Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 10976 (2.82 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 4 mos ago
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Current Sex and love, sex and love...
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"Commit heinous war crimes in the Baltics." - The Ghost Note suggesting what RoleplayerGuild user Xaltwind does next.
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"When shit hits the fan is you still a fan?" - The Ghost Note after microwaving a baby.
2 mos ago
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3 mos ago
"The Ghost Note has declared himself the greatest yet again." - The Ghost Note's Secretary.


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

To put emphasis on how important Kari is and to give people a far better insight into her and her character and not because I was really inspired to write a sheet for her, I wrote up a complete character sheet for Kari.

As requested, I made up some locations for the various factions. if necessary, I will make some neutral locations, but that will have to wait until next weekend!

I also organized the NPC on the NPC mega thread for the Temple, House of Cards, and the 317.

The Devil’s Fortune.

A very spooky red (very red) casino nestled in the heart of Mirage Springs, it was stated to be the Society's previous headquarters prior to its takeover of the city, according to Kimberly and Jordan. Lupe said there was a big deal going on here… thus, the five were posted up on the rooftops of one of the adjacent buildings. Not any building, a store in which Lupe would say would give them a view of their “VIP entrance.” Or, well, a parking garage that only top Society members and their affiliates would enter. Jordan was, as per usual, on the edge of the building with binoculars.

Meanwhile, Lisa, her back pressed against the parapet, was once again in a reclined position with her hands on her stomach.

“... Your friend better not be lying to us,” Jordan mused out loud.

”We can trust her, I swear,” Lisa turned towards Jordan.

“... Then her ass should have been up here with us,” Jordan shook her head.

”... Then we’d be minus a spy!”

"Yeah! A spy that’s not spying ain’t a spy at all!" Ella said. She was sitting next to Lisa in a similar position, except her fingers were tapping on her legs. "What’s the worst that’ll happen if she lied? We can totally handle it!"

"We’ll just kill her," Saskia nodded, playing with their knife. They crouched next to Jordan, looking over the parapet.

”I mean…” Lisa shrugged as she rolled her eyes. ”If she worked for The Society, we were passed out in her apartment all night…”

"Oh yeah, she had plenty of opportunities to kill us!" Ella said cheerfully. "Though I stayed up till she went to bed too… but she woke up first."

"I wouldn't have minded dying that night," Saskia muttered.

”... I wanna do it again!” Lisa shouted as she hopped to her feet.

“... And pass out again?” Jordan whimsically said as she glanced over her shoulder.

Lisa pouted, crossing her arms. As Jordan laughed, looking into her binoculars.

“Wait! Hold up!” Jordan shouted as she leaned forward a bit.

“What is it?” Kimberly asked.

“A Black SUV, all tinted windows, just went into the secret entrance,” Jordan called out as her eyes didn't come off her face. “... I don't see any other cars.” she shrugged.

“A convoy going through the streets of Mirage Springs would ring a bell,” Kimberly snorted.

A few minutes passed.

“... A white sedan just went in,” Jordan added.

“Are you three ready to go in?” Kimberly asked. “Remember, we are not here to start a fight.”

”Yes!” Lisa said.

Lisa dug into the pockets of her cargo pants and pulled out a tiny metal device that she held high in the air—a tracking device. The plan was to bug the Endless Seven and Dollhouse delegates with Lisa’s spiders and then see what dastardly plans Morningstar was cooking up.

”... Could I still mark them with my infestation spell?” Lisa asked.

“... No,” Jordan answered.


"I'm ready," Saskia stood up, looking very relaxed about the whole thing.

"Wait!" Ella hopped to her feet. "What do we do if we're spotted?"

"Kill the witnesses."

Kimberly smiled.

“... We run,” She simply answered before she turned to Jordan and nodded her head. “Jordan.”
“Right,” Jordan raised both of her hands in the air and they were placed in a swirling coral-pink dome that grew bigger and brighter before they all just appeared on the rooftop. It disoriented Lisa, like teleportation always did. Suddenly they were on one roof, then now they’re on another way taller one! Her heart was spinning as she felt dizzy… she stumbled a few steps.

"Argh," Ella groaned, bending over and looking a bit sick. "I'll never get used to that."

Saskia rolled their eyes, seeming completely unphased. "Let's get to work. What do you need us to do, Lisa?"

Lisa shrugged, before she looked to Kimberly and Jordan for instructions.

“We’re going to stick together, and stay out of sight,” Kimberly said, grabbing the Artistic Integrity with both hands, as she glanced at the doors. “This is the VIP section of the casino. There shouldn’t be a whole lot of foot traffic - which works against us.” Kimberly shook her head.

“There is a large dining room that they do their meetings in,” Kimberly said. “We’re gonna plant the bugs on them there… you three are there in case we run into trouble.”

“But, you know I can just teleport us out,” Jordan crossed her arms, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, I know,” Kimberly said, rolling her eyes as well. “Let’s just get a move on.”

She then pointed at the door to the roof, which definitely should not be unlocked. Jordan walked over to it, then put her hand on it… Lisa looked on as she heard a series of slides and clicks before she pushed the door open. She gestured towards it…

“... Ladies,” Jordan grinned.

“Why thank you?” Kimberly laughed as she walked in, and Lisa followed after them… Saskia and Ella were right behind them, and Jordan was in the back. As they were led through the halls like a bunch of ducks, Lisa briefly wondered how much recon the two got before they got here. Because they certainly didn’t tell them anything. Though, it didn’t matter, as it seemed Kimberly and Jordan had their best interests at heart. Maybe. This part of the Devil’s Fortune wasn’t a casino, but a hotel… and it was oddly barren. Lisa couldn’t even hear anyone, but she never really been in hotels so she wouldn’t know!

Eventually, Kimberly lead them to an incredible ornate dining room. It was something out of the movies! However, they were on the upper balconies, looking down, and the room was completely empty.

“Alright,” Kimberly looked between everyone present. “Are we clear on what we’re here for? We’re not going to jump the gun, right?”

"Yup! We’re the backup for if shit goes wrong, while you guys are planting bugs on em! I think!" Ella said cheerfully, brandishing her channeler. "Or wait… are Lisa’s spiders planting the bugs?"

"I’ll stop her doing anything stupid," Saskia said, surveying the room over the balcony’s banister. They crouched down, narrowing their eyes as they watched for anyone entering.

The door on one side opened… and two gigantic Werewolves in knight's armor came through. They had to be over ten feet tall and carried massive swords over their shoulders as they walked over to the corners of the dining room on one side, patiently taking guard. When they walked in, Lisa activated her eyes of the Arachnid Spell… a spell that made her grow extra eyes on her temple, forehead, and cheeks and gave her a full view of the room. Following behind them, four people walked in… the first to come through was a tall man (Like had to be around seven feet tall) in a suit, and he calmly walked over and sat at the head of the table.

The next person to come in, taking a seat next to the man was a massive obese man with a permanent scowl on his face. The next one to come through was a tall woman with long raven-like black hair and a lustful smile on her face. She took a seat across from the obese man.

The last one through, was a familiar face that they saw in Morningstar Banking… that woman with the blonde hair and suit and had that strange pike-like weapon strapped to her back.

”Weird…” Lisa whispered out loud. ”Are they the Endless Seven or somebody else?”

"Wouldn’t really be the Endless Seven if there were ten of them…" Saskia whispered back. "One must be Mala’Boolaan’s replacement."

"I bet it’s the really tall one!" Ella said in a hushed tone.

"... I think it’s the other woman."

“To my knowledge,” Kimberly whispered. “The Endless Seven have some way to assume human form. Either by abscision or some other form of magic… have you ever heard of Glamour?”

"Oh, like fair folk use?" Saskia tilted their head. "In folklore."

“Yes, sort of… It’s a popular form of magic that lets Abominable, Afflicted, and other Paranormals with inhuman features appear normal and blend in with humans,” Kimberly began. “There are many forms of it and many ways to apply it… and knowing the Society, getting Glamour would be easy.”

“Hey, the door’s opening!” Jordan silently pipped up.

The door on the other side opened, and a group of five people walked through in the formation of a V… at the head of the formation was a tall tall man with a pony tail, and at his left was a woman with a cowboy hat and an AK-47 held with both hands.. To his right was something strange, even within the bounds of magic. A walking mannequin doll wearing a white nurse-outfit like outfit. Strangely feminine… with each step the Mannequin seemed like it was about to fall over. It was creepy. So creepy.

To the left of the girl was a tall older man with greying hair wearing a white suit, holding himself up by a cane. He had a stoic facial expression and Lisa thought he was oddly… hot. To the right of the spooky mannequin was tall black woman with a stoic expression on her face also wearing a suit.

The man with the bun and the woman with the gun took a seat while the mannequin doll remained standing. The older man and the strange woman stood in the corners of the room, much like the werewolf knights.

”... And they’re Dollhouse?” Lisa asked Kimberly and Jordan. ”The old guy is kinda hot!” She laughed.

"Lisa, your taste sucks," Ella scrunched up her nose.

“Stay focused,” Jordan whispered. “... And I think so,”

“That’s Luis, Natalie, and Heinrich,” Kimberly said, “I dealt with them before when I was in Miami…”

Both Kimberly and Jordan shuddered.

“... They are not to be messed with,” Kimberly said, “But, we’ll deal with them when we’re stronger.”

"So we just watch?" Saskia asked, eyes narrowed.

"How are we going to bug them?!" Ella tilted her head.

Kimberly turned her head towards Lisa and whispered to her, “Lisa, are you ready?”

Lisa nodded, as she summoned some tiny spiders from behind the five, and while they were wrapped in glowing cocoons, she dug into her pockets for tiny listening devices. The spiders burst out with ant mandibles, and she placed them in their tiny maws. They carried them down the walls…

“Worry about those four,” Kimberly pointed at the four that the group believed were the Endless Seven… “Place one on the table and try to slip one in the pockets.”

”Mhm…” Lisa trailed off, as she did as instructed and ordered the spiders to plant the bugs around the table. They used their webs to attach them to the table before sliding the listening devices into the shoes of the Endless Seven…

… The strange woman that was with Dollhouse turned her head to the five, and Lisa’s eyes widened.

”... I think we’ve been spotted! Lisa said in a normal volume.

The woman pointed at them and shouted,

”... We got intruders!”

Everyone turned their heads towards their spot on the balcony, and Lisa hopped to her feet.

”... SHIT!

“Jordan!” Kimberly shouted as she pulled out Jacob’s Revolver, “Time to go!”

The older man disappeared, leaving behind a burst of wind. He appeared down the balcony, and Lisa only had seconds to respond before he disappeared again. In the blink of an eye, Lisa was sent rolling down the hall, feeling Shayton’s hand slam against her chest. She could hardly breathe as she gasped for air. When she came to a stop, she looked up to see Shayton in between her and the girls.

"Lisa!" Ella yelled, brandishing her channeller and… starting to go through her magical girl transformation.

"Shit," Saskia scrambled to their feet, slicing their hand wide open. Blood spilled out, forming a bullet that they aimed and shot toward Shayton.

Shayton looked over his shoulder at them, before disappearing in a burst of speed again… and Lisa could feel herself get yanked as she was thrown in the trajectory of Saskia’s attack at blinding speeds. The bullet dug into Lisa’s shoulder and she screamed in pain. Saskia paled, eyes widening in panic.

“Jordan!” Kimberly aimed the revolver at Shayton.

“Working on-” Jordan was cut off as a bladed tendril made out of human flesh came out of the strange woman’s hand and wrapped around her ankle. It snatched her away as Jordan raised her hands and a coral-pink sphere appeared… and all time was slowed within it. Including the tendril coming out of the black woman’s hand.

"Back off!" Ella shouted, now in her magical girl form. She held up her wand, a burning beam of light shooting out of it and towards the tendril where it wasn’t in the coral-pink sphere. The beam burned through the tendril, and the woman’s expression didn’t change slightly.

At the same time, Saskia’s blood pooled towards her back and formed a long tendril. They ran forward, sending it out in an attempt to wrap around Lisa and pull her towards them. It grasped Lisa’s leg, and yanked her towards them as she flipped off Shayton with both hands, quicking waving them around wildly… though, it hurt.

Shayton disappeared in a burst of wind and appeared on the other side of Kimberly… with Jacob’s Revolver in hand. He examined it and said,

“Hmmmm… interesting design…” Shayton felt it getting telekinetically yanked from his hands as it flew right back into Kimberly’s hands.

“Thank you, Jordan!” Kimberly aimed Jacob’s Revolver back at Shayton. However, the two werewolf knights ran up and slammed their swords on the ground as they growled and barked at them. The mysterious lady had made another bladed tendril and attached it to the banister and propelled herself forward.

From between the two knights, walked the man in the suit with the blonde hair… he had a smile on his face as he clapped his hands together, “... I remember you three,” He began. “By some miracle and failure of all logic, you made it this far…”

He laughed.

“... But your luck, ends here.”

Ella turned around to look at him, head tilted in confusion. "Who are you?"

“Ignatius,” He introduced himself. “We met at the bank. Except I looked… different.”

"Ohhhhh!" Ella clapped her hands together (awkwardly because of the wand). "The one who sent those weaklings after us!"

“And thank you for getting rid of them,” Ignatius folded his hands behind his back as he looked at the two werewolf knights. “However, Morningstar has ordered your deaths…”

He pointed at them, and the rabid Werewolf knights lunged at the group.

“... So, just die fast, we have business to attend to, morons.” Ignatius adjusted his suit

"It'll take more than this to kill me!" Ella shouted, as her legs lit up with a shimmering, prismatic light. She jumped forward, swinging one leg up to intercept and kick one of the Knights. He raised his sword to block the attack and slid backward towards Ignatius.

Saskia rolled their eyes behind her, tendril letting go of Lisa as it shot towards the other knight, and pierced through its face, cleaving through it cleanly. He stopped, grabbing his face, and a sizzling steam came out as he regenerated.

Lisa flipped over, as spider legs burst from her back… she was still bleeding, but she was still going to fight. It was time to whip out a tool in her arsenal that the Old Coven found disgusting. She loudly wretched, as she opened her mouth like some kind of unholy maw, and a spray of spiders came out her mouth and went towards the knight that Saskia had injured. It covered its body, as Lisa willed them to force their way into its regenerating wounds… then they healed over, as Lisa activated Acid-Burst and the acid exploded out of the knight’s head as it fell to its knees.

It hit the ground with a thump, as Kimberly shouted, “EVERYONE! BUNCH UP!

Lisa turned on her heel and ran over to Kimberly and Jordan. A coral-pink dome appeared around them, slowly beginning to spin, and then quickly accelerating. Saskia ran into the dome, blood tendril sucking back into the wound in her hand.

Ella was the furthest away. She was mid another kick towards the remaining Knight, forcefully stopping her momentum and spinning around on one foot. She started running over towards the dome….

However, in a burst of speed, Shayton grabbed her and threw her over the banister onto the table.

”... ELLA! Lisa shouted, extending a hand out to her friend.

Before she vanished along with the others.
@odium@Aeolian Alright here it is, just for you two and nobody else: The Synopsis.

Now, I probably missed a few things but I was trying not to describe every little tiny thing but here are the major things.

(Teeny Auri cameo)
Kari Wilson's Basement.

”Because I do realise how fucking serious this is. I want to find the bastard that killed Jinhai but I also don’t want my younger brother to lose the only family he has left. I’m not as fucking stupid as you think I am. I’ll work my fucking ass off to figure this shit out.”

”... I don't think you're stupid.”

A lie that Britney told Linqian, thankful that she decided to back down when pressed on the subject. It would be stupid to believe a word out of a crazy woman's mouth! Especially one that was about to turn the Halloween Festival into a battleground (and from what she heard, a fight did break out there). However, Britney just shook her head; Linqian pressed the group to head into the basement already where this secret vault was, and Britney couldn't help but agree. She wanted to get the hell out of there as fast as possible before either the PRA showed up or the House of Cards or 8th Street - at least the PRA could be reasoned with to some limited capacity.

"I'll keep watch up here," Auri said with a nod of her head, holding the Butterfly Staff firmly against the ground with one hand.

As instructed, Kenshiro led the group to Kari's basement, which was dusty and full of spiderwebs. The dust had taken over the place because it had not been maintained since Kari's death. Britney loudly sneezed and then chuckled.

”Bless you,” Adora said, as she walked down the stairs with her arms crossed.

”... Thank you, it's just a little dusty down here.” Britney replied.

However, Kenshiro led them to an... elevator door? It was painted over, and rickety. Britney laughed as it was obvious some time of magic was responsible for this.

"I don't suspect the Murasaki's ancient technique of Dark Drops to have been compromised by our enemies... But that doesn't mean I wouldn't recommend being on guard when I open this. My intuitions aren't what they used to be..."

Britney watched on as Kenshiro pulled out a coin and activated the spell... she watched in awe as Kanji symbols scrawled their way across the walls as the door split open to reveal this pocket dimension. Kenshiro was definitely a talented Adept, and she wished that he had returned sooner! They could have used him in sealing the Void Heart, and maybe things would have gone a lot smoother. Britney was one of the few inside, and then she looked around, glancing at the various items that Kari held dear and wanted to keep hidden from the world of the Blind. It would definitely raise a few alarms if she had guests over and they stumbled into here!

”Brit...” Adora said, and Britney turned her head towards Adora. She was holding a peculiar picture with one hand, and a fist to her mouth in the other. In concern, Britney walked over and asked,

”What's wrong-” Britney began, before she looked down at the picture and went. ”... Oh.

It was obviously an artwork piece that Kari had either drawn or commissioned (Britney couldn't remember if Kari could draw or not) of herself, Ella Brooks, Saskia Otten, and Lisa Turner. Not just any picture, but of the four of them dressed up as "Magical Girls" straight out of an anime... If Britney recalled correctly, Kari was really close to Ella, Saskia, and Lisa in the Old Coven, and she took their respective deaths really hard.

”I... need a moment...” Adora exhaled, sitting down in the corner. Taking deep breaths, as she silently counted in the corner. Britney put the picture back and watched over Adora, as another person had a breakdown...

"No... No! NO!-"

Britney whipped her head over to Kenshiro.

"-Her notes! Her notebooks! None of them are here, and the seal wasn't tampered with, there were no breaks in the scripture: Nothing! And her... Her fucking books aren't - there... The books weren't fucking in there..."


So, Kari's notes, which probably were the key to all of this, were all missing. Unfortunate. It was enough to make Kenshiro break down further—he obviously had feelings for Kari and the fact that her notes, her prize possession, were gone. Britney sighed, as it turned out they had accomplished nothing yet again, as they still had no idea who Father Wolf was, where he went, or if Kari even had anything to do with it all (Despite the fact that Britney believed that Kari has something to do with it, she was going to keep her mind open). Amara tried to reassure him, and so did Aislin (Layla didn't help much at all), but the two of them were latching onto the idea that Father Wolf was responsible.

Britney walked over and squatted down, picking up the coins and forming a neat stack in the palm of her hands. She got up and presented them back to Ken.

”Look, Ken,” Britney began. ”I know things look rough right now, but we have to remain positive. We have to remain hopeful. I'm not latching onto the idea that Father Wolf is the one who is responsible, but we need to keep it together. I know you had feelings for Kari, but if we fall apart now, it's over. If there's a will, there's a way, and there has to be something here that will give us a clue on what happened to Kari.”

Or what Kari did. Britney internally added that she's keeping her suspicion that Kari is either working for or is Father Wolf to herself. Now wouldn't be the best time to voice it anyway.

“I'll share the same idea that I did with Aislin. Lionel knew something. We can trash his place too.”

Britney winced, pausing for a moment before she answered.

”One, we're not trashing anyone's place,” Britney began. ”And two, Lionel ran his own paranormal investigation agency with an office and everything! I know he was investigating the murders before he was...”

Britney then coughed.

”But, let's give the entire house a good sweep... That Recollection tells me that somebody is trying to tell us something. And I'm hoping it doesn't end with us barking up 8th Street's tree...”

Interactions: Luna (@Estylwen), & Stormy (@Blizz).
Treetops Outside Kari's House.

“I'm just trying to help you. Do you know how daunting it is to even try showing my face around those I've respected and missed for ten years?! I was building up my courage to face you. I never meant anything malicious by spying! I even offered to make it up to you, and you don't believe me? That's not fair! You're not even giving me a chance!”

Thankfully, Drake wasn't Auri.

Drake didn't believe in the power of butterflies or friendship or anything else. He was stern, unmoving, and stubborn, and this was likely one of the few times he needed to be. He rolled his eyes as Luna lamely tried tapdancing around Drake's question and more lame-ass attempts to manipulate him. Drake had a question. And one question alone.

”You want to try and make amends now that you got caught, sweetheart. I'm looking at the facts here: You were following us for a reason. Don't try and dodge the question!” Drake shook his head. Still keeping the Halbred level with Luna's face. ”You want to make amends so badly? Stop bullshitting and tell me who you are working for! I'm starting to think you got something to do with that Wolf Bastard...”

He narrowed his eyes.

”... Whatever you’re about to do, I’d suggest thinking heavily on your options. You aren’t welcome around here, Tsukino.” We have no interest in dealing with your mafia.”

Stormy's voice boomed from below, Drake almost instinctually turned his head towards Stormy, but he stopped himself. He had to keep his eyes on this snake. This bitch was definitely going to try something if Drake didn't keep his eye on her - he didn't even feel comfortable blinking! Though, he felt confident with Stormy backing him up, he wasn't too good on these high mobility confrontations that Drake excelled in... and if Drake recalled correctly, Luna could fly.

Wonder if she could outrun lightning now.

“Fuzakeruna. (Don't mess with me.) You're the one who destroyed your own covenmate - don't talk to me about being ‘welcome’. Have you even tried talking to Layla again? Yeah, I know everything. I know how you tortured her and made her want to kill herself to make the pain stop. You can paint me as the villain all you want, but I see through your bullshit, kusogaki. (Unpleasant brat.)” Maybe I should really teach you how to be someone's friend, huh?”

"If you know about that business," he started. "Then you understand that instigating anything against us means entangling yourself in things that aren't worth your time or energy. Maybe you should stop and ask yourself if you want that. We have enough to worry about as it is, you have a poor reputation in this coven. If you start this, neither of us will be responsible for what the rest of the coven decides they want to do with you."

This. Is. Going. FUCKING. Nowhere. Drake internally seethed as Luna and Stormy went back and forth. If his hands weren't occupied being the spear and shield at the same time, he would had facepalmed by the idiocy of this all. It was obvious that Luna didn't have any plan in case she got caught by the Coven... Maybe her boss should have sent someone else. There was that tiny part of him that wondered if Luna was even with Father Wolf - he seemed very competent and Luna, so far... was not. This was a waste of time, and Luna was obviously stalling for backup.

Luna knew something. And she obviously wasn't going to tell them.

Well, that just means it's time to play hard ball.

"... But if you back down, I'm sure we can do this without violence."

”Sorry, Stormy...” Drake said to Stormy, as the spear that he had disappeared as he cocked his hand back behind him. He quickly created his Electric Flail, a lengthy chain with a mace, and swung it at Luna's leg. However, he overshot it a bit as he aimed for her leg and intended for the chain to wrap around her and electrocute the fuck out of her. Hopefully, it would just stun her as intended, and not kill her.

”... IF SHE FALLS, CATCH HER! Drake shouted at Stormy.
Luna: Plzzzzz take me back to the Coven I'm sorry :(


Interactions: Luna (@Estylwen).
Kari's House.

The spy took her mask off, and Drake sneered, and he couldn't help it.

It was Luna.

To his memory of the shitshow the Coven became after the Stygian Snake was defeated, Luna was out there selling Coven secrets to the local mafia and trying to rope members of the Coven into the said mafia. Which was... pathetic. Magic or not, what sort of lame-ass mafia tries to recruit literal children. Drake could only laugh to himself about the stupidity of it all, but he was far too angry that Luna betrayed them to a local criminal organization.

However, Luna was pissing him off right now. Big time.

“Okay, okay you got me. Drake, I can explain. I'm not Father Wolf, but - But I have been spying on you. Not because someone ordered me to. Well, that's partially true. But that's not the point. You're in danger. I know everything. I know about the police raid, I know about the gang fight, and I know tensions are high between you and the 8th Street. I know you keep losing members to a serial killer by the day. I- I know you need help. Please, let me help you. The vision- Kari went to someone. An unknown third party. I can use my connections and find out who. Please, please trust me. Drake, I was a stupid kid all those years ago. I have regretted my actions every day since getting kicked out. I should have never sold coven secrets, and I should have never tried to poach members. If I could do it all over again I'd have never done it. I'd have never hurt you, and hurt what we had built. I have missed my family, my covenmates, every day. Every day I'm plagued by heavy guilt. I can never rest. I daydream of our memories, hoping one day I could live that again...Kuso! (Fuck!). If you say ‘leave your old life, leave your business behind’, I'll do it. I swear I'll do it! It's blood in, blood out- they'll try to kill me. But I don't care! The coven is back together again, and I want to come home!”

Every word that came out of Luna's mouth made Drake twist his face up more and more... she could probably feel the cold stare from behind his sunglasses. There was so much bullshit in her speech that Drake wanted to just stab her through the gut just to get things over with. He didn't want to hear anymore... His sense of reason, as marred as it was, triumphed from there, however.

”... Awwww, how sweet,” Drake said in a mocking tone. ”You missed us so much that you decided to stalk us!”

A few chuckles escaped Drake, as his lips twisted into a mocking grin.... Then turned straight. ”Cut the bullshit, Luna. While you're at it, cut the tears, too. You know I'm the last person to fall for that bullshit.”

How stupid does she think Drake is, anyway? Not even the most delusional, gaslighting victim, would fall for Luna's bullshit. She was just trying to manipulate him now that she got caught, probably lamely trying to get a closer look at the Coven so she could report it to her boss (i.e. Father Wolf).

“Please… please, Drake. Let me come home.”

Drake was silent for a moment.

”... If you were really watching us, you'd know there isn't much of a Coven to come back to,” Drake shook his head, before he continued, ”Either way, you have no right to come back trying to act like you're sorry after you've stalked us. We had three meetings, and you attended none of them. And now you want to come back? Really?

He shook his head, ”It was probably you flapping your gums to the Mafia that got us into this mess in the first place!” Drake couldn't help but laugh at it all as he said, ”You can cry and try to bullshit your way out of this all you want; but the fact is someone is having you spy on us.”

He was silent as he stared her dead on.

Who is that someone? And I don't want to hear no more about you wanting to come back because that ship has sailed, sweetheart.”
Hello. Is this still open to new players?


I can summarize the events so far for you and help you through the character creation process if needed.

You're in the Collective Discord server iirc?

Interactions: Linqian (@FernStone), & Sloane (@Atrophy.
Kari's House.

The Recollection faded, and naturally, Britney was as puzzled as the rest of the group.

It seemed that Emily's ugly head resurfaced after ten years, and it was entirely her fault. She sighed, shaking her head as she turned away from the group for a moment so they wouldn't see her. She heard about all the terrible things they were doing from Lynette Domínguez, and Britney knew that she should have cared for Emily ten years ago as if she had Alizee and the Void Heart. She would like to say that she was better late than never, but how many people did her actions hurt? How many people has Emily hurt? How many has Vashti hurt? How many people did 8th Street hurt?

However, there was also the question of just who Kari went to help with Emily's harassment. If Kari had reached out to Britney, she could have helped, but she knew that Kari hated her for what she had done, which was fair. However, the odds of Emily having something to do with Father Wolf were... relatively slim.

The odds of Kari having something to do with Father Wolf were extreme.

”You know, Sloane, Vashti said the funniest fucking thing at the Halloween Festival. She said to tell you to drop round their manor again to talk to Emily. Want to tell us what the fuck you and your worse half. Are planning with 8th? Behind our fucking backs?”

However, Linqian quickly jumped on Sloane, which reminded Britney of her encounter with Vashti at the Halloween Festival. A lot was going on at that moment, and then she went to Sabrina's house with the others, so she didn't have much time to process it. However, Linqian was jumping the gun. Even though Britney found it odd, they didn't have anything concrete and would only make Sloane try and cover her tracks better or allow her to play the victim when something popped off. Britney took a step forward placed her hand on Linqian's shoulder, and said,

”Look, Linqian,” Britney began. ”That came from Vashti's mouth. Vashti. You saw how crazy she is.”

Interactions: Luna (@Estylwen).
Kari's House.

The Recollection faded, momentarily disorienting Drake as he didn't get a moment to process the information it gave him. It raised the question of what exactly Emily and 8th Street were up to, but that was a matter for later. What was important was the person spying on them... which could be Father Wolf stalking them. Drake stopped, floating at a similar level to their spy, as he held his electric shield in one hand. He remained stony face as, on the other hand, he created his electric halbred. He stared at this figure as she just lounged as if shit was funny. She was disguised, wearing a funky little dress with a mask on her face. Drake twisted the corner of his lip.

“Drake, you look good. You saw that too, didn't you? It seems you need my help again.”
This Ninja

Drake was taken aback.

There was something familiar about their stalker. Except... Drake had mainly forgotten about Luna in the past ten years (And if he did, he would be way more hostile). The only thing on his mind was that this bastard had something to do with Father Wolf - either she was Father Wolf or worked for him. The latter was the only thing that stopped him from attacking off-rip. Drake raised the Halbread until it was mere inches away from the Spy's face.

”... Take that mask off, stand up against the tree, and keep your hands where I can see them,” Drake commanded. ”You're coming down with me. We're gonna find out who you are and why you're stalking us. And if you're that Wolf Bastard, you're dead.”

... And if you're working for him, you're also dead. Drake added internally as he kept his eyes on the Spy.

He wished that he had made electric handcuffs now.
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