Avatar of Sho Minazuki


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I do commissions, specializing in character design. Ask me for prices, or make an order on my Ko-fi.


I also play FF14 and PSO2 so yeah.

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There is a discord open, should anyone want to ask me questions more directly. You'll find it in the OOC

Yep. I've just been a little lazy to actually make it, but I'll have it soon. Before FF16 comes out preferrably.
Oh so like, we can put it in character section right?
Currently, this RP is being run in Casual, however I am extending this to Advanced, in order to find more interested players.
The OOC is Here. Everything is there and present to begin making your characters should you be interested.


In the founding of Hyrule, the Valorbrands were the first Knights, the basis for the Hylian Knights today, many generations later. After some time the group was disbanded when the Hylian Knights were properly established, and since then they have become history. Today in the wake of horrific and grotesque killings and massacres in fringe villages, the "Valorbrands" have been formed once again to investigate these mysterious and violent events.

The group would be formed and led by the knight Afira, a pious lady of noble birth who seeks atonement, and had been allowed to do so by leading the Valorbrands, and she would be given the authority to recruit anyone she required. A recruitment push for it has been put around the Holy See of Hyrule, and the lands beyond, seeking any who wished to join their number, with the only requirement being that they wish to protect Hyrule.

Character Sheet

Playable Races

Mechanics and System

Well, at the very least I will probably do that right now. I didn't think it necessary before but yeah at this rate this won't have enough players, which is anywhere between 3-6.

I'll drop this OOC into the interest and see how it goes.
That's quite alright, I'm kinda waiting on to see if other people join. Sadly it seems most from interest did not end up coming over, so now I'm at an impasse.
Well, if you wanna know more about the Hylanders, they're a predominantly warrior society with hunter gatherers. They have a culture wielding large weapons due to the size of wildlife in the region they call home. They did not always use such large weapons, before, they used spears too being a hunter society, but a madman at the time began using large blades and hammers, and with how quickly they took down prey, they caught on. Though the advent of this was well before Hyrule's time.

Today, they accept Hylians who wish to learn their ways, and out of respect, Hyrule does not interfere in the area, with there being an ambassador from the region to represent them. Their traditions that might be of interest to you is their hunting festivals, feats of strength, and a warrior's pilgrimage to Snowcap Peaks, where they must bring back a yeti's pelt. The pilgrimage though is so dangerous it's not actively practiced anymore, but anyone who feels they are strong enough may attempt it. I will go on to say that's a pretty difficult feat, but as a Hylander, it may be of interest to you when the RP goes to Snowcap.

I'll probably have a discord up in the weekend, my free time had been preoccupied with FF16.
Admittedly I may have to nerf the requirements for a lot of the Unorthodox haha. I'll go do that soon-ish. I actually want people to get the fighting styles they want sooner than I planned at the beginning, since I want to implement a custom style system for people to make their own unique magic and fighting style late in the RP.

If you want to encounter a specific style later though, we discuss that. Usually to setup an encounter, regardless of whether or not we've naturally encountered the opportunity to learn it. Also at set points, teachers for styles and opportunities do just become automatically available, such as when we go to Zora's Domain, the opportunities for the region's various styles and magic open up.

If you fought without a style, you wouldn't be super fucked, but you would be losing out on priority or just general free buffs. These stances are basically what makes melee fighters so dangerous, because not having a stance or style available automatically puts you at a disadvantage. For instance in the Hylian Knight Style, they have the Knight Strider stance, which gives priority to attacking. That means your attack will land first in any given interaction unless your Agility is actually shockingly low compared to the other guy.

It's really little things like that, plus you can change your stance once per post, so if you have access to multiple styles, you can change up your game plan depending on the situation.
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