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Cowboys And Aliens: Issue #1

Warpath, Texas

Jaime Reyes woke with a start when he found himself thrust through a wound in reality and falling through the sky. "Ah, hell- not this again!" Visions of white, puffy clouds and a sea of blue sky rushed across his vision as he spun and tumbled through the air uncontrollably. Jaime flailed his arms and legs in a desperate bid to find some sort of object to grab hold to and anchor himself to; a useless gesture, given the fact that he was somewhere in the lower atmosphere.

He had no idea how he'd gotten here. Some...monster had appeared and thrown him into a portal to hell or something- where the air screamed and the sky bled, and nothing made even a shred of sense. Reyes wasn't given even a second to celebrate escaping it now that he was sent plunging toward the earth at record speeds for the second time that week.

'Dios mío, when does it end?'

There wasn't time to lament the never ending chaos. He had to find a way to control his descent. Reyes stopped flailing, instead choosing to thrust all of his arms and legs out like he was about to make a snow angel. After a few moments of observation, he could tell that he was falling backward. 'Gotta spin around.' He realized. Awkwardly he plunged half of his body downward, letting the wind catch him and do the rest of the turn for him. Reyes felt slightly sick as he twisted through the air, contorting his body like he'd seen people do in sky diving videos.

Was now a bad time to admit he hated heights?

"KHAJI!" Jaime shouted over the sound of rushing air. "You wouldn't happen to remember how to fly now, would you?!"

'I do not.'

"Helpful as always!" Reyes fired back. 'Come on, Jaime. Think. You've got a whole alien arsenal to work with. Gotta be something you can do to keep from going splat.'

'I do not understand your panic. We already survived a fall from a similar height; there is no need to worry.' Khaji Da's voice was as dry and disinterested as ever, as if the idea of slamming into the earth at reentry speeds was going to be a pleasant experience to walk away from.

"Wait! Do we still have that engine you had me steal from that jet?!" Reyes's panic subsided slightly, a tingle of hope washing through the tips of his fingers.

'We do. I must remind you, however, that I am unable to assist you in piloting-'

"Yeah, yeah-" Jaime waved it off. He didn't need this useless extraterrestrial's help anyway. "Just deploy 'em! I have an idea!" The Scarab, for it's credit, didn't hesitate, the plates of chitin on Reyes's back parting to allow the weaving tendrils of living metal to form an identical pair of jet engines. He could feel the power humming through them radiate down his spine; it was an odd sensation, but it gave him an equally odd sense of confidence as he continued to plummet toward the earth. There wasn't a whole lot of time for him to doubt himself in the moment.

Slowly he forced his arms down from his side, pushing against the immense pressure of the air blasting up against his spread limbs to point his hands downward. "Right. Here we go." He breathed. With a thought he transformed the material around his fists into a pair of plasma cannons. Each pulsated and twitched like living flesh, seeming to beat with the pace of Jaime's own elevated heart rate as he turned them toward the ground. He had broken through the clouds by now, and he hadn't made any significant progress toward slowing his descent.

"Alright. Alright. Okay." Jaime could see the sand and dirt below. There didn't look to be any bodies of water or trees to aim for- on the bright side, there looked like there was a settlement of some kind not far from his current trajectory.

'What is your plan, Jaime Reyes?' The alien asked, it's curiosity piqued in the worst possible moment.

"Stick around and you'll find out!" The next step in his master plan involved swinging both of his legs down. It was easy enough to accomplish, though keeping his body pointed in a straight line was unsurprisingly difficult given the turbulent forces bashing at him from every angle. "Do I have control of the engines?!" He yelled to the voice inside of his head.

'You do. Simply think it and they will activate, as all our adaptations do.'

Reaching inside of his own mind, Jaime felt for this control that Khaji Da spoke of. Sure enough, it was there; it was like searching for feeling in a hand he'd slept on all night. It was odd, the say to least, to discover what amounted to a fifth and sixth limb attached to his lower back. "I've got it." He confirmed with a slight nod. Now all that was left to do was to concentrate. To focus on his guns and the jets on his back.

He pulled the trigger on all four at the same time. A series of clicks sounded in his ear as each ignited in quick succession, the energy stored within flaring to life. There was enough, longer drone that came with them climbing up toward maximum power. He'd never fired them off with everything they had before- he figured it would be quite the show.

The duel beams of light exploded out from his hands in tandem with the first pulse of his back-mounted rockets, flashing across the sky with such brilliance that one might mistake it for the heavens opening up to reveal the pearly gates. It painted the air a deep, bright blue that bounced across the clouds like the flashes of lightning.

It certainly didn't feel like heaven when all the force of his fall was abruptly thrown back against Jaime's extended hands. There was an immediate jolt backward, his momentum all but halted as the atmosphere collided with his upper body. He let out a harsh series of grunts and curses at the force exerted on his wrists in particular. "JESUS!" He howled.

Reyes nearly panicked again when he felt himself begin to ascend back up into the sky. "Nononono- shit- fuck!" He cut the power output down to a quarter, but even then he could still feel himself starting to head up with increasing rapidity. Jaime repeatedly cut down on the power flowing to the quad-sources of thrust until he felt his momentum halt again. Eventually he was able to work himself into a hover.

He was hovering. In the air. Hundreds of feet above the ground.

Jaime was actually flying.

"YES! YES! Hahahaha- yeah!" He roared out a laugh in victory, all the tension in his body melting away to be replaced by sheer exuberance. Everything that had led up to this- the pain, the exhaustion, the rage and the grief- it was forgotten in that one, quiet moment as Reyes looked out onto the horizon. He could see for miles in every direction. Sure, there wasn't much to see out here- wherever out here was- but it was still the best feeling he had experienced in...well. Maybe ever, the more he thought about it.

Each of his arms shook and trembled as Jaime fought to keep himself stable. Both of the cannons seemed intent on sending him flying off course the moment he dropped his guard, so he was forced to pay them both a good deal of mind even as he simply hovered there for a few, precious minutes.

"Right. Well. Time to land." As much as he would like to stay in the sky forever and forget the problems of the world below, Reyes had a great deal of things he needed to do. Like find out where he was, and what had happened to Brenda and Paco- if they were even in Caulder's dungeon at all, and not just mental projections meant to keep him off balance. Jaime only hoped they were back safe and sound in Washington, probably worried sick about him. 'God, Brenda's gonna punch me in the mouth the next time she sees me.' He thought with a smile. It was probably the first time he'd looked forward to being punched in the teeth.

"Um..." He glanced around, blinking. "How am I going to get down?"
Cowboys And Aliens: Issue #1

Warpath, Texas

Jaime Reyes woke with a start when he found himself thrust through a wound in reality and falling through the sky. "Ah, hell- not this again!" Visions of white, puffy clouds and a sea of blue sky rushed across his vision as he spun and tumbled through the air uncontrollably. Jaime flailed his arms and legs in a desperate bid to find some sort of object to grab hold to and anchor himself to; a useless gesture, given the fact that he was somewhere in the lower atmosphere.

He had no idea how he'd gotten here. Some...monster had appeared and thrown him into a portal to hell or something- where the air screamed and the sky bled, and nothing made even a shred of sense. Reyes wasn't given even a second to celebrate escaping it now that he was sent plunging toward the earth at record speeds for the second time that week.

'Dios mío, when does it end?'

There wasn't time to lament the never ending chaos. He had to find a way to control his descent. Reyes stopped flailing, instead choosing to thrust all of his arms and legs out like he was about to make a snow angel. After a few moments of observation, he could tell that he was falling backward. 'Gotta spin around.' He realized. Awkwardly he plunged half of his body downward, letting the wind catch him and do the rest of the turn for him. Reyes felt slightly sick as he twisted through the air, contorting his body like he'd seen people do in sky diving videos.

Was now a bad time to admit he hated heights?

"KHAJI!" Jaime shouted over the sound of rushing air. "You wouldn't happen to remember how to fly now, would you?!"

'I do not.'

"Helpful as always!" Reyes fired back. 'Come on, Jaime. Think. You've got a whole alien arsenal to work with. Gotta be something you can do to keep from going splat.'

'I do not understand your panic. We already survived a fall from a similar height; there is no need to worry.' Khaji Da's voice was as dry and disinterested as ever, as if the idea of slamming into the earth at reentry speeds was going to be a pleasant experience to walk away from.

"Wait! Do we still have that engine you had me steal from that jet?!" Reyes's panic subsided slightly, a tingle of hope washing through the tips of his fingers.

'We do. I must remind you, however, that I am unable to assist you in piloting-'

"Yeah, yeah-" Jaime waved it off. He didn't need this useless extraterrestrial's help anyway. "Just deploy 'em! I have an idea!" The Scarab, for it's credit, didn't hesitate, the plates of chitin on Reyes's back parting to allow the weaving tendrils of living metal to form an identical pair of jet engines. He could feel the power humming through them radiate down his spine; it was an odd sensation, but it gave him an equally odd sense of confidence as he continued to plummet toward the earth. There wasn't a whole lot of time for him to doubt himself in the moment.

Slowly he forced his arms down from his side, pushing against the immense pressure of the air blasting up against his spread limbs to point his hands downward. "Right. Here we go." He breathed. With a thought he transformed the material around his fists into a pair of plasma cannons. Each pulsated and twitched like living flesh, seeming to beat with the pace of Jaime's own elevated heart rate as he turned them toward the ground. He had broken through the clouds by now, and he hadn't made any significant progress toward slowing his descent.

"Alright. Alright. Okay." Jaime could see the sand and dirt below. There didn't look to be any bodies of water or trees to aim for- on the bright side, there looked like there was a settlement of some kind not far from his current trajectory.

'What is your plan, Jaime Reyes?' The alien asked, it's curiosity piqued in the worst possible moment.

"Stick around and you'll find out!" The next step in his master plan involved swinging both of his legs down. It was easy enough to accomplish, though keeping his body pointed in a straight line was unsurprisingly difficult given the turbulent forces bashing at him from every angle. "Do I have control of the engines?!" He yelled to the voice inside of his head.

'You do. Simply think it and they will activate, as all our adaptations do.'

Reaching inside of his own mind, Jaime felt for this control that Khaji Da spoke of. Sure enough, it was there; it was like searching for feeling in a hand he'd slept on all night. It was odd, the say to least, to discover what amounted to a fifth and sixth limb attached to his lower back. "I've got it." He confirmed with a slight nod. Now all that was left to do was to concentrate. To focus on his guns and the jets on his back.

He pulled the trigger on all four at the same time. A series of clicks sounded in his ear as each ignited in quick succession, the energy stored within flaring to life. There was enough, longer drone that came with them climbing up toward maximum power. He'd never fired them off with everything they had before- he figured it would be quite the show.

The duel beams of light exploded out from his hands in tandem with the first pulse of his back-mounted rockets, flashing across the sky with such brilliance that one might mistake it for the heavens opening up to reveal the pearly gates. It painted the air a deep, bright blue that bounced across the clouds like the flashes of lightning.

It certainly didn't feel like heaven when all the force of his fall was abruptly thrown back against Jaime's extended hands. There was an immediate jolt backward, his momentum all but halted as the atmosphere collided with his upper body. He let out a harsh series of grunts and curses at the force exerted on his wrists in particular. "JESUS!" He howled.

Reyes nearly panicked again when he felt himself begin to ascend back up into the sky. "Nononono- shit- fuck!" He cut the power output down to a quarter, but even then he could still feel himself starting to head up with increasing rapidity. Jaime repeatedly cut down on the power flowing to the quad-sources of thrust until he felt his momentum halt again. Eventually he was able to work himself into a hover.

He was hovering. In the air. Hundreds of feet above the ground.

Jaime was actually flying.

"YES! YES! Hahahaha- yeah!" He roared out a laugh in victory, all the tension in his body melting away to be replaced by sheer exuberance. Everything that had led up to this- the pain, the exhaustion, the rage and the grief- it was forgotten in that one, quiet moment as Reyes looked out onto the horizon. He could see for miles in every direction. Sure, there wasn't much to see out here- wherever out here was- but it was still the best feeling he had experienced in...well. Maybe ever, the more he thought about it.

Each of his arms shook and trembled as Jaime fought to keep himself stable. Both of the cannons seemed intent on sending him flying off course the moment he dropped his guard, so he was forced to pay them both a good deal of mind even as he simply hovered there for a few, precious minutes.

"Right. Well. Time to land." As much as he would like to stay in the sky forever and forget the problems of the world below, Reyes had a great deal of things he needed to do. Like find out where he was, and what had happened to Brenda and Paco- if they were even in Caulder's dungeon at all, and not just mental projections meant to keep him off balance. Jaime only hoped they were back safe and sound in Washington, probably worried sick about him. 'God, Brenda's gonna punch me in the mouth the next time she sees me.' He thought with a smile. It was probably the first time he'd looked forward to being punched in the teeth.

"Um..." He glanced around, blinking. "How am I going to get down?"
I am honestly hoping that more characters are going to space in season two.


Irondust - Expels a small pebble from the end pin of Tiferet’s violin, very quickly. Cast by either adding a small violin flourish to her current song, in which case it takes on an effect based on said song, or cast by playing a single violin note while not playing a song. Extremely small (<1 second) cooldown time. (Duration: N/A)

Kronos - Provides a small buff to both movement speed and skill/spell cast times. Lasts for as long as the song is being played, unless Tiferet plays it in its entirety, in which case it lasts for another 1.5 minutes. Fairly long cooldown time. Irondust is slightly faster, though the difference is such that there’s no noticeable effect. (Duration: 3:14, 4:44 with completion bonus)

Hestia - Makes all allies’ attacks fire-aspected. If the song is played to completion, Tiferet gains one small fireball orbiting her for each ally, which she can fire at enemies as a small fire-aspected attack or keep around her as a shield. Unused orbs dissipate once the battle is over. Middling cooldown time. Irondust is fire-aspected. (Duration: 1:52)

Olympia - Makes all allies’ attacks lightning-aspected. If the song is played to completion, each enemy currently aggroed on Tiferet or a party member takes 100 lightning damage, divided by the number of aggroed enemies. Middling cooldown time. Irondust is lightning-aspected. (Duration: 2:31)

Ineffabilis - Grants allies a universal reduction to damage, starting at 5% and increasing to 10% if the song is completed. Longish cooldown time. Irondust gains the ability to pierce through up to three targets. (Duration: 2:32)

Fallen Angel - Grants Tiferet and allies smoky-looking, intangible wings, allowing them to fly decently quickly while the song is playing. An extremely powerful buff, with an accordingly long cooldown time. Irondust fires three projectiles at once. (Duration: 3:30)

Imprinting - Grants Tiferet and allies information on the weaknesses of their current enemies, including any physical weak points or similar. Information does not go away once the playing stops, but rather is gathered slowly as the song plays. Fairly short cooldown time. Irondust homes in on enemies, going for weak points if any are identified by the spell. (Duration: 2:00)

Parousia - Resurrects one defeated party member. Must be played fully to work properly; if Tiferet is interrupted, the spell fails. Can only be cast once per day. Irondust heals instead of harms, for the same amount of HP. (Duration: 4:38)


Man With The Hex - Grants one target greatly increased strength and speed, while also allowing Tiferet the ability to influence their minds and implant suggestions. Suggestibility scales with how intelligent the target is; an animal could be easily convinced to turn on its allies, but your average wayfarer would be difficult to convince (unless someone else managed to most of it already). Fairly long cooldown time. (Duration: 3:00)

The Visitation of the Ghost - Solely a self-buff, unlike Tiferet’s other spells. Similar to Midnight, the spell grants Tiferet increased strength and partial invisibility, as well as intangibility and a terrifying, ghostly appearance. However, the intangibility lasts for the duration of the song, rather than for a few seconds. Mostly used when solo adventuring to clear out groups of enemies with her sword, or to really freak someone out. (Or both.) Intangibility can be bypassed by magic and enchanted weapons. Extremely long cooldown time, owing to the strength and fairly long duration of the spell. (Duration: 4:24)

Violin and voice-based

Midnight - Grants Tiferet and allies increased strength and the ability to become invisible for several seconds at a time. In addition to only lasting for the song’s duration, Midnight must be cast at night in order to work. Effect scales inversely with the amount of ambient light in the area; total darkness produces the strongest effect. Rather long cooldown time. Irondust becomes invisible. (Duration: 3:42)

Eat You - Transforms an ally of Tiferet’s choice (including herself) into a vampiric monster. They grow fangs, become notably more muscular, and get a rather gaunt, ghoulish cast to their skin and face. They also become afflicted by a terrible bloodlust, and will attack the closest monster to start with, but if none are left, they will begin to turn on their party. They can use their fangs to consume blood from living targets, and will do so instinctually, which heals them for about ⅓ of the damage they inflict. The various buffs and special attacks this spell provides are fairly potent, but are offset by the penalties to intelligence the buffed person takes; they become little more than another monster, albeit one that’s allied until there aren’t any more opponents. In addition, once Tiferet begins casting this spell, she cannot stop; someone would have to rip the violin from her hands, gag her, or otherwise attack her to stop the spell early. Middling cooldown time. (Duration: 3:52)

DK/Decay - A potent damage over time spell, rather than a buff. All targets currently aggroed on Tiferet or a party member begin rotting, suffering heavy damage over time while the song is being played. Much more difficult to play than other songs, due to being difficult to both sing and play. Extremely long cooldown time. Irondust causes the same rotting effect in the target, spreading outwards from the impact point. (Duration: 2:32)

• Tʜᴇ Dᴜɴɢᴇᴏɴ •

A barrage of flaming arrows, explosive bolts and fireballs exploded against Arnaakus like the tide crashing against the side of a cliff. Fire washed over the demon's frozen exterior, sending wave after wave of steam billowing up as the slimes were turned to vapor from the sheer heat. The dozens of flung projectiles made the demon's exposed arm their target, burning through that thick build up of ice with surprising rapidity. He gave an angry, pained howl in response that shook the very foundations of the crypt.


With strength only it's titanic arms could afford, the monster took hold of the bent steel and splintered wood of the great doors and tore them off at the hinges. A thunderous crash resounded as the mangled remains hit the floor of the chamber. Arnaakus had to duck down to pass through the vaulted ceiling of the hallway, his eyes burning with an intense desire to feed upon the souls standing before him.

He gripped his claws into a tight ball, six razor-sharp shards stabbing forth from the interior of his arm. Icy growths like the spines on an animal's back covered the top portion of Arnaakus's limb, their menacing, jagged tips glimmering in the light of the dungeoneers' pyre. Each was roughly six feet in height and one and a half in width, their crystal-like forms cracked and fragile looking even at a glance.

The titanic boss flung his arm around, sending the spines scattering across the field of battle- targeting three toward the back row of fighters and three toward the front team. The shards shattered on impact with the ground, creating a barrage of hundreds of tiny shards that were sent soaring in every direction. Too small to cripple, maim or kill, the shrapnel was meant more as a particularly painful distraction than anything else.

Arnaakus's primary method of murder came when he held up one of his arms above his head a few seconds later. He took a number of seconds longer to bring it slamming down against the stone, cracking it in the process. The creature grumbled as he brought his limb sweeping from one end of the hallway to the other with the intent to smash anyone caught in his way up against the wall. Only those closest to it- namely the melee fighters and Tiferet- were in danger of being squashed flat.

• Tʜᴇ Dᴜɴɢᴇᴏɴ •

A barrage of flaming arrows, explosive bolts and fireballs exploded against Arnaakus like the tide crashing against the side of a cliff. Fire washed over the demon's frozen exterior, sending wave after wave of steam billowing up as the slimes were turned to vapor from the sheer heat. The dozens of flung projectiles made the demon's exposed arm their target, burning through that thick build up of ice with surprising rapidity. He gave an angry, pained howl in response that shook the very foundations of the crypt.


With strength only it's titanic arms could afford, the monster took hold of the bent steel and splintered wood of the great doors and tore them off at the hinges. A thunderous crash resounded as the mangled remains hit the floor of the chamber. Arnaakus had to duck down to pass through the vaulted ceiling of the hallway, his eyes burning with an intense desire to feed upon the souls standing before him.

He gripped his claws into a tight ball, six razor-sharp shards stabbing forth from the interior of his arm. Icy growths like the spines on an animal's back covered the top portion of Arnaakus's limb, their menacing, jagged tips glimmering in the light of the dungeoneers' pyre. Each was roughly six feet in height and one and a half in width, their crystal-like forms cracked and fragile looking even at a glance.

The titanic boss flung his arm around, sending the spines scattering across the field of battle- targeting three toward the back row of fighters and three toward the front team. The shards shattered on impact with the ground, creating a barrage of hundreds of tiny shards that were sent soaring in every direction. Too small to cripple, maim or kill, the shrapnel was meant more as a particularly painful distraction than anything else.

Arnaakus's primary method of murder came when he held up one of his arms above his head a few seconds later. He took a number of seconds longer to bring it slamming down against the stone, cracking it in the process. The creature grumbled as he brought his limb sweeping from one end of the hallway to the other with the intent to smash anyone caught in his way up against the wall. Only those closest to it- namely the melee fighters and Tiferet- were in danger of being squashed flat.
<Snipped quote by DocTachyon>

Psh. Only a simpleton would use bolded text to signify that the demon inside of a human's body was talking to them via a mental link...
Pay no mind to my posts. Nothing to see here.

Or mine, coincidentally.
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

There was an Iron Man in Afghanistan, and a Tony Stark but iirc he never became active in NYC

He did a fly over of New York that got Tony in trouble with the Air Force, didn't he? Think he mentioned it was around the Fourth of July or something.

The Blue Beetle stars in...The Runaway: Issue #17

Previous Issue

Doctor Niles Caulder took a deep, slow breath. He locked his gaze with the unblinking eyes of Reyes's mask, refusing to so much as glance at the weapon pressed against his temple. "It would be much easier to explain if you took that gun out of my face, boy." He spoke evenly, his eyes stalwart and steely, utterly unafraid of the alien being standing over him.

"What? What?!" Jaime felt his blood run hot. 'Disgust' could not adequately explain the churning in his stomach at the sight of the doctor's expression. How could he sit there, a weapon shoved against his head, and not so much as blink? "You think I won't?!" Reyes snarled, the parasite's grip growing tighter around his wrist as he shoved Caulder's head with the muzzle of the cannon. "After everything you've done, you still think- you still think I won't?" He shot a finger back behind him, pointing toward the corpse of Caulder's surgeon. "It wouldn't...it wouldn't be the first time."

Caulder crossed his hands over his lap, his neck craning as he looked up toward Jaime. The sympathy in the old man's eyes was almost enough to drive Reyes over the edge. "You were protecting yourself, were you not? You had no other choice. That does not make you an executioner, boy. It isn't like you."

"You don't know a damn thing about me." Reyes countered.

"Really?" Caulder raised a brow. "I don't? I was in your mind, boy. I know more about yourself than you do. For instance, I know you struggle in school because it bores you. You think your teachers are old and out of touch. I know your friends drag you to the same diner after school everyday. You insist you don't mind, but they know how much you hate the food there; yet you always choose to go with them regardless." Niles couldn't see the boy's face through that lifeless mask, but he could tell he was faltering. His firing arm was unsteady and lowering with each word, and Jaime's breathing had tightened. Caulder was getting to him. "I know your mother makes you do the dishes every night. And I know your father's struggling to make ends meet. And there's a young woman that sits in front of you on the bus- Traci, I believe, that you've been terribly infatuated with-"

"That's enough." Jaime snapped, though the conviction in his voice had faltered. "Why're you telling me all this?"

Caulder sighed, his hand moving up to rest on Reyes's wrist. "Because I know that as much as you hate me, boy, you could never live with yourself if you took my life. Everything that's happened- it's already eating you up inside, isn't it?" Slowly, tentatively, Niles started to guide Jaime's hand away. He didn't force it, allowing Reyes to absorb what he was hearing at his own pace. "I can only imagine what it's been like for you..." His eyes held on Jaime's own, though there were brief, difficult to discern shifts toward something else in the room.

Sleep had not come easily to Reyes since the incident. He'd only managed to pass out from sheer exhaustion once, while he was pulled over on the side of the road in a car he'd stolen from a stranger. Even then, the nightmares had forced him back into reality but a handful of hours later. Jaime felt weak and exhausted, his muscles burning and his mind drinking up the confusion and fear like a thirsty traveler in a desert oasis. The whole while, the only company that he had during his travels was a detached, aggressive voice in his head. After all of that- after all of the trials and tribulations- he had finally come face to face with the man responsible for it. Jaime had been so captivated by the concept of vengeance that he had never slowed down long enough to consider if he even had the will to pull the trigger.

"You said it was an accident." Jaime's arm fell to his side, limp and powerless. The organic weapon shifted back into a normal hand as Reyes took several steps from Caulder's side, returning to the operating table to take a seat on it's bloodied and cold surface. He'd hear the telepath out before he decided what to do. Maybe it would offer him some new perspective on what had happened; maybe it would give Reyes the excuse to go through with the dark fantasy that had consumed him since the moment he saw Caulder's face. "What happened?"

Caulder sighed, his shoulders falling. As much as he'd want to say that he wasn't afraid to die, Niles had never felt his heart race as quickly as it had when Jaime put a gun to his head. Was he afraid? Excited? It was hard to say; the adrenaline certainly didn't help determining how he felt in the moment. But he had swallowed down those feelings to talk Reyes off the edge. It looked like it had worked- for now. "I only wanted to talk to it." He began, his mouth slightly agape as he search for the words. It wasn't a pleasant memory by any means. "LaSalle and I had been working to find and exploit ancient technology since our college days. When we found the artifact in the Smithsonian, we didn't even stop to consider the implications of attempted contact. It matched the energy signature of the first...The Veteris to your Iuvenis-"

"The first?" Jaime interrupted. "There's another one?" That was alarming to hear. After everything that had happened, he wouldn't wish Khaji Da on his worst enemy; on top of that, for all of the power it held, he could only imagine what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands. He wasn't even sure if it was safe in his own.

"Indeed. My colleagues and I spent years tracking it. It seemed to nest primarily in Metropolis, but rumors led us all the way up to Gotham City on one occasion. We chased it as long as we could, documenting it's every move and studying it. When we finally developed the technology, we began to scan the rest of the country for signs of others. We didn't know what to expect, but...This was so much better than anything we could have dreamed of." The corners of Niles's thin lips ran upward slightly. There was a genuine twinkle in the old man's eyes as he explained it.

That smile quickly melted away as he proceeded with the rest of his tale. "You must understand, then, why I was so incredibly eager when we found an inactive Scarab. This creature represented everything I had been chasing since my youth. It was the proof that my research hadn't been for nothing- that I wasn't some..some wacko conspiracy theorist. And after the disaster with the obelisk...I was so eager to make up for my mistake that I ended up creating one far worse than I could have ever imagined." Caulder sighed, a hand moving up to rub the tiredness from his eyes. When he looked up, he cast his gaze over Reyes's shoulder, as if he were looking for something.

"I reached out to Khaji Da telepathically using the language we had deciphered from the obelisk before it was destroyed. I foolishly believed I understood their connection. But the moment I did, it awoke and...well. It struck out. I'm still unsure why, if I'm being honest with you Mr. Reyes." Once more, the doctor's gaze flickered passed Jaime, looking to something beyond their current conversation.

Reyes felt his heart drop into his stomach. "Bullshit!" He pushed himself off of the operating table, taking several steps toward the doctor. Khaji Da had been convinced that foul play was involved. Caulder had outright kidnapped him in an attempt to steal away the suit; why should Jaime believe him now? What incentive did he have to think Niles wasn't just lying to save himself from Jaime's wrath?

"You wanted the Scarab for yourself, and you'd do anything to take it.Including killing those people!" He was done sitting back and listening to Caulder lie to him. He could see the weasel was squirming, desperately trying to find an out that kept him from getting what he deserved. Jaime brought forth his talon, the razor held close to his chest as he approached the doctor. It was time to end this.

"I wouldn't recommend that, Mr. Reyes-" Caulder's warning was cut short when Jaime brought the blade swinging through the air, it's tip passing less than an inch away from his scrawny throat. He jerked backwards in his wheelchair, throwing himself back in a desperate bid to escape a gory death. He wheeled himself as far back as he could until he felt himself smack up against the far wall. "This isn't you, boy. It's- It's the Scarab. Don't let it- WARP!"

But Jaime wasn't listening to reason. Whether or not the anger was his own, he didn't quite care. It burned so hot that he felt nothing but the need to throw himself at his enemy and tear him apart. He had all but dreamt of ending this man- of ending the nightmares- and he had finally had enough of Caulder's attempts to weasel out of what was coming to him. Reyes drew his blade from within, lunging for the man's throat with every intent to-

There was a sound akin to a blister popping through an old microphone. Before the Scarab could plunge his talon into Caulder's heart, a hand had taken him by the arm and thrown his weapon off course. It impaled through the wall, cutting apart tile and drywall in a spray of ceramic and dust. Reyes spun around to see who had appeared to stop him, only to be greeted by a fist to the face.

He barely felt it, all things considered; but Reyes was disorientated enough to stumbled backward, tearing his weapon from the wall. "Who the hell-" Before he could finish, another flurry of blows was sent his way, though this time it appeared his opponent was wielding some sort of piping as a makeshift baton. A metallic clang sounded as each blow connected with the chitin, the living material reverberating loudly with every hit. Jaime was more annoyed than in pain as he lashed out, attempting to slice through whoever was assaulting him.

"-llǝɥ ǝɥʇ oɥʍ" A man draped in darkness stood in front of Reyes, the piece of lead piping in his fist sliced in twain by Jaime's wildly swinging blade. His cloak of stars danced with his every agile movement, ducking and weaving passed Reyes's unsure attempts to skewer him.

Jaime hadn't a clue where this guy had come from or what his deal was, but he was only getting angrier by the second. "I'm not done with you yet." He snarled, taking a quick step forward as he attempted to bat away this new enemy.

"Warp, please escort Mr. Reyes off the premises-"

"No!" Jaime roared, wheeling back around on a dime. He was too close. He'd finally found all the pieces of the puzzle. Finally found himself face to face with Caulder. It was too close for him to simply lose it all now. "You- you were stalling- you played me!" Jaime wanted to leap at Caulder again, but he found a pair of strong arms wrapped about his chest, pinning his arms to his side. "Damn it, no!" He pushed back against Warp's grip, attempting to break his hold so that he could finish what Caulder had started.

"We're far from done, boy. Do not worry about that. But until I find a way to get that monster off of you..." He looked over toward his partner, nodding slightly. "...We will have to part ways."

Jaime threw his shoulders back, snapping Warp's hold like a twig. He threw an arm upward, metal shifting and squirming around it as an organic weapon began to take shape. The shinning barrel of a plasma cannon whirred to life, even as Warp scrambled to put his hands back on Jaime so that he could teleport the boy away before he could cause harm to Doctor Caulder.

The last thing Reyes heard was the thunderous sound of his weapon discharging as he was thrown into a hemorrhage in reality. He began to fall, his vision turning into a sky of swimming, crimson blood. Voices echoed all around him. The sound of carefree laughter mingled with the screams of the tortured and the damned, thundering over the quieter talks of lovers at a park and the hovering whispers of betrayers in a dark alley. A single, low hum undercut the entire cacophony; a beat of two short, one long, two short, two long repeated over and over like the rhythmic sounding of drums.


And he fell.

"...What is this place?"

And he fell.

"...What's happening to me?"

And he fell.

"...I- I wanna go home."

Darkness consumed the bleeding sky, devouring it's bright redness and replacing it with a space that was blacker than black. No light touched it. No eyes could perceive what lay within or beyond it. It was like an inky void, quickly chewing it's way through this twisted reality that Jaime found himself falling through.

This place between dimensions where the rules were not the same and where the walls between what was real and what was not were thinner than anywhere else before them. It was an equation without numbers. A story without words. A life without death. It was antithetical to the nature of existence. It was the nonsensical ramblings of a mad, dead god.


Haven't finished all of the character bios yet, but most everything else is done.

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