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There is a moment in every person's life when they are given several options they had to choose from, for William this was this moment, he felt the burning curiosity at whatever the older man was talking about and what they seemed so secretive about it but a look back at his companion made him reign himself, Toby was reacting badly to whatever they were talking about and if he insisted they investigated she would likely take it even worse, he didn't want the normally nervous girl to get even more so.

Giving a last look at the retreating back of the Bilica elder he directed his attention to Toby once more with a smile.

"Wow, I didn't know Mr. Bilica and Mr. Howard were such good friends! Is nice knowing they seem to be so close enough to be hanging up in the festival together, hey it's kind of like us!"

Foot meet mouth, ugh sometimes he wished he had a better filter, what else could he say, he didn't want to leave it at that.., Oh right.

"Hey Toby I just realized I have been kind of dragging you along to Mount Bilica, do you really want to go or would you prefer to wait here for the Festival to start? I get to spend time with a friend so I am cool with both dude"

It was at that moment that he felt his phone vibrate slightly notifying him of a message.

"Wait for a second please just got a message"

Reading it quickly he was torn again between two options again but it was through sheer force of will that he managed to prevail against his childish impulses.

"Yo new phone, who dis?"


"Okay right, so what do you say Toby, stay or go?"

@myrkwise @King Cosmos
Okay couldn't post yesterday, will likely post today.

also @Conscripts I updated William connections to include David

also, also, @myrkwise can I add Toby to william list of connections?

James threw himself violently to the side to avoid the approaching blade, muttering curses all the way even as he prepared the same spell again. He had known the Armored Ogre was likely to react like this once it was blinded and wounded but even so, the sheer speed of his swing caught him off guard, and had it not attacked one of the guards first he wouldn't have been prepared to dodge. The only upside of this was that it was dealing more damage to the skeletons entering the blade's range before whatever they had for intelligence told them to wait.

Once the blade had missed his body by mere inches he started looking around, desperately searching for something that could give his little group an advantage in the fight, preferably one of the weirdos with the crystal in their hands (the irony was not lost to him) but they all were too busy to help. It was at that exact moment that James' vision found itself on the wall, specifically on the party swordsman who seemed to be dispatching any approaching skeleton with ease that nobody else seemed to have, all the while directing a suave smile to the blonde ranger at his side, he even seemed to laugh from time to time!

James' bemused face turned into an irritated (and perpetually angry) scowl as he felt his brow start trembling at the sight.

'Is that asshole seriously FLIRTING right now!?'

He felt his anger reach a rare level between 'murderous' and 'boiling', he gathered a deep breath and then roared.

"Zell! Stop fucking Flirting and help!"

There were many, many things he wanted to yell but he would keep those safe until the fight ended first he needed Zell to come down the... wall, wait, this was good, Zell was in a perfect position for an ambush from above, all they would have to do was lure the Armored Ogre close to the wall for Zell to go for a lethal strike, however before he could shout again a thought occurred to him that made him stop in his tracks, the Armored Ogre could understand his taunts enough to get angry so there was no guessing how smart it was, maybe shouting his plans to kill it was not a good idea, focusing once more on the swordsman he raised a fist in a common gesture Wait, then a pointed finger towards himself Me, then behind him Armored Ogre, the hand moved to the wall Lure towards, pointed at Zell directly You, one hand flat and the other mimiking a man jumping from it Jump, a hand pointing towards the Armored Ogre again and the other dagged across his throat Kill it. Waiting for any kind of affirmative he gave a nod in return then turned back towards his Guards.

Seeing one of their own die had really spooked them, they all stopped attacking and were focusing on keeping themselves alive, this was good any damage they could have done would have made the Ogre focus on killing them, he draw yet another breath before yelling at his (temporary) allies once more.

"Retreat we can't defeat it! To the wall, To the wall!"

His message was met with looks of despair and anger, which quickly turned to confusion once they saw the thumb-ups he was giving them before pointing to the left in a gesture for them to circle rather than going directly for the wall as he was, letting them follow him was just asking them to die to a stray swing from its sword (he pointedly didn't look in the fallen man's direction or rather what remained of him, nor did he acknowledge the waves of crushing guilt) and he couldn't allow that.

Message sent as best as he could he redirected his attention to the Armored Ogre again, he needed to lure it to the walls so Zell could take it down, he lashed out with the beam spell again as he continued to taunt the Armored Ogre while starting the small treck back to the wall.

"Hey asshole! It was me who blinded you! What? You are not going to do anything about it!? Attack damnit! Attack me!"

Now everything was in Zell's hands.
Me an Saiyan are almost ready to post, likely today or tomorrow at this hour
That would be nice, will update that connection soon!

@Conscripts I forgot to ask dude, what kind of relationship do you want William and David to have?
Okay I am thinking of a half-Jotun, is that playable?
Arrrrrgh post @Indrajita

They posted first right? maybe they are waiting for Saiyan to post first before they post again
@Teyao and @xenon I was going to have Adam strike the berserker ogre, but since Arthur did that I was concerned about overshadowing him and I didn't want him to get hit by a log somehow. So I thought "hey maybe Adam should wonder how this would work against a huge ogre" and had him attack the larger skeleton instead.

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