Avatar of Squirrel98


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Welcome to my profile :)

I am a 25 years old woman from Belgium, Europe. You can always send me a message to chat or about a roleplay. Even though I can be pretty busy at times, I always inform my partners when I lost interest or when I want to stop a roleplay for a different reason. This means that if I haven't replied to a roleplay yet, I didn't have time yet. I didn't ghost you. Since I regularly check the site on my phone, my replies OOC whould be fairly fast (if you keep my timezone in mind).

I can play as both male and female characters with a preference towards FxM and MxM pairings. Additionally, I can play multiple characters at the same time. I prefer to double (as in both playing a male and a female character), but this is absolutely not a requirement. I absolutely love romance in roleplays, but I tend to not include smut as it easily takes over the plot and that is quite boring to say the least.

I prefer my roleplays to be situated in either modern times or the future, since I am not interested in researching a time period in order to write about it in the roleplay. Also, I mostly use fictional locations. The reason for this is that I haven't been outside of Europe (except for two vacations in Egypt when I was a child that I hardly remember) and I am not willing to do a lot of research those countries in order to write about them in the roleplay.

Romance, drama, horror/thriller and slice of life are the genres that I have the most experience with, since there is a lot of describing the situation and a lot of dialogue. I have the least experience with fighting scenes, so please don't judge my fighting scenes as I am trying and learning. Since I mentioned horror/thriller, let me tell you that I have absolutely no limits with dark themes. If you have any, tell me BEFORE we make our characters. Do not be angry at me if you didn't even tell me about the topics that are sensitive for you and I happen to use them unknowingly. If you tell me about sensitive topics, I will ALWAYS avoid using them, no matter what they are.

I can work with long, short and no character sheets. My preference goes towards sharing a picture, name and age before starting the roleplay. I am most comfortable with using anime pictures, but I can also use pictures of real people if it's my partner's preference.

If you aren't sure that our writing styles are compatible, please ask me for a writing sample beforehand. Don't ghost me or reject me right after I wrote an intro post to our roleplay. That's just a huge waste of time for both of us. Of course if you find out during the roleplay that it's not for you anyways, you can always tell me (please do instead of ghosting).

Topics that I am ALWAYS willing to write about:
- the Fairy Tail universe
- Demons and/or angels coming to Earth
- the Apocalypse concept
- the Big Brother concept
- a Jumanji inspired story (either old or reboot)
- an adult version of Miraculous or Precure

Most Recent Posts

"It is way too early for this", Jasper whispered as he slowly dragged his feet across the ground. His hand reached for the little pocket in the back of his shirt to put the dagger back, completely covered in a mix of his own blood and someone else's. Both his shirt and his shorts had splatters on them. This would be hard to clean again, but he didn't mind at all. Even though he often complained about Kalan's actions, deep inside he loved every part of it with every fiber of his body. Sometimes he simply didn't like admitting it out loud. The guy's neck is already thick enough. Complimenting him or even thanking him wasn't necessary at all. His left index finger reached for the cuts in his lips. "How long is this going to take to heal?" He asked Kalan, knowing full well that the guy wasn't much of a talker. He didn't seem to have the highest impression of humanity as a race, so it made sense for him not to want to talk much, especially since he's already living in a 'weak' human body.

Jasper was walking back to his own house, one he had paid for with his parents' money after Kalan ended their lives to essentially set Jasper free. However, on the way there he witnessed an unfamiliar couple ending their relationship. The woman was very passionately telling the guy what he did wrong and that she was in the right to search love in someone else. Oh, so she cheated, but she blames him? Not quite original, is it? Jasper wasn't too amused by this couple fighting in public, but he knew that Kalan loved to see such a passion in someone. And he loved crushing that energy, that spirit. "Again?" Jasper asked. "Watch and learn, kid." As Kalan decided to take charge, and Jasper wasn't planning on telling the guy no for once, the human body started walking faster as to block the woman in her path after the guy had finally left her alone. When she walked to another direction, pressing her handbag against her hip, the body moved towards that direction faster. The only way he allowed her to go was in an alley. No one else on the streets seemed to bothered by it. It must have been because of her fighting her now ex boyfriend in public. People didn't consider that in this moment a guy was indeed bothering her.

The woman did exactly what Kalan wanted. She went into the alley, walked towards the end and pressed her back against the wall. The scared eyes were fixed on Jasper's creepy wide grin and large eyes filled with excitement. His face hardly looked human anymore. The fact that his body was already covered in blood splatters didn't help either. In a single movement Jasper took the dagger out of its pocket and put it horizontally in his mouth. His tongue was licking the sharp parts of the weapon as he looked at his next victim. These kind of moments he enjoyed so much. The woman tried to beg Jasper to go away, knowing full well that there was no chance she was going to leave this place alive. She tried to get her phone out of her handbag, but Jasper immediately threw a spike made out of his own blood at her hand. The spike went completely through it, causing the woman to freak out even more. This time she was becoming loud, so Jasper had to act fast. He used the blood from the woman's hand to make spikes out of her own blood, even going inside her own body instead of only hitting her from the outside. The woman stopped breathing. Her heart stopped. The lovely moment was over.
||Name|| Kalan / Jasper Raven
||Age|| 132 years / 26 years
||Race|| Demon / Demon Possessed
||Magic|| Blood manipulation - visible blood can be changed in shape. Kalan loves to make sharp spikes out of his victims' blood, essentially hurting them with their own blood. He also regularly forces Jasper to physically hurt himself in order to have blood to manipulate if the victim isn't bleeding yet.

[hair color] the natural color is black, it is dyed navy blue
[eye color] brown
[height] 5' 4"
[body build] short and skinny
[weight] 110 lbs

Kalan does not only have a magic type that is centered around blood, he is also obsessed with it as well as the vulnerability of the human body. He loves messing with it and finds it quite odd that they are allowed to do as they please when they are such a weak species. Planning is not his favorite thing to do, so most of his actions are impulsive. Some might say that he has no brain, values or norms and compare him to a wild animal. However, he understands more than they think. Jasper on the other hand spent most of his life thinking everything through. That is the way he was raised by his family. Every single minute of every single day was planned by his parents. Impulsiveness, creativity, freedom. Those were unfamiliar concepts. Now that the lives of his family members have ended, he loves the freedom he is getting. It is not that he has a particular hate for humanity or a love for hurting people, but he loves how Kalan treats him and allows him to do whatever he wants.

When Jasper first met Kalan, his first instinct was to give up his life to the demon. During his whole life he had only been a pawn to others. No one would ever miss him. He was tired, so tired of everything. He needed an escape. An escape of everything and everyone. However, when he started to think about it more, he realised that he wasn't ready to go to the afterlife yet. He never got a chance to live, due to the way his parents treated him. He wanted to finally live, for the very first time. He would escape, but not by going to the afterlife. He would escape by working together with this demon who promised him excitement and adrenaline, so he made a deal with Kalan that he wouldn't end Jasper's life, but rather possess his body. This way Kalan can roam free and Jasper gets to enjoy the ride.

||Current Alignment||
Chaotic Evil / Neutral Evil

Jasper carries a dagger on him at all times. He even made a small pocket inside all of his shirts at the back. This way, he constantly feels the dagger leaning against his neck and that seems to give him a calm feeling. During battle, he usually carries it horizontally in his mouth. It isn't rare that he cuts his lips or tongue. The dagger allows Jasper to either cut himself or his victims, allowing him to use his magic as much as he wants. To help with this, he always wears shirts with shorts sleeves and never another layer. He also wears shorts no matter the season. Only his feet are fully covered in regular shoes and his hands in gloves.


Eat@Huxley is a very popular restaurant chain named after the Huxley family who created it. They usually do not accept students to work there, but they are making an exception for the very first time. The selected students are invited to work at the first and main location in the Rosewood village for their first month. Afterwards, if their training would turn out to be a success, they will be allowed to work at their preferred location. Some of them are very excited and honored, while others were forced by their parents who tried to teach them values. Some used their connections to get accepted, while others impressed Human Resources during the tough three month long hiring process. However, on the very first day, a couple of the students who weren't in the mood to work decided it would be a good idea to prank the employees who were training them. Sadly, they told their boss about what happened and because of that, the chain started reconsidering their decision to hire students. The only reason that the students were allowed to continue their training period was because one of them proposed to organize all of the food and materials for the next day when an inspector would come. A task this big is supposed to take them all night, even if they work together.

All of them stay behind when working hours are over. It's dark outside, they were all alone and no one was getting paid for this. No one is happy about the situation. Some of them decide to start working on their task anyways, while others are sulking or stealing and eating some of the food, not being bothered by the security cameras being on. Then suddenly, while organizing the materials, one of the students finds an old box covered in dust. It seemed to be a board game called Elevane. Excitedly, they present it to the others. It might be a good idea to play the game, bond with each other and then continue to work all together. That idea working out perfectly might be naive, but what other choice did they have? However, when they open up the box, they don't see a board. All they see is a couple of playing pieces, a platform that only fits one piece and an opening on it for a card to come out of. It seemed as if the box wasn't complete, because there was no mannual or cards to put in the opening. One student tries to put their chosen piece on the platform and to their surprise, a card does come out of the opening. And so the mysterious game of Elevane begins.


This roleplay is inspired by the Jumanji and Zathura movies, but you do not need to have seen them in order to be able to participate. In contrast to the movies, there won't be a physical board present before the game starts. If you are wondering how the progress of the game will be shown, I can tell you that the real world will become the board. Stairs made out of colorful light will appear step by step. Every time a playing piece moves forwards, a new step will appear and a hologram of the playing piece in this position will be shown. The physical version will always be kept by the characters themselves, since they need to put it on the platform during their turns in order to get a card that explains what happens. Additionally, there will also be options available for your characters to choose from, actions you can take. These will appear as holograms in front of you, similar to the board being shown as a hologram. These options will decide the progress of your character in the game.

Keep in mind that the challenges for your characters can be dangerous. In contrast to the movies, the effects of the cards will not be limited to creatures being summoned into the real world. Unfamiliar creatures will appear, but the environment will change as well - buildings, your friends and family members. Everything your characters know and experience can change in a matter of seconds and can make them second guess their own senses. This means that it is possible for them to lose their lives during the game. This does not mean that you as a participant are thrown out of the roleplay. I will give you to choice to either wait until you are summoned back through one of the drawn cards or be summoned as a completely new character that you create - if you are tired of your current character for example - which will be someone who was stuck in the game or someone from within the game who is not a real person.


Since this roleplay is about a game, make sure that you have enough time to post when it's your character's turn to play. Of course I understand that real life is more important and I certainly do not expect you to be able to post every single day. Just make sure that no one has to wait a whole month for you to put down one single post when they are ready to write anytime. Make sure that everyone has to same availability and make sure to keep communicating OOC. Inbetween the turns of your character, you can be as active as you choose to. If you want to take a very active role in reacting to the cards other characters draw and the effects that cause them, then that's fine. If you don't want to do that, that's fine too. However, there is a possibilty for tasks that require teamwork among the participants. These will not happen regularly, but they might happen.

The GM will not act as a player of the game. The role of player is reserved for the participants in this roleplay who do not have anything to do with the decsions about the cards and their effects. What the GM will write is the initial post explaining the current situation - such as the time of day, the season, the starting point and the current environment - as well as the posts every turn explaining what cards are drawn and what happens because of them. Creatures that are summoned for example will be played by the GM. Clearly, what is on the card and the effects because of them will always be decided by the GM. However, I will always encourage participants to give their ideas for cards and effects of the cards in OOC or a PM. Every idea can be pitched and I will always genuinely consider including them. Also, if you prefer it, you can always ask the GM in a PM to explain the card your character draws if you want to include the reaction of your character to the card in the post you write about your turn instead of having to wait for the GM to post.

The amount of participants will not be limited. The amount of players that the game allows will depend on the interest present. If only two people want to participate, then the game can be for two to four players. If seven people are interested, then the game can be for six to eight players. At least two people have to be interested for the roleplay to be able to start.

Character Sheet Elements

Appearance (real life picture, anime picture, drawing, ...)
Body type (how do they look: tall, short, curvy, skinny, ...)
Clothing style

Age (keep in mind that they are college or university students)

Family members

Playing piece in the game (choose one of the two and specify the color)
The job they are training for at the restaurant
History about how and why they ended up at Eat@Huxley
Amanda Lewis
The new room in which she ended up, seemed to calm Amanda down a bit. The spiders, blood was gone. The talking stuffed animals were gone. However, there was still no one around her and no sign of her child either. It only took her a couple of seconds to notice the teddy bear floating in the air. A new stuffed animal? How many were there in this building? Yes, it was a place for children, but still. This one probably could talk too. She was prepared for that. Suddenly, the breathing of another person was loud enough for her to hear. Someone else was here? A human being? They had to be human if they were breathing like that. This meant that she wasn't alone anymore. Finally, she was able to breath again and think rationally. Now was she able to be strong for Nigel. Of course it was strange that she couldn't see or touch the other human, but the fact that she wasn't alone was the only thing she cared for. A box moving on its own, revealing the cigars and biscuits inside, proved her theory to be right. It was indeed another human being. As Amanda had just eaten and she didn't know how hungry the other person was, she chose to not bother them.

Then the floating bear that she saw earlier started to talk. Four? There were two others here? Oh, they were in a completely different room. But in the same building nonetheless. So they weren't alone. There were four of them. Four to keep each other company. To help each other out. To collectively search for their kids. Never had she cared more about the other parents than in that situation she was in right now. The threat didn't bother Amanda. They were in a scary situation indeed and the unicorn did try to poison her, but there were no attempts to end her life yet. There was no use in being scared over what was yet to come. At least, that is what she told herself as flashbacks of moments with her uncle and sister came to mind. Wait... The bear mentioned someone named Wormy. Was that the stuffed worm that she had seen before? The one that had hidden itself until the water starting filling the room? Should she indeed avoid him? The bear didn't seem that dangerous. However, the unicorn had not seemed dangerous either until the attempt to poison her.

Then... Nigel's voice... It was just like before, when the unicorn and the worm talked in Nigel's voice. This time the stuffed animals were laughing as if they were them. How dare they? Tears started filling her eyes. She missed the little guy so much. But she had to be strong. If she stayed strong, she would find him again and save him from this place. That is what she tried telling herself. It felt as something was pulling her to the phone booth, but she didn't know who or what to call. That is why she went towards the desk. She recognized the worm from before. So it had followed her to this room. Since it seemed to be sleeping, she decided to not turn on the lamp. Putting on the light would probably wake him up and since he was dangerous according to the bear, that was not a good idea. She started looking around for some kind of clue on the papers on the desk, moved around some papers and looked closely at each of them. With each move she made, she tried not to make too much noise. For a second she thought of moving the worm. I mean, it didn't seem to be bothered by the water on the floor before, right? But she decided not to follow through with her thought and focus on what she could read on the papers.
@Estylwen@Lexisheeps I'll try to post tomorrow :)
@Lexisheeps Me too! 😁
@Estylwen So @Xandrya and I are in the same room? But we cannot perceive each other, right?
@Estylwen Ahh okay. I somehow switched it in my head to a being full stat 😅 Sorry for the misunderstanding
@Estylwen Wait, she's dead? 😅 How is she dead already?
Amanda Lewis
Amanda was shocked to see another stuffed animal in the room, but that wasn't all. Both of them spoke. They actually spoke. And they spoke in the voice of her beautiful son. Why was this happening? Did Nigel turn into one of those dolls? But then which one? Were they simply teasing her? She didn't have a long time to think about that as water started filling the room. Whatever was controlling the environment, it needed her to make a decision, to make a choice. She needed to take a risk. However, the fear started getting to her and making her feel weak in the knees. She walked up to the unicorn sitting with the food. It sounded friendly, as if it really cared about her. Maybe she should trust it? Slowly, Amanda's hand reached for the sandwich next to the stuffed animal. As she wasn't a very trusting person, she felt the need to check what was inside it, even though it looked like regular jelly. What she discovered, made her unable to hide her fears like she had been doing until then. Blood... and spiders. Two of her worst fears. Those combined with the fact that Nigel was in trouble and that she was all alone with these talking stuffed animals... She couldn't deal with it for a moment. She started shaking her body as if the spiders were crawling on her, then distanced herself from the food and the unicorn and crawled up in a ball, crying.

'What are you doing, Amanda? You aren't a kid anymore. Act like the adult you are. You are stronger now. Nigel needs you.' She said to herself, trying to get herself to stop crying and stand up. It was however the water filling the room that made her snap back to reality. Right. She needed to make a decision now. Hesitant and shaking, she inspected the rest of the food. She took apart everything, making the sandwiches and waffles into mere crumbs. The crumbs that she deemed to be safe, she started eating. She didn't want to, but she needed her strength and who knows how long it would be until they would offer her food again.

Okay, now what? She needed to choose one of the exit doors. The unicorn was with the exit door in the cafetaria and the worm was with the exit door at the end of the hallway. She needed to choose one, but both of them sounded like her little son. The unicorn talking about how they loved her, the worm who had hidden himself until then and everyone knows that kids love hide and seek. 'You tried to trick me into eating that sandwich, didn't you?' Amanda whispered to the unicorn. The worm had done nothing wrong yet. It only hid himself for her. Maybe she sould trust it more then? Or it was simply waiting for the right time... Both of them sounded suspicious, so she couldn't help but trust her gut for this one. That is why she started walking down the hall, towards the worm and the exit door there. Her hand reached for the door knob and started to feel if the door was unlocked.
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