“Hnn…Fuck off…” Kyouka reached out a hand blindly, searching for her phone.
“…your time yet. RISE, HUMANS!”Wait. That wasn’t her phone.
She rolled around…It felt weirdly floaty, as if nothing of substance was there. Kyouka opened her eyes, and saw an imposing black-winged man.
“…Shinigami?” she asked. But she had never heard of a death god that was such a pretty boy. He also wore what seemed to her western styled armour which was heavily accented with gold. Bit gaudy, but not bad. Not bad at all.
“Hm, are you here to take me to the afterworld?” The way he had phrased it was a tad strange. Even so, Kyouka only gave the briefest of glances to her corpse before entering the portal. Her once beautiful body was just a pitiful, bloodied mess that would soon become a rotting skeleton. Nothing for it but to see what this brooding angelic man had to say.
Though she was already floating towards the portal, the thing pulled her in. It was a dreadful
yank which landed her somewhere she could only assume was the soul realm. Everything was gray and vague; she couldn’t pinpoint anything besides the ghosts of two other women standing (floating) next to her.
“Your world? Say, what about my world’s gods?” Unfortunately, Drasil didn’t seem to know. So, Vecta would be her new home.
“Hmpf, whatever. Just don’t make me a baby, please.”Kyouka looked on arrogantly as the god smirked at her, but returned a self-satisfied smile.
“Thank you, Shinigami~” she gave a cheery wave,
“You won’t regret picking me to give a new life to.”Then, her life flashed before her eyes, again. Something warm and electrifying spread throughout her body; she instinctively knew it was magic. She shivered even as a spirit; the core of her being received a shock. It felt like
pure power, and it was better than even the most extravagantly expensive sake she’d tasted. It was overwhelming, and she fell to her (disembodied) knees, breathing heavily. Even so, a sensual grin spread over her ghostly features.
“Mmm,” she purred.
“If that’s just a preview, I bet I’d just love the real thing.” She smirked as she gave the god a mock-teasing, cheeky, yet insinuating look up and down. She doubted he was interested, and neither was she, but why not play it up? He seemed to enjoy theatrical displays. A tired chuckle passed her lips as she shrugged.
“See you around, then.” A glow suffused her, and she was gone.
The next time she came to, she felt different.
Alive and strangely vigorous. She breathed in – the scent was sharply fresh and clear. She was in the middle of a mountain, surrounded by lush grasslands and forests. The nearest sign of civilization was the oddly gloomy mansion set at the base of the mountain, and a large city off into the distance.
She didn’t think she could make it to the city any time, not on foot.
…Something felt off just then. It didn’t feel like she
standing exactly. There was an odd wriggling and swishing. She looked down.
Strangely dark complexion with an ashen undertone. Long white hair.
A blue dress?
…That-that was a dress wasn’t it?
Kyouka tried to move a leg.
Swish.Nausea overtook her as her lower body
moved sinuously.
She glanced behind her.
There was a
long tail behind her. It began at her waist – she had no legs!
“HIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” she screeched as the realization struck her.
S-she, she, t-there–
The tail happily wiggled back and forth.
Her eyes rolled within her skull, and Kyouka fainted, upper body landing in a sprawl across her coiled