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Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
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you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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Now | Midtown, Manhattan, New York City

The scaled giants continued to pummel the alien girl, unconcerned with Kon-El's threats. His expression twisted with irritation and his eyes grew hotter, the crimson in them deepening as he cast his gaze over the scene before him. The reptiles were tearing through the streets to get at the girl. Though she was handling herself well, it would only be a matter of time before they overwhelmed her; and though he didn't trust her, Conner couldn't bring himself to just sit by and watch.

A pair of beams exploded out of Superboy's eyes and tore across the air until they slammed into the chest of a Gordanian warrior that was aiming his weapon at the alien girl's back. Kon squeezed his eyes shut, the heat still punching into his eyelids for several, painful seconds as he struggled to shut the energy off.

"I don't like being ignored." He snarled, rubbing the back of his hand until his eyes were cool enough to open.

Just in time for the invaders to return fire.

The solar suit was shredded by the blast, cutting a hole straight through it until it exploded across Conner's shoulder. A deep, arctic sort of cold spread across his flesh, turning it a bright pink and sending pain spiraling down Superboy's arm. He let out a howl and stumbled backward, his blood boiling with rage. Pain was a...new sensation. This pain, especially. It wasn't like the light numbness he'd felt during training. It was deeper. Like a series of ugly, sharp tendrils spiraling through his insides. Like many things, it made him angry.

Very angry.

Another primal howl was loosed from his lungs, and Superboy leaped across the street toward the monstrous things that had caused all of this. He cocked his arm back, locking it in place until just the right moment presented itself to let it loose. And when that moment came he loosed it like a cannon, his knuckles cracking against one of the alien's scaled, ugly faces. A sickening pop followed as the scales themselves buckled, and something warm and hot splashed up along Conner's hand; a good feeling, he decided, and one he was intent on experiencing many times in the next few minutes.

"Is that all you've got?!"

Now | Midtown, Manhattan, New York City

The scaled giants continued to pummel the alien girl, unconcerned with Kon-El's threats. His expression twisted with irritation and his eyes grew hotter, the crimson in them deepening as he cast his gaze over the scene before him. The reptiles were tearing through the streets to get at the girl. Though she was handling herself well, it would only be a matter of time before they overwhelmed her; and though he didn't trust her, Conner couldn't bring himself to just sit by and watch.

A pair of beams exploded out of Superboy's eyes and tore across the air until they slammed into the chest of a Goardanian warrior that was aiming his weapon at the alien girl's back. Kon squeezed his eyes shut, the heat still punching into his eyelids for several, painful seconds as he struggled to shut the energy off.

"I don't like being ignored." He snarled, rubbing the back of his hand until his eyes were cool enough to open.

Just in time for the invaders to return fire.

The solar suit was shredded by the blast, cutting a hole straight through it until it exploded across Conner's shoulder. A deep, arctic sort of cold spread across his flesh, turning it a bright pink and sending pain spiraling down Superboy's arm. He let out a howl and stumbled backward, his blood boiling with rage. Pain was a...new sensation. This pain, especially. It wasn't like the light numbness he'd felt during training. It was deeper. Like a series of ugly, sharp tendrils spiraling through his insides. Like many things, it made him angry.

Very angry.

Another primal howl was loosed from his lungs, and Superboy leaped across the street toward the monstrous things that had caused all of this. He cocked his arm back, locking it in place until just the right moment presented itself to let it loose. And when that moment came he loosed it like a cannon, his knuckles cracking against one of the alien's scaled, ugly faces. A sickening pop followed as the scales themselves buckled, and something warm and hot splashed up along Conner's hand; a good feeling, he decided, and one he was intent on experiencing many times in the next few minutes.

"Is that all you've got?!"
<Snipped quote by Superboy>
So are you gonna get Graves his own character color or are you just accepting the ship by sharing it.

Edit: I'm blind and did not notice you already changed it.

Swift as a coursing river, bitch.


Update to the new template! Ink wants all the sheets to be uniform n' such. Other than that, you're gonna be good
Sticks And Stones

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Science Fantasy - Post-Apocalypse - Adventure - Political Intrigue

Crumbling towers of rusted steel and broken glass reach high into the heavens, standing as stark sentinels of a bygone age. Chariots with wheels of rubber and chassis of broken iron fill unwalked roads, and cities of impossible construction stretch for miles upon miles- empty of any signs of life. Save, of course, for the Broken. Those terrible creatures of fang and claw that crawl in the darkest corners of the old world, their hives nestled in the tall towers and under the bridges of stone. Only the bravest knights or the most desperate adventurers would dare to invade the lands of the Broken, and a scarce few of them ever return.

No one remembers what destroyed the world. Perhaps it was a war that encompassed every nation and every people, where weapons of incredible destructive power were unleashed, and everything was wiped out. Perhaps disease, unknowable and incurable, spread about the land and wrought the hand of death on all that drew breath. Or perhaps it was the arrival of the Broken that claimed the lives of the Before Men. Or maybe it was none of these things. By some awful chance, it could be a combination of all of them. No one knows for sure. Even the eldest scribes and the most traveled storytellers only know tiny pieces of what the old world was like. Wild tales of fantasy had intermingled with the truth down the ages, deluding what was known with stories of ancient powers and cruel gods.

Its rebirth is similarly surrounded by a veil of mystery. It is known that all life came to an end, but something...something brought it back. Some unknown force reached down into the radiation-ridden muck of the earth and dragged forth the next generation of men. It pressed into their unbeating chests the power that would forever change the world: Magic. A gift barely understood by those that wield it, magic was the only thing that kept man alive. It cut through the darkness, drove off the beasts that nipped at man's heels, gathered people together and allowed them to climb out from the pits of hell that their ancestors had damned them to so long ago.

Thousands of years have passed, and mankind has returned to its old ways. Violence reigns as the Delphi Imperia seeks to conquer land further to the west, mustering its armies and preparing yet another campaign. The League of Free Cities scrambles to shore up its defenses, knowing all too well that the Iron Legions of Delphi would have little trouble besting the League's mercenary armies and citizen soldiers. Desperate to tip the scales in their favor, Praetor and its allies began to pour their great wealth into expeditions into the ruins of the Old World. They believe their salvation lies in those ancient ruins, that some great weapon of the Before Men might be used to turn the Iron Legions to ash and save the League from certain destruction.

The Setting/Worldbuilding

The known world is split into several regions, though our story will be focusing on just one of those regions: The Southland.

The Southland encompasses everything below the snow-covered north, east of the Impassable Mountains, and north of the Scorch. The Southland has resources in abundance, with extensive forests, rolling hills, and rich soil. This abundance drove much of the reborn mankind into the Southland, and thousands of years later they continue to squabble among one another for its riches and wealth. Though hundreds of city-states, tribes and petty kingdoms dot the countryside, the five major powers hold most of the sway.

Beyond the Northland are the Frozen Wastes, where Canada, Alaska, and Greenland once were. There is little in the way of civilized life in the Frozen Wastes, with only a few tribes of hardy nomads daring to risk the arctic frost that has turned away weaker men. Some who live on the borders of the Frozen Wastes whisper of a large gathering of Wastefolk known as the Oathhorde. Supposedly they are made up of giants and beasts with strange, monstrous appearances and a taste for human flesh, though no one has any real proof of their existence. They're a folk story as far as most of the world is concerned.

Little is known about what lies to the south of the Kingdom of Dall. The Riogra River blocks all travel, save for those most prepared for what lies beneath those vile waves. It stretches from coast to coast, sinking deeper into the earth than any river should. Broken lie within its deceptively calm waters. Those demonic creatures drag all who attempt to travel across it into the depths where they vanish forever, never to be seen again. Only a choice few brave adventurers have ever attempted to cross it, and those that do never come back. Myth says that the Southlands are full of impossible riches and cities made of gold, and that's why none return. Other legends tell of the Southlands as being the true home of the Broken, saying it is a place of vile magic and evil that slaughters all who enter it. No one knows for sure, and all expeditions to prove either myth true have failed spectacularly.

OOC Information

Welcome to Sticks And Stones, a far future Science Fantasy Roleplay set in what was once the United States. I will be your guide in your travels across this strange land wrought with danger, mystery, and adventure. Here are a few things you should know about Sticks and Stones before we continue:

-If I was to give this RP a level, it'd be somewhere around High Casual.

-I'm looking for at least four adventurers to take up this quest, though I won't be putting a cap on the number of applicants unless things get absurd. My usual rule of thumb is the more the merrier, and I will more than likely keep the RP open even after we have started. It may be difficult to join in at certain points, but I will do my best to work everyone in.

-I'd like applicants to be in it for the long haul. Posts may come slower than in some other RPs since things like school, work, or other real-life obligations can get in the way of writing. Anyone coming in should be prepared for that, and patience for your fellow writers is necessary. With that said, I'd like that we at least stay in contact so that everyone knows we're all still in the game. I ask that a weekly update is given, either in the form of a post or informing us that you won't be able to post this week. How we'll proceed when someone drops or if they have a long absence will be discussed when we come to it, though if you can't be active for a long amount of time your character may be skipped over so that the story can continue moving. A postless RP quickly becomes a dead one, after all.

-Length isn't too important to me, but substance is. All posts should offer something that others can react to or work off of. If your last post could be deleted and it wouldn't affect the scene in the slightest, something's gone wrong. In general, one-liners or very short posts that offer little in the way of substance are frowned upon. Don't feel the need to rush out a short post. You've got at least a week to write one, after all!

-When we start out, everyone will be allowed one character. As things move forward this may change, but I would like for us to keep things small and laser focused when we first begin.

-General rules for the site and Roleplaying, in general, apply, obviously. Basically: smut/+18 situations are mandatory fade to black, treat everyone else involved in the game well, and don't power/meta/god game, and all that jazz. The RP will touch on mature themes like violence and may go into detail, so just keep that in mind before applying.

-The beginning premise of Sticks And Stones is that we are a party of adventurers brought together by special order of the king. We will be sent into the remains of the city of Dallas in search of still-working artifacts from the old world.
I like the nickname I made up that made her sound like a Guilty Gear character.

Ailanthus N' Chainz.

>not calling her 2Chainz

This is so my forte <3

I'm in the middle of a DnD campaign, literally taking turns as I write this, but I was too excited I couldn't wait.

In terms of the roleplay, I love what everyone has said so far. I do agree characters should to some level be moderated. Padawans can be OP if you're not careful, but I do agree that there are some more adept padawans, some that are born with a natural gift of the force. I'd love some flexibility on characters but making sure everyone knows how far is too far.
I'd love to see different stories in one overwall big RP campaign.

We have a decent amount of players interested, so each of those characters might interact or at least know who each other is at some point in time. One group of characters are busy fighting with Hondo and his band of pirates on Florrum, while the others are trying to chase down a bounty hunter headed for that very conflict, intending to eliminate one of the Jedi busy in that battle.
I'd love to see interconnecting stories and characters interacting with each other within reason; with that I'll also mention holograms, mentioning other characters when the opportunity arises. I love interconnecting stories, and being mentioned by another character for one reason or another, just adds to the depth.

Super excited to see this flower open up, I've felt somewhat empty in the creative roleplay department ever since a LOTR roleplay between some friends had to meet its end due to IRL commitments.

I've got so much interest in this I'm gonna explode. :D

Join us on the Discord when you get the time! Lot of discussion goes on there, and its the easiest and quickest way to get questions answered and connect with other active players.
A N D R E W /// G R A V E S

"That all ya got, ya ugly bastard?!"
Graves, while kicking the shit out of a giant demon slime

Personal Dossier

Andrew Matthews Gray




Andrew's defining trait is his height. Measuring in at six feet and four inches tall, he naturally draws in the eye with his towering stature. His appearance is made all the more striking by just how thin his frame is. Gray can't count the number of times he's heard the 'how's the weather up there?' line, though he knows he gets it almost as much as the 'do you play basketball?' question. He finds it all to be more obnoxious than anything else- but the same can't be said for his weight. Lacking any muscle at all, Andrew's incredibly self conscious about just how thin he is. No one wants to appear weak.

That's where he and his avatar in Pariah differ.

While Graves and Andrew share equal height, his in-game persona possesses a far larger frame. A chest as broad as an ox and muscle like coiled iron, Graves is a force to be reckoned with. The imagined character was designed to compensate for it's designer's perceived flaws, granting Gray the physical strength he's only ever dreamed of wielding.

Other differences are more aesthetic in their reasoning. Andrew abandoned his painfully average dark hair in favor of a brighter, sleeker silver. It's equally as long, and often kept up in the same messy ponytail that Andrew has grown so accustomed to both in and out of game. His eyes remain the same shade of blue, though they're a great deal sharper and more confident when he's Graves, the legendary bounty hunter rather than Andrew, the gas station clerk.

Graves is everything that Andrew is not. Where Andrew is meek and quiet, Graves is confident and boisterous.

He is without inhibitions; unconstrained by societal norms or fear of reprisal from others. Graves does whatever he wishes and anyone that doesn't follow him can either get the hell out of his way or be ran over. Many consider this behavior to be destructive and backwards. His abrasive bluntness catches many off guard, and has on more than one occasion gotten Graves into a fight with someone who didn't wish to deal with his arrogance.

In his actual life, Andrew despises confrontation. In game, he thrives on it. Combat is visceral, and it allows him to live out every power fantasy he's ever craved. To be strong, to be confident, to have a place in the world. All of the pent up aggression and hostility that Gray has internalized for so long can be released in an act of savage violence.

He has little time to service others, caring for himself above all else. Graves doesn't waste time helping those who cannot offer him something in return. With an endless world of possibilities at his fingertips, there's far too much to do in Pariah to lose even an hour on something he cares little for. Someone else will come along to help; they always do.

One trait that Andrew shares with his counterpart is his love of solitude. Though Pariah is meant to be a shared experience, Graves spends much of it wandering the expansive environments alone. Companions slow him down. Party members falter and fail whenever Graves counts on them. When he's going solo, Graves doesn't have to worry about watching someone's back, and the blame for his failings can fall on his shoulders alone.

Andrew was born in a little town in Ohio to two loving parents and eight siblings. He was unlucky enough to be one of the middle children, so it was no surprise when he was overshadowed by his more talented and capable siblings.

His town was small, and his high school even smaller- which meant finding friends and penetrating the normal clichés was quite difficult for someone that had gotten used to quietly observing. Gray wasn’t exactly an introvert. He could be loud, excitable and social- but he just…never got the chance to. He didn’t have many friends at all.

That is, until he had scrounged up enough cash for his first MMO. He used his low grade laptop to play the game at its lowest settings; it was choppy, constantly lagged and rather ugly…but he loved it. He loved everything about the game. Gray retreated from his less than stellar normal life into the world of a generic role playing game. He ignored his tanking grades, few acquaintances and boisterous family to play for hours on end.

He started off grinding on his own, as most do. But he chanced upon a party of likeminded individuals that needed a secondary tank. Andrew melded seamlessly into their company. They were all chill people, for the most part, and willing to help teach him how to play the game properly.

They continued to play together for months, the size of the group ever expanding as they built up a sizable guild of their own. Andrew became near addicted to raiding. Fighting bosses was the most visceral and exciting experience he’d ever had in a game.

Eventually Andrew was (somehow) able to graduate high school and purchase a real computer. All was well for him. His family only occasionally harassed him for being a bum. He had a steady job at a backwater gas station, making minimum wage for very little work. He had made a decent circle of friends for himself within the guild. Life was simple; it was good.

Things didn't stay that way forever.

It started off as something infinitesimally small. A couple of arguments over petty issues. Andrew tried not to get involved, most of the time; he just wanted to focus on playing the game and enjoying himself. But as time passed, the arguments grew in number. They got more serious. Issues between his friends grew; problems from a past that Andrew wasn't around for reared their ugly heads. All of it was stupid and inane, in his eyes. He did his best to act as a mediator when he could, but it rarely worked.

Things came to a head when a shouting match over voice comms ended with the guild's leader- and Andrew's closest personal friend- leaving the guild in the hand's of his second. Things fell apart from there as him stepping down only furthered the divides between the others. One by one, the original group Andrew had joined left. Contact became sparse, and then they all went radio silent. This thing that had consumed Andrew's life for the better part of a few years was now gone, and there was...a void.

Andrew hadn't felt this alone in a long time. He quietly retreated further into himself. Months passed with his life being little more than keeping to himself and working a dead end job with no future in sight. It wasn't until the local game store announced that they'd received a shipment of VR headsets and were planning to hold a giveaway to celebrate that things changed for him. Andrew entered the giveaway, and he won! A copy of one of the most hyped MMOs in history came with an equally desired piece of hardware worth obscene amounts of money. Andrew didn't waste any time throwing himself into the game.

Graves is not a widely known name due to how much he keeps to himself. His infamy has been growing recently, however, among the more attentive members of the bounty hunting community. The profession is used by a large chunk of the player base; however, the few hundred or so individuals that claims to be 'professional bounty hunters' are a highly competitive and inclusive group. So when some no name young blood starts snatching up important contracts and taking down high level bosses and esteemed players, the smarter heads start to turn.

He's an above average raider that joins public groups, dominates his enemies and takes what he needs before disappearing again.

Above average at best is the highest praise Graves is deserving of. He's no professional, and he lacks the experience or gear to challenge the really big names. He isn’t ready to enter into that ring.


He's dedicated himself to becoming the absolute strongest hunter in the game, and he's going to do it by almost any means necessary. The only thing he's wary of is teaming up with other players. He's partied up a handful of times, but never long enough to get attached- he knows where that particular road leads.

However, there are some obstacles which cannot be overcome alone. Some enemies cannot be defeated through sheer force of will and hours of scrolling through guides and wikis online. On occasion, Graves has to team up with others- usually to do bosses or gank unsuspecting targets that he can't beat alone. His temporary help always gets a 'piece of the pie' so to speak; he makes sure they get something out of the effort, even if he doesn't plan to stick around for very long.
Attribues & Additional Information



Bounty Hunter

Weapon of Choice
A halberd he affectionately refers to as his 'pike'


Benchmarks (Physical)
Tough Skin: Graves is naturally more durable than other non-tank characters. He doesn't wear particularly heavy armor; however, his naturally high health pool allows him to take incredible amounts of damage for a character with relatively low defense gear. The trade of for this is he's weighs a hell of a lot more than other classes, and is thus slower and can be kited by ranged or agile enemies. He gained this trait through hundreds of hours of getting the shit kicked out of him without armor on, which has led to increased durability without the need for heavy armors.

Potion Addict: Graves has been relying on potions for his tanking abilities since he started playing Pariah. After chugging down countless elixirs, his physiology has an easier time adapting to the ingested liquids. Potions last longer and are more potent on Graves than others. A small side effect being that Graves can’t function very well without them in his system. He usually carries potions for lifesteal, iron skin and healing- to make him even harder to kill.

Blood In The Water: Much like a shark, Graves gets a sort of sixth 'sense' whenever a target is bleeding. It allows him to track them within twenty five meters (doubles if he was the one that made them bleed); it's less like echo location and more like a compass that points him in their general direction. It won't reveal the exact position of a hiding enemy, nor does it tell Graves if they are above or below him- simply where they would be on a two dimensional field. Dozens of hours of trying to hunt down that last monster for his bounty hunting quest has made the tank a decent enough tracker.

Enhanced Strength: The weapons and armor used by a tank are heavy. Graves is required to have above average physical strength if he wants to use them effectively. This also means he's able to carry more (when not impeded by his regular gear) and hits slightly harder with unarmed attacks.

Executioner: Graves tends to fight harder when his enemy his on the back foot. He pushes his advantage and attempts to go for killing blows as often as possible. A slew of decapitated and mutilated foes behind him, Graves has learned how to more effectively hurt enemies that are already wounded. Enemies very close to death's door take more damage from Graves' attacks, although he also heals less off of them and takes more damage from them- so he has to be careful with certain monster types or enemies with 'deathrattles.'

Benchmarks (Mental)
Monster Bestiary: Graves has studied the average field and dungeons mobs extensively. He has a fairly good grasp on what most common enemies are capable of, what their weaknesses are, ect. More rare beasts, especially those he isn't high enough level to be fighting anyway, wouldn't apply.

Boss Bestiary: Graves is a raider at heart. He loves MMOs for the massive, titanic battles between huge parties and giant bosses. It's his favorite part of Pariah. Thus, he's invested quite a bit of time into learning some of the boss enemies in the game. The tougher, higher end leviathans that require teamwork, determination and raw power to defeat. Knowledge is power in these sort of encounters, and Graves has made sure he knows about the general workings of the bosses he's likely to face.

Meditative Healing: Since Graves' combat stance is entirely based on healing, he figured he could use an out of combat healing ability too. Essentially, Graves can sit down and focus his magic on repairing his wounds. How long it takes depends on the severity of his injuries. The stance is extremely taxing, takes awhile to start and takes forever to finish if he's hurt- and it can't heal things like broken bones or eviscerated organs. He'll need a real healer for that.

Metalworking: Required field to get to Weapons' Repair. He uses this as a source of income, creating very basic items and selling them either on the market or to NPCs. He would much rather get money from killing mobs all day and pawning off legendary raid items, but sadly working the marketplace is the only real way to get a stable source of income.

Weapons' Repair: Graves likes his Pike. It's his favorite weapon. He isn't very good with much else, and doesn't have a backup for when it breaks. So, instead of constantly paying vendors and other players to fix it for him, he decided to spec into Weapons' Repair and do the damn thing himself.
I think the primary reason is for a non-traditional approach. Hell, in the OR Era, it could be they run at the same time etc etc. Point is, we have literary license here. What's wrong with saying yes if it's well written and the writer can prove they won't abuse it?

@Ellri has not said you absolutely can not have it. Just that it's creation would need to be well explained.

There's nothing wrong with it, and that's the current stance, as had been said already.

EDIT: If my comments come across as rude, I apologize. My point might be a little more strongly worded than I might've intended. I'm just tryin' to illustrate that there's really no fight to be had here. I have my own issues with some of the Persistent World stuff thus far, so I'm all for presenting issues to the mod team, but I'm really not sure this is an issue since basically everyone is in agreement about it, as far as I understand it.
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