(Kirsten, huh. So that's her name. I see, I must remember it... Wait why she had a thorn maid outfit. Oh, she carrying a two-handed weapon, I guess she did a job for removing the vines back then huh. I see, I see. Well then, since she is Yvonne's close one I guess I'll try to talk to her and ask about Kirsten.)
Chounan focus! Don't get distracted! Surely, there is another time after this. Since she is a maid, it might cross path someday commonly on the market or star place, right?
He fixed himself to get to focus. The bear seems trying to escape with the prince from below. That Sila's Bullshetry speech seemed to be going to the escape rope right now, there is no way he is informed by the King about this. Must have a find way to buy the bear some time.
Chounan switched back his glance on Kirsten. Her question was referring on him and Yvonne answered it and introduced him to her.
"Nice to meet you, Lady Kristen. I'm still breathing, my muscles are just on recovery due the intense toe to toe against the huge berseker back then. Chounan was just an alias, my name is long and it's hard to pronounce since it was noble thing back to my home country. Technically I'm a prince of some big clan but that's no longer exist. I'm just the only who are living alive. Clan wars still going there along with a mythical creatures.
I made myself to become an adventurer. It's answer for those of the people who want freedom and venture outside world.
Chounan focus! Don't get distracted! Surely, there is another time after this. Since she is a maid, it might cross path someday commonly on the market or star place, right?
He fixed himself to get to focus. The bear seems trying to escape with the prince from below. That Sila's Bullshetry speech seemed to be going to the escape rope right now, there is no way he is informed by the King about this. Must have a find way to buy the bear some time.
Chounan switched back his glance on Kirsten. Her question was referring on him and Yvonne answered it and introduced him to her.
"Nice to meet you, Lady Kristen. I'm still breathing, my muscles are just on recovery due the intense toe to toe against the huge berseker back then. Chounan was just an alias, my name is long and it's hard to pronounce since it was noble thing back to my home country. Technically I'm a prince of some big clan but that's no longer exist. I'm just the only who are living alive. Clan wars still going there along with a mythical creatures.
I made myself to become an adventurer. It's answer for those of the people who want freedom and venture outside world.