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the universe is grand, but life is grander

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What even is the public knowledge as far as mutants anyways? There haven't been any heroes, and they're not common so would a president even need to have an opinion on the off the bat? Could start off with Kelly and have him grow more anti-mutant as heroes come to rise.

@Master Bruce

Womp-womp. roleplayerguild.com/posts/4696917

I mean I cut the backstory down to one paragraph, so why make it four again? I didn't wanna to write the same backstory three times

Just a heads up, I'm changing the backstory requirement in the app from one paragraph to four, just to give people more freedom to flesh out their characters. I wanted to curttail the more masturbatory nature that these applications lend themselves to, but given that this is a Year One game that encourages straying from the beaten path, it might be beneficial to enforce the rule but in a looser sense to help people establish differences in how their characters differ.

Just when I deleted it all.
Origin And Backstory (Must Be A Single Paragraph Long):

So. About this. Is that a hard-set limit on backstory length?
Tentative interest. Thinking Mockingbird. But that is likely to change at least 10 times before an ooc gets made.

Titans Tower, San Francisco
Interacting With: @Inkarnate

There was something different about flying without the belt on. Courtney had grown so used to the weight she felt almost naked without it, even with two feet on solid ground. Seeing a hundred meters of straight emptiness below made her appreciate its absence all the more.

Be cool Whitmore. What kind of hero gets sick from a bit of flying?
The skyline was decidedly easier to look at. Even Courtney could appreciate the strategic placement of the tower, but was more caught up in sunset and skyline than analyzing the street-layout. Besides, it was a night off. No personnel files to memorize, no pointless schoolwork, and no barely-older-than-her kid showing exactly how ineffective her wide-stance was. Not that she'd trade it for anything, even if they hadn't let her go on any real missions yet. Calculus maybe. She'd move back Nebraska if she knew it meant never having to see differentials again.

Voices from the roof caught her attention; she adjusted the staff more firmly underneath herself, and tried to loosen her grip enough so her knuckles wouldn't be quite so white when she rose into view of her teammates.

"Evening" She said with as much nonchalance as she could muster, and rolled backwards off her perch to hit the water with barely a splash. Once submerged, she allowed herself a spin and slight fist-pump in self-congratulation before surfacing to place the staff on the poolside, and stultified her expression as much as possible. The other side of the pool had three newcomers, the fact that one of them actually seemed to be studying told her enough. Courtney rolled her eyes and was about to dive under again when impossibly bright hair caught her eye.

"Care to join?" She flicked the stray droplets of water from her hand at Koriand’r's legs.
@Inkarnate Honestly couldn't even get through the whole thing, and only remember Essence's butt taking up like an entire page at one point. Seems to be a love-it-or-hate-it run.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

I did not know that her skin could leave stains(?) like that on a human’s skin. That’s weird.

Burn marks, they're on the bed too. She was really weird that entire run.
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