Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 10976 (2.82 / day)
  • VMs: 40
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 4 mos ago
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Current just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
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Sex and love, sex and love...
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"Commit heinous war crimes in the Baltics." - The Ghost Note suggesting what RoleplayerGuild user Xaltwind does next.
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"When shit hits the fan is you still a fan?" - The Ghost Note after microwaving a baby.
2 mos ago
we know


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

That was crazy!

Ella was not doing the talking ever again!

Clementine and Vanessa dropped off the trio at their original home base at the Holiday Inn. Lisa, her heart pounding, dug into the pockets of her dress and pulled out the keycard! As Clementine and Vanessa’s car pulled off, a triumphant smile spread across her face. She looked at the three, her eyes gleaming with anticipation, as she said,

”... Hope they didn’t throw out all our stuff!” She said, gesturing for them to come along. ”Let’s go! We got a lot of catching up to do!”

Lisa led the three into the hotel room without further ado and eventually reached Kimberly and Jordan’s room. She raised her knuckle to the door—pausing to look over her shoulder—before she knocked on the door three times. After some chattering… the door was thrown open to reveal Kimberly—wearing a white tank top and gym shorts—and Jordan—wearing Adidas sweatpants and a black tank top.

“... Holy shit, guys!” Kimberly said as her eyes lit up, “We were worried sick! What happened?!”

“Yeah, we were looking everywhere for ya’ll!” Jordan said.

"Long story," Saskia chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of their neck. "Can we come in?"

"We got arrested!" Ella said a little too cheerfully, grinning at Kimberley and Jordan. "Then unarrested!"

”Yeah it was Ella!” Lisa laughed. ”She saw all those tiddies and couldn't control herself!”

“Come in, come in!” Kimberly said as she herded them in, she closed the door behind them. Lisa sat on the sofa, as Kimberly and Jordan grabbed chairs to sit across from them as they typically did.

“Okay so… Uh…" Kimberly shrugged. "... What happened?”"

“... And will we need alcohol?” Jordan raised an eyebrow.

"Definitely," Saskia intoned, sitting down on the sofa, with Ella sitting between them and Lisa. She then looked at Ella. "You start."

"Alright, so I was doing what you said! Seducing that bastard Stauber, but he went to try arrest a stripper- so we politely tied him up with spider webs and took him into an alley like you said. Butttt then two other PRA guys appeared and we tried to talk it out, but they wanted to arrest us, so then we tried to run, but they attacked us and that bastard put a gun to Lisa's head! So we had to go with them. Then this guy with a lame nickname was questioning us and all like 'oh you had this murderous drawing on you' and-"

"They didn't appreciate my art," Saskia interrupted with a sigh.

"Yeah… basically they were gonna lock us up for years, but then!" Ella paused dramatically. "We got saved by people from our old coven! Course they were convinced we were dead, but realised it was actually us."

"Thanks to the drawing."

"Then Stauber set all these white creatures on us, and we had to fight them before going back to our friends. Then-"

"Ella fucked up big time," Saskia snorted, glancing over at Lisa. "Right?"

”Yeah, Stauber is a real…” Lisa trailed off, getting ready to deliver one of the worst jokes of all times, ... White supremacist. Eh? Eh?

Jordan facepalmed.

Ella burst out laughing, slapping her thigh. Saskia rolled their eyes.

”But, um, it all buffed out, y’know!” Lisa began, awkwardly trying to summarize the end of what happened. ”We managed to talk things out, and get Neon on our side!”

“... Who the fuck is Neon?” Jordan asked with a raised eyebrow.

”Oh, I mean Guadalupe! Lisa answered.

"A stripper!" Ella added helpfully. "She attacked us cause she thought I was threatening her, but we sorted it all out!"

"She’s with the Society but not with the Society, if you catch my drift," Saskia said.

Kimberly and Jordan looked at each other, before they turned toward the three, and Kimberly asked,

“... Can we trust her?”

This was a good question, but Lisa thought that Lupe was trustworthy. She was pretty. Very pretty. She also got to see her boobs. ”I mean it wouldn’t hurt…”

“It could hurt,” Kimberly laughed.

“Like hurt a lot,” Jordan added.

"I think we can," Saskia shrugged. "Stauber, that bastard, had sent the PRA after her."

"Yeah! She totally could’ve called that white monster on us if she was with ‘em!" Ella shouted.

“Wait, let’s take a step back here,” Jordan said. "How do we know for sure that he called them?”

“It could be a possibility that they are tailing ya’ll,” Kimberly said.

”... oh that’s true," Ella frowned.

"That’d be way too coincidental," Saskia held up her hand. "They came into the exact questioning room the PRA had us in. Why would they wait until we were with other agents that could fight them? Plus, Stauber knew about us breaking into Morningstar’s bank… but the senior agent didn’t. You’re right that it doesn’t mean we can trust her, I guess."

”But we don’t have any other leads!"

“Okay, I’m not saying we can’t trust her…” Jordan trailed off.

A question popped up into Lisa’s head as she shrugged, ”... If they are tailing us, then wouldn’t they show up here?”

“That's true,” Kimberly said. “I’m just saying we shouldn’t blindly trust her until we have more than just her word.”

"That’s fair," Saskia inclined their head. "All we have is her number just now, anyway."

Saying that, Saskia dug around in her pocket and pulled out the piece of paper. There was a little doodle in the corner that looked like someone getting hung from a spiderweb, along with the number in the center.

"We don’t have phones, so…" she held it out to Kimberley and Jordan.

Jordan grabbed the paper, looked at it - then briefly paused to roll her eyes - before she stuck it in her pocket. “We’ll see about getting in contact with her later.” Jordan said.

”I mean it's not like we can!” Lisa laughed.

“You three had a…” Kimberly twiddled her fingers as she said, “... Wild two nights without us.”

”Nah,” Lisa waved her hand, ”That's Saturday for us!”

"Yeah, that was nothing!" Ella laughed.

“For a little bit let’s…” Kimberly began, but Lisa hissed under her breath.

Please don't say it, please don't say it, please don't say it…

“... Lay low,”

... Aw! Come on! Lisa shouted.

"Noooooo!" Ella wailed dramatically, covering her face. "I can't take being locked inside again!"

"I'm not suffering another few days of them fighting over a laptop," Saskia groaned. "At least buy us another one. Or a phone."

“I feel your pain…” Jordan rolled her eyes. “But, we’ll work it out in the morning.”

“Look,” Kimberly said, “This is for your safety, I’m not trying to keep you locked up in here for nothing.” She scoffed, followed by awkward laughter.

“Do ya’ll have a key?” Jordan asked.

Lisa didn't give it much thought as she reached into her tattered dress pockets to pull out the keycard.

“Alright, let’s go. I’ll walk you there,” Jordan gestured for them to come along, then got up. She led them out the door and then straight to their room. She pulled the keycard out of her pocket, placed it against the scanner, and opened the door. “Tonight, just chill. Kim and I are going to talk about getting you some more entertainment.” Jordan rolled her eyes.

Lisa grumbled as she entered. Once all three of them were in, the door was closed behind them. She crossed her arms, and spider legs erupted from her back as she climbed up the wall and hung upside down from the ceiling. She kept her arms crossed the whole time.

”... This is bullshit,” Lisa began, ”It's like we’re in the Coven all over again! It's been ten years!”

"Yeahhh, it’s not like we did anything wrong!" Ella complained, flopping down on the bed and staring up at Lisa with an angry huff. "We followed their plan! We got a lead! Why does everyone think we’re so incapable?"

"I do still have Lupe’s number," Saskia said, pulling another piece of paper out of their pocket with the number written on it… around a really messy doodle of three girls stabbing some nondescript person. "I knew this would happen… not that we have a phone."

A devious lightbulb went off in Lisa’s head.

”... Yet,” She grinned.

"Oh," Saskia tilted her head, smiling slightly. "Right, yet."

Ella sat up, eyes lighting up. "Are you suggesting what I think you are? Yes! Let’s break out of confinement, steal a phone, and solve everything ourselves!"

”Not all that my fat bootied friend,” Lisa began. ”Let’s just… Do that trick I did in that club, buy some phones, then come back!”

She laughed, before her expression went flat, ”Oh wait… We don't have a phone plan.”

"Surely we can just buy some prepaid SIMs," Saskia shrugged. "Bet they sell them wherever they sell phones."

"Oh yeah, and then we don’t have to share the laptop! I can totally watch anime on a phone!" Ella grinned.

”And I can watch pornography- wait!” Lisa cut herself off as she had another realization. ”We can hit up Lupe instead!”

"Yeah, and that’ll be much better!" Ella nodded.

Lisa fell from the ceiling, and the legs retracted into her back. She walked over to the balcony doors and threw them open. From the corners of her dress, a minuscule jumping spider came out and stood in the middle. A glowing cocoon surrounded it and grew in size until it was car-sized. It burst out of the cocoon as Lisa looked over her shoulder and said,

”... Hop on,”

"Gladly," Saskia said, shoving the piece of paper back in their pocket and climbing onto the spider. "... Can I buy a new knife too?"

"Sure!" Ella grinned, getting on right at the back. "Phones and a knife, here we come!"

Lisa climbed in front, then awkwardly looked over her shoulder,

”... I know you don’t like this, Ella,” Lisa began, ”I gotta wrap you down with spiders so you don't faaaaaaall…”

More spiders appeared out of nowhere, and began wrapping Ella and Saskia down…

Ella immediately closed her eyes, face screwing up in a mixture of fear and disdain. Her whole body was tense but she didn’t struggle. Saskia was completely unbothered, watching the spiders as they did it.

"Hey, at least it keeps her quiet too," Saskia sniggered.

”And who doesn't like some spider bondage!” Lisa shouted, then looked forward, ”... Aaaaaaaaaand away we go!”

The Spider lept to the next rooftop, and they were off.

Hours later, they were back. The Jumping Spider climbed on the balcony, and the trio hopped off. The spider cracked and popped as it reverted to its usual size and disappeared. They all had bags of items, including new phones and a new dress and boots for Lisa. She smiled as she walked in and closed the balcony doors behind her.

”Make sure to get rid of all the evidence!” Lisa said, ”Boxes, bags, receipts, tags! All of it!”

"They’ll see the items, though," Saskia pointed out, checking the balance of their new knife. "We can hide the phones, but how will you hide your clothes?"

”In plain sight, of course!” Lisa grinned, pulling off the dress and throwing it in the corner. ”Long as we don't give them a reason to suspect anything, they won’t look!”

"I can burn all the receipts!" Ella said cheerfully, already setting up her new phone and munching some candy she’d bought. "It’ll be easy to get rid of!"

”Not necessary and will leave a smell,” Lisa began, ”I can just sneak out one night and toss it in a dumpster!”

Then something popped in her head, ”... Who wants to call Lupe?”

"Oh, let-"

"No way," Saskia cut Ella off near immediately. "After last time? No. If you don’t want to do it, Lisa, I will."

”... Of course I want to call her!” Lisa snorted, ”Why wouldn’t I!?”

"Cause you can’t see her through the call," Saskia muttered.

Without further ado, Lisa pulled out her phone and punched in the number Lupe provided from memory and hit call. It rung a few times before Lupe awkwardly answered, and Lisa immediately put it on speaker,

“... H-Hello?” Lupe

"Hi!" Ella shouted, leaning in close to the phone.

Saskia winced, leaning away from Ella. "No need to shout- It’s Lisa, Ella, and Saskia. The girls you met earlier. We’re calling to talk about… you know."

“Ooooooh, hiiii, Mami!” Lupe ecstatically said, “Didn't expect you three to hit me up so soon!”

”Yeah, um, we just wanted to touch bases!” Lisa said.

“... Didn't you say you didn't have a phone?” Lupe asked.

”We got some,” Lisa answered.

“We gotta link up, mami!” Lupe laughed.

”... We are supposed to be laying l-”

“Don’t worry about it! Ya’ll safe with me!” Lupe began, “What do you say!?”

Lisa looked up to the two for their answers.

Ella looked at Lisa, and then at Saskia. Saskia thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah! We're adults that can't be locked up anyway!" Ella shouted. "We'll leave a note so our friends don't worry."

Lisa grinned, before she quickly threw one another dress. Tags and everything.

”What did you have in mind, Guadalupe?” She asked.

“Y’know… maybe we can just chill, get to know each other, and tell each other stories…“ Lupe began. “There are a few questions I wanted to ask you all....”

”Like what?” Lisa asked.

“You know… imma drop my location, and ya’ll meet me there!” Lupe said.

Then Lisa remembered what Kimberly and Jordan said…

”... Can we trust you?” She asked.

“I meeeean…” Lupe shrugged. “In all fairness, we just met, Mami...”

Lupe paused.

“... But, it’s life, mami. The human experience is all about taking chances with people by letting them in. Risks. You can’t live your entire life being paranoid about getting betrayed because there was a point when you three were strangers. Every now and then, you gotta let people in and let your heart chance it, mami.”

"You're right, Lupe! We have to believe the best in everyone- and if we're betrayed we can handle it, right, girls?" Ella grinned. "When we first met you scared me with all the spider stuff, and Saskia looked like she wanted to kill me, but look at us now!"

"It's our second chance anyway, let's not waste it," Saskia murmured. "Let me write this note."

They grabbed the notepad they'd stolen from Clementine's car, quickly doodling. It was three stick figures climbing out a square - they roughly had the same hairstyle as the three of them. To make it more obvious Saskia drew a spider on Lisa's head, a knife in her hand, and a magic wand in Ella's. Then she drew another stick figure outside the window - with a massive chest. Underneath it they succinctly wrote the words: 'Went out to beat Morningstar.'.

"How's that?" she asked.

Lisa stared at it.

”... I love it!” Lisa shouted. She quickly ran over to the balcony doors, threw them open, and summoned a tiny jumping spider. Just like before, she wrapped it in a glowing cocoon, and it burst out once it was fully sized. She hopped on first and then said,

”Let’s go, girls: adventure - and Guadalupe’s fine ass - awaits!”
Drake's about to go spy hunting

Saskia was having an amazing nap in Clementine’s car. She’d barely slept the night before thanks to being crammed between Ella and Lisa, hair up her nose from one side and a bone crushing hug from the other. She was dreaming pleasantly - she was a bringer of justice, hunting down Stauber like it was a game. Causing him fear, ah, sweet fear... Sleeping Saskia smiled, mumbling something and curling into herself.

So many ways to hurt him when she caught him. Maybe she should start with a bone shard to the shoulder… No, no, burning. Ah, the sweet smell of burning flesh-


Saskia jolted awake, burning smell actually wafting around her nostrils - because someone had thrown a massive fucking fireball through the wall. Oh shit. Saskia scrambled to get out of the car, barely awake and nearly falling over.

"What the fuck happened?" Saskia shouted to Vanessa and Clementine. Desperate worry, the most emotion she’d shown in a long time, was sketched across her face. She didn’t even wait for an answer before running towards the hole in the wall. "Ella! Lisa!"

However, Saskia’s forearm got yanked by Clementine, who had her pistol drawn as she said, “Hold on! Let’s take it slow!” Vanessa was at her side with a gun similarly drawn. “We have no clue what’s going on in there! You could be running facefirst into something that has nothing to do with you.”

"There's no way it's not them," Saskia hissed, stopping running towards the building and just glaring at it. Ella and Lisa could handle themselves, but they were also often incredibly oblivious. Of course they'd get into a magical fight. She should've gone in with them. "What should we do then? Just stand here?"

“We assess the situation,” Clementine rolled her eyes as she quickly ran to the wall adjacent to the hole and slammed her back to it, facing it. She quickly looked at Saskia, then slapped the wall behind her and nodded as Vanessa got on the other side of the hole. Once all three of them were in position, they steadily moved forward before…

… Lisa climbed out of the hole in the wall using her spider legs. She quickly climbed above… and a burst of pink fire came out afterwards.

“Jesus!” Clementine said, covering her face with her arm.

"Fuck- Lisa! Where's Ella?" Saskia was relieved to find one of their friends, but unhappy that she'd been right. She shoved a hand into her pocket to grab her knife… only to realise that it'd been taken when they were arrested. Shit. She couldn't run in there when unable to use half her spells. "Either of you have a knife- before I do something drastic."

”... She’s still inside!” Lisa shouted,

Clementine dug into her pocket and pulled out a folding knife and practically threw it to Saskia before she looked up and shouted, “What the hell happened in there?!”

”We b-botched it!” Lisa stammered as she remained in place on the wall.

"No shit," Saskia said, catching the knife and pulling out the blade. She swiftly pulled it across the palm of her hand. Only a few drops of blood escaped before she was controlling it, running up her arm to coat her body in a protective layer. She shoved the knife in her pocket. "Ella! Shit, we should-"

"Saskiaaaaa," a wail came back, followed by Ella's head popping out the hole. She rolled out at the same side as Vanessa, probably flashing her thanks to the short magical girl skirt, and pulling up to a crouched position. "We messed up big time! It was going so welllll then she started shooting fireballs!"

”I should have did the talking!” Lisa shouted from above.

“Look, let’s ju-“

Another burst of pink fire came out of the hole as Neon stepped out… baring chest to the world as both hands burned with an intense pink fire. Both Clementine and Vanessa pointed their pistols at her as Clementine shouted,

“Get on your knees! Put the fire away! And gently place your channeler in front of you!”

“Fuck!” Neon said, “I should have known you bitches were working with the feds!”

“Get on your knees!” Clementine repeated, “Don’t make me repeat it again!”

“What?! Trying to make me imitate your mother last night!?” Neon laughed as she slowly got down, the fire fading. She put her hand on the ground, looked up at Vanessa, and grinned. Before she exploded into an orb of pink fire, light, and electricity, then darted down the street at incredibly high speeds.

"I swear we're not with the feds, it's complicated!" Ella shouted. She scrambled to chase after Neon - but even with slightly stronger legs she wasn't a runner. "We want to help you!"

"How much did you fuck up?!" Saskia rolled her eyes, giving chase after Neon. She lightened her bones as she ran, speeding up enough to not immediately lose her… but she was still just running, lightened bones or not.

”... A lot!” Lisa shouted as she hopped off the walls, onto ground level. Then hopped again onto an adjacent wall, she looked over her shoulder. ”I should have ma- I’ll catch her!” Lisa shouted, as she hopped to the rooftops, using her spider legs.

“Saskia!” Clementine shouted as she ran back to her car, then stuck a foot in, “You’re not catching her on foot! Get in!”

"... shit, yeah." Saskia had forgotten they had a car, quickly changing her direction to run to the car. She ignored the sharp pain in her ankles at the sudden change. She yanked open the door, jumping in the back.

Thankfully Ella managed to reach the car too, getting in the other side.

"Let's go, in case Lisa ends up catching her first."

Vanessa hopped in the passenger seat, and Clementine slammed the door shut. Without a word, Clementine floored on the gas and sped off after the speeding fireball. Neon bobbed and weaved her way through the cars as they hardly reacted to her. Lisa was still pursuing from the rooftops, hopping from building to building. While Clementine was swerving through traffic like a maniac.

“We should have grabbed an undercover cruiser!” Vanessa shouted.

“We should have!” Clementine shouted, “Should of. Could of. Would of!”

However, Neon quickly transformed into her human form at an intersection and narrowed her eyes at her pursuers. She swung both hands upwards, and with them came two waves of pink fire directly approaching the car.

“Oh shit!” Clementine quickly swerved to the right, skidding out of control.

Ella screamed, and Saskia’s hand shot out to grab Ella’s even though she was silent. At the same time she swiftly formed a blood tentacle on her back, smashing out a window and grabbing a traffic like pole with it in an attempt to slow the car down before they crashed and died. However, Clementine got control of the vehicle and came to a gentle stop. She sighed out of relief.

However, Neon turned to leave…

”... AAAAAAAAAH!” Lisa screamed like a maniac as she flung herself from the rooftop at Neon. Her spider legs retracted into her body. Before she could react, Lisa made an impact, knocking Neon to the ground.

Saskia kicked open the car door, using the blood tendril to pull herself out. She half swung around the pole, landing a short distance away from Lisa and Neon. She rolled, shooting back out the tendril to try and wrap around Neon’s waist. Lisa had wrapped herself around Neon’s chest, biting on her shoulder like a psychopath.

However, Neon sent out electricity, which caused Lisa to convulse as her hair stood up. It hit the blood tendril, electrocuting Saskia directly through it. It was fucking painful but she held on, pulling herself in closer to straddle Neon's legs. At first, she hadn't wanted to hurt her, but she was pissed that Lisa had been hurt. Two bone spears shot out of Saskia's legs where they met Neon's, shooting directly into her flesh.

“Ayyyyyyyyye!” Neon shouted as the spears shot into her thigh. She quickly raised a hand at Saskia and fired out a hot-pink beam of kinetic force. Saskia twisted so it hit her shoulder rather than her face, bone dislocating with a horrid snap. She didn't retract the bone spears, keeping her on top of Neon, and started to squeeze with the tendril.

"Saskia! Lisa!" Ella came running over, late, flourishing her magic wand and hitting Saskia with a beam of healing light, which quickly began to heal her. Clementine and Vanessa ran up, aiming their guns at Neon as Clementine shouted,

“Everyone relax!” She said, “Let’s put the magic away! Sit down! And talk about this!”

“Will you put your fuckin’ guns away?!” Neon shouted, aiming a glowing hand at Ella, and another at Saskia. Lisa finally shook her head as she took a few steps away.

“Saskia…” Clementine said, “Put it away.”

"... fine," Saskia frowned, retracting the bone spears and letting go of Neon with the tendril. It was sucked into the wound at her hand and she rolled off Neon. She then looked up at Ella. "I'm fine, Lisa was electrocuted."

"Oh," Ella said, swapping her healing beam to Lisa. She looked down at Neon with an apologetic smile. "I'm really sorry! We really just wanted to talk! Do you want healed?"

As agreed, Clementine and Vanessa holstered their weapons.

Now you wanna talk!?” Neon shouted, shaking her head. “You bitches threatened me!

"I always wanted to talk, you attacked us!" Ella said.

”You just took it the wrong way! I’m sorry for my smoothbrained friend!” Lisa said, shaking her hands as she awkwardly laughed. ”Let’s talk about this! Just give us another chance! We’re trying to help you!”

“Give me one good reason why I should!?” Neon shouted, as she threw an arm across her exposed chest.

"Here, a peace offering." Saskia pulled off her oversized sweater, revealing the baggy black t-shirt below, and held it out to Neon. "Look, I don't know what that idiot over there said, but we're not threatening you. We want to help you. A shady, society bought agent has given proof that you're with the society, so there's a warrant out for you. We know that bastard is with them, which means you're not… well. Not on their side."

"We'll know soon, anyway!" Ella declared, looking around vigilantly. "If that white bastard comes outta a portal again."

Neon hesitated, but she didn’t flinch before grabbing the sweater and putting it on. It was a little snug on her because she was just a little bit taller than Saskia, but Neon didn’t flinch. She shook her head, “Thanks, chica.” She stood up to her feet and shook her head. “Not surprised Stauber sold me out… bastard’s probably mad that I wouldn’t have sex with him.”

She briefly pulled the sweater down, only for it to snap back into place, and she rolled her eyes, “Now, just so you know, I’m with the Society… just not with the Society. You know what I’m saying, right girls?”

”Totally!” Lisa smiled widely.

"Like a double agent," Saskia nodded. That made sense… and made things easier for them. The corner of their lips tugged up into an almost smile. "That means you have information on the Society, right? Like how to get to Mo-"

"Don't say his name!" Ella interrupted, looking around again. "He might just appear!"

"That'd make our life easier," Saskia shrugged. "So, you worked with Stauber- even though that bastard was sicking feds on Society enemies?"
“Look, mami,” Neon tugged at the bottoms of the sweater again, before she shook her head and said, “I didn’t know about that. He tried making it sound like he would help me. If I knew how much of a piece of shit Stauber was, I wouldn’t have even bothered with him in the first place!” She could only awkwardly laugh.

“... Would have saved me a lot of irritation because all he wanted to do was shove his lil’ pecker in me!” She laughed, except for real this time, before she turned to Ella, “And I didn’t say he would appear, just that his little followers are everywhere and will do something if they hear you. Would you do good to keep your mouth shut.”

"His followers are after us anyway," Saskia shrugged. "We’ll just kill them."

Clementine and Vanessa crossed their arms as they listened.

“Why though? Why do ya’ll give a damn about me? What do you want with those bastards? ”

"Well you see, we’re-" Ella started, before Saskia cut her off by shoving their blood tendril over her mouth.

"No way are you talking again, Ella, you already fucked up once," Saskia rolled her eyes, retracting the blood again when she was sure Ella wouldn’t talk. "Namely, Stauber was our lead, no he’s disappeared. We figured you could help us since he outed you. As for those bastards, we want to kill the one we can’t name. I had a wonderful drawing to show exactly what I was going to do with him… but the PRA took it… and it was lost…"

Saskia trailed off, muttering under her breath. Ella cheerfully said, "Yeah we’re trying to get rid of the Society!"

Neon furrowed her brows, “... I told you, they’re watching, mami.” Then shook her head. “But, why, though? I mean the Society are assholes, but I want to know why you want the Society out?”

"Less the society, more their boss,” Saskia shrugged. She didn’t really care if they were watching. They already had targets on their heads. "Our… boss wants him dead, I guess."

"He isn’t our boss!" Ella argued. "He’s more like… dunno. But we need to kill him to stay alive."

"Yes, his life for ours. Also, he’s a bastard.”

"A very evil bastard…"

”The evilest!” Lisa shouted.

“Well, he calls himself the ‘Father of Lies’,” Neon laughed. “An ‘evil bastard’ doesn't begin to cut it, Mami.”

She grabbed her hair and began twirling it, “So, somebody is basically holding you three hostage unless you do a job for him…?”

Lisa looked between the three, ”... From a certain point of view, yes.”

“I would advise if you three want to pull this off to work on your people skills…” Neon laughed.

"Our people skills are perfectly fine?” Saskia tilted her head, looking slightly confused. "Well, mine are. Ella’s… not so much.”

"Hey, I don’t draw torture scenes!" Ella shouted, before looking at Neon. "You’re probably right. We don’t get much practice with that cause we di- don’t get out much. But do we really need them? That doesn’t help with killing."

"It would help us turn his own people against him, so we can dismantle his empire and destroy everything he loves…”

“... And maybe negotiate so I don't think ya’ll are threatening me?” Neon facepalmed.

"I wouldn’t have seemed like that if I was there,” Saskia intoned.

"It would’ve! You can’t stop talking about torture! I bet you were dreaming about it again," Ella huffed.

”Torture, or meeeeeeeee!” Lisa laughed.

Saskia didn’t deny it, waving Ella off. "We’re getting off topic. Basically, we hope you’ll be able to help us with information on the Society. In return, we’ll get them to remove the warrant they have on you.”

“I’ll see what I can do, but I already trusted the Feds one time,” Neon shook her head, glaring at Clementine and Vanessa another time. “I’ll help you three, but I’m not helping them.”

Vanessa shrugged.

“... Fair.”

“Look, we’ll keep Stauber off your back,” Clementine said, “Matter fact, we’ll stay out of your hair.”

She looked between the four, and said, “... Deal?”

”Sounds good to me!” Lisa said.

"Perfect, we work best without oversight,” Saskia nodded.

"Just make sure that sleazeball Stauber doesn’t come near us!" Ella declared. "I will kill him."

“You’d be doing us all a favor,” Clementine laughed. “It’s ‘bout time he falls out of a window anyway.”

”I’d vomit spiders on his dick anyway!” Lisa said, ”I’m glad we could work everything out! Even though I prefer you without the sweater, I can’t live in a world where people are mad at me over nothing!”

“Yes… it was just…” Neon waved her hand left and right. “... A big misunderstanding. Oh wait, before I forget…”

She reached for something, before she hissed, “... Shit, I left my phone in there.”

”We don’t have phones anyway,” Lisa said.

“No phones? Whaaaaaaaaaaat, mami?” Neon said, “What are you three? Teenagers? Well, I guess most teenagers these days got phones, but whaaaaaaaaaat?

"Well we kind of are- We just couldn’t afford ‘em!" Ella laughed. "Our friends bought us one laptop between us but no phones! Only walkie talkies!"

"You could watch all the anime you wanted on a phone…” Saskia mused. "It’s a long story why we don’t have anything like that. Real long.”

"We should get some! Lisa do that thing-" Ella started shouting, before pausing and looking at Clementine and Vanessa. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Do the thing with your spiders again later."

Lisa menacingly grinned as she said, ”... Sure!”

Clementine narrowed her eyes, but was otherwise silent.

“Let’s get out of here, then, Mami,” Neon said. “My ass is getting cold anyway.”

“... Where are you three sleeping tonight?” Clementine asked, before she rolled her eyes. “Well, where do you want to go next is the better question?”

"We should probably go back to the motel,” Saskia said, looking at Lisa and then Ella. "Hopefully our friends are still there and there’s two beds.”

"Oh yeah, I bet they’re worried! Probably think we did something stupid again," Ella laughed. "Hopefully they won’t make us stay inside for days this time…"

“Maaaaaaaami!” Neon slapped a hand on her hip as she smiled. “You grown, don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do when you’re grown.”

”Y-yeah! Clementine’s bed is a little small,” Lisa shouted, thrusting a fist up into the air. Before she turned to Neon, ”Um, Neon, should we keep calling you Neon or…”

“No, no, no, mami, that’s my performer name,” Neon laughed. “Imagine somebody passes by and hears you call me that?”

”True, true,” Lisa then shrugged. ”What should we call you then?”

Neon smiled.

“... Lupe,” She began, “Technically my slave name is Guadalupe, but nobody can get that right.” She playfully laughed.

”It’s nice to meet you, Guadalupe!” Lisa said.

“I don’t think I ever got properly acquainted to you three, either,” Lupe said.

”I’m Lisa C. Turner!” Lisa introduced herself, throwing her hands in the air.

"Ella Rene Brooks!" Ella grinned, striking a pose with her hand on her hip.

Saskia rolled her eyes at them both as they just gave out their full names. Sure, they were technically dead… but really? "Saskia. The rest of my name will remain a mystery.”

“It’s so nice to meet you three!” Lupe said, smiling. “Sorry we got off on the wrong foot!”
”No, we’re sorry,” Lisa put both of her hands on her chest, warmly smiling at Lupe.

Clementine nodded her head.

“Alright, now that you’re done,” Clementine said as she walked back to her car, and opened the back door. “Everyone get in; we’re going to take you all back to the motel.”

“Oooooh, mami!” Lupe shouted, “Lemme give ya’ll my number.”

”We don’t got phon-” Lisa cut herself off as she put her hands together. She summoned spiders from the sleeves of her dress, and they crawled over to her hands. ”Give it to me… mami. She grinned.

Lupe gave out her number, and as she spoke, Lisa parted her hands, and the spiders weaved a web… writing out the number in webs. When they were done, she had a massive and complex web between her hands. ”Okay! I gotta… gotta not fall, or else this will fall apart.”

Clementine rolled her eyes.

“... You know I got a pen and paper in my car, right?” She chuckled.

"Already ahead of you,” Saskia said, pulling pen and paper out of her trouser pocket. She scrawled down the number written on the spider webs. "I took it before my nap, in case I needed help sleeping.”

Lisa turned towards Saskia as she said, ”... You’re saying I did this cool trick for NOTHING?!

“... Oh God, why?” Clementine put a hand on her forehead, shaking her head gently.

"It looked so cool I didn’t want to stop you,” Saskia shrugged, even though she’d actually just forgotten she’d taken the pen and paper before Clementine mentioned it.

"Yeah, it was super awesome, Lisa! Don’t be too upset!" Ella slapped a comforting hand on Lisa’s shoulder.

“Okay, let’s just go,” Clementine said, and as instructed, Lisa got into the car along with the others.

“Byyyyyyyyyyye, mami!” Lupe said, waving at them with a smile. “Keep in touch!”

Interactions: Sloane (@Atrophy).
Kari's House.

Today, it was announced that Lyss had even come back into town.

Today was news that Lyss is dead.

A hand had graced her forehead as Britney shook her head, sighing. She thought highly of Lyss and knew she was the most helpful member in this debacle. The only issue was that Lyss had a hard-on for playing mysterious - and look where that got her? She shook her head as she stood and looked at everyone here or the people who were showing up. It seemed like the lineup changed every time they had a meeting! Linqian was a given, but Ayrin was a surprise. However, Britney thought how they were joking around when they just received news someone had just died to insanely disrespectful. Layla was here, and Britney had to resist the urge to scrunch her nose at the sight of the gal. She was here to gather information for the House of Cards. Kenshiro showed up as well, and that was a welcome surprise! Britney was delighted to see that he was back in town, and it was great to see they had an actual reliable person among them (Besides her of course). Then Amara showed up, and Britney discretely rolled her eyes. Perfect. Hopefully, she won't be too annoying this time, but Britney would attempt to be cordial towards her.

As long as the energy was returned, that is.

Luca showed up, smiling at her, and that was a surprise. Stormy, Anya, Lila, Lynn, Sloane showed up, and... Sully! Britney smiled at him, and that smile got even wider as he tried to offer a moment of silence for Lyss, and Britney was about to offer her own words.

Then, a colossal boom reverberated through the area. Britney's head darted towards the house door to see Sloane had decided to be an asshole and show that she had no respect for anyone but herself. She blew the door open using her magic, even though Kenshiro, clear as day, knew where the spare key was. Even if the spare key wasn't there, there were mountains of better options than blowing the door open, pissing everyone off, and then making a ton of noise in a place they're not supposed to be.

”Oh, hell no,” Britney said as she bared teeth. Immediately, she stormed over to Sloane - going past Anya making weak ass excuses for her - and said to her, Sloane, what the hell?!” She turned a free palm upwards as she stared her down.

This was the first time Britney and Sloane had interacted; the former would have preferred to keep it that way because the second meeting — when she said Linqian should have been murdered — made it dead clear that Sloane had not changed one bit. Britney examined the dent in the wall and shook her head.

”I know because you think Kari is dead; it doesn't matter what we do to her house, but I'm not going to sit here and let you, or anyone else, trash her home,” Britney began her rant, raising her voice a bit. ”I don't want to be here, and I don't think we should be breaking into her house in the first place, but we need to show her - and her possessions - some respect.”

Britney shook her head, ”She was one of us - the most vital in fact - and you should leave your little world for a second and remember that.”

”... You couldn’t have bought us some new clothes?” Lisa asked as she tugged at the hems of her dress.

“Hey now, we got that federal paycheck,” Clementine smiled. “But we got bills, too!”

The next night, they all stood in Shadynasty’s parking lot, wearing the same clothes as before. Thankfully, Clementine put their clothes in the wash while they were cuddling. Clementine and Vanessa, both with their arms crossed, leaned up against their car. They were wearing jean shorts, sneakers, and white shirts, looking like clones of each other. Lisa sat in front of the two on the ground, her dress slightly wrinkled from the previous day. Saskia was leaning against the car, eyes closed. Ella squatted beside Lisa, bright pink clothes looking very out of place and greyscale bracelets looking just straight up odd.

”... So how do we get in? We have no IDs, remember?” Lisa asked before the thought popped in her head. ”Hey! Since we’re no longer missing, can you fix that so we can get IDs and drink and go into strip clubs on our own time?”

Vanessa shrugged

“I don’t see why not,” she began. “Later on, we can all sit down and sort this out… it’s a lot of paperwork.”

”Figures…” Lisa shrugged. ”So how do we get in?!”

“How did you get in last time?” Clementine asked.

”Jo- a friend teleported us in,” lisa answered.

“Well, call that friend to teleport ya’ll in again!” Vanessa laughed.

How!? We don’t have phones!

“Smoke signals.”

"We had a walkie talkie but you guys confiscated it," Ella muttered, glaring at Shadynasty like it had personally wronged her. It felt like it had. "Even if we get in there- what if Stauber's in there?! Doesn't he love these places?!"

"Can't we just sneak in the back," Saskia muttered, massaging her forehead. "Nobody saw us kidnapping a full grown man yesterday."

"Orrrrr," Ella had a brilliant idea. An idea to find Kimberley and Jordan again who would buy them new clothes along with teleporting them in. "We rob a thrift store again to find our friends?!"

“... Wait, what you did y-” Lisa cut off Clementine.

”... Nothing, nothing, we did nothing! She awkwardly laughed. ”And who cares if Stauber is here. It's not like we can’t take care of him.”

"That's right, he's no match for us!" Ella flexed her arms. Considering he couldn't even get away from her when she boosted her strength a tiny amount… Pathetic, really.

"We can go round two of the spider web orgy," Saskia intoned, surveying the building. "I wonder if there's some way we can get in a staff entrance. It'll be easier to find and talk to Guadalupe then."

”We didn’t even get round one, Saskia!” Lisa pouted, crossing her arms. ”And did you forget we have a human spider on the team?! I can just go in there, find Guadalupe up, tie her up and we can clear her name!”

Vanessa and Clementine facepalmed.

”... What does she look like, by the way?” Lisa tilted her head.

“Spanish lady, well, Mexican,” Clementine said. “Curly black hair. Average height. Has a little bit of a gut. Fat, you know…“ She gestured around her own rear.

”You know…” Lisa climbed up off the ground, then tapped her chin. ”... That sounds a little familiar? Don’t it?”

"It does?" Ella peered up at Lisa, confused. Did they know someone like that?

"Because she was the one Stauber was after," Saskia said tiredly. "If you think you can human spider in there, Lisa, please do. I can nap in the car."

"No way!" Ella protested. She straightened up, shaking out her legs. "What if something happens to Lisa? Lisa can use her spidey powers to get us in, but we're all going in!"

”Well, if Saskia’s not up for it…” Lisa put a finger to her cheek as she said, ”I’m confident the two of us have enough rizz to pull this off, right Ella?!”

"Right!" Ella shouted, slamming her fists on her hips. "We've got plenty of rizz- let's go, Lisa! We'll show you what we can do!"

"Sure," Saskia yawned, eyes half closed. "I'll come save you when you need it."

Ella completely ignored what Saskia said, grabbing Lisa's hand and dragging her towards the building. Only, when they got there she realised they hadn't actually decided how to get in. The front door was off limits, so Ella circled towards the back. "Any idea where the back entrance is? Or that one we came out of- ooo, maybe we can go in through a window?"

”Alright, let me…” Lisa knelt forward, and grabbed the back of her dress, and lifted it a bit before she shook her head. ”... I’m wearing a dress today, silly….” She shook her head.

”I’ll find a way in!” Lisa said before she ran up to the side of the wall and scaled towards the back alleyway where they were. She quickly disappeared out of sight… however, minutes later she appeared on the rooftop and gestured for Ella to come over.

Ella immediately jogged over, craning her head up to grin at Lisa. "Be careful. I’ll keep watch!"

When Ella approached the back door, Lisa fell from the rooftop and hissed in pain as she shouted, ”... MY KNEES!

"LISA!" Ella yelled, immediately running over to Lisa. She knelt down beside her, looking over at her knees immediately to make sure there were no bones sticking out. Phew! Looked alright.

And no one had come out after they both shouted.

”... Wow, thanks homegirl!” Lisa climbed to her feet, then walked over to the door and threw it door open with one. ”They’re not a very secure establishment, that’s for sure!” She smiled at Ella., before she walked in.

"Well, we already knew that when we kidnapped a guy!" Ella grinned back, laughing. Sure did make it easier for them. She followed closely behind Lisa, easily peering over her head. "Sure makes our life easier. Alright, you think we should just wait for her to come on stage, or try get in the back? Oh, if we’re lucky Stauber will be here and we can beat him up!"

”I can vomit spiders on him!” Lisa laughed, sticking a finger up into the air as she led the way. ”But let’s wait for her to come on stage.”

Eventually the main stage came in view, as Lisa turned on her heel and put a fist in her palm as she spoke, ”Because that way, we can be inconspicuous. If she doesn’t come back then…”

Lisa turned back around and her eyes came to a blonde haired vixen dancing on stage. Her jaw dropped as she stammered, ”… Then… then… Oh, my…”

”Then what?” Ella had been looking at Lisa, slowly turning to follow her gaze- and froze. Her eyes widened and her jaw also dropped. She couldn’t… she’d never seen anything like it. Her mind just stopped working. ”That’s… oh wow… I see why people come here… let’s watch.”

Ella couldn’t tear her eyes away from the attractive woman on stage. Stauber could walk past right now and she wouldn’t even blink. She didn’t want to blink at all! Then she wouldn’t be able to see everything! "We gotta wait anyway."

Lisa grabbed onto Ella’s shoulders - she had to get on her tippy toes to do this - and shouted, ”We gotta focus! Resist the booty! Resist! The! Booty!

"No but Lisa, look," Ella gestured towards the booty. "It’s so perfect- you wouldn’t understand, because you get to see mine everyday… but I don’t! I need my fill!"

Lisa gasped, ”… Are you saying I’m flat?!”

Ella tore her eyes away from the dancer to glance down at Lisa. Then back to the dancer. "Well… compared to me and her. But you've got way more than Saskia!"

”So you’re saying I’m flat!” Lisa shouted.

"Yeah, I guess I am," Ella said, unphased as she stared at the non flat booty on stage. "I just didn't realise till now… don't worry! Ass isn't everything- you're perfect to cuddle!"

”Awwwwwwww!” Lisa said as she got closer to Ella, a warming smile on her face. She got on her tippy-toes to try to look Ella in the eye with those stupid puppy eyes, grabbing onto two handfuls of chest. ”You’re so sweet.”

Ella's brain stopped working. She was just loading for a moment, gaze slowly dragged away and towards Lisa. It somehow didn't upset her anywhere near as much as brushing hands with Stauber had. They'd been spooning every night - if Lisa wanted to touch Ella's pretty decent tiddies, she was welcome to! "Awwww, I am? You could've just said if you were jealous."

Probably unexpectedly, Ella grinned and patted Lisa on the head. She then looked around the establishment - it'd successfully drawn her attention away from the stripper at least. Lisa smiled and nuzzled.

The DJ announced, and Lisa let go of Ella and pivoted around.


The girl from last came on stage… this time wearing a black sparkly bra and panties. She walked to the pole with a wide smile as Lisa turned to Ella and said, ”It’s her!” She began. ”Wait! Um! Focus! Let’s…”

Lisa glanced in her direction and was hypnotized by “Neon” taking her top off. A bead of drool came from the corner of her mouth.

Ella was still looking at Lisa, and was hit by a wave of jealousy. She’d just been touching her tiddies now she was looking at another woman. Surely she wasn’t- oh. All was forgotten as she was completely enraptured by “Neon”.

"We should get closer," Ella said quietly, grabbing Lisa’s hand and dragging her right towards the front of the stage. At the same time she fumbled in her pocket, pulling out a crumpled twenty dollar bill that was just about still holding together after going through the wash. "How does this work? Can we get anything for this?"

Lisa shrugged.

”... Wait, I got an idea!” From the hidden corners and crevices of the room, several massive Huntsman spiders came out… and were promptly entrapped in a glowing cocoon of webs. When they burst out, they had ant-like mandibles. She grinned as they quickly grabbed the dollars they were being thrown at Neon and brought them over to her. She knelt as she held them in her hand, grinning like a fool.

”Maybe this could help us!”

"Great thinking," Ella grinned back, looking at the stack of cash Lisa had managed to grab so easily. She reached over and added her twenty to the pile. "Maybe we can buy a private dance or something- Oh, just wave the money up and see if that works. It’s a lot!"

Lisa shrugged, and the spiders that she summoned vanished into the same place they came from.

”Maybe showing it to her would be enough to start a conversation!”

"Oh I bet that'll work! Let's try," Ella physically shoved a man out of the way that was between them in the stage, shielding Lisa with her body so she could get right to the front… not that it was so busy she needed to, but just in case. "Wave the cash around!"

As commanded, Lisa just waved the money around over her head. Unfortunately, she wasn’t tall, so initially, Neon didn’t notice. However, she glanced in their direction, then turned her whole body on the pole. Neon grinned as she undid her bikini, but held it against her chest in one hand as she shouted.

“Make it rain, mami!” She laughed.

Lisa tilted her head as she put on a confused expression and faced Ella, ”... HOW DO I DO THAT!? DO I USE SPIDERS?! She had to shout over the music.

"NO IDEA!" Ella shouted back, thinking about it. Spiders would make most sense, surely it had to come from above. Oh! "I’VE GOT IT!"

Ella moved her feet to be a hip width apart and bent her knees. She wrapped her arms around Lisa’s hips and then lifted her up high into the air. "THROW THEM OVER HER! IT’LL BE LESS SUSPICIOUS!"

Lisa shrugged.

She just chucked the money at Neon as hard as she could, and the wad of money hit her in the cheek. She recoiled, “AYE, MAMI!” Neon shouted. “Take it easy! Is it your first time here?!” She shouted again, laughing.


"It is!" Ella shouted from behind Lisa, since she was still holding her up, half peering around her. "Is that not enough?!"

Neon was silent.

“... FOR WHAT?!” She asked, politely and with her inside voice.

"UH- YOUR ATTENTION AND A PRIVATE DANCE?" Ella shouted back, hiding her face behind Lisa because it was difficult to talk to an attractive half naked woman.

“Hahahahahahahaha!” Neon playfully laughed. “... You already got the first part, baby!”

She sauntered over to the stage, lying down on her stomach, coming face to face with Lisa as she gave her a flirtatious smile.

”... Hi,” Lisa said, waving her hand.

“... Come see me after my performance! Dances are eighty for fifteen minutes!”

"See you where?!" Ella asked, peering back around Lisa. Her mouth fell open again and she was fairly certain she was about to have a nosebleed. At least, if she was in an anime she would. "Wherever it is we’ll be there!"

“I’ll find you!” Neon laughed. “Now, I gotta make some money!”

”... Hey, put me down before someone looks up my dress!” Lisa said.

"I’d kick their ass before they looked,” Ella declared, but she did what Lisa asked and put her back down on the ground. "Now what? Should we find somewhere to sit… Can your spiders steal us eighty for that dance?"

”Maybe,” Lisa shrugged. ”She might get suspicious if we keep taking the money off the ground.”

She tapped her chin… before her eyes landed on an ATM. ”... Come here!” She grabbed Ella’s hand and dragged her toward the ATM. A wave of tiny spiders came out, quickly wrapped in a glowing cocoon, and they burst out with large ant mandibles. She commanded them to head inside, and after some grinding and banging… they came out with money. Lots of it. Twenty after twenty, they had to have emptied the entire ATM. Lisa grabbed it, and said,

”... Money, money, money! Lisa raised the money to her face and shuffled it. ”She won’t be able to resist us now!

"Lisa, you’re a genius!" Ella grinned. They were rich now! They could buy a change of clothes after this… No, stay focused on the mission. "We can buy hours with this. Oh, maybe we should get a dance first before… we talk to her. Our secret."
”Come on now! We have a mission to complete!” Lisa laughed, ”It’s not like anyone we get a dance with will have sex with us in there or something weird!

She glanced at the stage, and Neon was completely naked. Shaking her behind as Lisa couldn’t help but drool. She shook her head, as she noted, ”We threw a good amount of money at her, so we definitely got her attention!”

Lisa watched as Neon gathered her clothes and went into the back. When she came out, she went straight to the two. She smiled warmly invitingly as she shifted her weight to one hip and said, “Hi, sweetie.” She laughed in a thick Mexican accent, “Helluvathrow ya’ got there.”

”Oh!” Lisa said, before she tapped her fingertips together. ”Sorry!”

“No need to be sorry!” Neon said, “Just aim for my butt next time.”

She laughed, shaking her head, saying, “So, you two were drooling staring at me… this your first time here? First time leaving the house?!” She laughed.

"How did you know?!" Ella joked with a gasp. She looked at Lisa, then back at Neon. "I can't help it when I'm surrounded by flat asses- Anyway…"

She nudged Lisa. "How about that private dance?"

”Oh yeah! I got the money!” Lisa shouted, carefully shifting through it until she had enough.

“… You got enough for two- know what? It’s on me! C’mere!” Neon said as she counted the cash, before she gestured them to follow her all the way to the private rooms. “Have a seat, you two!”

Lisa plopped down, and Ella sat next to her.

Neon undid her bikini, “By the way, that was a nice trick you two pulled there…”

"What trick?" Ella tilted her head in confusion, eyes widening and jaw dropping slightly. Was it getting a little hot in here? Phew.

“Snatching all the money using your lil’ spiders and then acting like you were giving it to me,” Neon gave them a sultry smile as she said, “... You think you two are the only magic users in Mirage Springs?”

"Ohhhh you saw those," Ella nodded, incredibly relaxed by it. After all, when it was coming from such an attractive woman… well, anyway, it meant they didn't have to beat around the bush about magic. "Well, that makes things easier! We're not actually here to get a strip dance- nice as that would be! We're here to prove your innocence! Unless your not innocent, shit-"

Ella leaned over to Lisa, whispering, "What do we do if she really is a member if the society? Kill her?"

Lisa smiled, then whispered back, ”... We kidnap her for information!”

“... Okay, you two are acting fucking weird,” Neon tilted her head at them. “Do I need to call security on you?”

"No need!" Ella waved her hands in front of her, turning back towards Neon. Might as well jump right into it. "Like we said, we're here to prove your innocence- we just have a few questions for you! We'll pay you for your time! First, you know Morningstar?"

Neon ran over and put a finger to Ella’s lip.

“... Sssssssh, Mami!” Neon looked over her shoulder before she spoke in a hushed tone, “... Don’t fuckin’ say that name! Don’t you know he’s ‘He who shall not be named’?”

"Does he appear if you say his name?" Ella looked around - though it wasn't in fear but excitement. "That'd make things easier- but! If you can't even say his name you must not being in the S- uh, his evil group. Won't say the name just in case! Y'see, yesterday we saved you from getting arrested and now we're tryna clear your name! So if you give us proof you're not part of that we can get going and get that sorted!"

“Hoooooney, that bastard has eyes and ears in every corner of the city,” Neon began, “If someone so much as says his name out loud, they’re getting followed home at bare minimum. ”

She shook her head before she asked, narrowing her eyes, “... And who was trying to arrest me?”

"Oh, yeah, we know," Ella shrugged. They'd been painfully confined because of that… and Morningstar was already after them and knew exactly what they looked like, so they were already in danger. Didn't really matter if they said his name. "Uh… PRA. Cause of this corrupt agent called Stauber! Fucking bastard works for the society and said you worked for them! Wait, shit, if you really do I shouldn't have said that- if you do we will have to kill or kidnap you, and you really don't want to meet our friend waiting outside!"

“... Bitch, is that a threat?!” Neon shouted as she took a few steps back towards the exit.

”Wait, no! We were jus- Lisa hopped up, trying to plead.

Neon raised a hand, igniting a hot pink fire like a torch. She then aimed it at them and said, “No, fuck that, mami!” Before she cut loose, unleashing an inferno of pink fire directly at the two.

"Lisa!" Ella shouted, grabbed her Channeler and in a panic casting a glowing light over her legs without transforming into her magical girl form. She used her enhanced legs to jump, arms wrapping around Lisa and pushing them both to the floor underneath the inferno. She then let go of Lisa and rolled over, swinging out a leg to try and hit Neon's ankle.

”... AHHHHHHHHH! Lisa shouted as she was knocked to the ground.

The kick knocked Neon over, and her shoulder hit the ground. She hissed in pain, as she began glowing, transforming into a ball of pink electricity, light, and fire. She launched herself through the curtains, setting them aflame, and appeared on the opposite side… She slid across the ground on her knee, facing the two. She then aimed both hands at the two as a veil of electricity surrounded her hands. Two streams of pink electricity came directly at them.

"Ahhhh, light in the darkness, protect meeeee," Ella yelled as she rolled over again and pushed herself to a crouching position. The lightning hit her arm, burns searing down it. She gritted her teeth through the pain and pulled the colour from the seat they’d just been on. It formed a round, red ball that she shot towards Neon - it would be like being hit by a super fast basketball.

Lisa also convulsed out of pain from being electrocuted; however, she remained on the ground for a moment. Long and black Spider legs burst from her back and through the dress, and they raised her to her feet. Burns were on her chest and arms.

Neon was on the ground, knocked down by the ball. She screamed out of rage as she sat up and raised a hand at Ella… Creating a massive pink fireball that would explode on contact. Ella’s eyes widened, enhanced legs pushing her to the side to roll out of the way, her body slamming into the wall with a grunt of pain.

Lisa dove to the side as the fireball whirled past her… Before it hit the wall and created a massive explosion of fire.

Blowing a hole in the wall straight outside.
Alright, virgins, here are some supplementary factions that are going straight to the Misc section!

They will play a huge part in the storyline's background but are all long gone by the events of the RP.

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: Plotting Revenge.
Cracker Island > Away From a Bitchass Coven (AKA. their Mansion).

After that shitstorm, Emily managed to put out a call for 8th St to assemble. They met in a clearing in the woods outside of the Historic District, somewhere they could open a portal without an annoying cunt seeing them and going, 'Oh my God, it's magic' (Emily was so angry that she forgot normies couldn't see magic). She crossed her arms, with Vashti at her side, as they trickled in. Jacqueline and Miranda walked up, holding hands and eating cotton candy. Aaron had a giant teddy bear. Then Carol, Greta, George, Malik, Lee, Nadine, and Flora approached without looting.

The last to walk up was Brianna, and Emily immediately dived her, jamming a finger into her chest, "... Where the fuck were you?! I tried to reach you, but you didn't respond!"

Brianna gently pushed Emily's finger away, "Where was I? I was out enjoying myself with the others. My phone died while you were texting me."

"I had the Chalice! The fucking Chalice!" Emily said. "We could have made off with it, and those sluts would have been up shit's creek without a paddle!"

Then she paused as she realized something.

"... And how the fuck are we going to get back?!"

"... My abstraction still works fine even if my phone is dead," Brianna rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "Even if I don't have it, I can open portals."

Emily wiped both hands down her face.

"Fine, just open a..."

And she was interrupted.

"... Guys, wassuuuuuuuuuuup!"

Phoebe tried roller skating into the scene... but was caught by a tree root and fell on her face. She tried to get up, before she just raised a finger and said, "I - *hiccup* - tolds that bitch Maya - *hiccup* - I could outdrink her! Now look at her! She's probably lost in da' woods somewhere! She was holding my hand a second - *hiccup* - ago!"

"Oh. My. God!" Emily facepalmed before it turned to joy. "Wait, we lost Maya! I can't believe it! We lost Maya! Open a portal before she finds us!" She hopped up and down.

"Phooooeeebbbeeeeee…" Came a chilling wail from the trees. A white sheet covered head popped up from behind a tree root… well, the sheet was now absolutely covered in mud. As sheet-Maya pulled stood up, all that was visible were her ankles and bare feet (and squinting eyes behind badly cut holes). She'd somehow returned more clothed. Carol's rollerblades dangled from one hand, and a stick was in the other. "Youuuuu left me behinnddd… even though… I askkkked you… to slow…. Downnnnnn."

Her words were incredibly drawn out, accent much thicker than normal, and she stumbled over. Seeming to aim for Phoebe but her terrible vision resulted in her flopping against Vashti. "You- hoe-"

Emily facepalmed.

“My bitch!” Phoebe smiled as she tried to hug Maya but got caught on a tree root again and landed on her face.

“Your bitch got radicalized, bro,” said Vashti, dumping Maya on top of Phoebe. She still looked like a nightmarish mess, covered in little more than bloody rags and viscera that was mostly bits of regenerating wolfman. Her eyes drew thin as she stared down Brianna. She approached Brianna, pushing past Miranda who had started to treat her wounds, and held her hand out.

“Your phone,” demanded Vashti, her voice dropping into a serious and alarmingly quiet tone for the normally boisterous woman. The leaves of the nearby trees began to rustle in the breeze. “Give me your phone.”

Brianna looked at her hand as she said, “… You goin’ full gestapo now?” She shook her head, “Take my phone: I’m out 8th Street.”

“... Look, Vash,” Emily shrugged, crossing her arms. “I just want to get off Retard-Island before another one of those sluts pops out of the woodworks.”

She facepalmed, before she turned towards Brianna.

“... Just open a portal so we can get out of here. I want to burn this stupid thing and go take a nice long bath,” Emilly tugged on both sides of the Dragon Onesie before Brianna nodded.

“We’re clear, right Aaron?” Brianna asked before she turned to the empty expanse of Cracker Island's woods.

“Yeah,” Aaron nodded his head.

Brianna put her hands together, and went she parted them, she created a massive glowing yellow portal. 8th St stepped through the portal, fleeing Cracker Island because the vibes were off. They stepped through the portal, which closed behind them.

“... Well, I call first shower!” Jacqueline laughed as she walked down the hall.

“Jacqueline, there’s like twenty in here,” Miranda rolled her eyes.

However, they heard growling and pained breathing down the hall… heavy footsteps, and a dragging sound. Emily raised her hand down the hall, which ignited like a torch. The footsteps revealed themselves as none other than Cynthia, in her Abyssal Hunter form…

… And had a small child in her jaws, dragging him by his shoulder.


The kid pleaded, tears in his eyes, sticking his hand out.

“... Oh my fucking God!” A vein almost burst in Emily’s head as she facepalmed.

“Not again,” groaned Vashti. She squatted down in front of Cynthia, jabbing her in the head to get her to let the kid go. “This is the last fucking time, bro. I told you already we don’t need anymore stupid kids around here; we already stuck with Carol.”

“Hey, fuck you!” Carol shouted, “You know I’m not a fucking kid! Fuckin’... too many scales motherfucker! Lizard-y motherfucker!”

Cynthia growled, before letting the child go, “Cynthia never gets a chance to eat live again human young. Cynthia is very frustrated.”

“Awww, c’mon!” Maya slurred, leaning heavily against Phoebe. “Let ‘er eat a kid! It’s not like- hic- he’ll last long.”

Emily sighed.

“... This is going to be a long fucking night.”

The "Rich Kids."
(With no punk-ass Vanburens to ruin their great time)
Plus a bonus ninja.
Interactions: Not an annoying-ass Coven.
The Valos Manor.

It seemed the Valos Manor was celebrating its own, independent of the Halloween Festival.

A location that had Cracker Island in view... especially the random ass storms that took place there. Music blasting could be heard from blocks. It was a party... featuring the members of the Old Coven who were too good for the Halloween Festival. Not just any members, but the members of the Old Coven that comprised the "rich kid" clique as they were called (Except Trisha; all the homies hated Trisha). It was Sage Pimm, Sylvia Cruz, Jake, Gabe, and Jaska Valos, and Linda ("Lin") Liu - soon to be Linda Valos. The Valos figured that they used their fancy mansions to have their party while Daddy Valos was out, probably fucking his whores or something. Everyone has gathered in the fancy hall that the Valos used for parties. They were drinking, dancing, talking shit, and otherwise having the night of their lives...

... Until the music cut off.

"The fuck?!" Gabe said as her head darted towards the powerful speakers blasting music... she saw that Linda - or Lin, as she was colloquially known - had unplugged the speaker. The wire was in her hand as she was still bent over. "... You know you could have just turned that off?" She blew some air out as she rolled her eyes.

Lin stood straight up and put her hands together, saying, "I am sorry for interrupting your good time, but there is something we need to discuss before you all get too intoxicated."

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Can't it fucking wait until tomorrow?!" Sylvia laughed, still holding that bottle of Don Julio as she thrust it into the air. "Or next fucking week? Whatever it is, it must not have been important enough to dedicate a get-together just for that! Ha!"

"No, it can not," Lin began, "It is urgent."

"Yeah, let's hold off on things for a second, okay?" Jake raised his hands and gestured for everyone to relax.

"Fiiiiiiiiiine, mami," Sylvia rolled her eyes.

"Okay, let's get it over with," Gabe shrugged as she crossed her arms.

"Everyone comes here," Lin softly said as she gestured for everyone to come to the sizeable circle-shaped sofa. Before she walked over to it and sat down, placing her hands on her lap and keeping her legs together, Jake sat right next to her with one leg over the other. He wrapped his arm over Lin's shoulder while Sylvia flopped on the sofa, lounging with the bottle of Don Julio. Sage sat down at the end, placing their hands on their lap, much like Lin. Gabe just sat down and crossed her arms as she looked at Lin, and Jaska also sat down not too far away from Gabe.

"So... What's the opposite of meeting adjourned?" Gabe asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Meeting rallied?" Jake shrugged.

"Yes, meeting rallied," Gabe began, "Let's get on with this so we can keep it moving."

"Yeah, you can't fuckin' edge us like this, mami," Sylvia laughed. "I'm about to ask what's the equivalent of being party blue-balled!"

"Now, we all know about the murders that have been happening..." Lin began.

"Please, tell me that's not the point of this..." Gabe leaned back, rolling her eyes.

"No, but please let me continue," Lin answered Gabe before continuing, "We may have another issue... to get to the point, Jake has had word that Blake Schmidt is after the Stygian Snake."

".... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT?!" Sylvia laughed, "What the fuck does that teeny-peenied bitch want with the Snake!? Does he think it'll give him more than two inches?! Last more than five seconds?! What?!"

"Do tell," Gabe said, "I'm dying to know."

"I don't know," Jake shrugged. "I just know that the Stygian Snake is something he wants... for some reason."

"So... you have a plan, right Jake?" Jaska asked.

"Not at the moment, but that's why we're here," Jake answered.

"Wait..." Sylvia mused. "Did you throw this fucking party just to get us to talk about the fucking Stygian Snake?!"

"Yes," Jake said.

"I mean," Sage pipped up, "I understand, but just be upfront next time."

"I'm sorry you got tricked, Sage," Jake shrugged. "Booze and partying are the only things we can get everyone to agree on."

"To get to the point, we need to stop Blake Schmidt before he gets the Snake," Lin said.

"Well," Gabe shrugged. "Let's just find him and burn his urethra shut."

"Problem solved!" Sylvia shouted as she got up, high-fived Gabe, and then slumped back down.

"It's not that simple..." Jake said. "Do any of you know about the Elite?"

"Nope," Sylvia said.

"The what?" Gabe asked.

"I heard some things from Mika," Lin said.

"Huh?" Jaska furrowed his brows.

"... I know," Sage said, and all eyes fell on them. "My parents were in the Elite before they died... My siblings took their place."

"What the fuck are they?!" Gabe said. "You know I hate talkin' in circles!"

"Well... We know the city became a clusterfuck after the Stygian Snake," Jake began, "One of the factions to survive it was the Elite... a collective of rich assholes with magic that Blake Schmidt assembled. They're supposed to be heavy hitters in the city, but they can hardly get their act right."

"Technically," Lin said, "We all are a part of the Elite by name."

"Our parents are..." Jake awkwardly laughed as he ran a hand through his afro-textured hair. "... Apart of it."

"Well, that's bullshit..." Gabe rolled her eyes.

"Do you think Blakey is killing Sycamore?" Sylvia asked.

"Don't know," Jake said. "It's a possibility."

"If Blake Schmidt gets to the Stygian Snake, well..." Lin awkwardly laughed. "You don't need to tell me how badly it will end."

"So," Gabe narrowed her eyes at Lin and Jake, "You want us to do something about it?"

"I mean," Lin awkwardly shuffled in her seat. "Who else is going to do something about it?" She then laughed.

"Auri," Gabe said, laughing.

"Now you know you full'a shit, Gabe!" Sylvia laughed like a goblin.

Jaska awkwardly pulled at his collar as Lin said, "I'd rather leave them out of this, thank you very much," Lin began.

"I mean..." Sage began, looking to the left and the right before they sighed. "I feel like, despite them not particularly liking us, they should at least know about this."

"So what?" Gabe raised an eyebrow. "They can come fuck shit up? One of those assholes is probably the one going around tryna' kill us!"

"We don't know that," Sage answered.

"Then who the fuck else would?" Gabe began, "If the killer ain't an ex-Sycamore member, then it's someone those dumbasses blabbed off to! You know half of them couldn't control their mouths if you put a whole-ass gun to they head!"

"Well," Jake shrugged. "While I understand both of your concerns, let's see if we can handle this on our own discreetly."

"I mean," Sylvia laughed. "If we do bring it up to them later, then they gonna bitch, papi."

"Like they won't bitch about everything they possibly can..." Gabe laughed.

"Hey now," Jake said, "It's been ten years. We aren't teenagers anymore. They aren't teenagers anymore. We should stop holding shit that happened ten years ago against them. We wouldn't want them to do that to us."

"People don't change, Jake," Gabe shrugged. "Especially when you're an asshole that's full of yourself... but go off."

"And you're the biggest example of that!" Sage laughed.

Gabe flipped Sage off.

"Look," Lin said, "Let's keep Auri and the 'reformed' Coven out of this." She finger-quoted reformed.

"I mean," Sylvia shrugged. "Do we even got to work with them? Just tell Auri or whoever the fuck, phrase it like Blake Schmidt is the killer, and boom, mami! Problem solved."

She laughed like a goblin before she added, "... And even if they fuck up, we at least it's no skin off our backs!"

"One..." Lin trailed off, "My father may be involved in it-"

"... And our father," Jake gestured towards Gabe and Jaska.

"Yes, my father and your father are involved... and I would like it if my father didn't get killed by some psychopath with magic, thank you very much," Lin added.

"Hey, guys..." Jaska waved his hand, getting everyone's attention. "I know I've been quiet the whole time, and I know I'm not a leader like the rest of ya'll, but we're talking in circles here."

He paused, "What do we know?"

"Well, that's a broad question," Lin laughed. "Maybe you can narrow it down for me?"

Jaska shrugged, throwing a hand into the air, "Anything. What does Blake know? Why is he after the Stygian Snake? How is he looking for it? What can we do about it?"

Lin sighed.

"... Don't know, don't know, don't know, and... don't know."

"Well, that's reassuring..." Gabe rolled her eyes.

"Come ooooooooooooon, mami!" Sylvia laughed.

"I mean," Sage shrugged. "I can tell you two want to take things slow, not rush into anything. That's why you don't want the Old Coven involved, which I can understand. So, maybe that's the first order of business: finding answers to those questions."

"Well, I know somebody that can help..." Lin softly added.

"Please, God," Jake facepalmed... wiping his hand across his face. "Do not get her involved."

"... Who?" Jaska asked.

"Nobody, just nobody," Jake shook his head, "Just drop it, Jaska. Nothing good is going to come from that."

"Alright then," Gabe shrugged.

"How about we get Triiiiiiiisha to handle all of this, mami!?" Sylvia grinned ear-to-ear.

"Oh God!" Jake facepalmed.

"Heavens, no," Sage replied.

"I'd rather shoot myself than have a conversation with her lastin' more than two seconds..." Gabe rolled her eyes.

"There's a reason why we didn't invite her," Lin answered. "She would only make things harder. I'm not sure if she's not in on it either way."

"Fair," Sage shrugged.

Gabe also shrugged before she added, "How about we do some reconnaissance?"

"Ooooh," Sylvia laughed. "Like some Call of Duty shit, mami!"

"Yeah," Gabe began, "Let's see what we can find out from our respective families, which are apparently in the Elite just by birth or whatever dumbass shit... then meet again in a week, and see what we find out."

"I can see what Cassandra or Daniel know," Lin said. "Maybe we can get them in...?"

"I wouldn't chance it," Jake said. "Who knows... maybe that's what..."

He trailed off as a poker card mysteriously fell from the ceiling. His jaw dropped as he watched it fall, and soon, everyone else nearby saw it fall and looked in wonder.

"... Is that what I think it is?" Gabe asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh dear," Lin put a hand on her mouth.

"Wait, is it him?!" Sylvia said with excitement in her eyes.

"Aw, damn it!" Jake shouted, "Why now!?"

The card disappeared as someone swapped places with it. A familiar face to everyone in attendance, a very tall, African-American and Hispanic man. He wore a brown pin-striped suit, a wide-brimmed hat with a feather, and some fancy dress shoes. He had a wide grin as he fell from the sky towards the table... and broke it when he landed. He hopped to his feet as he shouted,

"... It's Johnny Valos, bitches!"

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck my life, bro..." Gabe put a hand over her eyes as she leaned back. "... Yes, we know who you are, asshole."

"... Shit," Lin said under her breath.

"Johnny!" Sylvia laughed as she ran over to Johnny and wrapped her arms around him, hopping up and down. "Why didn't you tell me you were in town?!"

"... Yeah," Jake raised an eyebrow, then sighed with a roll of his eyes. "Why didn't you?"

"Oh, come on!" Johnny laughed as he looked at Jake, "This how you treat your big brother?!"

"Yes, when said big brother causes problems," Gabe rolled her eyes.

"Woooow, I see how it is," Johnny laughed.

"It's great to see you again, Mr. Valos," Sage said.

"Great to see you too, homie," Johnny answered, and Sylvia released him. He grinned as he put his hands together. "... I overheard your entire conversation!"

"Awwww damn it!" Jake facepalmed.

"Fuck!" Gabe shouted.

"Oh my," Lin said.

"... Yay!" Sylvia hopped, putting her hands together.

"And I'm here to offer my hand!" Johnny laughed.

"No, no, thank you," Lin answered. "I think we are more than up to the task, Mr. Valos."

"Why are you calling me 'Mr. Valos'?" Johnny tilted his head, jamming two thumbs into his chest. "It's Johnny. Call Daddy Valos... Mr. Valos."

"Fine, Johnny," Lin rolled her eyes, "My point doesn't change. We are up to the task."

"Hold on," Jaska began, "I know Johnny is, well... Johnny... but why are you acting like he isn't useful? He won't help us?"

"Yeah, listen to Jask," Johnny said, "You all want information? Well, I know all of you, and I wonder how the fuck you five are going to get that information?"

He put his hands together and grinned at everyone present, "All of ya'll are cushy... I know because you beat the Stygian Snake, ya'll think you something, but you gotta' remember the kinda lives ya'll lived. It wasn't one where you hustled or did anything. It was one where ya' parents handed you everything on a silver platter! Me? I know a thing or two. Especially about Paranormal organizations."

"... Please tell me-" Lin turned to Jake.

"Yes, we told him," Jake sighed.

"Aaaaaand I'm Daddy Valos' first born son! I'm closer to him than any of ya'll!" Johnny shouted. "If he has something to do with it... well, I'll know all about it by Wednesday!"

Everyone looked in between each other.

"... I know what you're going to say," Gabe turned to Lin.

"Let me guess," Lin said, rolling her eyes. "You want to accept his help. I know he's your brother, but have you forgotten what kind of person he is?"

"Trust me, sis," Gabe answered. "I grew up with that giant pain in the ass: I know all about him."

"... I'm riiiight here," Johnny added.

"And I also know I'd rather have him helping us than the 'reformed' Coven," Gabe answered.

"I mean, you're worried they'll hurt your father," Jake added. "We both know Johnny has enough sense not to do that."

Lin sighed, "... I guess."

"So..." Gabe said. "Are we in agreement of our next course of action?"

"Yes," Everyone said simultaneously.

"... Then let's party!"

"Gimme dat!" Johnny snatched the bottle of Don Julio from Sylvia and began downing it.

"Hey!" Sylvia shouted as she chased after him, running around, still downing the bottle as Sylvia chased after him.

While this was going on, Gabe ran over to the speaker and plugged it back in, and then they partied all night long...

"There's more to it."

"Raven Jones found something in that temple."

"Something that'd change everything."

"Something influential."

"Something powerful."

"Something that was never supposed to have been found."

The door burst open; Raven covered her face as the old wooden doors fell, exploding in dust and smoke. She raised her head, seeing a silhouette in the dust cloud. She could hear its loud and strangely human breathing, and as the dust settled, it became more accessible and easier to see the damned thing in all its inhuman glory. Its paper-white skin helped with that; she saw its smile. Almost as disturbing as The Mother Will's, this creature only vaguely appeared human. Or a beast trying to mock a human. It walked on all fours, approaching Raven; as it kept breathing, every step burst its white skin open, and a black ooze dripped from its body.

... There was something alive in the black liquid.

It formed tiny snake-like creatures as it approached; they hissed and wailed as Raven took steps back up until her back was up against the stone pedestal. Raven attempted to run to the left, but the creature hopped to its left. She then tried to run to the right, but it also hopped to her right. Raven grits her teeth as she has no choice but to fake it; she turns to the right and tries to appear as if she is about to haul ass in that direction, only to charge to the left. She was almost home free as she beat feet...

... She felt its hand yank at her ankle, and she fell face-first into the stone slab of this temple - well, at least the bone mask broke most of the impact. She dropped the chalice and torch, which still burned. Out of reflex, Raven flipped over and prepared to defend herself from it - however, it moved with inhuman speed as its hands and feet pattered against the ground. In the blink of an eye, it was on top of Raven, staring at her face-to-face.

Doing nothing.

A bead of sweat went down Raven's face, obscured by the mask.

To attack first, bone spikes came out of Raven's chest and pierced through the monster's midsection, spraying the black ooze high into the sky. However, the creature didn't so much as flinch as it opened its maw... and sprayed a flood of the black liquid directly into Raven's face. The bone mask did. She thrashed as she could, but the creature was too heavy for her to move. The spray came to a close, and the creature closed its mouth and got off her. Raven flipped over to her hands and knees as she coughed up the ooze, desperately gasping for air. After a moment, she could finally breathe and looked up and saw that the creature was gone.

... What was that about?

Raven quickly climbed to her feet, grabbing the torch and the Chalice. She needed to get the hell out of this place. She returned to the hall and turned right, opposite where she came from. She abandoned this strange room with the Chalice in hand, kept on her toes, and kept moving - the last thing she wanted to do was run into an Abyssal Hunter that thing was, so she didn't barrel through the halls at top speeds. Eventually, she came to another door and stopped as she gently pushed the doors open.

She saw another large and ominous room—thankfully (and somehow) less spooky than the other one she was in. She didn't see any more monsters, so she pushed the door open and carefully stepped inside—hoping to find a map or some way out of there. However, as she approached the shrine, there was a book on a podium. Naturally, Raven snatched it, holding it underneath her arm, as Sunshine told her that the Pit was home to priceless artifacts... some of which might be the key to getting out of there.

Though, she wouldn't be able to carry anymore.

She turned around, walked out the door, and kept walking—she wouldn't stop again unless she found the exit. However, it wasn't long before she heard the eerie white noise that the Pit always had, the screeching of beasts and that walking turned into sprinting. She laughed in relief as she finally escaped this hellish place, as she stepped out into the Pit. She saw the eerie red skies as a red orb shined brightly...

"... Halt!"

Raven fell on her behind as she sat up using her arms. Everything she held was dropped yet again. That voice was familiar—that metallic, screeching voice, coupled with the heavy footsteps. Three massive figures stepped out from the bushes to her right, and Raven immediately recognized them.


Iron golems are powered and created by magic, and Raven (and, to that extent, Sunshine) is unsure whether or not they're being made in the Pit. That was not important; what was important was that the Autoknights served an enigmatic figure who called himself the "king" of The Pit. Only a madman would declare himself the king of this hellscape, but the issue was that he had an organized army at his beck and call... and despite it all, they were wholly ineffective at maintaining control of the Pit. The point was that they were dangerous, and Raven had nothing in her arsenal that could defeat, or even stagger, an Autoknight. She climbed to her feet, holding the Chalice in her hand, and dusted herself off with her other hand.

The "leader" of the trio (Raven could only assume) stepped forward, pointing an oversized blade at her as he spoke.

"By decree of The King, this location is off-limits," The Autoknight leader spoke. "The punishment for trespassing is death."

The other two Autoknights aimed their massive rifles at Raven as she screamed, desperately running for the tree line.

"Blood Art Technique..." Raven's head darted across, seeing Sunshine standing atop a hill. Her right hand was coated in blood; she drew a symbol in the air that floated. "... The Goliath's Fist!"

Two massive (strangely human) arms burst from the ground, grabbed the two Autoknights aiming their weapons at Raven, and quickly crushed them. The metal that comprised their iron bodies screeched as the Autoknight Leader turned his attention to Sunshine. It held its blade with both hands as it faced her.

"I'll kill you, Wr-" The Autoknight tried to say...

... Before the hands came for it, they flattened it with its palms. The hands fell apart, and Sunshine shook her head as she muttered,

"Annoying bastard." Then walked over to Raven and hugged her. "Baaaaaaby..."

"Mama!" Raven shouted, hugging her back. "I was worried about you... where did you go?!"

"I just woke up somewhere in the woods," Sunshine shouted. "I went back to the house, and it was crawling with Abyssal Hunters, so I assumed the worst."

"Huh?" Raven furrowed her brows before she said, "The Mother Will told me you were in there..."

However, an excruciating headache came out of the blue, and Raven screamed as she grabbed both sides of her head. She fell to her knees, crying.

"Baby!?" Sunshine shouted, putting her hands on Raven's shoulders. "What's wrong?!"

"I-I-I..." Raven stammered out as it seemed like serpents were slithering underneath her skin. There was a distinct squishing sound as Raven winched in pain. Falling over as more of the snakes began crawling underneath Raven's skin.

"Son of a bitch!" Sunshine shouted as she knelt over Raven, then pulled her knife out. She saw the snakes crawling underneath Raven's skin, raised her knife high, and brought it down on the snake. It let out one final hiss as it expired, and Sunshine spotted another and stabbed that one. Then another, and another... and Raven was oozing blood as she was crying on the ground. Sunshine covered her free hand in the blood... and drew a symbol out of the blood on Raven's forehead. The wounds began closing... and Raven kept crying as the Snakes underneath her skin faded. Sunshine gently stroked her daughter's face until she heard laughter.

On top of the hill stood The Mother Will.

"What have you done, you bastard?!" Sunshine shouted at the Mother Will.

The Mother Will looked down on her with that smile.

"I gave her what she wanted," The Mother Will said, "An out."

"I'll kill you, you bastard!" Sunshine shouted. "I don't know how! But, there's a way! Just like there's a way out of here!"

The Mother Will was silent.

"... How can you kill what doesn't live?" She began, "Or what doesn't abide by your definitions of life?"

Sunshine narrowed her eyes as she knelt forward to pick Raven up...

"Don't forget what your Daughter plundered," The Mother Will said, pointing at the Book and the Chalice.

Sunshine shook her head as she picked up the Book and the Chalice and stuck it in her backpack before she scooped up Raven. Then she walked away...

... And the Recollection ended.

"That book is known as Walter's Book."

"That book has instructions to end the All-Verse."

"Disguised as instructions to become a God."

"That book is in St. Portwell."

"For the good of the All-Verse, you have to destroy it."

"... Please."

Victoria Blackmore
Interactions: None of note.
The Blackmore Manor. This morning.

Drake was violently awoken.

In a cold sweat - but that was just typical.

He sat up, took deep breaths, and looked around his room again. God damn it, another weird ass dream. He thought to himself. If it wasn't of Jade, it was of that Raven girl... is she still in The Pit? He wondered to himself. However, he also had to wonder what book that weird voice wanted him to destroy. That temple had something to do with the Stygian Snake, but Drake didn't know anything about the Pit, and he knew either Britney or Jack would know.

Jack seemed like the better option. If he wasn't pissed at him for clocking... Sloane.

Sighing, Drake pulled his legs closer to himself as he looked out the window.

"... DRAAAAAAAAAKE!" Victoria shouted from the kitchen (... presumably). "ARE YOU EATING BREAKFAST!?"

Drake sighed.

”... Yeah, give me a minute!” Drake shouted back.

He hopped out of bed. Got some food. Then, prepared for the day.

Later on....

It was time to go to the next meeting... as hesitant as Drake was, he was willing to give Auri one last chance before he struck out on his own. It seemed like he would do better that way, anyway. He was fully dressed, wearing black jeans, a white shirt, a black leather jacket, combat boots, sunglasses... and no keys. He dug into his pocket, only to see that he was minus the keys to his Dodge Charger. He looked around his room and didn't find the keys - No matter, it was probably in the dining room. He climbed the stairs and walked into the dining room, where he saw Victoria mopping the floor. He stood in the doorway as he asked,

”Vic,” He began. ”See my keys?”

"I haven't seen them," Victoria answered as she continued mopping. "But, I'll give 'im to you if I find them."

”Damn it, I need to get to Auri's meeting...” Drake shook his head as he turned to leave... then he heard the jingle of keys in Victoria's pocket. He looked over his shoulder, then heard it again. ”Vic...” He trailed off.

"Let me put this up, and then I'll talk to you..." Victoria quickly grabbed the bucket and scurried off. Drake trailed into the other room out of curiosity until something fell out of her pocket.

His keys.

HEY- Drake tried to reach for them, but Victoria used her telekinesis to launch the keys into her hand. He looked up at her, as he said, ”Give them to me! Those are mine!”

"No!" Victoria shouted, telekinetically putting the broom and bucket on the floor gently. She pointed at Drake and said, "I know you're trying to attend that meeting! Stay away from them!"

”Look!” Drake said, ”I know how you feel; let me make my own choice.”

"Your 'own choice'-" Victoria finger quoted. "-involves battery!"

”You know I'm not proud of that, now give me the-” Drake shouted, approaching Victoria with each step. A swirling white portal opened behind her, and she stepped into it. The portal closed, and Drake hissed, ”... DAMN IT!

"... OOOOOOOOOH!" Victoria shouted from the dining room. "... DID YOU FORGET I COULD DO THAT?!"

”No I didn't!” Drake shouted back as he power-walked to the dining room.

"Maybe if you paid more attention when Dad taught us how to do this, you could do it too!" Victoria shouted as Drake got closer and closer.

When he arrived, Victoria already had another swirling white portal ready - one that led outside. She raised his keys into the air as she flatly said. "But look at that, you can't!"

”Vic! Gimme my keys!” Drake lunged forward, reaching for it. ”I'm not playing these games!”

Victoria was through the portal with a simple step backward, which closed before Drake could do anything about it. ”Son of a...” He hissed as he looked out the window and saw her in the yard. He quickly ran over to the window and easily opened it before he stepped through... however, he forgot it was far smaller than he remembered (or he was way smaller when he used to crawl through these windows) and had to squeeze through a bit. He fell ungracefully but quickly climbed to his feet and stomped over to his elder sister.

”... GIMME MY KEYS! Drake shouted, sticking his hand out as he got closer.

"Drake! This is for your own good!" Victoria began, "Stay away from the Coven! Please stay away from them and get some therapy! That will help you; being around some toxic assholes won't! Auri doesn't have a goddamn clue what she's doing! She NEVER did, and probably never will!"

She narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at Drake, "You'll be safer here if you stay with us! We'll all be! And I'm saying that because we need you here! Especially your nieces! Please! Listen."

Drake came to a stop, sighing, as he looked at his feet. ”Look...” Drake trailed off, ”I know, you're right. On all accounts.”

He raised his head, staring at Victoria head-on, ”Auri is a dumbass - I'm a dumbass, probably the biggest you know...” He put a hand on his chest, as he tried to fight back tears. ”... But, Auri said that she made a breakthrough; she finally found something useful...”

He sighed as he finished, ”... I know it'll just be bullshit, but I'm going to give Auri one last chance. Just one. I have to... for Jade.”

Victoria sighed, shaking her head as she stuck her hand out. Using her telekinesis, the keys floated from hers to Drake's—who caught them. "Look, I thought I could talk you out of going there because Dad trusted me to protect you, Charles, and Manda from yourselves if something happened to him..."

She paused before sighing again, "... But I know I can't talk you out of this. Look, if you're deadset on this, you have to apologize to Sloane and act like you're sorry. I don't know how you're going to do it, but you have to."

Drake stared at the keys as he said, ”... I don't think I can.”

"Apologize?!" Victoria scoffed, "It doesn't matter if she rejects your apology, the point is that you realize you fucked up."

”Heh,” Drake laughed as he put his hands on his sides, ”You cursed.”

"Fuckin' sue me," Victoria rolled her eyes. "I just don't want you two getting in the habit of swearing around the triplets."

”How do I apologize to her?” Drake shrugged.

"I don't know!" Victoria shrugged. "Get her a gif, flowers - something that shows that you give a shit."

”I'll figure something out on the way there,” Drake shrugged.

"Where are you going?" Victoria raised an eyebrow.

”Kari's house,”

"... That's the big lead Auri came up with?" Victoria raised an eyebrow. "Don't get arrested. Don't beat anyone up."

”Now you sound like dad,” Drake laughed.

"Again, he asked me to, in his own words, 'protect you three from yourselves,'" Victoria laughed. "Look, you're a grown man, but turn your location on if something happens."

”... Now you really sound like Dad,” Drake rolled his eyes.

She walked over to Drake, put a hand on his shoulder, and looked him in the eye, "I love you, Drake. I know you're going through a lot and making lots of boneheaded decisions lately, but I care about you. And I don't want you to die a senseless death."

He grabbed his sister's hand and said, ”I know, and trust me, no one is dying on my watch.” He walked over to the car and got in. Victoria stared at him as he drove off towards the meeting.

"... Avenge Jade," Victoria said, "I know you have it in you."

Auri Auclair.

Kari Wilson's House.

It was a beautiful day to trespass on private property!

Britney walked alongside a road, holding the Noble Vow in hand, wearing blue jeans, a white sweater, and some pink New Balance running shoes. It provided ample cover for the early November weather, which was beautiful as the winds barraged her and the leaves fell. Adora was right by her side, walking with her hands in her pockets. She wore grey Nike sweatpants and a hoodie with white Air Force 1s. She calmly walked through the woods without a fear in the world. It's been a good week since the Coven reconvened... and Auri asked that everyone meet at Kari Wilson's house; no meeting is excellent... straight to the point because if they sit around each other, they will devolve into bickering.

And Britney wasn't here for all this drama.

She sighed as they finally approached Kari's House. A picturesque two-story cabin with a fancy pathway straight to it... and to Britney's knowledge, Kari inherited the place from her grandparents. Lucky her. Auri was sitting at the first stair with the Butterfly staff in hand. Britney and Adora walked over - and the latter crossed her arms,

”... You know you shouldn't be by yourself,” Adora said.

"I know," Auri began. "I just wanted to be the first person here."

”I'm just saying... I don't want anything to happen to you, Auri...” Adora shrugged.

”So, why are we here?” Britney asked. ”We really shouldn't be here...”

"I'd like to share that with the group when more get here," Auri answered.

”Sure, but they should hurry up,” Britney sat down on a rock nearby and placed the Noble Vow across her lap, ”I know we're trying to catch a killer, but I really don't want to get arrested.”

She awkwardly laughed, ”So, let's hope they hurry up!”

However, someone walked up—a surprise: Drake Blackmore. Britney didn't think too highly of him, but maybe this could be an excellent night if he kept a lid on it. Interestingly, he had a bouquet in hand—red roses. That made Britney raise an eyebrow. She was going to bring it up, but Adora beat her to it.

”Oooooh, Blackmore,” Adora grinned, putting a hand on her hip. ”You tryna' get booed up?”

”... I have an apology to make,” Drake sighed.

”Fair, fair,” Adora grinned. ”Well, I hope your apology goes well for ya'.”

”... I hope so, too,” Drake shook his head, staring at the floor.

After this, more people gathered, and Auri stood up and announced, "Welcome... it's great to see you all; you all look lovely." She tried to sound chipper, but Britney saw through it; she was forcing herself.

”So, are you finally going to tell us why we're hanging out at some dead chick's house?” Drake raised an eyebrow at Auri as he crossed his arms, still holding his flowers.

"Well, to get to the point, the other day Adora and I our met with our resident necromancer Lyss to get some possible leads from Father Wolf's victims..."

”... Hmph, Adora scowled.

"... We summoned the spirits of Ashley and Lionel, and everything seemed normal until we summoned the spirit of Kari Wilson. She didn't seem to know who we were, like it was a completely different person. Lyss said it wasn't our Kari, which is very strange. So... I figured that we'd look into Kari."

”Yeah, I was right there,” Adora confirmed. ”I'm wondering how the hell we got a different Kari...”

Britney held her tongue as it was explained. It was a simple but genius idea to summon Father Wolf's victims... yet they only summoned three? And Kari was the only one that didn't line up. Though, she couldn't hold her tongue any longer as she stood up to her feet and asked,

”How did Lyss know it was a different Kari?” Britney asked. ”It's also possible that Kari could have had her memories erased or stolen before she died - or that she was simply lying to you three.”

”Beats me,” Adora shrugged. I'm not the supernatural expert”

"If she was lying to us or had her memories tampered with," Auri began, "... Wouldn't that warrant suspicion?"

Good point, but... Britney thought to herself.

”Well, in that case,” Britney began. ”Have you thought to summon the Spirits of everyone else, then? What about, you know, her best friend, Elsa?” She raised an eyebrow.

"I have not..." Auri said.

Adora shrugged. ”... In my defense, I completely forgot about Elsa.”

Could Kari be the killer?

She didn't seem the type, yet Kari had all the tools to be Father Wolf: information. She could know all the perfect opportunities to strike and vanish without a trace. This could be why Father World never left a trace — Kari knew how to cover her tracks. Yet, Britney found it hard to believe a chubby four-eleven girl could be going around stabbing people to death without someone putting up a fight. She also knew that jumping to conclusions this early on was a dumb idea, but she also knew that someone was going to jump to that conclusion regardless of what logic Britney could present to them.

”Well, where is Lyss, then?” Britney asked, ”We can just... summon Kari again, and everyone else, and see if we can figure this out. I know where this is going, and lemme say that I do not want to break into somebody's house if I can help it.”

Auri awkwardly shuffled her feet.

"... Lyss was murdered by Father Wolf during the Halloween Festival."

Britney's jaw dropped.

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