Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Teth // Baxel Sector // Separatist Space

The shuttle rocked as it flew through incoming fire, swinging down in an arc it landed in a clearing just out of range of the compound. The door hissed as the cabin was depressurized to equal that of the native atmosphere. The humidity was the first thing to hit the Lasat at the front of the pack. He stretched himself, reaching back pulling his Bo-Rifle from behind his back and into his arms. He raised it into the air. "FORWARD!" He charged forward, as the two cruisers swooped in overhead. Their cannons firing at the compound, their shots bouncing lazily off the shields as they finished their downward arc and landed. Their ramps dropped as more mercenaries spat out of the bowels of the ships, blaster fire continued to rain towards them as Vorkro jumped from cover to cover, occasionally firing towards the enemy's position.

A trio of Z-95s swung overhead in pursuit of a squadron of Vulture Droids, who in turn were chasing a Kom'rk fighter. There was an explosion beside him as he jumped over a fallen log, tucking in behind another nearby tree. He peered around, in the distance he could see the B1 and B2 model droids marching towards them. In between his people and the droids he could vaguely make out one or two Mandalorians. He shouldered his rifle, closing his right eye as he aimed down the sight. A blast hitting a B1 and blasting its head off. The droid continued to walk for a couple of steps shooting wildly until it fell to the ground. Vorkro lowered his blaster and raised his right arm up, activating his commlink.

"Teams two and three break and try and capture them in a pincer. Team one, you're with me. Right down the middle." He received some clicks confirming his order before he spun around the tree, blaster raised. Shots rang out as he advanced, he started at a walk but after the first couple of shots, the droids became aware of the incoming threat. Fire erupted around him as his mercenaries started to exchange fire with the droids. The Mandalorians spurned on by their fresh support started to push their advantage. Moving out of cover and charging the droids.

Vorkro rolled his eyes as he continued to speed up, his powerful legs meant he was leaving all but his fellow Lasat behind. Jumping over obstacles, pushing himself off trees to keep up his momentum he never slowed. Twisting as a B2 fired a rocket past him. He winced as he heard the telltale screams behind him. He couldn't worry about that now though, he trusted the medics to do their job. He had too.

He switched the rifle to his right hand as he got in close to the droids, it expanded out into an electrostaff as he smacked the blaster out of the hand of a B1 before he skewered its chest. At this point a woman in red armour moved up beside him. "I thought you said there were eight droids-" pulling his staff back in he fired a series of bolts into the body of a B2 that was bearing down on him "-where'd you learn to count?"

Vorkro heard Moriha laugh beneath her helmet. The helmet making it metallic and tinny sounding. "Mandalore. There's only about 8 Mandalorians worth of droids. I wasn't far off."

Fired rained above as the fighters made another pass. Vorkro let out a grunt in frustration as he took a knee and fired in a wide-sweeping motion. Ducking back behind cover as a couple of bolts got too close for comfort. "If there are only eight Mandalorians worth, why did you need me?"

The Mandalorian launched herself into the air, as she came crashing down to her knee a series of mini-missiles lanced out knocking the heads off nearby droids. "I only brought three Mandalorians."

Vorkro pulled a thermal detonator from his belt, primed it, and tossed it over to her. She threw it into a wide arc. Landing in the middle of a group of approaching droids. His comm chimed and he raised it as he pulled himself tighter into cover. Bolts scoring the tree, throwing splinters into the air. "Go ahead"

The garbled voice of his Mon Cala XO came through the communicator. "Captain. We're picking up Separatist reinforcements on long-range scanners. They'll be here within thirty minutes."

"Karabast. Any idea what we're dealing with?"

"At least two cruisers and a frigate." The subtext being obviously, more than we can handle..

"Copy that. We should still have some mines in storage, deploy them as you see fit, and keep me appraised." It wasn't the best plan, but all they had to do was slow them down enough to allow Vorkro and Moriha time to finish down here and pull back. Lowering his communicator he popped his head up above the log, raising his voice to be heard over the blaster fire. "You get any of that?"

The Mandalorian didn't reply, as she continued to push forward with the support of her own people and his men. Twisting in a roll he brought himself back up, firing at the remaining nearby droids. "Whatever you're hiring me for better be worth it!"
Teth // Baxel Sector // Separatist Space

Interacting with Talik @Queen Arya

Vorkro swore as fire continued to rain past him, he peered around his cover, watching as the fire continued to rain against the facility's shields from his two cruisers. At the center of the compound, there was a tall spire, that looked reminiscent of a command spire. It explained a lot, whichever Separatist scientist ran this facility obviously had access to some top-level equipment. He grumbled to himself. Last time he took a job from a Mandalorian with very little intel. "Mohira!?" He shouted over the din and the fire. He flinched slightly as there was a thunk which turned out to be nothing more than her landing beside him.


"What exactly did you say was in this lab?"

"I didn't." Vorkro swung out behind cover and fired a couple of shot at approaching droids.

"Do you feel like sharing now?"

"Not really." He groaned and rolled his eyes, tapping his wrist comm before leveling his rifle, firing it as best he could with one arm.

"I want continuous fire on those shields. They can't hold indefinitely. We need to take out that artillery before we can move any closer."

Before he could reposition himself his comm flashed at an incoming message from his XO.

"Captain. Ships are friendly, patching through now." Vorkro looked at Mohira with a raised eyebrow, she merely shrugged before she once more charged head-first into the fray. Literally, when she headbutted a nearby B1 Battle droid.

"Captain Olkzar, this is Talik Gida of the Firith Tar'don. Heard you could use a hand down there, so be advised of friendlies inbound. Where do you want us?"

"You're a bit lost Miss Gida-" an explosion rocked in the background. "-Ryloth is a few sectors away. Though I won't say no to the help-" Vorkro grunted from exertion as he twisted his staff around as he heard a Battledroid approaching him round the tree. Even with the shield under constant fire these droids still seemed to be popping up as if from out of the ground. He dropped both his arms as he ducked below a clumsy lunge from another droid, swinging upwards in a left-right motion he brought the active end of the staff against a droids chest. Pushing it off its feet into a nearby clump. Ducking under another he let loose a neat cluster of blaster shots into its chest.

He could have sworn when he saw a group of droids approaching however they were soon cut down in a hail of blaster bolts. "My cruisers are laying down cover fire to the planetary north of the facility. If you swing in low to the south you may get by unaccosted and undetected."

@Sep - Rorororor and Koren are good to go, slap them in the Characters tab when you get the chance.
@Paingodsson - Cel is also good to go.


Anyone who has a character in the characters tab is free to post now.

You mad man you accepted them both. My complete domination is now at hand.
Will get something up this weekend but it won't affect Hound and your little group there
Wip wip dats the sound of da police
Trying to piece together the complete chain of events now.

I believe in you
I'm going to wait for Hound to post - everything is happening all at once!

Eilidh to the bot - "please knock me out"

Eilidh; I'm glad people are back but please knock me out I'd like them to leave mow
Life, posting, and proper sleep are a tough juggle at the moment.

What is... proper sleep?
Very... slowly... plugging... away... at post... and getting Red... up to date... with continuity.

Hound Usually: pooooooost

Hound now: please no post
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