Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11034 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
    2. ███████████ 1 yr ago
    3. ██████████ 2 yrs ago
    4. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    5. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    6. ██████████████ 4 yrs ago
    7. ██████████ 5 yrs ago
    8. █████████ 6 yrs ago
    9. █████████ 7 yrs ago
    10. █████ 7 yrs ago
    11. ██████████ 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
2 days ago
so are these nuts
22 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
1 like
1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Lisa writhed in pain, as whatever Dr. Cross threw at them, electrocuted the living daylights out of her. Or it was something like that. It didn’t feel hot at all. It just hurt. Eventually, Lisa fell to the ground, as she looked over to Ella. She couldn’t help but feel compelled to reach her hand out towards her friend before she lost consciousness…

… Then it stopped.

She felt relief.

Yet disappointment.

”... Let’s do it again another time, okay?” Lisa chuckled.

"No way!" Ella had ended up curled up on the floor, her magical girl outfit dispelled so she was back in the jarringly black hoodie and skirt. She was closer to Lisa than she had been when hit, as if she'd been trying to move towards her. "That hurt so much! Why do you want to do it again?"

”Oh! You’re such a crybaby! Who isn’t into a little electro-torture?!” lisa laughed, as she climbed to her feet.

Ella shook her head, pushing herself up into a sitting position and looking around. "Wait, where's Saskia?!"

Lisa dusted herself off.

That was a good question.


There was a boom not too far away. Normally Lisa would have been all for running away but with Saskia missing… Lisa grabbed Ella’s hand.

”Let’s go find them!”

"Yes, let's go, they might be in danger!" Ella gripped Lisa's hand tight and dragged her towards the booming sound - through the completely destroyed wall. They didn't have to go far to find Saskia.

Ella ground to a halt as soon as she saw them. "Saskia!"

Saskia was in the middle of the dining room, destroyed table and chairs scattered around them. Three blood tendrils held them up above the floor. They were covered in mutilated flesh and blood, bone spears sticking out from random parts of their body. Painful, dark red clotted wounds were visible beneath the gore coating them. Another blood tendril was brutally picking through mangled remains, stabbing or squeezing anything that might still resemble a body part.

They paused upon hearing Ella, head slowly turning towards the two of them. Their bloodstained lips pulled up into a half smile, eyes devoid of any emotion. The tendril stopped rummaging through the remains and lifted, pointing at them both. "Oh, you're late. I already killed them. Let's kill the rest."

Yikes. Lisa thought to herself as she stared at the scene. Her eyes darted from left to right, she twiddled her thumbs. Something was off here. Saskia wasn’t… Saskia.

”Um… no,” Lisa awkwardly laughed. ”Let’s find Kimberly and Jordan and get out of here.” She shot both of her thumbs towards the exit… or one of the holes in the wall.

They could hear the sounds of the chaotic fight underground… which let Lisa know that they were still alive. ”Cool!” she said with a smile. ”Let’s help our friends!”

"Yeah let's go help them!" Ella nodded.

"What do you mean no?" Saskia tilted their head. "Help them kill, or help them escape?"

The tendril that wasn't supporting them shot out, wrapping around a destroyed half of the table. They threw it towards the hole Lisa had pointed to, haphazardly blocking it. "I won't let you trick me out of tearing this entire place down."

To punctuate their point, a tendril shot past the two of them and slammed into the wall with a bang, punching a crater into it as debris fell to the ground.

Lisa looked over her shoulder at the hole in the wall… Her jaw dropped. There was something wrong with Saskia, but what? What changed? Wait… could it have been that weird rock she found on the side o- No, the one Dollhouse gave her. Lisa smiled, awkwardly, extending a hand…

Saaaaaaaaaaakia! Can you show me that cool rock you found the other day!?”

"You’re just stalling for time." Another blood tendril shot past them, slamming into the wall again, as if caging them in. At the same time more blood leaked from wounds on their body, forming a thin layer of armour, and two blood blades came from her arms.

Ella let out a gasp. "Normally she can’t use that much blood!"

"I don’t want to hurt you." A struggle appeared in Saskia’s eyes for a moment, before going back to a deep blankness. The tendrils drop from the walls, smashing into the ground and hooking into it. They pulled themselves forward, towards Ella and Lisa.

Contrary to their words, they swung their arms to the side, a blood blade slicing at both Ella and Lisa. Lisa screamed as she fell to her back - blade missing her by inches. By reflex, Lisa summoned a horde of spiders which pooled at her feet.

”Saskia, stop! What’s gotten into you?!”

"Saskia, no!" Ella shouted, jumping back and just avoiding being sliced. She shook her head, pulling out her channeler. "I think she’s been corrupted by darkness, Lisa! We need to snap her out of it like in all the anime I watch!"

"What’s gotten into me?" Saskia intoned, blood tendrils pooling inwards and swirling around her - trying to clear out the spiders. She raised a foot to try stomp on Lisa’s leg, bone spear shooting out from it. "Nothing. I’m just destroying everything like we should- you’re the ones standing in my way."

Lisa immediately backpedaled, as it seemed like they were doing this the hard way now. Her mouth opened up and she spewed spiders at Saskia. They seemed completely unbothered as the spiders bounced off their armour, a couple getting stuck in thick blood.

"Ahhhhh- I’m the shining light in the darkness, prism power protect me!" Ella yelled, jumping back and spinning around as she started to go through her magical girl transformation.

Saskia rolled their eyes, blood tendril stabbing out and spearing Ella’s shoulder. She grimaced but kept going, awkwardly twisting as prismatic light coated her and changed her outfit.

They then turned back to Lisa, another tendril shooting towards her chest. Spider legs sprouted from Lisa’s back, and launched herself into the air. Attaching herself to the ceiling, she then applied the Acid-Burst spell to the spiders in her armor.

”... This isn’t you, fight it!”

"There’s nothing to fight." Saskia raised her hand and shot a blood bullet at Lisa, which hit her directly in the titty.

"There is! You’re not normally like this! Where’s the Saskia that would do anything for her friends?!" Ella shouted. She’d finished her transformation, legs lighting up in a myriad of colours. She jumped forward as Saskia raised another tentacle to go after Lisa, blocking it with her leg.

”... Ow, my titty! Lisa grabbed her own titty as it began to bleed. She grit her teeth… now it is time to get serious. The floor ruptured in front of Saskia and a barrage of spiders came spewing out - only to immediately have the acid burst spell applied to them. All the while, Lisa had pulled some spiders aside and cocooned them, and they grew larger and larger… she had five so far. The plan was not for all five of them to reach full size.

The plan was to stall Saskia out to get one of them.

The acid burned through Saskia's blood armour, eating away at the flesh of her arms and legs as she reinforced the vulnerable areas. They pulled back in their blood blades and reinforced the armour, blood crawling across dissolved skin.

A tendril wrapped around Ella's leg, lifting her up and slamming her into the ground. At the same time Saskia ran towards one of the cocooned spiders. She forcefully slammed into it, bone spears shooting out all across the front of her body as she tore into it.

Ella twisted around, shooting a burning light from her Channeler which cut through the tendril holding her. She rolled over, past it, and leapt at Saskia with a glowing foot, which Saskia blocked with another tendril.

One down. Lisa thought to herself as she crawled further away… her range was impressive enough to work. Unlike Ella, Lisa was not an up-front fighter, and she would get clobbered by Saskia if she wasn’t careful. They needed a plan… Where the hell was that stone? It sucked, but they had to disable Saskia. She sighed as a wave of spiders came from the unseen corners of the room, from underneath the tables, the chairs, the furniture that nobody was paying attention to. They quickly flooded the floor underneath Saskia’s feet… and Lisa applied the Acid-Burst spell to them all.

They could, at the very least, heal Saskia after this.

Saskia barely reacted as acid splashed across her feet, splattering up her legs. It ate through the blood armour again and right to the bone of her thighs and feet. The blood tendril split back into four, three dropping to push her off the ground in place of destroyed feet. The other smacked at Ella, stopping her from getting close enough to actually attack.

They moved forward, a spear covered fist punching into another cocoon. At the same time, they raised their free hand and shot off another blood bullet at Lisa… which hit her in the other titty.

”... OH GOD DAMN IT! Lisa screamed, grabbing her other titty. Both of them were oozing blood… Saskia was going through the cocoons, but that wasn’t a problem as she created two more glowing cocoons around the room. They had to do something a bit more drastic… Lisa summoned two spiders from out of the vents and they crawled above Saskia… and they slowly descended, aiming for her eyes.

Again, they could heal them.

As the spiders lowered, Saskia’s head snapped up. The blood tendril fighting Ella shot up, spearing through the two spiders.

But it gave Ella an opening. She jumped in, aiming a shining foot at Saskia’s waist. At the same time colour spilled from her bracelets to her arms. The foot connected, knocking Saskia back even as multiple bone spears pierced through it. Ella then grabbed Saskia with her strengthened arms.

"Lisa! Get them now!" Ella held on for dear life as Saskia’s blood tendril spun around and pierced her shoulder, multiple bone spears shooting out into her.

They had to play dirty to get Saskia to stop… Spiders came out of the hidden corners of the room. Flooding the room, but also exhausting Lisa further - they covered the tendrils that Saskia were standing on, then they crawled up to their eyes. Then she applied the Acid-Burst spell again.

The acid exploded across Saskia's face, completely penetrating their armour. Their eyes dissolved and skin dripped off their skull, like wax from a burning candle. Muscle was eaten away to reveal the bones inside. Their free blood tendrils flailed about madly, piercing Ella's side and back. Ella gritted her teeth and kept hold of Saskia, face and upper body also peeled off by the acid.

Then, finally, Saskia stopped struggling and went limp against Ella. The tendrils melted, dark blood splashing across the floor. The bone spears slowly pulled back into her body.

"Can I have some healing spiders?" Ella groaned, hooking one arm under Saskia's destroyed legs while the other supported her back, properly carrying her.

The healing spiders came out the pores in Lisa’s hands, and she immediately flicked them into Ella’s face without a second thought. She immediately came down from the ceiling - using her spider legs to brace her impact - and then lingered above Saskia. She quickly dug her hand into Saskia’s shirt from their collar (getting a titty grab in), looking for that damned st- Found it! Without a second thought, Lisa tried to pull it off, only to find out that it was fused to Saskia’s chest.

... Of course.

”... I-it’s stuck!” Lisa shouted. ”Ella, give me a hand!”

Ella also stuck her hand down Saskia's shirt, hand curling around the stone (and Lisa's hand) and trying to pull it out with still colour enhanced strength. "It ain't budging! Maybe… maybe I can burn it out?"

”... That’s not going to work,” Lisa shook her head, as tiny spiders came from the insides of her sleeves. They quickly traveled from her hands to Saskia’s body, and wrapped themselves around the Orange stone. ”This is going to hurt….”

She applied the Acid-Burst spell, and Saskia’s flesh around the Orange Stone was dissolved, Lisa tried pulling at it, she managed to pull it - but it was still stuck to their skin. ”God damn it!” Lisa shouted.

The phone in her back pocket began ringing…

”Ella, get that for me,”

"Alright!" Ella shoved her hand in Lisa’s pocket, accidentally touching her butt in the process. She leaned forward to awkwardly pick up the call with one hand, still holding Saskia in her arms. "Hello, Ella speaking!"

“... Get the fuck out of there, mami!” Lupe shouted over the phone. “I don’t care what you’re doing! Get the fuck out of there, right now!”

"Shit how do you know- ahhh, Society spies- okay!" Ella turned to Lisa, looking a bit panicked. "It’s Lupe, she says we’ve gotta ‘get the fuck out of here.’ I can carry Saskia- lets deal with the stone later!"
“Please, Dios mios, get out of there, mami!” Lupe said over the phone. “Everyone is heading there. Trust me mami, hang up the phone and get out of there.

Thankfully for the girls, the giant spiders that Lisa had created were ready. Unfortunately, they were not equipped for flight, as they were armed with raptorial limbs, and Lisa facepalmed as she wished that she could make a spell that reverted them back to normal. However, they would have to improvise, as she ordered one of them—a Hobo spider with the raptorial limbs of a praying mantis—to come over.

There was hesitance, Lisa turned towards Ella…

”... We should get the stone off of them, first.”

"Yeah, it’ll be worse if they wake up and go on another rampage!" Ella agreed, shifting Saskia in her arms so that she could pull out her channeler. She cast a burning ray of light on the skin still attached to the orange stone, trying to burn it off. "Then we run, cause Lupe says everyone is coming!"

It was still attached, would they need to use surgery? That was when Lisa grabbed it, and yanked at it hard as she could before a spider leg burst out of her back, and it swung around to slice it out.

At the same time, Ella continued to burn away the skin around it. It… seemed to work in combination with Lisa’s slice as the skin attaching it got thinner and thinner, until it finally came out.

Leaving a horrible gaping hole in Saskia’s chest, skin covered in all sorts of burns. It looked horrible.

"Let’s go!"

Lisa grabbed it and tossed it across the room - it fell into one of the holes in the ground that Gomander created, and that was the last of it. She knew that Saskia shouldn’t have trusted those Dollhouse weirdos. They were nothing but trouble!

”Help me get them on top!” Lisa shouted, as she knelt down and tried to lift Saskia up. ”We can at-”

“... Leaving so soon?” Morningstar’s voice could be heard, as a giant portal opened on the other side of the room. He stepped through, and various horrific monsters stepped through with him.

”... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Lisa moaned, as she rolled her eyes.

“Your friends are still fighting Ignatius and A’lon,” Morningstar noted. “However, you three are so obsessed with my defeat, so….”

He put his hands out.

“Here I am, all of me.”

"Morningstar!" Ella shouted. She carefully put Saskia down, stepping in front of her and Lisa. Quieter, she whispered, "Lisa, heal Saskia, quick!"

Lisa knelt down, and her healing spiders came from her hands then crawled over to Saskia and dug into their flesh and flesh them.

Then, yelling again, she pointed at Morningstar. "You’ve finally decided to stop being a coward! Finally, your reign of tyranny is going to come to an end. I will vanquish you, for everything that is right and beautiful in this world!"

“Well…” Morningstar narrowed his eyes. “... Here I am. Come and face me! And let’s bring this circus to an end already!”

Ella didn't say anything else. Instead her legs just lit up with prismatic light, and she launched herself forward with a flying kick towards him. However, he opened his hand and created a portal in her trajectory… and she flew inside, and came out aimed towards Lisa’s spider.

”.... ELLA, YOU SMOOTHBRAIN! Lisa shouted as Ella literally let herself get goaded into a fight. What didn’t concern her was Morningstar himself, but the minions he had at his side. The spider she had was killed and-

The ceiling burst open, and Lisa covered her eyes. Rapel lines came down, as she heard,


... Wait, Lisa thought to herself as she heard boots hit the ground. Was that Clem?
Updated Phoebe and Amy's abstractions:

Adjoined - The Tantalizing Mist.
Pink is Adjoined to Deniza, a mysterious and silent Apparition, which she says also conveniently found her around the time Violet adjoined to Lightning Girl! This Apparition allows Pink to use her Abstraction by Proxy, which is the ability to generate a bright pink, sparkling mist. This mist can be manipulated by Pink telekinetically and, if inhaled, has a unique effect: it induces illusions/hallucinations of what the person desires the most. These illusions will be incredibly realistic and convincing, being able to manipulate all five senses and can be interacted with as if they were actual. As long as they are in her mist, the illusion will persist; however, they can break the trance if they can tell that it's just an illusion (or know about Pink's abstraction). Pink herself is immune to the effects of the mist, and by focusing on someone in her mist, she can see and interact with the illusion much like they do - confusing them further. This Abstraction bypasses all Emotional-Fields long as it's inhaled.

Pink's abstraction.

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: Edict (@AtomicEmperor), & Stormy (@Blizz). The whole ahh Coven at this point.
In front of Kari's House.

Clancy's claw tore open Aaron's stomach before he could dodge, and Flora kept barraging him with arrows. His eyes flew open as he stumbled backward, falling onto his back as he gained information on Clancy's abstraction and his actions. However, he barely had time to process it with his organs splayed out all over the floor, and that axe shimmered against the storm clouds, it was like a horror movie. In a desperate, last-second attempt to save himself, he applied the Spotlight Spell on Clancy so that all the attention was on Clancy - and so somebody, anybody, could help him. However, someone began blasting and that axe hit the ground at Clancy's feet. Flora went down too, Carol was already down - Aaron wasn't sure if they were dead, only his vision was fading.

George ran up, kicked Clancy into the distance like a football, and screamed, "TOUCHDOWN!" Throwing his hands up into the air as bullets hit him and seemingly bounced off. "Wait, is somebody shooting at me?" He said as he turned to the source. He jumped in the way, driving his hand into the ground and pulling out a chunk of soil and sediment.

"Buzz off!" George shouted, about to throw the chunk at Greyson, but he saw the burning cross in the sky. That meant it was time to mask up! He reached for the pouch on his hip, then he whipped around and put the gas mask on his face.

He just laughed at Greyson as the pink mist overcame them.

Vashti and Maya wandered off.

Carol, Aaron, and Flora are down.

The zombies are dancing.

Stormy's aura is active.

Shit was going down in the ice fortress.

And her monster is obsessed with a stupid jacket.

The plan was just going south.

If only Vashti and Maya remained in position... the entire plan wouldn't have fallen apart, but Emily would have to correct that behavior later. Emily weighed her options here, she could still attrition the Coven to death, but the risk of losing her special tools was too high. Not only that, she didn't have the patience or attention to herd all these cats (Well, no, Emily has also really been craving some Dairy Queen right now). It wasn't like they couldn't get Lila another time, they knew where she lived. They'll just jump her later and kill her and then keep it moving.

The jacket the monster was obsessed with burst into flames as Emily's hand reached into the sky; using the utmost extent of her power, she managed to create a burning cross in the sky. Which was the signal to 8th Street that they were going to retreat, but that wasn't all the signal meant. Emily saw those two strippers hop out and rolled her eyes as she quickly put her gas mask on.

A pink, sparkling mist overcame the battlefield, as Emily teleported off the monster. Stormy was still in range, and she focused on one of its legs as it burst into flames. The monster, which was previously stunned by Stormy's aura, stumbled over towards Stormy. If that didn't kill him, Emily was going to barrage him from fire from a distance.

Though, the mist was so thick that it was difficult to see through, light sources still shined through. Not that these sluts would have noticed because of the effects of... inhaling it.

Brianna's portal opened, and George was chucking their injured through it, fighting through the Phantombane Aura.

"Violet" Santos, & "Pink" Howard.
Interactions: All da muthafuckas.
In the bushes outside Kari's House.

"Brrrrrr!" Violet shouted. "It's cold as fuck! Why did we agree to this plan?!"

"Well, maybe you should have worn a rain jacket," Pink said, wearing a hooded trench coat, while Violet was wearing that same black hoodie from earlier, which was currently drenched. The two of them were hiding in the bushes, far away from the action, but also being able to see it; thankfully nobody noticed that they were even in there!

"What? That ugly ass thing?" Violet scoffed. "I'd rather be caught dead than be caught in that."

"Well," Pink said, shaking her head. "Then be cold then."

"What? A hoe never gets cold!"

"You were just complaining about being cold!" Pink shook her head.

However, they saw that burning cross made out of hellfire in the sky... Pink shook her head, and at her feet was a glowing blue potion. She quickly knelt down and popped the top off before downing it. She gagged, sticking her tongue out, as she said, "Stuff tastes like shit, but... I feel powerful!" She grinned.

Violet grinned back.

"... Go out with style?"

"Go out with style!" Pink said.

The two of them hopped out of the foliage and posed.

Nobody could see them.

They both screamed in unison.

Nobody could hear them.

Using the abstraction-boosting concoction that Greta Faust gifted them, Pink's abstraction was boosted to exponential levels. She spread her hands out, and a thick pink cloud of mist expanded outwards and quickly covered the entire battlefield from the ice fortress all the way to Kari's house. Anyone who inhaled this mist would find themselves experiencing vivid hallucinations; they would see, hear, and feel convincing images of their greatest desires tempting them. It bypassed Emotional-Fields and any resistance - if they inhaled the pink mist, then they would be hallucinating.

Interactions: Linqian (@FernStone).
Kari's Front Yard.

”Heyyyy, Brit, since when could you water slap people? Don't worry, I'm all good, it'll take more than that to kill me.”

A renewed smile appeared on Britney's face, which was dripping in the rain, her barrier providing minimal protection against it all.

”Since I started preparing for the next wet t-shirt contest, duh.” Britney laughed, adding some levity to the situation, which didn't look super good at the moment.

”All my shit's in there! My clothes, my phone, my money... my only winter jacket! Fuck! I can't fucking afford to replace any of that! I only got this fucking hot cause I knew I could put my fucking clothes back on… Fuck.

Britney resisted the urge to say, "That's what you get," but she couldn't help but sigh. That compassionate side of her defeated that stern and unforgiving side. ”... When we get out of this, just hit me up, I got you.” Britney said with a sigh - she was hoping that she wasn't making it too obvious that she was being hesitant.

Aryin came over and helped Linqian to her feet, and Britney stood up herself.

”We should get you out of here. I can get rid of the zombies easily… or just fucking freeze them, then we can go out through the woods? I don’t fucking know. I’m not being a coward or some shit like that, just we don’t have enough people to deal with these assholes… they’re actually fucking organised. Better to get the ones they want the fuck away from it all… but I don’t know. I’m not a planner. Maybe I should just punch Aryin till she’s super charged then we can go destroy them or some shit. What should we do?”

Leaving was the best option in Britney's eyes; she honestly couldn't see any benefit that could come from this fight, and she could care less about stupid shit like cowardice - Alizee didn't leave when she had the chance, and now she's gone (Her death was her own fault, Britney.). Though, while she believed in leaving, she was not going to leave 8th Street's obvious target behind: Lila. It was obvious from how Emily was acting that she wanted Lila (if Emily really wanted Britney dead, she would have already nuked the barrier by now).

”... We should go, but I'm not leaving Lila behind,” Britney asserted; she gave the Noble Vow a flourish; she wondered if it'd be any good in this situation. ”We need to get Vashti away from her, let's...”

The explosion of pink came from the middle of the battlefield, and before Britney could react it had completely overtaken her. She immediately stopped breathing and held her breath, thinking it was some type of biological weapon and looked around. She couldn't keep this up for long as she looked to Linqian...

Annabelle Heart, Miranda, Jacqueline Reed, and....
Interactions: None.
8th Street Manor > The Sea Shanty Scoop.

"... You know Em's going to have a stroke if she hears about this, right?" Miranda said walking up to a metal door with her sister at her side. She was holding a comically large hoodie neatly folded in her hands, with a handsaw on top of it.

"Well, she's not going to, is she?" Jacqueline laughed as she spun a key ring around her finger. She walked up to the metal door and stuck the key in. Before she turned it, she gave Miranda a wry grin and said, "... She isn't, right?"

Miranda sighed.

"... No, she is not."

"You fed her, right?" Jacqueline asked.

"Yes," Miranda sighed. "I gave her three of my legs this time."

"Great!" Jacqueline said as she slid the door open, revealing a metal cell... with some bones that were undeniably human, but as long as the PRA didn't come sniffing around, they'd be fine. Probably. In the corner was their friend, Annabelle Heart - or the creature that she began. She was curled up in the fetal position in the corner, her hands over her face. However, when the light of the room of room struck her, she moved her hand somewhat out of the way of her eye. She grunted.

Jacqueline knelt forward, hands on her knees, and said, "Hey, Annabelle!"

"... Yes?" Annabelle groaned.

"Wanna go for a walk, buddy?" Jacqueline said with a smile, spinning the keyring around her finger. "Let's get some Dairy Queen for old times sake."

Annabelle slowly stood up to her feet, her hands still covering her face from the light. At full height, she towered over Jacqueline and Miranda, and she slowly shambled over to them. The two girls didn't even flinch, they just smiled.

"I'll... go..." Annabelle said, wiping her face with one hand.

"Yay!" Miranda said, as Jacqueline grabbed the handsaw, and stood on her tippy-toes trying to reach for Annabelle's horns.

With a grunting groan, Annabelle bent forward, and then Jacqueline grabbed onto her horn and then quickly hacked it off, before Annabelle turned her head and Jacqueline cut off the other one. Both of the horns hit the ground, and Jacqueline picked them up, putting them underneath her shoulder. She smiled.

"I'm going to get rid of these," Jacqueline began. "Get her dressed she can't go out..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Annabelle, who was completely nude... but, it was far from titillating with her inhuman features, near-skeletal physique, and chalk-white skin.

"Now, just come here," Miranda said before she looked Annabelle up and down. "... Shit, how are we going to do this?"

After disposing of Annabelle's horns and getting Annabelle dressed, the two girls walked her to their favorite ice cream shop, The Sea Shanty's Scoop- with each of them holding Annabelle's hands (that were covered by the hoodie they put on her). Annabelle was wearing a comically large hoodie - one that Miranda scoured the internet for, for hours before she found it. While it would have been dragging on the ground if anyone else wore it, with Annabelle, who was eight feet tall, it was only oversized. Along with some comically large sweatpants and some sandals. They definitely looked crazy. However, it was the dead of the night and everyone was so caught up in their little worlds.

They sat Annabelle down at one of the tables, and Miranda sat down next to her.

"I'll get us everything," Jacqueline said, "Annabelle, what do you want? Your favorite? Chocolate with sprinkles and fudge on top?"

Annabelle was silent.

"Chocolate with sprinkles? A little fudge?" Jacqueline repeated herself.

"... Yes," Annabelle groaned.

"You know what I want," Miranda said, and with a nod, Jacqueline had left. Miranda silently kicked her feet back and forth as Annabelle sat there, groaning.

Eventually, Jacqueline came back awkwardly holding all of their orders, and Miranda sprung out of her seat to help. Carrying all of their ice cream back to the table, they presented it in front of Annabelle with a spoon and everything... However, she just stared at it.

"Annabelle, it's your favorite!" Miranda bubbly said.

Annabelle stared at it.

"Do you need help?"

Annabelle stared at it.

"Come here..." Miranda reached over, grabbed the spoon, and scooped up a little spoonful of ice cream before sticking it into Annabelle's mouth.

Annabelle spits it out.

"... I don't want it,"

"... Um, maybe this wasn't such a good idea," Jacqueline said, as she put her face into her hands. She let out a defeated sigh. She didn't notice the footsteps approaching.

"... Hey," Jacqueline definitely noticed that and turned her head to see none other than Lynette Domínguez. She was wearing a black hoodie with some black leggings, and black Timberland boots. "Mind if I have a seat?"

"Lynette!" Miranda excitedly said. "You know we'd never say no to you."

"Yes, help yourself," Jacqueline said.

"Now, I'm sorry for ambushing you all in the woods last week," Lynette began as she sat a seat. "And I'm also sorry for using my... resources to track you two down."

"You know you have our number," Jacqueline noted.

"I was blocked again, but that's not important right now," Lynette answered as she sat down before squinting at Annabelle, "... Who is this?" She tilted her head.

Both Jacqueline and Miranda sighed.

"... It's Annabelle." They both said at the same time.

"Wait, this is Annabelle?" Lynette's jaw dropped. "What... what happened to her?"

"We got into a fight with Greenwood and she was cursed," Jacqueline answered. "We're working on helping her."

"You know my people have the resources to help her," Lynette said.

"We know," Miranda answered. "I'm sorry, but we don't trust them not to do anything to our friend."

"Fair," Lynette shrugged. "But, you know I'll help Annabelle."

"We'll let you know if we need help," Jacqueline said. "Greta is working on something for her, so we just need to see what comes from that."

"It's not like we have any other options," Miranda shrugged.

"That's good... So, let me get to the point," Lynette began. "I'm still working on my private investigation to get to the bottom of these murders, I want to ask you two some questions. You are totally free not to answer. And I wouldn't hold it against you."

"What do you want to know?" Jacqueline asked.

"Well, I wanted to discuss Ashley Stone - I know your sister had nothing to do with her murder - but Emily was harassing her for the Apparition Killer," Lynette began. "To tell you the truth, Ashley should have passed the blade to somebody else if she was going to turn her back on magic, but it was her choice. Even though everyone else did all the heavy lifting finding- oh, I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?"

Lynette awkwardly laughed. "It's been ten years, I just want to know why she suddenly decided that she wanted the Apparition Killer?"

The twins sighed again.

"Should I tell her?" Miranda said.

"No," Jacqueline answered. "I'll do it."

Jacqueline shook her head before she began her explanation, "It's actually our fault. You probably don't know this, nor have you met her, but we have a little cousin named Constance."

"... Constance Reed?" Lynette raised an eyebrow.


"There was an amber alert for her, that I know," Lynette said, "What does she have to do with it?"

"When she went missing, I immediately used the book to find her, only to find out the worst had happened," Jacqueline sighed, hanging her head and rubbing her temples.

"I'm waiting," Lynette said.

"There was an Apparition in a cat... calls herself the Grimalkin, she... tortured Constance into being her servant," Jacqueline answered. "The only issue is that the Grimalkin also works for Dollhouse. So, we arranged a meeting with their leaders. Just us. And they told us that they'll release Constance if we get them the Apparition Killer. So... I just nudged Emily into getting it from Ashley. We probably should have just stolen it from her instead; I'm so dumb." She buried her face in her hands.

"... Does Emily know?" Lynette asked.

"No," Miranda answered.

"Why not?"

"We don't want her to start a war with Dollhouse."

Lynette's jaw dropped.

"... They are literally - LITERALLY - holding your little cousin hostage," Lynette seethed. "I don't know about you, but if that was my cousin, my brother, my sister, I'd already have Luis' head."

She let her words hang in the air before she added, "... Why are you two pussyfooting? Don't you care about your cousin? She's your cousin."

"We're afraid they'll kill Constance!" Jacqueline answered with a shout, attracting some looks and gazes, but they ignored them. "I know... I want them dead, too. But, Dollhouse... they're scary. Way stronger than us. And even if we can stand a chance against them, they'll just kill her before we get a chance to save her."

"That's fair, but..." Lynette said. "... By playing their games, you're just going to let them think they can boss you around. First, it's the Apparition Killer, then what next? They have all the cards because you let them."

"Look!" Jacqueline shouted, "I don't mean to act like Emily, but we didn't ask for your input! We're going to find the Apparition Killer, then we're going to get Constance back!"

"Fine," Lynette said, "I'm going to see what I can do about your cousin, I just think handing them the Apparition Killer is a bad idea."

"Whatever they do with the sword is their business," Miranda said. "Is there anything else we can help you with?"

"Honestly, there is," Lynette said, "But, I'm going to drop it here, okay?"

"Okay!" The Reed sisters said in unison.

"Let's... just catch up, hangout," Lynette said. "I have all night. And... yeah, let's just chill."

Afterward, the four simply chatted.
Before I forget, here is the template for locations/artifacts/whatever! It will be going into the misc section for everyone to pull from and utilize for whatever they need.

Gomander let out a loud roar, opening one of her maws… One of Morningstar’s fireballs came out directly at Saskia.

Saskia propelled herself out of the way with her blood tendril, using it to flip over the fireball. Her foot came down towards Gomander, bone spear jutting out from it and towards her flesh.

Dr. Cross quickly got in the way and used her pike to parry. Sheer’Khan slowly approached, arms outstretched.

“... Can you just die already?” He asked. “We have things to do.”

Gomander opened another maw and Ella’s beam came out at Saskia.

"Dying is overrated," Saskia replied, blood coating her body and completely blocking the beam. Her blood was practically replenishing as quickly as she was using it thanks to the Orange Stone.

She hopped back, landing on one foot and pulling back in the bone spear from her foot. She swung an arm forward, another long and incredibly hard bone spear shooting out and aiming for Dr Cross. At the same time the blood tendril shot around her and towards Gomander, and she held up her other hand to shoot a blood bullet at Sheer’Khan. The bullet hit him in the chest and he groaned in pain.

“... How can you do that?!” he whined.

The bone spear was blocked by Dr. Cross, but it launched her back. Until she hit the wall.

Gomander consumed the tendril - then flew towards Saskia with each jaw snapping at her. “Stop being lazy and kill her, Sheer’Khan!” One maw spat at Sheer’Khan.

Saskia gritted her teeth, pain shooting through her as the tendril was bitten off- but she quickly formed another one. She propelled herself to the side with it, dodging the jaws. She stabbed with the bone spear at the flesh between the jaws. She brought her knee up (using the tendril to keep herself up), another bone spear jutting out of it.

However, Gomander closed her mouth on the bone spear, catching it. Gomander tried flying off… Saskia immediately broke the bone, a loud crack echoing through the room. She pulled it back into her body, backing away for a moment as she quickly healed the broken bone. The intense pain sent another spike of adrenaline through her. She needed to change tactics and avoid those mouths. There seemed to be less on the underside… alright.

Saskia ran at Gomander, feinting with the blood tendril aiming for the upper half of Gomander’s body. As they did, they bent backwards- arms coming up with blood blades extending from their hands to try slice the underside of her… tearing her wide open. Gomander loudly screamed as she crashed through a wall, devouring much as she could. Dr. Cross quickly ran after out, pulling a glowing potion out of her pocket.

… And Sheer’Khan appeared between them in a burst of speed. He laughed.

“Nice trick,” he began. “Now… it looks like I gotta take off the kid gloves. I’m not letting another member of the Seven die on my watch…”

"Oh, finally getting serious?" Saskia asked, expression unchanging. Based on what the other two said, he must be stronger… but it was only him left. "I won't hold back then."

More blood pooled out from her hand, coating her entire body in a thin layer of hard armour. Even with the super boosted blood regeneration, having all three blood spells active caused her to feel slightly lightheaded - but she was used to that. She used the tendril to propel herself forward, bring the blades down towards Sheer'Khan.

He disappeared in a burst of pure speed…. Reappearing behind Saskia, swinging his open hand at them, hitting them back and knocking her forward. It hurt, but the armour protected her from getting badly hurt. Her blood tendril spun round to the front to catch her, pushing her back towards Sheer’Khan as two bone spears shot out of her back - piercing through his hand.

He groaned before he slammed a fist down towards Saskia. The blood tendril shot around above them, thickening and blocking the fist. Saskia snapped off the bone spears, twisting around and bringing up a knee towards Sheer’Khan - another bone spear shooting out of it.

He dodged to the side in a similar burst of speed, before punching with Saskia with everything he had. Saskia's arms shot up in front of her face to protect as she took the punch full on. It sent her flying, crashing into a wall with a sickening crunch. They fell with a groan, agony from broken bones doubling as they instantly repaired. As they stood, blood dripped off their body and coated the floor red. The blood armour had taken the brunt of the damage, and all she'd suffered were multiple broken bones. Nothing big.

"Is that all?" Saskia asked drily, raising a hand and shooting a blood bullet towards his head. His hand quickly moved in the way to block.

“Nope…” Sheer’Khan drove both of his hands int the ground, and with some grunting, he flipped the floor Saskia was standing on over.

Saskia pulled in all the blood from her tendril and blades, recreating her blood armour around her. She crashed into the ground below the floor, head curled inwards, and kicked out and right through the floor she’d been on. With a grunt she pulled herself back up. They had to give him that, it was pretty fucking impressive. More blood leaking from various wounds on her body formed a shorter tendril. It picked up a piece of debris, throwing it at Sheer’Kan. Saskia jumped at him from right behind it, aiming a fist at him, ready to shoot a bone spear out of it as soon as it hit. On impact, it stabbed him in the chest… and he groaned in pain, stumbling backward. He slammed both of his hands together in an attempt to crush Saskia. They jumped backwards, bones quickly lightening to move faster. Their outstretched arm got caught and crushed, and they hopped back further with a wince. It hung limp at their side, twisting and cracking as the bones began to heal back into place.

Meanwhile, Dr. Cross ran over to the downed Gomander and poured the potion on her. Her wounds began to heal slowly…

Saskia cursed, spotting this out of the corner of her eye. She couldn’t fight them all again… Well, she probably could if she sacrificed herself. She raised her not-healing hand, forming a blood bullet and shooting it at Dr. Cross’s back… and another immediately after. However, Sheer’Khan appeared in front of both of the shots in a burst of speed. They both hit him in the chest, as he groaned.

"That is very annoying," Saskia intoned. Sweat beaded on her forehead as her broken arm snapped back to normal with a horrendous, near 180 turn of her wrist. After this… when they got back… she was taking a shit ton of painkillers and sleeping for hours. She just had to get rid of these three. "Can’t you die already?"

She raised both hands, shooting a blood bullet from each.

“Why don’t you stop holding back, already,” Sheer’Khan said, wiping his own blood away as he took steps towards Saskia. “You’re the first person to hurt me… You can do a lot more than that.

In a burst of speed, he appeared right in front of Saskia with his fist cocked back, then slammed it at her. She threw her arms up in front of her face and multiple bone spears shot out from nearly everywhere - her arms, her chest, her legs, creating a pointed armour in front of her. Her blood tendril shot over her head and stabbed at him. When Sheer-Khan punched Saskia, he stabbed himself - then immediately pulled his hand back, and gave it a few shakes. Which gave the blood tendril the perfect opportunity to pierce through his neck.

“Damn it!” Sheer’Khan said as he grabbed the tendril, and yanked the end, attempting to pull Saskia off their feet. They suddenly became lighter, pulled up into the air and using the tendril to flip over. The tip turned to liquid in Sheer’Khan’s hand and Saskia increased their bone weight again. The spears on their front pulled back in, leaving gaping wounds leaking blood, and multiple shot out of their thighs and feet as they aimed to crash into his head with them.

They slammed into his head, and each of them embedded. Sheer’Khan stumbled backward and crashed through a wall. Saskia winced, almost getting knocked over. The remaining tendril stabbed into his shoulder to stabilise themselves - ignoring the dizziness they felt from using so much blood. Bone spears still lodged in his head, and attached to them, they bent over and brutally sliced at his neck with a quickly formed blood blade.

Making a clean cut through his neck.

His head slid off moments later.

Saskia pulled all of her bone spears back into her body, jumping off before she also fell onto the ground. The circular wounds left behind clotted, leaving only the original one on her hand still bleeding. They looked as if they shouldn't be able to stand, covered in self inflicted sounds - but the pain only fueled them. They weren't finished yet.

They turned towards Dr Cross and Gomander, blood tendril properly reforming on their back. ”Who wants to die next?"

Dr.Cross half-grinned as Gomander let out a vicious scream. Several mouths, all screaming at once. She then dove into the ground, consuming stone, metal, and wood alike.

Dr. Cross stepped up, holding her pike in front of her with both hands.

“Slash your own throat and save me the trouble.”

"I don't like to make things easy."

Saskia reformed their blood armour, tendril kept low to the ground. They ran at Dr Cross and a bone spear shot out of their fist, stabbing towards her. Dr. Cross dove to the side and swung the pike at Saskia’s core. Which would weaken their abstraction on hit. They grabbed the pike with a hard blood coated hand, protecting her from the abstraction weakening.

Saskia jumped back, blood spear shooting out of that hand to repel it against the pike, trying to push it out of the way and lung in for a strike with the other hand's spear. Dr. Cross let go of the pike, and dove out of the way again… Then she pulled a Luger Pistol out of her suit jacket.

Gomander flew into the air, diving Saskia, and spewing concrete and wood at them.

Saskia pushed themselves out of the way of Gomander, rolling to the side towards Dr Cross. The concrete and wood hit them - harmlessly crashing into the strong blood armour. Their blood tendril shot out, aiming to grab Dr. Cross' pistol. It latched on, but Dr. Cross pulled the trigger a few times and let off a few rounds. The bullets hit Saskia's shoulder, breaking through the blood armour. They used their blood to forcefully push them out, instantly clotting the wounds, and yanking the pistol out of Dr. Cross' hand.

Gomander then charged Saskia, intending to consume them.. They dropped down, multiple bone spears shooting out of their back, aiming to pierce Gomander. They immediately snapped them off, rolling to the side. Their blood tendril split in two, grabbing a piece of concrete and slamming it into Gomander.

Dr. Cross went for her pike while Gomander consumed what bone spikes she could. However, several pierced her body, and blood poured. She spat out the bone fragments at Saskia at high speeds. . At first they bounced off the blood armour before cracking it, embedding themselves in Saskia's abdomen. They yanked them out of their flesh with a grunt, blood from the wounds reforming the armour. Their tendril merged back into one, shooting towards Dr. Cross, which pierced through her back.

Gomander made another dive, mouths snapping at Saskia. They didn't dodge, an insatiable bloodlust beginning to thrum beneath their skin. They took one step back, all the blood forming their armour pushing into the tendril to strengthen and thicken it. It twisted in Dr. Cross' back, hooking, and violently yanked her into the air, slamming her in between them and at Gomander… who consumed Dr. Cross without a second thought. Another mouth sprayed her remains back at Saskia.

Saskia covered her body in blood armour as the body parts splattered against it, coating her in another gorey layer. Completely unbothered, Saskia shook out one hand, pieces of flesh splattering across the floor. ”Aw, I wanted to play with her more."

Their blood tendril split into six, more blood pooling from various wounds on their body to expand it. One slammed into the table, cracking it down the middle, before picking up the two pieces with multiple and throwing it at Gomander. They jumped forward, multiple tendrils shooting towards Gomander from all directions, flailing around them without care for how they smashed holes in the wall and destroyed chairs- no, they were enjoying the destruction. Gomander retreated, she devoured what tendril she could and tanked the hits of whatever she couldn’t.

“... How are you so strong?!” Multiple voices spoke at once. “Why won’t you die?!”

Gomander quickly dove into the ground, eating her way through it, and Saskia could hear the rumbling. Then she burst out of the ground, before diving back in. She did this to random locations, and would likely swallow Saskia. They tried to dodge, following along the rumbling with tendrils slamming into the ground and making large dents. But the need to destroy, to kill, was outweighing the need to survive.

So intent on destruction that they didn’t even move when Gomander swallowed them whole. She flew into the air, and her several mouths laughed. Each laughed at a different pitch, and out of sync so it was a discordant mess of deranged laughter.
“Glory to the Society!

A low, tearing sound joined the discordant laughter. A dark red point pushed through Gomander’s flesh. Then another. And another. They physically started to rip flesh apart, tearing long, bloody holes through muscle and skin. At the same time, sharp bones mercilessly stabbed into Gomander’s internal organs. It wasn’t quick - a random stabbing of whatever was closest, over and over again. There was a cruel precision to it, avoiding the ones that would lead to an instant death. It was like they were playing with her insides, brutally destroying them while forcing her to live through it. Only when they were satisfied with their butchery did they shoved a spear through her heart, multiple blood tendrils tearing her apart.

Saskia emerged from the remains of Gomander, four thick blood tendrils pulling her out and landing on the floor. They acted as legs, holding them up as they wiped a scarlet hand across a blood covered forehead. Their blonde hair was painted red, pieces of guts and sticky, brutalised tissue all over it. Chunks of mangled flesh covered them, sticking to the viscous blood that coated them from head to toe. They lifted up a piece of what must’ve been the heart, bone stabbing out of their palm and through the no longer beating organ with a loud squelch.

But it wasn’t as satisfying as destroying something living. They weren’t satiated at all.

”Glory to the Agents of Death."

When Ignatius exploded into his alternate form, he became a Dragon with the size and girth of an 18-wheeler. He slammed a claw on the ground, opened his glowing maw, turned his head to one of his allies, pointed at Kimberly and the magical girls, and shouted, “... Gomander! Sheer’Khan! Kill them!

Before Ignatius opened his mouth and spewed a glowing molten magma up into the air at them.

"Oh shit," Saskia muttered.

Ella grabbed Saskia and shoved her to the side, throwing them both further into the room and out of the direct path of the magma. It splattered across her back, searing through the magical girl outfit that near immediately repaired itself… but the burns underneath were still there.

The magma cleaved through one of Lisa’s giant spiders and hundreds of her sedan-sized ones. She hissed as she dove out of the way.

Ignatius opened his mouth and sprayed another volley of magma. However, a coral-pink sphere appeared around him, slowing down time. In contrast, Kimberly squatted down and placed the Cube down. It exploded into a square, blue, transparent barrier that protected them. Jordan raised both hands, ripped a chunk of concrete out of the ground, and launched it at Ignatius. He swiped it out of the way with a claw before spraying more molten magma that hit the barrier. It cracked…, but Kimberly hopped out of the other side, Jacob’s Gun drawn, and let lose a few rounds, one that exploded into the fire as it collided with Ignatius. Another exploded into stone shards around him… which Jordan raised into the air and slammed into Ignatius.

Meanwhile, Gomander transformed into her true form, a massive worm-light beast with dozens of mouths before he charged at them.

“... Do I have to?” Sheer’Khan groaned.

“Yes, Sheer’Khan,“ Morningstar said, pointing at them. “Eliminate them!”

“Fiiiiiiiine!” Sheer’Khan transformed into an enormous, hellish beast that was larger than all combined. He took slow but heavy steps, that shook the earth with every step

Ella glanced between the two of them, quickly deciding which one to take first… the faster one. They only had to last a couple of minutes!

One of the other Endless Seven transformed into a towering beast with several heads and faces. It slowly marched over towards the group, as Lisa and Jordan’s faces appeared on its body. Out of the ground next to it, a horde of spiders burst out, and crawled towards the group.

”Hey! That’s my thing!” Lisa complained as she mounted one of her flying, sedan-sized, spider minions. She flew closer to the ceiling, as the ground began rumbling… and spewing out the ceiling - sending stone shards flying - were three absolute geysers of spiders rained down on the quadrupedal monster’s minions. She couldn’t see it, but they clashed…, Lisa applied the Acid Burst spell on all of them, and both sides spiders were eliminated.

Lisa flipped off the copycat, and it created flying spiders in return… which flew at the flying spider that Lisa was currently mounted on. Before they exploded, Lisa quickly hopped off as she saw her minion dissolve into nothing.

As she fell back to the ground, it shook, and millions of spiders came spewing out, creating a thick blanket that softened the bow somewhat.

A rainbow coated leg shot up to kick the worm like beast. At the same time Saskia jumped in behind Ella, incredibly sharp blood blade slicing at it. Launching it into a wall.

Meanwhile, Ignatius crushed the stone shards in his hand, as he opened his mouth, and spewed more magma. Except trying to drown the Cube in it, and Kimberly quickly knelt down and picked up the Cube before it could get destroyed by the magma. They quickly ran over to the side, while Kimberly took some potshots at Ignatius with Jacob’s gun. It went dry, and Kimberly dropped the Cube again.

Ignatius spewed more magma at them, but Jordan ripped a chunk out of the ceiling with her telekinesis and blocked it out. She stuck both of her hands out, as Kimberly reached for the Magnispheres, and threw them toward Ignatius, at the ground. They bounced off the ground and hit his body, and knocked him over. Then Jordan chucked the stone at him, sending him skidding alongside the ground.

Morningstar waved his hand behind him, and a throne of brimstone appeared. He sat down on it before raising his hand into the air.

“... I don't get why you three are so obsessed with me,” He said. “... But it ends here.”

A portal of fire and brimstone appeared behind him… Before unleashing a wild volley of fireballs that exploded on contact with the first thing they hit. The first few blasts annihilated the majority of Lisa’s swarm before she had to retreat behind Kimberly and Jordan’s barrier.

"Because you're an evil bastard!" Ella yelled. She used her enhanced legs to dodge out of the way as the fireballs hit the wall behind her.

Saskia ran the other way, fireballs skimming their arm and burning down it. As they narrowly avoided getting burned to death, they raised a hand and shot an incredibly powerful blood bullet right at Morningstar. He raised his hand and created a barrier of brimstone, but the bullet shot through it. It caused the portal to close.

“Evil is subjective,” Morningstar said, raising his hand at the ceiling, putting his other behind his back.

At the same time, Ella leapt towards Sheer'Kan with a super powered kick. Kicking him in the face.., however, he didn't so much as flinch.

“... Was that supposed to hurt?” Sheer’Khan asked.

A massive fireball came out of Morningstar’s hand, it hit the ceiling above them and caused the roof to cave in.

Saskia quickly coated themselves with a tough layer of blood, pieces of roof hitting and covering them. Ella's eyes widened as she kicked through the roof pieces falling towards her, gritting her teeth through the pain of kicking through solid rock.

"Saskia, you-"

Before she finished Saskia pushed out of the rubble, seemingly unharmed. Huh? Had her abstraction been that strong before.

"Swap," was all Saskia said before all the blood coating her formed a tendril at her back, shooting it towards Sheer'Kan, aiming to penetrate his chest. He put a hand up, and it dug into his hand.

“... Huh?” Sheer’Khan said, raising an eyebrow. He looked at his hand and said. “... That’s not supposed to happen.”

Ella shook her head, swapping tactics and shooting a beam of burning light at Morningstar's eye. Gomander quickly got in the way of the blast, opening one of her maws and consuming it. She laughed as she flew into the ground and burrowed…

… Before bursting out of the ground between them, separating Kimberly, and Jordan, from Lisa Ella, and Saskia. Gormander's maws were open, ready to consume, as she remained there. While this was going out, Morningstar stuck his hands out and created another portal of fire…

In a strange burst of speed, Sheer’Khan disappeared, but seconds later reappeared behind Morningstar. Before he unleashed a seemingly neverending barrage of explosive fire balls that exploded against whatever they hit. Whatever was going Gomander’s way was consumed, but the explosions sent rock shards in all directions.

One blast landed next to Lisa, and sent her sprawling across the floor… She groaned when she came to a stop and pushed herself to her feet. As she hissed in pains severe burns were on the right side of her body as clothes and skin were burned alike. Some of her clothes were still on fire.

Rock shards slammed into Ella as she tried to avoid the fireballs, sending her flying. She landed on the ground and rolled out of the way of another fireball - fire licking against her legs and burning through the glowing light. It hurt so much, but she pushed through it, rolling over to see Lisa similarly hurt.

"Lisa!" Ella raised her Channeller and shot a beam of healing light at her friend. At the same time she forced herself to her feet, pushing through the pain. Nothing she hadn’t handled before!

Unlike the other two, Saskia managed to dodge almost everything. Her blood tendril worked overtime moving her out of the way, more blood pooling out of her hand to coat her body in any places rock shards were going for. She landed in front of Lisa and Ella, frowning. "Shit, we’re stuck."

”... We… Gotta go…” Lisa weakly said, pointing at the tunnel they came through.

"Alright, Ella, can you-"

"I’m fine! I can walk!" Ella said, far too cheerfully for someone also burnt. But this was nothing compared to when she fought without her Channeller! Totally. "I’ll protect the back."

Saskia nodded. Her blood tendril wrapped around Lisa, strong enough to lift her in the air, then she started running for the tunnel. Ella kept her body towards Morningstar, running backwards after them.

They climbed the stairs… And ended up back in the room they initially entered.

”... What about Kimberly and-”

A glowing orb came from around the doorway - flying at the group.

”... SASKIA!” Lisa shouted as she hissed in pain, shoving Saskia out of the way. The orb exploded, creating a net of electricity that shocked Lisa and Ella. She screamed as she writhed in pain. Ella let out a strangled, pained cry before falling to the ground.

Dr. Cross walked out of the tunnel - titty still bleeding - holding the pike with one hand. Gormander burst out of the ground. Sheer’Khan walked up in human form and stood by Dr. Cross.

Dr. Cross grinned.

Saskia looked at their friends, then up at the three, frowning. She stepped in front of them. "Alright, which one of you wants to die first?"

The 8th Street Coven.

From the perspectives of Aaron Sawyer & Gretchen "Greta" Faust.
Interactions: Jack (@Blizz), Clancy (@Zombiedude101), Layla/Luna/Aislin (@Estylwen), and whoever tf is in the house.
In front of Kari's House.

Jack's trick would have worked on anyone else... except Aaron Sawyer. Using his White and Pink Lux, he was able to see through the illusion like it was nothing. However, that didn't save him from getting clocked, and that sent him stumbling backward a little bit. He quickly raised his pistol and let off a few shots, destroying it, and gaining intuitive knowledge of the abstraction user, Jack Hawthorne. Using his radar pulse, he couldn't find out where Jack could be, but there were a ton of people bunched up together... however, it wasn't his job to pick fights anyway. His Danger-Sense activated, as he quickly turned to Carol and shouted,
"... Carol! Take cover!"

"Aw, what the-" Carol quickly dove behind its leg as the volley of explosive arrows hit the undead behemoth. Carol laughed as she drank one final bottle of the potion Greta had given her. She slid it back into her raincoat pocket before sticking her other hand against the undead behemoth that she was taking cover behind. When Jasper's arrows hit the monster, they exploded, sending rotting flesh in all directions - and in a second later, Carol had the monster fixed right up. She grinned from behind her mask...
She screamed out the battle cry, but Aaron's White Lux quickly told him how many arrows he had left. Then he sent in the knight at Carol, and for a moment, Aaron thought that it was over because George and Vashti were tied up, and Flora didn't have enough firepower to take that thing down. However, Vashti clotheslined him, and Flora quickly aimed the Aegis Piercer at it, then unleashed a volley of arrows at it. Excellen-

"... WHAT THE FUCK?!" Carol shouted as the undead monster began marching over towards the treeline - and of course, Aaron automatically deduced that somebody had hexed it. He knew where the hex was, but unfortunately, it would be incredibly stupid to run over to pull it out. "... WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR GODDAMN MONSTER DOING, EMILY!?" Carol shouted again, as the 8th Street members had no choice but to run behind it or risk being shredded by whatever ranged abstractions they had.

Aaron ran behind it, turning his head away from the direction of the rain while also being mindful of where the monster was stepping. Otherwise, he would be turned into a pancake. Fortunately, Pulse-Radar informed him that Emily had finally enacted the second half of her plan, which gave him plenty of cover. The damn monster went for the jacket and yanked it off the tree before it started playing with it like it was a toddler playing with a new toy. Unfortunately, while Aaron knew what it was, there wasn't much he could do about it. Shoot it? He'd be wasting bullets. However, he had a hot-headed leader with a lust for unwarranted destruction.

"EMILY!" Aaron shouted at Emily, before pointing at it. "BURN THAT JACKET!"

However, in his distraction, he barely paid attention to the subtle radar that gave him knowledge of everyone's position. He noticed that three had snuck around, but there was someone who approached them, despite it all, slipping past their defenses. He quickly turned on his heel to see... a kid. However, .

"... Not too old to be acting like high school assholes? Are you so weak you need this fucking prom-queen to matter?"

"Who the fuck are you?! Why the fuck are you here?! Matter of fact, get the fuck outta here before you get hurt, dumbass!" Carol hissed, throwing her bat over her shoulder.

However, Aaron immediately took some steps back, drawing his pistol at Clancy. His abstraction told him about the axe and, more importantly, told him about this kid.

He (or better yet, it) wasn't a kid.

It wasn't even human.

"FLORA!" Aaron shouted. "SHOOT HIM!"

"It's just a-" Flora tried to protest.

"... That thing's not a kid! TRUST ME!" Aaron said, before he pulled the trigger a few times on his pistol, letting off a few rounds in the direction of Clancy. As instructed, Flora also fired a few piercing arrows from the Aegis Piercer.
The Ice Fortress.

Greta glanced up from her phone, and the few dozen zombies that Nadine previously summoned were now in the hundreds. Though, from the chaos in the distance, it sounded like it was absolute chaos out there - triggering mere seconds after they arrived. Well, Greta wasn't sure who was to blame for that one, but that meant that Emily's master plan didn't account for how unpredictable the "reformed" Coven was.

However, the peaceful ice fortress was disturbed by something crashing into the ice walls, followed by an explosion. It was enough to rattle Greta, and the chubby gal fell off the crate that she was sitting on, and she looked up at the source of the explosion. She didn't even notice it, but fortunately, Phoebe's ice walls were thick enough to not cause more than some cracks. Then, Greta looked down and saw that her poor cell phone had fallen into a puddle of water.

"... What the fuck was that?!" Amy asked, swinging her club around with one hand as she looked at it.

"No clue!" Greta shouted back before she knelt forward, grabbed her cell phone, and opened the crate. She quickly tossed Phoebe another blue potion and shouted, "Drink this and reinforce the barriers! We are not fighting."

However, Cynthia exploded into a cloud of pink smoke, transforming into her Abyssal Hunter form. And Greta rolled her eyes.

"Cynthia, heel!" Greta shouted. Typically, when Emily shouted it, Cynthia transformed back, but it was clear that Cynthia didn't obey Greta as she did Emily. This was typical of the monster. Greta shook her head. "Don't go chasing after them! That could have been a distraction."

"Cynthia detects more!" Cynthia raised a clawed hand, pointing at the ice wall. Greta could see three silhouettes on the other side, and grit her teeth. She couldn't see what they were doing, but that was the most concerning part.

"... Can Cynthia eat?" She asked.

"No," Greta said. "We're-"

"... Wave one." The walkie-talkie in her pocket played Emily's voice, which created a sort of echo on Nadine's walkie-talkie.

"Son of a bitch," Greta said to herself. Of course, it was time for wave one. She shook her head as she watched Brianna create a circular portal just outside of the Teleportation Nulification Veil, and the legion of zombies simply wandered into it. The portal would lead up into the air above Kari's house, and if Emily did her part, the Coven would be caught off guard by it. The zombies would then, attack anyone not a member of the 8th Street Coven.

"Pack Member Greta-" Cynthia tried to say as Greta reached into the crate and pulled out a grey, smokey, potion. Then turned to Malik, pointing at the other side of the wall. "Malik, barrage the other side of that wall."

With a nod of his head, Malik shot both of his hands out toward the wall, unleashing a volley of glowing orbs that flew above Layla, Luna, and Aislin... before they came crashing down and left them with severe burns.

Interactions: Linqian (@FernStone).
Kari's Front Yard.

”... LINQIAN!”

Britney couldn't help but scream as Vashti slammed Linqian into the ground... she could barely pay attention to whatever Vashti's next target was as she quickly ran over to Linqian - stopping herself when she realized that she was still making the draper point her bitch. Linqian created a cloud of steam when the rain hit her, so she wouldn't be hot for long. Britney got on her knees, and as a test of her new mode, Mode: Sea, Britney forced as much of the rain as she could (not a whole lot) onto Linqian. The giant monster moved towards the treeline, and Britney felt some type of relief as maybe some of the attention was off of her.

Linqian! Say something! Anything!

She saw a light above her... well, behind and above her, but still a light. It was bright enough to pierce through the chaotic rainstorm that she was trapped in. Britney glanced over her shoulder and saw a swirling portal that looked just a little bit familiar. It was some distance into the air, far enough that it would be impossible for someone short of Kenshiro, Blackmore, and Jack to get to it in a reasonable amount of time. However, the portal itself wasn't the concerning part; it was what was coming out of the portal.

Zombies. Undead minions. Hundreds of them just fell out of the portal like a dam had just broken. Britney's jaw dropped, as they obviously had to be the result of Emily's machinations. It was foolish of her to assume that Vashti, Carol, Emily, George, the undead monster, and the other two, were the extent of the 8th Street attack. She hissed in pain as she watched them hit the ground - some of them instantly died, but the dead undead only cushioned the fall for the rest of them.

They got up, and spread out in all directions - some of them went into the house, some followed after Vashti and Lila... and some went towards Britney. With some quick thinking, Britney raised a hand in the air and created a curved barrier of vines, roots, wood, and other plant life. It wasn't a complete dome around her, but it was enough to give her some breathing room while she tended to Linqian.

She was surprised Emily didn't nuke her or something!
Spotlight: A spell Aaron devised to avoid fights: he can focus on a person and, using his Pink-Lux, influence people subconsciously into paying attention to that person. People's eyes will be drawn to them, and will pay more attention to them over other events. This somewhat bypasses Emotional-Fields, as the Paranormal will have the ability to resist.

Emotional-Amplifier: By focusing on a person, Aaron can intensify their current emotions to exponential levels - causing them to quickly spiral out of confront. A mildly annoyed person will break out to throwing hands in seconds, a happy person will be able to ignore even the worst moments, while a sad person will be catatonic. Emotional-Fields inhibit this spell somewhat, it will take more effort and concentration to bypass this Emotional-Field.

Danger-Sense: A keystone spell in Aaron's arsenal, this spell allows him to instinctively sense when he's in danger or when someone nearby has hostile intent toward him or his allies. This sense manifests as a tingling sensation or a heightened state of awareness, allowing him to react quickly to threats. This spell works automatically and has saved him and 8th Street countless times since he joined.

Connect The Dots: This spells Aaron understands the cause-and-effect relationships within a action. By focusing his attention on a specific location or person, he gains intuitive insights into the links between events and "fills in the blanks for him." For example, if he walks into the aftermath of a fight, he can know what sparked the fight and how many people were fighting in it.

Radar-Pulse: A spell that continuously sends out a pulse of White-Lux that travels out in a range of thirty meters. This pulse bounces off living beings and returns to him and gives him a sort of "map" of people or other Paranormal-Beings in this radius - trumping most stealth abilities that don't specifically counter White Lux or information gathering in general. He can sense if someone is entering the range, moving within it, or just lingering. It doesn't give him more information beyond the location of whatever is within its range.

Knowledge Absorption: A spell that allows Aaron to gain intuitive knowledge and insights on his environment. It works by creating an invisible thirty-meter field dome around him, and it's a sensory field that gathers information in his environment. It gives him information on basically everything within that field, such as details on objects and people, information on computers and books, and even residual magical energies. The longer it remains active, the more information he gathers, including distant history - but that would require the field to be active for hours.

Lie Detection: This spell activates the moment someone starts talking. Aaron sees an aura, and this spell basically monitors their aura for dishonesty. When they lie, the aura changes color, and Aaron will know that they are lying. Mixed with Connect the Dots, there's just no lying to Aaron.

Abstraction Intuition: A spell his sister taught him helps him learn about the paranormal and their abstractions. When an abstraction is used in his field of view, he instinctively senses and understands their nature and gains information such as what Paranormal-Being they are, what their abstraction is, and any other information relating to their abstraction. This spell also allows him to see the auras of Paranormal-Beings and essentially automatically tells him if they are Paranormal or not.

So I completely rewrote the abstraction of the NPC, Aaron Sawyer.

Emily G. Reed.
Interactions: Linqian/Luca (@FernStone), Stormy (@Blizz), Aryin/Lila (@NoriWasHere), & Sloane/Sully/Vashti (@Atrophy).
In front of Kari's House.

The rainstorm had picked up... turning from a drizzle to a hurricane in less than a minute! The plan was working as designed! She smiled because this house would get launched into the stratosphere soon enough! The house was still on fire, but as the rain picked up, it wouldn't last long... as long as they were panicking and scattered. Because unfortunately, these sluts jumped straight to the violence, which meant the other group needed more time. This means that Emily has to take most of the heat (pun intended). Stormy didn't throw up his shields like she expected, so he must have another card up his sleeve. Her eyes landed on Clancy, who shoved Luca out of the way. The only thing stopping Emily from burning Luca alive was the potential fallout from the rest of the Coven, who, for reasons beyond her, still cared about him even though he jumped ship.

"... Oh, you sluts are exposing yourselves to a minor!" Emily said to Linqian and Ayrin, as her eyes locked on Stormy - he was near Luca, Blackmore, and Sully, behind some shields. A powerful heat emanated off Emily's body, hot enough to instantly evaporate all the rain around her. She shot Linqian a grin as she was on the ground - hopefully, Vashti killed her and made the world a better place! "I should call Agent Liao on you two!"

An explosion of fire appeared on the other side of Stormy's barrier, intending to injure him, but Emily didn't care if the other three idiots went down with him. Even if it didn't hurt Stormy, it would keep him on his toes and prevent him from acting on whatever stupid plot he had in his stupid head. However, that was when Lila's crows began to attack 8th St, and Emily couldn't help but laugh.

"... You were so tough at the Halloween Festival when you had all those people acting as a shield," Emily grinned, as she was so hot that the crows wouldn't go near her for their safety. She raised a hand into the air, aiming a hand at the largest body of the crows in the air. "And this is the best you can do..."

She then let out a visceral scream,

A ball of fire appeared in the middle of the murder - quickly exploding into a wave of red-hot hellfire that outstretched in all directions. Decimating a large chunk of Lila's murder. Some were burnt to ash, while others fell out of the sky on fire. The rain was not enough to save them from their fate

However, Lila whipped out a new form that Emily hadn't seen her pull out before! These sluts have all sorts of tricks, though, it was nothing that... What the fuck is Vashti doing?! Emily's eyes shot wide open as Vashti rushed after Lila, taking the most obvious bait in the world. She chased after Lila like Linqian chased after her father as he left for milk!

Emily facepalmed as Vashti left their formation... it wasn't like those sluts could do anything to her, but they always had something up their sleeve. Some idiotic plan they were cooking up. Though trying to reason with Vashti was an exercise in futility, Emily knew that she had to work with it. She slammed a foot onto the ground, and a curved wall of fire appeared in front of Lila, blocking off her exit so that Vashti would be able to jump up there, put that slut in the ground, and 8th St would be at Dairy Queen in less than an hour!

The only issue was that visibility was getting low. Eventually, no one would be able to see shit. And it was all according to plan... It was time for part two. Emily teleported onto the shoulder of her monster, pulled a walkie-talkie out of her rain jacket pocket, and said,

"... Wave one."

While this was happening, the undead monstrosity grabbed the jacket and examined it... playing with it like a toddler would play with a new toy.
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