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Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
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lol. lmao
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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
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you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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Location: New York City, New York -- A Rooftop

New York City covered an area of about three hundred square miles and contained over eight million people. Enormous machines transported them across the city in underground tunnels- those that couldn't afford the smaller, personalized vehicles, at least. Structures towered above them all, the tallest of them stretched up to grasp the clouds, forming what the humans called a 'skyline.'

As obnoxious as Kelex's lessons were, Conner had to admit they were helpful.

Conner Kent sat on the edge of an apartment building's rooftop, his legs dangling precariously over the side. Dozens of humans passed by underneath him, rushing along the sidewalk in a terrible hurry to get somewhere else. There was one older man talking on the phone as he went, desperately trying to convince someone named 'Abby' not to get on the plane before he had a chance to say goodbye. Just in front of him a woman was dragging two crying kids along behind, both of them alternating between hitting her and then hitting each other. A yellow bus was being loaded with similarly sized children at the end of the street.

'Its all so...loud.' Honking cars, screaming people, radios being played too loud. He didn't know how anyone could live in a place like this without going crazy. It wasn't anything like the Fortress, or the farm. Conner could sit at the edge of a field at the farm and hear the grass blowing in the wind, the chirping of distant birds and the sound of a mole burrowing his way through the earth. He could tell the dripping water coming from the kitchen sink's facet from the pitcher pump in Martha's garden.

Here, though, there was just too much. There were a thousand disparate sounds going off at any given moment, all of them vying for his attention. It was giving him a headache; at one point it got so bad that Conner felt like his skull might explode from the pressure. It'd been even worse when he was on the ground earlier. He was just trying to walk around and check off all the places he'd visited in his booklet, but people kept yelling at him for bumping into them and crossing the street in front of their vehicles.

"Hmph," He grunted at the thought, pulling the crumpled booklet from his pocket to flip through it again. So far he'd marked off the statue, the park, the empire's building and the time square. It also recommended stopping for sustenance at noon, though Conner still wasn't sure if he actually needed to eat or not. Kal-El and the Kents had insisted he eat at consistent intervals, but if Conner really was a Kryptonian, wasn't that a waste of time?

His thoughts were interrupted by a terrible boom that shook the building underneath him and sent a stabbing pain through his ears.

"What was that?" Conner snarled, dragging himself to his feet as he tried to ignore the jackhammer in his skull. It sounded like thunder, but it was far more intense than any he'd heard before. And closer, too- like it'd come from the ground instead of the sky. He waited for the ringing in his ears to cease before stumbling in the direction of the sound, trying to focus on anything else coming from that way.

People were screaming, some in languages he'd never heard before. Cars were coming to a grinding halt and slamming down on their horns. He could hear concrete collapsing and glass shattering, too. Was a building coming down?

'Sounds like a job for Superman...Guess I'll have to do, though.'
dabbin on u rn
<Snipped quote by ComradeMaxx>

Raven's not a super, she's a body snatcher.

Demonic kidnapper, superhero, what's the difference?

<Snipped quote by Hillan>
The IC will be open officially once Maxx posts his post up, as we have a starting reply to transfer from the previous game. Did you think I'd have you guys wait for four months?

Seems like most people are just going to be passing through the area and stumbling on the action by chance. Kinda wondering if there'd be any reason for so many supers to be in town at the same time.. 🤔

I'll see about getting a post up soon™
I'm posting so Gowi doesn't have to triple post. Announcement incoming

"I'unno about the rest of you, but I'm plannin' on survivin' this thing. Whether or not you're with me at the end'a it is entirely up to you."
[ ❇ ] S Y N O P S I S
Cassidy "Cass" Montoya



Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Former Life

[ ❇ ] C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N
Appearance Description
Cass is short yet sturdily built thanks to a rigorous lifestyle and a career that required she be healthy and strong. She tends to keep her hair up in either a bun or a ponytail, never too worried about her outward appearance; this can be found, too, in her spartan style of dress and minimal use of makeup. If Montoya isn't in her work uniform she's running around in a light jacket and a pair of capris.

She doesn't have much in the way of scars, injuries or disfigurements, only a handful of minor cuts around her hands- Cassidy has always been a bit too careless when she's wielding a knife, and its come back to bite her on more than one occasion. Her only real 'injury', if one could call it that, is the fact that her eyes are a bit weaker than normal, so she's forced to wear either contacts or glasses. She prefers the latter, though carries the former with her just in case.


Cassidy's mother died in childbirth, forcing her father, Aaron, to raise her on his own. He was a good man and a dedicated parent, but being the lone provider of the family with a job that required him to travel meant he could never spend enough time with Cass. She bounced between paid caretakers, close friends willing to lend a hand, and extended family members; most of them were nice enough people, but the fact that she never really had a single place to call 'home' made Montoya...bitter. That bitterness twisted and grew when she became a teenager, causing her to shut out others and forcing her to rely only on herself.

Cass believe's she's stronger for it.

Fast-forward to her graduating High School and Cassidy begins looking for a career in medicine, having taken an interest in it early into her school life. She moved across the state to attend the best technical school in Pennsylvania. The rigid structure of it was a comfortable change from the chaos of her previous life, and Montoya excelled in it. And it was there, too, that she met the love of her life: Riley Clarkson.

After graduating she and Clarkson moved to his hometown of Rushford, where Cassidy found work with the local EMS unit attached to the police department. They set themselves up in a modest suburban house in a decent enough neighborhood where they would spend the next five years together.

Then the world decided to end.

[ ❇ ] M I S C E L L A N E O U S
Crowbar — Standard crowbar she looted from her neighbor's toolshed. In good condition.
Pocket Knife — Generic pocket knife. Relatively sharp but nothing too special, could probably be replaced with something larger.

Hiking Backpack — Where Cassy stores most of her gear, supplies and food.
Sleeping bag — A normal sleeping bag to make the nights a little more comfortable. Black.
Raincoat — For when the weather gets particularly bad. Fatigue green.
First Responder Trauma Kit — A bulkier version of the kit she'll usually carry on the job, the trauma kit is packed tight with everything she could possibly need to stabilize someone. Weighs approximately six pounds and has to be carried inside the hiking backpack.
Handheld Radio — Typically for keeping in contact with other emergency personnel and the medical coordinator, Cassidy mostly uses it for sporadic news reports and to track other survivors. Battery run.
Map— A hastily drawn map of Rushford featuring most of its important landmarks, stores, and neighborhoods. Proved useful after her phone died and it became apparent charging it was more of a hassle than it was worth.

Educated — Though she spent several years in a technical school to learn medicine, Cass came up with a much wider array of knowledge than she had anticipated; in particular, she knows quite a bit about chemistry, biology and physiology, not to mention the more obvious anatomy and medical science. On top of her formal education also comes a general interest in history and the broader sciences.
Advanced Medical Training — Montoya started down her career path right out of High School, enrolling in the best technical school she could find. She's a fully licensed Paramedic with a number of years of experience, able to tackle nearly any medical emergency she encounters with speed and precision.
Basic Survival Training — Cassidy has spent much of her life outdoors, developing a love of nature at an early age thanks to her father's enthusiasm for it. She's been hiking and mountain climbing more times than she can count, and those experiences have taught her a thing or two about surviving on limited resources.
Basic Self Defense — Rushford's EMS service being integrated with its police department has given Montoya a unique opportunity to work closely with law enforcement, and one of the perks of that closeness was self-defense classes provided free of charge. She learned the fundamentals of fighting and protecting herself during a physical confrontation.
Athleticism — A life of hard-work, consistent exercise and a good diet have allowed her to develop a strong frame and an athletic body.

Has lived alone with her boyfriend, Riley Clarkson, in Rushford for five years now. They were separated during the incident and haven't been in contact since.
<Snipped quote by ComradeMaxx>

This is not tactile telekinesis.

Your formal request form was filed incorrectly, unfortunately, so I had to go the other direction. Sorry for the inconvenience =)

Character Name

Conner Kent


Physically 17, real age unknown

Attributes & Abilities

Super Strength:
Superboy's most prominent and oft-used ability, his strength is only marginally less than that of a developing Kryptonian around his current age. He can lift objects weighing over fifty tons, shred steel with his bare hands and throw punches strong enough to shake a building. This same strength allows him to leap great distances and toss objects just as far, though it has the unintended side-effect of being quite difficult to control at times; Conner has to take considerable care to avoid doing too much damage to an opponent, often to his own detriment.

Flight is one of the most iconic abilities of the Kryptonians on earth, and the one Kon-El happens to be the worst at. He has yet to grasp even the most simple concepts required to keep himself airborne, finding it next to impossible to guide himself through the sky; thus far, the best he can do is point himself in a direction and jump as hard as he can to achieve 'flight.' Attempts to redirect himself tend to end in a crash landing at best and a simple crash every other time.

Invulnerability is a misnomer, better defined as 'incredible durability.' There are few living beings capable of permanently damaging a Kryptonian, and Superboy is no different. Though such things as explosives and sustained gunfire can cause him pain, it takes a great deal of force to wound him in any meaningful manner, provided no Kryptonite is present. It is said the best way to kill a Kryptonian is with another Kryptonian.

Enhanced Senses:
Kon-El experiences our five senses at a far higher level. Each is tuned to be much more sensitive than any human could imagine, allowing him to see on several different spectrums, hear sounds no human ear could comprehend, and feel on a deeper level than most could put into words. While typically quite useful, he can easily be overwhelmed by sensations, with a particular weakness to bright light and sonic weaponry.

Character Synopsis

Kon-El's origins are shrouded in mystery, and any attempts to dig further into them have been strangled by red tape. All that's known is that he spent an undetermined amount of time within a government-run research facility dedicated to examining Metahumans and the role they play in modern society. An innocuous thing on the surface, how or why Kon came to be in their company isn't known; not much is known about them at all, in fact. All Kon has so far is a name- CADMUS- and the fragmented memories and dreams from his time in that place.

His first, fully-formed memories are of the night of his escape. He can still picture himself standing on the side of the road in the pouring rain, that strange bodysuit of his soaked all the way through, as he flagged down a pickup truck. It didn't take long for his powers to manifest, and it took even less time for the powers that be to take notice. A handful of Leaguers- Superman included- arrived at the farm Kon was residing at. They took him into protective custody, wary of why he was wearing the S and showcasing similar abilities to a trueblooded Kryptonian.

After what felt like hours of interrogation they eventually came to the conclusion that Kon genuinely had no memory of his past, and any attempt by their telepaths to coax it out of him have failed. Whatever the truth may be it was decided the boy was no threat to them, and they began working to help him integrate into society at large. He was given access to both the Fortress of Solitude and the Kent family farm and offered regular lessons in Kryptonian history and physiology by Kelex and trained in how to pass as human by the Kents.

He was promised, too, the chance to learn how to use his powers an an opportunity to do some good with them. But months have gone by without those lessons coming into fruition, and he's grown increasingly agitated by the restrictions placed on him; he can't so much as go outside unless he has someone there to monitor him. Requests for a 'longer leash' were all denied, and his frustration has finally reached it's boiling point. He's decided he's going to leave, whether they want him to or not.
<Snipped quote by ComradeMaxx>

Do I get to request tactile telekinesis? I would like to request tactile telekinesis.

You may submit an official request form to the office of Maxximilian the II in the Labor Department. Third door to your left.
@ComradeMaxx Welcome back. Since this is a returning app for characters that no one else has expressed interest in during the time you've been away from the Rp, I don't believe the standard 24hrs is in order. I hereby re-accept the X-Men and you may replace your old CS with the updated one.

thank u dad UwU
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