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Attire: No cane, cloak taken off
Interactions: Mayet@13org, Wystan @mantou
Mentions: Anastasia, Auguste, Edin

Wulfric had recently finished his meal with Mayet when servants with bowls started going around the ballroom. “This again,” he murmured with a resigned sigh. Turning to his conversation partner, he briefly explained the custom, then promised to meet her afterwards, “for the main event,” as he’d put it.

Soon enough, one of the servants approached them to make their selections. Wulfric leisurely put on the gloves he’d stripped for the duration of the dinner, fully expecting to be handed a piece of paper personally. Though the selection was indeed random for most of the guests, his matches were usually arranged. Thus, he was rather surprised to be offered the bowl itself. Nonetheless, he delicately grasped one slip from the top. He read the number upon it, memorized it, crumpled the paper into a ball, and flicked it upon the table. It landed perfectly on the crumpled serviette he’d used after dinner.

He said his farewells to Mayet a tad reluctantly, though their temporary separation was amicable enough. Afterwards, Wulfric secured himself a position where he could both wait for the numbers to be announced comfortably, as well as not have too far to walk to the front once his was called.

He noticed Anastasia being escorted inside by Auguste’s personal guard when the last of the papers were being distributed. It was good she’d arrived in time for this preliminary activity – ah, but there she’d just foisted her number upon Wystan, hadn’t she? The whimsy was just like her, truly. If nothing else, the guard was dressed appropriately for the formal event, the clothing tailored for him. Auguste’s work, to be sure.

When the pair ahead of him took off, Wulfric strolled towards the front. He removed his cloak, handed it off to a servant to take care of, then stepped into the leading position. As he did so, he caught the approach of his partner. The mystery of who it might be was resolved suddenly, and with no forewarning at all.

As he locked gazes with Wystan, several thoughts crowded for attention. One, this would be a publicly remarkable pairing, for several reasons. He, the first prince of Caesonia, dancing with a mere servant, high ranking one though he may be. A man with a man. Two, father was sure to nag him for this, no matter that he’d had no hand in it. Three, Wystan did have him at a slight height disadvantage. That one could be resolved easily enough, as long as the watchdog wasn’t too awkward about it. Four, he’d likely have to accommodate his less-skilled dancing partner.

But most of all, resounding in his head so loudly he wished to exclaim heavenwards; Is this punishment or a reward?

Showing nothing of the complicated swirl of thoughts and emotions, his expression the perfect façade of glacial serenity, Wulfric shallowly nodded to reciprocate the other man’s bow. “Good evening, Wystan,” he returned the greeting, tone professional. Habitually, he offered his left arm the way he would to a lady. Aware of how unlikely this all was, he wryly raised an eyebrow at the battlemaster. Once his arm was grasped, he would lead them towards the centre of the ballroom.

Behind his back, he could hear Anastasia’s laughter. He felt a dark amusement of his own arise, though it was doubtlessly for reasons radically different to his sister’s delight.

Looks like this time, I’ll be the one showing off your precious, loyal watchdog, brother dear.
Jacqueline Leroux

Giving chase ended up being futile. It was too dark, there was too much confusion, and the Mavericks were hauling ass. Jacqueline sighed, and put a hand on her stomach. A waste of strained muscles and injury, it seemed like.

Around the time disappointment was settling in, Veronica appeared out of nowhere with a lantern. She was still in her esper form, and had somehow got a hold on one of the Maverick officers. Jacqueline hmmed in mild appreciation, though being suddenly complimented caused her to raise her eyebrows in surprise. Not what you said last time, she thought, remembering when the boss has scolded her to some minor damage to a building, of all stupid things to be criticized for. Rather than a compliment…This is just her reminiscing about her past, she concluded.

Nonetheless, Jacqueline did momentarily take hold of Jezebel, holding Havoc to her neck. Soon, however, government agents and soldiers arrived. Jacqueline easily handed over the hostage, which was the exact moment Jezebel ceased to matter to her.

The doctor wryly concluded the success of their mission. ‘We tried is about all that can be said of it…Maybe we’re not getting chewed out ‘cause we know we fucked up? It was either that, or the fact that Gemini now had possession of this building, which was tactical enough of a win for the government. Based on what Veronica had said, that was most likely it.

After they were finally verbally dismissed, Jacqueline had no reason to hang around. She de-transformed in some relatively private area, then departed for her apartment. There, she’d take some time to rest…maybe even think about how to increase chances for victory next time.

Attire: This sans the cane
Interactions: Mayet@13org
Mentions: Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Kazumin @samreaper, others (Nahir, Amir, the Sultan, Mina, Felix, Thea, Charlotte, Leo) more briefly

As he stared at Lorenzo, Wulfric got the distinct impression that the man was not paying attention at all. He was staring off into the distance, dazed, and his eyes were so glazed over one had to wonder if death by embarrassment was possible, after all. Given the watery sheen clinging to his lashes and lids, though, some of what was being said had to be getting through that thick skull of his. Disgusted at this waste of space bearing the title of Duke, Wulfric redirected his attention elsewhere.

Thankfully, there was much else to keep his mind busy. For one, Wulfric was drawn to the fierce young woman whose sentiments he shared. He caught her nod, returning it with one of his own. It was reasonable for her to reference his words, yet it pleased him to hear it. If nothing else came of this incident, then at the very least he knew to have made an impression on one of their guests, which spoke well for the potential to strengthen their alliance in the future.

Then there were the other of the sultan’s children. Nahir was level-headed, and subtle yet firm in her opinions. Amir, on the other hand, delighted with his viciously venomous account, veiled in a thin veneer of courtesy as it may be. When the sultan berated the two of his outspoken, impulsive daughters, it became clear he favoured the more diplomatic pair of his children.

Somewhere in the middle of their discussions, they were interrupted by some impertinent nobody. Wulfric’s lips thinned as he inspected the man. Listening to him, he grew all the more unimpressed. ‘We of Caesonia?’ Who did he think he was? I wasn’t aware we were in the presence of another royal. Perhaps he’ll shortly claim to be a long-lost brother of mine. Bored of his words, Adelard entertained himself by snarking at the man within the privacy of his mind. The speech was lengthy, and overly embellished, most of his words as empty as the air between the fluff of his hair.

Finally, the unasked-for interjection was over. All that drivel and not even an introduction? The glory-seeking would-be-storyteller must not have any credentials, then. Truly, the sultan’s positive response was surprising. Maybe those mentions of the sun did it. Though he found himself wondering at the sultan’s taste in people, he felt free to designate that bird’s nest of a man as someone else’s problem.

Then, even more people came to say their piece, to the point that the area around the throne became crowded. At least they were known entities. Mina Blackwood arrived to support Charlotte’s request. Though she professed to echo Amir’s words, her argument was contradictory to his. You do realize ‘his royal highness’ standing there right next to you is one of those who declared the duke a fool unworthy of his position, hm? He quirked an eyebrow at her, amused.

Finally, the sultan cut in, addressing Lorenzo. Duke Vikena promptly threw himself to all fours and burst into tears. It was a pathetic display, one that Wulfric found repugnant. Wretched man, quit your wailing! Some years ago while on business in the city, he once had the displeasure of being approached by a mangy stray. Its whining had grated on his ears, much as Lorenzo’s sniveling did now. Back then, he’d firmly kicked away the filthy thing. At present, he felt the urge to do something rather similar to the Duke. Of course, he merely remained as he was, still and silent. He breathed through his violent impulse, and for his own peace of mind, disregarded the elder Vikena’s piteous state.

In the end, the sultan announced his decision. Adelard raised both brows at the declared punishment. So, the universe has not yet run out of its tolerance for this man. Regardless of fate’s inclination, select individuals were not so liberal in their forgiveness. As Wulfric eyed the remaining irate nobles of Alidasht, it occurred to him that those ‘dinner dates’ would prove to be challenging enough for Lorenzo.

When things had all but resolved themselves, Thea Smithwood, and her fiancé and better half, Felix Camilia, came by to introduce themselves as well. Thea was awfully weepy, and Wulfric wasn’t sure if it was because of the wine or due to her concern for Charlotte. Either way, the duo of her brother and fiancé could handle that easily.

Meanwhile, he had much pleasanter prospects to consider. That firecracker of a woman once again set her gaze upon him, and strode towards him with clear intent. Wulfric turned towards her, the gesture inviting, if restrained in its propriety. She still wielded the curious bladed circle of metal she’d had brought to her to threaten Lorenzo with. It was a curious weapon, one he wouldn’t mind getting a try at. The tiger, of course, was by its mistress’s side, as per the usual.

Though he kept his eyes firmly locked with hers, Wulfric curiously noted the sway of her body. It was full of feminine grace, yet there was a thrilling note of danger present as well, and the effect was oddly complementary. It was somewhat reminiscent of the way cocky young men sometimes carried themselves, all easy confidence, though it was evident that in her case, the assurance was not entirely unfounded.

The corners of his lips ticked upwards as he watched her watch him. She was open in her assessment, and her boldness was refreshing. He briefly questioned what she might discern. The regal manner of bearing ingrained upon his very bones? The slight spark of genuine excitement at meeting her? The political machinations ever present within his mind? There would be hardly anything overt. Regardless, Wulfric was sure he presented a compelling image.

“Shehzadi Mayet, it is my honour. You yourself have caught my interest, so I am pleased to have your attention,” his small smile, and the minor crinkling at the corner of his eyes to match it, certainly reflected his words. “At your first steps upon our marbled floors, and through every of your subsequent actions, I was reminded of the mythical everflame, as bright and powerful as it is eternal.

“Watching you, I thought to myself ‘Would it not be worthwhile to risk being burned, if I were allowed the proximity?’ Well, the answer is self-evident at this point, I believe,”
he grinned playfully for a brief moment.

Then, he glanced at the tiger by her side, marveling at the creature. “Your mighty companion well suits you.” Though the animal was magnificent, he did not linger too long in his admiration of it. He turned back to Mayet to address her. “The two of you must surely enjoy hunting together, no? If you find it agreeable, I should like to accompany you on any such trips while you stay here for the season.”
Jacqueline Leroux

Unfortunately, the small ghosts – or rather, souls, according to Gunther – couldn’t be killed by Havoc. Still, Jacqueline smashed their hiding spaces, which left them with less objects to weaponize. It was better than nothing, she figured, and thrashing the was kinda fun. Not as satisfactory as bringing down Gunther or his underlings, but, well. It worked some of the stress and frustration out of her system. By the ache in her stomach area, however, Jacqueline was aware her wound was getting aggravated in exchange. This better end soon.

Just as she thought, Billy returned. She turned to look at him. He was by his lonesome. Her muscles tensed, and a glare formed on her face, lips twisting into a snarl. As soon as she started mentally cursing the bastard, and was about to spring into action, though, Binky showed up as well. Jacqueline exhaled in relief, though she still thrumming from that unused bout of adrenaline.

Surprisingly, their boss showed up as well for some reason. Fritzi was trying to pin all the blame on Mavericks and/or Freelancers, but Jacqueline was dubious that the government’s action was faultless. In the end, how could anyone know if Justin escaped because the mess on Shimr, the public announcement, or maybe, just maybe, because he saw he had enemy on two or three sides coming for him? The doctor went ahead to bicker with Billy over territory rights, which made the respective leaders seem nothing less than full-fledged gangsters.

Jacqueline was annoyed with the situation, and the condescension from her boss – though directed at their enemies – was just as irritating. Finally, the doctor finished with her monologue by issuing an ultimatum. The fuck’s with the ice-cream mention? Is she for real? One way or another, her speech had its intended effect. Some of the freelancers did depart without further ado, a result Jacqueline couldn’t really complain about.

The thought that they weren’t – or more likely, couldn’t – prioritize tracking Justin right then was unpleasant. But if Fritzi thought she could handle Billy, they might as well give it a try.

For a while, it looked like Jacqueline wouldn’t get to do much but stand and watch. Most of the freelancers were dispersing, so it’s not like there was anyone to attack besides Billy, whom the doctor claimed as her target. The situation changed when the illumination on the statue dissipated, and someone constructed some sort of tower in the distance. That most likely wasn’t Breacher’s work, as their side had no reason for such an object. It looked like it was there for cover or as an obstacle, since it was between Fritzi and Billy.

Jacqueline moved a bit closer, in front of Wukong. As she peered around, she saw a shape moving. Hm? It wasn’t an ally…No, it was that one Freelancer who’d nearly killed Valkyrie. “Enemy nearby, watch out. Moving to intercept,” she whispered to the trio. Then, she proceeded to do so, ducking beneath Valkyrie’s gun as she passed her by. The lighting was poor, there was clutter all around, and both she and the three she was leaving behind were injured. It kinda sucked, but a job was a job, and their boss had just changed the mission parameters.

It didn’t take long to get closer to Klava, even if she couldn’t straight out charge at her in the darkness. When she was close enough for her opponent to be within reach of her war pick, though, she swung at the other’s knee. One, it’d be good to limit her movements, and two, it’d be repayment for when the girl tried busting her leg.

Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Fissure
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Shield (4)



Attire: This sans the cane
Relevant mentions: Mayet@13org, Leo Smithwood @Helo, Charlotte @princess
Interactions: Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Count Calbert Damien, The whole Alidasht party was greeted (decided it was excessive to mention you all for something minor like this)

While waiting for the Alidasht party, Wulfric helped himself to a glass of red wine, which he sipped slowly, savoring the taste. He had noticed only wine was available at the moment. The variety of it was satisfactory, and he assumed other kinds of alcohol would be introduced to the tables later on. Which may be for the best, so that certain someones would not get blindingly drunk so quickly into these proceedings. His gaze strayed towards Thea Smithwood, who indeed seemed to be imbibing an unadvisable amount of alcohol already. At this point, she had at least separated herself from her brother. However, there was no time to approach Leo Smithwood, as the guests from Alidasht had begun making their entrance.

Out of all the creatures trampling the pristine floors of their castle, Wulfric would claim the tiger as his favorite. A clearly mighty beast of the hunt, and with an unusual coat to boot. Its roar vibrated within his breastbone, and the prince unknowingly found himself smiling. What would it be like to witness it in full motion? Not contentedly pacing and letting itself be lavished by petting the way it was now, but in pursuit of a prey? How its muscles might shift, its claws rend, its maw glisten with spilled blood…How helpless any of its targets would be, unable to do anything beyond surrendering to their death.

Wulfric still partially lingered on that pleasing picture – despite being aware that this was neither the time nor the place – when he noticed tiger’s owner perusing the populace. Allard met the woman’s gaze, small vicious smirk still in place. As he happened to some wine remaining, he raised his glass to her in a silent toast. Doing so, he unwittingly mimicked the actions of one Mina Blackwood. Though, in his case, his Alidasht counterpart was the one to look away first, as intent as she was in her mission to test the mettle of various nobles.

Nonetheless, Wulfric contentedly sipped on his wine. Upon emptying the chalice, he passed it off to a servant, continuing his observation of the foreigners. The procession from Alidasht was grand indeed, though the Royal Highnesses’ courtesy left much to be desired. Only two bowed as they should to the Caesonian royals, yet even for that pair, Wulfric doubted the gesture was sincere. As for the other three, their greetings ranged from insouciantly brazen, to halfheartedly proper – or calculatedly improper – to an openly challenging mockery.

So, they believe to be superior, do they? Their overblown levels of self-importance inspired a range of feelings in Wulfric. Injured pride and indignation. Yet, also a twisted thrill, even a hint of admiration. The fact that his father must be sore was a satisfying one, despite some of his emotions mirroring his sire’s. Adelard expected to match wit with the Alidasht nobles, a prospect which suited his competitive spirit. However, his plans to subtly meet like with like were quickly dashed by an intruder.

Technically, Duke Lorenzo Vikena had been invited. Unfortunately, the man’s talent to cause unprecedented scandals made yet another showing. Lorenzo hurried in front of the Alidasht, announced himself to the King, mistook the Alidasht guests for performers, and caused the Sultan, Grand Vizier, and one of the shezhadi to fall from their elevated positions. Wulfric was torn between dismay and amusement. The former, because this incident was terrible for Caesonia. The latter, because he felt rather vindicated that the Alidasht party had been humiliated.

However, as it would be more politic to display the former, he focused on that. Thus, Wulfric called to mind what he found to be truly regretful. I shall have to be impeccably gallant, now. Yes, it was a shame that he would have to do what he could to appease the Alidasht guests. Until this matter was laid to rest, and perhaps for a while after, there would hardly be opportunity for his formerly envisaged glorious battle of words. All in all, his scowl of scorn for Lorenzo was sincere.

What followed were assorted attempts at diplomacy. He noted Count Damien was the first to respond, protecting Lorenzo and deflecting the Grand Vizier’s ire. Despite his own previous words to the Count, Wulfric frankly could not fathom why this otherwise admirable man – who by speaking before the King had proven the extent of his influence – was so keen to protect Lorenzo. Was it possessiveness that drove Calbert to embrace him so? Was his help the result of a desire to make the Duke his lover? On the surface, it was an unlikely option, and yet…It may be likelier that it was a ploy to use Vikena’s inborn folly to subtly sabotage King Edin’s reputation.

Regardless of the Count’s motivation, Wulfric clapped when his father prompted them all to do so. Then, he calmly approached his parents and their company. He made it to his destination shortly before Lord Smithwood himself, whose interruption he had not expected. Though, there was another surprising presence there, a certain Count Hendrix, a proficient Varian merchant. It was not the occasion to contemplate why Hendrix was there at this time, however his unobtrusive positioning was in sharp contrast to Lorenzo’s recent bumbling.

While Leo made his introductions to the Alidasht royals, Wulfric whispered a compliment to Count Damien, whom he was standing next to. “Well intervened,” he nodded lightly. He may not agree with the idea of protecting Lorenzo, but Calbert had done a fine job diffusing the tension. Much was to be said for Charlotte’s selfless bravery as well. It was clear to him she was lying to protect her father. He personally considered her target unworthy of such sentiments, but her actions were commendable ones.

However, when Leo supported Lorenzo as well, Adelard raised a brow at the man’s back. If Calbert’s reasoning had been plausible, Leo’s assertion was ridiculous. Over-polished floors indeed. For one, he did not appreciate the assertion that his family’s best hand-picked servants were incompetent – if so, the blame ultimately lay with their masters, the Caesonian royals. For another, this was not so simple a matter as to be resolved by attempting to lay all fault at the servants’ feet. Who could possibly be satisfied by such a feeble evasion?

Thus, as his position dictated he may, he decided to voice his opinion. Of course, proper introductions had to be made first. So, he stepped forward, and mimicked the Alidasht greeting perfectly, crossing his arms at the wrists, thumbs to the floor, inclining his head and upper body. “Your Majesty, Your Excellency, Your Highnesses, peace be upon you.” He rose from the bow, and introduced himself, “Prince Wulfric Danrose.”

Unlike Leo, he did not offer any flattery at this time, as he did not feel that it was opportune. Though Lord Smithwood’s compliments might have been honest, they had inevitably come across as sarcastic. Instead, Adelard cut to the heart of it. “While certain other factors may have been in play, I agree with Your Majesty,” here, he nodded respectfully to the sultan. “Regardless of anything else, it was this man whose actions caused the incident in question.” Upon mentioning Lorenzo, Wulfric turned a cool glare at the Duke.

Before addressing the culprit himself, his gaze briefly cut to Count Damien. There was no hint of apology in Allard’s expression, though he did wonder how Calbert would take this. Then, his eyes bored into Lorenzo’s again. “Duke Vikena,” the address was frosty, reprimand lacing his tone. “Do you intend to merely stand aside and watch your daughter’s valiant efforts to bear responsibility herself?” Charlotte may not be biologically his, but Adelard believed the point stood regardless. “Or will you do as honor dictates, and accept your share of the consequences?” As Wulfric challenged the man, it was clear he believed Lorenzo should follow Charlotte’s example, and subject himself to the mercy of the Alidasht royals.
Jacqueline Leroux

In the end, Jacqueline was too late to offer assistance to Valkyrie. Or rather, she’d never know if she’d get to Klava before Klava got to the sniper – because Breacher had a friendly little chat with the Maverick, which led to the discovery of a hidden enemy. An enemy who proceeded to appear just as it was talked about. More Maverick/Freelancer backup arrived at the same moment, though they swiftly redirected their attention from Gemini towards the ghost.

A rocket blasted the statue apart, but the ghost wasn’t affected. It was clear enough that physical attacks wouldn’t affect it. The same was likely true for its group of souls, each of which flew into a piece of furniture to occupy. Harassed on all sides by freaking furniture with no way to destroy the enemy…It was not a fun time for anyone involved. Klava had moved some distance away, and was shouting orders at whoever was in hearing range. Yeah, if only I had magic, Jacqueline thought. Technically, Havoc dealt arcane based damage, but she had no idea if that’d work or not.

But there was a way to test it. First, she moved towards Valkyrie to cover her from melee attacks. Then, she aimed to destroy whatever the nearest possessed object was, whether that be the suit of armor from which Valkyrie escaped, any furniture that might have followed after Jacqueline herself, or whatever else nearby. If she completely shattered at least one object, she thought a soul might have to come out to occupy something else. That was when she’d strike with Havoc directly at the exposed soul, to see if an arcane instrument had any effect on these little guys.

Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Fissure
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Shield (4)



Interactions: The Count and Countess Damien,
@Tpartywithzombi Violet Damien

As the first prince of Caesonia, it was only to be expected that Wulfric arrived at the ballroom after his parents, shortly before the early invitees would arrive. His outfit was predominantly white; dress shoes, trousers, shirt, vest, jacket, gloves, cravat, and fur-lined cloak included. There were tasteful embellishments woven into the outfit in golden thread, and the lighting in the room glinted off of attire to a truly magnificent effect. His only accessories were his cufflinks and a thin circlet of interwoven metal, both crafted from gold.

As the guests begun trickling in, he strolled towards them, heeled dress-shoes clicking upon the polished floor, cloak gently swaying behind him. The Damiens were one of the first to make their way in, and thus, the first among those Wulfric exchanged words with. “Count Damien, a pleasure. Your promptness does you credit, as per the usual. Though I doubt you require it, I do wish you all the best in your endeavors with Duke Vikena; with your influence, that man may yet surprise us all.”

Alongside the words was a nod/bow of the prerequisite degree, perhaps a handshake if Calbert seemed inclined to it. His wife would receive an air-kiss upon the back of her hand when she laid it upon his offered palm, as protocol dictated. “Countess Damien, enchanted. I have seen it many times, yet your natural beauty manages to astound each and every time. I am afraid the rest of us can hardly dream to match it, regardless of how much effort we expend,” a small, playful smile graced his lips as honeyed words glided past them.

Soon after, Wolfric’s gaze landed upon Violet Damien, who was attending with her parents. “Ah, and I see your lovely daughter has accompanied you as well. Truly a pleasant surprise,” this was said to the three of them, mostly as a declaration of intent that he would greet her directly as well. Violet then received an air-kiss above her hand just as her mother had, and a tailored compliment as well. “My lady, your presence is quite a rarity at these events, but all the more appreciated for it. I must say, the rumours of your allure are inadequate. Even the sight of a starred sky, no matter how majestic, entirely pales in comparison to you,” he bowed, then politely excused myself. “Alas, I am unable to linger at this moment, but perhaps you shall allow me to make amends after I am done welcoming the rest.”

It had been fortuitous that the Damiens had been so early; the Count was a close ally of King Edin. Adelard took him to be the kind of man who was the most likely to usurp the throne – or play shadow-king, as he may or may not be already doing. As much as he agreed with his father that a marriage within their kingdom was best, and as advantageous as strengthening the alliance with Count Damien might be, marrying his daughter would be akin to wielding a double-edged sword. However, it was not an option to be disregarded out of hand, and one he had to appear he was considering.

Following that short conversation, he proceeded to continue greeting the lords and ladies as they came in order. He exchanged brief pleasantries with those more familiar to him, but ensuring that no one of import would be overlooked. It was not strictly necessary for him to do so, but today was a special occasion. Besides, he preferred making his presence known by mingling rather than standing aside. It made him appear personable, and brought him within hearing range of potentially intriguing tid-bits of information. Not that he expected to unearth any such thing during the initial meet-and-greet, of course.

In the case of the King and Queen of Varian, who were his social superiors, Wulfric couldn’t approach them at his leisure. However, that was not to be said he did not take any initiative; no, quite the opposite. He simply arranged to be in exactly the place at the right time for them to happen upon him. It happened quite naturally, despite an underlying design guiding him, since welcoming the guests brought him to the vicinity of the entrance regardless.

After the entourage from Varian, there was an interlude, during which Adelard had time to approach personal acquaintances for further conversation. He was looking forward to speaking with Lord Leo, with whom he’d gone on a hunt or two together, and who had been unable to visit their Kingdom in some time. If at all possible, however, he would prefer to avoid his sister, so he knew he’d likely have to wait a while for that to happen.

Some time later, the expected guests from Alidasht arrived. Their extravagant entrance caused all kinds of commotion. Wulfric doubted his father appreciated being shown up like that, but he was unlikely to criticize these most esteemed of visitors. This was a monumentous historical occurrence after all, and no one could say that the Alidasht sultan had not ensured to make it a memorable one as well.

The animals are a bit much, though, aren’t they? Despite his silent dubiousness, Allard showed no hint of distaste outwardly. Admittedly, some of the exotic creatures were intriguing, but bringing them into a ballroom was certainly questionable. That, and the majesty of the whole procession itself caught everyone off guard. Wulfric himself had to control his initial surprise. Now, he was somewhat anticipating how things with these foreigners would go.

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