Avatar of Supermaxx


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3 yrs ago
Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
3 yrs ago
lol. lmao
3 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
4 yrs ago
you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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In the aarmsss offff an angel...
Gonna drop a stack of interest right here.
Can I get my name changed to Saint Maxx? Thanks in advance.
@HokumPocus Welcome to the crew!


Now | Midtown, Manhattan, New York City

Kon-El repeatedly rammed his knuckles into the chest of the alien in front of him, the kinetic force of each blow seeming to slide right off of its natural armor. Many of the clone's strikes went wide as the Gordanian weaved passed many of the punches, deflecting the rest with smooth, trained movements. It was clear that Kon-El lacked anywhere close to the martial skill of the giants, and his raw strength was doing little to make up for it. The futility of it only made him rage all the more, and his fists came in with more force with each consecutive hit.

"Tough...bastards..." He grunted under his breath, the earthly expletive slipping easily into his daily language; it was the easiest way to loose his frustrations that didn't involve punching something.

The situation went from bad to worse when one of the aliens began to shout orders at the rest, causing them to shift their attention toward Kon. He froze for a moment, his eyes shooting wide as he stared at six separate beam weapons aimed right at his chest. Just getting hit with one of them had hurt. He reacted as quick as he could, his arms crossing in front of his face moments before the first of the beams stabbed into his flesh. The rest soon followed, each punching into him with more force than he'd ever felt in his (admittedly) short life. Charged particles drilled into Kon-El's chest, pouring on so much heat that the remains of his solar suit caught fire. The combined force was enough to start pushing the Superboy backward, his footing so ironclad that the concrete shattered under his dug-in heels.

A puncture formed in the center of his chest and an agonized howl found its way out of his throat. Something hot and sticky began to drip down his body. It took Kon several seconds of staring down at it to realize he was actually bleeding. He didn't even know he could bleed. Some strange concoction of rage and panic caused him to fight against the pain and fling his hands down toward the street, his fingers cutting through the asphalt and concrete with frightening ease. With a quick, powerful tug upwards, Kon tore a large chunk of the roadway upward, hefting it in front of himself to act as a shield against the alien weaponry. "If you think its that easy to kill me-"

In his brief moment of reprieve, Kon caught something out of the corner of his eye. A blur of yellow and red that quickly came into focus as his eyesight adjusted to follow something so impossibly fast. "Flash?" He managed to grumble, watching the speedster as he worked to clear the immediate area of civilians. The Scarlet Speedster he'd read about in the Justice League file wasn't looking so scarlet at the moment, strangely enough.

The sound of a pair of projectiles swooping through the air drew Superboy's gaze up over the lip of his crumbling, makeshift shield. Arrows, loosed by an unknown archer posted on a nearby rooftop, came flying down at the feet of the six Gordanians trying to skewer Kon-El like a clone-kebab. When the arrows landed, they exploded on contact, knocking about the line of extraterrestrials and sending up plumes of smoke that cut off their line of sight. It finally opened up an opportunity for Kon to get his hands on their scaley hides. "My turn."

He plucked what remained of his shield from the roadway, hoisting it overhead only to promptly toss it at the Gordanians with all of his otherworldly strength. After all the hits they were able to take before, Kon was confident that he didn't need to hold back against this lot- not if he actually wanted to survive this encounter. Spurred on by the presence of other heroes, he jumped into the midst of the Gordanians, unleashing a flurry of wild, untrained punches on anything he could get close to. One of the lizards went soaring out of the fight at the corner of his vision, some kind of greenish energy filling the sky in a chaotic, beautiful display of power. The alien girl must've hit him with something. That was two out of the fight so far. Just six left.

"HEY!" Kon hollered, hoping to get someone's attention as he took hold of one of the giant reptiles. Strong as Superboy was, he wasn't going to be able to fight the whole lot on his own. He needed to trim their numbers, split them up if he wanted to survive this. "SOMEBODY HIT THIS!" He spun around, tossing the Gordanian away from the brawl with the hope that he would be given a similar treatment as the other fallen opponents.

With one, swift tug, he removed the bloodied, shredded, and burning remains of his solar suit's shirt and tossed it to the ground. Kon took a moment to reset himself, burying his fist into his other palm as he let his gaze fall over the remaining aliens. "Alright, who wants to go first?"

Now | Midtown, Manhattan, New York City

Kon-El repeatedly rammed his knuckles into the chest of the alien in front of him, the kinetic force of each blow seeming to slide right off of its natural armor. Many of the clone's strikes went wide as the Gordanian weaved passed many of the punches, deflecting the rest with smooth, trained movements. It was clear that Kon-El lacked anywhere close to the martial skill of the giants, and his raw strength was doing little to make up for it. The futility of it only made him rage all the more, and his fists came in with more force with each consecutive hit.

"Tough...bastards..." He grunted under his breath, the earthly expletive slipping easily into his daily language; it was the easiest way to loose his frustrations that didn't involve punching something.

The situation went from bad to worse when one of the aliens began to shout orders at the rest, causing them to shift their attention toward Kon. He froze for a moment, his eyes shooting wide as he stared at six separate beam weapons aimed right at his chest. Just getting hit with one of them had hurt. He reacted as quick as he could, his arms crossing in front of his face moments before the first of the beams stabbed into his flesh. The rest soon followed, each punching into him with more force than he'd ever felt in his (admittedly) short life. Charged particles drilled into Kon-El's chest, pouring on so much heat that the remains of his solar suit caught fire. The combined force was enough to start pushing the Superboy backward, his footing so ironclad that the concrete shattered under his dug-in heels.

A puncture formed in the center of his chest and an agonized howl found its way out of his throat. Something hot and sticky began to drip down his body. It took Kon several seconds of staring down at it to realize he was actually bleeding. He didn't even know he could bleed. Some strange concoction of rage and panic caused him to fight against the pain and fling his hands down toward the street, his fingers cutting through the asphalt and concrete with frightening ease. With a quick, powerful tug upwards, Kon tore a large chunk of the roadway upward, hefting it in front of himself to act as a shield against the alien weaponry. "If you think its that easy to kill me-"

In his brief moment of reprieve, Kon caught something out of the corner of his eye. A blur of yellow and red that quickly came into focus as his eyesight adjusted to follow something so impossibly fast. "Flash?" He managed to grumble, watching the speedster as he worked to clear the immediate area of civilians. The Scarlet Speedster he'd read about in the Justice League file wasn't looking so scarlet at the moment, strangely enough.

The sound of a pair of projectiles swooping through the air drew Superboy's gaze up over the lip of his crumbling, makeshift shield. Arrows, loosed by an unknown archer posted on a nearby rooftop, came flying down at the feet of the six Gordanians trying to skewer Kon-El like a clone-kebab. When the arrows landed, they exploded on contact, knocking about the line of extraterrestrials and sending up plumes of smoke that cut off their line of sight. It finally opened up an opportunity for Kon to get his hands on their scaley hides. "My turn."

He plucked what remained of his shield from the roadway, hoisting it overhead only to promptly toss it at the Gordanians with all of his otherworldly strength. After all the hits they were able to take before, Kon was confident that he didn't need to hold back against this lot- not if he actually wanted to survive this encounter. Spurred on by the presence of other heroes, he jumped into the midst of the Gordanians, unleashing a flurry of wild, untrained punches on anything he could get close to. One of the lizards went soaring overhead, some kind of greenish energy surrounding his body as he rocketed into a building on the opposite side of the road.

"GIRL!" Kon hollered, hoping to get the alien girl's attention as he took hold of one of the giant reptiles. "HIT THIS!" He spun around, tossing the Gordanian toward her with the hope that she'd give it a similar treatment as she did her previous opponent. It wasn't the time to distrust; not with such powerful enemies around them. He could handle her once the lizards were dealt with.
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