Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 10975 (2.82 / day)
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    1. Shin Ghost Note 4 mos ago
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"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

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The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
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| Navigation |

"Illuminate the unseen, traverse the unknown."

| Crafted by Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson, it was designed to locate the missing artifacts of the Hatanaka family while also being capable of tracking other relics across the All-Verse. |

| Artifact-Locating Medalion |

| Goro Hatanaka holds the original, while a duplicate, created using his Mass-Production spell, is entrusted to Kari Wilson. |

| Both are owned by Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson, both dedicated to preserving ancient legacies. |

| No. |
Goro's Wayfinder is a collaborative effort between Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson. Activated with a touch to its central orange gem, this artifact projects a three-dimensional holographic map, illuminating the expansive reaches of the All-Verse. The map reveals the immediate terrain, hidden pathways, and landscapes concealed from ordinary sight. The holographic display showcases the different realms and alternate dimensions that coexist. Each dimension's name, if known, is displayed alongside unique visual cues and markers that symbolize their distinct characteristics and properties. Additionally, Goro's Wayfinder intelligently notes any discernible differences between the observed dimension and the user's current dimension. It highlights portals between these worlds, allowing users to find potential gateways.

Its most exceptional feature lies in its ability to detect artifacts infused with the distinctive Lux of the Hatanaka family. When activated, the Wayfinder swiftly pinpoints these ancestral relics on its holographic display, marking their approximate locations with glowing orange kanji glyphs. While its precision is unparalleled for Hatanaka artifacts, the Wayfinder provides a broader estimation of other relics scattered throughout the All-Verse, indicating general areas rather than precise locations.

Crafted with an intuitive user interface, the Wayfinder seamlessly responds to gestures and commands, enabling users to navigate through unknown territories, zoom into specific regions for detailed examination, and display potential routes to their destinations. It also provides real-time updates on environmental conditions and can record and store valuable data from past journeys. Enhanced by potent Orange Lux enchantments, Goro's Wayfinder embodies supernatural durability, capable of withstanding the rigors of even the most challenging magical and physical trials. It is a tool of profound utility and reliability, crafted to aid adventurers in their quests across the boundless realms of the All-Verse.


| The Ever-Adapting Blade |

"Blade that evolves with every battle, weaving the threads of past and present into a legacy of innovation and strength."

| Goro's first artifact, created before the war against the Stygian Snake, which he extensively used. Throughout his life, Goro continually honed and refined Aurora, imbuing it with new enhancements and magical abilities, transforming it into a legendary ōdachi capable of adapting to any challenge. |

| Adaptive Ōdachi |

| Last known in Goro Hatanaka’s possession, its current whereabouts are uncertain following his disappearance. Or if he even has it. |

| Exclusively wielded by Goro Hatanaka, who meticulously customized and upgraded it over time. |

| No. |
Aurora stands as a masterpiece of adaptability and resilience. Crafted from the finest Japanese steel (folded over a thousand times), the blade was infused with Orange Lux by Goro Hatanaka. Its blade is durable; with each swing, Aurora effortlessly withstands the impact of nearly any material, including magically reinforced barriers and armored defenses.

Beyond its durability, Aurora exhibits a connection to the user's soul, allowing it to intuitively adapt to Goro's situations in battle, including changing its structure. This innate bond manifests when faced with adversaries wielding paranormal abilities. When opponents employ teleportation to evade attacks, Aurora enables Goro to follow their teleportation trails and maintain close pursuit. In encounters with elemental magics like pyromancy or cryokinesis, Aurora assimilates the element upon contact with its blade. It can then unleash waves of fire or ice with each swing.

Against adversaries wielding regenerative abilities, Aurora's blade absorbs a sample of its healing magic upon contact. This absorption not only temporarily enhances the ōdachi's own durability but also accelerates the repair of any damage sustained during combat. Similarly, when facing foes with superhuman strength, the blade undergoes a physical transformation, subtly altering its structure. In response, Aurora becomes a blunt force object capable of delivering devastating physical strikes instead of a slicing weapon.

Aurora's legacy as the Legendary Adaptive ōdachi is further enriched by its ability to synergize with other paranormal abilities. Whether collaborating with allies or countering foes, the ōdachi embodies the spirit of adaptability, evolving with each encounter to uphold the honor and prowess of the Hatanaka lineage.

| The Whisperer |

"The spirits themselves guide each shot."

| The Ghost was masterfully crafted by Hatanaka Yumi, a lesser-known yet exceptionally talented member of the Hatanaka family. Unlike her more famous relatives, Yumi's creations were deeply rooted in subtlety and precision. She forged this rifle during relative peace, focusing on creating a weapon that could silently and efficiently deal with supernatural threats. |

| Lux Infused Matchlock Rifle |

| Its last known location is rumored to be in the hands of a secretive collector, hidden away from the eyes of the world. |

| Hatanaka Yumi, its creator, used The Ghost to protect her family and allies from unseen Paranormal threats. Its effectiveness in dispelling Apparitions and defending against invaders became legendary among those who knew of its existence. |

| No. |
The Ghost is an artifact of immense power. The rifle's barrel and stock are adorned with intricate patterns of gold and silver, depicting ethereal scenes of spirits and phantoms. These designs shimmer and shift, creating the illusion of movement and life. The matchlock mechanism, a blend of ancient technology and magical enhancement, showcases the Hatanakas' mastery over both domains.

When wielded, The Ghost channels the user's Lux into a magic projectile, aptly named the Lux-Bullet. These Lux-Bullets have a different effect depending on the color of the wielder's Lux; thus, each shot becomes a unique manifestation of the user's specific Lux. If the wielder is not an Adept, then The Ghost will not work.

If an Adept possesses multiple Lux colors, The Ghost allows the wielder to select which Lux to channel into each shot. This selection can be made intuitively, with the rifle responding to the wielder's intent and emotional state or deliberately focusing on the desired Lux effect. In addition to the unique effects each Lux color provides, The Ghost possesses several powerful base abilities that enhance its formidable nature. The Lux-Bullets can be fired without sound, nor does the weapon produce a flash. The Lux Bullets can bypass physical barriers and armor; however, they are stopped in their tracks by any enchanted objects or magical barriers.

| Portal of the Infinite |

"The pathway to far off lands.."

| There are dozens of Swift Scrolls forged in collaboration with Purple-Lux Adepts. The Hatanaka Family crafted the Swift Scrolls during an era of exploration and discovery; each imbued with the essence of distant lands. |

| Teleportation-Artifact |

| Scattered across the All-Verse. Many of the Swift Scrolls are safely stored in the Hatanaka Sanctuary, while some are a part of various Artifact collections, and others are in desolate worlds waiting to be found. |

| Often wielded by Hatanaka explorers, adventurers, and scholars who wielded the Swift Scrolls to chart new territories and forge alliances with distant cultures. |

| No |
The Swift Scrolls are revered artifacts renowned for their unparalleled teleportation abilities, infused with the potent essence of Purple Lux. Each scroll is adorned with intricate swirling patterns of purple runes that shimmer with Purple-Lux. Upon activation, the scroll unleashes a swirl of magical winds imbued with glowing purple hues, whisking the user and their companions to their desired destination.

Operated independently, each Swift Scroll responds to the user's intent and requires a precise sequence of chants for activation, channeling the ancient magic of the Hatanaka lineage. Beyond their primary teleportation function, Swift Scrolls offer additional benefits, providing limited protection against hostile environments. Upon arrival, they create a brief, protective bubble that allows travelers to acclimate to unfamiliar landscapes.

After each teleportation journey, the artifact enters a mandatory one-hour cooldown phase. During this time, it recharges its magical energies, stabilizes its dimensional pathways, and safeguards its mystical integrity against misuse. This cooldown period ensures the reliability and longevity of the Swift Scrolls, maintaining their potency and preserving the ancient wisdom embedded within them.

| The Approaching Storm |

"Turn the weapons of our foes against them."

| Created by the Hatanaka Family during World War II. |

| Enchanted Sword |

| Stolen along with many of the Hatanakas other artifacts, its current location is unknown. |

| Hatanaka Hiroshi: A revered Orange-Lux Adept for his unyielding courage and strategic insight, wielded Raijin during World War II. |

| No. |
Raijin emerged from the skilled hands of the Hatanaka Family during the tumultuous years of World War II. Crafted from the finest Japanese steel (folded over a thousand times) and infused with Orange Lux, Raijin's creation was spurred by a need for a weapon to turn the tide of battle.

The sword's most remarkable attribute is its ability to manipulate magnetic fields. When wielded, Raijin can project a magnetic barrier capable of seizing any metallic object that enters it, regardless of its velocity. Whether bullets hurtling at supersonic speeds or enemy weapons thrust with deadly intent, all metal halt midair. Moreover, Raijin possesses the unique ability to release captured metal with controlled force, allowing its wielder to wield the battlefield's chaos to their advantage without compromising the sword's integrity.

Beyond its formidable magnetic prowess, Raijin is renowned for its exceptional durability. Crafted to endure the harshest battlefield conditions, the sword's edge remains capable of slicing through obstacles with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel.

| The Vantablack |

"Embrace the darkness within."

| Forged by the legendary Hatanaka Family, Eclipse was created as a desperate measure to combat the Stygian Snake during its reign of terror over Japan. However, in its fateful encounter with the Apparition, Eclipse absorbed the serpent's evil essence, becoming cursed. |

| Cursed Sword |

| Lost to Time. |

| Takashi Hatanaka: The renowned Orange-Adept of the Hatanaka clan forged Eclipse as a desperate weapon against the Stygian Snake during its terror over Japan. In a fateful encounter, he struck the serpent with the blade, imbuing it with the Apparition's evil essence and creating its curse. |

| Ayako Hatanaka: A member of the Hatanaka lineage wielded Eclipse against the Stygian Snake but fell prey to its curse. Transforming into an uncontrollable Anti-Form, she became a rampaging beast until her peer tragically killed her. |

| No. |
Eclipse, forged by the legendary Hatanaka Family during Japan's darkest hour, was crafted from black steel infused with Orange-Lux, folded over a thousand times in a desperate bid to combat the Stygian Snake's reign of terror. However, in a fateful encounter with the Apparition, Eclipse absorbed the serpent's evil essence, becoming cursed. Lost to time, its last known whereabouts remain obscured by history. This legendary sword's unparalleled sharpness effortlessly slices through nearly any mundane or enchanted substance, ignoring physical and magical defenses. Its durability is equally remarkable, rendering it near-impervious to most damage—supernatural or mundane.

Beyond its cutting edge and resilience, Eclipse bestows the extraordinary ability to manipulate darkness upon its wielder. The sword allows the wielder to solidify shadows into tangible constructs, versatile in form—ranging from defensive barriers that deflect attacks to offensive weapons that strike with lethal precision.

However, the sword's power comes with a dangerous caveat. Prolonged or excessive use of Eclipse triggers a malevolent transformation known as the Anti-Form. In this state, the wielder's attire and skin darken into inky blackness, their eyes glowing crimson and emitting wispy darkness with every movement. In the Anti-Form, physical attributes such as strength, durability, speed, and regeneration become superhuman, unleashing unparalleled combat prowess. Yet, this heightened state also unleashes a berserk frenzy driven by primal aggression and an insatiable thirst for destruction. Removing the sword from the wielder's grasp is the only means to revert to normalcy.

Crafted as a testament to the Hatanaka Family's mastery of magical weaponry, Eclipse marked a pivotal moment in their legacy. Once celebrated as heroes and protectors, the Hatanakas gradually receded into obscurity, their magical heritage eclipsed by pursuits of wealth and influence..........................................................

34 | Stephany Christina Moore | She/Her
"I uncover the secrets that others cannot see, and in those secrets, I find my true purpose."
A crucial member of Dollhouse's business side: Stephany is Dollhouse's Appraiser.

Stephany is a native of Miami, Florida, and didn't have a fascinating life at first. Sure, she was upper-middle class (By Miami's standards), but her father ran a reasonably popular restaurant while her mother stayed home. She had many friends who loved exploring and having fun, though sometimes they liked exploring the Everglades. However, one hike went slightly south when an Alligator-Abominable attacked them, they escaped but the event triggered a Kindling-Event in all of them. These new powers opened a new purpose for the girls... and they loved nature and the Everglades like no other! After becoming familiar with magic, they covered the different factions within the city of Miami and the supernatural chaos it was in.

They decided to form their own: The Everglades Wardens, a Coven dedicated to protecting the Everglades' ecosystem from magical malfeasance. Together, they sealed any hostile Apparitions that roamed the Everglades, relocated any Abominable to other dimensions, decreed that no Paranormal was allowed, and warded them off if they entered. For Stephany, it was the time of her life! It was a time of belonging, fun, and adventure! Even though she wasn't a fighter, she discovered her affinity for learning about the Paranormal and devised many spells that assisted their Coven. She had a talent for it and wasn't going to squander it.

However, the Everglades Wardens began to drift apart before her very eyes! She tried to keep them together, but they had other obligations and responsibilities, and Stephany felt lost. However, Stephany drifted around to see if someone could fill that niche... but Dollhouse opened a new niche for her. Dollhouse knew her unique talents (because they had a spy in the Everglades Wardens all along) and offered her a position to be their Appraiser for when they were sold or selling artifacts or Apparitions. She was hesitant initially, but Dollhouse ensured that all of their employees were well-paid, and Stephany couldn't resist making some money. Over time, she learned how messed up the organization was but didn't care as long as money remained in her pocket.

Naturally, Stephany went with them to St. Portwell when they moved. She remains as out of place as possible in the organization, being a chubby, bubbly woman with glasses and blonde hair.

Adept - White Lux. Channeler: A Feather Quill.
Artifact Lore: When Stephany touches an artifact and utters an incantation, she is instantly flooded with comprehensive knowledge about the item. This spell reveals its name, origin, creator, and detailed descriptions of its magical properties. Additionally, Stephany gains a brief history of the artifact, highlighting significant events and notable previous owners. The knowledge she acquires is vivid and precise, enabling her to understand the artifact's full potential and the context of its existence.

Apparition Insight: By muttering a specific incantation, Stephany can focus on an Apparition, whether it is sealed or free, and be flooded with knowledge about it. This spell allows her to learn the Apparition's history, name, and Abstraction. Furthermore, through this connection, Stephany can understand the Apparition's intentions and emotions, gaining insight into its nature and motivations.

The Blueprint: Casting this spell enables Stephany to create a detailed visual map of an artifact’s internal structure and enchantments. The spell reveals the internal workings of its magical components, illustrating how they interact and exposing hidden features. This blueprint manifests as a glowing holographic image, allowing Stephany to study the artifact in great detail.

The Archive: By casting this spell, Stephany gains access to a magical archive containing comprehensive information about all known Apparitions and artifacts. This vast knowledge repository provides detailed historical records, descriptions of mystical properties, and known interactions with any entity or item she encounters. The archive updates in real-time, ensuring that Stephany always has the most current and accurate information.

I moved all the NPCs to the NPC thread for the people not in the discord and organized them a bit. So, do me a favor and do a review and let me know if I forgot any NPCs or if anyone's in the wrong thread.
Mirage Springs NPCs

Multiversal Threats

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