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I like Michelle Jones. Don't @ me.

Fifteen year old me would've been head over heels. I still think she's wonderful.


Edit 2: Never mind her actor's twenty one. Nothing to see here folks.
I honestly did not mind and don't find any of what's being brought up about Homecoming to be annoying.


<Snipped quote by Superboy>

The idea behind it may not be without merit, but there are still plenty of athletic, attractive assholes in high school. There comes a point where reimagining a character crosses a line to "This is a totally different idea, but we need a recognizable name, so shoehorn it in." That's all my original point was. And I get what you're saying that you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater; but if you're finding yourself stretching the adaptations so far that you are rewriting the supporting cast wholesale... shouldn't you ask yourself if you really want to be doing an adaptation at all?

I'm pretty well in agreement with you on this one. Homecoming went too far in the 'make it different from the previous movies' direction, to the point where they missed the mark on a lot of potentially great stuff. There's no need for them to shy away from the origin so hard that they don't dare utter the phrase that makes Spider-Man...Spider-Man.

I was miffed by the fact that Liz was only ever namedropped as MJ at the very end of the film- it was totally unnecessary to make that a 'reveal!' Just call her MJ! AH.

Ninja edit:

<Snipped quote by Superboy>
Yeah, I’m not gonna deny that. But there’s ways to do a more relatable Flash without turning him into something he’s not. The thing that never made sense to me about the guy is why, after seeing all the shit he’s put Peter through, and then watching Peter grieve for his uncle who got murdered, he insists on still being an asshole. That’s why I have to give points to Webb’s Flash – after Ben died, he showed remorse. That’s how you can update Flash, I think – show him as remorseful, realising that he treated Peter badly, and trying to make up for it in his own bullheaded way (all while Peter is, understandably, reluctant and abrasive). Bullies aren’t just bullies, y’know?

I'd actually completely forgotten that happened, but yeah. Totally agree with you there. One of the better points of the first Amazing Spider-Man was how well they handled inter-character relationships. Peter and Gwen's relationship felt a great deal more genuine than how Raimi handled MJ and Peter, if I'm remembering everything correctly.
I dunno, I don’t think they’re dated if they work. Spider-Man (Peter, specifically) has probably the best supporting cast in comics, and I think the MCU kinda fudged themselves by trying to shove them aside and give us new, much lesser alternatives.

A good deal about what made Spider-Man such a hit was how relatable he was. Stan Lee said he created Peter Parker because he wanted a character for his young reader-base to identify with.

Obviously, Spidey is such a well written character with such a colorful supporting cast and rogues gallery that relatability isn't necessary to make his movies engaging and interesting. But him being a teenager is the core appeal. And modern day teenagers (most of them) don't live in a world with Raimi or even Webb's versions of Flash Thompson. They're caricatures of the often violent and insane bullies we saw in older films in the eighties and early nineties. It's hard to pull that off and expect a modern, young audience to be pulled in like your older viewers would be.

I'm not saying the reboot was necessarily successful- but the idea behind it isn't wholly without merit.
What's that? Discussing the Homecoming supporting cast? How did this can of worms get here? The central problem I have with it is that the supporting cast is written like a bad RPG writer who shoehorns references even when they don't fit, just to sneak an established name in there. (Hey, that kettle over there looks pretty black; maybe I should say something...)

Seriously, though. Ned is just Ganke. But they didn't want to use the name Ganke, so eh, just take a name from elsewhere in the supporting cast gallery. Who cares? (Hint: this guy.) Michelle is a fine character, but there's no reason to call her MJ; even if you try to walk it back and pretend it was just a wink. If Flash Thompson is going to share absolutely nothing in common with his comic counterpart except that they're both dicks to Peter, then why not give him his own identity? Even the little girl on the morning show has to be called Betty Brandt, even that though defies all logic. (Sure, I'm splitting hairs on that one, but it's a symptom of the "disease.")

There's an almost pathological fear in inventing new characters, even though characters created outside the comic pages have sometimes done just fine for themselves. Harley Quinn, to name the obvious one. Phil Coulson, to stick within the MCU.

What's the point of reboots, reimaginings and remakes if they're going to just rehash everything they've already done? We've seen the usual versions of the Spider-Cast, some of them in two different reboots now. If they had simply made all of these characters into entirely new ones, you'd get the fanbase in an uproar:

'Why is Peter dating this girl and not someone from the comics?'
'Who is this nerd and why is he bullying Peter instead of Flash?'
'Why would you use this boring new sidekick guy when you could've used Ganke from the comics?'

We love the idea of adding new characters to the mythos. Until we don't. Miles Morales originally received a great deal of hate for replacing Spider-Man, despite the fact that he turned out to be an honest-to-goodness interesting character.

Coulson filled a pretty niche role that no major comic book character could've filled- and as far as the movie-going audience knew, the man was dead by the end of Avengers. Replacing Spider-Man's entire core support cast with new faces is a whole lot different than adding an original character in an original role.

Spider-Man: Homecoming was not a perfect movie. Hell, it's not even the best Spider-Man movie Amazing Spider-Man 2 takes that spot ///s. But I don't think it's writers were just trying to sneak in references to the comic books. MJ and Flash fit pretty tightly into the roles they were meant to serve in the comic books; having someone knew in their place would, in my opinion, feel even stranger than what we have going now. If I were to take a shot in the dark at guessing their intent, they meant to modernize rather dated (still great, mind you) concepts for a new, young audience that wouldn't so easily be able to identify with the Spider-Man of the 60s and 70s.

Did they succeed in their goal? Dunno! Probably not! But I appreciate that they tried it, regardless. We've had two previous iterations of the mythos. I'd say it wasn't the wrong call- exactly- to try and shake things up.

You could even say that they were...

Ultimatizing it.

I'm glad RPG doesn't have a thumbs down button all of a sudden
<Snipped quote by Superboy>

I don't foresee any sex scenes in my posts that will be between anyone other than Blake and Barbara so write me off on that one haha

You can't see it, but this is my disappointed face.

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

Spider-Man: I like Tom Holland a whole lot, even if I don't care for his Burger King Kids' Club supporting cast or his role as Tony Stark's surrogate son.

It might not be the most popular opinion (as far as I've heard, anyway) but I appreciate what the Homecoming writers were going for with the supporting cast. Flash Thompson being a jock that shoved Peter into lockers is a tired and ancient trope that doesn't really reflect how (most) bullies operate, so it's refreshing to see him modernized and acting more like the fuckboys that made school the literal worst for lil' ol' me.

So, y'know, #relatable or whatever.

I find it very interesting that you make that argument yet are involved with RPs I run that sort of have the problem of having pauses for 13-18 days, sometimes waiting on an individual player to post.

Pariah, by all conventional standards, should'a died months ago. We more or less dug it's grave up and dragged it's body along for so long that it somehow managed to come back alive again and walk on it's own. Imma say it has a lot to do with the community you've fostered. Toj, Stern, Terg and all of the rest like you so much that they wait out the dry spells longer than a pubbie ever would. It's a great thing, obviously.

But I still think you should post instead of testing your luck. =P
<Snipped quote by Superboy>

I mean Conroy is still untouchable but someone else is going to cover that so I had to pick one of the others.

I hate the current voice actor though. Jason something I think?

I had a sneaking suspicion that not mentioning Conroy would bring an influx of TAS gifs whenever MB came back around. Had to cover my bases.

Jason O'Mara. He's not terrible, I guess. It's gritty enough that I don't despise everything about his voice, but it feeeelss...lifeless? Dull? He plays Batman straighter than you write a sex scene. Read: not nearly gay enough.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

Well considering my favorite character already has the perfect voice, I don't really need to speak my piece.

God. What a good show. I don't think I'd be nearly as into superheroes without Justice League. The Question's arc was one of my favorites in Unlimited, too; he's so fuckin' funny.
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