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<Snipped quote by Sep>

I really enjoy Ben McKenzie's go at voicing Batman/Bruce Wayne. On that note for fun, I'd love Adam Brody to voice a Nightwing alongside McKenzie's Batman.

Oh yeah, he did a great job in Year One.

Similarly, I really enjoyed Peter Weller's older, more grizzled Batman.

Kevin Conroy's amazing, but damn if there isn't a lot of great competition in the Batman department.
As we have some incredibly healthy discussion going, I'm going to regret this when I wake up.... but since the question was tabled. Who would you choose to voice your favourite characters?

George Newbern is the voice of Superman. Definitively. Without question. It's him.

@Superboy I dunno I just didn't find him that menacing.

That's fair. I personally really enjoyed that sort of quiet, barely contained anger he gave the role. Seeing him just explode gave me goosebumps the first two times I watched through the series. I love him. Probably my favorite Marvel villain, if I'm totally honest; Thanos is a close second, though.
I'm actually a pretty big fan of how Snyder directs Affleck's Batman- in action scenes. Outside of the whole murdering people in the Batmobile fiasco, I love the physicality and power behind New Batman's fighting prowess. He's fast, strong and fucking terrifying. I vastly prefer it to the much slower and more methodical style of Bale's Batman, though obviously there's the caviat that they were going for two polar opposite portrayals.

On a similar note, I'm confident that Henry Cavill will make one of the best Supermen yet if somebody hands him a decent script. He's a great actor that's trapped in terrible movies, imo, and somebody just needs to come along and let him loose.

Edit: oh uhhh don't watch this if you get queasy at violence or whatevs

<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>

I agree with both Triple J and Aunt May but I think I enjoyed Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben more.

Likewise, I enjoy Michael Clarke Duncan's Kingpin more than I do Vincent D'Onofrio.

<Snipped quote by Superboy>

Hang on do you even know what I'm referring to? This thread is about opinions on sub forums, in response to the earlier post made I'm saying its very ignorant and straight up discrimination to refuse to RP someone purely based on the fact they frequent a certain sub-forum. I would hope that you would either judge them as what they write as an individual poster, not the places they post.

Let me know which part of my statement is controversial.

I believe I do know what you're referring to, yes. You frequent the Arena sub-forum and certain users hold less than savory views on that sub-forum.

As dumb as it may be to judge someone based on what they enjoy, discrimination is a loaded as hell word, dude. I think it's a little ridiculous to compare having your hobby judged negatively to being discriminated against, like you're a second class citizen that's having their rights squashed by the majority group.

Yeah, no, I think you're entirely correct in that you shouldn't have to deal with preconceived notions like that. But if someone's so immature that they can't see passed the fact that you played in a certain type of game, then just...ignore them. They were never worth your time to begin with.


<Snipped quote by Superboy>

i mean sure there's like a limit, but just because you have the time doesn't mean you should force yourself to do it. sometimes you're just not in the mood, you know? i think so long as your get your post in within the week, that should be fine.

if you force it, it can very well be bad writing because it's forced, or phoned in. once someone has taken 2+ weeks to post? then i would complain about it. but i think giving your fellow writers the time to write a quality response is important.

I'm with you on that, for the most part. Though sometimes I'd rather get a phoned in post on time than wait an extra four or five days for someone to find their mood. It's especially heinous in a group setting, where everyone has to specifically wait for that one person to post. That kind of thing contributes fairly heavily to RPs that lose steam and results in people losing interest and dropping.

I don't think putting up a post should ever be prioritized before taking care of work/yourself, but there are times when it's best to just buckle down and get on with it for the good of the whole group, y'know?
<Snipped quote by tex>

why? why can't someone just opt to post later? sometimes people get busy or don't feel like writing. it ain't a job, it's a hobby.

While you're completely correct in that regard, Tex has a point. While you can always choose to do it later, the longer you hold off, the more you're dragging everyone else down and slowing the RP to a crawl by refusing to post. If the 'later' goes from just being a few days later to a week or two, it starts to become a problem.

If someone finds themselves so disinterested in an RP that they'll keep from posting despite having the time for several weeks, they should just bite the bullet and drop out instead of wasting the other players' time. It's all a matter of relativity, of course; 'too long' is a totally subjective time frame.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

Actually it does highlight something on-topic in this thread that you mentioned, my point about not discriminating who to RP with based on what sub forums they frequent seems very relevant all of a sudden.

Is it really 'discriminating?' 'Cause it looks more like you're trying to advertise your RP in the middle of a discussion thread. Maybe I'm totally off base because I haven't the slightest clue what history the two of you share or even what you're talking about, but it certainly doesn't pertain to anything that should be going on here.

That said...

<Snipped quote by Yevin>

Although I think everyone can agree that the key RP killer is lack of steady participation. But how does one fix that in a virtual environment?

I think that does depend on which of the writing sub-forums you're working within, in all honesty.

In the free section, it's a fairly simple task to keep an incredible active IC and OOC; the nature of one-liners and the AOL-style writing helps keep up the momentum very well.

On the flip side, you have games in advanced where you might see a post every three weeks. In that case, keeping up participation is a great deal more difficult. Something like an active Discord helps foster a community and form friendships, both of which keep people engaged not only in the story they're crafting together, but in their fellow players; it's much easier to care about someone's writing when you like the writer personally, in my opinion.

Casual, being as populated as it is, is harder to nail down. I find the style depends entirely on the genre and pace you've set. If you're going for a slow burning space opera? Aim toward the advanced approach. If you're doing a lighthearted, slice-of-life style game? You can probably just rely on normal IC and OOC interaction to carry the momentum.
<Snipped quote by Superboy>

Then a large percentage of this country suddenly just became candidates for a yellow lantern ring.

Sinestro just wants some friends, man. He's gotta cast a wide...wiiidee net.
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