Ushi Saru Oo Ne E Tori Ushi Uma Tori Ne Tora Inu Tora Mee Ushi Hitsuji Me E Hitsuji Ne Genne Saru Tori Tatzu Tori Ushi Uma Hitsuji Tora Me Ne Saru Ooh E Tatzu Hitsuji Ne Ushi Hitsuji Tori Ge Ne E Tori
4 yrs ago
Well let’s see... an OP to finish, three 1x1’s to respond to, and two work related reports to fill out this afternoon. I’ll need some tea.
4 yrs ago
Someone took my Microsoft office and they will pay. You have my word.
4 yrs ago
Lavate las manos!
4 yrs ago
Nothing like a good night’s sleep and well brewed coffee to help you forget an unpleasant evening.
A little about me…
• Female (She/Her) (Cisgender) • Pansexual • Twenty-nine years old. • An America-born Eurasian. (Of Han Chinese and Dutch descent.) • US Central Time Zone • Casual & Advanced are my vibes. • My writing interests are manifold in genre. • I tend to prefer 1x1’s but I can never shy away from a great group RP. • Ask for the Discord.
Current Roleplays…
• Her Wrestling Dream A wrestling career 1x1 roleplay with @Shoopuf.
• STAR WARS : Throne of Cathar A Star Wars 1x1 roleplay with @LanaStorm.
As inclusive as I am by nature ten people would be a strain on me to manage in this RP, unfortunately. That said if you are genuinely super interested I can put you on the short list for a direct invite should someone drop out. (You would be the first name on the docket in this instance.) LMK!
So, I will have the Discord server ready in four to five hours. (Sometime tonight.) I will PM a link to each of you. ☕️🫖
The official OP is still WIP, but I should have it finished tomorrow or at the latest on Saturday. Character sheet template included. Once this is all done we can start with character creation and getting sheets in. (Per my usual policy I will give everyone a full week to get their sheets in.)
Just to give you all a general gist of the first steps here to get this RP train moving.
Okay, so mutations can be pretty free-form within reason, and "powersets" should be themed around sci-fi, not fantasy. With that said, what's your general idea of "power scale?" Would something less physically distinguished, like telekinesis, be possible as the result of a mutation, or does it stick to things like retractable claws, extra muscle mass, etc?
Mutations are mostly the latter of what you said. To add there are some cases of mutants being more “unadorned” in appearance. (Basically while there are most certainly the tropey hulkish mutants, sentient “zombies”, and human-animal melds there are those whose physical appearance are less pronounced.)
I had considered telekinesis but wrote it off in the end.
Are the cybernetics and serums on the level that they could allow superhuman abilities?
Yes. 💯 With cybernetics it does depend/vary, but like cybernetic limbs for example can allow for increased strength and leaping ability. (By depend/vary I mean it depends on the applied cybernetics. Design, quality, etcetera.)
And how common are such things to come by in the wastes---are you likely to meet a fellow mutant in any village-sized settlement? Do chromed out mercenaries hang around in all the seedy dive bars? Or do only the rich and powerful have access to these kinds of things?
Out in the wastelands items like functional cybernetics are considered quite a valuable find, to say the least. The best place to find such things are in ruined cities and old military installations or scientific institutions, which of course salvaging for such items is more often than not a challenge of it’s own. In the various settlements and outposts spread across the wasteland people more often than not do not have access to the more advanced tech.
Now, the story is different of course in Ardhelm. Registered/legal cybernetics are a very common sight and are to a certain limitation even being manufactured within the city. Once players have reached the capital there will obviously be easier access when it comes to cybernetics, serums, and other useful gear and items. Basically the further from Ardhelm one goes the more primitive and rustic things stand.
Also, on mutants in settlements, this is rare but not unlikely. Mutants are generally received by the people of Sevara based on appearance. Someone with say a malformed digit or bizarre skin patches would be looked at with curiosity/suspicion but not necessarily shunned as a rule. Now, should someone that resembles the Incredible Hulk come lumbering toward a small trading post they are most likely going to be fired upon. 💀
“I doubt any of us are much for company tonight.” Iliskra smirked as she headed to pay for rooms for the night.
Iliskra awoke the next morning feeling very well rested despite the circumstances at hand. Yesterday had been a long day to say the least. Trudging through the wintery countryside of the Scardale, battling an orcish brute and his henchman, saving the leader of a once renowned thieves guild, and then slaying the remnants of a neighborhood gang lead by aforementioned orc. Never mind the tension of sneaking about through the gloomy streets of an all but ruined city which was under a seemingly endless siege. Needless to say that once Iliskra, Leon, and Ibdur had settled themselves in at the Dragon’s Tail they realized just how exhausted they were.
The food at the Dragon’s Tail was edible, and not much beyond that. The bread was tough and flat, the stew too heavily seasoned, and the pitiful cuts of deer were more fat and gristle than meat. The ale and however was strong and the mead stout and flavorful. After a mediocre and tight-lipped supper and a few stiff drinks the three retired to their rooms. Or rather Iliskra to hers while Leon and Ibdur shared a room as there were only two left. Iliskra had hoped neither man nor dwarf snored loudly for the others’ sake. The accommodations were suitable if plain and the beds were quite clean and comfortable, Iliskra sank into her bedspread instantly and slept deeply throughout the night.
Iliskra hurriedly and shakily dressed after forcing herself from under the warm blankets and enduring the winter chill that had filled the room. There were no fireplaces upstairs, only those below had such a privilege in this establishment. Iliskra had noticed the greasy feeling of her hair locks and the faint sweaty smell that wafted up from her clothes beneath her armor. It dawned on her as she left her room that she had not bathed since the night before she joined the other mercenaries at Lord Hastlon’s estate.
The Talons are not meant to seek us out until the morrow, Iliskra thought as she headed down the creaky wooden stairs onto the ground floor, there must be a bathhouse somewhere near…
The patrons were more this morning, nearly every bench and stool were occupied. Mostly human men and women, though there was the odd halfling and dwarf to be spotted among the clients. Iliskra found a small round table in a back corner and ordered a simple breakfast meal of eggs and a cup of milk from a passing barmaid. The eggs were passable enough and the milk fresh. A nice change from last night. Leon and Ibdur were down before long and sitting huddled together with Iliskra as she sipped at a second glass of milk. The Dragon’s Tail was filled with the clinking of tankards, cups, and plates and the cacophony of dozens of people clamoring at once. So long as the three remained in their little nook they could talk openly without concern of eavesdropping.
Just to confirm, this is an alternate world---when you say the DUA is "resemblant" of the USA, you just mean that they're similar, and this is NOT a fictional future-Earth at all but a separate, distinct Earth-like planet?
Correct! 💯
The DUA was a continental power, as stated with multiple nations that made it up - the original Republic of Sevara being one of several. (The exact number is still up for consideration but will be give or take around ten.) Sevara specifically is based heavily off RL Colorado in context of geography, climate, flora and fauna, and etcetera. (Just to add.)
The "enigmatic Arcanii" made me think of the word "arcane," so will this RP feature any sort of magic or non-scientific, supernatural force? Or will it stick more to the realm of science-based, technological "powers" and firearm based weaponry?
This RP will strictly be science fiction with zero “magic”/arcane influence. I will say though on that that things will be quite diversified. Along with conventional “slug throwers” there will be laser-based weaponry as well resources such as drones, power armor, explosives of varied effects, varieties of melee weapons, useful applicable serums, cybernetics… etcetera.
What are the nature of the mentioned mutations? Bestial mutants are mentioned, so I'm sure those are environmental fauna/flora threats, "monsters" in JRPG terms, but do mutations also affect playable races/people? If so, how does it change their appearance, combat abilities, etc?
Unlike a lot of media that have “categorized” such the approach I am taking with this RP is that the mutations, be they radiation induced or lab engineered, are “endless” - for lack of a better word - in variety. Mind you I am not going to take, nor allow, a completely ridiculous avenue when it comes to this. Each mutant be it human (oid) or animalistic in nature is unique. In some cases such as a gigantic mutated ant queen there are very likely be others such as it but this is not a guarantee. At least not locally. A human meanwhile that was subject zero for a specially designed mutagen agent that was deemed as a failure - and said human was “discarded” but survived the apocalypse - is likely the “only one”.
In the year 2050 the world was consumed by the fires of war.
The Democratic Union of Aldemara and the Laborite Nations Coalition - the two great powers of the globe - would clash it what history would call an inevitable conflict of control and ideology. For four years the fighting raged on, claiming millions of lives with neither faction willing to relent to the other. New theaters of engagement opened in bloody continuum and once neutral countries one after another were forced to choose a side. In 2054 the rules of war as well as the very well-being of mankind were thrown to the wind. In a desperate, reprehensibly mindless attempt to put an end to the struggle nuclear weapons were unleashed upon the planet.
Entire cities were obliterated, hundreds of millions slaughtered, and nature itself suffered under the toxic rainfall of radioactive fallout. Shock quickly turned to fury as worldwide outrage climaxed into riots, those who had survived deeming the powers that be as incorrigible. Entire countries collapsed within days and the old order came crumbling down as the world succumbed to a dark baptism of blood and flame.
. . .
The year is now 2130 and mankind stands on the brink. In the wake of the cataclysm survivors emerged from their refuges after three generations, tentatively scouring what remains of a broken world. Meeting their challenges head-on as they searched for resources and new places to call home. Societies and settlements form as these post-apocalyptic pioneers look to build a future for themselves.
Within the Aldemaran continental heartland lies the harsh region of Sevara - a rolling landscape of scorching deserts, mutant infested highlands, and crumbling ruins. From the ashes of the old capital city of Ardhelm a new banner flies high - that of the New Republic of Sevara, carved from the bones of the great metropolis. Guided by the hand of the Chairman Elect and also under the watchful eye of the enigmatic Arcani - if the stories are to be believed. Ten years have passed since the Republic was officially founded and it has swelled to unmatched heights, reaching beyond the revitalized Ardhelm into the surrounding areas.
Faced with a rapidly growing population and mounting needs the Republic has been expanding across the map, claiming more land and resources for itself, often in spite of local residents. Along with stubborn independent settlements throughout Sevara there are two groups in particular that refuse to bend to the Republic. The Ya'íí to the south, a reclusive and archaic people that dwell within the mountains along the great lake Tankar. And Havenwood to the east, a secluded coterie of mutants and other outcasts and deviants.
Recent events have greatly aggravated the already festering strain across Sevara. Two months ago was marked by the now infamous Rafeton Massacre which would see the thriving town of Rafeton destroyed and the New Republic of Sevara facing heavy ridicule for its’ involvement. In an attempt to ease tensions the Chairman has sent envoys out across the wastes to try and ensure the people of greater Sevara of Ardhelm’s good intentions. Words of negotiation and promises of goodwill are met with stern suspicion however and many fear further escalation. A number of officials in Ardhelm are calling for a cease of annexations much to the disdain of hawks in the Republic Guard. And as the deadlock stands a new threat draws near unbeknownst to anyone. Stretching from afar like a dark shadow that seeks to envelope the land.
Fate’s gaze lingers. Sevara stands at a crossroads at a pivotal time. Decisions made in the coming days will affect the lives of many thousands and shape the regions’ history for generations to come. And those decisions will fall to those both of great power and humble origins. In a world left sundered by the mistakes of the past it is up to a new generation to save the future.
This is a concept I have had on the drawing board for a time now and finally decided to really “put it to paper”. Inspired to me by the Fallout and Wild Arms video games, specifically Fallout : New Vegas and Wild Arms 3 respectively. Take a steady read, soak everything in, and I hope you, dear RP’er, find this worthy of your time! ^_^ Ask me any questions you have and feel free to pour out your own thoughts and constructive inputs! On with it ☕️🫖💯
. . .
Set in a world heavily derived from RL Earth and influenced by its’ history and collective cultures the moving plot of this RP begins in the early twenty-second century, decades after a global conflict that climaxed with the use of nuclear armaments. The major powers have fallen and what few scattered “old world” nations that still stand hang by a thread. As outlined in the introduction our story is set in Sevara, formerly a member of the multinational alliance known as the Democratic Union of Aldemara - which is heavily resemblant of the RL United States of America. (Though instead of being a single country the DUA was a tightly bound political and military alliance of multiple countries.) For decades after the war Sevara - until recently - had been a disunited wild wasteland of isolated survivalists, bloodthirsty raiders, and roaming mutant abominations.
The rise of the New Republic of Sevara has of course brought changes to the region. The capital city of Ardhelm has been transformed from a bombed out ruin into a shining beacon over the horizon. Refugees and settlers flock by the endless scores to Ardhelm. The growing economy flourishes, businesses and thriving urbanized districts bring life to the streets, and the brilliant lights of the cities’ skyscrapers can be seen for miles around. In recent years the Republic has begun to rapidly expand with the very obvious intent of claiming the entirety of Sevara for itself and recreating it as it was before the great war. While many welcome the prospects of a strong, secure, and singular nation to be a part of others see the Republic as an oppressive invader that will strip away their freedoms and rob them of their land and resources. This has lead to resentment and even outright resistance to the Republic’s integration efforts among fringe settlements and tribes. The aforementioned Rafeton Massacre compounding the rigidness of those who refuse to be so easily seized upon.
Player characters will begin as newcomers to Sevara, recent arrivals who journeyed across the border for some purpose or another - be it a deep seeded personal vendetta or they may simply seek a new life in a new place. Regardless of origin, player characters will find themselves drawn into the growing vortex of instability as the tensions continue to mount and the threat to all of Sevara becomes more dire. Players will be presented with the opportunity to join one of four major factions or one of several smaller factions. Or one can simply go it alone and ride out the storm and just survive till the end. Dive into a world of advanced, “futuristic” technology, harrowing perilous deserts and rugged tundras and fighting through forests and bogs infested with beastial super mutants. Rummage through the hollowed out ruins of the old world for valuable tech and other weaponry. Take to the neon painted streets of Ardhelm by night and gaze upon the sordid underbelly of the shining beacon. History shall remember the troubled days to come and you must choose how history shall judge you.
• This RP as tagged will be anime/manga themed. Keep this in mind when creating your character and in regard to the overall aesthetic.
• Excluding myself the ideal group size will range from four to seven (Maximum.) people.
• Discord will be integral for this RP.
• The Discord server is TBA/WIP.
•While this is not a true tabletop RP there will be dice rolls and applied modifiers for chance situations to mix things up and add a layer of intensity, narratively speaking. (The system will be VERY simple, so do not fear any unnecessary complexities making things tedious.)
• An official map and expanded in-depth lore are TBA/WIP.
• Rules, “gameplay”, and player expectations will be provided in the official thread.
• Feel free to ask me any questions prior to the coming thread!
• I am in the central United States time zone (UTC-06:00) for clarification/reference.
Oh, for the sake of Mask… Iliskra thought as she crossed her arms and sighed aloud at Leon’s action. So much for complete discretion.
Ibdur had walked up beside Leon, hands on his axe hafts at the ready. The four local men looked between themselves and then at Leon, two of them letting out raspy laughs while the other two stared in aggravated disbelief. The larger of the latter looked at Leon with squinted eyes and a nasty sneer, half slurring, “Well… aren’t you the brave dandy fellow? Think you can just buy away our evening table for cheap with a threat stuck to the bottom of the tag?”
“‘Ey now,” grumbled the other of the more serious two, “look… we were about to leave anyway. Just… let ‘im have the table, Durgal.”
“Shove off, then,” the man Durgal said, tottering up from his chair to full height, which was almost a head above Leon, “I’ll be damned if some… whatever he be… is going to just try and tell me about like this. Even the captain has better m-manners…”
“Just stuff it and let’s go… you know what the captain said about anymore f-f-fights o-on land…” the other man said, lifting up from his own chair and putting a hand on his fellows’ breast in a show of retraining.
Durgal snorted and swatted the hand away but grumbled, “Fine.”
As he and his three fellows started around the table the large man pressed his pointer finger into Leon’s chest threateningly. “Ye should be thanking Tymora I have a strict captain and too light a head r-right now. You had best hope we not meet a-again.”
The four cleared away and headed for the door, Iliskra standing beside Leon now with her arms crossed firmly over her chest and one brow raised sharply. “Leon, we are trying to remain unseen as we can be.” the half-elf chastised.
Nevertheless, Ibdur, Iliskra, and Leon had a table now, though Iliskra doubted the three would be up for long. All she wanted was a meal, a drink, and a bed. She looked around and noted that the place was rather empty given the size of it and the circumstances outside. There were maybe a dozen or so other patrons spread about tending to their plates and flagons in solitude. The upside of this was that there was likely a room available for the night.
[h2][i]A little about me…[/i][/h2]
• Female (She/Her) (Cisgender)
• Pansexual
• Twenty-nine years old.
• An America-born Eurasian. (Of Han Chinese and Dutch descent.)
• US Central Time Zone
• Casual & Advanced are my vibes.
• My writing interests are manifold in genre.
• I tend to prefer 1x1’s but I can never shy away from a [i]great[/i] group RP.
• Ask for the Discord.
[h2][i]Current Roleplays…[/i][/h2]
• [b]Her Wrestling Dream[/b] A wrestling career 1x1 roleplay with [@Shoopuf].
• [b]STAR WARS : Throne of Cathar[/b] A [i]Star Wars[/i] 1x1 roleplay with [@LanaStorm].
• [url=][b]FORGOTTEN REALMS : Gambit of Scoundrels[/b][/url] A [i]Forgotten Realms[/i] roleplay with [@Herald].
• [url=][b]2100 ☢️ BADLAND REPUBLIC[/b][/url] A post-apocalyptic group roleplay.
[h2][i]Extra bits…[/i][/h2]
• [url=]My 1x1 Index.[/url]
• [url=]My catalogue of characters.[/url] (The new one.)
• [url=]My old/original catalogue of characters.[/url]
• [url=]SANDSTRIDERS world and lore.[/url]
• [url=]A Thousand Legends world and lore.[/url]
[b]Group Roleplays that I have GM’d;[/b]
• [url=]STORMCLOAK : Rise of Tyranny[/url]
• [url=]FORGOTTEN REALMS 🌙 The Ring of Aduzahir[/url]
• [url=]FORGOTTEN REALMS 🌙 Tales of Deadsnows[/url]
• [url=]SANDSTRIDERS : A Lost Land[/url]
• [url=]A Thousand Legends : Sundered Veil[/url]
• [url=]MINERVA FORCE[/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><br><hr class="bb-hr"><hr class="bb-hr"><br><br><img src="" /></div><br><br><hr class="bb-hr"><hr class="bb-hr"><br><br><div class="bb-h2"><span class="bb-i">A little about me…</span></div><br>• Female (She/Her) (Cisgender)<br>• Pansexual<br>• Twenty-nine years old. <br>• An America-born Eurasian. (Of Han Chinese and Dutch descent.)<br>• US Central Time Zone<br>• Casual & Advanced are my vibes.<br>• My writing interests are manifold in genre. <br>• I tend to prefer 1x1’s but I can never shy away from a <span class="bb-i">great</span> group RP.<br>• Ask for the Discord.<br><br><hr class="bb-hr"><hr class="bb-hr"><br><br><div class="bb-h2"><span class="bb-i">Current Roleplays…</span></div><br>• <span class="bb-b">Her Wrestling Dream</span> A wrestling career 1x1 roleplay with <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/shoopuf">@Shoopuf</a>.<br><br>• <span class="bb-b">STAR WARS : Throne of Cathar</span> A <span class="bb-i">Star Wars</span> 1x1 roleplay with <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/lanastorm">@LanaStorm</a>.<br><br>• <a href=""><span class="bb-b">FORGOTTEN REALMS : Gambit of Scoundrels</span></a> A <span class="bb-i">Forgotten Realms</span> roleplay with <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/herald">@Herald</a>.<br><br>• <a href=""><span class="bb-b">2100 ☢️ BADLAND REPUBLIC</span></a> A post-apocalyptic group roleplay.<br><br><hr class="bb-hr"><hr class="bb-hr"><br><br><div class="bb-h2"><span class="bb-i">Extra bits…</span></div><br>• <a href="">My 1x1 Index.</a><br><br>• <a href="">My catalogue of characters.</a> (The new one.)<br><br>• <a href="">My old/original catalogue of characters.</a><br><br>• <a href="">SANDSTRIDERS world and lore.</a><br><br>• <a href="">A Thousand Legends world and lore.</a><br><br><span class="bb-b">Group Roleplays that I have GM’d;</span><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="+">+ [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">• <a href="">STORMCLOAK : Rise of Tyranny</a><br><br>• <a href="">FORGOTTEN REALMS 🌙 The Ring of Aduzahir</a><br><br>• <a href="">FORGOTTEN REALMS 🌙 Tales of Deadsnows</a><br><br>• <a href="">SANDSTRIDERS : A Lost Land</a><br><br>• <a href="">A Thousand Legends : Sundered Veil</a><br><br>• <a href="">MINERVA FORCE</a></div></div></div>