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Do me a favor and all 3 of you and knowledge of the 3 to your characters. This is something the elder hobs have as well because I'll explain what the shrines represent

Oh, we get that skill already? Neat.
@Shovel Ah, dang, I forgot you had Kris talking to Aya. Assume that if she doesn't have a weapon, Lexie would have said to get one to her too (I'll edit the post too to mention her).

Day 0 / Church / Goblin

Mentioned: @Rune_Alchemist

Kir reacted unexpectedly strongly to her off hand idea, and Lexie got the impression that this was one very possessive goblin. Still, her magic skill was incredibly useful, so it’d be better to cooperate. Besides, she could always just get more material, and hadn’t had much of a stake on those things her older siblings her brought anyway. “Yeah, ok. I’m alright with just the horn for now anyways,” she soothed the fellow gob. “And I’ll keep in mind to look at the plants; that’s a good idea,” she commented.

Her conversation with Gird went well, though he wasn’t sure about the skills. “I see...spiders for silk, and maybe the bats for night vision,” she muttered. “Thanks, older brother,” she nodded at him in farewell.

Lexie then migrated back closer to her sisters, just in time to hear Aya suggest setting traps. “You do have a good point; the predators are probably too much for us to handle right now. But if the rabbits can survive, so can we,” she assured. “I think setting some traps could be helpful, but we can’t rely just on that, because we don’t know if we’ll get anything. So, maybe hunt some with weapons – an ambush would work, I think. After we see what it’s like out there, we can find where the rabbits live, and set a trap or two near their homes. Add some good bait to that, and it’d be good to go,” she opined.

When Kir said she was ready, Lexie agreed. “I am too.” She glanced at her sisters; Kir had plenty of items, the taller Izzy had got a whole skull from Kir, then Aya and Krishna, neither of whom had anything yet.

“Hey, you should at least take up a stick or something,” she recommended to Aya and Kris, the weapon-less gobs.

Recently, another hobgoblin had brought a veritable treasure pile of stuff, though he’d dropped it all near grandpa. As such, Lexie went along with Kir to the elder, and waited while they conversed. When there was time to interject, she did so. “Elder, can we take some of that too?” she questioned, pointing to the pile of rabbit bones and pelts at his feet.


Oh I thought that gird had taken you with him to see the bats@ReusableSword am I mistaken?

Very much so. For one, I never wrote that she went anywhere. For another, neither did Reusable - even if they had, it's not as if a RPer controls anyone but their own character.
@Jangel13Lexie didn't go out to the cave, she's still in the church. If anything, she'd be in on the crafting discussion.
In the church for now.
Jandar Varan

Fatima snapped, and Jandar glanced at her in surprise – but also appreciation. It certainly was one way to resolve the situation. A very small, nearly involuntary smile stretched his lips at his Queen’s words. He rather liked this snarly side of hers. Finally, after a silent glaring match, the Eyriens relented. When Faeril looked in his direction, Jandar offered her a polite nod, a nonverbal ‘you’re welcome’.

He waited patiently, though he did walk over to the bar to perch himself on a stool. Whatever SaDiablo was doing to Faeril, it was taking a while. During the wait, Thom asked a fairly naïve question, though Jandar did not fault the young one’s ignorance. “It is not so simple,” the Warlord said. “The Queens have ruled in this way for centuries. Even if Prince SaDiablo were free to go against them, he could not beat them all by himself. Despite being the strongest known person of the two realms, yes. To further complicate matters…” he trailed off, and pointedly glanced at the black jeweled man’s collar. “Well, better let him explain himself, if he wants to,” he warned.

When the Prince resurfaced from perusing her mind, he did indeed explain his lack of action so far. He also cautioned Faeril against being reckless, and revealed her as a member of aristocracy. “I did not know you were so prominent a person,” Jandar commented, rising an eyebrow her way. “And though I would not dare caution a Black Widow on her own Craft, please do not overwork yourself to madness.” It was apparent he didn't know exactly what ‘weaving into the Twisted Kingdom’ meant besides it being dangerous, but he definitely didn’t want to see Faeril loose herself to her esoteric craft; she was an important ally.

Then, he swung his head in SaDiablo’s direction, frowning in commiseration. “So that is what they have been holding over you,” he stated. “Nonetheless…We should head to Kaeleer. There, we can gather forces and plan a counterattack. I dare say there are still a fair number of people who would be willing to follow your lead, Prince,” Jandar assured, gazing at the man earnestly, his deep respect for Saetan apparent.

Removing the horn took some time, and was a bit awkward, but she felt like she was getting somewhere. And then – a crack! The head got a bit dented, fractures spread around the skull, and the horn broke off the skull. Phew. Lexie patted the rabbit’s mangled head, and stood with her prize in hand. She was holding the horn by its base, where a small part of the skull still clung to it, sort of like a handle.

She was done just in time to see another goblin produce a sword out of nothing by magic. She goggled at the goblin, the fake sword, and the original belonging to Luz. That such a thing was capable…It changed things. Since that miraculous sister of hers was gathering rabbits to skin and cut them up, Lexie grabbed the now hornless rabbit and dragged it to Kir.

“Hey, here’s the last rabbit. We should remove the horns from all of them, if we can,” she stated. She didn’t notice Luz’s disgruntlement at having removed the horn from the rabbit she had provided, nor did it occur to Lexie that the other hobgoblins might be similarly possessive. In her mind, these rabbits were given to them, and so all of them belonged to them, materials included. “Maybe we could tie the horns to the sticks with your sinew?” she suggested, though she was dubious about the idea. “Just the horns could be better though,” she concluded, firmly gripping her newly obtained possession – she wouldn’t let that one out of her hands any time soon.

Lexie stood by Kir’s side slightly awkwardly, observing her work, but also looking around at the other goings-on. She was sure she’d seen one of the gobs leave by themselves. She did want to see the outside world, but she was a bit hesitant to just wander outside on her own. She’d rather follow someone quietly and see how they did, but that departed goblin brother of hers was too far ahead already. And he surely wasn’t the type to appreciate someone shadowing him, given how he’d left without a word to anyone.

The hobgoblins were definitely independent though, so perhaps Lexie’s wish to cooperate with someone would go unfulfilled. One of them mentioned eating bats, which was somehow related to not being able to see in the dark – did that mean if they ate a creature, they’d gain its abilities? Or was it Gird’s special ability? Another – Arch – offered them healing, and prayed for their safety at the shrine, which was also intriguing. Luz, the sword user, mentioned evolving, which made sense, though Lexie did wonder how long it would take. Zats was a very silent one, and he’d only brought berries, but Lexie did spy him go read a few books.

She definitely wanted to approach at least one of her elder siblings, and by process of elimination, caught up to Gird, carefully getting his attention. “Older brother, if you eat bats you get to see at night?” she queried him.

@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
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