Avatar of shylarah


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4 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
6 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

@RoseKnightJason No, the spirits cannot fight on their own. They need bodies of some kind to be able to fight -- such as a golem. And let me add a bit about the golems.

There. Also I love the idea of Shiara and Ainel and the spirits scouting like that, omg what an image.
@RoseKnightJason I'm mostly done with the CS, so let me post what I have so far. Basically necromancers (bone mages) are seen as a good thing by this small island chain (called Pelecola) and magic in general is okay. There was a crisis about, oh, 20-22 years back where one of the island volcanoes erupted, bringing refugees to mainland Australia (that being the closest British colony), where Shiara's mom and dad met and married. fast forward roughly seven years and there's a raid by the Witch Hunters, killing a bunch of the island refugees and resulting in most of the rest returning to the islands.

So yeah, Pelecola and the Peledan islanders, more commonly known as the Raven Isles. Because dragons is too much. =P

I should say, Shiara is not a traditional necromancer. She's more about helping the dead cross over than raising them. But! she does tend to have a number of spirits with her at any given time, from animal to human, and she can shove them in necromantic golems or channel them to help her fight.

EDIT: CS finished!
@RoseKnightJason A PotC feel would be fine for me. Is there a character sheet outline somewhere?

Also, what's your position on enchanted items? I kinda want my char to have bladed gauntlets that summon in from a pair of bracelets.

Think I'm going wind mage.

OOoooh, or I could do a spin on a necromancer. Not sure how she'd fit into the world here, but...hm. Opinions? I need a small island nation whose culture in regards to magic I can create. And possibly some of their history.

....Honestly there's enough islands in the pacific that perhaps I can just appropriate a small chain of them, and develop that. Sound reasonable?
@RoseKnightJason Hey, I'm wondering what sort of tone you're going for with this rp. Obviously there's going to be violence, but are you looking for something bright and adventure-filled, or more dark and gritty?
I see you've added to the lore! Good luck with the rp, @mickilennial.
@Blizz It's the cipher that's under the arachnid hider. First post of the OOC.
"We are closer than you think, yet we are farther than you want.
We are more dangerous than you think, yet we are quieter than you expect.
We are more than you see, yet we are fewer than you imagine.
We are faster than you can run, yet we are more patient than you could wait.
We know what you fear, yet we fear nothing.
We are Arachnid."

keyword: spider

As cracked by @manythings
[ Amuné and Jareth ]

Amuné listened to Austin's assessment. Two and a half minutes was an awfully long time in a fight, but it would probably take at least that to get up to the roof from where they were. She watched quietly as Jareth wrapped her forearm with bandages, then shooed him away so she could pack up and stow her first aid kit.

Jareth went over to Lady Blade where she lay on the ground shivering. Wiseman had suggested restraining her, but he didn't have any zip ties. He'd have to bring some, next time. For now, he'd have to make do. He took one of the woman's hands -- yikes it was cold! -- and focused his powers, moving the concrete beneath her arm a bit at a time until he'd made a form-fitting restraint. He repeated the process for her other three limbs, then called to the metal in her knives and disarmed Lady Blade completely. Just in case.

"Oracle, you want a knife as a souvenir? First job as a hero, and all."

"I'm good, thanks. But I will take them so she doesn't have them."

"Actually, come to think of it, is she going to be good?" Jareth asked, meaning Lady Blade. He was in the process of putting the floor roughly back where it belonged, but the thought had hit him like a truck. "Hypothermia can be fatal, can't it?"

"I don't think it causes full hypothermia, Terra. She can be left." Amuné looked to Austin for confirmation, and he replied with a nod. She finished putting the numerous knives in her backpack and swung it over her good shoulder. "Let's go."
@VitaVitaAR Okay, and thank you for your time. I think I'm going to bow out, however. Thanks anyhow!
[ Amuné and Jareth ]

Wiseman scored a hit on Lady Blade, giving Amuné the space she needed to disengage. His shout of advice she immediately heeded, moving to the Indra Blade where it lay on the ground next to the broken drone and scooping it up in her hand, careful to only touch the handle. But it seemed she didn't need it, for the knife-covered woman was spun around and clearly having trouble.

The knife the villain tossed with her last ounce of strength, however, was a serious problem. It was beeping like a bomb and flashing red, and Jareth wasn't about to take any chances with the safety of his little group. "Back, back! Behind me," he said, waving a hand to send the knife skittering across the floor to the far end of the backstage area. Then he stomped his foot, hard, and tilted a large, wide piece of the concrete floor from horizontal to vertical, giving the three heroes a place to shelter from the explosion and its accompanying shrapnel. It was a good thing, too, because--


The knife exploded with a loud noise that shook the area, sending a hail of metal shrapnel in every direction. Jareth's quick thinking had saved the three heroes from some serious damage. He gave the other two a shakey smile, though it was hidden behind his bandana.

Amuné, still dripping blood from her injury, tapped her watch again. "Bastion, Oracle here. We've handled Lady Blade, so feel free to assist the others with Doc Holiday and those drones." As she spoke, she headed for her backpack in the corner, and pulled out a first aid kit. "Terra, give me a hand, would you? I don't think I'll need stitches, but you can tell better than I can.

Jareth checked over her arm. "You don't have a suture kit in this thing anyhow, so even if you did need stitches they'd have to wait until we got back to base," he commented, taking out a roll of bandages.

"Or until Angel-5 gets here. Wiseman, is it en route?
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