Heidi Williams
"I have a plan b," Heidi answered, a tiny bit of panic starting to show on her face. "I have so many plans, but they're all complicated and unformed and I need to pick one." She turned to look at the rest and saw Matt looking at her. He was telling the group that Heidi should be the one to coordinate them! Heidi was starting to sweat now. Her position right now was like one of somebody who never learned to drive being asked to taxi some people in a rocket car just because she happens to own a rocket car. And she'd better not crash. And she can't say no. And she can't take it slow and careful because they're in a hurry. She'd had these powers for just over a month now. She still wasn't entirely used to using them normally, let alone under pressure and with this much responsibility riding on her shoulders. If her plan went wrong, or didn't work, or worked but they lost anyway, she knew that they'd all lay the blame squarely on her shoulders. "You're supposed to be smart!" they'd say.
Heidi cleared her mind. A paranoid spiral was a million times more dangerous when processed at the speed she was processing it. She saw Jasper, now inside the room, tell her that the CPU was on the third floor, and there was 'something else' on the second. Heidi had wandered about this. She had assumed the beast was an entirely closed system with its own CPU but now it was confirmed that it was remote-operated. Which meant that the 'something' on the second floor was probably a signal booster. There were now three very simple ways to defeat it.
The quickest but hardest would be to destroy the signal receiver inside the beast. However, this could easily be located somewhere very hard to get to. Its casing was tough and earthed. The second way would be to take out the booster while the beast was kept on the first floor. This would be the easiest option if the Beast was programmed to behave like a wolf. If it was programmed to protect itself from threats, it would be harder. The final way was to reach the third floor and disable the CPU. But with every floor they went up, there was a greater chance that another threat would be set upon them.
The second plan was the one they should try first. This entire train of thought took less than a second after jasper had conveyed the information. Heidi immediately snapped to action to help Ronnie brace the door, taking the power cable from the back of the television and togging it hard at an angle until it snapped off. She used this cable to help tie the handles of both doors together.
"Quick," she commanded to the rest of the group in as few words as possible. "Jasper and me, second floor. The rest of you, keep the Wolf busy! Retreat upstairs if you can't!" And with that, she headed towards the corridor that Matthew hadn't blocked with a table, scanning rapidly for any sign of a stairwell.