Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
1 like
2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Oh hey, I'm a Co-GM.

How did that happen?
IC is up, woo!

Also, my Diana app is at the 3-day mark. Any word on that?

Oops. Always one that we miss.

You're good to go
So @King Kindred are we going with Kieran isn't currently living with Clark and isn't going to be stopping by all the time? I have seen the changes to the sheet but I just wanted to check we were on the same page going forward, with Clark dumping him on his uncle
What's this? An ic?

"My fellow Americans, today is a hard day. Four years ago, to this day. An alien by the name of Despero attacked the headquarters of the Justice League, right here. In our nation's capital. When the dust settled, and the heroes went home to lick their wounds we, the people, were left to once again to tidy up the mess of the Superman and the so called superheroes. In my tenure as CEO of LexCorp I did all I could to help restore the Metro-area to what it once was, and as President I have spent my time trying to limit the access, abilities and destruction caused by the meta-human.

In these troubling times it is more important than ever to look out and care for one another and just know that we are here for you, the people and are doing everything possible to make this world, a safer place.-

"-Officials have warned that while there will be an unusually high number of meteorites visible to the naked eye this year that many of the objects are such a size that they will burn up harmlessly in the upper atmosphere. Certain internet micro-communities claim that this is some form of alien ruse however I can assure you that the finest expertise in their fields have assured us that there is no risk however we can all look forward to experiencing one of the finest meteor showers Earth has ever experienced. This is a once in a Generation event-"

It had been a wonderful trip to the countryside in Colorado. A real escape from the city, somewhere where the three of them could be together in nature and just breathe. There was no rush for anything, no chaos, no superheroes doing battle with the latest villain of the week. It was just Jack, Daniel, and Samantha having the time of their life. They had spent their day walking before Jack had suggested they head back to the car to try and find a good spot to set up camp.

They hadn't driven for very long when they came across a clearing that looked out towards Cheyenne mountain. Setting up camp they built the three tents, got the fire going, sat down to eat, and then went to bed. It was the perfect day, until Daniel started to dream.

He couldn't remember screaming and groaning in his sleep as his friends woke up, the sweat clinging to his skin. his friends in their night-clothes sat crouched in the opening to the tent with looks of concern on their face.

"Pain. He's in Pain."

"Because you present a challenge."

His voice quaked as he spoke through clenched fists and teeth.
"A challenge?"
Four Years Ago

The fire in the corner of the room crackled comfortably, the light flickering across the room casting shadows as the light twisted and played. Clark sat in his chair, the television was on but he wasn't really seeing it. Instead, he was staring off into space, the newscaster was going on and on about some form of meteor event that was destined for later this year.

Several explosions simultaneously went off, he couldn't tell exactly where they were but it would be easy to pinpoint and narrow in on them. They were definitely in the United States, by instinct he looked towards his suit hidden in the barn, but then he saw Jon sitting in the corner, his books spread out before him. Some form of essay based on the heroics of the Justice Society of America during World War 2. Clark's heart jumped all the way from down in his chest and lept up to his throat. Shaking off the notion.

No matter what was going on in the world it wasn't more important than what he had right here. Jon represented the future of the Kryptonian race, as the first Kryptonian-Human hybrid (without any Cadmus interference), but more importantly as Lois' son. Jon represented Clark's one remaining link to Lois. He couldn't risk that, and couldn't put Jon through losing a parent all over again. He had just gotten to a place where he seemed to be doing well in school, he had friends and was even going to go out for baseball. In the distance, there was another rumble, and this time Jon looked up.

"What's that noise?"

Clark zoned back into what was going on, his voice hollow. "An explosion, somewhere in the direction of Metropolis I would imagine."

"You should-"

"It'll be fine Jon. Connor and Kieran are more than capable of dealing with whatever it is."

"But people could need your help, you never-"

"We're not discussing this Jon. I'm staying here." Clark stood up and walked out of the room, turning before he left the room. "Finish your homework."
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A DC COMICS ROLEPLAY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

G M (s): Sep C O - G M (s): TBD G E N R E: Fandom T Y P E: Sandbox with linear and Collaborative Arcs

I N T R O D U C T I O N:

Heroes have existed for centuries, in stories as old as language. Gods and men come together to fight against the evils that plagued the world. As time went by these stories became myth and legend, just another tale in the lexicon of human history. That was until the dawn of the Supermen during the second world war.

The Justice Society of America brought together a group of heroes capable of incredible feats of strength, both of mind and body. Their heroics captured the imagination of the world and inspired others to speak out against injustice. Eventually, public perception would twist. The heroes saved the day from the villains, but without the heroes would there be villains?

External and internal pressure during the Cold War brought about the end of the JSA. Overtime many of the aging heroes retired and while some may have occasionally drifted into the limelight many thought the days of super-heroics being a daily occurrence were behind them.

That was until 2010 the surface world was invaded by the warriors of Atlantis.

Earths Mightiest Heroes banded together in our moment of need to save us, and gradually over time would come to be the organization known as the Justice League. For a time public perception seemed to favour them, however mounting global political pressure meant that when innocent bystanders were killed when an alien named Despero came seeking to test his strength.

In the 4 years since, while many heroes still exist there is no unified front, the question on everyones mind?

When Justice Falls, what prevails?

P R E M I S E:

This is the other half of the One Universe game that doesn't exist, and yes the Earths Mightiest Heroes joke was intentional.

I've got what should be a fun, yet different, GM plot and I think my setting is pretty cool. My goal is to allow people to make their DC character whomever they want, and said individual can be at any point in their career that you want them to be (Legacies have to be regarded on a case-by-case basis. If someone wants to play an Older Nightwing with an Old Man Batman as their NPC then that would be acceptable. If we have a Batman player and someone wants to play Nightwing we have to discuss things with both players to make it work).

In the setting of roleplay, only three things are currently fixed in the timeline.

  • The JSA was active during WW2 and disbanded around the time of the Cold War.
  • The Justice League formed during an attack on the surface world from Atlantis (accidentally making Aquaman a character with a potentially super cool character arc)
  • An incident where Despero attacked the Hall of Justice caused political tides against the JL, which forced them to disband, four years ago.

R U L E S:

  • Players are allowed one character concept at a time. Group and team concepts are allowed. These concepts must be of canon characters pulled from any mainstream DC comics, shows, movies, or other products. This does not include characters or franchises like TMNT or Star Trek that DC has been licensed to sell or crossover with in the past. Likewise, these concepts must not be villainous in nature. Anti-heroes are acceptable.
  • Applications will be reviewed and considered 12 hours after their completed submission. If a competing character concept is applied for within that 12-hour window, all concepts will be reviewed and considered once it has been 12 hours. An OOC statement of the intent to compete within that initial 12-hour window will be allowed, but if no completed sheet is submitted within 24 hours then the application review process will continue.
  • You are free to reimagine characters as you see fit, so long as they follow the previous rules. This means you can take characters that are canonical villains in the comics and turn them heroic (e.g., heroic Joker), or gender bend (e.g., male Black Canary), or place another character entirely into a hero's iconic suit (e.g., Alfred Pennyworth as Owl Man). All I ask is that you try not to warp the character so far that they're entirely unrecognizable from their original mainstream interpretation.
  • Once accepted, players will have a degree of say in the approval of concepts that constitute their 'legacies.' This means an already accepted Batman player could inform the GM that a submitted Nightwing application conflicts with the story they are trying to tell, and as a result that concept may need to be changed. Please do your best to collaborate and compromise in this regard, but previously accepted 'parent' applications will have higher priority.
  • This is the Advanced Roleplay section. As such, Advanced Roleplay guidelines should be followed. That means a heavier focus on character development, longer posts (a minimum of two, although ideally three to five, well-developed paragraphs), in-depth and thought-out plots, and "a dedicated effort to minimize typographical errors and to use good grammar." While I'm not expecting anyone here to write a novel, I will hold you to a higher standard than what would be expected in other roleplay sections.
  • Posting once within a two-week (14-day) period is required. If circumstances prevent this, please let me know. While I will likely excuse the first instances, routinely posting late will get you removed from the active roster. A week after being dropped to inactive status without any further posts will result in your character concept being unaccepted and steps taken within the IC to resolve any conflicts with your character. While I am very understanding of life getting in the way, and I'll work with you on solutions if you inform me of issues, I do not take kindly to players ghosting my RPs. Please consider in advance whether or not you have the ability and desire to keep up with these expectations. When you submit a character sheet and I accept you, I am trusting you to be committed and consistent, or, at the very least, respectful to my time and the time of others.
  • All Guild rules apply here. Keep your smut locked away in the deepest recesses of your internet browser like the rest of us. Except for Lord Wraith, we all know he's going to do it anyways.

*Rules stolen by @Lord Wraith from @Retired

C H A R A C T E R S H E E T:

C O M M U N I C A T I O N:

All official discussions and announcements will happen through the OOC.

G M A N N O U N C E M E N T S:

S E A S O N O N E:
None Yet
I'll be more active tomorrow.
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