Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

This. But Ki-Ai Mundi.
It's unlikely I'll get the post up tomorrow after work cause I go to Aldi after work on a Friday, depends how late at work I am I guess.

Definitely expect something Saturday at some point
Keldabe Administrative District // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector
Interacting with @Webboysurf

Koren was due to speak to the Manda'lor. Hapes had had contact with Mandalore. His two royal guards stood at the door amidst the various other guards. He noted one or two Jedi, from what he understood the Khaleesh was from something known as the Shadow Council. All the guards stood silently at attention, while various delegates in the room spoke to one another. He himself had had a brief conversation with Zailled Mertha from Coruscant while he waited until he moved forward to speak to the Mand'alors secretary. Koren eyed the Emperesses people. He had to admit he was intrigued by the Empire. He wasn't entirely sure what to think of them.

Then the pin dropped.

"Do not mistake my patience for ignorance, nor my hospitality for submission Empress Elara Renkar."

The behemoth of a man, though Koren wasn't sure from here if he was actually large or if his presence was just imposing, stood up and walked towards the Empress. Who, to her credit, didn't back down when she was facing down the Mand'alor. Individuals throughout the room started to file out as there was a lull in the conversation. People trying to get out, before the fight turned... bloody. He had never experienced Mandalorian culture in person, and only had his teachings at the Jedi Temple to guide him.

Koren turned his attention to his two guards as someone approached. Like him, this Kel Dor was dressed in Jedi Robes that had been made far more ornate and decorative.

As he made his way too his guards Koren sent a general nudge in his guards direction allowing the man to approach. Koren bowed his head in a move of respect.

"I will be frank, your highness... I do not believe this moment is opportune for making friends of the Mand'alor. If you are willing to heed the recommendation of a local... I would suggest a more jovial spot to oversee the Founding celebration. If you would permit my company, I have great interest in learning more about the Hapes Consortium."

Koren chuckled. "I... did pick up on that. Come, let us leave." He nodded at the reveal of the lightsaber. "Honestly when I first began to make contact with the Republic I was worried about meeting other Jedi." As the two walked out of the room, flanked by his guards he placed his hand on his own lightsaber. Out of habit, or comfort, more than anything. "It's not as if I have spent my time outside the Order living up to the Jedi Ideals." As the left the Throne Room and out into the corridor he turned back to face Ro Nuul. "I suppose, not many Jedi match the Jedi Ideals of old these days."

Koren allowed his cloak to billow around him as he stopped. His guards moving to a respectable distance, but still, within reach should things turn... sour. "So, Master Nuul. What do you wish to know?"
Rebellions are cool
It's a shorter post, but it checks out.
Keldabe City // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector

The city teemed with life and jubilant celebrations. Young Imperials ran around the streets, many enjoying their first dose of alcohol on a world with more relaxed rules. Rorwoorr watched as a group of highly intoxicated youths attempted to act sober as an officer passed. The act quickly fell through, the Youths were reprimanded and ordered to report back to their ship. The aging Wookiee chuckled to himself as he saw a group of Imperials dart into what was clearly some form of pub or club titled only L4s Place. They may have done so to avoid the officer, but Rorwoorr doubted that they would cease their drinking now. Kaura looked at Rorwoorr with a quizzical look on her face.

[No matter the people, it seems that youth always embraces some form of rule breaking.]

A group hailing from the Corellian Hegemony walked past, led by a smug-looking individual sporting red bloodstripes. Walking backwards as he regaled his cohorts on his tales of heroism and bravery he walked squarely into the over six-foot-tall Wookiee. He turned on his heel, ready to fight, ready to shout and tear down whoever dared to challenge him. "Hey! Watch where you're-" The colour drained from the Corellians face as he realised that the subject too his rage was a Wookiee.

His eyes darted to the lightsaber at the end of Rorwoorrs staff. Not just a Wookiee, but a Wookiee Jedi. He flustered for a second or two, unsure of what to say. What possible excuse or reason he could give in order to resolve this situation, most importantly in a way that would allow him to save face with his gang.

Rorwoorr merely laughed, and he slapped the young man on the shoulder, he stumbled with the shock of the hit and winced slightly. Rorwoorr had put just enough force behind it to throw him off balance. [It is okay friend. The streets are crowded today.]

The Corellian just looked between Rorwoorr and Kaura with a look of confusion on his face, before Kaura finally chimed in. "You're good, but you better scram. He says he's hungry." Without any further motivation the group quickly moved on, as Rorwoorr cast a look of disapproval on his apprentice.

"What? They're a bunch of jerks."

[That doesn't mean-]

"Oh lighten up Master. It's just some lighthearted fun."

As they continued to walk something began to gnaw at Rorwoorr. An uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He smiled at his apprentice as he could feel her probing at the edges of his mind. "Everything okay Master?"

[Yes. Just remembering something I have to do.] The two of them looked up as two fighters raced overhead inbetween the cacaphony of buildings. [Perhaps while I take care of this, you can go watch the races?] He raised his hand as she went to argue. [It won't take long, don't worry.]

She nodded and left, albeit reluctantly. Rorwoorr watched her leave until he finally closed his eyes and pulled in on his senses. Sounds and smells dulled as he focused in on the disturbance that called to him. It was a warning. No. That wasn't right, it was definitely a call. It pulled at him, a call for help? He focused on it. Felt its tendrils surround him in the Force and nodded to himself. A call for help then. Opening his eyes he didn't drop the sensation, and allowed it to guide him through the streets and markets. It took him gradually farther and farther away from the centre of the city and the bustling port district. The air quality suffered slightly, he could taste the pollution. It was nothing compared to the pollution on other worlds, but it was noticable to the Wookiee.

Here the plants grew in the crags and gaps of the ferrocrete and plasteel of civilisation. It wasn't purposeful, it was nature trying to find a place amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. They didn't have a home, so they made one for themselves. Eventually he came to a run down looking building, a big red sign on the door read CLOSED. A sales notice hung lazily below it. Windows broken and boarded up.

Rorwoorr walked up to the door and placed his hand on it, he could feel the sickness and the pain that lingered within. Hesitating no longer he pushed the door, it resisted momentarily before it gave way to him.
Expect a post in the next couple of days
Aiming to get a Rorwoorr post up next couple of days. Things in the work for Koren and Vorkro.
Aboard the Lone Wolf bound for Mandalore

The ship glided lazily through the serene background of Hyperspace. Rorwoorr sat in his quarters, his legs crossed as he sat in the middle of the floor. He could sense the plant life he had all around his quarters, the various small insects that scurried around the small ecosystem he had formed. As he cast his mind out he could sense Kaura beyond, her nerves rolling off her in waves. Her frustration as a blown fuse on her X-Wing continued to elude her. He did =is best to project calm and serenity before he continued to push his mind and his focus outward. All he caught was the orchestra of hyperspace, the cacophony of life as they sped along the hyperspace lane.

The general feeling soon changed as he felt the shift out of hyperspace into real space. There was joy below. Much joy. The celebrations for the 25th Founding ceremony were already well underway. It wasn't long until there was a metallic knock at the door. [Enter*] He growled. The door hissed open as he opened his eyes. Standing in the door way was a B1 Pilot Droid, which was just a B1 droid with a blue paint job and slightly different programming, from the 2 denoted on its chest it was Blue 2.

"Sir. We have entered a stable orbit. Ground control sends their greetings and requests after dropping you off the ship should return to orbit to free up space."

Rorwoorr nodded his head slowly in understanding. [Very well. Take us down. I will inform Kaura.] He pushed himself up onto his feet, his bad leg paining him slightly as he did so. Reaching out he grabbed his staff and after straightening out his 'robes' he walked out of his quarters and through the halls of the ship. He placed his hand on the door of his 'greenhouse' and allowed the feeling of life to fill him with comfort and warmth. Pushing on he entered a room devoid of life beyond one very frustrated blonde padawan. She hit her head and swore as she pulled herself out from underneath her fighter, handing a hydro spanner to one of the Wacs. "Finish up here for me would you?

The little droid chittered as it nodded its head, walking underneath the fighter and pulling itself up and into the opening Kaura had just been struggling with. Face covered in grease, hair tied back in a ponytail. She bowed her head at the Wookiee Jedi, dirty hands behind her back. Rorwoorr bowed his head in response. [We have arrived in orbit, and the festivities are underway so they have requested once we land that the ship returns to orbit. I have agreed.]

Kaura nodded. "Understood, I suppose all that is left for me to do is get ready." She sighed, and he reached out a large hand and placed it on her shoulder.

[Worry not, this is a joyous day. We will take part in the celebration before making our way to the Council of Mercy. You are ready for this my apprentice.]

"I'm just nervous Master, what if I fail? What if they won't test me? What if they don't let me travel with you after?"

He shook his head. [You are ready Kaura. You are a wise young Jedi, I have known many in my time and few have displayed as much worth as you have. The council will test you, and like myself, you will be free to follow your own destiny from there. Should you wish to travel with me, I will welcome it. If you wish to forge your own path then I will support you in whatever capacity I can.]

He could feel her nerves settle, they were still there. Bubbling beneath the surface, there was also a sense of excitement for what was going to come next. Rorwoorr cared for her, and felt a responsibility to her more than any other Padawan he had before her. However, if she were to grow as a Jedi and as a person she would have to push herself to new limits and discover her own way forward. Trees could only grow so tall in the shade. [Go get ready Kaura. We'll be there soon.] He flashed her a smile. [Don't worry. I'll make sure the WACs don't do more damage than good.]

Kaura chuckled as the WACs stuck their head out from within the Starfighter and rattled off curses in binary towards the senior wookiee. Rorwoorr let out a low chuckle as he just turned away and headed to the cockpit of the transport ship. The Blues ignored him as the ship brought itself into low orbit.

Rorwoorr recognised many of the different vessels in orbit, while mostly Mandalorian designs dominated he noticed some sleek Corellian designs, Imposing Imperials and he even thought he spied some Confederate designs.

Keldabe City // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector

Rorwoorr drew in on himself as he left the safety of the transport, Kaura at his side. A Jedi could easily become euphoric on Mandalore today with the waves of joy and excitement radiating from the flurry of excited people. Taking a breath to center himself, he felt a slight welling of pride as Kaura did the same as they went forward into the crowd.

Now many people were accustomed too moving when a giant Wookiee came walking towards them. Rorwoorr tended to part crowds even easier, and get even more second looks when they saw a Wookiee walking towards them wearing Jedi robes and carrying a lightsaber. He walked through the streets, there was a joyous ruckus from Mandalorians all in varying states of uniform. Rorwoorr gave a nod of respect to those he saw wearing Clone armor, and various other Jedi. "It's become much more... crowded. Since we were last here."

Rorwoorr nodded to his apprentice's assessment. [Indeed it has. The Paladin has truly accomplished much in his tenure. The Mandalorian Republic is truly a force to be reckoned with.]

"I don't remember much from when I was young, but it was nothing like this."

[A collective vision to restore Mandalore in the wake of Knightfall, the will of the Mandalorian people is truly a marvel.] He took a deep breath in. [So my apprentice, what would you like to see first?]

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