns. The average Jotun was twice the height of an Asgardian, though what they made up for in size they lacked in skill or discipline. Clawing at their foes with poorly crafted swords made from ice. "ᛈᛖᛟᛈᛚᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚨᛋᚷᚨᚱᛞ! ᛏᛟᚷᛖᛏᚺ'ᚱ!*"

Jumping in the air he used his extreme strength to bring his ax crashing down into the ground, sending waves of debris towards the enemies who dared stand in his way. The legions gushed forth, blade clashing against blade. The sound of war barely piercing the howling winds that brought snow down, whipping at the faces and eyes of the Asgardians. The Jotuns seemed unphased, while many an Asgardian fell. Blinking at the wrong moment, repositioning their hands or losing their grip on their weapons entirely. Bor cursed, swinging his ax with his left hand he extended his right towards the arm of a Jotun attempting to cut him from behind. Grasping the beast's arm he twisted it with a nasty crack before following through on the attack by pulling his arms together behind his head, hands apart on the handle of the ax. As he swung the mighty weapon Dáinsleif over his head bringing his hands together. The blade cut straight through the beast's skull, splitting him from head to his groin. The two separate parts of his body splitting and falling different directions, blue blood-stained Bors face and the white snow.

Still, the winds howled, growing in strength and ferocity. Bor feared that the winds themselves would be enough to turn the tide of battle. He turned his head, looking for his eldest son. "ᛟᛞᛁᚾ, ᛁ ᚺᚨᛋ'ᛏ ᚨ ᛏᚨᛋᚴ ᚠ'ᚱ ᛏᚺᛖᛖ! ᛏᚺᛖᛖ ᚹᛁᛚᛏ ᚠᛁᚾᛞᛖᛏᚺ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚨᚢᛋᛖᛏᚺ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᛁᚾᚠ'ᚱᚾᚨᛚ ᚹᛁᚾᛞᛖᛏᚺ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᛈᚢᛏᛏᛖᛏᚺ ᚨ ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᚺᛟ ᛏᛟᛟ ᛏ ᛟᚾᚲᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠ'ᚱ ᚨᛚᛚ*" Odin stepped forward, beams of light splitting forth from the mighty weapon Gugnir. Spearing through his enemies as he nodded towards his father. He would not fail him this day, today they would have their victory.

Present Day // Asgard

Thor walked the gilded halls and golden spires of Asgard. As a child, he had looked up the spires with a sense of wonder and achievement. Asgard had been built by his father and his father before him. Tales were sung in the great halls, stories told to all children of Asgard of the achievements of Bor Allfather, and Odin Borson. Stories of Loki and Thor Odinson spread through the halls too, off that he knew and yet, he felt all the more hollow for it. Those days were long past, the golden spires designed to bring hope to the people of Asgard had become his prison ever since peace was brought to the nine realms of Yggdrasil. In the thousands of years since only one realm remained in danger. Midgard, and yet by the very terms that brought peace to the other nine realms Thor could not set foot on Midgard, for it violated their treaty. A treaty that he had a duty as Odinson and protector of the nine realms to upkeep. He saw the people of Asgard busying themselves around their lives, some washed the clothes while others trained. He could see a father teaching his son how to hunt.

There had to be more to life than this, the life of a God should hold more significance. Thor clenched his fist slightly as he shook his head, he would follow his fathers' instruction. The Dwarves of Nidavellir had called for help, their seers sensing much danger as a ship sailed through the skies between worlds, heading directly for their world. Darkness the likes of which the Nine Realms had not felt for centuries. Thor couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement, for whomever these foes were they would no doubt they would feel the might of Mjolnir and remember the name of Thor Odinson. As he reached the end of the city a vast ocean lay before him, before dropping off into the void of space. The rainbow bridge being the only pathway forward, at the end stood Heimdall on the edge of the bridge between worlds. Forever standing guard, his eyes seeing all that ever was or ever will be everywhere within the nine realms. Thor approached the mighty guard, as there was a flash of light as the Bifrost opened. Through which a figure could be seen walking through snow, stepping through the portal Balder shrugged snow from his shoulders.

Thor smiled. ”Hail Balder the Brave!”

The two clasped hands and gave each other a pat on the back before Balder bowed his head slightly as a sign of respect. ”Hail Thor Odinson.”

Thor cast a wary glance over his brother in arms. The man looked tired, a look of defeat on his face. ”Tell me, Balder, what plagues you? Did the Jotuns give you trouble?

Balder shook his head. ”Nay. The giants still hold to the treaty, but pray tell have you spoken to any of the seers recently?” Thor merely shook his head. ”Every Seer in all of the eight realms we have access too sees a coming storm, a great threat rising from Midgard. One that threatens the very heart of Yggdrasil.”

A look of shock crossed Thor's face as he turned to Heimdall. ”Pray tell me Heimdall, did you know of this?”

The eternal guardian cast his blind eyes that saw everything towards the Odin Son. “It is true, the threat you go to face in the realm of the dwarves is but the first act in a much larger scheme. The culprit behind which remains hidden away from my sight. I fear we are pawns in a much larger game, but it is a game we must play.”

Thor nodded. ”Fear not brothers, for I shall deal with this threat to Nidavellir as surely as I will deal with this threat on Midgard.” He stepped forward as Heimdall raised his sword in the air, and with a swift turning motion, he cut a hole through the Bifrost straight to Nidavellir. Stepping into the portal he felt the rush as he was transported in a rainbow beam of light through the branches of the Yggdrasil, landing on the firm surface of Nidavellir. A metal city stood before him, practical rather than ornamental. A smog-filled the sky as the forges of the Dwarves never ceased in their thirst for fuel. Production never halted on the Dwarven world.

A Dwarf came walking towards him. “Hail Thor Odinson! You have come.” He bowed his head out of respect, a gesture the Asgardian returned. The Dwarves may have been smaller in stature, though Thor had naught but respect for the masters of metal. For without the Dwarves he would not have the mighty Mjolnir by his side in battle. Nor would his father have Gugnir, or Heimdall his sword to open the Bifrost.

”Master Dwarf, Odin sent me as soon as he heard word of your worries. Tell me, where am I needed, and I shall go there with due haste.”

The small, but surprisingly stout, individual pointed towards the sky. “Our seers predicted its coming and told us it befell a great tragedy. We cannot get more out of them, other than it was host to a threat greater to any we have ever seen.”


The Dwarf shook his head. “Nay. Ragnarok is the end of Asgard and the rebirth of her people. Our seers see an end to the World Tree itself, all worlds die.”

Thor's face went stern. The Ragnarok Cycle was part of life for any Asgardian, there was no telling how many times he had died and been reborn as part of the cycle. Each life different, each life is forgotten. If this threat was greater than that of Ragnarok, if it threatened the world tree itself then it was like a crisis unlike any other the nine realms had faced. ”Fear not my stout friend, I shall see to this threat personally and ensure no harm befalls you and your people-” He started to spin Mjolnir in his hand, letting go and allowing it to pull him into the air, a crack of thunder could be heard in the skies above. “-So says the Mighty Thor!

Flying through the air he passed through the smog that polluted the dwarven world, and into the void of space. In the distance stars glimmered, looking around the vastness of space he focused on spotting the threat that the seers were warning them off. Eventually, he picked up on something moving, straight towards him at high speeds. Something the likes of which he had never seen before.

This is where I'm going to work on Thor posts.

Present Day // Asgard

Thor walked, leaving the halls of Asgard behind him as he walked through the streets of his people. Some bowed as he passed, others merely nodded their heads. He returned each and every greeting in kind, for he was a God of his people. Unlike his father who barely left his gilded halls and throne of stone. Mjolnir on his hip he looked wistfully towards the end of the Bifrost. Many a day he had spent on Midgard, mortals truly knew how to live. He could remember many a Viking. Even for immortals memories faded given time. He couldn't remember the face of the first woman he bedded, nor the first troll he felled.

Yet he could feel a connection to Midgard, one he could not explain. Her people were fierce, loyal, convicted. Her world one of natural beauty and wonder. Oh, he could not wait to return. Heimdall had told him over the years that the world had changed, apparently, now they built cities of steel and stone towards the skies themselves. All wonders of technology spread throughout the globe, and yet there was still so much strife and division between the peoples of Midgard, even without the meddling of the Gods. There was one truth however that would always hold true to Midgard. Thor would always return.

He walked out along the rainbow bridge, a flash of green appeared beside him. "I am in no mood for your politics Loki, so stave your silver tongue." Loki shook his head as he increased his pace in order to keep up with the long strides of his younger brother. There was a low rumble of thunder in the distance. The smallest of smiles crossing the God of Mischiefs face.

"I only came to offer my counsel on your return to Midgard. As you know I have visited many times in order to deal with the Olympians-"

There was a crack of thunder as Thor turned to face his brother. "You?! You have been to Midgard? Loki who created mischief, war, and strife between the great Viking clans? Brought me to blows with Perun and sent me straight into the lair of Gorr the God Butcher?" Thor scoffed before turning to head to the Bifrost with renewed vigor. "I suppose I should be lucky that there is a Midgard remaining to go back too."

Thor felt Lokis hand upon his shoulder and shrugged it off. "Those were different days brother. You will also recall a time where I transformed myself into a horse, seduced a giant's steed then gave birth to Sleipnir who is now Odin's mighty steed. I wouldn't do that again, and nor would I cause mischief and mayhem."

Thor turned to Loki with an accusing finger, walking closer too him. "Hear me, well brother, if I find any of your tricks or deceit on my quest I will come for your head." Walking to the edge of the bridge Heimdall swung his mighty sword opening a path to Midgard, and as the God of Thunder disappeared Loki merely looked on with a scowl.

Present Day // Oslo // Midgard

A beam of colored light appeared in the sky, slamming straight down into the middle of the crossroads in the center of Oslo. People screamed and took cover, car breaks slammed and horns honked as there was a burst of light. As the beam disappeared a lone figure stood. His golden flowing hair put to shame that of any model. Helm firmly atop his head, hammer in his hand, he raised it high in the air above him.

"Hail mortals of Midgard! The Mighty Thor has returned!" There was a moment of silence as people were unsure of how to react, several of them pointed strange devices in his direction, others held the same devices up to their ears, whispering into them. Thor paid them no mind, obviously, his appearance had startled them as they had not expected to come face to face with a God this day. He walked forward, ignoring the metal chariots that adjourned the paved walkway beneath his feet. Truly the people had come a long way, much as Heimdall had told him.

Looking up the towers stretched towards the sky, they did not hold a candlestick to that off the halls of Asgard but they were certainly making their best effort to do so. Though he could already feel something was wrong. He placed the hammer on the ground and knelt placing his hand on the ground. Midgard felt different, there was an uneasiness and pain in the air. The ground itself almost groaned under the enormous pressure it was under. No doubt the threat that the seers had predicted was closer than they realized. Thor looked up, pointing a finger at a nearby mortal. "You there! Where on Midgard am I?"

As Thor stood up the figure just turned and ran in the opposite direction. Maybe the All-Speak had failed him and he had not understood. There was a screeching sound coming closer, in the distance, several metal chariots came streaming towards him, Thor looked at them with disdain. "Odin's beard! I have heard Banshees that sound sweeter!" The metal objects stopped, and out of them jumped several mortals all in similar outfits. He recognized them for warriors immediately, reaching back into the chariots that brought them here they brought out metal objects that the held in their hands and pointed towards Thor. He did not know exactly what it was however, he had seen a Dwarven Crossbow of a similar design once.

"Hail Warriors of Midgard! I thank you for your assistance on this day, however, if you could just point me in the direction of the mystics-" He took a step forward, and the warriors all moved into readying positions, recoiling slightly.

<"Stay where you are, put your hands behind your head and kneel on the ground. Who are you, and where did you come from?"> So the All-Speak was working, and the Mortal he had spoken too had understood him. What he did not understand was the warriors before him, did they not know of Thor? It may have been true that he had not been to Midgard for several generations but surely they still told of his exploits?

"I am Thor! God of Thunder and Prince of Asgard. I have come from Asgard to fight a threat to the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil."

The warriors looked at one another, he could see the skeptical looks upon their faces. <"Okay buddy, whatever you say. We'll get you all the help you need, but first, you're going to need to come with us."> They looked at each other, shrugging. <"Odin sent us to uh, make sure you were ready for your quest?"> One of them raised an eyebrow at the other while Thor merely nodded.

Thor picked up Mjolnir and walked towards them. "Ah, and here I thought the All-Father did not wish me to succeed. Let us make haste noble warriors! Lead the way."
It's [b]ridiculous...

You really are the online avatar of Ted Kord.

<Snipped quote by Roman>

Meanwhile, I'm over here double-posting in the IC and batting 0.032 for posts without initial coding errors...

It's when you post and get a notification in the discord.

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