Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
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  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
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plz delete my failure b4 anyone notices
Hello virgins, are you itching for more Recollections content? Perhaps seeing Ghost Note and Fern finally utilize three great character ideas? A quasi-web serial about three psychopathic goofballs getting their second chance? Then I am ready to proudly present Paragraphs: Agents of Death. Something me and @FernStone have been working on for all month and are ready to unveil.

Reading is mandatory, and I will send a predator drone to your house if you do not read.

Unveiling two weeks of hard ass work, the Drake spell rework

"I'll fry Father Wolf alive."

TYPE ⫻ Adept.

ABSTRACTION ⫻ Red & Purple Lux. Channeler: Adam's memorial and wedding rings.

ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻ Drake learned that he, at a young age, had an affinity towards lightning and electricity from his late father, Adam Blackmore - it was a favored element from Drake. Through exploring this affinity, Drake developed a series of spells and became famous in the Old Coven. Despite it all, Drake is a very seasoned and well-trained Adept due to his constant personal training, being trained by his father in his youth, and developing new spells to assist with his vigilante work. Drake has four different "spell groups" or disciplines for himself: The "Electric-Arsenal," in which Drakes crafts semi-solid weaponry out of electricity and The "Lightning-God," a collection of different electricity-based spells, The "Son of Adam," which are spells his father taught him and other spells shared between the Blackmore siblings, and finally, The "Dragon," which are pyromancery and ash-based spells. Drake is more in tune with the Red Lux, almost entirely neglecting his Purple Lux, which he uses vary sparingly. However, he is gradually learning to work it into his Spellbook.

THE ELECTRIC-ARSENAL ⫻ Drake's primary offensive weapon that he has tweaked and fine-tuned through a lifetime of practice, training, and necessity. Through Drake's near-mastery of the electrified realm, he has made himself a scary arsenal of semi-solid weapons. Known as the Lightning-Arsenal, he has a variety of different weapons, each one crackling with untamed energy, much like Drake, and ready to unleash hell upon his enemies. These spells are almost exclusively Red-Lux, but Drake is diving into Purple-Lux to incorporate Time and Movement Magic to enhance this discipline. Drake can only create one type of electric weapon at a time and typically cannot create more than two.

Voltblade ⫻ A longsword crackling with arcs of electricity. Its blade pulses with a vibrant electric glow. Upon contact, it can deliver devastating shocks and wounds to enemies. His Purple Lux enhances its electrified edge, allowing Drake to strike with lightning-fast precision and overwhelm his enemies with a flurry of electrifying blows. Drake can create two Voltblades at a time, one for each hand.

The Voltbuster ⫻ An enhanced version of the Voltblade, a colossal weapon crackling with torrents of electricity, designed to unleash devastating blows and electrifying shocks upon whichever poor bastard gets hit by it. It is enormous, about three times the length of Drake's body, and isn't as sharp as the Voltblade. However, it's more of a powerful siege tool that hits with far more force than the Voltblade and far more electricity behind it. Drake can only create one Voltbuster at a time.

Battle-Axe ⫻ A small, double-edged battle axe that pulses with waves of electrifying energy. Its compact size and lightweight design make it ideal for swift maneuvers. At the same time, its electrified edge delivers powerful shocks that immobilize and incapacitate enemies with each impact. Drake can only create two axes at a time.

Thunderguard ⫻ A round shield enveloped in an aura of crackling electrical energy to protect against attack while electrifying any poor schmuck who touches it. When wielded by Drake, the Thunderguard forms a barrier of electricity in one of his hands. Its electrified surface can unleash explosive energy, launching a shockwave of electrical force that will send anyone nearby flying. Drake can only create one Thunderguard at a time, but he can also create a weapon, such as a Voltblade or Battleaxe, to use in his other hand.

Electric-Flail ⫻ A flail composed of electrified chains crackling with lightning sparks, ending in a spiked ball that emits electricity. Its flexible chains can deliver electrifying strikes that leave the poor bastard who gets hit by it wishing their mother used the coat hanger. With one swing, it becomes a whirlwind of electrified devastation! Drake can only create one at a time.

Stormbreaker ⫻ A massive Warhammer with a heavy head that crackles with lightning. While heavy and unwieldy, it allows Drake to crush his foes and send out powerful shockwaves of electricity. It's the perfect weapon for ignoring defenses and shattering defenses. Drake can only create one at a time.

Thunder-Lance ⫻ A formidable and massive lance with a long shaft is pulsating with
electricity with a razor-sharp tip that'll impale foes. The Thunder-Lance is ridiculously long, three times the length of Drake's body, and can be used as a thrusting instrument or a slashing one (Somehow, don't ask questions). It's one of Drake's favored weapons. Drake can only create one at a time.

The Long-Hard Blackmore Stick ⫻ The Long-Hard Blackmore Stick is a simple staff weapon that Drake primarily developed to indicate that he has a weapon named... The Long-Hard Blackmore Stick. It's a simple staff created like the rest of the Lightning Arsenal that is lightweight and meant for quick engagements and keeping foes at a distance.

Thunderstruck ⫻ Thunderstruck is a bow and arrow set designed to unleash electrifying arrows upon Drake's enemies from a distance. It is massive, longer than Drake's entire body, and can unleash shocking arrows rapidly using both Red and Purple Lux. Drake can only create one at a time.

Halbread ⫻ Another weapon with a long, pulsating shaft (Drake asserts he's not gay) that cackles with electricity. The Halbread versatile weapon allows him to deliver sweeping strikes and electrifying thrusts that cleave through enemies with lethal precision. The Thunder Halberd's reach and versatility make it ideal for engaging enemies at a distance and incapacitating them with electrifying force. It was Drake's favored weapon. Drake can only create one at a time.

The Electric-Guitar ⫻ Created in collaboration with his sister, Amanda, and inspired by Sylvia Cruz and Simone Le Fay (sort of). As the name implies, it's a guitar made of lightning! It looks like a spiky electric guitar but is primarily used as a blunt instrument. However, it has a unique magical attribution: Drake can create special sound blasts to launch the opponent black by playing on the riffs. Drake can only create one at a time.

The Two-Headed-Monster ⫻ Linqian created a dildo made out of lightning! A young Drake Blackmore had no choice but to one-up her by not only creating his version of the Lightning Dildo but a three-headed one. In contrast, Drake can only create one at a time but should create zero Two-Headed Monsters.

The Future? ⫻ Who knows what the future may bring? Drake feels like his Electric Arsenal is redundant and needs updating. Drake is working on merging the Electric Arsenal with his Lightning-God discipline, so maybe eventually, he could learn tricks as such as telekinetically manipulating his weapons, creating hundreds, and more.

LIGHTNING-GOD ⫻ The secondary spells that Drake used as an offensive weapon, but less cohesive than his Electric Arsenal. The Lightning God discipline is a collection of lightning-themed spells that do not fall under the Electric Arsenal. It's technically the first discipline that Drake developed, but at the same time it is incomplete, as he quickly abandoned the discipline to focus on the Electric-Arsenal. The Lightning-God is Red-Lux, but it's the discipline in which he uses Purple-Lux the most (other than The Son of Adam).
Zeus's Lightning ⫻ This Spells channels Drake's inner-Zeus, the cool, lightning-chucking, All-Father and not the God that fucked a cow one time. This spell allows Drake to create and physically hurl bolts of lightning at his enemies. With a commanding gesture, Drake summons a lightning bolt from the sky and shapes them into a javelin-like projectile. He can control how fast (or how slow) they can go, but at the top speeds they can travel at blinding speeds.

Electric-Aura ⫻ Or the "fuck off" aura, one of the first spells that Drake had developed. By channeling his mastery over lightning magic, Drake can generate a shimmering field of blue-white crackling electricity surrounding his body and anything he touches. While this is active, it provides no defense or enhancements beyond making it foolish to touch him and enhance his physical strikes. He can make a partial-field or one that fully envelopes him.

Thunderbolt ⫻ Thunderbolt is a spell that unleashes a concentrated blast of lightning from Drake's fingertips, one that he can charge to be more devastating. By focusing and channeling the power of thunderstorms itself, Drake charges a powerful bolt of lightning out of his fingertips. One that, if appropriately charged, can electrify and stagger even the most potent Paranormal-Beings. However, he must be immobile while charging it.

Flight ⫻ is one of Drake's first developed spells and one of the few spells that almost exclusively channels Purple-Lux. Flight allows Drake to defy gravity and soar through the air, leaving behind a trail of lightning as he flies. Drake can levitate and propel himself through the air at incredible speeds, traversing vast distances and easily evading enemy attacks.

Ride the Lightning ⫻ One of Drake's "ultimate weapons" to use in his "fight against evil" and bringing peace to St. Portwell. Using a mixture of Purple and Red Lux, Drake charges forward by surrounding himself in a solid-orb of electrical energy. With this spell, he can gravely injure some of the strongest Paranormal-Beings out there.

Works in progress ⫻ Since Drake is working on developing the Lightning-God discipline further, Drake has developed some more spells that primarily utilize his Purple-Lux.

Thunderstep ⫻ Drake has attempted to harness the power of lightning to facilitate a form of teleportation teleportation. However, the results are less than reliable. When activated, Drake vanishes from one location in a blinding lightning bolt... but he hasn't worked out the kinks yet and can't control its destination. So far, Drake has ended up on top of trees, the sky, and the ocean - thankfully, he can't teleport inside the solid objects. So, the spell's erratic nature and lack of control make it practically useless, which frustrates Drake. Nonetheless, he continues experimenting and refining the Lightning Step to unlock its full potential.

Arc Lightning Field ⫻ The Arc Lightning Field is an experimental spell that Drake is developing, utilizing both Purple & Red Lux for a devastating combination. Drake creates a box that slows down the movement of anything within that lacks an Emotional-Field by using his Purple Lux while ravaging the poor sucker inside with erratic lightning. The intention is to make one large enough to cover several city blocks and bypass Emotional-Fields; however, since it's in the testing phase, it is precarious and unreliable. He can hardly create the field half the time; if he can, it will only last for a few moments before it falls apart and dissipates.

Electromancy ⫻ The pinnacle and end-all-be-all for Drake's lightning magic, one that supersedes not just the Lightning-God discipline, or the Electric arsenal discipline, but his ultimate magic. Electromancy allows Drake to manipulate and control electrical currents on a scale never before seen. With a mere thought, he can summon thunderstorms from clear skies, unleash devastating bolts of lightning that cleave through buildings, and command the element to his will. Electromancy's potential is staggering, with the ability to rival even the strongest Paranormal-Beings and will allow the "Lightning-God" discipline to live up to its name. In its current form, Electromancy is still in its infancy, and it cannot control electricity beyond what the Lightning-God discipline currently entails.

SON OF ADAM ⫻ Adam Blackmore was considered to be a master of Purple & Red Lux and had thousands of different spells under his belt. Spells that he attempted to pass onto Drake, but as it turns out, Drake was far too hard-headed to utilize the spells that Adam taught him. From feeble attempts at Lumomancy to comically unreliable Teleportation magic, each spell in this hapless arsenal reflects Drake's journey to discovering his affinity in Lightning and developing his primary spell-groups.

Lumomancy ⫻ Drake's attempts at Lumomancy often result in feeble attempts to summon dim, flickering lights or tiny sparks that barely illuminate his surroundings. Despite his efforts to channel his father's teachings, Drake's lack of focus and enthusiasm for light manipulation leaves much to be desired, making this spell useless.

Aeromancy ⫻ Drake's level of Aeromancy yields laughably weak gusts of wind that barely rustle leaves or ruffle hair. Despite his father's attempts to instill the principles of air manipulation, Drake's lackadaisical approach to the discipline results in ineffectual breezes that provide little more than a gentle breeze on a warm day.

Portal Creation ⫻ Drake's experiments with Portal Creation lead to chaotic and unwieldy disasters as his attempts to open portals result in unstable rifts that collapse upon themselves moments after being created. His father's teachings on interdimensional travel and portal creation were lost on Drake. Though Victoria has been teaching him somewhat... instead of working against his nature, she is trying to teach him how to create portals out of electricity.

Chronomancy ⫻ Drake begrudgingly engaged in half-ass attempts to grasp the intricacies of Chronomancy, spurred by his father's insistence on tapping into the most potent aspect of Purple Lux. However, his efforts yield only feeble results, as Drake struggles to harness time manipulation with zero luck or success. Despite occasional attempts to concentrate and focus on changing the flow of time, Drake's lack of genuine interest and commitment to the Spell results in hilariously ineffective results. Though he's learning some aspects of it, such as for his Arc Lightning Field, Chronomancy is not his forte. He'll likely never develop this Spell until he undergoes some major growing like his father did.

THE DRAGON ⫻ A discipline that Drake has been developing recently, though it comes from the fragments that his father taught him (what little of it stuck to Drake). Drake created The Dragon Spellgroup from those fragments, inspired by Linqian and other fire benders in the Old Coven. Since Fire is also one of Drake's affinities, he has a straightforward time developing the Dragon Discipline. Unlike regular flames, this fire is a vibrant blue color.

Fire God ⫻ This collection of spells represents Drake's burgeoning mastery over fire magic, inspired by his affinity for pyromancy and his determination to harness its destructive potential.
The Flameblade ⫻ Using a similar method to Drake's Electric Arsenal, Drake conjures a blade of pure flame from the depths of his hot-blooded soul. The fiery weapon dances with flames fueled by Drake's firey rage, and much like the Electric Arsenal, it's somehow solid. It can cleave through flesh and bone like an actual blade (though Drake missed the memo on the point of, you know, a sword).

Fireball ⫻ One of the few spells that his father taught him that Drake caught on to. Drawing upon the primal fury of flames, Drake conjures a sphere of fire in his hands, and Drake can hurl the Fireball at will. He can create a fireball the size of a basketball that'll leave behind a trail of swirling fire behind it. He can make several fireballs one after the other and put them in both hands.

Shotgun Fireball ⫻ Building upon the explosive potential of the Fireball spell, Drake channels the chaotic energy of fire into a burst of literal firepower. With focus, he fragments the fiery sphere into smaller projectiles like a hail of flaming meteorites. Each projectile is far weaker than a full-fledged fireball, but the Shotgun Fireball spreads further and is devastating at close range.

Flamethrower ⫻ Drake conjures a roaring column of fire out of his hands, much like an actual flamethrower. Drake creates a fiery torrent directed toward his enemies; however, it has a concise range of around two meters, making it an effective short-range weapon of destruction.

Explosion ⫻ In an attempt to harness the volatile energies of combustion, Drake attempts to develop the spell "Explosion." However, it has yielded less-than-ideal results, as the spell proves to be highly unpredictable and unreliable. When invoked, "Explosion" manifests as a burst of fiery energy that erupts at a chosen location; however, it is wildly inconsistent. At times, the explosion may be disappointingly feeble, barely strong enough to singe a few hairs. At the same time, on other occasions, it might unleash a catastrophic detonation that engulfs even Drake. Due to its inconsistent nature, Drake struggles to control this spell and finds himself at the mercy of its unpredictable results.

Ash-Storm ⫻ Amidst his exploration of pyromantic arts, Drake has begun to experiment with a spell he tentatively calls the Ash-Storm. However, in its current state, the spell remains erratic and unreliable, barely living up to its potential. When Drake attempts to use the spell, he struggles to control the power he seeks to unleash, resulting in a lackluster display of some ash specks spawning - rather than the swirling tempest of fiery destruction he envisions. Despite its shortcomings, Drake remains diligent in developing the Ash-Storm spell. Recognizing its potential as a destructive weapon, engulfing the battlefield in a swirling maelstrom of ash and flame.

Dragon-Dive ⫻ A mixture of Red and Purple Lux and the fire version of his "Ride the Lightning" Spell. It's a simple spell; if Drake is in mid-air, he launches downwards toward his target like a rocket. As he descends, flames surround Drake and leave behind a fire trail. Drake crashes down with the force of a meteor, unleashing an explosion that launches fire in all directions.


THE ELECTRIC-ARSENAL ⫻ The weapons in the Electric Arsenal require a significant amount of energy to use, draining Drake's stamina with each use. Overusing these abilities can lead to exhaustion and potentially render Drake unable to cast further spells or wield his electric weapons. Despite their power, weapons in the Electric Arsenal are limited by Drake's physical strength and endurance. Using heavy weapons like the Voltbuster and Stormbreaker requires significant physical exertion.

LIGHTNING-GOD ⫻ Some of the most potent Lightning God spells rely on atmospheric conditions such as storm clouds or electrical disturbances. Drake's ability to cast these spells may be severely hampered without suitable weather patterns, and on a sunny day, Drake is the weakest, ironically. Drake's lightning-based attacks are more effective in environments with high conductivity levels, such as open fields or urban areas with metal structures. His spells may be less potent or ineffective in areas with poor conductivity, such as deserts or insulated interiors. Channeling vast amounts of electrical energy through his body carries the risk of overload, which can lead to physical exhaustion, mental strain, or even injury if Drake pushes himself too far beyond his limits. Zeus' Lightning and Thunderbolt require Drake to be immobile... though it doesn't count if he's floating using his flight as long as he's stationary in the air.

SON OF ADAM ⫻ Drake's lack of interest and commitment to mastering these spells severely limits their effectiveness. They often produce only minor, inconsequential results, are highly inconsistent, or fail to achieve their intended purpose.

THE DRAGON ⫻ First and foremost, Drake cannot mix his Dragon Spells with his Electric Arsenal or Lightning God Spell groups - he has to choose fire or lightning. The fiery nature of the Dragon spellgroup makes them particularly sensitive to environmental conditions. In damp or rainy environments, the effectiveness of the spells may be diminished, as water can dampen the intensity of the flames and reduce their destructive potential. While powerful, the Dragon spells are most effective at close to mid-range combat. At longer distances, their effectiveness diminishes, and Drake may struggle to target distant foes with his pyromantic attacks accurately. While powerful, the Dragon spells primarily focus on offensive firepower, offering limited versatility in terms of defensive or utility capabilities.

WEAKNESSES ⫻ It's water. You can beat Drake with a cup of fucking water.

THE ELECTRIC-ARSENAL ⫻ The effectiveness of the Electric Arsenal may be diminished in certain conditions, such as heavy rain or extreme humidity, which can interfere with the conductivity of electricity and weaken the power of Drake's spells and weapons. If his guns get drenched in Water, they'll be destroyed, and he'll have to remake them. Also, these weapons are bright and loud and interfere with his sense of vision, sight, and smell.

LIGHTNING-GOD ⫻ Water is a natural conductor of electricity, and Drake's lightning spells may be less effective or even backfire in environments with high moisture levels or standing water. This causes these spells to explode in his face if he isn't careful. Drake's lightning-based attacks demand precision aiming and timing to ensure maximum effectiveness, leaving him vulnerable to agile adversaries capable of evasive maneuvers. These spells are also bright, flashy, and loud, throwing stealth and any subtly out the window, temporarily blinding and deafening him as he has zero resistance to bright lights and sound.

SON OF ADAM ⫻ Drake's haphazard attempts to use Son of Adam spells can sometimes result in unintended consequences or backlash. These unforeseen consequences pose a risk to both Drake and those around him, making the spells inherently dangerous. For example, when attempting to use the Teleportation spell, Drake could miscalculate or fail to establish a stable connection with the destination. This can result in partial materialization, leaving Drake momentarily trapped in an object or even a different dimension. However, these spells are useless anyway.

THE DRAGON ⫻ The fiery nature of the Dragon spells makes them vulnerable to water-based attacks or environments. Water can extinguish flames and dampen the intensity of pyromantic spells, rendering Drake's fire-based abilities less effective or even completely nullifying them in wet conditions. Drake isn't fully immune to fire, so the intense heat generated by the Dragon spells can be a double-edged sword, posing a risk of overheating Drake if used excessively. If not used safely or correctly, Drake can burn himself with his fire.

WEAKNESSES ⫻ Aryin/Aaron's ability to switch genders and spell groups is connected to their emotions and could lead to unintentionally switching forms and even getting temporarily stuck in either Aaron or Aryin. Which can be pretty risky in situations in which they need one form or another. Aryin/Aaron's Abstraction is specialized, with each form focusing solely on defense or offense, which means they sacrifice one for the other. While Aryin's Stonewall form provides excellent defense, it also limits her mobility and range of movement, making her slow, sluggish, inert, and easier to maneuver around in a fight. Aaron's spells, particularly Evil Spirits, Be Gone and Spirit Bomb, are highly telegraphed and require charging time, making them incredibly easy to react to in a fight. While Aaron's offensive form grants him powerful destructive abilities, it may also leave him physically vulnerable due to decreased defense and a weaker Emotional-Field which means he is more susceptible to magic than average.

Finally... after about a week of work Anya's updated spellbook is here @Punished GN if you want to add any weaknesses

WEAKNESSES ⫻ Attempting to exert excessive control or make too many changes within a dream could destabilize the dream environment. Anya's manipulation may introduce conflicting elements or disrupt the natural flow of the dream, leading to instability within the dream realm and possibly collapse - ending the dream then and there and forcing her back to the real world. Anya's attempts to manipulate dreams may provoke resistance or backlash from the dreamer's subconscious. If the dreamer's subconscious rejects Anya's alterations or perceives her presence as a threat, hostile anomalies within the dream could manifest and force her out of it. Overloading the dream environment with excessive changes or manipulations can lead to unintended consequences or unforeseen outcomes. Anya's alterations may also create unexpected scenarios that escalate out of control, leading to the collapse of a dream. The more Anya interacts with nightmares, the greater the risk of succumbing to their malevolent influences. Prolonged exposure to nightmares can corrupt her thoughts, emotions, and perceptions, blurring the line between reality and illusion. She may struggle to distinguish between dreams and waking life, experiencing hallucinations or delusions that threaten her grasp of reality. If Anya is injured in a dream, the injuries transfer to the real world, and if she is killed in someone's dreams, then she dies in real life.

Also, there is a chance that Anya may randomly enter the Dreams of the dreaded Trevor Obott. The more dreams Anya enters a night, the more likely she'll accidentally enter his dreams. Even if Shimmer's Trevor is dead, due to magic bullshit I won't explain; she'll just enter the dreams of an alternate Trevor. And every one of them is just as terrible as Shimmer's Trevor.

It was a few days since the climatic battle at Morningstar Banking; Kim wanted them to lay low… which meant staying their ass in the hotel room, which was so boring!. Thankfully, Kimberly went to the store and got them some things to entertain themselves with, primarily a fancy gaming laptop to share between the three of them! However, Lisa was on the bed, lying on her back, playing with a web that she had weaved between her hands. She had a black widow spider that was going back and forth. She glanced at Ella, watching anime on their fancy gaming laptop.

Ellllllllllllllllllllllla! Lisa shouted, ”You’ve been watching anime for the last three days now! It’s my turn! I want to watch po- play videogames!”

"Nooooooo, there’s only ten minutes left, then you can use it!" Ella waved a hand, intensely watching one of the latest magical girl anime (pretty cure delicious party). Saskia sat on the bed behind it, half watching it and half doodling on a scrap of paper. "I promise!"

"C’mon Ella, let Lisa have a turn," Saskia didn’t even bother to look up. "As long as it isn’t porn."

The black widow left the web and disappeared under the bed. Lisa shook her hands to get rid of the web, then she shot a finger into the air,

“If I was watching porn, it’d be on mute.”

"But we’d still have to see it," Saskia made a face. "Unless you take the laptop into the bathroom…"

“But you know, I’m not watching porn!” Lisa protested. “And if I did in fact take the laptop into the bathroom, I would not, in fact, do that. Because, as you know, I do not watch porn. Never.

"Nooooo, I don’t want to know!" Ella shouted, shaking her head. "Oh my god, look, that’s so cool, maybe I should try it!"

She pointed to the pink magic girl on screen who had just destroyed an enemy with one, glowing pink punch. Lisa’s head drifted to see what was going on.

“Coooooool… but I was thinking…” She rubbed her chin. “We’re Magical Girls but I never see them using blood or spiders…” She trailed off, before she shrugged.

“Eh, they must be lame.” She grinned like a fool.

"What?!" Ella jumped up off the bed, pointing a finger at Lisa. "What do you mean lame?! There are darker Magical Girl anime! And it just means your magic is unique- just like theirs!"

"But yours isn’t?" Saskia snorted.

"I was inspired! But they’re not lame, Lisa! They’re not!"

Lisa hopped off the bed, raising a finger in the air…

“… They are lame! And that’s the appeal of it!” Lisa began. “They call their attacks and sparkle and are all cutesy… As Adora would say ‘corny’! She then laughed, then stuck her tongue out.

However, while Lisa spoke, a wave of
Tarantulas crawled from underneath the bed. They were quickly wrapped in a magical cocoon and went they burst out they had ant mandibles. They lifted the laptop up and carried it over to Lisa’s (and Ella’s) bed.

"But that’s not lame! It’s cool to call out your attacks and sparkle… I do that! And I’m super cool!" Ella threw her hands on her hips and puffed up her chest. "Wait… you think I’m lame Lisa? Really- wait a minute!"

Ella gasped, finally noticing that the laptop had been stolen from right beneath her nose. "I hadn’t finished the episode!"

“… Hahaha! It’s mine! Lisa giggled like a goblin as she snatched the laptop off the bed.

"Noooo, give it back!" Ella jumped onto the bed and towards Lisa, reaching out for the laptop.

Spider legs burst out of Lisa’s back and she climbed on the ceiling, her legs were splayed out so they stretched to far corners of the room. “… Coooome and get it!

There was a knock on the door as this tomfoolery went on.

“… We’re about to come in,” Jordan said. “Please stop doing anything weird before we come in!

"... Please come in and end my misery," said Saskia.

There was a beep on the other side and Jordan opened the door, Kimberly was behind her…

"Give it baccckk," Ella was standing on the bed, jumping up and trying to grab Lisa’s leg. "Or you’re the big spoon tonight! Or, even worse, I won’t spoon you at all!"

“… NOOOOOOO!” Lisa screamed, then grabbed the sides of her face.

"I’m so sorry," Saskia said, staring right at Jordan and Kimberley and looking like they wanted to die.

“I…” Kimberly jaw dropped.

“Okay! Let’s just move on!” Jordan shouted, “You two! Settle down!”

Lisa climbed down, holding the laptop. Ella pouted and sat back down on the bed, legs crossed and hands in her lap.

“Okay…” Kimberly sat down on the sofa, before she clapped her hands together with a smile, “Let talk business!”

“The Society has been looking for you all, so I hope ya’ll been chilling,” Jordan said with a shake of her head.

“I’ve been trying to, but Ella won’t let me watch po- I mean Netflix! Lisa complained, she crossed her arms, pouting.

"Aside from Ella hogging the laptop, we have been," Saskia said. She then held up the scrap of paper. "Look, I’ve drawn what I plan to do to Morningstar when we finally get him."

It was a surprisingly detailed pen drawing on a scrap bit of paper, depicting Morningstar with his head torn off, multiple bones jammed into his body and all of his limbs horribly twisted.

"Great, right?"

"Saskia, that’s terrifying!" Ella gasped, looking away from it. "You said you were watching the anime with me!"

Lisa jammed her head in, and looked on with wonder. “Oooooh…. Cooool!” She should, shaking with excitement.

But both Kimberly and Jordan looked on with wide-eyed horror

“What the fuck!? What the fuck is wrong with you three?!” Jordan shouted.

“Nothing,” Lisa shrugged. “We’re perfectly sane individuals!”

"There’s nothing wrong with us?" Saskia tilted their head. They folded up the piece of paper and put it in their trouser pocket. "Ah, are you just surprised about my artistic talent?"

"No, I agree!" Ella shook her head. "You drew Morningstar's death but not us beating him?! You should’ve concentrated on drawing us!"

Yeah, maybe you could draw me like a ‘French Girl’ later?! Lisa purred.

"Sure, I’ll do that," Saskia replied nonchalantly, before addressing Kimberley and Jordan. "So, what was the business you wanted to talk about? Are we allowed to go outside?"

“Yes, you may…” Kimberly said, before she raised a finger in the air. “... Under our supervision, of course.” She then laughed.

”... Of course, Lisa rolled her eyes.

“Now, business,” Jordan stated, “While you three were on lockdown, we were gathering information on the Society and its operations, which includes peddling artifacts, weapons, sealed Apparitions, and whatnot to other organizations outside Mirage Springs. That was our start, but while we were spying on them, we found out about something…”

Jordan explained, taking a breath before she asked. “I take it you three don’t know about the PRA?”

"Nope, no idea!" Ella shook her head. "Unless it’s in an anime, I don’t know about it."

"Apart from Morningstar mentioning them when he asked who we were with…" Saskia shrugged. "He said we probably weren’t with them, so are they some kind of-"

"Boring, lame magical group!" Ella cut her off.

”I think someone might have mentioned them in the Coven…” Lisa mused, rubbing her chin. ”But, I got nothing.” She shrugged.

“The Paranormal Response Authority,” Kimberly began. “A federal agency with the intention of keeping magic a secret, and keeping the mundane safe from magic.”

“However, what actually happened is that the organization ended up being short-staffed, rife with corruption, and trigger-happy dumbasses,” Jordan rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. “Part of the reason we do what we do is because they can’t be trusted to do what they’re supposed to.”

“Awww, don’t be so hard on them,” Kimberly smiled. “They’re all not that bad.”

“Well, you’re an asshole in my book if you’re willing to look past your coworkers being shitty,” Jordan replied.

"The Government’s often the bad guy in anime…" Ella said thoughtfully.

"And in real life, it seems," Saskia nodded, narrowing their eyes. "So, they’re corrupt, magical federal agents? Are they… working with Morningstar?"

“Well, one of them is,” Kimberly noted.

“Don’t know if the rest are,” Jordan said, “But we should assume they are.

“He’s Jacob Stauber,” Kimberly explained. “A ‘Special Agent’ in the PRA. He’s been working with Morningstar - basically selling The Society anything the PRA gets, and siccing the PRA on any of The Society’s targets.”

“... Which will probably include us,” Jordan said with a shake of her head.

Lisa recoiled… What could they do against the PRA? ”... What can we do, then?”

“Avoid ‘em,” Jordan flatly answered. “Fighting the PRA just puts more of them on you. And you can do whatever you want to The Society…”

“... But no one messes with the government,” Kimberly laughed.

"How do we tell it’s the PRA? Do they have a uniform?" Saskia frowned.

"We’re not very good at avoiding things," Ella sighed. "But we’ll try."

"Speak for yourself - you’re bad at it," Saskia rolled her eyes. "If they’re easy to spot, we’ll avoid them."

Lisa smiled.

”I’m probably the sneakiest out of the three of us!” Lisa began, then laughed. ”You'd never know if I was there if I felt like it! You could learn a thing or two!”

"You could,” Saskia narrowed their eyes at Ella.

“Well, if you can’t spot a fed from a mile away…” Jordan laughed.

“You won’t have to… hopefully,” Kimberly shrugged. “But the point is that Agent Jacob Stauber knows something about The Society… or at least knows someone who knows someone.”

She began, before she continued, “So… We’re going to look into him as our next action.”

"So you want us to look into him?" Ella nodded as if she understood entirely.

"Of course," Saskia nodded too. "I understand. You need us to find him, and then get the information out of him because you can’t do it yourself. I understand. Torture isn’t for everyone."

Jordan facepalmed, shaking her head. She, begrudgingly, raised a finger as she said,

“... One, we already know where he typically hangs out,” Then raised another finger. “... And we’re not torturing anyone.

"Awww," Saskia said, not looking all that upset by it.

Kimberly grimaced as she glanced to the side.

“As far as the ‘place he typically hangs out‘ is…” Kimberly trailed off.

“Lord, imagine these three there,” Jordan laughed.

”... What is it?” Lisa raised an eyebrow.

“Well, it’s a gentlema-”

“It’s a strip club; just say it’s a strip club, Kim,” Jordan grinned at Kimberly. “Shadynasty's.

"A stripclub?!" Ella looked absolutely horrified. "There’s no way we’ll get into a stripclub! We’re women- mostly."

"I could definitely pass if I cut my hair," Saskia mused. "But I’m fairly certain they don’t only allow men in. Paying customers are paying customers."

"Oh, so they let lesbians in too! Makes sense,” Ella let out a sigh of relief.

"Right. I don’t think they discriminate about that either- Well, whatever," Saskia frowned, clearly not happy about it. "How are we meant to get him alone in there?"

“Lord, I just know you three lived under a rock until today!” Jordan laughed, “Okay, okay, I wasn’t tryna’ be mean, but you do know girls go to a strip club to get turnt up, right?”

”Heeeeeey!” Lisa said, ”I did not, in fact, live under a rock.” She knew that was a complete and utter lie—until she met Adora and the Sycamore Tree Coven.

“Well, I really don’t want to put you three in that situation,” Kimberly began, “But, from what we could observe, the guy is a raging pervert, so that should be easy.”

“Just… flirt with him or something and lure him into an alleyway,” Jordan said. “Then we’ll step in and swoop him up.”

“We would do it but…” Kimberly looked at her feet. “We’re famous. He’d spot us from a mile away.”

"No way!” Ella immediately protested. Her whole face screwed up with disgust, and she dug her fingers into her thighs. ”I’m a lesbian! Men are- ew, gross, no way am I flirting with someone like that! Well maybe if he’d been an attractive woman- ah, no, but he’s real… Ahhhh.”

"I’ll do it," Saskia announced, like they were offering themselves up as the ultimate sacrifice. "I have some experience. I’m sure it’ll be easy. I wouldn’t want you to do that Ella… and Lisa. Both of you. I’ll do it."

”But Saskia!” Lisa whined. ”You got zero game!”

"And you do?" Saskia replied immediately, raising an eyebrow.

”Yes,” Lisa flatly responded with a smile.

"I don’t believe you-"

"Who?!” Ella interrupted, suddenly jumping forward and getting very close to Lisa. "WHO?!”

”... And who was cuddling every night so far?!” Lisa shouted, looking around… her eyes landing on the bewildered Kimberly and Jordan.

"That hardly counts, you didn’t even flirt with Ella," Saskia rolled her eyes. "You just said you wanted to cuddle and Ella jumped on it."

"Hey! Lisa totally wooed me!” Ella jumped to Lisa’s defence. "And she’s right, Saskia, you’ve been sleeping alone all night- that’s no game behaviour!”

”You need to join the cuddle circle!”

"... but where would I fit? Is there even room?" Saskia tilted her head.

”Yes, you’ll cuddle me, then Ella will cuddle you, Lisa explained.

"Oh, that’s perfect! My arms are long enough to get around you both!” Ella grinned.

"So I’m in the middle…" Saskia’s cheeks turned slightly pink. "Won’t that mean I’ll have the most game? Since I’m between you both."

”No, no, no,” Lisa began, ”You’re in the middle becau-”

“... Yo, I am losing brain cells listening to this,” Jordan massaged her temples. “Could you three just focus? How are ya’ll going to defeat Morningstar?” She rolled her eyes.

"We concentrate when it’s important!” Ella said. "When in a fight we always focus.”

”Yeah, you should have seen us when we fought the Stygian Snake!” Lisa shot her arms in the arm. ”I was riding around on my spider throwing exploding spiders like a superhero!”

"Yeah, it was awesome!” Ella jumped up on the bed, demonstrating a punch. "I was beating up all the apparitions like bamn, kapow, huaH! I fought like five myself once!”

"... that did happen," Saskia corroborated.

“... That’s nice,” Kimberly said. “But… we really got off topic here.”

“Agreed.” Jordan rolled her eyes.

“We are going to need your word that you all can relax and not rush ahead again and cause trouble again,” Kimberly sighed. “Be responsible, because this could go south.”

”You know I can!” Lisa shouted, ”Dunno about these two, though!”

"I’ve been relaxed this whole time," Saskia said monotonically. Their expression hadn’t changed all that much the whole time - but it rarely did.

“... I bet you were reeeeeeeeeal relaxed drawing last night,” Jordan rolled her eyes.

"I’ll relax as long as no ugly men try to touch me!” Ella declared, sitting back down with a huff. "Or any men, actually.”

”Don’t worry!” Lisa began. ”If anyone touches you, I’ll have a brown recluse bite them in the penis. It’ll fall clean off!”

Both Kimberly and Jordan facepalmed.

“... This is going to be a loooooong night.”

"Shit," Saskia muttered under her breath, narrowing her eyes at Morningstar. They were in no state to fight one of them, nevermind this many. Both Ella and her were injured without time to properly heal… shit. This was bad.

Morningstar raised a hand, aiming at the hole in the wall left by the fight with Mala’Boolaan. He stared at the three as he said, “You bested Mala’Boolaan… that’s surprising…” He began, shaking his head. “Though, I may have gravely underestimated you three… perhaps we can come to a sort of mutual understanding.”

He placed his hand over the other on the cane and said, “You three are obviously strong. Possibly resourceful. Enough to best my strongest fighter.”

“... But not your smartest!” The dragon said.

“Now, now, Ignatius,” Morningstar said, raising a hand at the dragon, “Mala’Boolaan was a valued asset nonetheless, however….”

He faced the three, narrowing his eyes.

“... You three could have a place in my Society,”

He let the words hang in the air as he continued, “I know you came here to try and stop me, but why? Perhaps we can form an agreement so that all of us can come out of this on top.”

He grinned.

“How does that sound?”

"No way-" Ella started, before being cut off by Saskia shaking their head.

"We can discuss it," Saskia said evenly, wincing. They then gestured to the various burns and wounds about their body. "Can we heal first? It's not exactly the most comfortable way to… discuss a possible agreement."

Morningstar was silent.

“You may.”

Saskia let out a sigh of relief, turning to the other two. ”Ella, you mind healing me with your light. And then Lisa can heal you with her spiders?”

Ella grimaced, but didn’t argue. She had bone shards in her abdomen, burns in various places, and her fists look scraped all over now that she wasn’t using her abstraction. "Alright…"

She flourished her channeler, a ray of rainbow light bathing Saskia. It began to rapidly heal all of their wounds, burns and cuts disappearing until they looked as good as new.

“This maaaaaay freak you out…” Lisa said before she grabbed her forearms, and hundreds of black spiders forced their way out of Lisa’s pores. They went from Lisa’s arm to Ella’s, then began to bite her, injecting her with healing fluids.

“Don’t freak out, I’m strong, I’m a magical girl,” Ella whispered, closing her eyes, expression twisting up. Saskia chuckled softly beside her, easily watching the spiders healing Ella. While they did, she tried to figure out how to get them out of this. The window wasn’t far… Talk a bit, perhaps, then get away on Lisa’s spider?

“Now… You all realize what you’ve done?” Morningstar asked.

Lisa awkwardly laughed with a shrug, “No clue…”

“You killed a member of my Endless Seven,” Morningstar asked. “Maybe you can give me an explanation of why you did that, who you are, and who you are with…”

He narrowed, “We have all day…”

“… Lisa,” She said, glancing at the arachnid monstrosity she had created.

“I’m Ella,” Ella said, nodding. “And we’re the magical girls.”

Saskia face palmed. At least Ella didn’t just blurt everything out… Well, of course she wouldn’t. “As she said, we’re the magical girls. We’re not actually with anyone. We just can’t suffer to see injustice, and decided to… rid the world of your evil.”

Saskia said all of this with a completely deadpan expression. Talking like Ella was difficult, but it was better than telling him the real reason.

“Yeah!” Ella followed along easily, pointing a finger at Morningstar. “I gave you our reason when we burst through your window! We’re here to end your reign of terror!”

Morningstar twisted his face up, before looking between his equally bewildered minions.

“… Okay who are you really with? You don’t look like the PRA.”

“Who are the PRA?” Ella asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Saskia also had no idea who the PRA were, but that wasn’t a surprise considering they’d been sort of dead for ten years. She didn’t bother asking, because Ella already had. “I told you, we’re not with anyone. What, do you not think three young people like us can’t decide to take down a Tyrant by ourselves? Is it because we’re female presenting? That’s quite discriminating of you.”

Morningstar facepalmed.

“… I’m no tyrant, and I don’t see humans as anything other than… human,” he answered, taking his hand off his face and putting it behind his back like the other one. "You all are clearly stalling…”

He stood tall and proud as he said,

“… Join me or die, the choice is yours.”

“I literally just answered your questions,” Saskia pointed out. They put one hand behind their back, and pointed to the window. It was closer to them than Morningstar and his minions. ”That’s a difficult decision. Death is quite appealing. Some say it is merely a window you go through and that so many close their eyes to it’s light.”

Thankfully, Ella got exactly what she meant - hopefully Lisa would as well. Her leg lit up with a soft rainbow light and her hands began to glow brighter and brighter. Saskia squeezed her eyes shut and blindly pulled out her knife, slicing it across her palm and sending her blood all across her body in a hard armor. Ella spun around and kicked out the window, sending glass shattering everywhere, her hands blinding lights that would reach all the way to the end of the corridor.


“Wait, it’s not-“ Lisa tried to protest but she had to release the Spider half-cooked. She jumped behind them, the far larger spider with wings almost made it out. However a spear of fire and brimstone came through and split the spider in two.

“… Shit!” Lisa shouted as they were now free falling.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Ella screamed as she fell through the air.

"Fuck!" Saskia cursed. She totally should've seen that coming- thinking quickly she formed all of the blood across her body into a tentacle, reaching out to wrap around Lisa. She grabbed Ella with one hand, and shot out her free arm and one leg. Short, thick bone spears shot out of her elbow and knee and jammed into the glass building. Intense pain wracked her body as it started to slow their fall, screeching horribly as the bones ground through glass. This was ok, at least they wouldn't fall as quickly-

The bones snapped under the weight of three people, and sent them hurtling towards the ground again.

“Let me-“ Lisa shouted as she tried to grab the wall… however a coral-pink sphere wrapped around them that rapidly spun. Glowing brighter and brighter…

… Until they all disappeared in a flash.

The trio appeared in an alleyway, on the ground in the same position they were falling in. Lisa was still screaming, until she stopped and looked around… Seeing Kimberly and Jordan standing over them. Jordan had her arms crossed with a scowl and Kimberly was holding her camera.

“… Thank God we took those pictures,” Kimberly said.

“Yeah, thank God,” Jordan shook her head.

“Soooo…” Kimberly trailed off.

“What the hell was that?” Jordan facepalmed. “Like seriously, what the hell.”

"Haha," Ella laughed awkwardly, looking like a kid who'd been caught doing something incredibly stupid.

"We may have jumped the gun," Saskia winced, rubbing their elbow as they retracted the splintered bone spear. It left behind a gaping wound which they quickly clotted, but it still hurt like a bitch. "A little bit."

Lisa awkwardly laughed as she stood up. She kept that dumb smile as she pinched her fingers together. “… Just a little.”

"We were looking him up yesterday and then we found his bank and we figured since we knew where he was we could go and beat him easy so that it was over with so we burst in through his window but he was a coward that ran away but we did beat his strongest!" Ella said all of this in one breath.

“… And now he’s going to be looking for you three,” Jordan noted, putting a hand on the side of her face while the other was wrapped around her torso.

“Yeah, you put yourselves on his radar, big time,” Kimberly said, shaking her head.

“Look… look…” Jordan stuck her hand out towards them. “… I get it, you all want your second chance. But you three need to chill.”

She shook her head, “Nothing good comes from rushing in and hoping for the best…”

Ella was silent, looking down and scuffing her toe against the ground.

Saskia sighed and held up their hands. "You're right. We rushed into it, and fucked up. We did exactly what…" she winced. "Got me killed in the first place."

Though that hadn't been her rushing into battle, but Drake Blackmore instead. Still, she should've known better. "We'll be more careful."

“You need to,” Kimberly shook her head.

“Look, I’m going to be real with cha’ here,” Jordan crossed her arms as she stared down Saskia. “We didn’t even want you three getting involved to begin with. I was right to think that this is not for ya’ll.”

“No, we didn’t want you getting involved, but I knew it was the best option for everyone,” Kimberly shrugged and held it there. I knew if we told you to stay out of it for your own safety, you weren’t going to listen. And from there, what could we do? Lock you up. Turn you into the PRA? Kill you? I’m sorry, that’s not how we roll.”

Kimberly sighed.

“We knew you were going to throw yourselves at Morningstar whether we wanted you to or not,” Kimberly began. “So, I figured we'd work with you instead of working against you all.”

"If you killed us we’d probably just come back, anyway," Saskia said drily. They didn’t actually know if that would be the case, though, and didn’t want to risk it. "But point taken. We should actually work with you rather than going off by ourselves."

"But don’t underestimate our strength!" Ella held her arm out in front of her, finger pointed upwards. "We’re experts in apparition destruction."

"I think that’s the point," Saskia snorted. "Not just brute forcing it. But… we did get a look at his Endless Seven. Well, I guess it’s six now. Maybe it should be called the Ending Six…"

“We can discuss it later,” Kimberly said. “We have to get back to the hotel, Jordan?”

Jordan nodded her head. Then a coral-pink dome of energy formed above them, before it rapidly spun Then in a flash…

… They were gone.

Mala’Boolaan reached down, grabbing his intestines that were hanging out of his body. With an unsettling squish, they were back in his torso. He stuck his shoulder out and charged Ella like a meteorite crashing from the heavens! Each of his heavy steps left a burning footprint behind, leaving a trail of fire in his wake.

“.... DIE!”

"No, a shining light never burns out!" Ella yelled, using her glowing leg to launch herself out of the way of his charge, rolling across the floor and landing on one knee. She spun around and held up her channeller, shooting a beam of burning light at him, burning his exposed organs - yet it did not stop his charge. He slammed his hand on the ground, turning on his heel as he changed directions back towards Ella. However, when he was a reasonable distance away, he slammed into the ground, creating glowing orange fire cracks. He thrust his hand upwards, sending burning rubble all in front of him.

Ella stopped the beam of light, and her other leg also lit up with a shining, iridescent light. She kicked away the first piece of rubble, ignoring the burning of her flesh - she could power through! - before using the extra strength in her legs to launch herself right over the burning rubble. She flipped mid air, shooting towards Mala’Boolaan, shining foot going for direct impact against his head. However, he opened his jaw, and attempted to bite down on her leg. Ella screamed as his teeth sunk into her leg but fought through the pain, swinging down her other leg onto his head. Breaking what teeth he had left, and giving Ella an escape.

However, Mala’Boolaan raised his fist in the air and slammed it down over Ella., who held up suddenly bright pink and purples above her head to block his fist. She’d drained all of the colour from her bracelets, giving her enough strength in combination with her boosting to block his fist and physically push it back, which made him stumble backward and then reach for one of his exposed ribs on his rib cage. He physically snapped a piece off, creating a razor-sharp dagger, then threw it at Ella. It spun at her at lightning speeds.

Ella swiftly kicked up one leg, hitting the middle of the piece, causing it to shatter. Shards embedded themselves in her abdomen, blood slowly dripping out, but it didn’t hit anywhere important. She leapt at him again, kicking at his rib cage, and immediately following up with a colorful fist to the face. Breaking bones and sending him back a few steps… however, the raw impact caused his intestines to fall out again.

He bent forward to pick them up and jam them back inside quickly. As he leaned forward, Ella jerked up her knee right into his face. Breaking bones in a sickening crack, however, Mala’Boolaan swung his arm full force at her in a wild attack. Ella dropped her brightly coloured arms to protect her abdomen, his fist slamming right into her arms and knocking her back. Panting, she closed her eyes and held her hands up. They lit up like spotlights, completely blinding, and she swung her foot forward blindly as hard as she could.

Mala’Boolaan screamed as he covered his eyes with his hand. However, the kick hit him directly in the knee, causing the bone to shoot out the back of his knee. He fell to his working knee; his intestines plopped out yet again… then began growling. His body ignited in flames; the whole room started to heat up.

He grabbed his intestines again, except this time he swung his boiling hot organ at her like a whip. As they traveled, they left behind a trail of fire.

"Oh prism power protect me," Ella muttered, dodging to the side and gagging at the sight of his intestines. They skimmed across her arm, ugly boils forming where it touched as her flesh burned. Intense pain seared through her, bringing tears to her eyes, but she continued to power through. She had to! Her friends' lives depended on her! She darted backwards, trying to get out of range while brandishing her channeler. A beam of light shot towards the intestinal whip, which burnt through it cleanly.

“Me survive Pit… Me survive…” He growled again as he limped over to Ella, raising his fist, and throwing his weight behind her. Unfortunately falling forward as well.

Ella just sidestepped the punch, because it really wasn't that fast, and let him fall over. She then slammed her foot into his side and, rather brutally, leaned into it so she was pressing her entire weight into him. "Well you won't survive the magical girls!"

Mala’Boolaan barely had the strength to fight back. He grabbed the ground and pulled himself away as well as he could with those injuries.

Lisa’s hand burst out of the cocoon; another hand pried open the cocoon. She shoved herself through, good as new. She looked at Ella, then shouted,

“Finish him off so we can get out of here!”

"Yeah, finish him!" Saskia groaned.

"Got it!" Ella nodded, staring down at him. Of the three, she was the least… brutal. But she'd also fought on the front lines against the stygian snake, killed plenty to apparitions and, most importantly, he'd hurt her friends. "You picked on the wrong girls, Mala'Boolan! I will vanquish you in the name of all that is good, ridding the world of your darkness!"

She stepped over Mala'Boolan, ramming her dazzling, rainbow foot right into his neck. Killing him.

Lisa sighed before she faced the hole in the wall that Mala’Boolaan made. She pointed at it, then shouted, ”Let’s go! Go! Go!” She darted out the hole in the wall, and kept running until they made it to a massive hallway lined with windows. There were doors on one side, windows on the other, and eventually, it would turn the corner probably to more damn windows and doors. She raised her hand, and a Grey Huntsman Spider came out of the vent… and was wrapped in a glowing cocoon that grew more and more.

Then Lisa turned over her shoulder, ”Ella, kick out the window or something! We gotta go!”

“... Oh, leaving so soon?” a voice—Morningstar—spoke from down the hall. Lisa’s head darted down the hallway, and a massive flaming portal opened up before them. The first one to step out was Morningstar himself, wearing a suit and his hands behind his back with each step. However, he was not alone.

The first to step out was a massive, wolf-like creature with bat wings. Standing over twelve feet tall, it roared.

Next one that sauntered out was an even larger beast that scraped its head on the ceiling and had to be over twenty feet tall. He slowly stepped out with a stupid grin on his face, and yawned as he stood next to the wolf creature with wings.

The next one that valiantly stepped out was a massive dragon-like creature with a glowing maw and black scales.

The next one that stepped out was another massive bipedal creature with many faces. that scrunched at the sight of the trio.

The strangest one yet flew out of the portal, a massive wormlike creature with many maws that snapped.

Followed by the most normal looking… a tall blonde-haired woman in a black-and-white pinstriped suit. She walked forward and joined the line, however in her right hand was a strange pike-like weapon.

The portal closed and they all formed a line behind Morningstar as he placed his cane on the ground, and grinned.

“... We have much to discuss.”

Morning came, but the trio was still asleep.

For Lisa, sleep reminded her of the big sleep, so she was not super excited to fall back asleep, but thankfully, exhaustion took her. Unfortunately, Ella just had to catch up on her favorite anime before she fell asleep… and didn’t buy any headphones during their (awkward) Walmart visit. Fortunately, even exhaustion comes for Ella as she falls asleep with the others, and, as they discussed earlier, she comes to cuddle with Lisa (She was the little spoon!), which manages to put her soul at ease enough to fall asleep.

The little spoon was peacefully asleep…


Lisa’s eyes shot wide open. Her time fighting the Stygian Snake had made her just a little bit paranoid. She rolled out of bed and hit the floor with a thud, feeling the pain surge through her body only to be temporarily dulled by the rush of adrenaline. This wasn’t a time to ask questions. Lisa was acting off relex and raised both of her hands in the air.

A wave of spiders came out of the unseen crevices of the rooms—from under the bed, from the bathroom, from under the radiator, and so forth—and flooded the room, covering the floor until it looked like there was a chitinous carpet…

Many of these spiders began crawling up Lisa’s leg and she didn’t flinch.

"Don't summon more!" Ella screamed from the bed. She'd sat up, and there was a large spider on her forehead. She was trembling. "Get it off me!"

"Ella?!" Saskia also rolled off the bed, hitting the spider-filled floor. There was no other reaction as spiders also crawled on her. A long bone spear shot out of her hand and pointed towards Ella.

"It's… it's the spider! I woke up with it on my face!"

”Just hold still!”

Lisa shouted as she slowly approached Ella to avoid startling her further and hurting the spider. Her hands were outstretched as the tide of spiders that had previously filled the room disappeared into the same crevices they were summoned, except for the one on Ella’s forehead. Lisa put her hands out and commanded the spider to enter her hands… She stepped back and gently petted the spider with one finger before it crawled up her arm and walked over to her head. Resting on the top of her head.

”There! All good!” Lisa said. ”... It’s harmless anyway.”

"Thank you… I don't care if it's harmless; I just don't want it on me," Ella shook her head, not moving from where she was pressed up against the wall. "I don't mind the spiders, Lisa. It's just when things crawl on me! Especially when I'm sleeping!"

"C'mon, it wasn't that bad," Saskia rolled their eyes, standing up and retracting the bone spear with a wince. She yawned and looked around. "I guess we're all awake now? I'm not getting back to sleep after that… maybe we can get an early start to raising Morningstar's bank."

Lisa glanced at the clock on the nightstand, and it said 8:12 PM. Lisa figured that maybe Kimberly and Jordan were going to wake them up later on. But they already found Morningstar! They could just go to his evil lair, beat him up, and be back to St. Portwell before the end of the day!

Lisa put her hands on her hips and faced the group - that spider on her head.

”Get dressed girls!” Lisa shouted before raising a fist up into the air. ”We got an Apparition to catch!”

The trip to Morningstar Banking was a few hour one because they literally had to walk there because they had no money to pay for a Taxi or Uber - or even a bus! So, they had to walk to downtown Mirage Springs. Lisa’s legs were on fire, but she kept moving… and eventually, it came into sight: Morningstar Banking. It looked exactly as it did in the google search! Lisa let out a heaved breath… even though it was like September, the city was still hot. The sun’s rays bared down on her as she walked down the sidewalk. She weakly raised a hand up into the air, pointing at Morningstar Banking, and said,
”We… we… we found it girls…” Lisa heaved again. She was wearing black leggings, a black tank-top, and her combat boots (unfortunately the only piece of footwear she had). ”I… need… some water… maybe some AC…”

"Let’s… never do this… again…" Ella doubled over beside Lisa, panting heavily. She was dressed in a bright pink t-shirt tucked into some light blue, wide legged jeans, and pink sneakers. Most jarringly, her arms were absolutely covered in bright coloured bracelets, she had on multiple necklaces, and there were at least five cute hair clips in her braided hair (which was tied up in twin buns). "We really… need some… money…"

"You know, I still had my five dollars," Saskia said, looking less out of breath than the other two. They held a hand over their eyes to block the sun and looked up at the building. They were wearing a baggy black tank top, grey cargo pants and black boots. "Sooo… can your spiders scale something like this, Lisa? It looks pretty smooth."

”Maybe… not as smooth as Ella’s… brain,” Lisa added, gradually catching her breath, “But I can still… climb it nonetheless… Spiders… climb… because of hairs on… their legs…” Lisa heaved.

"Heh, good one," Saskia chuckled.

”How… about… we just go in… and ask for him? Get in AC… for just a miiiiiiinute…

"Yeah… I vote for that one…" Ella panted, beginning to make her way towards the entrance. She looked like she was drunk, taking the least linear path ever. Saskia moved forward to stop her from falling over.

"It was only an hour walk," Saskia rolled her eyes, guiding her into the building. Once inside, they turned back to the others. "Do we just walk up and ask for the manager or something?"

”Let’s just… just go in!” Lisa shouted, after having enough of this damn Mirage Springs sunlight that was barraging her. They just calmly walked into the main lobby of the bank… and it was a very busy sight as the lobby was full of people as there was a giant line to go see a team of different tellers. Lisa didn’t notice, or care, she was finally in some AC… and to her immediate right was a sofa. She flopped down on it, and let out a pant as she sat down.

She raised a hand…then Lisa keeled over, and fell on the sofa. ”Ella… I’m dyyyyyyyyyying…” She said, ”Hold me… your touch will give me… liiiiiiiiiife!

"LISAAAAA don't dieeee!" Ella immediately stumbled over to Lisa, kneeling beside the sofa and pulling Lisa into her arms. Just like that fucking tears started streaming down her face. "Liiiiisaaa I've got you! Stay strong!"

"Oh. My. God." Saskia face palmed. "Can you two please be normal for a minute...?"

”... You’re asking… the girl who vomit spiders to be… normaaaaaaaaaaal! Lisa dramatically answered.

"Well." Saskia shook her head. "I guess I should expect that much."

"Saskia, be nice!" Ella said, tears gone as quickly as they'd appeared. She was still bugging Lisa, pressing her own cheek right against Lisa's. "She was dying!"

"... Fine. If you're done dying, let's go there." Saskia pointed to the massive line.

Suddenly, Lisa snapped back to normal.

”You want to wait in there?! Lisa laughed. ”We’re going to be here all day! What if…” She rubbed her chin, before she shrugged.

”... Yeah, I got nothing.”

"Let's just skip the queue." Ella let go of Lisa and stood back up. "Look, I learned this from an anime I watched. If you act demanding and like you're in charge everyone will listen! Just storm up there and say something's wrong. Just follow my lead."

"... This can't end well," Saskia muttered.

"Come on!" Ella was all pumped up now, it seemed. "You just have to back me up!"

She straightened her back, and marched right past the queue - to the agitation of everyone who was patiently waiting in line. It went on for ages so she was marching for a while before she reached the desk. She slammed a hand on it, yelling, "I demand to see the manager right now! If you don't, I'm going to cause a massive scene!"

Lisa was quick to follow behind Ella. The lady behind the desk looked at Ella in shock.

“... Right away, ma’am,“ She said as she got up and disappeared into the back. Lisa smiled, giving Ella a thumbs up.

A few minutes later, the lady returned, but with a tall, older, obese man in a suit who was, worst of all, bald. He walked over, smiled, and put his hands together, asking…

“Hello, how are you ladies doing!?” He began. “What can I help you all with?”

"You're not the manager!" Ella put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

"He probably is," Saskia said in a hushed whisper. "We have to go higher."

"I'm not happy with this kind of low-level management!" Ella yelled before he could even try to 'help.' "I want to see someone higher up!"

“Come now, what’s the problem?!” He asked. “Maybe I can help you?”

"The problem is… that my entire bank account was emptied overnight! By a Mr Morgenstein! I can't believe you're running a scam bank and stealing all your loyal customers money?!" Ella dramatically slapped her hands against her cheeks. "I demand you return all of my money! And take me to your CEO!"

“Alright, come here, Mr. Morgenstern is busy handling business! Just give me your first and last name, and we can just look into what happened!” The manager said.

"Absolutely not. I refuse to get help from someone without hair."

Lisa began laughing, holding her mouth with one hand and her stomach without the other.

The manager narrowed his eyes, “Little lady…” He huffed, “... Please give me your first and last name so we can resolve this!”

"Kimberley Walton," Ella said, completely straight faced. "But I still want another manager. I have no confidence in how you've handled this so far! Truly, your customer service is abysmal!"

“Maybe if you gave me a… nevermind!” The manager ran over to the computer and typed the name in. Then raised an eyebrow. He looked up at them, as he said, “... Kimberly Walton doesn’t have an account with us.

Lisa’s eyes shot open.

"Oh shit-" Ella froze. "Plan B!"

"What's Plan B?!" Saskia asked exasperatedly.

Ella reached into her pocket and pulled out… her Sailor Moon wand replica. "This is a-"

"Noooo," Saskia grabbed Ella and slammed a hand over her mouth. "Let's not."

Oh no, this was not going well! Lisa grabbed onto Saskia’s wrist, and then wrapped her other hand around Ella’s! ”Friends! We must fleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Lisa shouted as she took off out of the lobby. Leaving everyone awestruck.

Mostly the Hound who was watching from his realm.

”... Alright, hold on tight!”

After that disaster, it was time for Lisa’s plan… which she didn’t want to do because it reexposed her to the sun's rays. Her plan? Scale the building on a giant spider… which, to Saskia’s amazement can climb glass! However, Lisa had to tie Ella and Saskia to the back of the spider with webs. While she rested at the front of the spider.

”Someone like him would be on the top floor, right?” She asked.

"Oh yeah, I bet he loves being high up and looking down on everyone else," Saskia said.

"Uh, not sure I like this idea… I think we could've pretended to be robbing the bank…" Ella shifted nervously. "Saskiaaa… can I hold your hand while we go up?"

"Fine," Saskia held out their hand for Ella to take. "Let's go! Top floor to beat his ass!"

”Let’s go! To Morningstar!” Lisa shouted, raising a fist forward as the spider picked up speed. Eventually, they made it to the top floor… when Lisa poked her head over the window and saw what could only be Morningstar’s office. It was a massive, circular room, and she could see a large black desk…

… Behind it was Morningstar, on the phone.

Lisa lowered her head, facing the group. ”Alright, the evil bastard’s right there! Let’s just catch him by surprise, girls!”

"Alright, I've got this." Ella grabbed her channeler. "Light in the darkness, transform!"

Ella's transformation sequence was shorter thanks to her more restricted movement, and soon she was in her magical girl outfit.


Her leg lit up with rainbow light and she swung herself on the web, like Tarzan, screaming. Her foot hit the glass and it shattered as she went through.

"Morningstar, your days of tyranny are over!"

“... What in the goddamn!?” Morningstar shouted, dropping his phone. Lisa’s giant spider climbed in, and she hopped off. Immediately, she summoned a horde of spiders as she raised her hands… and like a tide of chitin, they literally poured out of the vents and from underneath the door until they covered the floor.

“Who the hell are you three?!” Morningstar asked, as he stood up.

”We’re the magical girls! Lisa shouted, throwing her hands in the air and did a twirl. ”We’ve come to defeat you, Morningstar!

“Hmph…” Morningstar did not so much as flinch at the sight of them. “... Better women have tried. Mala’Boolaan.” The second he said this, the building began to shake.

Glowing orange cracks formed in the floor, before something burst out of the ground in an explosion of fire and lava! It lept up into the air, and landed next to Morningstar. Hunched over… he slowly rose and revealed himself as a monstros brute with four eyes, a goat’s head, horns, and nothing but terrifying muscle. He had to be standing over ten feet tall… He exhaled, and a burst of fire came out of his mouth. Lisa’s jaw dropped at the sight of him.

“Mala’Boolaan,” Morningstar said again as he adjusted his suit and took a few steps towards the window.… a massive portal of spinning fire appeared in front of him. Before he stepped into it, he looked over his shoulder and gave the command. “... Eliminate these three.”

And then he walked into it. The portal closed, and he was gone.

Mala’Boolaan took a few steps forward, taking in deep breaths with each step and he was hunched over. He spoke,

“Me… Mala’Boolaan. You make mistake by coming here,” He said, “Me strongest of Endless Seven. Me will grind your bones to dust…”

Lisa’s eyes shot open… her heart started racing, as she almost fell backward. However, she caught herself as she muttered the chant, ”... Lisa, you’re brave. You’re loved.” She took in a deep breath and looked up at Mala’Boolaan. Whom slammed a foot on the ground as he shouted,

“... Me promise that!”

Mala’Boolaan put his shoulder out and charged at the group at supernatural speeds. That wasn’t the only paranormal use, as he was wrapped in a wreath of fire. He flew at the trio, giving them only seconds to respond.

"Oh shit!" Saskia rolled out of the way, skidding to a halt against the table.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Ella yelled, jumping out of the way just in time.

“... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Lisa screamed as she hopped out of the way and landed on the ground. Mala’Boolaan tore through the spider and burned it to a crisp as he stopped.

”... MY BABY! Lisa shouted. That’s it!

Lisa slammed her hands on the ground and commanded the wave of spiders to crawl up Mala’Boolaan’s body. They came like a macabre wave and eventually covered Mala’Boolaan’s lower body. They bit as much as they could. He waved around, attempting to get them off. Lisa looked over her shoulder as she shouted,

”Ella, Saskia!” Lisa shouted, Hit him with everything you got! He’s not grinding NOBODY

"On it!" Saskia pulled out a knife, slicing her palm. Blood spilled from the wound and rushed towards her back, and she shouted, "Formation C, Ella!"

"... What's formation C?!" Ella looked at Saskia incredulously.

"Oh my god, it's only been a day- whatever, just get him!" Saskia gritted their teeth. A long tendril had formed at her back made out of blood. It shot out, that stabbed through Mala'Boolan's shoulder.

"PRISMATIC—" Ella cut herself off as she remembered what Jordan had said: Stop calling out her attacks. She had to do better to win this battle. At the same time as Saskia's attack, she raised her channeler and shot a beam of burning light right at one of Mala'Boolaan's eyes. It ended up hitting two of his eyes, and he let out a groan of pain.

Lisa looked down at the spiders that were covering his legs….

”... His skin is too tough for my spid-” Lisa tried to inform them. However, Mala'Boolaan swung both of his arms upwards and ignited like a raging torch. Lisa’s spiders were vaporized almost immediately… and he took a few steps forward.

“You. Cannot stop… the inferno,” Mala'Boolaan said, “You… cannot stop… Mala'Boolaan!

He pounded both hands into the ground, leaving a trail of raging fire. When his fists hit the ground, orange cracks formed throughout the floor… before it collapsed underneath their feet, sending all of them onto the floor underneath, an office lined with cubicles.

”AYYYYYYYYYYE!” Lisa shouted as she fell. Out of reflex, she activated her Spider-Limb spell, and eight macabre spider legs burst out of her back (and the tank top she was wearing). She tried to grab onto the ceiling before falling, but her legs couldn’t hold onto something, and she fell onto her back. She groaned.

"SHIT!" Saskia twisted as they fell, managing to grab the ceiling with her blood tendril - at least enough to break their fall and drop to their feet.

"AHHH- A MAGICAL GIRL DOESN’T FEARRRR!" Ella yelled as she landed on her side, rolling over and ignoring the pain. She looked over at Lisa. "Lisa, are you okay?!"

Mala'Boolaan lept down, grabbed a cubicle wall, yanked it off the ground as if it were nothing, and threw it across the room at the girls.

"Fuckkkk," Saskia was the only one on her feet. She jumped right in front of the cubicle, arms up and two bone spears jutting out of them. They speared the cubicle and stopped its momentum, completely snapping off. Saskia let out a loud grunt of pain.

"Girls, he’s too strong!" Ella shouted, pushing back to her feet. "Can you cover me for five minutes?!"

"... We haven’t even tried fighting him y-” Lisa tried to protest before she raised her hands in the air, shouting, "Fine!”

The ground began to rumble as steam of spiders burst out the ground between Mala’Boolaan’s legs… however, Lisa applied the acid-burst spell on them. Then they exploded, spraying high-concentrated acid in between Mala’Boolaan’s legs. He let out a yell of pain as he grabbed his crotch...

Saskia ran towards Mala’Boolan, blood tendril shooting out and aiming to pierce through his abdomen. At the same time they used its contact to propel themselves upwards, using the tendril to support them, and aiming a foot at his head. A bone spear shot out from their heel. "Guess we gotta trust Ella on this!"

Ella backed away, hiding behind another locker. She gritted her teeth, concentrating on beginning to absorb the bright pink colour from her t-shirt, while watching the fight from her more protected location.

Mala’Boolaan roared as the blood tendril went directly through his head… however, his eyes shined brighter as he grabbed Saskia by the heel. He screamed as he chucked her at Lisa.

“Saskia!” Lisa shouted, using the spider legs to rise a few feet, and used herself as a cushion to catch Saskia and felt the impact hit her… knocking her over. “… You… okay?” Lisa asked.

"Fine," Saskia muttered, pushing herself back to her feet. She quickly pulled the blood tentacle back into her body.

“… Not for long!” Mala’Boolaan shouted as he leaped into the air with his fist cocked back.

"Shit," Saskia narrowed her eyes, blood spilling out of her hand and coating her forearms. She stepped in front of Lisa and raised her arms to block his fist, blood armor negating the blow mostly even as it pushed her back. At the same time, two bone spears shot out from her elbows. Cold sweat dripped down her forehead, pain from constant bones shoving through her flesh, tightening her jaw. "Fuck. Off!"

Mala’Boolaan fell to the ground. However, he squatted down, stuck his shoulder out, and charged Saskia like an enraged bull. His body was covered in a fire that left a trail.

“Give me a minute!” Lisa shouted as she summoned a black widow spider, which was engulfed in glowing webs and grew bigger and bigger.

"Please be quick!" Saskia gritted her teeth. She retracted both the blood and the bone spears back into her body. She jumped out of the way when Mala’Boolaan got close enough not to change his direction, launching herself so her hands hit the ground, and she flipped back up onto her feet… as if she weighed nothing at all. She winced, backing away and keeping a close eye on him as he charged by and directly through a wall after launching cubicles, desks, and computers like it was nothing.

However, out of the hole came a wooden desk that flew directly at Saskia. Saskia dodged to the side, but not fast enough - the desk caught her right shoulder with a loud crunch echoing around the room. It knocked her to the ground, but she quickly returned to her feet. Her right arm hung limply at her side, her expression laced with pain.

Saskia raised her good hand, blood forming a bullet in her palm, and shot it through the hole where the desk had come from. Which pierced Mala’Boolaan directly in the chest… he huffed and let out a blast of fire.

He took a step forward.

“Me stop at nothing.”

He raised both his hands in the air.

“You not strong enough to defeat me...”

He pounded his hands on the ground, causing glowing cracks around Saskia. However, these cracks began spewing fire.

“... You will have nothing for anyone to mourn!”

“I’m almost done!” Lisa shouted; the cocoon was, at this point, massive.

"You better be!" Saskia groaned, trying to dodge around the cracks. An outstretched leg got caught in the fire, the bottom of her pants immediately incinerating and her skin blistering nastily. She got it out of the way before it could start to burn away, expression twisted in pain and jaw clenched tightly shut as she tried to limp away from the rest of the cracks. Mala’Boolaan walked over menacingly…

“Saskia!” Lisa shouted, with a hand outstretched. “Screw it!” The Cocoon disappeared and it was revealed that the Black Widow was the size and girth of a pickup truck! However, it’s frontmost legs were transformed into massive raptorial limbs like a praying mantis.

On command, it ran over to Mala’Boolaan and wrapped around him. Biting him over and over..

“Me crush!” He shouted as he raised a flaming fist in the air…

Lisa ran over to Saskia and grabbed her, returning her to Mala’Boolaan. With a simple command, massive, pulsating acid sacks grew on the spider. When Mala’Boolaan’s fist hit the creature… it exploded in an enormous explosion of acidic juices and razor-sharp chitin shrapnel.

He let out a scream as he was the one in the heart of the blast. A splash of acid hit Lisa in the back and dissolved the skin on her back, revealing organs and severing her spinal cord. Then it dripped forward and dissolved the flesh, muscle, and bone on her right calf - reducing it to a useless stump easily. She screamed as she fell forward, falling onto Saskia. Hoping it was over and done with. Saskia's leg buckled beneath her as Lisa caught her, splatters of acid catching her shoulders and forehead and eating through her skin.

“… Me not finished,” Mala’Boolaan groaned. Taking heavy steps as his half-dissolved intestines hung from his stomach. Half his face melted away, dissolved flesh dripping to the floor with each step. One of his eyes was hanging from its socket, still attached to the nerve. His left arm and torso were utterly gone, revealing his beating heart and still functional organs.

He reached into his chest and grabbed one of his exposed ribs.

“Me never show you peace…” Mala’Boolaan said as he ripped one of his ribs out of the cage. “… Long as me live.”

He began marching forward, his organs dragging behind him.

“Holy shit…” Lisa groaned as she tumbled over, falling on her back. “I’m gonna have to cocoon, sorry…” She said to Saskia.

"I'll watch you," Saskia winced, forcing herself back to her feet and limping before Lisa. More blood spilled from her hand, coating her entire body in a thin layer of armour. "Don't worry."

When Mala’Boolaan was in range, he raised his rib over his head, preparing to bring it down on their heads.

"... Shining Light in the darkness, don't fear, Magical Girl Aurora is here!"

Ella launched herself from where she'd been hiding, iridescent leg aiming directly for Mala'Boolan's head. It was a powerful kick, both her abstraction and own strength enhanced. Dislocating his jaw as he dropped the rib he was using as a weapon. She landed in front of him, in front of her injured friends.

"Don't take another step!"

Mala’Boolaan grabbed his dislocated jaw and, with a very sickening crack, forced it back into place.

“Me… never relent,” Mala’Boolaan said. “... Me kill Magical Girl!”

As this happened, Lisa was surrounded by webs… regular spider webs. Soon enough, the webs formed an orb, as the regenerative properties of that spell had healed her.

It’s all on you, Ella.

The two went shopping as Lisa picked out some clothes… She only picked out a few cheap t-shirts, pants, some jeans, and hung them in one of her arms as she leisurely marched through the store. Naturally, Lisa started talking.

”... Ah, these clothes are so not my style! Maybe we should see if we could get Kimberly to take us by a mall later or something! Because, I think all my stuff is still at the mansion! Unless they threw it away, because that would really suck, y’know! Wait, did they beat the Stygian...”

Lisa glanced at a mirror as she walked past it… then stopped in her tracks, took a few steps back. Then stared at the mirror for a few seconds, before she placed a hand against her face.

”... I do look different.” Lisa said, ”I just thought you two were messing with me...”

"Yeah, why would we joke about that? You both look different, even without growing- huh." Saskia appeared in the mirror beside Lisa, staring at themself. They also looked different. They reached up to feel their hair, then their jaw. It wasn’t as jarring a change but they looked… more mature. A sharper jawline, more filled out body. Strange. "Dying cut a few inches off my hair. I wonder if it was some kind of price?"

”Just…” Lisa trailed off as she looked at Saskia. ”... Just how long have we been gone?”

"I don’t know," Saskia shook their head and frowned. It was hard to estimate based on just their appearances. A few years, maybe? They definitely both looked like adults rather than teenagers. "Maybe if we find something with the year on it… Ah. We could just ask."

Saskia turned around and waved to Jordan and Kimberley - they were sitting on a bench nearby - though it was quite an understated, limp wave. Actually… what year had they died during? Saskia’s memory of that was fuzzy too. "Have either of you heard of St Portwell… Or any disaster that happened there?"

Kimberly hopped up to her feet, and walked over to them, giving them both a warm smile. “... Which one? The ‘natural disaster’-” Kimberly finger quoted, “-or the supernatural shitshow that took after?” Kimberly laughed.

"... The ‘natural disaster’," Saskia answered, somewhat confidently. Though her expression hadn’t exactly changed. There hadn’t been a supernatural shitshow beyond the snake when they were alive, had there? Not that they were aware of.

“We heard of that… the Stygian Snake your friend mentioned earlier, right?” Kimberly asked.

Jordan put a hand on her hip. “Yeah, we’re well aware of St. Portwell. It’s our next stop after we get out of here.”

“The Stygian Snake rampaged through St. Portwell… then disappeared in thin air! It hasn’t even terrorized other dimensions like it typically does,” Kimberly answered.

"They must’ve succeeded," Saskia said softly, letting out a sigh of relief, corners of her lips twitching up. They looked at Lisa with the closest to a cheerful expression they could really show. If the Stygian Snake wasn’t rampaging through any of the dimensions, it must be defeated. Why else would it stop? It made them feel a little better about their own death. Just a little. "Yeah, the Stygian Snake. How long ago did it disappear then? A couple of years?"

Kimberly was briefly silent, then said….

“... Ten years ago!

"What?" Saskia froze, lips parting and eyes widening. It was the most expressive she’d been in a long time… Ten years?! Ten years… Everything would have changed in ten years. Everyone would have moved on. Not that Saskia had many people caring for her, but Lisa and Ella were a different story. They turned to Lisa. "It’s been ten years. We’re twenty six. Ten years since…"

Saskia trailed off. For once, they weren’t sure what to say.

Lisa’s jaw dropped before she awkwardly laughed. She waved them off as she said,

“It can’t have been ten years! It doesn't even feel like a day!” Lisa laughed some more, then grabbed her face with both hands. She smiled like a fool as she rotated her head back and forth. Then she turned to Saskia and said, “... Why now then? Or even… Why not later?!”

"I don’t know…" Saskia shook their head.

Both Kimberly and Jordan shared confused looks with each other.

“... Well, we don't know your situation,” Jordan crossed her arms.

“Well, we kinda know… Maybe one of you can explain things a little better, yeah?” Kimberly smiled.

"I’ll try," Saskia said. It was still a difficult thing to explain, but she probably had the best chance at doing it. Much as they loved Ella, she was useless at explanations, and Lisa… Well, Saskia was sure the news had shocked her. It meant ten years away from Adora. "It’s a bit hard to explain, since it was very sudden for us. All of three of us died fighting the Stygian Snake… ten years ago. Then today we got brought back to life by something called the Hound. He gave us a task we need to complete to stay alive, and dumped us here. That’s why we were robbing the store."

Saskia sighed, rubbing the back of their neck. "So, we just found out we’ve been dead for ten years, but also aged ten years."

“That's…” Kimberly trailed off, glancing at Jordan, “... Odd.”

“Yeah, the Hound typically doesn't do that,” Jordan said.

“... What's the task?” Kimberly asked.

"He owed someone a favour," Saskia shrugged. The fact the two of them knew about the hound was… good. Perhaps they could get information from them. "He asked us to defeat an Apparition called Morningstar."

Kimberly and Jordan stared at each other.

“... Do you have any idea of what he threw you two into?” Jordan asked, “Do you know who Morningstar is?”

“Or better yet, the power he has over the city…?” Kimberly asked.

"No, he refused to explain," Saskia said. It didn’t surprise them that Morningstar was strong. Any task to regain life would be difficult. "But we were dead. It’s a better chance than before… and with our experience, dying again won’t be so bad."

Lisa robotically turned her head towards Saskia.

“... We are not dying again.”

"I was joking."

“Sounds like the Hound,” Jordan said, “To make it short and sweet… Morningstar rules the city.”

"Well, that’ll make him easy to find," Saskia said. That had been the first issue they had to solve. "How strong is he, compared to the Stygian Snake?"

“I’m not sure about his personal power, but he has destroyed universes…” Kimberly began. “The issue isn’t him, but he is a very intelligent and cunning Apparition. And not just that…”

“His ‘Society’ is also a problem,” Jordan added.

Universe destroying sounded… Bad. They were just three adepts. How were they supposed to beat that? "What’s his society? Other apparitions?"

“Well, not just Apparitions…” Kimberly said, awkwardly laughing. “... About a hundred different Paranormals.”

"Well shit." Saskia frowned. So they had to defeat a universe destroying apparition and a hundred paranormals. If they tried to pick them off one by one that would take months. It just didn’t seem feasible. "Well, we might as well give up."

"Give up what?!" Ella suddenly burst in, carrying a much smaller pile of clothes. "Why are we giving up?!"

"Fighting a world destroying apparition and his hundred followers."

"Huhhh? We can totally do that!”

“Yeah!” Lisa smiled, “Don’t be like that! They beat the Stygian Snake, right?!”

That smile got bigger.

“We can do anything!”

Kimberly shrugged, “I mean, we made some headway against the Society.”

“And given your situation, I can not in good conscience tell you all to stay out of this…” Jordan trailed off, then looked at Kimberly.

“Me neither,” Kimberly shrugged again, “So how about we all work together?”

"Sure! The more the merrier!” Ella grinned. "Like Lisa said, we can do anything, especially with more people!"

"Yes, we’ll need all the help we can get." Saskia glanced between their two friends. Sometimes their positivity could be exhausting, but it was good in this situation. They had to defeat Morningstar. There was no other choice, as impossible as it seemed. "We were dropped here without any information, this saves us running around knowing nothing."

“Great!” Kimberly said. “With all five of us, anything is possible!”

“But let’s check out and get to the hotel already,” Jordan suggested.

"Yeah, trying on all those clothes was exhausting!" Ella nodded, beginning to make her way towards the checkout. "I can't wait to just sleep… I can't remember when we last had a full night's sleep!"

"Before the snake," Saskia said. As they passed the men's section they nipped in and grabbed a few plain t-shirts and tank tops. None of the clothes were what she'd normally wear, but thankfully it was easy to get greyscale clothing anywhere. "But we should figure out what to do next first. We might have a time limit."

"But we might not!" Ella looked over at Kimberley and Jordan, completely swapping topics. "Oh, can we get some food too?"

“I bet you three are with the whole being…” Kimberly stumbled and caught herself. She trailed off as Jordan facepalmed, Lisa’s jaw dropped, and Saskia’s eyes widened slightly. “... Where would you three like to go?”

"The whole being what?" Ella was confused.

"It doesn’t matter," Saskia shook their head, glad of Ella’s obliviousness for once. "Let’s get something filling, like-"

"Dairy Queen!"

“I was thinking we could get some actual food… like is there any Spanish restaurants around here?” Lisa asked.

“I could go for a milkshake…“ Kimberly shrugged.

"I vote for Spanish food, or literally anything that’s not Dairy Queen," Saskia said.

"Awww… maybe we can get proper food then Dairy Queen!"

Lisa loudly yawned, raising her arms in the air.

“Let’s get some food, then go to the hotel… I’m tirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred!”

Jordan slapped a hand on her hip and shifted her weight to it. She chuckled as she said, “C’mon now, there are way better ice cream places around here than that dump!”

"Alright, fine," Ella pouted. "I guess we’ve had a long day… years… I don’t know!"

"We can get ice cream in the morning," Saskia suggested, because if she didn’t Ella would complain for the next ten minutes or so… then forget about it. They then looked at Jordan and Kimberley. "We don’t know this area so… you choose a place."

“I know just the place,” Kimberly said before she raised a fist and bent a leg by the knee. “Let’s go!”

“Please change into some normal clothes first,” Jordan added.

After specifically not going to Dairy Queen, the group had a nice dinner and went to Kimberly’s hotel… A Holiday Inn. Kimberly opened the door with a key and opened the door. She stepped in, and did a twirl as she said,

“Come in, come in! Make yourselves at home!” She chipperly said as Jordan sat down and crossed her arms.

Lisa awkwardly stepped in, now wearing camo pants, a black tank top, and the boots she always wore. “... I thought you were a celebrity? A Holiday Inn is the best you could get…?”

“This is more lowkey,” Jordan answered.

“Yeah! What she said!” Kimberly added. “Sit down, get comfortable! We have much to talk about!”

Lisa shrugged as she did just that.

"It’s pretty cozy!" Ella commented with a grin, taking a seat beside Lisa. She’d changed into a pastel pink t-shirt tucked into a white skirt.

Saskia, wearing dark jeans with a grey tank top layered over a black long sleeved shirt, observed the room first before taking a seat. They didn’t feel particularly comfortable in the room, with its small size and large amount of people squeezed in. Eventually they sat down near Ella and turned to Kimberly and Jordan. They decided to get straight to the point. "Tell us about the Society."

“Straight to business, I see!” Kimberly laughed as she walked across the room and grabbed a bottle of Irish Whiskey. She poured it into a glass and sat down.

“Giiiiiiirl, you’re not gonna offer our friends some?” Jordan grinned.

Kimberly’s eyes shot open.

“... Them getting drunk is the last thing we need,” she said, followed by an awkward chuckle.

"We don’t drink anyway," Ella laughed.

Saskia hit her with a deadpan look. "Speak for yourself."

“So, The Society? Well, ain’t tryna be that guy but technically they’re called ‘Morningstar’s Society’,” Jordan finger quoted. “But, that’s just pointless-ass semantics. So, lemme start from the top; Mirage Springs used to have different factions… including his Society.”

“Yeah, but then Morningstar crept his way into the different organizations, then added everyone into his Society… and those that didn’t join the fold, well…” Kimberly shrugged, her eyes turned to the side as she just flapped the hand that wasn’t holding a drink in the air.

“Just call a spade a spade, Kim,” Jordan began before she looked at the girls. “Whoever didn’t join Morningstar was killed. Or forced out of Mirage Springs...”

“Truth is… we don’t have much information on Morningstar,” Kimberly began. We got here a few weeks ago, but we know they practically rule the supernatural scene here in Mirage Springs. So, we’ve been laying low, trying to gather information.”

“There are a lot of them, that we know,” Jordan explained, “Like, the society is structured like a weird-ass pyramid.”

“Yup, three tiers,” Kimberly raised a finger, “At the bottom is the ‘Lower Caste,’ which consists of footsoldiers, grunts, and other workers. The Lower Caste comprises a majority of the Society.”

Kimberly raised another finger, “Then there’s the ‘Upper League,’ which is more of the supervisors for the Lower Caste. They’re more powerful than the Lower Caste, but there are way less of them.”

Then she raised her third finger, “Then above them are Morningstar’s generals… the Endless Seven. We don’t have much information on them… but they’re Morningstar’s strongest.” She lowered her hand, then shrugged.

“Then, of course, at the very top is Morningstar himself,” Jordan said. “Egomaniacal ass… hehehe…”

"So we’re all in danger just by being in the city?" Saskia frowned. It was a lot of information to take in, and made their prospect sound very bleak. Thankfully they’d met Kimberley and Jordan, even if the initial meeting hadn’t been too friendly. Otherwise they’d be going around blind and probably walk write into a Society meeting, and die again. "Every paranormal against him’s been killed or driven out… How do we even start going against that?"

"Can’t we just go against his Endless Seven? Skip all the lower tiers?" Ella suggested.

"No way will it be that easy," Saskia shook her head, looking at Kimberley and Jordan. "Right?"

“I mean…” Kimberly snorted. "It's not like it's a video game where we have to work our way up to the final boss.” To emphasize her point, Kimberly gestured as if she were playing video games in the air.

“We just don't know who, or where, the Endless Seven are,” Jordan said with a shrug.

“I mean, there has to be a way to beat them, right?” Lisa asked.

"Well we just have to find them, then!" Ella nodded. Saskia shot a withering glare. As if it would be that easy.

"No shit," Saskia rolled their eyes. She continued with a completely serious expression. "Will the ‘Upper League’ know where they are? Maybe we can capture one of them and torture it out of them."

Both Kimberly and Jordan’s jaws dropped.

“Yeah, I know just how to get som—” Lisa cheered before Kimberly interrupted her.

“... We are not torturing anybody,” Kimberly flatly answered.

"I suppose there are other ways to get information…" Saskia shrugged. They’d been half joking, but they didn’t really see an easier way to get information. Perhaps a little bit of intimidation would do? Her and Lisa could be quite scary with their abstractions. "Can we help with that? Information finding is really mine and Ella’s strong point but… Lisa’s spiders can be pretty useful."

Kimberly sipped her whiskey and then smiled, “Of course you can!”

“... Well, if you tell us what exactly you three can do,” Jordan added.

"I’m a magical girl!" Ella grinned, going to jump up. She was stopped by Saskia grabbing her arm and dragging her back down to a sitting position. "You already saw that, but I transform into my magical girl form and then I can use light and colour based attacks! I have to get the colour from somewhere… Oh, I can also boost emotional fields. And myself with colour! I’m pretty versatile!"

She threw up a peace sign.

“... Maybe it would help to stop calling your attacks,” Jordan sneered.

"I can use my blood for various attacks, and create bone spears," Saskia began, tapping her left wrist that she’d broken earlier. "I heal broken bones quickly and recover from blood loss faster. Technically, I should be passed out by now. I can also break any of my bones. Do you want to see?"

“... No, thank you,” Kimberly said.

“Yeah, I’m good,” Jordan shrugged, then turned her head towards Lisa, “… And you?”

Lisa perked up.

“Well, I can make spiders - but you already saw that!” Lisa said, “But I can do stuff with ‘im like make them explode with acid! Splice them with insects! Grow really big!”

Then she put a finger to her cheek as she added, “I also made this spell to get payback for this bitch that grabbed my titty one time! Basically, all I have to do is touch them - or be in a place - and I can summon spiders at their location! I just can’t control them since they’re out of my range, but I bet you’re not expecting it; it’s really scary…”

“… Wonderful,” Jordan added.

"Hey, Liv said it was an accident!" Ella exclaimed.

“I don’t care!” Lisa shouted.

"Please tell me you haven’t used it on her since we’ve gotten back?" Ella asked.

“Unfortunately it has a time limit of a day…” Lisa answered. “But when we get back…”

Both Jordan and Kimberly gave each other some very concerned looks.

"An accidental titty grab is still a titty grab," Saskia said ominously. She shrugged. A few spiders wouldn’t hurt anyone, it wasn’t like Lisa was summoning black widows on her or anything… probably. "Well, that just about sums it up. Ella and I tended to fight on the frontlines, and Lisa did a lot of scouting."

“I was a scout, ambulance, and occasional fighter,” Lisa smiled. Then she turned to Kimberly and Jordan, “What can you two do?”

“Well…” Kimberly reached down to her utility belt, “I’m technically not Paranormal but I use a bunch of different artifacts like the ones you saw.”

“I’m a Chronomancer,” Jordan explained. “I can stop time, and manipulate the flow of it in a localized area. I can also teleport and use telekinesis.”

"Whoa, that’s so cool! That’s like purple lux right… Can you teleport to other realms?" Ella looked at Jordan excitedly.

“I can, in fact, do that,” Jordan answered.

"Why would we need to do that?" Saskia muttered, before shaking her head. But it was good, because they both filled in a lot of gaps they had… Primarily her and Ella, who were rather restricted. She glanced at Kimberley’s utility belt. "What can your artifacts do, outside of the ones we already saw?"

“Weeeeeeeeell…” Kimberly said, “I got a lot of them. We’ll be here all day - well, night - if I explained them all.”

She raised a finger with two particular rings. She pointed at one, then the other, as she explained,

“This ring gives me super agility! And this one gives me an Emotional-Field,” Kimberly began, before reaching for a magical cube, “This turns into a barrier… Oh yeah!”

Kimberly grabbed the camera she was first seen holding, “This lets me teleport through photos, trap apparitions, and spy on locations.” She spoke all giddy.

“… Cool, right?”

"Yeah, very cool." Saskia didn’t sound like she thought it was cool, but she actually did. A camera that could do that much… That was very useful. And it was only one of many artifacts Kimberley had. "Can you use it on an apparition like Morningstar, then?"

“Totally!” Kimberly answered, “We just need to weaken him first!”

"Oh that’s totally manageable!" Ella chimed in with a grin. "We’re experts at weakening apparitions. It’s all we did against the Stygian Snake!"

"It’ll certainly make things easier," Saskia said. Otherwise they’d have to kill him, which would be a pain. "Once we find him."

"Yeah we find him, we beat him up, and then Kimberley traps him in the camera!" Ella made a punching motion. "Easy!"

"Yeah, easy," Saskia echoed, before yawning. The blood loss from earlier and subsequent blood regeneration they’d been casting was beginning to catch up on them.

“Too easy!” Lisa shouted.

Both Kimberly and Jordan faced each other.

“… Let’s cross that bridge when we get there,” Jordan added. “How about we check you all into your rooms, and we make a plan in the morning?”

"Sounds good to me, I think we all could do with some rest." Ella gave Jordan a thumbs up, though she didn’t seem tired at all.

"Yes please," Saskia yawned again. "I need to recover from blood loss."

“Wait, ya’ll don’t got IDs, do ya’ll?” Jordan asked.

Lisa shook her head. “We don’t have anything! Sorry!”

“Good grief,” Jordan said as she got up, “I’ll take care of this, Kim. I’ll just put it in my name.”

She gestured for them to come along.

“Let’s go girls.”

There was a beep, and Jordan opened the door for the three. The room was similar to the other one, but this time, there were two beds, a desk, and a laptop.

“Me and Kim will come wake you up in the morning, alright?” Jordan said.

“… But there’s only two beds,” Lisa added.

“Figure it out,” Jordan began, “Don’t wreck the place.”

Then Jordan closed the door.

There was an awkward silence.

"Well, I’m happy to share a bed with either of you!" Ella eventually broke the silence.

“We could cuddle! Lisa shouted. “I can be the little spoon!”

"Sure!" Ella grinned. "You want to join, Saskia?!"

"... No." Saskia said, because they’d rather not deal with that. They pointed to the laptop to distract from the awkward bed situation that had turned into an awkward cuddle situation. "Why don’t we do some research first? Maybe a quick google will help."

Saskia went over to the desk, taking the seat before either of them could snatch it. They sluggishly opened the laptop. After it turned on they went straight to google… and just straight up typed in Morningstar.

It probably wouldn’t work but… worth a try.

"Oh shit." Saskia blinked at the results. "That actually worked."

First result: Morningstar Banking.

“Lemme see!” Lisa rushed over and looked at the computer screen. “Hmmmm… I mean it could mean anything. Could just be a name… lemme take the wheel for a second…”

She awkwardly reached over, grabbed the mouse, typed in Morningstar Banking CEO, and then pressed enter.

The results came up…

“… Oooooh!” Lisa exclaimed.

It was pictures of their target. Professional pictures, him at events, and so on. His name was Carlisle Reynard Morgenstern…

"Well, that really was easy." Saskia actually smiled as she looked at all the pictures of Morningstar. "I bet if we go to the bank and demand to see the manager we’ll get to him eventually…"

"Oh wow!" Ella popped up behind them, easily looking over their shoulders at the laptop. "We didn’t even have to look very hard! Even I’m not stupid enough to name a bank after myself, he must be veryyy confident no one can hurt him."

“… Which isn’t a good thing - for him, for him I mean!,” Lisa tugged her collar as she looked between the three. “Maybe we don’t even need to ask for the manager, we can just use my spiders to climb the building… if he’s there, that is.”

Lisa clapped her hands together, “Then we can seal him, then find the thing the Hound wants, and we can call it a day!”

"Oh yeah, that’ll be easier, then we’ll catch him by surprise! Then we’ll beat him like boom, pow! Sealed!" Ella punched out two fists to demonstrate. "We could even do it tonight and get it over with!"

"You guys are doing that without me," Saskia yawned again. Bed was really calling them… specifically a bed to themselves since the other two seemed to want to spoon. "I don’t have enough blood for another fight."

Lisa wrapped her arms around Saskia and shouted, “Come onnnnnnnnnnn! You gotta be there!” She squeezed her cheek against Saskia’s, and nudged it from left to right. ”We’re the magical girls! One fight!”

"Do you want me to die?" Saskia groaned, even though she made absolutely no move to dislodge Lisa. Her blood levels weren’t actually that low anymore… ugh. This would be so much work.

"C’monnnnn Saskia!" Ella joined in from behind, hugging both of them tightly. She squished Lisa and Saskia even closer together with her hug. "One fight, one fight!"

"Fine. Finnneee… I’ll come."

”Yay!” Lisa shouted, releasing Saskia to raise a hand in the air… then she yawned. ”Alright, I’m tired. Let’s call it a day girls…” She out-stretched her hands up in the air.

”I don’t want to think about what kind of grime is on us… So, should we decide a shower order real quick?” Lisa asked.

"Ella’s going last," Saskia said instantly. "She takes ages."

"Aw, I don’t take that long… I’ll be quick," Ella whined, stepping back and sitting on the bed just behind her. "Last time I only took half an hour!"

"Only?" Saskia hit Ella with her deadest stare. She really didn’t know that that was long, did she? Of course she didn’t, this was Ella. Though they supposed her hair was higher maintenance at least… Still going last. "Why don’t you go first, Lisa, then me, then Ella?"

”Okay! I’ll be right back!” Lisa quickly grabbed her clothes and ran into the shower. After a few minutes, the shower cut on...

… Unfortunately for the two, Lisa likes to sing in the shower.

”♪ ... I met a girl on the holiday! When she smiiiiiiiiiiled she took my breath away! ♪”

Saskia groaned and threw herself on the bed, covering her ears with a pillow. It was going to be a long shower time… since Ella would sing too.

Lisa’s flying spider soared through the stars, and the neon lights shined against the underbelly. However, the creature's wings were loud, making it difficult to communicate. Lisa pointed her finger at something, and the flying mount drifted in that direction. As they got closer, Lisa directed them toward a store called The Supernatural Rummage Boutiques. Lisa safely landed the spider; its wings stopped fluttering and awkwardly laughed.

“... I forgot how loud that was, sorry,” Lisa stammered. She then climbed off the spider and put her hands on her hips with a wide smile on her face, “I’m going to do what I used to do to get Greta her ingredients!” She raised a finger in the air, face looking seriously.

“As in! I will send my spiders in and grab some clothes for us! So what… are… your… sizes…” Lisa’s eyes landed on Ella, jaw-dropping, face blushing again.

“... Out of all of us, why did you have to grow?!” Lisa said, laughing.

"It’s because I’m the center of our magical girl formation, of course!" Ella grinned… though she honestly had no idea why she’d grown more. Probably her magical girl spirit. "It makes it like an arrow… or something. I was size 8… but that doesn’t fit anymore. Uh, try 10 or 12!"

"I’m size four,” Saskia said, very boringly.

Lisa paused for a moment.

“... I’ll just have them grab random clothes, and we’ll see what fits, okay?” Lisa said, then she raised her hands in the air. The concrete they stood on rumbled, and out came tarantulas spouting out like a macabre fountain. After a moment, it ceased, and all the spiders lined up in a neat row-by-row formation. With a wave of her hand, they were surrounded by a glowing magical cocoon. After a few moments, they popped, and then they had ant-mandibles.

After a moment, they were commanded to enter the building in a neat row and crawled out of sight. Lisa shook her head and leaned up against an air conditioning unit. She put her hands together and said,

“So, um, where do we go from here? I have no clue where to even start!” Lisa awkwardly laughed, then sighed.

"Maybe we can find his address in a phonebook,” Saskia suggested drily.

Ella furrowed her brow, starting to pace back and forth as the thought. Obviously, Saskia was joking… but maybe there was some kind of paranormal network? Or- "Maybe if we make a really big scene somewhere and yell that we’re looking for Morningstar he’ll come? Ooo, or you send spiders around with little notes to Morningstar?"

Lisa stepped off the AC, “... You know, the second idea isn’t that bad!”

"Right?" Ella grinned, stopping her pacing. "Once we get clothes, we should write the notes… Wait, should we wait till tomorrow? I’m not tired, but maybe Morningstar’s asleep right now. Or he’s enacting his evil plans at night… We should start writing the notes now, while we wait! Either of you have a pen and paper?"

Lisa pulled out the pockets of her robe.

"Of course not,” Saskia said. "We’ll need to steal that too.”

"Oh- alright we can steal some stationary after the clothes then."

“At this rate, we’re going to be looting the whole city!” Lisa put her hands together and laughed. Then she glanced over the edge, that smile came off her face. “... They should have been back by now.” She mused out loud.

Then eight long-black spider legs burst out of Lisa’s back - and out the robe. “I’m going to go check on them! Be right back!”

Lisa climbed off the side of the building, towards the entrance, and out of sight.

“Stay safe!” Ella yelled after Lisa, having just about stopped herself from recoiling at the whole spider leg growth thing… she just still wasn’t used to it! She then turned to Saskia. “You think they just got lost or something?”

Saskia shrugged. “How am I supposed to know? They probably got eaten by a bird.”

“Saskia! You’ll upset Lisa!”

“Lisa’s not within earshot- I’m sure it’s fine.”

Saskia’s tone wasn’t very convincing - but then again, Ella knew that Saskia rarely used a convincing tone. So it was probably fine! The spider’s had just gotten lost or something. Not seeing the point in continuing to talk about something they couldn’t control, she changed the subject. “Soooo, if you died after me… did you watch the latest episode of-”

“No way, are you seriously asking if I watched anime after you died?” Saskia interrupted. “Of course not. We were fighting apparitions every night, there wasn’t time… And I just couldn’t.”

“So we’ll never know how it ended…” Ella sighed. They’d only had one more episode to go. Now she’d never see the conclusion! How terrible.

“We can literally watch it. It's not like we’ve been sent to a different world.”

“Oh yeah! Do you think the hound will give us an anime-watching break once we finish this, before the next task?”

“I doubt it.”

“Awwww… well maybe we can find time to watch it while here, then! Not like it’ll take long. Just need a computer and the internet. Oh, but if we’re going to watch with Lisa we’d need to start from the beginning. Ah, that’ll take six hours!”

“We can think about that later. But,” Saskia frowned - an actual frown, as opposed to a minute change in expression. “Isn’t she taking quite a while too?”

“Yeahhh,” Ella looked around. She was worried now, too, hand slipping into her robes to find her channeler - just in case! “She should be back by now… Should we go after her?”

“... Hi there,”

A voice appeared behind them, and when they turned around… they saw two people standing on top of the AC unit that Lisa had previously been leaning against. One was an average-height caucasian girl with a head of brown hair and glasses. What stood out about her was that she had a utility belt with several magical artifacts hanging from it… several magical orbs, a magical cube, the hilt of a sword, and even a revolver? She held a weird camera in her hands as she wore blue Rodeo jeans tucked into black combat boots and a tank top. She had a sly half-smile on her face that implied that she had full control of the situation.

The second person was a slightly shorter than the average black girl with her hair in a bun. Unlike her companion, she didn’t have any artifacts on her, but two swirling masses of coral-pink energy glowed with magic in her hands. She didn’t look as approachable as her friend, and she had a scowl. She wore a black hoodie and some blue jeans, not tucked into her combat boots.

The white girl with the camera stepped forward and said, “Soooo…of all the places you all choose to rob with magic, you chose a thrift store?” The girl laughed.

“That’s crazy,” The other girl with the magic laughed. She had a very gruff, deep voice for her size and appearance.

“So, we have your friend,” The girl with the camera said.

“And her pets,” The other girl noted.

“... Yeah, and her pets!” The girl with the camera laughed, “So, calmly get on the ground, and let’s settle this peacefully, alright?”

“What… What did you do with Lisa?!” Ella pulled out her channeler - a very unthreatening looking Sailor Moon wand. “And her spiders?! Did you hurt them?!”

“Hey, Ella, let’s calm down a minute,” Saskia sighed, even as she pulled a small knife out from under her robes. Good. They were one magical girl down, Ella needed her backup!

“But they hurt Lisa!” Ella shook her head, instantly jumping to conclusions… But how couldn’t she?! There was no proof Lisa was okay… Not when they clearly had magic. What if they were like all those other magical people who wanted to hurt Lisa? All those bullies? Ella wouldn’t stand for it. “I won’t let them get away with it! Light Prism Power Transform!”

An incandescent, rainbow light bathed Ella as she dramatically posed with one hand on her hip, and her channeller raised high in the air. Her pastel pink braids lengthened, turning into a brighter pink that turned to vivid purple at the tips. She pulled up one leg and spun around on the other as her undersized robes glowed. They shimmered and changed, shortening into a purple miniskirt over a white leotard. The brightly colored jewelry adorning her wrists, neck, ears, and hair remained. After a full, shakily done spin she had two feet back on the ground, one hand swiping across her forehead as a tiara appeared as if out of magic (it was out of magic). The shining purple gem in the center glinted. Ella threw out one arm and held her channeler against her chest.

“Give us back our friend!” Ella yelled, holding out the wand towards the two girls. “Or I’ll be forced to fight my way through you!”

The two girls looked at each other for a moment.

“... Nice little transformation you got there,” The black girl with the magic said, laughing.

“This is like out of some weird anime, I know!” The girl with the camera said, barely holding in her laughter. Before turning back to Ella, “She’s fine, relax… Jordan.

The other girl - Jordan - raised her hand, and a glowing coral-colored orb of magic appeared. However, inside of the orb was Lisa Turner, floating helplessly while she was bound with ropes that covered her torso, mouth, and legs. Lisa thrashed.

“Let’s all take a step back here… Get on the ground. And maybe we can just… talk this out, okay?” The girl with the camera said.

“Alright.” Saskia put her knife back in her robes and got down on her knees.

In that moment, Ella felt a betrayal. A betrayal towards backing up, and towards the most sacred thing… Anime! The camera girl had called it weird. How could Saskia not be upset? And Lisa didn’t exactly seem fine! She was cruelly tied up in a magical bubble!

“Let Lisa go first, then we can talk.” Ella pointed to Lisa, staying on her feet. No way was she surrendering. At the same time, she started to absorb the colour from one of her bright pink rings. “You did attack first.”

“You were robbing a store, you know,” The girl with the camera smiled cattily.

With a snap of Jordan’s fingers, Lisa had disappeared.

“Last warning, power down, then get down,” The girl with the camera said.

“Lisa!” Ella shouted as her friend disappeared. At the same time, the ring she’d been absorbing from became a dull grey. It wasn’t much of a boost, but it was better than nothing. “I won’t let you get away with this! Magical girl power: Prismatic Sun Beam!”

Ella’s held-out channeler lit up, shooting out a constant beam of damaging light, aimed at the girl with the camera’s hand. The girl with the camera dodged, stepping out of the way as the beam shot past her. However, she was singed as her skin turned red, and her tank top was burnt. She fell onto her back and flipped back onto her feet as she faced the girls. She nodded her head at Jordan, then Jordan turned towards the girls.

“Alright, have it your way!” Jordan shouted as she stuck her hands out and fired two balls of coral-pink energy at each of them to launch the two backward.

“I surrendered,” Saskia said with absolutely no emotion in their voice as the ball of energy hit them, knocking them backward. As they were launched they pulled back out their knife, sliced across the palm of their hand, and had their blood coat their back before they slammed back down onto the ground. She then picked herself up, manipulating her blood to form a blade from her hand.

“Super Prism Kick!” Ella yelled out very weebily, iridescent light coating her right leg. She lifted it up and straight up kicked the ball of energy out of the way. Her attention shifted from the camera girl to Jordan - she was the immediate threat. “Drawing on the bright colours shining through the darkness, I’ll defeat you - Vivid Sphere!”

The bright pink and purple of her bracelets faded to grey and a sphere double the size of a tennis ball appeared in her hands. She launched it towards Jordan - if it hit, it would feel like being hit by a brick. Jordan raised her hands as she shouted,

TIME STANDS STILL!” A dome of coral-pink magic formed around herself, Kimberly, and the two girls, stopping all time within it. The four could still move freely, but the magic sphere that Ella launched was frozen. The girl with the camera nodded as Jordan raised her hands again, floating off the AC unit onto the ground. At the same time, the girl with the camera reached down to her utility belt and pulled out two magical orbs and hopped off the AC Unit towards Saskia. She threw the orbs, they traveled a distance, and then they came to a standstill. The girl landed on her knee while Jordan pointed a hand at the ground, ripped a chunk of the rooftop out of the ground, and aimed it at Ella.

The dome Jordan created disappeared, and the two magical orbs launched themselves at Saskia; they struck with explosive force and then teleported back into the girl with the camera’s hands. At the same time, the chunk of rooftop went flying towards Ella.

“Superprismkick!” Ella just about shouted out, using her right leg again to kick through the rooftop and stop it from smacking her entire body. Pain shot through it from the impact, and it buckled underneath her as soon as it landed back on the floor. Saskia managed to coat her body in a thin layer of solid blood, which shattered as soon as the orbs hit her and sent her flying. She landed with a thud, wrist cracking painfully underneath her.

Appearing unbothered, Saskia stood up and held up her hand, more blood leaking from her palm and forming a blood bullet that shot towards Kimberley incredibly quickly. Which penetrated Kimberly through the leg.

Ella looked at Saskia, then back at their two attackers. She was down on one knee, ironically where they’d told her to be earlier, but she could still fight! She held up her hands in front of her and closed her eyes. “Aurora Flash!”

Her hands lit up with a blinding, colourful light that shone across the whole area. She could hear Saskia let out an annoyed groan as they were hit by it too.

“Stop calling your attacks, dumbass!” Jordan shouted through the flash.

When it faded, Jordan surrounded herself in a coral-pink veil and it seemed that she moved faster relative to everyone else. She quickly closed the distance between herself and Ella and reached for that stupid wand.

While Kimberly jumped in the air, still bleeding out of her leg, and pulled out that revolver. She seemed to float down as she pulled the trigger. the cylinder turned and a fireball came out the barrel directly at Saskia.ia.

“I have to call my attacks! Super prism kick!” Ella’s left, undamaged leg glowed and she awkwardly kicked it up towards the hand aiming for her channeler, putting all her weight on her very painful right leg. It hurt like hell and she was incredibly unstable, but she wasn’t letting some normie touch her Sailor Moon wand! Absolutely not! Jordan’s hand broke on contact, and she winced in pain.

“Who the hell are you!?” Jordan seethed.

“It is dumb,” Saskia groaned, rapidly forming her blood into a large tendril at her back. She threw it in front of her to block the fireball, blood boiling and dripping to the ground. With a loud wince, Saskia also fell towards the ground, one hand on it to steady herself. She held the other one up. “Ella, please, surrender.”

“But she’s trying to take my wand!”

“Just so we can stop this!” Jordan grabbed her broken hand… it was surrounded by a coral-pink sphere and it reverted back in time until it was good as new. She flicked her hand and walked backwards. “Kim! They are clearly not apart of The Society! Let’s chill.”

The girl with the camera holstered the revolver and raised her hands in the air. She said, “Yeah, let’s just stop and talk this out!”

“What’s the Society?” Ella tilted her head, lowering the arm holding her channeller now that it was safe. She moved to a sitting position to take the weight off her hurt leg, clearly deciding not to fight anymore. “Are they a thrift store theft group?”

Jordan facepalmed.

“Doubtful,” Saskia groaned. Her face was paling than normal, sweat forming on her forehead and lips twisting down in pain as she started to heal her broken wrist. “We’re not from around here. We’re here to… help someone.”

“Yeah, and we just needed clothes!” Ella nodded furiously. Then she pointed at Jordan. “Wait, bring Lisa back!”

Jordan snapped her fingers and Lisa appeared in a coral-pink orb. Still bound and gagged. With a wave of Jordan’s hands, the threads that bind Lisa were undone and she quickly climbed to her feet. She went over to Ella and Saskia and said,

“Are you two alright?” Lisa asked.

“Look there are better ways to get clothes than steal them!” The girl with the camera snorted, laughing afterwards. “Who are you here to help… wait, who are you all?”

"Lisa!" Ella immediately hugged Lisa, completely ignoring her hurt leg to launch herself at her friend. "Are you alright? Do you need any healing?!"

I’m alright! I’m alright! Lisa chuckled.

"Hey, if anyone needs it, it's me," Saskia protested weakly. They then looked over at their two would be captors. "We don't have any money. How else do we get clothes?"

"Yeah!" Ella twisted her head, refusing to let Lisa go in case she disappeared. "And we're the magical girls! I'm magical girl aurora- or Ella!"

"Actually, we're Agents of Death now," Saskia rolled their eyes. "I'm Saskia."

“Y-yeah, I’m Lisa…” Lisa ran a hand through her hair.

“… Agents of Death?” Jordan tilted her head. “What kind of corny ass… okay, okay! My name is Jordan Nichols.”

“I am Kimberly Walton! Paranormal investigator and internet sensation!” She introduced herself, extending a hand. “I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot! We just caught you all robbing a place..” She shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"That's fair, honestly…" Saskia shrugged.

"Are you famous, then?" Ella tilted her head. She then looked at the hand, then back at Kimberley. And then at the hand. Eventually she reached out and shook it. "I've never heard of an online paranormal investigator, that's cool! Sorry I attacked you, I was just worried about my friend. And you called anime weird."

Jordan looked at Kimberly - who smiled - then shook her head.

“I’m something of a celebrity,” Kimberly laughed. “But, ummm… what are you three doing here? Why are you three wearing robes?”

“… And why are you calling yourselves crazy shit like magical girls and… Agents of death?” Jordan raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. “Like the fuck?”

"Uhmmmmm…" Ella trailed off, looking at Lisa, then Saskia. How did they explain it? The hound hadn't told them whether they could tell others or not! How did they even explain it without looking crazy?!

"We died," Saskia began, as if they were just talking about what they had for breakfast. "These are the clothes we died in. We then got brought back to life, and have to do something for what did that. Thus Agents of Death."

"Yeah! And we're magical girls because… we're magical girls! Obviously!" Ella gestured to the three of them… even though it really wasn't obvious. "We were the magical girl group when fighting the Stygian Snake!"

Jordan tilted her head back, the corner of her mouth tilting upwards. “I, uh, what? Um, like—what the f—” However, Kimberly ran over and put a finger to Jordan’s lips.

“Ssssssssh! Come mere!” Kimberly leaned into Jordan’s ear and whispered a few things. Then she stopped, looking over at the girls. "None of you have super hearing, right?”

Lisa looked between them all, then answered, Not yet!

“Okay, good!” Kimberly said to them before she whispered more things into Jordan’s ear… who rolled her eyes and said,

“... Fine.

Then Kimberly faced them with a wide, discerning smile! As she said, “Alright, we’re going to buy you all a room for the night, then when morning hits, we’re going to a store to buy you clothes. On us. How’s that sound?”

"Seriously?" Ella grinned and jumped to her feet… let out a yelp of pain when she put too much weight on the leg she'd hurt. Still, better than getting hit by a ceiling in the head! "That sounds great! Will the room come with anything to sleep in, cause I'm pretty sure I've grown like two sizes overnight and my clothes are really tight."

"Wait," Saskia shook their head. "What's the catch? Why would you do that for us?"

“The catch is that you two stay out of trouble!” Jordan laughed.

“Look, you three clearly need some help… and that’s what we do, we help people,” Kimberly put a hand on her chest. “... And all you are going to do when we leave is try and rob a different store.” She snorted.

“We don’t got time to follow you around Mirage Springs all day,” Jordan shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"You’d rob a store too if you had only robes and no money," Saskia replied drily, shrugging. "But-"

"Not buts, we’ll take your help! Thank you very much!" Ella interrupted with a wide grin. They hadn’t even had a chance to consider where they’d stay, so they shouldn’t turn down this offer. Plus, Saskia looked like she was about to pass out. She really needed a bed. "Let’s go, let’s go, I need to get outta these too small clothes."

“I like them…” Lisa mused out loud.

Kimberly turned her head towards the sedan sized spider. “… Could one of you get rid of that first?”

“Oh! Lemme take care of that!” Lisa stuck her hand out, and the jumping spider shrunk back to normal after cracking and popping. Then, after dispelled it, it hurried off.

Saskia watched the spider disappear, then fixed Kimberley with a deadpan stare.

"... Now how do we get down?"

The nearest Walmart wasn’t too far away, fortunately. Unfortunately, walking into a Walmart wearing robes, even at nine at night, drew a lot of idle eyes. Kimberly and Jordan walked in front of the three, then the former turned on her heel and put her hands together. She smiled as she said,

“Buy as much as you need!” Kimberly began, “My bank account can survive a shopping spree or two.”

“… Whatever will stop you three from robbing places,” Jordan put a hand on her hip, then rolled her eyes. “Then we can book ya’ll into the hotel we’re staying in.”

“In the morning, we can get breakfast and try to figure this all out!” Kimberly chipperly said. “Okay!?”

Lisa nodded her head, “Okay!” Then she looked at the others…

"Okay!" Ella repeated, glancing around the store. Walmart wasn't really her choice for clothes, but they couldn't really be fussy when it wasn't their money. And at this time of night. Maybe they could go on another, more specialised shopping trip tomorrow. With that in mind Ella grinned, looking over at her friends. "Let's go!"

Before either could say anything, Ella grabbed Lisa and Saskia's hand and practically dragged them over to the clothing section.

"Hey," Saskia weakly protested, but they offered no resistance.

Ella let go of their hands when they reached the women's section and immediately started perusing the clothing. It wasn't the best selection, but there were some things she could wear! She first picked out a bunch of skirts in various sizes, ranging from white to florals, and then some jeans. Then she grabbed pretty much every pink or purple shirt she could see.

"How are you planning to carry all that?" Saskia commented, eyeing the teetering pile. They'd only picked out a few baggy, dark coloured jeans and long sleeved tops. Not a single colour in sight.

"I've grown, I don't know what will fit!" Ella then craned her neck, looking around. "Is there anywhere I can change here?"

Lisa looked at Ella.

Then at the big sign that said CHANGING ROOM.

Then she looked at Ella again.

Then back to the sign.

Then at Saskia.

Then back to Ella.

Then the sign again.

Then at Kimberly who looked confused.

Then back to the sign.

Then at Ella.

“... I don't know,”

"How are we supposed to do anything if you can't notice an obvious sign?" Saskia raised a hand to her forehead.

”Hey! Don’t be so rough on her! We all probably lost a few brain cells in the whole process!” Lisa laughed.

"Ohhhhh," Ella spotted the sign after Lisa looked at it multiple times. She really was exceptionally bad at finding things! "I'm gonna go get changed!"

She scurried off, arms laden with clothing.

Lisa waved and cupped her hands together to shouted at her, ”Okay! Scream if you’re getting eaten by a monster or something!”

Saskia sighed, holding up the stuff they'd picked. "I'm good, this'll fit me. I'll grab some stuff from the men's section as well… Do you need to try stuff on too, Lisa? Ella will take a while."

Lisa smiled at Saskia, then chipperly said,

”Well, it wouldn’t hurt, would it?”
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