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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
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you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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I am a little late to the derailing of the thread, but uh... stop it.

I know this is supremely ironic because of how off-topic it is, but I appreciate your signature. #DawiPride

<Snipped quote by Superboy>
That's when the tagging system comes into play for helping determine that kind of stuff.

Y'know, that sounds like such a good idea that I'm surprised I didn't think of it. I might actually use the tag system if that were the case!
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

Honestly not against this idea. RPNation does something very similar. Instead of sorting it by writing levels, each board has its own genre. Fandom, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, etc. and it works pretty well. I just don't RP on there because the average quality is way lower and player retention is pretty yikes.

The problem then becomes 'how does guild adopt this' as we've kind of been with our system for a fucklong time now.

The lack of retention and lower quality on average might have something to do with how the boards are separated, honestly. I do like the idea of using sub-boards for genres instead of throwing everything into a giant list and letting the users sort it out, but I'm also not a huge fan of sticking the AOL-style one liners beside the Tolkien-wannabes, y'know? With the three sections, as flawed as they are, they at least give you the chance to find people who gravitate more toward your style.
<Snipped quote by Superboy>
I don't mind the level destruction, but yeah they really did gut the mechanics and start minimizing the classes. The days of playing Commander were over by the time BF3 came out and the tactical "meta" so to speak entirely changed. The newer games run "smoother" and they look pretty, I guess, but they really don't have the teeth to be considered a pure Battlefield experience.

One of my favorite parts of playing a Bafflefield game was that feeling of combined arms combat. Infantry running alongside armor, getting air support from jets and helicopters? Super dope. The squad gameplay was great, too, because it felt like I was actually contributing something. Like we actually needed four people of each class for the whole to be effective.

And now it's a giant deathmatch game where the classes don't matter and it's all about running and gunning.

Don't get me wrong: Call of Duty's a great series too, and one of the most successful for a reason. But Battlefield never was- and never should be- Call of Duty.
<Snipped quote by Superboy>
BF3 was a big disappointment for me, but yeah I'll give you that it was at least in the spirit of the preceding games and a little bit of fun.

I can see how it would be. BF3 was around the time I really remember the series taking a turn away from grittier, more teamwork oriented gameplay to being scuffed Call of Duty with vehicles. They started marketing their games based on trick shot montages and level destruction events...which don’t feel at all like Battlefield should.
Getting back on topic, then!

I’m of the opinion that the sub-forums could use a touch up. I don’t think the naming conventions are particularly helpful for new users.

When I first tried to get on the site years ago I signed up for causal because I assumed that was for casual writers; the first RP I took a stab at was somehow more advanced than anything I’ve seen in the advanced section since.

On top of that, they’re a huge fluctuation of games in casual that honestly shouldn’t be there. It’s kind of a crapshoot qualitywise, and I’d put the blame on the fact that:

1. People are scared away from Advanced by its name and outdated ‘elisit’ rep
2. Nobody wants to work in the Free section because that somehow sounds more degrading than calling them ‘casuals.’
<Snipped quote by Superboy>
Some might say after 2.

And some people might be wrong.

I think I clocked in like two or three hundred hours into Bafflefield 3 when I was a younggen. I didn’t have money to buy more than one video game, so I just sat on BF3 on my shitty internet connection.

I literally had to drag my modem into my bedroom so that I could get it to at least run.
<Snipped quote by Mara>

I reacted to someone who reacted and then you and others reacted to me....funny how that works?

Anyway I don't see any actual refutation on my point apart from 'oh noes drama' so I aint got nothing to say on the matter until I hear a counter point, carry on.

I'm honestly eighty percent sure you're trolling at this point, but I'll bite.

One guy saying he doesn't want to RP with you does not mean there's some site-wide conspiracy to keep the poor, victimized arena posters down. You are not being oppressed because one dude said he doesn't like your attitude and the attitude of the community you're a major part of. Saying you're being discriminated against because one guy doesn't like you has to be the funniest fucking thing I've read all week.

You definitely stoked the fires of this whole mess because you wanted to bait out drama. So here I am, feeding into the drama.

Stop with the victim complex.
Battlefield stopped being good after 3 don't @ me.
Ultimate Two Universe? Really?

Hire me for your marketing team, Gowster. You won’t be disappointed.
@Inkarnate Ultimate Two Universe: Year Two: Electric Bagaloo


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