Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11035 (2.81 / day)
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Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
3 days ago
so are these nuts
23 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

The PRA.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), Stormy (@Blizz), & Luca/Bianca (@FernStone).
The Halloween Festival. The Beach Bar. Cracker Island.

”Oh.” Luca turned to Trevor with an apologetic smile. ”Are your hands alright? Sorry about uh… the rotting. I can’t do anything about it without this guy,” he gestured to Stormy with his thumb, ”to keep it under control. I appreciate it, though, I’m okay cause you healed me… Well it was you guys fault I was like that, heh, but all good now.”

Trevor raised his now-bandage-free hands.

"Naw, it's all good now!" Trevor began with a grin from underneath this mask, "Had to get Maximilian to drive me to the Seattle Office so their healer can heal me."

He laughed.

"Who heals the healer, indeed!"

Though, the "Coven" were currently laying into Meifeng. Not that Trevor could blame 'im! That was none of his business, unfortunately!

”It is not my place to decide whether you should be forgiven. And I have no right to take you up on your offer. But, I’m glad you mention it… I was not present when you overstepped. But my understanding of your command structure is that you have a superior you answer to. Director Alcott, I believe their name is? Do they allow you the freedom to maintain a positive relationship with us? With Greenwood? 8th Street?”

Cindy laughed, almost snorting the margita out of her nostrils.

"Director Alcott is like so above this," Cindy answered, "They are concerned with the organization as a whole, not every little thing each office is doing."

"What she said," Meifeng answered. "Director Alcott wants the city under control by any means necessary. They do not mind if we work with benevolent groups such as Greenwood and you all..."

"8th Street..." Cindy snorted. "Every morning, I tell Meifeng that today should be the day we end Emily G. Reed's reign of terror! Maybe taking out Vashti and Emily will put them on the straight and narrow." She laughed.

"We tolerate 8th St... for now," Meifeng flatly said. Again, she kept quiet about their little deal with 8th Street for obvious reasons. "As a little thank you for their contributions towards eliminating a certain group."

”You were angry, because Kali Mahendra was killed. We were angry because he was killed. Now, my friends can tell you that I be irrational myself. But… Was there not a better way to prove we were innocent? You are a government agency, you likely knew exactly where we were at the time of his death, every last one of us. And more importantly, you had to have known that we were all returning here for a reason, including Kali; An agent who our leader contacted.”

"I was the one tracking you all! Including your weird ass porn habits! I think I'm going to ne-" Trevor tried to butt in and got a sharp elbow from Meifeng.

Meifeng took a sip of her drink... which was halfway empty, and then shook her head as she answered, "You do know the field we are in, correct?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Supernatural crimes... while we did have all of your locations, Agent Mahendra was conveniently in a place where there were..." Meifeng raised a finger with each point. "... No cameras, witnesses, or traces of a killer. By my logic, one of you used magic to kill him and cover your tracks. Would that be too far out of reason?"

Meifeng sighed.

"While Agent Mahendra told me a lot, there was a lot of information he was... withholding. It was clear he wasn't the right person to send," Meifeng glanced at Bianca momentarily.

"Let me point out that I was against the whole plan for him to go undercover to begin with," Cindy laughed as she flicked the feather duster in the air. Meifeng was silent as Cindy continued, "Just look where it got us!"

"Hey, let me just jump in here. Look, Stormy, it wasn't just about Kali. That was a part of it... But you're so mad because people, friends, got hurt. You'd go after anyone who attacked other coven members, right? A big part of it was Everleigh beating me up in the Veni parking lot for absolutely no reason. It was my day off, I was trying to make sure the situation didn't get out of control... And Everleigh slammed me with a shadow fist for sending a text. If the situation was reversed, if I'd punched Everleigh multiple times while the rest of my group was starting a gang war, would you not go after me and my... Uh, friends, in that situation? Not justifying it, but it was more than just Kali... It was also one of her agents getting attacked unprovoked. Just wanted to fill in the missing details, y’know.”

"That was the major contributor," Meifeng began, shaking her head as she said, "Nobody hurts my agents."

Then Meifeng's mind was brought to the other thing, and she spoke to Stormy,

"... One of your members attempted to outright kidnap someone, as well. Then that all-out gang war..." Meifeng shook her head. "... Let me shut up."

“I do appreciate the apology but you’re not forgiven.”

”So, I’m sure you can understand why your apology isn’t easy to believe.”

Meifeng took a sip of the margarita she shared with Cindy and then lifted her head as she answered with a simple...

"... Then don't."

Meifeng knew that from here on in, action would speak louder than words, and honestly, she didn't want anything to do with any of the Coven groups. The only issue is that Director Alcott wanted that Stygian Snake... and it was clear that one of its keys was the Sycamore Tree Coven. Not that she was going to tell them that the PRA's goal in St. Portwell was anything but eliminating the radical factions such as the Wolfpack, Dollhouse, and the leftover Nazis.

Unlike a certain someone in their presence.

"I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you all to forgive me. I apologized, and you all chose not to accept it, as you have the choice to, as you are all adults. Only actions can fix things, yes?" Meifeng began her speech, then sighed. "It won't ever happen again; I can only promise that."
Now I'm dying to bring back Aslin.

do it
Alright thots, I completed the rich kid clique. Esty will definitely recognize one of these guys. :P

So, I rewrote the descriptions for the Greenwood and 8th Street Covens since I felt like their descriptions were no longer accurate.

The PRA.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), Stormy (@Blizz), & Luca/Bianca (@FernStone).
The Halloween Festival. The Drinkline. Cracker Island.

"Alright. Let’s find a table or two away from any Blinds. Then we can talk."

Before Meifeng could speak, Trevor had snuck over, wearing that ridiculous Red Power Ranger costume, and sniveled, "... Segregation at its finest."

Meifeng jammed her elbow into his side - well, the side of his arm since she was so much taller than him - and said, "Trevor, enough."

Then she turned to Stormy as Fiona walked over. She was dressed as the Pink Power Ranger, but it didn't take a genius to tell there was something off about the costume. It was very ill-fitting given her inhuman features, but Trevor at the very least, made some attempt... it didn't feel right to leave the poor girl by herself.

"These two are coming with us, but don't worry about paying for drinks," Meifeng said before she placed a hand on Fiona's head, then Trevor's. "She's not of age, and he's not allowed to drink."

"Aw, I'm surprised you didn't tell me to fuck off," Trevor said.

"So you don't cause any trouble," Meifeng rolled her eyes. "Now let's go..."

Meifeng followed Stormy, and her suborbinates followed her... though, Cindy was right by her side. She was led to an outdoor bar with a great ocean view, the waves crashing against the shore.

"The view... heh..." Cindy said as she grabbed Meifeng's hand.

"So those brochures weren't lying," Maximilian laughed.

"You won't get sights like these in Philly, y'know," Samson said.

"That's because Philly's a rathole," Trevor laughed.

"Okay, Alabama Man," Samson shot back, laughing back.

"... Sure you can handle drinks for everyone?" Cindy asked Stormy. "I don't want to empty your bank account!"

Well, it didn't feel right using another man's dime, but Stormy was insistent on buying everyone drinks, why not? Meifeng was the first to order.

"I'll have a pineapple margarita," Meifeng said.

"That's a summer drink," Cindy laughed.

"Every day is summer if you make it,"

"I'll take what she's having,"

"Just share mine," Meifeng began, "I'm not getting plastered tonight. Neither of us should be trying to."

"Just some rum with a coke!" Samson ordered.

"I want..." Trevor tried to speak.

"Trevor..." Meifeng smiled at him as a gentle reminder.

"... A glass of water,"

"We'll have shots of vodka," Leon grinned from underneath his costume.

The bartender prepared their drinks... Meifeng just patiently waited like the disciplined woman she was. Her men were chatting, and so were the members of the Coven. She knew that some of them were apprehensive of her after her actions (and rightly so). However, she couldn't help but be curious about the sidebar conversation that Bianca and Lynn were having, especially hearing the "Mommy Meifeng" nickname and raised an eyebrow. Yet she kept silent.


”Now, let’s talk about what happened at the church,” he said, calmly. ”I wasn’t there, so why don’t you tell me what happened?”

... There came the elephant in the room.

Meifeng knew she was way out of line for her actions, as mad as she was about what Everleigh did to Bianca. The rest of the Coven shouldn't have to suffer for the actions of one person. She should have just arrested Eve and touched bases with the Coven. Well, from a certain point of view, she accomplished both but made the latter so much harder.

It's not too late to fix things.

Meifeng glanced at Maximilian, who nodded his head.

"... How about we just skip to the crux of it all? I'm sure your Coven sisters told you all about it," Meifeng sighed, hoping she didn't come off meaner than she intended. "Look, I made a bad call. I won't sit here and justify it or excuse it - but I'll come out and say that I was out of line when I made that decision and I promise that it won't happen again."

There was a part that Meifeng left out: Long as your Coven remains on the straight and narrow.

She let out another sigh as she said, "I apologize. I hope that from here on, the Coven and PRA can have a positive relationship."

"Awwww, how sweet of you," Trevor laughed, speaking in a thick Southern accent. He turned to Stormy and said, "You know Director Alcot reamed into her th-"

"Trevor..." Meifeng said. "That's enough."

Sabrina Vanburen.
Interactions: Linqian (@FernStone), Layla (@Estylwen), Edict (@AtomicEmperor), & Lynn/Lila (@NoriWasHere).
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival. Drinkline to the tf outta there.

Britney, what did you do?

"... What did I do?"

Britney tilted her head, raising an eyebrow as she looked at Lila. It was clear that something had happened, but she was unsure what she had done. The Crow Maiden was sealed, unless it had broken free somehow, the threat was neutralized. However, that picture... there had to be more to this.

“I’m okay, I’m okay. We need to talk, in private, soon,”

"No, let's get to the bottom-" Britney tried to say before...

”Can't believe all it took was some sexy maid outfits for Stormy to fall in with the feds,”

"... Feds?"

What in the world was Linqian...

”Oh yeah the annoyingly hot maids are the ones that tear gassed us last week. That's the leader. An absolute fucking bitch- Bianca says she not normally like that, but I don't believe it... oh yeah, Bianca's part of the PRA too. Between us we've got exes in the worst groups possible - the mafia and the government. Lucky us.”


Britney looked at them, then back to Linqian...

Oh shit.

If the situation couldn't get bad enough...

"Nothing happened, Britney. Everything's alright. Text us if you need anything, we'll be around."

... Then that was when Britney noticed that Luca was here. She noticed that he didn't seem to be in great shape - and noticed her from her facial expression. Her eyes shot open as her mouth was agape - slightly curved into a smile. Her eyes drifted towards Stormy, then uncontrollably back to Luca as guilt overcame her. She awkwardly smiled, waving her hands left and right. As she took a step back, she said...

"Greatthatyougotthesituationundercontrol, we'llbeleavingnow. BYE!"

Then, she turned on her heel and peeled off with Linqian in tow. However, Sabrina stared at Luca before calmly following behind Britney.

Britney felt terrible about leaving so suddenly, but the situation was twenty pounds of nope in a five-pound bag, and she was not here for it. Not only was Luca there, but the people who attacked them were also there. If Stormy wanted to break bread with the people who teargassed them, that was his prerogative - Britney on the other hand wanted nothing to do with the PRA or their goons. It would only make things worse by trying to play nice with them, but maybe there was a card up Stormy's sleeve. However, Britney took the hint that she should probably abscond while she had the chance.

So, she ended up back with Edict and her fellow busy bee... something felt off about the situation, but Britney was not in the frame of mind to examine it. She just wanted to focus on this damned Halloween Festival because... isn't that why she ferried to Cracker Island? Not for Vashti. Not for the Feds. Not for Luca. Not to feel guilty again. But to, briefly, take her mind off the fact that someone was hunting them like game and any one of them could be the next target.

Britney sighed as she shook her head.

"Uh... sorry we came back empty-handed, had to check up on Lila..." Britney began, scratching the back of her neck. Glancing at Sabrina, then glancing at Linqian. "But the whole scene was a big bag of NOPE."

She clapped her hands together.

"I don't know what's up with this year's Halloween Festival - or St. Portwell for that matter - but you know what? Let's put all that behind us." Britney started. "Haunted House? Maybe get the hell off this island because it's clear Emily's goons are here, and lemme tell you something: that is NOT one tree I want to bark up."

"My house should be empty," Sabrina said, "My sisters are all out and are either out of town or won't be back until later." She sighed.

"Maybe Trisha hasn't drunk all the alcohol yet," she laughed.

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: None.
The Halloween Festival. Cracker Island.

"... Those SLUTS!"

Emily shouted as she slammed a foot on the ground, as they stood in an alley in the Historic District. She was a reasonable distance away from them and would prefer to be as far away from those sluts as possible. She could still taste the bird shit on her tongue, and it was the fuel for her fire. Those sluts! They invited her over to annoy her, acting all sly, then get mad when they don't get their way! It was like the old days of the Coven.

"Wow, they fuckin' painted you, boss," Carol laughed, "Maybe you should have fuckin' let them shit more on you so the outfit is even."

"Carol..." Emily growled.

"You were really out of line there, Emily," Miranda rolled her eyes. "That was... beyond the pale. Like the shit the Nazis would do."

Emily scoffed, putting a hand on her chest.

"Don't compare me to THEM! I just made a mistake, I didn't deserve to get punched in the face and shit on by birds! That was such an overreaction."

"Sure felt like it was on purpose," Jacqueline said, rolling her eyes.

Emily didn't respond, she just realized that her outfit was drenched in a mixture of tears, bird shit and wine - all they had to do was throw in semen and it would be like Linqian on a Saturday night! Emily was done with this stupid ass festival and wanted to go home already - but she was not going to walk around covered in bird shit. She would rather be... oh wait, she isn't wearing anything underneath this.

That was an abysmal choice.

"Carol!" Emily shouted. "Do your time reversal thing and fix me!"

"Ew! Nasty! I'm not touching-" Carol protested.

"Carol... don't you want to be fixed? Don't you want revenge on that bitch Britney?" Emily began, narrowing her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Then fix me."

Carol gagged as she grabbed onto Emily's costume and reverted it in time. It quickly returned to a state of being brand new in seconds! Emily was happy she didn't smell like cheap wine but shook her head as she said,

"I'm going to go find Vashti and tell her all-"

Then a fucking smoke bomb came out of nowhere and exploded in her face.


Interactions: Trisha (@FernStone), and these big motherfuckers (@AtomicEmperor).
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival.

It was a power struggle.

It was a race to see if Adora could beat Trisha's face in before the bees became too much, but fortunately, Adora was one determined MF when motivated. And Trisha lit a fire inside her that not even God could extinguish. Punch after punch. Sting after sting. It seemed that nothing could stop Adora, as a crowd came to watch the ass whoopin' (or watch her ass, but that was something that just wasn't on her mind at the moment).

Someone wrapped their hands around her arms - it felt like a fucking bear was grabbing her.

That was enough to briefly knock her out of her focus as she whipped her head around to see this giant motherfucker grabbing her. It took her a second to recognize him (How many cornfed 6'8 motherfuckers are there?), and it was Leon Richoux. She grit her teeth at him and then winced in pain, as her legs were... not in the best shape. They were covered in bee stings, and it was a pulsating pain. However, Trisha got her shit pushed in.

It really was eye for an eye.

“I was just trying to have a nice chat with an old friend, bringing up other older friends, when out of nowhere she punched me. She just wouldn't stop, look at what she did. She... she... she ruined my face..."

"... Oh, you want to start crying NOW, motherfucker?!"

Adora shouted at Trisha, switching from physical assault to verbal as Leon pulled her away - while she wanted to continue beating Trisha's face in, she knew that she was, physically, no match for Leon at the moment. So, she was just content with just getting pulled away while saying something extremely scathing, "You know exactly what you fucking did, bitch! Don't you ever say some shit like that to me again! Or else I'll make you wish that whore you crawled out of aborted you when she had the chance! You're NOTHING!"

Once Trisha was out of sight, that fire that no one could extinguish... went out on its own. It was too raging and burnt itself out.

The second Leon let go of her, Adora sighed, shaking her head as she momentarily walked in a different direction. She let out a loud sigh... all the weight of her actions began weighing down on her, and the pain of her fucking legs being stung to all hell.

"When I saw it was you, I was gonna let you keep going. But I figured if it was good and right, we could both get some shots in together... Come on, let's not be near her now, and maybe we can get a beer. God damn look at that face... What the hell brought all that on, huh?"

"She..." Adora couldn't even choke out the words. "She was talking shit... then she started making fun of me because of... what happened to Lisa..."

She shook her head, she couldn't even finish her statement without getting triggered, as she heart started fluttering and she started feeling week as anxiety kept up her spine. Adora put a hand on her hip and firmly planted the other hand in her face.

"I... fuck. I didn't mean to fly off the handle like that... she's a fuckin' Vanburen. They own the damn city..." Adora sighed, keeping the hand against her face.

At least she can say she beat Trisha's face in before she gets arrested!

Interactions: Tayla (@silvermist1116), & Clancy (@Zombiedude101).
Cracker Island. Halloween Festival. Kid Section.

Shayton prepared to take up Tayla on her offer; after all, it was polite since he was interrupting them.

However, someone butted in.

Someone unexpected.

It was that "boy" from last night who nabbed Judas before the Feds could get him. The "boy" latched onto his sleeve, issuing a clear-cut threat. Tayla had the smarts to grab her son and clear the house, and Shayton couldn't blame her. You'd have to be blind to be unable to tell that this "boy" is no "boy." However, Shayton did not flinch or change expression at all as the boy held onto his suit with a death grip. Shayton could had easily had broken free from his grasp, but that would require destroying his suit.

And Shayton liked this suit.

Are you his Uncle? You should keep a closer eye on your nephew. This may be the kids' area, but there’s plenty of dangers for someone so young. Don’t let him lose you again. I’m glad you found your… family member. I’ll leave you two alone now.”

Shayton grinned.

"I will, I will... Sorry about that," Shayton began, "I'm going to call his parents. They're worried sick. They're curious about what he got up to last week. Heh."

It was true; Luis and Natalie were very curious about the kid, especially after he managed to nab Judas from the Fed's personal Superman. They were convinced he was no kid, possibly a shapeshifter or a puppet for another Apparition. However, they already decided that people like Clancy should not be left to run amok when money is to be made!

Shayton reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out his "phone." A dummy phone, as he didn't know what to expect from the brat and expected him to reach for it and run off. He kept one on his being...

... Just in case.

Shayton looked up at Lihn and said,

"... You can go."
WEAKNESSES ⫻ The entities are inhabitants of the Void, and their mere presence fills Layla with an overwhelming dread that can not only distract but paralyze her. The creatures feast on her blood and lose significant amounts of blood quickly...? Yeah, that's not a good idea, and she can pass out or possibly die if they take too much blood from her. The Entities are fickle and will cause untold and unfortunate destruction, which can be detrimental to Layla. In addition, as beings of the Void, they are like Anti-Matter to the land of reality, and just being in the world will gradually weaken them. They are susceptible to magical attacks as they do extra damage to them.
@Estylwen It took me long enough but I did it.
@Punished GN I ate got nothing to do. Lol

You know good and damn well this tall stoic mysterious man is going to doodle with da baby
@silvermist1116 gawd damn you reply fast lol

Interactions: Trisha (@FernStone).
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival.

Instead of taking the hit that Adora wanted Trish to fuck off, she doubled down...

“The costume’s cute, shame about who’s wearing it. I’ve got no interest in seeing your nasty ass. Gross.”

Which was nothing to Adora compared to...

“Maybe I just wanted to greet an old friend… Ah! You must not know what it’s like to have friends anymore!"

Adora balled her fists, and grit her teeth, staring at Trisha as she began to shake out of pure rage.

"... After all, you got your last one killed..."


"I bet you haven’t had any since! Must suck to be so sad and lonely you’re flashing to someone you haven’t seen in years..."


"...What would Lisa think?"


"... She'd be disgusted, I bet… Ah, but we’ll never know, thanks to you."

The rest of what Trisha said barely registered as Adora, with one conversation, snapped. She was frothing at the mouth as she stared down Trisha, people gathering around her, but Adora did not care. Lihn was probably going to be very disappointed in her.

But there was a reason why Adora needed Lihn...

With the flip of a very fragile switch, it was on and poppin. With a quick motion, Adora had socked Trisha across the cheek as hard as she could, sending her stumbling. Adora quickly grabbed Trisha by her hair and yanked it as hard as she could as she punched her directly in the stomach. Then, she pulled her fist back to punch her in the nose. Grabbing onto Trisha with her other hand, she shoved the girl into a stand as hard as possible. The loud crash was the least of Adora's concerns as she got on top of Trisha, punching her over and over again. In a short bit, blood had already ruined this Adora-ble costume that she had made.

Then she felt the first sting.

Then, the second one.

Then, the third one.

Then the twenty-fifth!

The bees were crawling up Adora's legs and stinging her; the pain was sharp enough to interrupt this ass whoopin' session that she had inflicted upon this bitch. "AW FUCK, BEES!" Adora shouted...

However, the RAGE was enough to keep her focused on making sure that she was using Daddy's money for plastic surgery. She kept pounding on Trisha's face, fighting through the pain as she was uncaring if this would kill her or send her to jail.

And she would keep going until someone stopped her.

The PRA.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), Stormy (@Blizz), & Luca/Bianca (@FernStone).
The Halloween Festival. Docks to the Drinkline. Cracker Island.

“I love women,”

"Thank you for sharing," Cindy said with a chuckle.

"Me too... happily married to my husband for around twenty years now, but that's not the point...." Meifeng started, "... You don't see me screaming it from the heavens, do you?!" She laughed, playfully waving her feather duster around.

“I think it’s cause of what you’re wearing, boss. They’re blown away.”

Both Meifeng and Cindy laughed and held hands with each other, raising it in the air.

"Well, I'm glad they are!" Meifeng playfully shouted. "I told her this was going to be adorable."

"Heh, you know it's starting to grow on me, you know!" Cindy tried to play it off.

"Everything is fine now. 8th Street crossed a line that no one with a sense of common decency would cross, but then again, Emily Reed doesn't fit that description, now does she?"

The two agents looked between each other... with Cindy tilting her head at Meifeng and the latter awkwardly smiling. Then Cindy said, "Yeah, Ms. Reed does that a lot, but don't worry... we got her under control."

"Now! How many drinks do I need to buy everyone for this to be put behind us? And I do mean everyone. If you two are going to stick around, I think all have a few things to talk about, and I'm in a generous mood,"

"Well..." Meifeng said as she trailed off, "I can't turn down free drinks."

"Of course not," Cindy said, "Nor can we turn down polite conversation, isn't that right, Meifeng?"


"I'd like to join," Maximilian said as he took a few steps forward with his blue Power Ranger costume on. "If we're going to talk about what I think we'll talk about."

He briefly glanced at Meifeng, who awkwardly smiled again.

"You know I can't turn down a drink either!" Samson laughed as he walked forward from the crowd. "I'm sure we can all buff things out..."

"... Ideally," Meifeng said to herself... as some giant girl ran up to them.

Sabrina Vanburen.
Interactions: Linqian (@FernStone), Layla (@Estylwen), Edict (@AtomicEmperor), & Lynn/Lila (@NoriWasHere).
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival.

Vashti prepared to land the killing blow on Linqian.

Britney began to create plant life off instinct - some spears ready to impale Vashti from behind.

If it would kill her, Britney would ensure that Jinhai's twin would make it out of this alive. However, Vashti backed up, and Britney let off a sigh of relief as the weirdo made some not-so-vague threats. Then she left, and as quickly as it began, the scene caused by Emily's right-hand woman was over. Britney made the plants she created disappear as she stared at Vashti to ensure she didn't try anything. There was that urge to end Vashti for good... but now is not the time. Britney knew this was not over, and it was likely that 8th Street would bark up their tree again. They just had to be ready for it. However, Britney briefly glanced at the one person getting the least attention here: Sabrina.

Just who did she know?

Sabrina sighed as she looked down at her soaked costume, making the black cloth she was creating disappear in thin air. She looked at Britney, then Layla, and said, "I'm glad that's over... would you like your costumes to get dried up?"

"Sure..." Britney said, and Sabrina used the Silkworm to wring the costume dry. Then Sabrina turned her attention

Britney sighed, wondering if she should change costumes to throw the 8th Street dorks off, but maybe later once they're on the ferry. Maybe hitting up Jack would be a better idea; he knew where she lived (but she made it VERY clear that he should not drop in without warning unless he wanted to see something he didn't want to). He could teleport all of them to safety... but Britney just shook her head. She came out here to have FUN in the face of five of her friends dying in a day. Not stress herself out over the 8th Street Coven.

The problem she created.

Britney looked up towards Linqian, walked over to her, put a hand on her shoulder, and asked, "Girl, you okay?" She said, picking up that she was just a little bit rattled by the whole thing. "Sorry about that... I should have been the one to handle that."

Then Britney remembered that Edict was here and how she had taken things just a little bit too far during the meeting. She didn't understand that the group was dogpiling him until later, and her joke was... not responded to that well. And despite it all... Edict put his ass on the line. Britney turned towards him and smiled (which probably would have made him rock hard).

"Thank you, too, Greyson; you didn't have to help me after how I acted at the meeting," Britney started, "I'm sorry for being an asshole to you there. It won't happen again, I promise."

Unlike swarmy bastards like Edict, she stuck to her word.

“I don't know if I feel comfortable getting drunk in the open. Not with… Everything going on. You all can get drinks, I'll wait. Then we can go see some spooky ghosts? Try to forget some… not so great people are here too?”

"That's fair..." Britney said, holding her tongue as she didn't want to go into how getting fucked up at the Halloween Festival was, in normal circumstances, the pinnacle of stupid decisions. Though she smiled to make light of the situation, "I'm no lightweight, one drink won't hurt me!"

... Then Britney remembered the shitstorm at the Drinkline.

"... Oh shit! We gotta get to the booze, stat!" Britney said before she clutched her purse and hauled ass over to where Lila and the others were, as fast as a six-three chubby twenty-something could, that is. Sabrina shrugged before following after Britney - who was following the crows at some point. Britney made it there, and the situation was...

... Bizarre.

Emily was nowhere in sight (Thank the Heavens!), but there were various members of the Coven here with some other people she hadn't seen before (including some sexy milfs in a delectable costume). However, Britney had tunnel vision, and the second she saw Lila and Lynn, she beelined over to them.

"... What happened?! Is everything okay?!"

Britney asked Lila.

She didn't have the crow arm anymore.


Interactions: Tayla (@silvermist1116).
Cracker Island. Halloween Festival. Kid Section.

A burst of wind appeared out of nowhere... and right next to Tayla was Shayton. He stood tall and proud with his cane firmly pressed on the ground with both hands. He stood there silently for a moment.

"Ms. Choi," Shayton calmly said. "Sorry to drop on you..."

What was notable about Shayton was that he had Cheetah face paint on.

"I was hoping to get a nice conversation out of you without any audience.... if you don't mind."
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