Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 10976 (2.82 / day)
  • VMs: 40
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 4 mos ago
    2. ███████████ 1 yr ago
    3. ██████████ 2 yrs ago
    4. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    5. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    6. ██████████████ 4 yrs ago
    7. ██████████ 5 yrs ago
    8. █████████ 6 yrs ago
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    10. █████ 7 yrs ago
    11. ██████████ 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Sex and love, sex and love...
2 mos ago
"Commit heinous war crimes in the Baltics." - The Ghost Note suggesting what RoleplayerGuild user Xaltwind does next.
1 like
2 mos ago
"When shit hits the fan is you still a fan?" - The Ghost Note after microwaving a baby.
2 mos ago
we know
3 mos ago
"The Ghost Note has declared himself the greatest yet again." - The Ghost Note's Secretary.


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Auri Auclair.
Interactions: Luna (@Estylwen), Sloane (@Atrophy), & Anya (@FernStone).
Kari's House.

“I listened to you, and you still tell me to get lost? Who attacked the fortress? Hm? I would have made more of a dent if Greta didn’t have her fuckin’ potions. And I swear, I would have conquered their damn fortress if I had more firepower. If you need to verify my words, Aislin and Layla were with me. I recused them from the worst of the brawl. How many more proofs do you need to see I’m on your side? Actually, fuck, don’t answer that. I know you hate it.”

Drake rolled his eyes.

Of course, Luna thought that running off and picking a fight with 8th Street would win him over. Nah. That shipped has sailed. Drake kept his finger leveled at Luna, hardly changing his positioning or facial expression. Maybe she pushed 8th Street away, but he looked at the facts here; she was spying on them for her little mafia. She's playing an angle, and they don't need her there making things more complicated.

”Yeah, if that's true; thanks,” Drake rolled his eyes. ”But, I'm looking at the fact that you were spying on us, and nothing else. So, get lost.”

"Look," Auri said as she got in between Drake and Luna, holding the staff in her hand. She faced Drake. "I understand how you feel, Drake, but we should leave. There is no way all of that went unnoticed!" She laughed before she got a text message: she dug into her purse and read it before putting it away and continuing.

"So, let's put the magic away, and let's just go," Auri sighed. "If anyone needs me, I'll be at my Flower Shop; just let me know if you're coming because I'll have a guest."

”Hmph,” Drake lowered his hand, and the electricity faded as he walked back over towards Sloane and Anya.

”Know what?” He said to them. ”Let's just scram.”

Interactions: Linqian (@FernStone), Edict (@AtomicEmperor), & The Creepy Ass Kid aka. Clancy (@Zombiedude101).
Kari's Front Yard.

”You guys are okay? Jesus Christ on a tall bike, I was so fucking worried…”

”You know I'm too fabulous for anything bad to happen to me, Greyson,” Britney laughed, again trying to add fun to the situation... only for her to realize that now is not the time. ”Bad time? Bad time. I'm sorry.” Britney awkwardly laughed, shaking her head.

Nobody was in a good state right now; it seemed... whatever that pink shit did to them, it did a number. Thankfully, Britney resisted huffing it - at the cost of almost passing out - and now it seemed like it was a good time for everyone to go their separate ways until the next meeting. Unfortunately, they will have to go after 8th Street later, but that doesn't mean they must rush to the 8th Street Manor. Taking it slow right now was the best option.

And Britney wanted to go home and take a shower. Her sweater was soaked. Good thing she had a bra under this (today), or else that joke she made to Linqian before the mist is coming true.

”Either of you have plans for after this? I need to - I need to not be alone. Father Wolf is still around, y’know, and we don't all have a live-in ex boyfriend for protection.”

Britney turned towards Linqian, and said, ”Not really, but...”

”Don’t worry about it, you probably have plans.”

Britney smiled as she put her hands on Linqian's shoulders.

”... Come with us,” Britney then looked to Edict. ”... By 'us' I mean me and Greyson. We must stop by a store and get you some actual clothes first. On me.” She laughed.

”Actually, I'll see if Bean is available right now,” Britney mused. ”She loves making outfits for peo-”

"I can-.. keep an eye out. If you want. It's obvious... that Father Wolf can't hurt me I just need to deal with something on the way back. Would be easier if you know where that Prom Queen or any of her pets live."

That strange kid pipped up, walking over to them. Britney knew that kid was more than likely not a kid. He was probably some Abscised or Abominable. Either way, if the rest of the Coven wanted him around, that was their choice, but she wanted nothing to do with Clancy.

”... She's good, right Linqian?” Britney smiled at Clancy and left it at that.

What made it worse was that Luna came out of the woodwork... she looked beaten up, but Britney knew that she was with the House of Cards Mafia, the same organization that tried to kill her. She knew Luna wasn't there to start, so where did she come from? Either 8th Street is working with the House of Cards, Luna is with 8th Street now and trying to worm her way in, or she's just there to kick them while they're down. Either way, Britney knew she wanted nothing to do with them and nothing to do with Luna. Blackmore immediately confronted Luna, whipping his lightning, which gave them the perfect opportunity to exit.

”Let's get out of here,” Britney whispered to the two of them. ”My car's a short walk away; I hope they didn't fuck with it.”

That was when she began walking down the road with Linqian and Edict, leaving the group behind. They had her number if they needed her either way - she knew Lila would hit her up later. Britney kept walking until she got a reasonable distance from the house and made it to a thick brush right off the side of the road. With a flick of her wrist, she retracted the bush, revealing her car: a GMC Yukon without the bullet holes from the fight with the Wolfpack.

Britney bowed, gesturing towards it, and said,

”... Aaaaaall aboard!”

Auri Auclair.
Interactions: Sloane/Sully (@Atrophy), Lila (@NoriWasHere), Anya (@FernStone), & Luna (@Estylwen).
Kari's House.

”Thanks bro, you're the best,” Drake said.

Sully healed Sloane, and Drake kept holding her as instructed. He let out a sigh of relief; she was alive. Just barely. If they had been a second late, it would have been lights out for Sloane. However, he just remembered that he had left the flowers on Kari's porch, and his head had returned to her house, and it was eradicated. The only thing left behind was a frame, the charred remains of the house. Thankfully, the fire had gone out, but there wasn't much to save beyond there. The group should get the hell out of here expeditiously. There was no way all of that went unnoticed.

“What happened to my clothes? Wait, what the fuck happened to everyone’s clothes?

Though, Sloane slurred herself awake, and Drake smiled. He kept himself.

”From my understanding,” Drake began, running a hand through his soaking wet hair. ”Luca gave you a spicy hug.” He awkwardly chuckled. She was still out of it; clearly, she was a little shaken, but Anya came over, said some things to her, and then gave her the jacket she was wearing.

”How did you get here, Sloane? I brought my car, so I can take you home? Maybe… you can come with us, Drake?”

”I'm going to go find Tayla and Aislin, make sure they didn't get hurt,” Drake began as he pulled out a carton of cigarettes that was in his leather jacket. ”Afterwards, I can meet all of you there - but hold on.”

“Can someone fix me?”

Drake slid his leather jacket off.

”Can't fix you - but catch, bird homie!” Drake threw the leather jacket to Lila. ”Don't worry about giving it back. I got like three more!” He threw Lila the peace sigh before turning back to Anya and Sloane.

”Alright, you got my number, just let me know if you need anything...” Drake looked around, only to see Luna landing with Tayla. She looked a bit beaten up... he wasn't sure if that was from fighting Sycamore or 8th Street. However, Layla and Aislin popped their heads in, and they didn't look too hot either. Where in the world did they go? However, there was one thing on Drake's mind at the moment.

”Hold on to her for me...” Drake gently maneuvered Sloane over to Anya before he walked over toward Luna.

“Luna. Present.”

"Oh! Luna!" Auri looked surprised for a moment as she turned towards Luna. It's great to see you again... But I don't think you're part of this Coven..."

”... She isn't,” Drake noted as he walked past Auri. He approached Lna, and shook his head, ”I thought I told you to get lost. I caught you spying on us, and you refuse to tell us who you're working for. I'm not playing these games, Luna.”

His index, thumb, and middle fingers began crackling with electricity as he created a finger gun that he pointed at Luna. Before he said anything, an orb that grew in size appeared at the tip of his middle and index fingers.

”Go home, Luna. We don't want you here."

Boots hit the floor. All of them were covered in thick body armor and helmets—the armor they wore was reminiscent of a swat team. There were a good amount of them, each brandishing carbines… and one of them floated down, hovering a few feet above them

“I knew you three would get into a mess!” Clementine shouted, her voice muffled by the helmet.

”... How did you find us!?” Lisa shouted.

“Don’t worry about it!” Clementine ran over to the trio and raised her hand in the air. A blue bubble of wavy energy appeared above them all. Before she shouted at the floating man. “... Maximilian! Take him out!”

“On it!” Maximilian flew directly towards Morningstar, who raised a hand in the air and created a wall of brimstone. However, he broke through it and slammed into Morningstar, sending him sprawling across the floor. However, he came to a stop and landed on his feet. He barred teeth, and the skin on his face peeled off to reveal some type of creature with blueish-grey skin. He raised his hand at Maximilian and created a massive portal, and massive explosive fireballs came flying out of it. However, Maximilian intercepted each and every one of them, flying with blinding speeds.

”... He’s kind of hot,” Lisa awkwardly said, playing with her fingers. ”Could I get his number later…?”

“... He’s wearing a helmet, you don’t even know what- you know what? We need to get you three the hell out of here.” Clementine shouted.

"We’re fine! I had it!" Ella shouted. She jumped back, looking at the agent Lisa thought was ‘hot’ with a mixture of admiration and jealousy. It was cool that he could intercept all of those… but he was stealing their thunder! And Lisa’s eyes!

"I’m not fine," Saskia groaned. They were still lying on the floor, most of their skin back, their eyes mostly focusing but… they looked incredibly pale.

"We’ll just heal you more- oh! Some of our friends are down there too!" Ella pointed towards the corridor leading to the super secret sacrifice room that Kimberley and Jordan were still stuck in.

“We’ll secure the area, then we’ll push down there,” Clementine answered.

"Alllriiighhht," Ella groaned, looking around. "Can we help? Morningstar's ours to kill!"

"No thank you," Saskia mumbled, closing their eyes. Ella was tempted to kick them awake, especially after earlier… but no! She would be nice!

”... Stop being a baby! You’re embarrassing me in front of my future boyfriend!” Lisa shouted as she knelt down over Saskia. Tiny spiders came out of her pores, and they burrowed into their skin. Healing them in the process.

"You literally melted my eyes off," Saskia muttered.

“No can do!” Clementine said. “We need to get you three out of here.

”B-but my boyfriend!” Lisa whined.

"You don't need him!" Ella shouted. She then bent down to help Saskia up, getting bored of waiting and just straight up picking her up. "Fine, we'll leave… but don't you dare kill Morningstar!"

"Or torture him before us," Saskia added quietly.

"Or torture him before us!"

Morningstar opened a massive portal, and a gigantic, demonic, claw came out and grabbed Maximilian. It yanked him towards it, before he cracked a grin, and flew backward out of its grip - grabbed its hand, and pulled it off completely. It let out a defeated roar as the leftovers of its arm flew back inside, and the portal closed. Maximilian flew at Morningstar and they kept clashing.

“Look,” Clementine rolled her eyes, the backside of the barrier disappeared. “Just get out of here!”

"Alrighhhttt," Ella pouted. She threw Saskia over her shoulder like a limp bag and grabbed Lisa's hand. "We're getting out of here!"

She forcefully dragged Lisa out the backside of the barrier… away from the fight towards Morningstar. Honestly, she didn't know the actual way out, since they'd come in through a window! But that wasn't her aim anyway. Instead, she led (well dragged and carried) them towards the top secret corridor in the completely destroyed office.

"I can walk, Lisa healed me," Saskia complained. Ella nodded and awkwardly put her down while still holding Lisa's hand… and grabbed Saskia's as soon as their feet touched the ground.

"We're going to save Kimberley and Jordan," Ella whispered. ”I'm not running away when they're still in danger!"

”... Neither am I!” Lisa valiantly shouted, before she looked around. There was that giant hole in the ground, it would probably lead back into the basement. Lisa called one of the giant spiders over to them - still with the raptorial limbs of a praying mantis. ”Hop on!”

Saskia clambered on first, yawning as they did. Ella hopped right up after them, brandishing her Channeller forward. She still… didn’t like riding spiders that much, but they had to! To save their friends!

"Let’s go beat the rest of the evil bastards and save them!"

”... Let’s g-” Lisa raised both

“... Going somewhere?” Maximilian said, floating above them with his arms crossed.

”... Boyfriend! Lisa excitedly said, before scratching the side of her head. ”... Weren’t you just fighting Morningstar?”

“He ran,” Maximilian answered. “And Clementine said to get out of here, why are you going deeper into the complex?”

”... To get your attention,” Lisa sheepishly said.

"That's not what we were doing!" Ella shouted, glaring at Lisa. "I don't want your attention at all! Or any man's attention! Ew."

"We got lost," Saskia said.

"Yeah! Wait, no, screw that! It's because we're not cowards who run away when our friends are in danger! We're going to beat the rest of Morningstars minions - we already defeated five!"

“Look…” Maximilian said, floating down to the floor, before taking a few steps towards them. “I understand you’re confident - I’m actually proud you are. However, Agent Washington wants you three safe above all else, and she wants you out of the area because this could get ugly. Or you could ruin our only shot at getting Morningstar.”

"Your only shot? That we set up?!" Ella was surprisingly agitated in response to what he was saying. They’d done all the hard work! And here was this man coming here, stealing their thunder and Lisa’s heart! "You think just cause you’re big and strong and can float that you can boss us around?!"

"Mm, for once I agree with Ella," Saskia said with a yawn - even though she really didn’t look all that tired or pale anymore. "Where were you when I had to kill three of his Endless Seven alone and nearly lost my mind? We cleared the path for you."

"Yeah!” Ella swung her legs around, hopping off the spider. Her body language was tense, but she didn’t make any moves. "We need to kill him or we won’t be safe anyway!"

Maximilian raised both hands. “Look, I’m not trying to boss anyone around…”

”... You can boss me around anytime, big boy!” Lisa said with a toothy grin.

“... Disregarding that, I understand that you all were fighting for your lives here, if we had information we would have been here sooner,” Maximilian said. “However, we will have everything under control from here on. And we can’t have three civilians running around getting in the way, and possibly being taken hostage.”

"Civilians? We’re not civilians, we’re-” Ella dramatically paused, thrusting her sailor moon up towards the sky (well, ceiling) and putting a fist on her hip. At the same time, her legs turning back to a glowing prismatic colour. "The Magical Girls- and the Agents of Death!”

"They never try take us hostage, anyway," Saskia sighed, rotating her wrist as she slid down the spider and onto the floor. They pulled out their knife and ran it across their hand, blood pooling across their skin and up their arm. "That would be exciting. Nobody’s into torture anymore these days."

"Stop with the torture!” Ella shouted, before pointing a finger at Maximilian. "If you continue to stand in our way, we’ll have to take you out!”

”Wait, wait, wait, Ella!” Lisa put her hands up. ”We can’t kill him! He’s hot!”

Maximilian facepalmed, before pressing his earpiece. “... Senior Agent Washington, they’re not complying. Uh-huh? Okay.”

He sighed.

“... Senior Agent Washington said that she will take you all to Dairy Queen if you just leave peacefully.”

Ella’s nose scrunched up, conflicted expression in her dark eyes. She did like Dairy Queen, and she hadn’t had it in… technically over ten years! But no way. She wouldn’t get distracted! She couldn’t trust these PRA- Clem and Nessa aside- to actually do anything! "I see what you’re doing! You can’t fool me! I won’t let you tempt us away from dishing out justice!”

She then turned to Lisa, saying, "don’t worry, we’ll leave his face alone!”

"No promises here," Saskia said, blood armour completely covering them and a short tendril coming out her back.

"Sasskiiaaa, c’mon- Alright, this is your last warning,” Ella once again pointed a finger at Maximilian. "Get out of our way.”

Maximilian sighed again, before pressing his earpiece, “They are still refusing to go? Okay. I promise I’ll hold back. I won’t hurt them.”

He moved his finger and said, “... Agent Washington said you three are under arrest. Get on your knees and-”

”... Ooooh!” Lisa moaned.

Maximilian blushed, “What is wrong with your friend - know what? Nevermind. Come peacefully, nobody has to get hurt.”

"Yeah, what is wrong with you Lisa, he’s not even that hot?!” Ella shouted. But there was no way she was getting arrested… again. This was unfair! They were wasting precious time when Kimberley and Jordan were in danger because this man was on a power trip… maybe he was like Stauber?! Oh god, did he just want to flirt with them?!

"Ella, maybe we should-"

Before Saskia could finish their sentence, Ella launched herself forward with a jump kick towards Maximilian’s abdomen. However, Maximilian caught it with a burst of speed.

“... Come on, let’s talk about this!” He asked, floating in mid-air holding Ella’s leg.

"You're trying to arrest us!" Ella shouted, swinging around with her other leg towards Maximilian's head. Which whacked him, knocking his helmet off… but he didn’t so much as flinch.

"... Should we help her?" Saskia asked, tilting their head towards Lisa.

Lisa clenched both sides of her own face.

”... I don’t know what to do! She shouted. ”On one hand, he’s hot! On the other, Ella is one of the homies!”

She looked to the left and right, before she sighed, ”... Adora wouldn’t want me to turn my back on my homegirl]” She opened her mouth wide as she could, then spewed a current of spiders that hit Maximilian directly in the face and covered his face.

“... WHAT THE HELL?!” Maximilian shouted, as he dropped Ella, wiping the spiders off his face.

”... Forgive me booooooooooyfriend!

"He’s not your boyfriend!"

”Not yet!” Lisa raised both of her hands in the air and summoned a wave of spiders that pooled at her feet. Five of them were wrapped in a glowing cocoon as they grew in size...

Ella twisted in the air so she didn’t fall on her ass, awkwardly landing on her feet and hopping backwards. Saskia sighed, blood tendril shooting forward towards Maximilian’s shoulder. At the same time Ella spun around with a kick towards his side. Both attacks hit, but did no visible damage, except knocking off Lisa’s spiders.

“Fine…” Maximilian rolled his eyes, as he flew into the ground faster than the girls could even perceive and caused a shockwave that rolled towards them. It threatened to knock them off their feet.

Ella straight up jumped over the shockwave. She grabbed a nearby, bright red book and pulled the colour out of it - it coated her fists scarlet. Then she swung a hard as steel punch at him…

Saskia took the shockwave, getting knocked back a bit as it hit against their blood armour. Their blood tendril pulled back, pushing them to the side as they attempted to get behind him.

The shockwave wiped out a majority of Lisa’s spider swarm, and she couldn’t take it as she was knocked over and sent rolling. Lisa looked back over her shoulder, to see her spider horde dead, and she bared teeth. ”... Don’t hurt my babies!

Maximilian caught the fist like it was nothing. " Can you stop, please? You can’t win; this is a waste of everyone’s time!” he asked.

"You're wasting our time by getting in the way!" Ella shouted. She brought up a glowing knee right towards his crotch. Which he tanked like it was nothing, and flew backwards.

Saskia had gotten behind him, blood tendril lengthening and wrapping around his neck, applying pressure in the hopes of choking him enough to knock him out.

“Alright, I’ll go easy on you three for Agent Washington!” Maximilian reached behind himself and grabbed the tendril, before swinging it around towards Ella with Saskia still attached.

Meanwhile, Lisa’s remaining cocoon exploded, revealing a huntsman spider with dragonfly wings. She quickly ran over to it, spider legs erupting from her back as she launched herself through the air onto its back.

Ella threw her arms in front of her to catch Saskia, who cut off their tendril - but it threw them both backwards. Ella threw Saskia to the side and jumped back to her feet.

"Don't go easy on us, coward!" Ella shouted. She swung a leg at Maximilian, aiming to hit him then spin around with a punch.

Saskia rolled across the ground with a groan, raising a hand and shooting a blood bullet at him.

Maximilian shook his head, as he dodged both attacks in a burst of speed. “Fine, then. Here I come!” He shouted as he stuck a hand out and fired a golden beam out of his hand at Saskia that launched them across the room, smacking into a wall with a groan. Then he quickly flew over to Ella, and swung at her with a punch. Ella threw up her hands to block the punch, but it still knocked her back a couple of steps and almost made her fall over.

Lisa’s flying spider took flight as Lisa stood on top of it as it flew circles around Maximilian.

Booooooooooyfriend! Lisa shouted, turning around and giving her (very small) booty a few twirls at him. Looooooooooooooooooook at meeeeeeeeeeeee!

Maximilian rolled his eyes.

"He's not your boyfriend!" Ella yelled, strange anger at that fueling her through the pain of what had been a very hard punch. She ran back a few steps, the brightest colours from nearby books being pulled towards her hands and forming a heavy, hard orb that she shot right at his face. Hopefully it would make him uglier! Maximilian pimp-slapped the orb away, before he marched towards Ella.

”Um, he seems a little bit stronger than all the other guys…” Lisa noted as she brought her behind to a freeze. ”Let’s see how tough he is against some acid!

She opened her mouth, before she noted, ”... Take cover!”

Then she spewed another collum of spiders out of her mouth up towards the ceiling and they flew in all directions like a geyser. Once they passed her, she applied the acid-bust spell and it rained acid on everything below her. It hit Maximilian… only to harmlessly drop off his body. He shook his head in disgust as he wiped it off his clothes with his hand.

Lisa tilted her head, her eyes shot open.

Ella gaped as he just tanked the acid, popping up from the desk she’d used as shelter. The acid. "We should’ve kept the stone!"

"You don’t want that," Saskia muttered, pushing themselves back to their feet.

"Fine- Girls, do you remember the spell we developed?! The mech spider- let’s use it to beat his ass!"

Lisa flew down, and hopped off the spider, landing right next to Ella. She shot both of her hands up, ”Let’s do it! Maybe he’ll think it’s cool!”

"I don’t want him to… Fine! We’ll show him that we’re super strong! C’mon, Saskia!"

Saskia groaned, but dragged themselves over. "What do we do again?"

Ella grabbed both Lisa and Saskia’s hands… though she wasn’t sure if that was necessary. "Summon the spiders, Lisa!"

Lisa laughed like a maniac, metal spiders came out of the unseen crevices of the room.


Maximilian simply pulled out his cell phone and began playing some kind of phone game as Lisa created it… The Magical Mecha Spider. This colossal beast was made out of metal and coated in a thick layer of blood armor. It broke through the ceiling into the next floor. The three of them sat in a cockpit in the mecha’s head, each with their own seat.

Maximilian stared up at it, seemingly in awe, but probably actually out of confusion.

“... I don’t get paid enough for this shit,”


Ella pointed a finger forward as she yelled, and the spider shot a powerful beam of light at Maximilian. He raised a hand in the air and seemingly blocked it as the beam went around him. The giant spider approached him as it fired the beam.

“... You three are crazy,” Maximilian groaned as he flew upwards out of the way of the beam.

"You’re telling me," Saskia muttered, as they adjusted the blood armour to be stronger wherever Maximilian went. A series of explosive blood missiles were shot at him while the light beam continued to try and burn him.

Maximilian flew around at speeds that looked like a blur, punching the blood missiles, as they didn’t seem to phase him to begin with.

“... Two can play at this game!” Maximilian shouted as he stuck both of his hands out, firing a golden beam of energy that clashed with their beam.

Maximilian’s beam of energy pushed back theirs further and further until it hit into the blood armour. It started tearing through it. Saskia swore, moving all of the blood from other parts of the mech to cover the section the beam was hitting. "He’s too strong."

"A magical girl never runs away!" Ella shouted, sweat dripping down her forehead. She channeled all of her orange and red lux to strengthen the mecha, and shot out another powerful beam of light! Which Maximilian flew out of the way of, before aiming his hands back at the mecha and firing another powerful beam. Saskia grimaced as they poured more blood into it, visibly paling.

Lisa bared teeth as she gave Saskia a sympathetic look, before turning to Ella.

”... Um, you know like how in some anime the main character fights someone they can’t beat?” Lisa began. ”Then they do a cool training arc and then come back and beat them later?

Ella furrowed their brow, looking at Lisa. She was right… they weren’t even damaging him, and that’s what made this so frustrating! Ella felt she had to prove that she was the best- because she was a magical girl, not because Lisa thought he was hot or anything. But Lisa was right… this was the boss they couldn’t beat until they trained.

"You’re right, that always happens! And we’ve beaten everyone so far- of course, it’s always near the end of episode three that it happens!" Ella nodded, as Lisa finally got through to her in a language she understood. "... okay, then we need to get away and train! Then we’ll beat him!"

”Here’s what we’re going to do,” Lisa looked out, to see her flying spider just standing there on the sideline being derpy. ”I’m going to send this at him, and then we’re going to get on the flying spider then haul ass!”

"Alright, you got it! We can make it, easy!" Ella gave a thumbs up. Saskia just nodded.

With a mental command, the flying spider proceeded towards the mecha spider, and Lisa said, ”Everyone, hit him with everything you got! Just enough to keep him in the dark about our next move!”

"Yes- SUPER MECHA PRISMATIC BEAM!" Ella yelled, purposefully attention drawing as she tried to hit Maximillian with her strongest beam of light. At the same time, Saskia reduced the defences to shoot off a series of blood bullets at him. Lisa sent the spider careening towards Maximilian while opening a hatch for them all to jump out of.

The flying spider was right there, and Lisa landed right on top of it, with the other two following behind her. Without a second thought, Lisa commanded the spider to fly out of a broken window and they escaped into the night. She let out a sigh as they flew over the desert. Then her eyes shot open, and she looked over her shoulder.

”... We forgot about Kimberly and Jordan,”

"Well we weren’t going to get through him to them, were we?" Saskia said with a shrug. "Jordan can teleport."

"Noooo…" Ella moaned, holding her head, before dramatically shouting, "Don’t worry, Kimberley and Jordan, we’ll come back to rescue you from that horrible man when we’ve become stronger! I promise!"

”... Horribly hot, you mean!” Lisa laughed. ”I hope I didn’t gross him out with the spider vomit, y’know.” She smiled at Ella.

"I think the acid disturbed him more," Saskia said drily, rubbing their eyes and yawning.

"I wouldn't be grossed out by the spider vomit!" Ella shouted, scrunching up her nose just at the thought of it. "You don't need him, you have us!"

"Not the same thing, Ella," Saskia snorted. "You- yknow what, I can't be bothered. Can we go back to the hostel? I lost too much blood."

”Yeah, will you be able to satisfy my needs?! Lisa shouted, throwing a hand in the air. Before smiling at Saskia. ”Don’t worry, friend! We’ll be back at the hotel in-”

Maximilian flew in front of them in a burst of speed with his arms crossed.

”... No time,” Lisa awkwardly laughed at him. ”Heeeeeeeey! Boyfriend! Sorry we had to go, you know! We got magical girl things to do!”

He was quiet.

”We’ll just be, uh, going around you…” Lisa commanded the spider to fly around Maximilian, only for him to appear in their way again.

“... Land. The. Spider.” He commanded.

"... No way!" Ella shouted, turning to Lisa. "Lisa, go a different way!!"

"... That's not going to work," Saskia sighed.

"It will!" Ella, very precariously, stood up slightly on the spider and pointed a finger at Maximilian. "You're not meant to come back until we have our training arc! This isn't very anime villain of you!"

Maximilian just floated there for a moment, before he placed a finger on the top of the flying Spiders head and descended - forcing it to land. Once it hit the ground, they heard a familiar voice.

“Alright, everyone! Off the spider!” Clementine shouted as she walked over. “Right now!”

"Noooooooooo!" Ella wailed, lying forward and clinging to the spider with all her might.

Saskia rolled their eyes at her, and slid off the spider, hands in the air. "Can you torture us this time?"

”Will we have enough room to cuddle in the jail cell?” Lisa asked, before pointing at Maximilian. ”Oh! Can he join us?!”

“No, no, and no,” Clementine said, before she said, “Channelers on the floor, now!”

Saskia sighed, pulling off her bracelet and placing it on the floor.
"Nooo, I don’t want to be stuck in a jail cell again, I need to watch tonight’s anime episode- I can’t bear ittttt!" Ella practically screamed, still clinging to the spider.

"Stop being so dramatic, it’s not like they’re torturing us," Saskia said, reaching up to grab Ella’s wrist and try drag her off.

"That is torture, Saskia! The Milky Holmes were just got expelled from school and I need to know what happens next!"

Clementine sighed, as she turned to Lisa…

“Shrink the spider,” She clenched the bridge of her nose.

Complying, the spider shrunk back to normal size and scurried off.

"Nooooo," Ella cried as she landed on the floor with a thud, face first. It hurt more than she expected… and that just made her more stubborn! "You won't take me-"

"Stop being a big baby," Saskia rolled their eyes, going over and kicking Ella in the side. She grunted and pouted in response. Saskia bent over and snatched her Channeler, shoving it a bit further away before looking at Clementine. "Happy?"

"I'm not!"

"I wasn't asking you."

“Yes…” Clementine then pointed at a nearby SUV - all black with the windows tinted. “Get in.”

"Nooooo…" Ella stayed lying facedown on the ground, arms and legs splayed out.

Saskia, on the other hand, got into the SUV without an arguments, murmuring "ooo, kidnapped again, how fun…"

“This isn’t kidnapping, this is arrest.” Clementine said as she collected everyone’s channelers.

”... Can he put cuffs on?” Lisa looked up at Maximilian. Who reached down, picked Ella up, and threw her over his shoulder.

“... He’s occupied,” Clementine said.

"I'll walk, I'll walk, put me down!" Ella shouted as soon as Maximilian picked her up, wriggling to try and get away. This was worse than missing her anime's new episode! She was… getting… held by a man! Ew! Ewwwww! "I'll get in the creepy van!"

“... Too late!” Clementine shouted, then Maximilian chucked Ella into the van.

Lida scoffed as she climbed in herself.

Ella landed on top of Saskia, who grunted and immediately shoved her off. With a pout Ella clambered as far away from the door as she could, curling into a ball, rocking backwards and forwards.

"This is why I hate-"

"Ella, stop being so dramatic, he threw you over his shoulder…" Saskia groaned, and looked at Lisa. "Help me out here…"

”... How did it feel? Was he strong? Did you notice any chest chair?!” Lisa asked.

The car started moving.

"Horrible," Ella sobbed, though there weren't actually any tears… "It was like being held by a hunk of meat- how would I see chest hair through the armour?!"

"X-ray vision," Saskia suggested.

”Maybe you felt it!” Lisa laughed. ”I don't know about you but being held by a big strong hunk of meat sounds like a dream…”

She paused, ”... It reminded you of your uncle, didn't it?”

”It did…" Ella said mournfully. Saskia reached over and patted her shoulder, though Ella didn't feel much sympathy from the motion.

"It's alright, just refuse to get out and I'm sure he'll carry you, Lisa," Saskia nodded.

”... Where is he?” Lisa looked at the front seat, and saw Vanessa was driving.

"Probably scared away by your spiders," Saskia shrugged.

"... But Lisa's spiders are cute!" Ella piped up, wanting to defend anything that that man might not like.

”They were cool!” Lisa protested. ”It was your blood, Saskia!”

"Wouldn't be a bit of a useless agent if he can't handle a little blood?" Saskia tilted their head.

”Same if he can’t handle a spider!” Lisa threw her hands into the air. ”Or my sexiness!”

"Yeah, I think he needs a career change…" Saskia nodded.

"He should get fired!" Ella shouted.

”Nooooooo!” Lisa shouted. ”Then how will he support our future Spider-children?!”

”He's not good enough for you!" Ella shouted back.

"I bet he'd make a good criminal…" Saskia mused.

”Nooooooooo, he’s like Superman! When has Superman been a criminal!? Also, I think he’s perfect for me!” Lisa answered.

"Criminals are way hotter, Lisa," Saskia replied expressionessly. "Supermen are boring."

”Speak for yourself!” Lisa shouted, shaking her head. ”You know what?! I made up my mind! It's my destiny to get plowed against the starry night sky!”

"Nooooo!" Ella screamed, slamming her hands over her ears. "I don't want to hear it!"

"I do," Saskia said, lips quirking up into the slightest smirk. "Hmm, if you get him… I wonder if Morningstar would let me have a go before we kill him?"

”You have no choice but to hear it, Ella!” Lisa screamed back. ”It’s my deeeeeeeeeeeeeeepest desire! And as my friend you should love and support me in all my endeavors! No matter how gross or frea-”

The car came to a screeching haul.

“You know what? Fuck this,” Vanessa said, before she pointed to the side. “All of you get the hell out! I can’t take this anymore!”

"... I thought we were under arrest?" Saskia tilted their head.

”... Shut up and get out,” Lisa whispered as she pulled on Saskia’s arm.

Ella, on the other hand, didn't need to be told twice. She pulled open the door and jumped out, running away, screaming, "Nooooo I don't want to hear about your sexual desires Lisaaaaa unless they're about women!"

“Look, Clem was going to just hold you in the cell for a couple of days then let you out!“ Vanessa shouted as she reached forward and grabbed the rear, “But, you three… you three are so goddamn annoying!”

Vanessa slammed it, and then sped off.

”...Great, annoying my way out of jail was on my bucket list," Saskia said.

Lisa just shrugged. A spider appeared wrapped in a glowing cocoon before growing to immense size. Then a jumping spider with wings came, and Lisa gestured towards it.

”... All aboard?”

"Let's go, I want to sleep," Saskia nodded, climbing on.

Ella hesitantly made her way back over to them, from where she'd gotten a whole few steps away. She really didn't want to hear more about Lisa's interest in that guy but… she also wanted to watch the latest episode of her anime! "Let's go… but I get the laptop when we're back!"

Lisa turned her head towards Ella. A massive smile on her face.

”... Then you must want to walk, then!?”

Ella smiled back, considering for just a moment beating Lisa up… then deciding against it because she was her friend and Ella loved her too much to do that. "Fine… I'll watch it on my phone…"

Grumbling, she climbed on the spider behind Saskia.

Lisa then hopped on, and then thrusted a fist into the air.


The spider took flight and went back to the hotel.
I rewrote Adora's relationships because I've been on an Adora fix lately.

NOTE: Some of these are based off of collabs that have not been posted yet.


A legendary neutral ground of the Covens new and old, Mellon Collie Hill is a location where rituals were conducted and alliances were made. Mellon Collie Hill presents itself as a fancy tourist spot where people take selfies. However, all the legends and stories about it were true. At the base of the hill is a stone staircase that leads to a pathway throughout the Hill. This pathway is etched with rune stones and sometimes artifacts from past rituals that were conducted here. At the very end of the path is a weathered stone altar, and behind it is a stone temple. Here is the spot where active and defunct Covens met and is the location where the 8th Street Covens and Greenwood Covens formed their alliance against the Das Sonnenrad cult.

Interactions: None.
Kari's House > Joy at Last > Then Back to Pain and Misery.

An undead minion took a wooden table leg upside the head.

It hit the cold, wet mud as Adora took a deep breath, holding the table leg with both hands as one end rested on the ground. She was soaking wet (she would have to go home and desperately dry off her dreads before mold formed) and covered in mud. She glanced over her shoulder, only to see another silhouette of a zombie approaching her. She swung with full force yet again and sent it to its grave, its brain splattering on the mud, and it leaked a disgusting yellow fluid that was washed away by the rain. Adora's heart rate was exceptionally high; she could barely feel anything else in the chaos of this fight.

Then the zombies started dancing.

Every time she hung out with the Coven, the weirdest-

The pink mist overcame Adora, hitting her like a wave as she had her back turned. Thus, she couldn't react in time to stop herself from inhaling the pink smoke, and she panicked for just a moment before it turned into euphoria—a sensation and joy that she had not truly felt in so long. She looked around, seeing herself in Dr. Phan's office... that cutesy little Asian woman sitting in her usual chair - except for once, she stood over that chaise lounge chair.

Adora wore her typical sweatpants and hoodie, but for once, her hood was down, and she had no facemask. She smiled at Lihn as she stepped over and touched her shoulder.

” This will be our last session, Doc. I... think I finally feel better,” ”Thank you, for everything, Doc,”

"You're welcome, Adora," Lihn said. "I'm glad to have helped you."

”You were nice,” Adora said as she hit the door. ” Keep in touch, Doc!”

Adora closed the door behind her and returned to the streets of St. Portwell, taking a deep breath and smiling. It was beautiful, and she could finally enjoy it for what it honestly was... before long, a giant jumping spider with dragonfly wings descended from the sky, and riding on it was Lisa - or was it, Lisa? She looked... different. Yet, Adora couldn't care less, and Lisa smiled at her as she said,

"... Adora! It's so great to see you!" Lisa gave the saddle she was riding on a few pats. "Hop on! The others are waiti

Without a second thought, Adora quickly floated into the air and landed on the weird flying spider, and Lisa pointed forward and shouted,

"... Up, up, and away!"

The spider took off, taking them from St. Portwell's downtown area into the sky and north. Adora glanced off the side; everyone looked like an ant from up here! She smiled as she wrapped her arms around Lisa's midsection - even though she was more than capable of saving herself if she fell. It was nice... having Lisa back. A small smile appeared on Adora's face; Lisa looked back at her as she said the words she had wanted to hear for so long.

"... I don't blame you for what happened, you know." Lisa began. "It wasn't your fault."

”It's just...” Adora said as a tear streamed down her face. ”... I couldn't help-”

"Nope! I said it wasn't your fault! So that's the end of it! I'm back. You're okay. I'm... okay." Lisa sighed, before she perked up and smiled. "Oh look! We're heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!"

They landed in front of the lair of the Old Coven; it was renewed, well-kept, and gorgeous as she remembered it - perhaps more stunning than before. Lisa climbed off the spider, and Adora hopped off and landed beside her as the spider shrunk back to its original size and scurried off into the wilderness. Adora opened the door to the main hall, and everyone stopped what they were doing - before they loudly cheered, and she smiled. There was a massive table with all sorts of food, and it was a busy sight.

Everyone was here - except for the annoying assholes like Emily, Sloane, and Anya, and their ilk - even the people that Adora looked down on ten years ago, like Drake and Linqian, were here. Except they had back the people that they had lost. Drake had his Jade. Linqian had her Jinhai. Kenshiro had his Kari. Ella and Saskia were here too, but they looked different, too. Lisa quickly ran to the hangout and talked to the other two magical girls about... something. Adora just shrugged as she walked in, grabbed a plate, and adorned it with chicken, rice, string beans, and other food.

Only to get tapped on the shoulder, and she turned her head to see Vanessa and Clem!

"It's great to see you again, Adora," Clementine said, smiling at her. And Adora quickly embraced them in a hug, which was pure bliss. She let go of them as she said,

”... I didn't mean to abandon you all,” Adora said.

"We know," Clementine said

"We know, Adora," Vanessa softly nodded, "And we're just glad to have you back."

Clementine reached out and squeezed Adora's hand. "You were going through a lot," she said. "But you're here now... that's what matters."

Tears streamed down Adora's face as she said.

”... Thank you for not giving up on me.

"You know we'd never do that to you, Adora," Clementine said. "We're all in this together."

Adora let go, wiping her tears, before she sat down and looked to the left and right. The gang was all here, and she ate. Or, she just blinked, and her food was eaten, and it was nighttime. Adora didn't think too hard about it as she just shrugged, but someone else tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned, and it was Kari Wilson.

"Adora!" Kari said, a smile creeping on her face before she added, "Can we talk in private for a moment? I have something to show you."

Then Kari grabbed her hand, led her to the back porch, and stared her in the eyes. She put her hands behind her back and swayed her hips from left to right. Adora coughed, ran a hand through her perfectly dry dreads, and said, ”I'm sorry for pushing you away; I know that if I hadn't, maybe you would be around.”

Kari just stared at her, smiling.

"You need to stop being so hard on yourself all the time, Adora. It's like you can never accept that some things are just out of your control! You'll be happier once you do." Kari laughed, as she did a twirl on one foot, before she stopped and looked Adora straight in the face as she said, "And can't you see me right now? I'm right here. I am still around. I'm not Father Wolf. I'm not hurt. I'm just here."

Adora slowly blinked, processing what Kari said, and ran a hand through her dreads again. ”I know, I know,” Adora began. ”It's just hard sometimes...”

"I get it," Kari said. "But everything is okay now. Everyone is happy. You made everyone happy. Lisa came back. I'm back. Everything is going to be a-okay!" She tilted her head, looking up to Adora with that award winning smile.

"... Oh! Before I forget!" Kari said as she reached behind her, and pulled out a slice of homemade cake, with a fork stabbed into it and everything. She presented it to Adora. "This is my homemade recipe! The one I told you about when I tried to reach out and you brushed me off again! But I forgive you!"

”... I loved it, you know,” Adora said as she took a bite.

"I know," Kari answered. "I know everything, after all! All-Knowing. All-Seeing. Your underwear is green by the way!"

”Hey!” Adora shouted, laughing.

"Just messing with you... I know they're black!" Kari laughed for a minute, before she looked up at the sky.

”You're terrible, Kari,” Adora laughed before she looked up at the sky herself. The night sky over St. Portwell was beautiful; she could see all the stars. ”... St. Portwell is so gorgeous.”

"It really is."

”... Thank you for bringing me out here,”

"You're welcome!"

”... Let's stay out here for a while,” Adora said before taking a seat on the ledge, looking up at the sky.

"Long as you need!" Kari cheerfully said, sitting next to Adora and grabbing onto her hand. They were silent for a few moments, before Kari said, "Let's forget about everything bad that happened. The Stygian Snake. Father Wolf. 8th Street. All of it."

”You know I would love nothing more...” Adora laughed.

Happiness. At long last, Adora was finally happy.

As quickly as Adora had it, it was cruelly snatched from her. The pink mist faded, her jaw dropped, and she looked around... Sloane was almost dead. Everyone was confused, emotionally damaged, and just lost. The area was covered in the crumbled remains of the undead horde that came with 8th Street. The ice fortress had collapsed in on itself. This was all a sick, sick, sick joke, and it was all on them.

Tears fell from Adora's face.

Then she dropped to her knees and had her hands in her face.


Auri Auclair.

Interactions: Jasper (@NoriWasHere), Linqian (@FernStone), Sloane/Sully (@Atrophy), the Whole Ass Coven.
Kari's House.

”Can you make plants that act as a filter for the air? Suck away the mist, it’s so intoxicating.”

That's not how plants work, you jackass! Britney internally seethed as she held her breath... she was shaking at this point as she was at her limits. She had to think fast; if she so much as responded, she would subjugate herself to this pink bullshit. Britney held her cheeks as she got light-headed; she looked around - she could barely see in this bullshit, but at least the zombies weren't on them anymore. Then, that clever little part of Britney's brain activated as she remembered being a master Floramancer. She stuck her hands out as if holding something... and then created a very long wooden tube. It was long enough to, hopefully, reach the fresh air that was above them.

Gaia bends to my will. Activating Florakinetics!

Using her telekinetic ability to manipulate plants, she made it float to her mouth and had to use all of her concentration and effort to prevent it from getting thrown aside by the storms. She breathed... and felt relief as she-

The pink mist disappeared, and Britney's eyes drifted around before she realized things were safe. She dropped the tube to the ground and assessed the situation. The zombies quickly crumbled into pieces as the ice fortress looming in the distance collapsed. 8th Street was gone - and that was a relief. And-

Drake screamed as he quickly flew over to Sloane and cradled her in his arms as he gently lowered her to the ground.


Auri flew over, landing in the aftermath of this chaos, butterfly wings on her back. She raised her staff in the air as she shouted, "Is everybody okay? I need an immediate headcount! Everyone! Shout your name if you can hear me!"

”Britney!” Britney shouted before she turned to Linqian and grabbed her by the shoulders. ”Girl, are you okay?!

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Lisa writhed in pain, as whatever Dr. Cross threw at them, electrocuted the living daylights out of her. Or it was something like that. It didn’t feel hot at all. It just hurt. Eventually, Lisa fell to the ground, as she looked over to Ella. She couldn’t help but feel compelled to reach her hand out towards her friend before she lost consciousness…

… Then it stopped.

She felt relief.

Yet disappointment.

”... Let’s do it again another time, okay?” Lisa chuckled.

"No way!" Ella had ended up curled up on the floor, her magical girl outfit dispelled so she was back in the jarringly black hoodie and skirt. She was closer to Lisa than she had been when hit, as if she'd been trying to move towards her. "That hurt so much! Why do you want to do it again?"

”Oh! You’re such a crybaby! Who isn’t into a little electro-torture?!” lisa laughed, as she climbed to her feet.

Ella shook her head, pushing herself up into a sitting position and looking around. "Wait, where's Saskia?!"

Lisa dusted herself off.

That was a good question.


There was a boom not too far away. Normally Lisa would have been all for running away but with Saskia missing… Lisa grabbed Ella’s hand.

”Let’s go find them!”

"Yes, let's go, they might be in danger!" Ella gripped Lisa's hand tight and dragged her towards the booming sound - through the completely destroyed wall. They didn't have to go far to find Saskia.

Ella ground to a halt as soon as she saw them. "Saskia!"

Saskia was in the middle of the dining room, destroyed table and chairs scattered around them. Three blood tendrils held them up above the floor. They were covered in mutilated flesh and blood, bone spears sticking out from random parts of their body. Painful, dark red clotted wounds were visible beneath the gore coating them. Another blood tendril was brutally picking through mangled remains, stabbing or squeezing anything that might still resemble a body part.

They paused upon hearing Ella, head slowly turning towards the two of them. Their bloodstained lips pulled up into a half smile, eyes devoid of any emotion. The tendril stopped rummaging through the remains and lifted, pointing at them both. "Oh, you're late. I already killed them. Let's kill the rest."

Yikes. Lisa thought to herself as she stared at the scene. Her eyes darted from left to right, she twiddled her thumbs. Something was off here. Saskia wasn’t… Saskia.

”Um… no,” Lisa awkwardly laughed. ”Let’s find Kimberly and Jordan and get out of here.” She shot both of her thumbs towards the exit… or one of the holes in the wall.

They could hear the sounds of the chaotic fight underground… which let Lisa know that they were still alive. ”Cool!” she said with a smile. ”Let’s help our friends!”

"Yeah let's go help them!" Ella nodded.

"What do you mean no?" Saskia tilted their head. "Help them kill, or help them escape?"

The tendril that wasn't supporting them shot out, wrapping around a destroyed half of the table. They threw it towards the hole Lisa had pointed to, haphazardly blocking it. "I won't let you trick me out of tearing this entire place down."

To punctuate their point, a tendril shot past the two of them and slammed into the wall with a bang, punching a crater into it as debris fell to the ground.

Lisa looked over her shoulder at the hole in the wall… Her jaw dropped. There was something wrong with Saskia, but what? What changed? Wait… could it have been that weird rock she found on the side o- No, the one Dollhouse gave her. Lisa smiled, awkwardly, extending a hand…

Saaaaaaaaaaakia! Can you show me that cool rock you found the other day!?”

"You’re just stalling for time." Another blood tendril shot past them, slamming into the wall again, as if caging them in. At the same time more blood leaked from wounds on their body, forming a thin layer of armour, and two blood blades came from her arms.

Ella let out a gasp. "Normally she can’t use that much blood!"

"I don’t want to hurt you." A struggle appeared in Saskia’s eyes for a moment, before going back to a deep blankness. The tendrils drop from the walls, smashing into the ground and hooking into it. They pulled themselves forward, towards Ella and Lisa.

Contrary to their words, they swung their arms to the side, a blood blade slicing at both Ella and Lisa. Lisa screamed as she fell to her back - blade missing her by inches. By reflex, Lisa summoned a horde of spiders which pooled at her feet.

”Saskia, stop! What’s gotten into you?!”

"Saskia, no!" Ella shouted, jumping back and just avoiding being sliced. She shook her head, pulling out her channeler. "I think she’s been corrupted by darkness, Lisa! We need to snap her out of it like in all the anime I watch!"

"What’s gotten into me?" Saskia intoned, blood tendrils pooling inwards and swirling around her - trying to clear out the spiders. She raised a foot to try stomp on Lisa’s leg, bone spear shooting out from it. "Nothing. I’m just destroying everything like we should- you’re the ones standing in my way."

Lisa immediately backpedaled, as it seemed like they were doing this the hard way now. Her mouth opened up and she spewed spiders at Saskia. They seemed completely unbothered as the spiders bounced off their armour, a couple getting stuck in thick blood.

"Ahhhhh- I’m the shining light in the darkness, prism power protect me!" Ella yelled, jumping back and spinning around as she started to go through her magical girl transformation.

Saskia rolled their eyes, blood tendril stabbing out and spearing Ella’s shoulder. She grimaced but kept going, awkwardly twisting as prismatic light coated her and changed her outfit.

They then turned back to Lisa, another tendril shooting towards her chest. Spider legs sprouted from Lisa’s back, and launched herself into the air. Attaching herself to the ceiling, she then applied the Acid-Burst spell to the spiders in her armor.

”... This isn’t you, fight it!”

"There’s nothing to fight." Saskia raised her hand and shot a blood bullet at Lisa, which hit her directly in the titty.

"There is! You’re not normally like this! Where’s the Saskia that would do anything for her friends?!" Ella shouted. She’d finished her transformation, legs lighting up in a myriad of colours. She jumped forward as Saskia raised another tentacle to go after Lisa, blocking it with her leg.

”... Ow, my titty! Lisa grabbed her own titty as it began to bleed. She grit her teeth… now it is time to get serious. The floor ruptured in front of Saskia and a barrage of spiders came spewing out - only to immediately have the acid burst spell applied to them. All the while, Lisa had pulled some spiders aside and cocooned them, and they grew larger and larger… she had five so far. The plan was not for all five of them to reach full size.

The plan was to stall Saskia out to get one of them.

The acid burned through Saskia's blood armour, eating away at the flesh of her arms and legs as she reinforced the vulnerable areas. They pulled back in their blood blades and reinforced the armour, blood crawling across dissolved skin.

A tendril wrapped around Ella's leg, lifting her up and slamming her into the ground. At the same time Saskia ran towards one of the cocooned spiders. She forcefully slammed into it, bone spears shooting out all across the front of her body as she tore into it.

Ella twisted around, shooting a burning light from her Channeler which cut through the tendril holding her. She rolled over, past it, and leapt at Saskia with a glowing foot, which Saskia blocked with another tendril.

One down. Lisa thought to herself as she crawled further away… her range was impressive enough to work. Unlike Ella, Lisa was not an up-front fighter, and she would get clobbered by Saskia if she wasn’t careful. They needed a plan… Where the hell was that stone? It sucked, but they had to disable Saskia. She sighed as a wave of spiders came from the unseen corners of the room, from underneath the tables, the chairs, the furniture that nobody was paying attention to. They quickly flooded the floor underneath Saskia’s feet… and Lisa applied the Acid-Burst spell to them all.

They could, at the very least, heal Saskia after this.

Saskia barely reacted as acid splashed across her feet, splattering up her legs. It ate through the blood armour again and right to the bone of her thighs and feet. The blood tendril split back into four, three dropping to push her off the ground in place of destroyed feet. The other smacked at Ella, stopping her from getting close enough to actually attack.

They moved forward, a spear covered fist punching into another cocoon. At the same time, they raised their free hand and shot off another blood bullet at Lisa… which hit her in the other titty.

”... OH GOD DAMN IT! Lisa screamed, grabbing her other titty. Both of them were oozing blood… Saskia was going through the cocoons, but that wasn’t a problem as she created two more glowing cocoons around the room. They had to do something a bit more drastic… Lisa summoned two spiders from out of the vents and they crawled above Saskia… and they slowly descended, aiming for her eyes.

Again, they could heal them.

As the spiders lowered, Saskia’s head snapped up. The blood tendril fighting Ella shot up, spearing through the two spiders.

But it gave Ella an opening. She jumped in, aiming a shining foot at Saskia’s waist. At the same time colour spilled from her bracelets to her arms. The foot connected, knocking Saskia back even as multiple bone spears pierced through it. Ella then grabbed Saskia with her strengthened arms.

"Lisa! Get them now!" Ella held on for dear life as Saskia’s blood tendril spun around and pierced her shoulder, multiple bone spears shooting out into her.

They had to play dirty to get Saskia to stop… Spiders came out of the hidden corners of the room. Flooding the room, but also exhausting Lisa further - they covered the tendrils that Saskia were standing on, then they crawled up to their eyes. Then she applied the Acid-Burst spell again.

The acid exploded across Saskia's face, completely penetrating their armour. Their eyes dissolved and skin dripped off their skull, like wax from a burning candle. Muscle was eaten away to reveal the bones inside. Their free blood tendrils flailed about madly, piercing Ella's side and back. Ella gritted her teeth and kept hold of Saskia, face and upper body also peeled off by the acid.

Then, finally, Saskia stopped struggling and went limp against Ella. The tendrils melted, dark blood splashing across the floor. The bone spears slowly pulled back into her body.

"Can I have some healing spiders?" Ella groaned, hooking one arm under Saskia's destroyed legs while the other supported her back, properly carrying her.

The healing spiders came out the pores in Lisa’s hands, and she immediately flicked them into Ella’s face without a second thought. She immediately came down from the ceiling - using her spider legs to brace her impact - and then lingered above Saskia. She quickly dug her hand into Saskia’s shirt from their collar (getting a titty grab in), looking for that damned st- Found it! Without a second thought, Lisa tried to pull it off, only to find out that it was fused to Saskia’s chest.

... Of course.

”... I-it’s stuck!” Lisa shouted. ”Ella, give me a hand!”

Ella also stuck her hand down Saskia's shirt, hand curling around the stone (and Lisa's hand) and trying to pull it out with still colour enhanced strength. "It ain't budging! Maybe… maybe I can burn it out?"

”... That’s not going to work,” Lisa shook her head, as tiny spiders came from the insides of her sleeves. They quickly traveled from her hands to Saskia’s body, and wrapped themselves around the Orange stone. ”This is going to hurt….”

She applied the Acid-Burst spell, and Saskia’s flesh around the Orange Stone was dissolved, Lisa tried pulling at it, she managed to pull it - but it was still stuck to their skin. ”God damn it!” Lisa shouted.

The phone in her back pocket began ringing…

”Ella, get that for me,”

"Alright!" Ella shoved her hand in Lisa’s pocket, accidentally touching her butt in the process. She leaned forward to awkwardly pick up the call with one hand, still holding Saskia in her arms. "Hello, Ella speaking!"

“... Get the fuck out of there, mami!” Lupe shouted over the phone. “I don’t care what you’re doing! Get the fuck out of there, right now!”

"Shit how do you know- ahhh, Society spies- okay!" Ella turned to Lisa, looking a bit panicked. "It’s Lupe, she says we’ve gotta ‘get the fuck out of here.’ I can carry Saskia- lets deal with the stone later!"
“Please, Dios mios, get out of there, mami!” Lupe said over the phone. “Everyone is heading there. Trust me mami, hang up the phone and get out of there.

Thankfully for the girls, the giant spiders that Lisa had created were ready. Unfortunately, they were not equipped for flight, as they were armed with raptorial limbs, and Lisa facepalmed as she wished that she could make a spell that reverted them back to normal. However, they would have to improvise, as she ordered one of them—a Hobo spider with the raptorial limbs of a praying mantis—to come over.

There was hesitance, Lisa turned towards Ella…

”... We should get the stone off of them, first.”

"Yeah, it’ll be worse if they wake up and go on another rampage!" Ella agreed, shifting Saskia in her arms so that she could pull out her channeler. She cast a burning ray of light on the skin still attached to the orange stone, trying to burn it off. "Then we run, cause Lupe says everyone is coming!"

It was still attached, would they need to use surgery? That was when Lisa grabbed it, and yanked at it hard as she could before a spider leg burst out of her back, and it swung around to slice it out.

At the same time, Ella continued to burn away the skin around it. It… seemed to work in combination with Lisa’s slice as the skin attaching it got thinner and thinner, until it finally came out.

Leaving a horrible gaping hole in Saskia’s chest, skin covered in all sorts of burns. It looked horrible.

"Let’s go!"

Lisa grabbed it and tossed it across the room - it fell into one of the holes in the ground that Gomander created, and that was the last of it. She knew that Saskia shouldn’t have trusted those Dollhouse weirdos. They were nothing but trouble!

”Help me get them on top!” Lisa shouted, as she knelt down and tried to lift Saskia up. ”We can at-”

“... Leaving so soon?” Morningstar’s voice could be heard, as a giant portal opened on the other side of the room. He stepped through, and various horrific monsters stepped through with him.

”... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Lisa moaned, as she rolled her eyes.

“Your friends are still fighting Ignatius and A’lon,” Morningstar noted. “However, you three are so obsessed with my defeat, so….”

He put his hands out.

“Here I am, all of me.”

"Morningstar!" Ella shouted. She carefully put Saskia down, stepping in front of her and Lisa. Quieter, she whispered, "Lisa, heal Saskia, quick!"

Lisa knelt down, and her healing spiders came from her hands then crawled over to Saskia and dug into their flesh and flesh them.

Then, yelling again, she pointed at Morningstar. "You’ve finally decided to stop being a coward! Finally, your reign of tyranny is going to come to an end. I will vanquish you, for everything that is right and beautiful in this world!"

“Well…” Morningstar narrowed his eyes. “... Here I am. Come and face me! And let’s bring this circus to an end already!”

Ella didn't say anything else. Instead her legs just lit up with prismatic light, and she launched herself forward with a flying kick towards him. However, he opened his hand and created a portal in her trajectory… and she flew inside, and came out aimed towards Lisa’s spider.

”.... ELLA, YOU SMOOTHBRAIN! Lisa shouted as Ella literally let herself get goaded into a fight. What didn’t concern her was Morningstar himself, but the minions he had at his side. The spider she had was killed and-

The ceiling burst open, and Lisa covered her eyes. Rapel lines came down, as she heard,


... Wait, Lisa thought to herself as she heard boots hit the ground. Was that Clem?
Updated Phoebe and Amy's abstractions:

Adjoined - The Tantalizing Mist.
Pink is Adjoined to Deniza, a mysterious and silent Apparition, which she says also conveniently found her around the time Violet adjoined to Lightning Girl! This Apparition allows Pink to use her Abstraction by Proxy, which is the ability to generate a bright pink, sparkling mist. This mist can be manipulated by Pink telekinetically and, if inhaled, has a unique effect: it induces illusions/hallucinations of what the person desires the most. These illusions will be incredibly realistic and convincing, being able to manipulate all five senses and can be interacted with as if they were actual. As long as they are in her mist, the illusion will persist; however, they can break the trance if they can tell that it's just an illusion (or know about Pink's abstraction). Pink herself is immune to the effects of the mist, and by focusing on someone in her mist, she can see and interact with the illusion much like they do - confusing them further. This Abstraction bypasses all Emotional-Fields long as it's inhaled.

Pink's abstraction.
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