Avatar of shylarah


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4 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
6 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

@Eviledd1984 Given the expansive nature of the game, it could be done like pathfinder (literally tons of classes and prestige classes) or Divinity, where you pick a class to start but can choose any ability from any class later on down the line.

The character I have in mind is a healer/buffer with dancer as a profession. I suppose I could shoehorn her into cleric, but that implies a god being worshipped and that's not truly accurate to the character. I used her before once, briefly, but never got to explore her character as much as I would like.

I am hesitantly interested. Not sure I'm fond of the D&D class system for this, but I'll think about it. @Eviledd1984
[ Shiara Cazarin ]

Shiara was surprised that the foreign woman took a full-on hit from Bone Chime, but only for a moment. As blood spilled, she realized the strategy. "Clever, clever," she whispered. Her thrown knives had missed, but Erzsébet's spear of blood hit the extra eye squarely, destroying it. Good.

Then Bone Chime spat liquid at the foreign woman's face. Simultaneously he was attacking Shiara. She dodged the first and last strike, judging them too risky to take if she didn't want to be out of the fight entirely, but she allowed the middle one to hit, scoring a deep slash on her left arm. Not enough to render it useless, but certainly enough to draw a hiss of pain from the young woman. Blood splattered on the ground, and Shiara hoped Erzsébet would take advantage.

But it was also an opportunity for Shiara herself, allowing her to get much closer to the pirate captain. She struck out with both knives -- not at the tentacle, but at Bone Chime's body, one knife going for his neck, the other for his side. Then, as quickly as she'd come, Shiara was out of range again. She knew better than to stay in close -- she was no thick muscled fighter. A solid hit from his spiked bone clubs would send her flying, and possibly break her limbs.
[ Jareth ]

Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant

Jareth spent the van ride over to Brookside quietly worrying about Amuné. She'd been tapped for a psych eval by ICOSA's resident pests, and he was certain she was highly anxious about it, for all she'd put on a brave face. He silently wished her the best of luck as he clambered out of the van at their destination, and put the matter from his mind. Now was no time to be distracted.

He joined the group gathering by Crane just in time for Mire's little rant. Amuné had filled him in on the creature, but man did they have a bad attitude. And then Wiseman's voice in his ear, along with a top-down map of the facility on his watch.

Luna was the next to speak, and she had quite the spiel for the group. Jareth was grateful for the information, and for some semblance of a plan. He nodded as she reiterated that they were not to split off from the group for any reason. That was good advice. Her plan seemed solid as well. He reached out with his power, trying to assess the ground. "Not a lot of rock near the surface," he said aloud. He looked at Luna. "If they can climb well, I'll have to slant walls outwards. But they're long -- anything I build that they can't get over is going to block sight lines, and I don't really want that. I think I'll be best served opening up sinkholes and then closing them again on the 'zards."
[ Shiara Cazarin ]

It was fascinating to watch Bone Chime at work, as he circled and dodged. But Shiara had no time to admire his skill. The long tentacle he'd fashioned, six feet long and tipped with bone, was a serious issue. She deflected the bone spike with one of her knives, stepping forward and aside, aiming to come in close enough to cut a few feet of tentacle clean off with her other knife. Succeed or fail, her next target was the eye watching her -- a thrown knife would do to take it out cleanly. She followed that throw with another, aimed at the closer of his normal eyes.

It was a fraction of a moment before she was armed again, two more knives from her belt held one in each hand. Erzsébet's blood darts lingered in the air, and the foreign woman was still engaging Bone Chime up close. Shiara went to circle behind the pirate captain, ready for any more eyes that might pop out of his body. If he tried that trick again he'd find himself with another eye full of knife in short order.

She wished she had a fully crafted golem on her, but it was risky carrying such things around. Bones and obsidian could be explained away as jewelry making materials. A golem was much harder to justify. Damn the church anyhow.
[ Amuné ]

HERO Three

Amuné was nervous. Hero Three was an unexpectedly nice place, and she wasn't enjoying any of it. ICOSA wanted to evaluate her, and...she was honestly scared. So she sat and waited and did her best not to show it. She would much rather be out with Jareth, hunting Terrazards and potentially dealing with gang members.

She'd read up as best she could on the three observers since they'd come to town two days ago. Q. Spencer Randolph, better known as Magician was surprisingly popular for someone that seemed like...well, a total ass, for lack of better words. Marisol Pérez, or Chimera, was newer to ICOSA, and originally from Cuba. Not very useful info, but all Amuné could find. And Dr. Sabine Reininger was a psychologist with some renown. Not enough. Not enough at all for Amuné to feel at all prepared for this interview.

She tensed as a door opened and two of the three ICOSA members stepped out. No Marisol Pérez. Interesting, and a little concerning. Where was she? Amuné supposed it didn't matter right now. By the time Mr. Randolph asked for volunteers, she had steeled herself enough that she was able to rise smoothly to her feet. Hopefully she looked more confident than she felt.

"I'll go first, if you guys don't mind." Amuné glanced at the other Hero members in the room. Better to get this over with than sit dreading it for what probably would be hours.
[ Shiara Cazarin ]

Shiara watched with interest as the blood mage controlled one of the sailors into the cell, and had him slit his neck. Underhanded, yes -- not to mention ethically questionable, but this was pirates they were talking about, so that was a given. He revived, of course, and proceeded to flee the scene. Shiara shook her head. One less in the competition for a berth.

Then the foreign woman stepped forward into the cell. Shiara followed, though not as closely. It would be tight quarters for a three-on-one fight in that area. Hopefully she could stay out of reach of the unarmed captain.

Or perhaps not unarmed -- bone poles with spikes emerged from Bone Chime's wrists. So that's how he got his name. It was an intriguing skill. If he could shield himself with bone too, they might be in serious trouble. But he didn't seem to have a shield currently, and no doubt it would take time to craft one, as it had taken time to form the spiked bone clubs.

With the foreign woman and Bone Chime mostly occupied with each other, Shiara drew two daggers from the collection in her belt. At the same time, she half-closed her eyes. "Senki, to me." For a moment the young woman's whole body glowed, as the invisible thief merged with her master. Immediately Shiara's entire posture changed. She was always light on her feet, but now she balanced with a cat's grace, and her steps were silent as she moved a little to the side, to get a better angle on her target.

It was essential that she wait for just the right moment to throw -- when Bone Chime was occupied either attacking or defending someone else's strike. It would probably come when he was busy with the foreign lady, but the blood mage also might give her an opportunity. Either way, Shiara and Senki were ready to strike.
[ Pizza Party ]

collab between @shylarah, @Silver Carrot, @Blizz, @Rabidporcupine, @Scarifar, @Zoey Boey
Sept. 14th, 2029

With the threat of the Fiendish Five dealt with, and Amuné patched up, Jareth contacted Alisa. He wanted to know how the orientation for new heroes had gone, outside of the attack. When he heard that the heroes there were planning to get pizza, he grinned.

“Alisa, please let the folks at orientation know that I’ll be bringing the pizza in from New Athens and set up in the cafeteria. ETA what, an hour? an hour and a half? Something like that. It’ll save them the cost of delivery and tip if I pick it up from the store directly.”

With that settled, he and Amuné made their way back to Jareth’s car and headed to the nearest pizza joint. Even with the holiday, not everyone had the day off work. Amuné had ordered ahead -- three large cheeses, two large pepperoni, and one large sausage, for a total of six pizzas. They were ready by the time the two heroes arrived, so it was just a matter of grabbing them and heading back to Hero One.

It took longer than usual to drive across town, but they arrived at Hero One within the promised hour and a half. To their surprise, however, one of the new heroes was absolutely huge. There was no way she could get inside the cafeteria to join the party.

“Alright, change of plans. We’re eating outside.” Amuné shifted the weight of the three pizzas she carried and nodded toward the large front lawn. “That’ll do for a location. C’mon.”

The pair set the pizza boxes in a pile on the grass, with Amuné guarding them while Jareth went to fetch a folding table.

Eventually, after everything had calmed down a bit, Joseph returned to the beach, not really sure what to do at that point. He didn’t really want to leave yet, feeling like he’d rather stick around until he was sure everything was sorted, both with the pair of villains and with Eva’s shoulder. The injury might’ve been small, but he knew as well as anyone how badly small injuries could grow out of control if you weren’t careful, and he wasn’t super into the idea of going back to the shed he lived in just to spend the rest of the day worrying about the ‘what ifs’ of his teammate’s health.

However, it was as he was sort of doing that very thing that he smelled something, and looked back over to the grass to see a young woman standing around some very familiar flat boxes, a similarly young man running towards the building.

"Oh right, forgot about the pizza stuff for a bit there..." he said, sitting on the grass beside the pizzas and their current guardian. "Guessing you’re another new recruit who was part of the parade crew, huh? Name’s Joseph, nice to meetcha!"

Amuné took in the man’s appearance. He wore a lot of layers, even though it wasn’t all that cold, and his hair was a mess. Clean-shaven, though, and he didn’t smell at all. Probably not homeless, despite the vibe he gives off, she decided. “Today was an unexpected first day on the job,” she replied. “I’m Amuné, hero name Oracle.”

Ting Feng had finished a lap around the island when she saw new people arrive. The ten meter hero carefully made her way over and knelt down like she usually did when communicating with people. “Hello, everyone. Did you hear about the attack? Awfully strange. We didn’t get to finish our easter egg hunt.” She glanced around.

“I think I dropped one around here...anyway. My name is Ting Feng, also known as Crane.”

Amuné looked up at the tall hero, and gave her a wave. “I’m Amuné -- or Oracle, if I’m wearing my mask. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I did indeed hear about the trouble here, and it wasn’t the only one. Villains turned up at the parade, too -- it was a coordinated attack, with the primary target being Hero One.”

Ting Feng frowned. “How awful. All they did here was attack the innocent Assistant Director. They did not seem inclined to listen to reason, though, some heroes here were certainly more aggressive than others. Regardless! It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” She waved again. Not one for handshakes.

”Are you having food?”

“We are! We, uh, didn’t know more than a headcount, though, so we might have to get more if you want more than a whole pizza to yourself. Would you like cheese or pepperoni?” Amuné figured a whole pizza would be roughly equivalent to a single slice for Tina. “They’re already cut, so be careful when you pick it up or it’ll come apart.”

Ting Feng put her finger to her lips, thoughtfully. ”...That is okay! Thank you for offering. I don’t want to eat a whole pizza.”

Madison had driven her motorbike from the East Side H.E.R.O garage to Hero One only to find everything wrapped up by the time she got there. Throughout all of this, she’d still been dressed in her civilian clothes. She was even still wearing her entry lanyard for the convention hall around her neck. Having just returned from inside the building to get caught up on the situation with Alisa as well as tell her own story, she returned outside to see that Amuné and Jareth had brought pizza. Her face finally lit up and she approached again, waving.

Jareth was just returning with the folding table when Madison exited the building, so he walked with her back to the small gathering where Amuné waited. It took them only a minute to unfold the table and set the pizzas on it. “So Madison, how was the fight against Doc Holiday and the robots?” he asked.

Madison chuckled and sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, realizing that her story would not be so impressive. ”Oh, I didn’t get to fight Doc Holiday. I was fighting the robots at the convention center until they shut down by themselves. Then I came straight here.”

While the heroes chatted away, the grass beneath their feet began to stir quietly, just subtly enough that they might not notice…

Amuné blinked, pausing mid-motion. A vision of blank walls and people in white coats filled her sight. She tried to shake it off, but something had triggered it. It wasn’t the white walls and set of researchers she was familiar with, either... “Hello?” she asked, looking around, though not down. “Is someone there? Someone new?”

”You could say that.” An awful voice spoke through the soil, like every molecule of it had grown vocal chords.

Fungal matter slithered out of the dirt and rocks like it was liquid, swirling and contorting into the shape of Mire. ”The annoying human with the glasses told me to come here.”

Amuné was somewhat taken aback when the ground itself turned into a...person? A mushroom of some kind? ...No, definitely a person. But probably not a human, given how they spoke. If not human, though...what are they? “I’m Amuné,” she said, offering a hand for Mire to shake.

Mire didn’t understand human social… things. So they didn’t take the hand. ”Don’t touch me.”

She stopped, and dropped her hand. “They didn’t treat you kindly, did they?” she said softly, mostly to herself. A self-conscious smile followed. “Sorry. I got a glimpse of...well, what I assume is something from your past.” Amuné shivered, gaze going distant for a moment.

”No, they didn’t. So don’t ask.” Mire clearly wasn’t a good individual to talk to for interesting conversation. ”Why am I here?”

“I don’t know why you’re here. I wish I had more insight, but...” Amuné sighed, and shrugged. “At least for now, though, would you like a slice of pizza? And I don’t think I caught your name, either.”

”Humans call me Mire.”

“What do you call yourself?”

”I don’t call myself anything. I just am,” they said, impatiently. ”Do I look like something that cares about names?”

“I wouldn’t know,” Amuné said mildly. “I honestly have no idea what you are, aside from not human -- and that only because you indicated as much. Heroes come in all kinds.”

”That, Amuné, is a Leftover.”

Austin walked up to the gathering outside of his usual hero getup. Unlike most heroes, he actually tried to maintain a somewhat unknown identity, keeping his life as Wiseman separate. He hadn’t left HERO One since the parade ended, and simply left his gear in the building for this reason… How he did it with that huge burn scar and the eyepatch was a mystery, but he never got cameras shoved in his face when he was off the job, so it worked.

”You are here, Mire, because ICOSA believes you are simply too interesting to set free again.”

”You look hideous,” they said, staring at the burnt half of Austin’s face.

”And you look flammable. Now that we have something in common, mind your manners around your new coworkers.”

“A Leftover?” Amuné echoed in surprise. “Wait, ‘too interesting to set free’? You mean they’re here like some sort of experiment?!” Now she was angry and upset. “Oh, Mire, no wonder you don’t like us -- that’s terrible!”

"See Mire?" Joseph chimed in, having found it far more interesting to simply sit back and watch the conversation unfold around him. "Can’t go around treating all us humans like we’re big ol’ jerks who’ll never understand. Some of us are actually pretty nice!"

He grinned, pointing to Wiseman with a half-eaten slice of pizza.

"’Course, Wiseman’s an exception, because bein’ a big ol’ Grumpelstiltskin is sort of his deal, ain’t that right Oz?"

”I am the most intelligent person here, and I have no idea what that means, Joseph.”

"Damn, and there I was thinking wordplay’d be a strong suit of yours…" Joseph chuckled back.

Megumi was currently nearby, keeping a slice of pizza nearby while she sat near the table. She had her G.E.M. figure on the corner, having opened certain panels on it to inspect it for faults. To her, it was important to maintain it at as close to 100% operational efficiency. As expected, she found few, if any faults, in her work and decided to close up the panels. For now, she would try to relax. She reached over and grabbed her pizza, then took a bite. A faint smile appeared on her face as she chewed; it was better than she had expected.

The girl with the robot got Jareth’s attention. At least, he was pretty sure it was a robot of some kind, and not just a toy. “Hello there. I’m Jareth. I hope you don’t mind my asking, but...are you a tech-based hero?” He gestured to the robot she’d just closed up. “I’m something of a tinkerer myself, so I’d love to see your work.”

As Megumi took another bite of her pizza, a voice called out to her. She looked up to see a boy with freckles and curly hair asking about her G.E.M. figure. It was rather rare to find someone who took an interest in tech, even in Castleburg. At least, someone with an interest in the intricacies of it. “Mmm,” Megumi nodded in affirmation. She gestured towards it with one hand, letting him take a look at it.

Jareth eagerly inspected the small figure, gently opening panels to look inside. “Let’s see...various attachments in the arms...ooh, and are those lasers? Sweet! I’m not familiar with this type of charging connector but it looks like it’s multipurpose? That’s brilliant. Solves the problem of having to find the right kind of jack if you can just plug into anything.” After a couple minutes of looking, Jareth closed up the panels again and held it back out to the girl, who had not given him her name. “You’ve put a lot of stuff in here. It’s elegant work, miss...?”

Megumi,” she introduced herself, taking her figure back and carrying it with both hands. She was taking more of a liking to him already. It wasn’t often she could discuss tech topics with someone else. “And your name is…?” Megumi asked, tilting her head a bit. There was a chance she could pick his brain a bit, and she was taking the opportunity.

“Jareth,” he replied. “I have an interest in robotics and programming, and it’s always cool to see what other people make.” He grinned. “Building stuff for fun is a great hobby. It’s even better when it’s useful, but not everything I want to make is. Like a dart board that adjusts for the trajectory of your throw, so you get a bullseye every time.”

I remember seeing that video,” Megumi said, nodding in appreciation. The man knew how to make his videos entertaining to watch, at least. “Though the idea itself is impractical, its ability to inspire others is praiseworthy.

“Not everything has to be practical. Sometimes it’s fun just to challenge yourself to see if you can. Plus I got a laugh out of my best friend, so it was totally worth it.”

Megumi nodded in agreement. Sometimes, one could invent things simply for the fun of it, and there was nothing wrong with that. Looking at Jareth quizzically, Megumi asked, “What about you? What kind of powers do you have?

“Oh, me?” Jareth smiled sheepishly. “I’m actually a terrakinetic. Not at all related to my interests, but what can you do?”

Ting Feng was sitting quietly nearby, a small smile on her face as she listened to everyone talk. This was social interaction!
@CollectorOfMyst Hey there! Long time no text!
@RoseKnightJason hey. does the sense for other people's magic work for, say, Shiara's spirits if they pop *through* the wall separating Shiara and the target to be assessed? They had magic -- Senki shadow magic, and Rokkal had some warrior bullshit that I haven't thought through yet.
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