Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 10984 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 40
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 4 mos ago
    2. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 1 yr ago
    3. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 2 yrs ago
    4. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 3 yrs ago
    5. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 3 yrs ago
    6. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 4 yrs ago
    7. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 5 yrs ago
    8. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 6 yrs ago
    9. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 7 yrs ago
    10. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 7 yrs ago
    11. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 11 yrs ago
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4 days ago
Current just buy another cord? πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ
2 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...
2 mos ago
"Commit heinous war crimes in the Baltics." - The Ghost Note suggesting what RoleplayerGuild user Xaltwind does next.
1 like
3 mos ago
"When shit hits the fan is you still a fan?" - The Ghost Note after microwaving a baby.
3 mos ago
we know


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Gold City - Streets.

The missiles flew over Justin's head, and he only half turned his before he remembered the old dinosaur: Seshat. He gave her a brief look as everyone else took off after them; he knew that she was not going to give chase. Good. Justin wasn't going all out because unlike Jill, Oh-Seven, and the others; he didn't have a whole lot of abilities that lent well to a long chase. So, he was going to bring up the rear and wait for one of them to get knocked out of the sky then engage.

"I'll try to cut 'im off," Jaden said as he put his sword away. "Don't try to stick your dick in these though, Justin! Your little girlfriend might not like that!" He laughed as he teleported to... somewhere. Justin didn't care. He stuck his hand out, creating his glowing blue scythe, and began to chase after them.

The trio of MIRAGE-aligned androids flew through the streets of Gold City; expertly dodging every sign that the three came across. However, Oh-Six's radar went wild as she turned her head backward and saw the missiles coming straight for them. "On our six! Pun intended!" She shouted, before giggling.

"We don't have time for this!" Oh-Three shouted, "Four!"

"On it!" Oh-Four's thrusters disengaged for a second as she lost momentum, and they kicked back on. She used her massive shield as, well, a shield. The leading rocket hit it and launched her back a bit as she grinned, ready to take the other two... the second one exploded against it and she was no worse for wear. She prepared to brace for the final rocket before Oh-Three came charging by, and grabbed it with both hands.

Oh-Three was launched backward a bit before she came to a halt... before she threw the rocket directly at Jill's bike.


Created Three Years Ago | Oh-Three "Tanya" | She/Her
"Oh-One is still out there; we can't stop him with love and determination."

The leader of the three One-Hundred models that sided with MIRAGE. Oh-Three was a more primitive predecessor to Oh-Seven that Gerard has given the title of "The Leader". Meaning her role within the One-Hundred Series is the leader for all the others, but she was unable to fulfill this role when Oh-One went on a rampage and slaughtered them by the boatloads. She fled, barely surviving Oh-One's rampage with her two sisters: Oh-Four and Oh-Six. The only reason why she was able to make it was that she chose to side with MIRAGE and Oh-One was unable to combat the terrorist organization. After Oh-One's destruction; the Pariah told Oh-Three that his AI was still out there... and would return even stronger than ever. Following the Pariah; Oh-Three has received upgrades to her systems that make her a powerhouse. The primary upgrade that she has received is to her thrusters, which are located in her arm gauntlets. She uses her thrusters to augment her strength and increase the damage of her already powerful attack, and use them to cover distance suddenly and unexpectedly. Despite her size and appearance; she is extremely intelligent. She is the stoic contrast the rest of her sisters and Oh-Seven, and she holds an intense grudge against Oh-Seven for abandoning them.

Signature Moves:
β–  Flame-Thrower
Oh-Three fires a jet of flames to immolate her foes.

β–  Uber-Boost
Oh-Three points her gauntlet in one direction and fires a powerful jet that'll launch her in one direction extremely fast. She can even use the jet offensively because of how powerful it is; creating tons of distance between herself and her enemies.

β–  Rocket-Punch
Oh-Three launches her fist (attached to a chain) at her opponent and retracts it.

β–  Tyranical-Impact
Oh-Three charges up a powerful ball of fire and then tosses it; creating a massive explosion on impact.

Created Three Years Ago | Oh-Four "Marie" | She/Her
"It'll only sting for the rest of your life!"

Designated as the "Reviver" by Gerard, Oh-Four is meant to be a master "doctor". She was his first foray into nano-technology and before he came up with the idea to install self-repairing nanobots into the One-Hundreds his original idea was to have them injected into them. They would repair any damage and Oh-Four was designed to create and administer these nanomachines. However, she was rendered redundant when Gerard upgraded the Nanomachine technology and merely made her an assistant. Not feeling contempt; Oh-Four left and tried to help people out in the world... and this was just before Oh-One began her rampage. Oh-One cornered her and easily dispatched her, but she was saved by MIRAGE who fought Oh-One off and offered her into their ranks. Oh-Four was upgraded and was given a shield by Pariah in order to protect herself, now she is able to heal and poison enemies with her needles. Oh-Four isn't much of a fighter and uses her variety of chemicals to wear down enemies from a distance. She's oddly cheerful, even when fighting and killing people.

Signature Moves:
β–  Adminster
Oh-Four chucks a syringe full of either healing or damaging nanobots that work over a short period of time.

β–  Chemical Leak
Oh-Four throws the syringe on the ground, and it will cause anyone who steps on it to slip.

β–  Shield-Bash
Using her thrusters: she launches herself at an enemy and sends them flying.

β–  Poison Cloud
Oh-Four creates a massive cloud of poison using an experimental grenade provided by Pariah. In the cloud, enemies move much slower.

Created A Year Ago | Oh-Six "Paige" | She/Her
"Want a haircut?"

Desigated "The Watcher", Oh-Six is Gerard perfecting the scan-mode. She's able to scan the environment and gain all sorts of information from it and utilize it. Her vision is impeccable, and it's damn near impossible to get away from her once she has you in her sights. However, her ability is what secured her and Oh-Three's survival when Oh-One went on a rampage; constantly keeping vigilant of him allowed her to dodge him whenever she could and escape when she couldn't. She survived until Oh-One was defeated, then she joined MIRAGE with Oh-Four and she was upgraded by the Pariah. Her thrusters were enhanced and she was given a fancy scythe of her choice; now she uses her scanning abilities to go straight for the opponent's weak spots.

Signature Moves:
β–  Scan-Mode
Oh-Six scans the environment or whatever catches her eye to gain all manners of information about them.

β–  Jet-Blade
Oh-Six swings her sword and creates a wave of energy that slices whatever is in it's way.

β–  Spin-Top
Oh-Six spins incredibly fast and slashes whatever is in her way.

Outside the Sunrise Resort

Justin moved to the Brush immediately after Blu told him where he was going to lure Thea... he was not worried about the rest of the Wiccans, merely because they were presently too scattered. He peeked through the bushes and saw Thea storm out... and heard the melody, perked up, and went over this way. Hm. Seems like Mr. Moonblood was full of surprises here. Thea tripped over... something? Probably some sticks or something, it was getting dark and she was a white woman in a horror movie. She probably would have tripped over a frog or something.

"Shit! I can't with these-" Thea hissed as she tried to climb up to her feet, only to hear somebody climb into the brush and shake her head. Assuming it was one of the Wiccans, she said, "Just give me a second-"

β€œYour friends really should’ve picked a better place to squat. There’s a reason this resort is abandoned. One moment it’s the sprinklers going off, and the next thing you know the roof collapses. Here. You’ll catch a cold. I’m Ezra Vanburen. I’ve been told by a mutual friend of ours that we both might have the same opinion when it comes to your group’s current leadership. If you would come with us I am sure we could manage to come to some sort of agreement that would leave us all quite happyβ€”at least those of us who still have some sense. Arabelle, if you would,”

Thea immediately turned her head towards Ezra and really was about to piss herself and scream for help and then hope that the Wiccans can pull their heads out of their asses for just ten minutes. The Vanburens were out for revenge but... they weren't. Ezra made it clear that they were somewhat on the same side here. He used his abstraction to make a mirror on his wrist massive... however, her first thought was that the Vanburens were trying to kidnap him to toss him into their sex dungeon or something (she heard that daddy Vanburen was a huge hoe).

Then she saw Arabelle... that girl that she saw during the Wiccans, not so well thought out, attack on the Vanburen estate. She felt a lot more at ease with her around but still was on edge... Arabelle explained the same thing that Ezra had. She was still on edge, with everything that was going on; could she trust Arabelle?

Justin listened in more on the conversation between Oscar and "Trisha", turning out to be Tuyen. Then Oscar announced that the Triple Goddess had arrived at the Vanburen estate, probably on top of Sabrina and Georgie. Which was, in all honesty, the worst-case scenario. In Justin's eyes; that meant that they needed to get back to the Vanburen estate if they were going to have any chance of salvaging this.


"Look, I trust you, but I have three other people who are on our side, and I can't-" Thea tried to say before Arabelle just jumped into the mirror. Thea shook her head, hopefully, nothing negative was going to come from this... She followed in behind her. That was when Justin did the wise choice and followed behind her too, and just like Arabelle said; he didn't stop until he got to the other side.

They looked around, twiddling her thumbs as she saw everyone screaming, tense, and more. She grimaced, as she awkwardly waved at them.

The first instinct Justin had was to go over to Arabelle and tell her,

"We need a portal to the Vanburen estate, now!" Because like hell he was going to lose Sabrina (or Georgie) or let the Horned God get free.

"I should let you know," Thea said, "Morgana's sister, Tegan, can open portals to anyone she legitimately cares about. Which can be me, Morgana... the Triple Goddess..."

She continued to play with her fingers.

Outside the Sunrise Resort

β€œI’m ready to go when you both are.”

"If one of you might use your mobile to capture a photo of her, I believe that should do the trick. Just lead the way to where we shall lure her. I'm ready."

"But isn't it what the Goddess wants, Thea?" Kelly said to Thea. "She doesn't want us to sacrifice rabbits and goats forever; she wants a virgin burned in this flame."

"Well, good fucking luck findin' one of them out here," Penelope said. "Everyone in Aramina pops their cherry once they hit middle school. And if they don't; they'll be suckin' balls for drugs."

"Grow up, Penny," Thea said.

Justin could hear them conversate, but at this point; he wasn't that worried about their conversation as he was unable to gain anything useful or of value (at least they have some morals). Oscar and Blu gave the go-ahead but Blu wanted a picture of their girl - he wasn't fully sure of Blu's abstraction but surely there's a point to this or something. Justin paused, and pulled out his cellphone - feeling like a creep - and focused on Thea, and snapped a quick picture of her. Afterward, after a few presses of his smartphone, he showed it to Blu.


However, afterward, he slid the cell phone into his pocket and focused on the sprinklers above them. He remembered reading something that smoke doesn't activate a sprinkler system but instead heat... and who else brings the heat other than Justin Liao himself? He focused his telekinetic ability on the sprinkler and hopefully, this will work. His flaming aura surrounded the sprinkler before it was immediately extinguished by the spray of water. The Wiccans screamed and shouted out of surprise.

"Oh, for fuck sake; not again!" Penelope shouted.

"Ayyyy, chica, this is the first shower you've taken in months." Maxine said.

"At least I'm not wearing clothes." Samantha nonchalantly said.

"My hair and makeup are ruined! I've had enough of this!" Thea shouted before she stormed out of the place.

"And here. We. Go." Justin said, nudging blue.

The Vanburen Estate

"It wasn't locked."

Thankfully, Georgie was able to find some type of reason for what Sabrina said and it got through to her. Sabrina sighed in relief when Georgie came to open the door, but she hasn't changed much as she inserted a little snide comment towards her. Sabrina ignored it, as she had half-smiled because she was able to convince Georgie. Though Sabrina could smell the liquor on her, and that smile turned into a smile of hiding rage because she had to resist going into her sister for her lack of foresight and intelligence.

"Where are we bloody going and what's the plan?"

"We're going to the construction site of the rehab clinic," Sabrina said, "The plan is to use the skull to lure them into a trap and ambush them, like how we discussed during the meeting you ignored-" Sabrina couldn't help but insert the passive aggressive comment, but she grabbed her wrist. "-but we need the skull, so just come with me and I'll drive us there!"

There was no time to waste, but Sabrina felt her phone buzz in her back pocket and saw it was from Ezra... she didn't even need to open it to know that it was warning her that the Wiccans were coming. Great. Sabrina knew that she would be screwed if the Wiccans had come here, so they had no time to waste. Sabrina grabbed onto Georgie's wrist a little tighter and said,

"... And the Wiccans are on their way here."

After the last word left her lips, Sabrina immediately darted out of the room fast as she could carrying around a drunk person. The faster they got out of here, the less likely Sabrina would have to deal with the cult. They made it to the garage and Sabrina pressed the button that opened the door as she moved.

"Alright, get in the car because we don't have no time to was-"

When the garage door opened, an orange bolt of lightning struck the ground in front of the garage, Sabrina immediately jolted and fell on her ass. "Jesus!"

When the flash faded, it revealed the Triple Goddess, dust and other debris spun around her as her three faces faced Georgie. She raised a finger at Georgie... and a powerful gust of wind flew into the garage, strong enough to send even the heaviest person flying like they were a piece of paper.


All three voices spoke in unison.

East Araminta - Construction Site

β€œ...then prove it.”

"Ah, yes," The skeleton said before he utilized his abstraction. Smoky black darkness appeared in his hand as he turned his palms upwards. He kept facing Tansy as the darkness faded, and a rather old and worn fedora that had to look like it was centuries old. He held the top of the hat in his hand as he reached into the hat with his other hand - an observant eye could see the smoky black darkness he used to conjure the hat, very faintly, however - and reached into the hat. For a second, he shifted around into the hat, before pausing with an "Ah", accentuating it. Then he pulled out...

... A stuffed rabbit by its ear. Not just any stuffed rabbit, a white rabbit that was so covered in dirt that it almost looked grey. It was heavily damaged, and it was missing its other ear.

"... Tada," The skeleton dryly said. "Enough jokes; calling myself a master is a misnomer... as anyone with even the slightest idea of magic knows that there's no true way to call yourself a master. Magic is fluid, and ever-changing with the thoughts and feelings of other people. Hell, even with this conversation; we may have spawned a new monster. Heh."

The hat disappeared, and his glass of wine reappeared. "If you wish to stop the cult; you have to stop the Triple Goddess. You could eliminate them all, and she would just learn and try again something later. She is a very cunning being... but she desperately wants her brother back; otherwise, the other end of her power will remain sealed away."

He raised a finger,

"Speaking of power; hers is the ability to control anything natural; in its purest form. Water, fire, earth, air... et cetera, et cetera, but if it's been altered or refined by man in any way; she cannot control it. Its strength scales with the belief and admiration of her little witch cult. She also can teleport anywhere with open skies via a bolt of orange lightning that also scales in range, which I suspect should allow her to teleport..."

A bolt of orange lightning appeared in the distance. Which happened to appear, from their perspective, from the direction of the Vanburen estate.

"... Anywhere in Araminta."

He stared in that direction for a few seconds, before he added, "Well, that's unfortunate. Well, I guess I'm going to have to cut this meeting a little short, but before I go..."

The inky black darkness appeared again, forming a massive portal into jet blackness that was large enough to fit a human being into. The entity reached into the darkness again, digging around before he said, "Ah!" Then he pulled out something peculiar.

It appeared to be a statue... a woman coated in stone, with a shocked looked on her face as she lay on the ground. It appeared as if she was screaming, holding onto her face with both hands... and slowly the stone began falling off, chipping away piece by piece and revealing brown skin.

"It's been centuries and James still can't clean up a single god damn mess on his own, but you know what they say..." The Skeleton said as he put his hands behind his back, and floated towards the portal. Right before he faded away into the darkness, he added,

"... The more things change, the more they stay the same."

The portal dissipated, and the only thing left behind was the rabbit that he pulled out earlier.

Outside the Sunrise Resort

β€œGeorgie was shaken by today’s events but she’s smart, and Sabrina knows what she’s doing. I’m sure they’re with Tuyen’s group by now,”

"So now what? We just sit on our ass?" Penelope said.

"Unless you got a better idea," Maxine said.

... Elect a new leader. One with a fuckin' brain. Penelope said, with a roll of her eyes.

The last thing that Justin wanted to do was come off as if he was doubting the Vanburens... but he was, on the inside, praying to every deity out there that Ezra was right. Because if Morgana gets there with just the two of them... he was certain that they would lose more than just the skull. He wasn't some sociopath that was going to prattle on about "the needs of the many", so if the Horned God got out but Sabrina and Georgie were okay; so be it. It wasn't like they won't be able to put him back.

Getting back on track; Ezra warned them either way and hopefully, they would get out of the line of fire before the crazed leader of the Wiccans gets there. Maybe the healer could convince Morgana to return. Justin was half-listening to the Wiccans, trying to figure out which one was the healer. He kind of recognized a few as the ones that charged through the wall and he gave chase to... and a bunch of others he has never seen before (and one was naked and it burned itself into his gay mind). Confirming his theory that there was more than they thought.

Which was not good.

The other half of Justin was listening to the Vanburen's chatter... just a little bit less than the Wiccans because he was hoping to find something useful. Blu could lure somebody to a place... which was the most perfect abstraction for this situation! Arabelle began to explain what the girl looked like and if the stakes were not so damn high Justin would had make a snippy comment about Arabelle having a crush on the healer.

"Do you want the Goddess to stop giving us gifts?" Tegan injected.

Penelope was silent.

"You know, when the Goddess is pleased, she makes us happy. How do we know that the Goddess would be pleased if we dispose of my sister?" Tegan added.

"Have you forgotten that I'm in charge when Morgana's not here?" Kelly finally stepped up and spoke. "Keep talking and we're going to be sacrificing you next, Penelope."

"Kelly!" Thea spoke, waving her hand to accentuate her point. "Human sacrifice is off the table. We agreed on that."

That was her, it had to be her. "Yeah, I see her!" Justin said in a hushed tone. Now, according to Ezra, all they had to do was draw them out. Now, Justin had an idea... he focused on a sprinkler right above them, but the last thing he wanted to do was act without consulting the Vanburens. He floated down and faced the group.

"Those idiots are right under a sprinkler... but before I do anything I want everyone to be on board with a plan."

East Araminta - Construction Site

β€œIf you know our father so well then you would know it is not smart to insult him,” barked Tansy, her voice accompanied by a choir of other voices that boomed together in unison. β€œWho are you? How have you invoked the Triple Goddess’s ire?”

The skeleton faced Tansy and did not move, flinch, or even show any type of emotion. Even despite the light show, he held his glass of wine. A small chuckle was elicited from him before he took a sip of the wine... and the wine went nowhere except all over his suit. Not that it phased him in the slightest. Mr. Skeleton sighed as he said.

"Insult him? Why... I would never," The Skeleton said with a chuckle. "I have a question of my own, but it isn't fair to expect an answer to a question without giving one. To answer your second question: I helped defeat her brother, and to answer your first..."

The skeleton floated off... almost as if he was thinking of something before he sighed. Then answered the question... except it was probably not the answer Tansy was looking for.

"I don't know."

He sighed yet again.

"Your damn father stole my name... I have all these memories, except they're all alien to me. I don't know if they're mine, someone else's... it is quite confusing, I say. What I do know is that your father... your father is...."

He chuckled.

"... Is a bit of a dick." He laughed.

"You might not be an enemy. But firstly, we aren't friends. Make no mistake on that subject."

"Not yet." The skeleton flatly answered.

"We're running out of time. If you're here to help somehow, answer my sister's questions then do what you're here to do. Otherwise..."

"Oh, but I am here to help," The skeleton said, "You see... while your bastard of a father incorrigible scum; I don't believe in sins of the father. No one with a functioning mind does. However, your bastard of a father is very... messy. He left mess after mess for me and others to clean up. Which is why I'm here."

He opened his arms in a welcoming display.

"It's not fair that you all have to shoulder the burden of your bastard father's fuck up after fuck up. You all are very inexperienced in the world of magic thrown into it head first. You will not survive without the assistance of a master such as myself.... so consider me..."

He paused for dramatic.

"... Your guardian angel."

East Araminta - Construction Site

"... Maybe placing all of your hope into your sister getting your sister was not the wisest choice."

A voice spoke out to the group on the construction site, drawing their attention off to the side where they noticed a cloud of inky black darkness. It swirled and shifted constantly, maintaining no consistent shape whatsoever. A silhouette appeared in the darkness, piercing through it, and was undeniably a humanoid shape... but not. It was far too bony and skeletal to be a human, and that was not counting the giant horns coming off the being like it was some type of demon. Slowly the darkness faded and revealed the being's true shape. To put it frankly, it was a skeleton in a dapper black suit, with massive antlers that would belong on a demon of a deer. He hovered a distance away from the group with one hand behind his back, and stuck out his other hand as if he was holding something... and then a wine glass appeared in black fog and a bottle of wine appeared above it. It poured wine into the glass before it disappeared.

"For the children of the great and magnanimous James..." The skeleton trailed off before the glass of wine he was holding floated in the air. The strange being finger quoted the next part, "... Vanburen. You all are not as nowhere near as foxlike as he was. The man would stab his own brother in the chest before letting anyone see him as unintelligent!" Before he loudly chuckled, grabbing his wine... and when nobody else laughed he dramatically placed a hand on his chest.

"Aw... everybody's a critic... or are you all under the impression I'm an enemy? Or God forbid in league with that Triple Goddess? Trust me, she hates me more than she hates you all."

The Vanburen Estate

"What's there to talk about? I hate it here. Everyone hates me. Leave me 'lone!"

Georgie shouted, followed by her falling on her ass Sabrina presumed, and throwing something at the door. The bang caused Sabrina to jolt and nearly fall on her own ass... So, Georgie chose to get drunk when there's a crazy satanic cult at their gates and she has the one thing that they want. Even Sabrina was getting a little fed up with Georgie and her lack of common sense. A vein nearly exploded in her head because Sabrina was getting so frustrated, but she saw that Georgie was under a lot of stress and maybe that was clouding her decision-making. Just a little.

Okay, a lot. Sabrina thought to herself.

The best that Sabrina could think of was getting Georgie to the trap group and hoping that everything goes well but she realized that she was babysitting a child. She sighed, hoping to clear her tone of all vexations before she approached the door. She graced the door with one hand and then softly spoke,

"Georgie, we don't hate you, we all love you," Sabrina started, "We're a family, and any family has disagreements... but you have to understand that you've been nothing but condescending and abrasive towards the whole family for no reason!"

And also put a god damn target on your back and get drunk. Sabrina thought to herself before she sighed and continued.

"I understand we all have our little squabbles from time to time... and that Tansy was being antagonistic... but we need to see the bigger picture here. We need to figure out this curse so we can get back to our own lives. If we just pull together, we can solve this and never have to deal with this again. So... just open the door and come with me. We need you."

Outside the Sunrise Resort

β€œThose dogs are on the move. But remember, we’re here for the healer. Let’s try to hide and let them pass first.”

Ezra was right... the group was at half strength and Justin counted on their odds being less than ideal if they got caught with the Wiccans at full strength (Especially if his little theory that there might be more than they expected was true). Oscar could probably eliminate the Hellhounds, but what about all the other ones? Justin would rather not get chased when all they need to find was the healer. Justin put his finger to his lip and gestured at everyone as he crouched down, and with his other hand, he pointed at the bushes. He quietly got into the bushes and hoped that everyone else could use the same level of silence that he had demonstrated.

A few moments later, the dogs had charged past them without even noticing them, he thinks. The good news is that they won't have to deal with the Hellhounds... the bad news is that they have no clue where the Hounds were heading. They were heading in the direction of the manor but he trusted that Ezra had a contingency if they attack the manor. Or that Georgie and Sabrina had left already - that was the ideal because that place couldn't take any more of a beating.

He sighed as he gestured, a mere point, for the group to move towards the resort, and still crouched down and walked towards the place. Eventually, they made it to the place; the front doors were wide open and Justin could hear a faint chattering coming from within. He couldn't make out just what they were saying but he knew that going through the front door was not a smart idea. He looked at the group before he nodded his head and pointed towards one of the side windows and began moving towards it. Now the idea of everyone poking through their heads through one window was comical so Justin began to float upwards a little bit to get a good view.

"... Morgana's clearly gone off her rockers, right?" Penny said, walking around in a circle with her arms crossed, face towards the ground.

"Yes..." Thea said. "Rushing them head first was not the smartest idea... but it isn't like Morgana would listen."

"Well, when she drags her ass back here with her ass whooped; she'll get the message, ay?" Maxine laughed as she sat on a strange pumpkin minion that Justin had not seen before.

"Any second now she's going to call Tegan asking her to make a portal so she can save her ass," Penny shrugged.

Justin immediately hopped down and reported back to the group,

"Morgana is heading towards the manor... does anyone have any idea if Sabrina and Georgie are out of there yet?" Was Justin's first concern.

Gold City - Streets.

The second that bike flew on the scene, Oh-Six completely stopped in her tracks until her scanners detected just who was engaging her... it was none other than Jill Brecian. She detected several more closing the distance... However, she was not going to give up easily on her prey... she began laughing as she activated her overboost. Her blade began humming with an electric hum as she focused on Jill.

"Well, if you want to give up your life," She softly chuckled before screaming at the top of her mechanical lungs, "SO BE IT!"

After the last word left her lips, she raised her scythe above her head, ready to charge-

"RECORD SPIN!" Justin screamed, appearing on the scene as a spinning tornado; going so fast that he barely appeared human. He cut through the air at extremely high speeds and the second he was in the range of Oh-Six, he stopped and kicked Oh-Six square in the midsection and sent her flying. He fell to the ground alongside Oh-Seven and Jill.

"You okay?" Justin asked Oh-Seven.

"Yes, my systems are repairing themselves as we speak."

"Thank you, Jill." Justin said.

Oh-Four managed to block the shield, but the attack was just too much for her and she was sent skidding backward. She held the shield, gritting her teeth and poking her head from behind the shield to face Lucas.

Oh-Three immediately called Abel on the radio, "We need backup, we're outnumbered here!"

"Negative." Was Abel's prompt response.


"If members of MIRAGE come to back you up, its immediately going to give away that this is a large scale MIRAGE operation... and we cannot have that," Abel began, "The mission perimeters I established were simple, and the fact you still went outside of those perimeters will require... correcting later."

Oh-Three scoffed,

"You got yourselves into this; get yourselves out of it."

"Damn it-"

"Uh, oh!" Jaden shouted as he immediately appeared in front of Oh-Three and delivered an over-the-top and ridiculous flying kick straight to her chest. "I'm on fire baby!" He said when he hit the ground with a spinning flourish.

This was not good...

Oh-Three's hands glowed as she raised them both into the air, charging up a powerful attack in the form of a giant glowing orange orb. She quickly flew up into the air and then screamed,


Before she threw the orb into the ground... which created a massive explosion that rocked the earth. Sending chunks of concrete and everything else flying in all directions, knocking her opposition off-center.

Justin grabbed Oh-Seven and leaped from chunk to chunk until he got to safety while Jaden teleported to a different building.

It was a sufficient cover for Oh-Three and her compatriots to escape. "Let's go!" she shouted before the trio flew away.

"After them!" Oh-Seven shouted, "They're with MIRAGE!"

"Wait, what?" Justin asked, only to get a coy smile from Oh-Seven.

"No time to explain," She gave Justin the peace sign as her lower body transformed into her overboost... and then she jetted off after them.

Gold City - Rooftops.


Was what flashed before Oh-Seven's eyes when she crashed through that building. Glass was shattered on impact and sent everywhere, and Oh-Seven came to a rolling stop with a mere skid. She managed to roll onto her knee and faced the direction where her sisters were. This was bad... she was outnumbered three to one, and there was no way in hell she could take on more than two at a time. They were toying with her... but she had a few secret weapons, an ace up her sleeve one could say. The only issue was...

Her three sisters floated up to her floor.

... She was not sure what they had up their sleeves.

Oh-Three landed on the floor, before cocking her fist back, charging Oh-Seven assisted by her jet boosters. Oh-Seven's left arm transformed into are plasma cannon as she charged it up, and the second Oh-Three began to swing; she was hit with the blast point blank and was sent spiraling out of the building. Right in between her two sisters, who hovered above with a dry smiles on their faces.

"We should have caught her." Oh-Six shrugged.

"Negative," Oh-Four stated, "Oh-Three is more than capable of surviving the fall."

Oh-Six primed her scythe while Oh-Four placed her shield in front and charged Oh-Seven while Oh-Six got behind her. Oh-Seven had her machine gun deploy while her lower body transformed into its jet-form, and she quickly retreated out of the other side of the building at extremely high speeds.... while barraging Oh-Four's shield with her machine gun to no avail. When she was close enough, Oh-Six quickly tripled speed and quickly closed the distance, and surprised Oh-Seven with a slash to her mid.

Oh-Seven screamed as she grabbed her body... but that wasn't all, Oh-Six grabbed onto Oh-Seven's head with her talon feet and carried her along, jetting towards the ground as fast as possible.... before doing a flip and throwing her directly into the ground so hard that it left a crater and she bounced off. Before pulling her scythe back for the final blow, a psychotic smile on her face as if their previous agreement went out the window.

"Have fun running from us with no legs!"

She began the slash and Oh-Seven closed her eyes to let the inevitable happen...
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