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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Evening
Interactions: Kalliope @Tae

The darkening sky spread over Sorian harbour, and with it came a scattering of ships seeking safer waters for the night within the city’s breakwaters. In the diminishing light, even weather-beaten and tarnished sails appeared to be wavering slivers of luminescent white. They fluttered furiously against the nightly seaward winds, but still flagged more than they billowed. Pushing their hulls towards the docks at a torpid pace was all they could do.

From the waterfront, Sjan-dehk watched with crossed arms and in amusement. Beneath the lopsided grin, the occasional snicker – particularly when a ship found itself in irons – and the less-occasional thoughts of how his Sada Kurau would be the superior vessel in similar conditions, he felt some sympathy for the crew aboard those ships. Really, he did; to spend a day of toil at sea, only to be delayed by something the fickle winds so close to home was frustrating, to say the very least.

Granted, that wasn’t something Sjan-dehk had ever personally experienced – the sea was both his closest companion and second home – but he had observed his crew enough to understand it, somewhat.

“That’s not good,” he murmured and drew in a sharp breath through his teeth. A sizeable ship – a freighter, judging by its size and heft – had lurched into a lumbering turn, only to have her sails immediately deflated and pressed flat against her masts by the headwind. She lost what scant speed she had in an instant, and drifted slowly and aimlessly to a complete stop. There was little her crew could do aside from trimming her sails every which way in vain hopes of catching some form of wind. Such a position was unenviable; even Sada Kurau would be hard-pressed to get out of such a situation – she could sail much closer to the wind than most, but she could not sail directly into it. No ship could.

Or rather, no sailing ship could. A steamer wouldn’t have cared which way the winds blew.

Sjan-dehk grunted and leaned forwards, resting his forearms on the salt-pitted guardrail stretching across the length of the waterfront. It felt surreal – wrong, almost – how quickly those machines of iron and steam took to the seas. When the War began just over half-a-decade ago, they were mere theories dreamt up by shipwrights and engineers. Two years into the fighting, and the first wooden frigates to be fitted with steam engines were put into service. The following year, those very same ships were coated in thin plates of iron and sent to the front. And by War’s end, there were ships leaving the slipways that looked completely alien to Sjan-dehk.

He recalled seeing one such vessel, the Sadhakan Ai-kai. It had been during the final days of the War, and Sada Kurau had happened to pass her whilst underway to the Viserjantan capital, Mersawas. Her hull had gleamed in the sunlight, and she had sailed into the wind with naked masts and funnels belching clouds of dark smoke and white vapour. It had been a strange sight, and to this day Sjan-dehk was still uncertain as to what he thought of it. On the one hand, being able to sail without paying heed to the wind was a dream of every captain. And yet on the other, that very same dream made real sapped the magic from sailing. As if it turned something that called for talent and imagination into something colder, and more clinical.

Well, he supposed it didn’t quite matter what he thought. If it ever came to a day when he would be forced to leave his Sada Kurau to take command of one of those newer ships, then he could either simply accept the decision without fuss, or fight tooth-and-nail to remain aboard the ship that had taken him to countless victories. And he already knew which option he would choose.

A familiar voice from behind quickly dispelled whatever daydreams he had of a probable future, and pulled him back to his senses. “Captain, I hope you don't mind a siren's company for the night's festivities.”

“You know, sirens–” Sjan-dehk began with a chuckle as he turned around. And as soon as he laid eyes on Kalliope, whatever words he had left to say vanished from his tongue. Without thinking – or even knowing, for that matter – he swept his gaze over her form before resting it on her face. Her verdant eyes gleamed with mischief, but also shone with the waning twilight.

"Shall we dance in the realm of arrogance and pompous asses?"

Sjan-dehk cleared his throat, coughing into a fist, and nodded in response to her question. “When you put it that way, it almost sounds like it’d be fun,” he said with a quiet laugh.

Once again, he couldn’t help but take in the sight of her. The gown she wore was the exact one which she had bought days ago, so it wasn’t as if he was looking at anything new. And yet, he was captivated all the same. Blue fabric, soft and fine, flowed from her like the rolling waves of the gentle sea, and pooled at her feet in ruffles reminiscent of swirling eddies. And just like the sea, it was broken up by golden accents that reminded him of the vibrant hues painted by a setting sun. Intricately woven to look like scales, they made her look like a merrowfolk from ancient legends.

And it was around that time when Sjan-dehk realised that if she hadn’t noticed him ogling her before, she certainly must have, now. “Sorry,” he said sheepishly, and carefully considered his words. A not-so-small part of him just wanted to call her ‘beautiful’ and be done with it, but knowing what he now knew about her relationship with Cassius, he knew he had to establish and maintain a respectful distance. He may as well get started – and get used to it – sooner rather than later.

“You look
Wonderful.” That was the most neutral word he could think of while still retaining some form of honesty. “It’s a beautiful dress, and it suits you well.” He should have stopped there. That would have been the wise thing to do, but he couldn’t stop himself from continuing with, “I mean, the rest of you is
Well, it’s easy on the eyes as well.” He paused, and tapped his finger on a scabbard. “You dressed up well, is what I’m trying to say. Almost makes me feel a little underdressed.”

Sjan-dehk spoke the last sentence as a half-joke. Compared to Kalliope, he looked remarkably plain. That wasn’t the seamstress’ fault, however, but rather his own. The poor woman had tried to convince him to at least try some of the more fanciful and eye-catching clothes she had to offer. Consummate soldier that he was, Sjan-dehk naturally refused. He eventually settled on something that was as close to his usual attire as possible, albeit with some flair in the form of elaborate patterns embroidered with golden thread. Even that was something the seamstress had to talk him into accepting. She had pointed out – and rightfully so, in hindsight – that without them, he may as well wear his own uniform. And that was hardly fitting for what seemed to be an elegant and grand event.

“Anyway,” he said, taking a step back from her and tilting his head to one side. Whether that was the right way to go was unknown to him. “Shall we go? I don’t know where this count makes his home, so I’m afraid you have to lead. Not unless you don’t mind us ending up some place where we shouldn’t.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: The edge of Lover's Lake
Attire:Dress, A crown of various flowers
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim

"Of course not, I was really excited to see you tonight so you've been on my mind today too..." Her voice drew off as she acknowledged the brush of his hand against her hip. "Callum is hosting actually. Strange right? Think my dad forced him into the role or something. He's always pissed at poor Callum... Whom I was hoping to see here actually. Still gotta try to work everything out between us."

It had been then the ceremony had taken full swing. "I think I've been to something like this before too, but I was definitely inebriated."

When Farim had asked what day the event would be, she glanced at Farim and informed him, "I believe in two days. I gotta check with Callum though and confirm." Howls suddenly took her attention to the ceremony once more. For fun, she joined in with the howling, looking to Farim with a grin. Mina and Roman started to dance, and the princess found herself quite enamored with the display. She cheered along with enthusiasm and repeated the names of gods and goddesses as she heard them, slightly mispronouncing some of them but the energy was there nonetheless.

She turned to Farim and whispered, "If they start singing, wanna dance with me?"

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak đ”Ș𝔩 đ”Șđ”žĂ±đ”žđ”«đ”ž, đ”Ș𝔩 đ”„đ”Źđ”¶, đ”Ș𝔩 đ”žđ”¶đ”ąđ”Ż

Member Seen 1 mo ago


D A M I E N E S T A T E , E V E N I N G

I N T E R A C T I O N S :
Riona - @JJ Doe

M E N T I O N S :
Layla @Potter

If I had known this masquerade ball would be this boring, I would have gone to the little festival. Nahir thought as she continued to make her rounds around the hall. There were a few familiar frames scattered around. She’d recognize Lord Smithwood’s broad shoulders under any mask– though she had to admit the whole lion shtick was quite cute. Next to him was who she presumed to be, Lady Vikena. Her smile bent downwards at the sight of her. Nahir had read the report Lady Suhani had provided of her sister’s awful attitude on the beach. Why was Layla so pent up on ruining every interaction she had with the Vikenas? It almost seemed like Layla was obsessed with wasting her time and energy, making their lives hell.

Nahir wouldn’t be surprised if she were sent away before the summer ended, just as Mayet had.

Whatever, she can ruin her chances. Even better yet, with Layla gone, she’d only have to worry about Farim. Their little sneaky charming cousin. She wondered if he was having fun with the Varians and Caesonians prancing around the woods half-naked. At least he had a better view than she did.

After successfully acquiring a flute of champagne, Nahir made her way to the dance floor, where she intended to find someone decent to dance with. Instead, she found a fawn struggling to walk upright on her own two feet. Nahir couldn’t help but snort at the woman’s pathetic attempts to drag one foot in front of the door. It was plain as day that she wasn’t used to such shoes or clothes. But Nahir was feeling charitable, and it seemed like the night would go uneventfully if she did not create her own entertainment.

Nahir made her way to the woman with confident strides, hips swaying side to side in an almost playful manner. “Excuse me, my lady, what lovely dress you have there.” Her voice was soft and so sweet it almost felt not her own. Nahir offered her free to the woman and leaned in so no one close would hear her. “Trouble with the shoes? I wouldn't want such a beauty to trip in the middle of a ball.” There was no point in embarrassing the lady so early in the night.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Edge of Lover’s Lake-Roman Ceremony
Interactions: Ari@Tpartywithzombi

As the ritual continued the strange brew Callum had drunk began to take hold. The fire danced in ways he’d never seen before. Not just the fire, slowly everything started to move in subtle ways, nothing was stagnant, and things that were moving maintained ghostly trails behind them. A wide smile spread over his face, everything felt lighter, and there were no burdens, only awe.

He walked around, a clumsiness to his gait, half listening to what was going on while becoming more and more unfocused. He did not want to stand still, so he walked in widening circles around the fire, each lap bringing him further away from the ritual. He did not want to be a disturbance and no longer knew what was happening in the ritual.

If the tea he drank was intended to make him see, then wandering around looking at things seemed fitting. He saw the night’s sky contain more splendor than it ever had before, he saw the branches of the trees sway as if they wished to dance around the fire, and he saw a cloaked figure fall to the ground.

“Hoo?” A voice from above asked.

“Good question.” Callum also wondered who it was. He headed in the direction of the cloaked figure as he heard the odd voice again. "Hoo?"

Cal up and all around until the looking began to make his head spin but his eyes landed on the source of the voice. His eyes met inky black ones, darker and deeper than the night sky, contrasted by plumage of warm browns and brilliant white spots.

Is that owl watching me? He stopped walking and stared intently at an owl perched upon a tree, its swirling feathers holding his attention for a long while. The owl cried out its constant question, "Hoo?".

“Callum.” He answered pointing to himself. The owl did not give its name, it only flew off, as if unappeased by Cal’s answer. “Oh, well, goodbye.”

What was I doing? He looked around, confused but content with his confusion.

He saw the cloaked figure lying down several feet away. Oh yeah. He meant to walk over there and then looked down at the grass. Wow! Did grass always look like that? It's so green. Callum paused and knelt in the grass and it was so much softer than he remembered it being. He giggled, like a crazy person, touching the grass as if he were petting a strange new creature. Soon he too lay in the grass and looked up at the trees and the stars, not moving for a while as he heard the songs and chanting from Roman’s ritual in the distance.

Then he remembered he was supposed to be watching the ritual but couldn’t quite find the will to get back up and go over there. There was more tree watching, the bark patterns flowed like water, moving, breathing, alive. They did not always look like that, he was almost certain.

The Bonfire! He did not want to stare at trees all night, he wanted to watch the pretty fire again.

Callum got back up and for the third time remembered the cloaked figure and his desire to see what they were doing. Finally, he made his way over there.

“Ari?” His surprise made her name sound like a question. “You’re here!” He went to show her his red cup but it wasn’t in his hand, he hadn't had it for a while now, and he couldn’t remember what happened to it. “I drank the weirdest tea and now everything is so pretty. You gotta try it!”

He decided he wanted to sit on the ground, as standing over someone felt awkward, but less than gracefully chose to just drop into a sitting position with a thump. He laughed at this for a bit too long. “Oh! And I just saw an owl, but it flew away.” Cal incorrectly pointed in the direction he'd seen the owl, and crossed his thumbs as he used his hands to mimic a flying bird.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location:Damien Estate Ballroom
Time: Evening
Attire: Mask Suit
Interactions:@PapaOso Cassius @Helo Leo

As Count Calbert Damien’s attention focused on a duo at the center of a disruptive fit of laughter that had occurred quite timely after his speech, he had immediately made his way down the stairs toward the man adorned with a peculiar lion mask, and the woman by his side. The laughter had echoed, disrupting the delicate equilibrium that Count Damien sought to maintain within the room. An unsettling feeling crept up Calbert's spine; he was convinced that the laughter was directed at him.

The audacity to mock me in my very house!

A surge of predatory anger, a familiar fire, coursed through him. He quickened his pace, his steps heavy with the weight of his displeasure. Behind the lion mask, Calbert imagined a smug satisfaction. As he had been about to reach them, the intensity of his emotions momentarily gave way to a peripheral glimpse of his son, Cassius. In that brief moment, Calbert's keen eyes caught enough to send a ripple of awareness through him. He was well aware of what had been provided to Cassius, but more importantly, the tension in the air was unmistakable between Cassius and the man he had been having an exchange with. Instead of moving immediately, he instead had allowed his gaze return to the lion-masked man and then the woman with the butterfly wings.

If the long raven hair wasn’t a giveaway, then the butterfly theme certainly was.

.A flicker of memory danced before his eyes, accompanied by the distant echo of Duke Walter's voice calling out to “his butterfly”.

Well... I see you’ve come to play after all. And then that must be Lord Leo Smithwood
You two have been long time friends, after all. His thoughts meandered, a wry smile playing on his lips. Your allegiance is loud and clear, Lord Smithwood
 And make no mistake
 You will suffer for it
 And do I ever have plans for you, dear boy. We'll see who's laughing then. His eyes made their way to Charlotte and he let his smile linger.

Surveying the lock of hair twirled by Charlotte's fingers, Calbert changed his course, aligning with a determined stride toward his son.

If only she was more like you, Walter.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location: Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @Helo Leo @JJ Doe Count Fritz @Samreaper Kazumin
Mention: @Rodiak Nahir

Charlotte blinked, seemingly snapped out of her reverie, and turned her gaze towards Leo. Her arm, which had been suspended mid-motion, dropped to her side as she regained self-awareness. Leo's words, initially registering as mere background noise, now began to process in her mind. "... Uh! Yes! I'm..." she stammered. Then, with genuine confusion in her eyes, she whispered, "What did you say about lettuce nobles?"

The truth was Charlotte could not invest much emotional weight into that question. Her mind was too busy trying to unravel the sudden shift in her reality.

... What in Primitius's name just happened? Was... Was I dreaming!? Keeping the storm of emotions swirling within beneath the surface was a challenge as she attempted to remain calm on the outside. However, on the inside, she was a mess. Unbeknownst to Charlotte, her nervous disposition was obvious to anyone with eyeballs. Did someone cast a spell on me? And now Leo must think I have lost my mind. How long was I standing there? Considering Olivia had telepathically spoke to her earlier in the evening, magic could not be ruled out. For better or worse, magic was real.

She had no idea if Leo would just shrug that off; the same way she had been unable to let go of the topic of his strange change in pitch. Certainly, if she told him what had happened, he would think she was crazy... But there was someone here who might not. Her gaze slid over to Count Hendrix and the "mysterious" waiter. She was supposed to meet by the pillar after all but she by no means wanted to ditch Leo alone. Her gaze lingered about as she scrambled through her head for a solution until she was distracted by the sight of a certain Alidasht princess. "I h-have, well, uh, a quick question for Count Fritz about his findings... I think the girl you like is just over yonder by the way if you wanna say hello, otherwise, I'll be back in a moment."

She hesitated before moving. With a warm smile, she took his hand and squeezed it, "Hey...Save me a dance?"
Though her wish was to avoid Leo figuring out the attendant's identity, she couldn't stop him from following her if he so decided and she'd have to simply try to keep the situation handled if that was the case. Without waiting, Charlotte turned around and approached the duo she had intended to, her unease still written on her face.

Greeting the two with an elegant curtsy that ended with a clumsy misstep, she said, "Evening gentlemen. Having fun over here I hope?"

She decided to perhaps just lead with the greeting for now, but her eyes did fall questioningly on the man who invited her to the pillar.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: Damien Balolroom
Attire: Dress, Mask
Mention:@Silverpaw Wulfric @PapaOso Cassius

“If you do not push me, I will have no need to retaliate.”

The woman draped in red had been weaving through the crowd, though positioned close to her son with strategic purpose. A mask, an intricate tapestry of roses and thorns, veiled her features as she moved with grace through the ballroom. Her straight brown hair framed her face with not a strand out of place. Her gown, a deep red adorned with black lining, bore wings reminiscent of a dragon, matching the silent power she emanated. She had been careful to not wear anything that would set her apart from the crowd, as she sought to remain within the shadows of the gathering while projecting a subtle presence.

Wulfric's voice briefly snagged her attention, pulling her sharp gaze momentarily. Still, she turned away, keeping her back to the unfolding scene.

“No retaliation necessary, your highness. We are all here to have a fun evening, after all. It was lovely to meet you, Prince Wulfric. I look forward to our next little talk...Oh
and speaking of lovely
tell my Annie I said hello. It was such a pleasure getting to know her the other night.” A scowl etched across Alibeth's concealed countenance. Her red lips visibly tightened into a thin line.

How that girl could hold such consistency in her taste of poor company escapes me... Nonetheless, it is unacceptable for Wulfric to be spoken to in such a manner.

As Wulfric engaged in conversation with Captain Stratya Durmand, a scenario that found favor in Alibeth's discerning eyes, her attention shifted but did not waver entirely. The interaction was less alarming, and she granted it only a portion of her focus. Her gaze remained locked on the man with the silver locks entwined in his dark hair as Count Calbert Damien approached him. Her eyes simply narrowed as she considered the possibilities of that situation. When Captain Stratya eventually departed, leaving Wulfric alone, Alibeth closed the distance with purpose. She delicately placed a hand on Wulfric's forearm, her touch delicate despite her stern tone as she whispered in his ear, "From here on, disrespect, especially purposeful disrespect toward you and your siblings, will not be tolerated."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location: Violet's bedrooom
Time: Evening
Mention: @Tpartywithzombi Violet
Attire: Mask, Dress

Countess Lilianne Damien stood in the silent bedroom, the air heavy with an unsettling stillness. Moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a glow upon the empty room. The blonde adorned in a matching white feather mask and dress stood with dilated pupils. In her hands, she held a crumpled letter, now tainted with droplets of blood like crimson teardrops.

Her heart, a frantic drumbeat in the silence, quickened with each passing second. Panic gripped Lily as her eyes raced over the words in the letter.

Where is she?

In the quiet of the room, she turned her gaze to a hairbrush on her nightstand. I will find you, Violet. Whether you are trying to escape or someone matters not. I will not lose you again... He will not lose you again. She then looked down once more at the letter. If this Roman had something to do with her disappearance, he will pay a cost he could never dream of...I have to tell Calbert... This cannot wait. She then grabbed the hairbrush and left the bedroom with haste.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 21 days ago

Time: Evening
Location: Lover's Lake
Interactions: Callum @Helo Ari @Tpartywithzombi

He's been late, but John wanted to give the false impression that he was busy with his work. It was somewhat true that he was in meeting with some of the physicians and servants, but it was not for direct work purposes. No, it was far more important under the current situation.

John was accompanied by another man, an individual of rugged features by the name of Frederick. A doctor with merits just as credible as John was concerned, but his military background contrasted John's extensive civilian services, and his grey balding hair contrasted John's youthful brown. But their demeanour with each other was one of casual politeness and professionalism, cloaked under a cryptic invisible veil of common agenda. And both today wore matching black asymmetrical jackets, the collar ornamented in gold flower imagery. A pin sat on the upper right side of the jacket, the prestigious symbol of the medical world, but a strange one for medical doctors to be wearing them publicly. The only ones who wore them would be Alina and Hunter.

"I would not have considered her a member just yet." His voice had a commanding firm to it that gave him an aura of authority. "She is Caesonian, and from the cursory description, it seems like your research has been shallow."

"She need not be. A partnership of information is just as valuable." John reassured, with similar calm. "Especially as we will operate on the heart of the snake."

"How can we trust that she will not leak the antidote to the snake himself?" Frederick raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Her master has been a victim of the snake." John replied.

"From my research, she's also made inauspicious remarks towards her master as well."

"And you are able to see that. What does that say about the man she chose to serve?"

Frederick slowed his paces, and John slowed to match his too.

"Her intel has already come in on the first movement of the snake, so we, or rather I, can expect the poison."

"So you've already locked hands with her. I trust that you know what you're doing." The old man worded, half with trust, and half with warning. "Am I expecting to have to lift a finger for you?"

"For this one? No." John shook his head firmly. "It is only a matter of what message should we send to him."

As the two doctors trotted peacefully through the park, their boots clanged on the cobblestone under the ever-increasing starry sky, the rugged doctor looked at the woods in the distance.

"Xenophobia." Frederick said, and John looked over at a peculiar choice of word. "He's a puppeteer. Let's introduce him to the scissors."

"It will be done." John nodded, as they both entered the forest. They had a ceremony to attend.

The alluring symphony was the two's compass in the calm woods. Once again among the religious traditional attire, the black jackets would be a step outside the curve. If anything, it made them look a bit ominous how the jackets look exactly the same. Especially to one of the guest who seemed to have drank a bit too much. The man who'd point and make this bird mimic gesture would actually be pointing straight at the two black-jacket men, who were approaching him from the trees. If he looked close, he might see something strange...
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 19 days ago


Attire: Mask, Jacket, and Pants/Shoes
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Location: Damien Estate
Mentions: Wulfric @Silverpaw, Ariella @tpartywithzombi, and Queen Alibeth @princess

The night truly had taken a strange turn. Many unexpected events, and many unexpected conclusions. But nonetheless as Drake finished the last bit of his bourbon he let the flaming sensation sit in his throat before bringing his attention back to the matter at hand. He had wanted to go to a nice posh party and enjoy some fine socializing with other folks, and he wouldn’t let things like this ruin his evening.

He re-donned his costume and even found a nice cane amongst his things to add to the flair of his outfit. With a slight wobble, he made his way to the front and requested for a carriage back to the estate. Hopefully my composure returns before I make it back or I might be a sight for sore eyes. He thought to himself. The ride was short and silent, giving Drake plenty of time to think about his interaction with his sister and just what sort of things could be happening in those woods. Before he could make any meaningful progress or decisions about it, the carriage came to a stop, signifying he was back at the party.

With slow steps Drake tested the waters, and sure enough it was like he had never drank at all. He silently thanked his genes for letting him hold his liquor and began to make his way into the ball. The sounds were the first to hit his senses. The serene music did a splendid job of painting the atmosphere of the area, and the several people around with varying levels of mystique to their costumes delighted Drake. Once he had taken in the scenery, his eyes scanned the crowd for potential talking points and approachable party goers.

Amongst the most notable were the duo of women off to the side, one with bronzen skin and the other seeming to struggle with her attire. There was the duo of what appeared to be a fairy and a lion talking, who shortly split off to their respective parties. Then there was the unmistakable visage of Count Calbert and Queen Alibeth herself even. Drake had to do a double take to make sure he caught that last one properly. He also noticed next to the Queen a raven-figure who he could only assume was one of the princes given how close they were to Queen Alibeth in such casual nature. Trotting from them rather triumphantly is a man in a wolf-like attire that Drake could not entirely recognize. He made a mental note of that individual for later, he seemed rather interesting himself. But with such grand events like these passing up a chance to interact with the Queen herself would likely get Drake scolded, reprimanded, or all kinds of things from his Mother so at the very least he wanted to make a good impression on the upper royalty. That and he did find the three princes themselves rather interesting individuals. Even Callum had a form of charm in the way he rebelliously followed his own path.

With his cane lightly clicking on the floor, he made his way across the gala and found himself standing across from who he would soon learn to be Wulfric and Queen Alibeth. Once there he took a substantial bow and in a voice that carried just a tinge of mystique to it he introduced himself.

”Your Royal Highnesses, it is such an honor to meet you both in a public setting such as this. Your decorum and attire are as lovely as ever. Allow me to introduce myself if I may.” He would pause for any sort of rejection from the pair, straightening his posture and placing the cane in front of him with two hands holding its tip.

”I am the Musician this evening. Given my personal interests I find it best suits the theme of my outfit. However
.” Drake’s hand grabs at his mask delicately, pulling it to the side so just the two of them may peek at his features. ”You both of course may already know me as Drake Edwards. Allow me to say once again, pleasure to meet you both.”

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Time: Evening
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @JJ Doe Peter
owl mask
dress and accessories

Now that they were in the ballroom, Olivia paused and glanced around. The carnage she’d left prior was gone. Her gaze scanned the ceiling and marveled at how quickly they had fixed up the mansion. She didn’t think she would be surprised though; this peacock would sooner die than admit any faults or cracks. She nudged Peter and pointed at the ceiling with a giggle. ”Good as new,” she whispered and covered her mouth with her hand. Olivia pretended as if she had told him a funny joke as innocently as possible. They were, after all, in the lion’s den.

As she took in the surrounding people, she began to inspect the crowd. People are everywhere, and as she searched for Charlotte, she had difficulty spotting her. With the crowd spilling in she knew she could not risk using magic, especially with a nosebleed. She gripped Peter's hand tightly once her gaze caught hold of Count Dickface. Olivia abruptly looked away and glanced at Peter worriedly. ”Do you think he’ll recognize me?”she whispered as she moved out of the way of stuffy nobles and scoffed at them.

Bite your tongue. You’re noble. Act like one
. Liv pulled Peter and her out of the way of a bigger group passing them and glanced at him. Her mask obscured her face well despite the anxiety written across it.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mr. V

Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate
Interactions: Fritz @JJ Doe Charlotte @Princess
Mentions: Olivia @Potter
Attire: ???

The masked gentleman graciously bowed." Anything offered shall be greatly appreciated." He listened to anything Fritz was willing to tell him regarding the Damien family and other such matters that may be related. Some things he knew, but most of it new to him and with each tidbit the woefully put together puzzle regarding Calbert and Violet's death took on some discernable picture in his head though still lacked far too much.

All the while, his gaze would roam over the party trying to take notice of any recognizable faces; at times checking back on Charlotte, concerned, but nothing he could do but wait on that end. With the vile count doing his own thing, he left him be though would try to keep his location in the back of his mind.

His search had him discover the icy prince and honored queen. Two guests that certainly had him nervous; a part of him hesitant to continue with his plans, but for the group and Percy's stake... besides he already knew this whole thing was stupidly risky.

What made it even more frustrating was the peculiar lack of Violet. In fact, none of the Damien family besides Lord Calbert had announced themselves. Any chance of making things up with Crystal clearly not an option; worse yet, no way for any of them to try get the most crucial intel only she knew.

Irritating and very strange; from what he had read and taught, events hosted by big named families never wasted opportunities to wag their amazing family and wealth in everyone's faces.

After thinking on it a bit longer, taking into consideration the fact that, if Violet had indeed died and been brought back and her lack of presence. Mr. V's body tensed as the worse possibility came to his mind. And yet, that piece of shit Count is wasting his time trying to screw over two peasants.

Thankful to have the metal tray clutched in his right hand lest he found himself stalking straight over to Calbert and knock some of that deluded view out of him.

Mention of Olga's name was just the trick to help pull Mr. V from his dark and frustrating ruminations. Fritz's voice and words provided him the reprieve to calm down. A good thing he forbade the mistress touch of liquor or he may have lost himself. And with it a small smile to his lips; happy to hear Olga was doing well.

Then his companion shifted closer; a sign what he had to say next to more important and sensitive and acted in kind by leaning close, his full attention given this time.

“Do you see that striking couple over there? The gentleman wearing a weasel mask has been keeping a close eye on the Damiens for a few days now. His insights may better serve you.”

Turning his attention as guided to the couple mentioned, where he saw the weasel-mask wearing individual named Peter. Something about the guy seemed a bit off; at first, he figured the mask to blame, but...

Not that he could dwell on it long for he soon caught sight of the woman hanging onto his arm. The uncomfortable tingling turning into a rumble in his gut upon realizing who it was. Even beneath her multi-layered disguise, he recognized her easily now that his beloved booze mistress did not addle his thoughts.

His childhood friend looked absolutely stunning and elegant. While her being with this Peter did not sit well with him, he only wished she could be free to enjoy herself. How they all could have spent the night dancing away.

If only circumstances for this party had been of genuine fun. Alas.

Seeking her out would have to wait for the moment as he caught sight of Charlotte who was beginning to make her way to them. That on top of Fritz seemingly finishing up.

” “What else might you need from me?”

The question made him chuckle as the other favor he had in mind slipped away after the onslaught of information and concerns." First, of course I must give my thanks for all that you were willing to give." Another respectful bow as his or the staff's way of showing his thanks at least." As for the matter of request." This time it was his turn to lean in close.

" If possible, would you know where I could get ahold of a small pouch of gun powder?" His left hand gently resting on his shoulder having leaned to whisper it." I- " Opening his mouth as if to elaborate onto his request and with quite the big grin as if proud of the ideas he had in mind.

"Evening gentlemen. Having fun over here I hope?"

Upon hearing Charlotte greeting words, his relaxed postured straightened and he stepped back, but not before dusting off the shoulder he had been lightly leaning against." Ah! You grace us with your presence, Lady Charlotte!" Turning partially with a partial bow of his head in turn." Your timing has been proven most fortuitous for Sir Fritz had just finished regaling me with his *tales*." Slipping the tray now sporting slight bending under his arm to give Fritz brief little clap.

" Most compelling with much gleaned from it, that I can certainly attest." His little applause ended, he then stepped closer to Charlotte where he would check her over." But what of you, Lady Butterfly? That... little episode you recently demonstrated?" Mr. V asked still in his disguised manner, worry easily evident in his tone, however." Before anything, I must ask If the lady requires a drink or a seat, please let me know as it is our duty to keep all guests happy." It annoyed and bothered him having to talk in such an eloquent manner made only possible due to those blasted lessons.

The thought of Agatha's smug toad like face from taking pleasure in seeing him using her high society lessons made his skin crawl. He could not help but count down the seconds he could free him of this insulting ruse. Unfortunate for the others, this was their life, leaving him wishing a way to help them.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: The woods
Mention: @Helo Callum
Appearance: No shoes | Thin white long dress | Heavy black cloak with hood

A familiar voice caused Ari to look around as she was greeted by her “Oh! And I just saw an owl, but it flew away.” In her drunk and wobbly state, Ari nearly lept off the ground with her arms stretched clumsily in the air as they wrapped around her friend tightly nearly knocking them both back to the ground.“CAL!” she shouted with excitement, her voice raised to a pitch she had no idea it could hit.

She pulled back with a large grin on her face “ I was so worried, my brother just told me you were found in an alley, beaten up or something
” She tried to recall what exactly he said.

Taking another large swig from the whiskey bottle she managed to swallow it without much work. It was starting to feel like spicy water. “Wait? Did you say tea!?” She giggled lightly “ I loveee tea
 mother never let me have any caffeine she said it would make me jittery.” Her eyes moved back toward the bottle “ Wait! I have this too!” she showed him the half-empty bottle of whiskey. “ I should drink this stuff more often. I feel great!” She took another swig before offering some to Callum. “ You want some? Then we can get some tea!” She smiled brightly.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Attire: The costume
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Night
Location: Calbert Damien's Ballroom
Interaction(s): @princess Alibeth, @Lava Alckon Drake
Shortly after his discussion with Captain Durmand, Wulfric was approached by his mother. Did she actually think she was fooling anyone by trying to blend into the crowd when her attire evoked a veritable demoness from hell?

“Of course,” he answered cooly as he removed himself from her hold with a tactical sidestep. “But I cannot very well go forth and remove his tongue this very instance, now can I?” he snarked quietly. To try and preserve the charade that their meeting was coincidental, Wulfric positioned himself so he wasn’t fully facing her. He pretended to be absorbed in the refreshments set on the nearest table. To the casual observer, it would appear as if two guests who had just so happened on one another were merely exchanging trite remarks.

“Truly, that bastard can be dealt with at any time,” he remarked, a tad dismissive of Cassius. Because it would be strange to stand there doing nothing, he picked up a plate, and began an exceedingly fastidious selection of something to snack on. “It might even be entertaining to have his recently claimed son used against the count, wouldn’t you agree?” he questioned rhetorically.

“Speaking of.” He turned to her then, and presented her the plate of appetizers – as if all he was doing was recommending his favourite tidbits to her. In actuality, their conversation topic was of great import. “This household has a touch more of the unusual than you may prefer,” he related quietly, placing special emphasis on those two words. Wulfric expected Alibeth would correctly infer he was referring to magic. “I believe you will see what I mean when Violet makes her appearance.” It was only a terribly eerie supposition on his part that something was wrong with the lady, but if anyone could confirm it, he imagined it would be her.

“Now, if you do not mind, I should like to spend the remainder of my evening without you hovering.” Would he have to explain to her that her presence was, in fact, detrimental to socializing, especially with womenfolk? No self-respecting lady would take seriously a grown man so closely attached to his mother.

Granted, his actual, personal reason was a simple desire to not be scrutinized. It was insulting, the implication that he needed to be watched by her. Annoying, too. Hopefully, Alibeth would take his bait and turn her attention on the Damiens. A much better use of her time, in his opinion.

As he was about to proactively distance himself from her, and leave her to think on his words, Drake made his appearance. Just as he was so close to freeing himself from his mother’s ever-watchful gaze. What unfortunately inopportune timing
 At the very least, Alibeth may still very well choose not to linger.

If nothing else, Drake’s penchant for theatricality drew out a smirk from him. “Good evening, Drake,” he greeted. “Or should I greet you as the Musician?” he joked lightly. “Your visage is recognizable despite the mask, you do realize?” he pointed out, entertained by the lord’s actions. Wulfric then moved onto the next immediate point he was curious about. “Was Princess Sadie unable to come?” he inquired, genuinely intrigued. He had seen them together this morning, and suspected Drake had been waiting for her. Possibly, the lord was now sans a date. All things considered, it was a decent opportunity to draw the man into a (preferably private) conversation.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 5 days ago

RĂ­oghnach "Riona"
Time: Night
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Interaction(s): Shehzadi Nahir @Rodiak

Riona drifted between groups, her ears perked for any scrap of conversation that might prove useful. She took a bitter pride in how easy it was to fade into the background. Years of being a maid ingrained stealth into her bones, but the thought of owing any of her skills to servitude soured in her mouth.

She shook the thought away. No more brooding. She was here on a mission, damn it. Riona squared her shoulders and stepped into the light, inserting herself into circles already mid-gossip. She listened close, interjecting where she could, mining each mundane exchange. Most discussions proved wanting, but Riona kept at it, sifting dross in search of gold—you never knew what little thing might turn out to be important. And, sometimes, she did catch pieces of promising intelligence the Thornbreakers would be interested in.

Which was great and all

But Gods, these heels were killing her!

Pain gnawed, pinched, and nibbled away at her concentration; being a constant, nagging reminder she was out of place. Eventually, it became too much and Riona had to excuse herself. She retreated into the powder room where she yanked the shoes off and rubbed some life back into her poor, abused feet. There, she questioned every decision that led her to this point, mentally slapped herself for even thinking that, then got ready for round two.

Riona just returned to the ballroom when a burst of pink caught her eye. A bouquet of roses given human form approached, her filigree mask doing nothing to hide who she was: Shehzadi Nahir Aysun Ibn Raif Kadi. “Excuse me, my lady, what lovely dress you have there.”

Riona froze. Why did she approach her? The last time they crossed paths, Riona had been serving at the dinner hosted by the Sultan. After the drama that unfolded that night, she didn’t think the Shehzadi would’ve remembered Riona, much less recognize her.

Reflexively, her fingers flew up and traced the edges of the mask, which concealed the better part of her face. Assured that it was securely in place, she allowed herself a moment of relief.

“Trouble with the shoes?” asked Shehzadi Nahir, her voice like honeyed silk. “I wouldn’t want such a beauty to trip in the middle of a ball.” A flutter of nervousness stirred a mix of flattery and apprehension in Riona’s chest.

Riona’s gown, a burst of orange satin, made her feel empowered and exposed all at once. Its sweetheart neckline and golden accent piece that cinched waist drew the eye; the skirt’s asymmetrical hemline and low-cut back added a touch of daring. Detached sheer puff sleeves billowed from fitted gold bands at her mid-upper arms, then anchored at the wrists by bangles. Although Via’s skillful work hid her scars, Riona became conscious of them under the weight of the Shehzadi’s gaze.

“Thank you.” She took the offered hand to find her balance. This close, she detected subtle tells of ennui in the other woman. It could’ve just been her imagination, but she had seen that particular expression often enough. From experience, boredom among the nobility often spelled trouble for those less fortunate. Servants learned quickly to make themselves scarce until it passed. “Are you certain, my lady?” Riona asked, emboldened by the anonymity lent by masquerade masks. “You have the look of someone who’d welcome a mild diversion, even if it’s just ‘a beauty tripping in the middle of a ball.’”

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Interaction(s): Persephone Olivia @Potter

Even though she tried to hide it as best as she could, Peter got the sense Olivia was nervous as f**k. Might’ve been the way she clamped down on his hand hard enough to cut off circulation at the sight of C-Bert. Or how her big, anxious eyes peered up at him when asked, “Do you think he’ll recognize me?” Or heck, maybe it was the way she herded Peter around the room, giving C-Bert a wider berth than a country mile, her gaze darting back to keep tabs on his location every few seconds. That kind of attention could make a fella a wee bit jealous.

Peter eased Olivia’s chin his way till she was looking at him instead of C-Bert. He leaned in close, his lips just barely grazing her ear. “Keep avoiding him like that and he will,” he murmured. “You’ve gotta relax. He can smell fear. Only way to fool that nose is with brass.” As Peter straightened, he slid a steady hand around the dip of Olivia’s waist and gave what he hoped was a reassuring squeeze.

A fat lot of good that did. She was still coiled tight as a spring. He couldn’t really blame her, what with the gaggle of puffed-up nobles strutting about like they’re the cock of the walk. Their chatter was as shallow as their purses were deep, a relentless joust of who could piss higher up the wall. Flaunting baubles as if those alone proved their worth as people.

The garish light glinted off accessories cast mischievous sparks in Peter’s eyes. Then a grin sliced across his face as an idea brewed. He turned to Olivia. “Hey, watch this.”

Guiding Olivia through the sea of peacocks, Peter slipped into his own kind of dance as he relieved unsuspecting nobles of their fineries. He didn’t stop there, though. Oh no, he mixed it up, planting pilfered items on the wrong noble, or sneaking them back to their owners—but never where they expected. Was he showing off? Damn right. All to steal a smile from Olivia, push away her worries, and maybe even snatch a bit of admiration.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: Evening
Location: Masquerade Ball: Damien Estate
Mentions: Charlotte @princess, Ryn @JJ Doe, and Nahir @Rodiak
Daily Misfortune: An annoyingly high-pitched voice and random fits of laughter.
Predictable Costume: Leo the Lion

"I h-have, well, uh, a quick question for Count Fritz about his findings

Alone? Leo wondered. Hadn’t they all agreed to work on this together? And Leo had plenty worth discussing with Hendrix around as well.

But it was clear Lottie didn’t want him to tag along as she attempted to distract him.

I think the girl you like is just over yonder by the way if you wanna say hello, otherwise, I'll be back in a moment."

Leo’s head momentarily turned over yonder. Nahir was unmistakable, few made perfection appear so effortless, like the lion that had accompanied Mayet, Nahir brought beauty and danger in equal measure. But he had to wonder if Lorenzo’s influence had affected Charlotte. What if the laughing came back? There was no way he would risk laughing in any royal’s face, much less one from Alidasht.

So Leo stood there, slightly annoyed, as Charlotte headed off without him. Hendrix was far too secretive to be trusted, Leo hadn’t heard a thing about what the Varian count had uncovered since their meeting at Charlotte’s house. Not that Leo had sought Hendrix out either but there was now a whole trove of information to be shared following the morning tea party. A few laps around the room should be an adequate amount of time for Lottie and Hendrix to discuss what they needed, and then Leo would interrupt. That seemed reasonably polite and no reason to completely waste an opportunity to have a chat about strange goings-on.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Edge of Lover’s Lake-Roman Ceremony
Interactions: Ari@Tpartywithzombi
Mentions: Doctor “Not an owl” John@Conscripts

“Found in an alley?” Callum repeated the allegation as if it were absurd. That was old news, it wasn’t like he’d done that more than once.

“Is your brother spreading rumors about me? That’s not nice.” He asked, his went from Ari, to the bottle she mentioned, then to the two men appearing at the tree line. “Whoa, creepy.” Cal whispered as he watched two shadowy figures. “Those aren’t owls.” He shook his head, they were probably here to watch the fire too. He accepted the bottle of whiskey from Ari, took a long drink, and returned it with a thank you.

“Does Drake not like me?” He let out a long, exasperated sigh. “Guess I gotta add everybody with a duck name to the list of folks who don’t like Callum.” He rambled as he tried to think of what he might’ve done to get on Drake’s bad side. “Ohhh, did he hear about the shoe thing? I made your mom very mad today.” Cal laughed again as he remembered the look on Lady Edwards’s face at the tea party. “Maybe tea makes her too jittery, but I bet you’d handle it just fine, but it is not normal tea.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: The woods
Mention: @Helo Callum
Interactions: @Conscripts Dr. John
Appearance: No shoes | Thin white long dress | Heavy black cloak with hood

“Who cares about Drake”She drew out his name in a childish manner as if his name was disgusting. Her attention was peeked as he mentioned something creepy. She stopped to look and saw two shadowy figures " Maybe Giant owls?" she asked curiously as she squinted her eyes as he inquired about Drake again. " I don't think he likes anyone outside of his reflection." She responded very matter of factly " He takes after mother..." She took another swig of the drink as her eyes kept on the two shadowed figures off in the distance.

Drawing out a long sigh her attention turned back to Cal, as he mentioned making her mother very upset today. Adjusting herself on the ground she sat on her knees with her hands resting on her thighs, her visible expression of anticipation evident by the fire that reflected over her face " Oh please, I must hear this." her voice filled with drunken excitement at the idea of her mother being mad. "Then we will go get some more tea." She smiled and nodded as if confirming she could handle it.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 5 days ago

Fritz "Ryn" Hendrix
Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate’s Ballroom
Interaction(s): Mr. V @samreaper; Lady Charlotte Vikena @princess; Lord Leo Smithwood @Helo

“If possible, would you know where I could get ahold of a small pouch of gun powder?”

Ryn’s eyes widened at the request. Even a pinch of black powder could wreak havoc if mishandled. What mischief could Mr. V possibly have up his sleeve that required such a volatile substance? Before Ryn could inquire further, Lady Vikena approached. “Evening gentlemen. Having fun over here I hope?” The count inclined his head, a courteous bow, the antlers of his stag mask casting twisted shapes across the polished floor beneath their feet.

While Mr. V spoke, Ryn removed his spectacles and carefully swapped out the spent lens with a new one. With his enchanted eyewear back in place, Ryn scrutinized Lady Vikena’s magicae once more. Her natural hue and the unnatural presence that encased her—suffocating in its intensity—remained unchanged. For better or for worse, Ryn could not say. At the very least, Wayra’s reaction suggested that this was not a recent development.

A possibility struck him, Miss Delilah might’ve known about this. Not just her, but also—... He chewed his bottom lip, lost in contemplation. Could this be connected to the Vikena family’s current plight?

Ryn shifted his attention to Lord Smithwood, who stood at a distance. His magicae remained steady. The shadows still clung along the fringes, but their grip on him seemed to have weakened as the day wore on, appearing fainter than they had that morning.

“I see some seats over there,” the count remarked, gesturing toward an unoccupied corner of the ballroom. “Shall we?”

As they crossed the room, Ryn asked Mr. V in a hushed tone, “Do you intend to harm anyone?” He had to at least know that before he could consider handing the man black powder. Acknowledging Mr. V’s response with a subtle nod, Ryn continued on his path.

Waving in Lord Smithwood’s direction, Ryn indicated the corner and extended a silent invitation to join them if he wished. They were a team, after all. It would be remiss of Ryn to leave him out of their discussions.

Upon reaching the empty seats, he pulled out a chair for Lady Vikena and then another for Mr. V before realizing his misstep. Understanding the need to maintain Mr. V’s guise as a servant, he flashed an apologetic look and took the seat for himself.

Questions swirled within Ryn’s mind, many things to discuss and fill Lady Vikena in on—about the investigation, the items Ryn had left for her examination, his findings at the psychiatric institution, and far more besides. However, as Mr. V astutely pointed out, Lady Vikena’s “episode” took precedence. “It’s good to see you Lady Charlotte. I was beginning to worry that I somehow missed our very first CLF Detective Agency meeting. I hadn’t realized it would be quite so... clandestine.” He smiled, but concern was there. “How are you faring?”

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