Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 10984 (2.82 / day)
  • VMs: 40
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 4 mos ago
    2. ███████████ 1 yr ago
    3. ██████████ 2 yrs ago
    4. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    5. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    6. ██████████████ 4 yrs ago
    7. ██████████ 5 yrs ago
    8. █████████ 6 yrs ago
    9. █████████ 7 yrs ago
    10. █████ 7 yrs ago
    11. ██████████ 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
2 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...
2 mos ago
"Commit heinous war crimes in the Baltics." - The Ghost Note suggesting what RoleplayerGuild user Xaltwind does next.
1 like
3 mos ago
"When shit hits the fan is you still a fan?" - The Ghost Note after microwaving a baby.
3 mos ago
we know


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Punished GN>

Nevermind; I'm dumb and misread down as drown. Long days certainly make someone tired.

I meeeeeeean I can do both.
Since when did you write for rps you didn't create

occasionally I bless other rps with my excellence
Yep, done.

<Snipped quote by Qia>

I do have plans for them to show up soon, so it shouldn't be long. I just want everyone to have a chance to interact/get a feel for each others' characters before I throw them at the party.

In other news, I'll be allowing @Punished GN a chance to submit a sheet for this roleplay as they've DM'd me their situation and asked if it was still possible for them to join.

I'm going to make the worst character in the RP and let you all down.

Can you delete these posts from scrubs that flaked from my too glorious RP?
Interested, I'll see if I can come up with something.
Super interested but imma br outta town for a bit
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